How to determine the left or right corner of your sofa

Corner sofas are a favorite among interior designers and are very popular among buyers. And this is not surprising, since such furniture looks very stylish, and it also provides a high level of comfort. In addition, if you have a corner sofa, it is not necessary to purchase an additional chair. But when choosing such a sofa, the question very often arises about which corner to choose: left or right.

The entire interior and space layout depend on the correct choice of the angle of the sofa. There are also universal models, but very often the buyer is faced with a dilemma on how to determine the angle of the sofa. In order for this piece of furniture to successfully cope with its purpose, it is necessary to choose the correct configuration that will correspond to the size of the room.

First, you need to decide on the place where you will place the sofa you have chosen. Then you need to stand with your back to the wall, next to which the long part of the product will be located. Now look where the corner is where the sofa will stand. If it is on the right, then you need a model with a right angle, and if it is on the left, then with a left one.

How to find the right or left corner of a sofa

The moment the first corner sofa was sold, it was a happy time in home design. The usual straight views with individual armchairs have been replaced by a wealth of configurations of upholstered furniture. The elements assembled into a single whole repeat the perimeter of the walls or serve to divide a huge space. Complex design problems are solved luxuriously, and upholstered furniture acquires even more valuable consumer properties. Transforming a corner sofa means the opportunity to get a huge sleeping space by combining a folding part and an adjacent non-folding part.

REFERENCE! The photo shows a corner set based on the accordion mechanism, one of the most reliable and comfortable to use. Removable covers and a corner module with wood veneer, what could be better in upholstered furniture designed for comfortable living.

In the corner assembly, the mechanism for transforming the berth is placed on the long side. Reliable mechanisms are selected for any day, for example, a dolphin, a pantograph. A Eurobook will also work if the flooring is strong and not susceptible to rollers. For infrequent use, clamshells are chosen - French or South American. They have an iron base made from a pipe. Although insignificant, it is felt through any mattress that can be placed inside the mechanism.

Kitchen furniture is increasingly being designed in the form of a kitchen corner.

It is placed on 2 or 3 sides of the kitchen table. The seats and backrests are filled with polyurethane foam, the upholstery is made of easy-care fabrics. Plastic eco-leather is often used. Under the seat there are cabinets for storing kitchen towels and other things.

REFERENCE! For compact apartments, a model of a kitchen corner with a layout will be vital.

Mechanisms of transformation

The mechanism for transforming a corner sofa into a comfortable sleeping place can be:

  • Dolphin is the most popular system. To turn the sofa into a bed, just pull the special strap and push forward and lift up the module, which is located under the seat. As a result, all parts of the sofa are in the same plane and form a flat, strong base for resting;
  • The Eurobook is a simple and reliable mechanism to use: the seat easily moves forward and the backrest lowers in its place. The head of such a bed is the short side of the corner;
  • Accordion – the sliding method is simple and reliable: just pull the hidden strap at the bottom of the seat and it will move forward, pulling the double backrest with it. The result is a seamless, level place for a comfortable and complete night's rest;
  • American folding bed - forms a flat, seamless base by extending and securing the mattress at the base of the seat to the stable legs;
  • French folding bed - a tri-fold mattress and steel legs are hidden in the seat on the long side of the corner. To remove them, you need to lift the pillows and pull the special loop.

As a rule, Eurobook sofas can be made with any filling.

  • PPU (polyurethane foam)
  • spring block with dependent springs
  • spring block with independent springs (the so-called orthopedic mattress).
  • PPU is durable, but relatively hard. In terms of cost, it is the cheapest, however, this does not mean that it is of less quality. It’s just that less effort and materials are spent on its production.

They prefer to use polyurethane foam in offices, lounges, hotels, kitchens - wherever rigidity and durability are important.

  • A spring block with dependent springs or the so-called Bonnel is a frame where springs in the form of a snake are attached in a single connection with each other.

It’s safe to say that over the past decade this has been the best-selling Eurobook sofa filler.

This mattress is soft and comfortable, but it is less reliable than PU foam. Over time, after 7-10 years, the springs will in any case begin to burst and come out, breaking through the upholstery. Moreover, if one spring bursts, the nearby ones will soon burst as well. As a rule, this mattress is a standard version of upholstered furniture, where the price-quality-comfort-durability ratio is the most optimal.

  • An orthopedic mattress or spring block with independent springs consists of separate springs, each of which is in its own case (frame). This is how the independent “behavior” of these springs is obtained.

Helpful advice: Checking an orthopedic mattress for quality is very simple: place a glass on one edge of the sofa and sit nearby, and the glass should not move. If you had such an effect, then this means you have a real orthopedic mattress

There are two significant types of corner sofas

1. Sofas with an armrest in the corner

2. Sofas with ottoman

The difference can be seen in the photo. In fact, there is no significant difference between them, since the set of drawers is the same, and the choice depends solely on your preferences.

Often an ottoman is incorrectly called a type of sofa. There is a couch on the Internet called an “ottoman.” It's not the same thing.

What types of corner sofas are there?

Any large furniture factory that produces its own models develops corner configurations. Trade helps them with this; requests for one or another assembly come specifically from the buyer.

According to their shape, corner sofas can be divided into several groups:

  • triangular, the free space in front of the sofa can be outlined as an equilateral triangle;
  • the set, with 2 corner modules, is U-shaped;
  • L-shaped, similar to the letter of the same name. One of the sides is significantly longer. The tail of the furniture can be a section of an ottoman;
  • the complex, incorrect form of the set may be dictated by the individuality of the model. Such models are not always comfortable, but they look very original;

Corner sofas can differ in the location of the corner:

  • the corner is placed on the left. The configuration of the sofa is similar to the English letter L;
  • the corner is placed on the left. The silhouette of the furniture is identical to the letter G;
  • universal angle. Its sides are almost equal, the connecting corner element is symmetrical.

At the request of the customer, the configuration can be changed or increased, and the angle can be rearranged. With the help of a designer, a room plan and a composition of furniture that will fill the space in the best possible way are drawn up.


The cape from the Auckland collection is the optimal solution for families with animals because it is made of anti-claw material, at the same time the flock is soft, pleasant to the touch and has an attractive appearance. Flock products are wear-resistant, do not wrinkle and are easy to use. Flock is intolerant to alcohol-containing products, so it is better to clean capes made from this material with a soap solution. Additional 6 fasteners included in the kit allow you to secure it tightly between the back and seat of the sofa. Cape width 235cm.

Information about technical characteristics, delivery set, country of manufacture and appearance of the product is for reference only and is based on the latest available information from the manufacturer

Methods: how to find the right or left corner of the sofa

The store may have its own determination system. But it is important for the buyer that he himself understands what angle is needed and explains it to the dealer using one of the methods. Next, an order will be placed, to which will be attached a diagram of the location of the corner of the furniture with the client’s signature.

Method 1 for determining the angle. When making a choice, you need to sit on the long side, usually the one with the mechanism. If the small side is placed on the left, then it is a left-handed sofa, and if it is on the right, then it is a right-handed one.

Method 2 for determining the angle. You need to stand in front of the sofa. If the corner is on your left, then in front of you is a left-hand corner, on your right is a right-hand sofa.

A model with a corner element and similar sofas on the sides is called a universal corner. For this, it is necessary to find which side the transformation mechanism will be on. It would not be superfluous to know how much space in the apartment the unfolded sofa will occupy.

REFERENCE! A model with a universal angle is suitable for those who like to frequently change their surroundings. For such furniture, it’s easy to find a new space and change the entire layout of the room.


Furniture manufacturers cheer with news every year. One of the exciting latest developments in upholstered furniture can be considered models in which it is possible to change the angle from right to left and vice versa. Usually, this is upholstered furniture with removable armrests and regular shapes.

There are immediately more options for changing the interior with such a sofa.

Even an ordinary L-shaped sofa can be positioned differently than planned when purchased. For example, the long side is placed along the wall, and the small tail protrudes into the center of the room. The furniture immediately becomes the center of the composition for the room. This layout attracts attention with its unusualness. In an interior where the long side of the corner is located in the center of the room, space is divided. For example, in a studio, a sofa can divide the room into a living room-cinema room and kitchen. This way, sitting on soft furniture, we get the feeling of a separate place. Configurations where many seats are combined are ideal for large living rooms. They are very comfortable for a large group of people. Elements with cladding made of wood surfaces or their imitation will be very useful. They play the role of a coffee table.

Comparison of straight and corner models: advantages, disadvantages, location in the interior

Corner sofas:

Ideal for large living rooms

Lots of seats

Corner sofas, equipped with transformation mechanisms, form a very spacious sleeping area;

One corner sofa can replace a straight sofa + chair set

The corner section of the sofa usually has additional storage space

There are models with a universal angle - thanks to this you can change the position and rearrange it freely

Due to their complex design, such sofas are more difficult to transport;

Not suitable for small rooms;

Limited number of location options

An example of a sofa with a universal angle - Model Louis:

The classic design allows you to place such sofas either against any wall or in the center of the room, for example, as a zoning element (if the upholstery of the back wall is not made of technical fabric. All sofas from the Elfis factory are made with 360` upholstery)

Straight sofas, as a rule, have very deep and roomy seats

Straight design allows for efficient use of space even in small rooms

Classic sofas can be of different sizes and have a different number of seats

Pairs perfectly with armchairs

Example of sofa-chair sets - Andrea model:

It often happens that a buyer likes the design of a particular sofa, but its other characteristics (in particular, size) do not suit it. The vast majority of Elfis upholstered furniture models are produced in several configurations at once! Therefore, each client always finds with us the ideal option that meets all the requirements of the premises and his personal preferences.

An example of a Felix sofa in various configurations:

How to choose a sofa with the required angle

Corner sofa

is a basic element of the interior that can provide real relaxation and communication.
But in order for it to fulfill its purpose, it is necessary to correctly determine its configuration and compare it with the dimensions of the room. Corner on the left side, corner on the right side - how to choose so as not to make a mistake?
First, determine how much space in the apartment your new home will occupy.

Stand with your back to the wall along which the long part of the future acquisition will be placed. If the corner in which you expect to place the purchase is on the right, then you need a sofa with a right corner, if on the left, then with a left corner. Now it remains to correctly find the orientation of the corner of the sofa itself when purchasing.
When it is already clear what angular orientation the model needs to be found, what size, with what transformation mechanism and what color, it is necessary to correctly determine the configuration of the piece of furniture.

Models are distinguished by configuration:

U-shaped with similar or different sides;

Irregular complex shape;

With an all-round angle it's simple

- its “tail” is installed on any side of the middle part of the sofa, left or right, in accordance with the geometry of the corner of the room in which it will stand.
But not all models have a universal character, so if you want to purchase a model with a left or right angle, then it is better to check its orientation in advance
to avoid any hassles in the future.

There is one simple rule on how to create this

, which you can easily use.
The fact is that an expert can naturally tell you what angle the model you have chosen has, but with all this, you must take into account that some stores have their own approaches to systematizing furniture, and there may be discrepancies. Therefore, you need to ask the consultant and double-check the information yourself. So, oh so you need to act.
Rule 1.

The angle orientation for all corner sofas is determined from the

Rule 2.

Sit on the long part of the sofa and see which side the short part is on. If the small part is on your left hand, then it is a left-handed sofa, if on the right, it is right-handed.

Rule 3.

If you need to find the corner of the ottoman, then, sitting on the ottoman, we determine the location of the elbowrest.
If the elbow is on the left hand, then this ottoman is left-sided and is designated OL,
and if it is on the right, then it is right-sided and is designated

You won’t be able to sit on the sofa in an online store. What should I do?

Firstly, the online store has a photo, looking at which you can easily imagine yourself sitting on this attractive sofa. For clarity, use this simplified diagram.

Secondly, a filter can be installed in the online store

which will help you with this.
For example, the furniture supermarket “HEGGI” immediately allows customers, using the filter on the left, to get to the page of a suitable product: “Corner on the left side”, “Corner on the right side”, “Universal corner”.
And the advice of this online store coincides with accepted standards, so here you can immediately choose a model without double-checking.

The modern market produces models of sofas with several corners, which cannot be classified as left-handed or right-handed.

Get creative to use known rules.
For example, a U-shaped sofa is two corner sofas put together. Consider which wall you will place its middle part along. Then it will be easy for you to find out what length the side sections will be - similar or different. If they are of different lengths and this is important for the dimensions of the room, then determine any angle according to the rule above. In other words, sitting on the middle part, you will have the right corner on your right hand, and the left corner on your left.

What are the advantages of such sofas

Modern corner sofas are in great demand, as they have the following advantages:

  • literally repeat the perimeter of the walls;
  • save free space in the center of the room;
  • help to correctly distribute large spaces into separate zones;
  • allow designers to simply solve assigned problems;
  • provide comfortable and spacious sleeping places for a real night's rest for two people at once.

Modular sofa "Jefferson" ♣

Fundamentally! The most comfortable, convenient for sleeping and reliable options are those with an accordion layout mechanism, having a wooden surface on the armrests and removable covers.

Differences between models in shape

Every manufacturer's collection includes corner sofas. To understand how to correctly find the corner of a sofa - right or left, you should first find out what their shape is.

Depending on the configuration, the models are divided into the following groups:

  • L-shaped , reminiscent of this letter of the alphabet. For such sofas, one of the sides will be significantly longer than the other. A small part of such furniture serves as a specific ottoman, on which it will be comfortable to rest during the day;
  • triangular, forming a space in front of itself in the form of an equilateral triangle;
  • U-shaped , representing a package consisting of 2 corner modules, equidistant from each other;
  • complex variants of irregular geometric shapes with an unusual and unusual appearance.

Almost all manufacturers of upholstered furniture that have their own stores allow customers to pre-order the type of assembly of the model they like that is suitable for their interior.


The last thing you need to decide is what kind of “clothes” your sofa will have. When choosing upholstery, buyers focus on color, price and durability. The texture depends on the preferences of the future sofa owner and the place where the sofa will be installed. Inexpensive jacquard and chenille will be good for a nursery. Teflon flock with water-repellent impregnation is ideal for kitchen furniture. High-budget velor - for a sophisticated living room. Genuine leather or leatherette are the leaders among upholstery for office upholstered furniture.

Organizing sofas by corner

Next, you need to understand that such furniture differs according to the location of the corner:

  • on the right side. In this case, the shape of such options resembles the letter L of the British alphabet;
  • on the left, because the silhouette of the sofa coincides in appearance with the Russian letter G;
  • symmetrically relative to each other thanks to virtually equal sides and a universal connecting element.

Fundamentally! Experienced designers first draw up a room plan, and then select furniture that completely fills its area and saves free space.

How to find where the corner is

Any store has developed and uses a personal system for determining the location of the corner in corner options. When placing an order, a diagram showing the location of the corner of the purchased furniture is attached to it, which is signed by the buyer.

How to correctly find the corner of the sofa - right or left.

  1. 1st method. It is recommended to sit on the long side with the folding mechanism. In the case when the small part is placed on the left side, this is a left-handed model, and when on the right, this is a right-handed model.
  2. 2nd method. You will need to occupy the space located opposite the sofa. If its corner part falls on the left hand - a model with a corner on the right and, accordingly, opposite.

Fundamentally! An option with similar sides is considered universally suitable. When purchasing it, you should find out on which side the transforming mechanism is located, and what size room area the model will occupy after layout.

General Tips

All-purpose corner sofas are perfect for those who like to frequently change the decor in their home. For such models, finding a new space in the room to configure the interior will be easy.

Manufacturers are constantly improving models of corner sofas. A striking example is the creation of a model in which you can change the angle of location from left to right and, on the contrary, depending on the desire to change the interior, the momentary mood or the appearance of other furniture in the room.

The L-shaped model will always be able to be positioned differently. For example, by installing such a sofa with a long part in the center of the room, you can quickly divide the space into 2 separate zones (dining room and living room).

How to find the left or right corner of your sofa

Corner sofas are a favorite of interior designers and are very popular among buyers. And this is not surprising, because such furniture looks very fashionable, and it also provides the highest level of comfort. In addition, if you have a corner sofa, it is not necessary to get an additional chair. But when choosing such a sofa, the question often arises about which angle to choose: left or right.

The entire interior and layout of the place depend on the correct choice of the angle of the sofa. There are also universally suitable models, but quite often the buyer is faced with the problem of how to find the corner of the sofa. In order for this piece of furniture to successfully fulfill its purpose, you need to choose the correct configuration that will correspond to the size of the room.

First, you should decide on the place where you will place the sofa you have chosen. Then you need to stand with your back to the wall, next to which the long part of the product will be placed. Now look where the corner is, in which the sofa will be placed. If it is on the right, then you need a model with the right angle, and if on the left, then with the left.

Easy assembly process

Before connecting the main and side parts, screw the legs and loosen the screws holding the gas lift mechanism above the linen drawer. We assemble the furniture completely, starting with attaching the side frames, after which you need to connect the straight part with the dolphin mechanism and the side ottoman. Self-tapping screws will help with this.

Instructions for assembling the Atlanta corner sofa are contained in the videos, and you can also find photos with a detailed description of the process.

Sofa assembly instructions

You can swap the table and armrest by changing the angle of the Atlanta corner sofa in the same way, although the sofa itself will have to be disassembled first.

The process of assembling the Atlanta model sofa is not complicated and even a novice craftsman can do it. And the excellent quality of the materials used in its construction and upholstery guarantees that, subject to operating conditions, this piece of furniture will delight its owners for a long time.

This model also has a direct modification. This option has a smaller sleeping area and is perfect, when assembled, for small rooms. If you bought an Atlanta straight sofa and are interested in how to assemble it, watch the video tutorial, which explains in detail all the stages of work.

Corner sofa configuration options

Having decided on such parameters as size, transformation method (if needed) and color of the furniture, and having also determined which angle to focus on, you can move on to choosing the configuration of the product.

Based on this parameter, the following products are distinguished:

  • triangular;

  • U-shaped;

  • L-shaped;

  • having an incorrect complicated form;

  • corner on the left side;

  • corner on the right side;

  • universal angle.

The all-round configuration is the easiest to place, because its “tail” can be placed on any side. But almost all models do not have a universally suitable angle, so it is necessary to navigate correctly when choosing furniture.

Materials for production

After choosing the type of corner sofa and the mechanism for its transformation, you need to decide on the materials of the upholstery, frame, and filling. In the first case, the most in demand are:

  • flock;
  • matting;
  • velours;
  • velveteen;
  • chenille;
  • jacquard;
  • natural and artificial leather.

These materials are practical, wear-resistant, and attractive in appearance. For home use, fabric upholstery is most often chosen; for the office, leather models are suitable, which are not afraid of heavy loads and regular wet cleaning. Such materials are also relevant for kitchen sofas.

The frame of any strong and reliable upholstered furniture is made of wood and durable chipboard. Such materials will ensure the product durability and resistance to high loads.

How to find the corner of a sofa

It should be noted that although an expert in a furniture store can give you a hint about the angle of a particular product, all stores use different approaches to systematize their furniture, so some discrepancies may appear. Therefore, in addition to appealing to an expert for help, you need to collect all the necessary information yourself. There are main rules that you need to know before you go shopping:

  1. To find the corner of a corner sofa, regardless of its configuration, you must first sit on it.
  2. Position yourself on the long part of the product and see which side the short one will be on. Accordingly, depending on which side the small part is located, there will be an angle there.

  1. In order to find the corner on furniture such as an ottoman, you need to sit on the product and look where the elbow rest is. If it is on the right side, then the product is right-handed, and if it is on the left, then it is left-handed.

If you choose a transforming model, then the mechanism should be placed in the long part of the sofa. The small element is also not empty. A box for storing linen is usually installed there. You can get to it using the lifting mechanism that this part is equipped with. Corner sofas almost always have a dolphin transformation mechanism. Slightly less often you can come across a Eurobook, a French or South American folding bed and a roll-out mechanism.

If you want to use the sofa as a bed once a day, then it is better to choose a dolphin or a Eurobook. They are very reliable and durable, and also provide a comfortable sleeping space. The roll-out mechanism is also comfortable, but it is equipped with wheels that can scratch the floor covering. The French and South American cots are more suitable for guest use because they have an iron base that can be hard on the back.

Now you understand how to find the corner of a corner sofa. All that remains is to find out where you can find the best models. To do this, we advise you to look at our catalog. There you will find a huge variety of products to suit any budget.

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