Hallway design 2022: TOP 65 best design ideas (+trends)

A corridor or hallway is the room where apartment residents first enter when they come home from the street, so dirt and damage are sure to appear on their walls over time. If there are small children or animals in the apartment or house, then the finishing of the lower part of the wall will definitely be in a special risk area. Therefore, when starting a renovation, you need to carefully consider how to decorate the walls in the corridor so that the material is resistant to most mechanical influences.

How to decorate the walls in the corridor

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the hallway is usually the “face” of the apartment, setting the tone for the interior design of all rooms, which means that one cannot help but think not only about the strength qualities of the material, but also about its aesthetic side.

A large assortment of modern materials, which can be found in construction stores today, makes it possible to choose a finish to suit any request in terms of style and financial capabilities. However, before settling on one of the many design options, you need to consider the positive and negative aspects of the chosen approach.

Features of wall decoration in the hallway

The hallway is a kind of face of the house: it creates the first impression of it among guests. Therefore, it is important that the decor of the place is attractive. In pursuit of beauty, however, one should not forget about the purpose of the room, which imposes certain restrictions on the use of materials. To avoid having to constantly make repairs, the selected decor must have the following properties:

  • Durability. Including resistance to abrasion and mechanical damage.
  • Durability. It is optimal if the manufacturer guarantees a coating service life of at least 5-7 years.

  • Easy to care for. Considering that the walls in the corridors are often dirty, the material should at least be resistant to wet cleaning. Ideally, it should be cleanable with a brush and the use of some detergents.
  • Maintainability. It is important that the surface can be repaired. In this case, if a defect appears, it can be repaired, which is much cheaper and easier than replacing the entire surface.
  • Safety. The material must be safe for the health of those nearby. In addition, fire safety must be taken into account. Do not use flammable or toxic coatings in the room where the entrance door is located. In the event of a fire, this could cost lives.

The color and texture of coatings can vary greatly. They are selected depending on the characteristics of the corridor in question. By combining materials, shades and textures, you can achieve the best results. Light shades will optically expand the space, while dark shades will narrow it. Clever use of patterns, lighting and the installation of mirrors can enhance the effect.

Advantages and disadvantages

Due to their quality characteristics and attractive appearance, wall panels have remained a widely used material for a long time. They are well suited for hallway walls as they are easy to clean. Moreover, they make the interior of the apartment more interesting.

Like all existing materials, wall panels have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider the main advantages of this material:

  • it is resistant to various external influences and pollution;
  • the panels are quite easy to install;
  • if one of the panels deteriorates, it is easy to replace;
  • It’s easy to hide wiring behind panels;
  • they look interesting and sophisticated.

However, they have the following disadvantages:

  • the panels cannot be attached to an uneven surface; first it will be necessary to install a frame that will reduce the area of ​​the corridor;
  • they have a fairly high price;
  • are not always suitable for modern styles; for example, they are difficult to use to create a high-tech interior.

This is interesting: Repair and decoration of the corridor if there is a cat or dog in the house (57 photos)

Materials for decoration

The walls in the corridor or hallway can be finished with stone, decorative plaster, wallpaper, wall panels, made in the form of brickwork, or a combination of these materials.

Decorative plaster

Thanks to the textured, imitation and color properties of decorative plaster, amazing effects can be achieved. Textured surface with various patterns, ideal for any decoration style.


A fresco is a unique, elegant piece. Compatible with any finish. Ready-made frescoes can be purchased in stores. To create a unique design, you can order the services of an artist.

Plastic panels

Plastic panels are very often used for cladding the walls of corridors. This material is budget-friendly and available in a wide range of designs and colors.

The interior walls of the corridor made of plastic panels can be made in any style. Covering walls with this material is quite simple and easy; there is no need to level or heavily prepare the walls.

Plastic panels can be wet cleaned, but it is worth remembering that they quickly fade when exposed to direct sunlight and are also easily damaged.


Painting the walls in the hallway is the cheapest and easiest option. A wide range of paints means you can choose any shade of color for your hallway walls. Usually choose warm, pastel colors.

It is worth noting that in order for the paint to adhere well to the walls, they must be well prepared and as smooth as possible, otherwise all the flaws on the wall will be visible.


Allows you to create a really interesting corridor design. Washable vinyl, laminated or photo wallpaper will not only create a unique interior, but will also last a long time.

The photo shows a spacious hallway, the walls of which are decorated with wallpaper with bird motifs.

Flexible stone

It consists of a polymer slab covered with marble chips that successfully imitate natural stone.

Ceramic tiles

Tiles are commonly used in bathrooms and kitchens. But with the right choice, they will look good in hallways. A wide selection of colors and patterns allows you to create interesting styling. Anti-scratch, practical, durable, heat-resistant and water-repellent.

The material can be used under the floor or as wall cladding. Imitation wood, stone and leather are ideal for country or country house style.


Natural or artificial stone in the hallway looks very impressive. As with creating a brick wall, the walls can be finished with stone. Apply it not to one wall, but to several. The decoration should be in the form of small inclusions.

Stone fragments are usually placed around the front door, as well as in front of it. This stylistic move immediately attracts attention.


Inexpensive, but very effective laminate, which has many positive qualities. Laminate on the wall in the hallway can be used as an insert, or you can decorate one of the walls.


A variety of complex compositions, patterns and images make it extremely easy to bring color and originality to your hallway.

The photo shows a hallway with a wall decorated with a gold mosaic pattern.


A great way to add personality and style to your living room. A variety of stickers in bright colors not only create a positive visual effect, but also help hide imperfections on the walls.

The photo shows a hallway and wall in a lilac shade, decorated with a sticker in the shape of a tree.


Bas-relief is an aesthetic that attracts attention. You can create your own bas-relief and get an unusual and interesting design.

Gypsum panels and porcelain tiles

In this project, the author used several materials at once: drywall, MDF and large-format ceramics. Communications are hidden behind the panels, and the slabs visually divide the long corridor.

Design: Anush Arakelyan. View the entire project Project: Anush Arakelyan. View the entire project

Brick wall

A brick wall is a rather bold and bright solution in the interior. Products that imitate small bricks bring a special charm to the interior. Quite often, white trim is used in the hallway, which makes the room more expressive and unusual.

The photo shows a small corridor with a brick wall.

MDF or fiberboard panels

The end of the MDF finishing panel
MDF is wood fiber boards produced by dry pressing of fibers using urea resins. The outer side of the panels is decorated with a coating that imitates natural wood of various species or other natural materials. Some panels are covered with a special protective film - this process is called lamination.

In addition to MDF, fiberboard panels are also available for sale, which have a lower cost, but experienced craftsmen still recommend choosing the first finishing option.

Cladding panels – lining based on MDF

The significant difference between these materials lies in their technical characteristics:

  • MDF is a safer material than fiberboard, since the latter uses phenol-formaldehyde resins as a binder, which emit toxic fumes that can harm the health of apartment residents. MDF, from this point of view, is incomparably cleaner.
  • The strength of MDF is much higher than that of fiberboard finishing. Such panels are more resistant to external mechanical influences, which is very important for a room such as a corridor.
  • MDF, unlike fiberboard, has a water-repellent coating, which allows for wet cleaning of walls without much regard for the frequency of this process.

However, for all its advantages, MDF has a high flammability category - G4, and for different fiberboard models this parameter can be lower - from G1 to G4. Therefore, when choosing a finish, you must pay attention to this characteristic.

Installation of both MDF and fiberboard panels is carried out in the same way, approximately the same as PVC panels and natural wooden lining: along sheathing guides installed vertically or horizontally.

MDF panels are produced in different dimensional standards. Thickness usually varies from 6 to 14 mm, width from 98 to 325 mm, and they come in lengths of 1300 or 2600 mm, that is, they are perfect for filling the space from floor to ceiling in a standard city apartment.

MDF panels are produced in several variations, which are divided according to production method, characteristics and color features. They can be:

  • Whole pressed.
  • Laminated with a smooth glossy surface.
  • Moisture-resistant, intended for rooms with high humidity.
  • Veneered, imitating finishing with natural wood or cork.
  • Painted with a special paint that can smooth out unevenness and create a glossy or matte surface.

It is not recommended to use MDF or fiberboard panels if very playful animals live in the apartment, as they can easily scratch even a laminated surface.

Hall interior: 3 mandatory points

1 There must be a mirror.

There should be no mirror in the hallway. It is important to position the mirror correctly to optically enlarge the hallway. You can hang a mirror on one of the walls, scattering the space behind it. The mirror can also be placed on the sliding door of a wardrobe or on the front door. The mirror can also be framed to add variety to your interior design.

2 Comfortable furniture

In compact hallways, furniture should be functional and comfortable. The free space in a country cottage allows you to organize storage systems in the dressing room, so a small chest of drawers will be enough in the hallway to store various trinkets. For those who prefer to store outerwear and shoes in the hallway, there are spacious wardrobes to choose from. The interior will become lighter if the bulky structure is almost invisible. This effect can be achieved using recessed furniture or mirrored doors. Often storage areas give away handles, so to keep them secret, order a cabinet with a push up system, which allows you to open cabinets by pressing on its surface.

A bench or ottoman to sit on while you put on your shoes will add comfort to your entryway.

3. proper lighting

If you don't have access to natural light, you need adequate artificial lighting. You can use a combination of spotlights and pendant lights. For a large hallway decorated in a classic style, a large chandelier is ideal. A floor lamp on a chest of drawers or a wall sconce to create a more intimate atmosphere.


Panel manufacturers do not skimp on creating a variety of products in shape, color, texture, size, and so on. There are three main types of wall panels:

  • tiled. They are produced in the form of squares of different sizes, colors and texture options. They resemble standard ceramic tiles in shape and combine well with other finishing materials. They are fastened using a tongue-and-groove system. You can use tiles to decorate the entire room or just part of it, for example, a panel room. Using tile panels you can hide uneven walls and give the room a neat look;
  • rack and pinion They have a rectangular shape, reminiscent of lining, although, unlike it, they are made not only from wood, but also from other natural and artificial materials. The tongue and groove fastening system is also used for installation. Walls can be sheathed with these panels vertically, horizontally and in the so-called “herringbone” pattern. The slats are suitable for small rooms, as they will not visually reduce the space. The standard length of the elements is usually 6 m and the width is about 40 cm;

  • leafy. They are solid, homogeneous sheets of large sizes (from 1.2 m to 2.45 m). They are usually made from fiberboard and MDF, which are decorated to imitate various natural materials (stone, wood, cork) or with a pattern. Therefore, suitable panels can be easily matched to the interior of any style. Installation is most often carried out on flat walls using a special glue, although you can find options for attaching to lathing. The joints between the sheets are hidden by moldings, which can also act as a decorative element.

Whatever type of panels you choose, it is recommended to use non-combustible materials in order to ensure maximum safety for the room. Such varieties are practical, durable, easy to care for, and in fire hazardous situations they prevent the fire from spreading.

Design of a small hallway

Designs for small vestibules do not make much sense. Functionality and precision come first. Therefore, only one selected decorative material will be used for finishing. No unnecessary complications.

Flowing wallpaper in a practical shade. Shades of gray or sand are ideal.

Masonry. No islands or complications. Simple and concise.

Wallpaper with coloring function. No patterns or ornaments.

The walls are painted in any neutral shade.

Liquid wallpaper takes first place for a reason. Its practicality is at the highest level.

A small hallway will force you to touch the walls, and an accident is bound to happen, resulting in dirty splashes on the walls. Liquid wallpaper copes brilliantly with these problems. They are durable, washable, and do not show minor dirt. Brick wallpaper has the same advantages, but is more difficult to decorate.

Paintable wallpaper is more practical than painting the wall itself. It is easy to stick on and can be darkened or repainted to a different shade at any time. Be simple and uncomplicated, without patterns or designs.

Paint is not practical in hallways. Especially in dark shades.

The fact is that walls are painted after priming, and this material is white. Therefore, any chips and scratches will be clearly visible. In addition, each touch leaves a slight mark, as if someone had rubbed it with an eraser. After a while there will be a lot of such traces, and only they give the corridor a chaotic look.

Overall, the idea is clear. Choose one type of material and one shade. No tricks are needed here.

Light or bright colors

A very common but effective option for visually expanding the hallway space is to paint the walls white or another light shade.

It is best to combine shades, for example: it is better to paint long walls in a lighter/brighter shade than short ones. This will make the corridor seem larger. Avoid overly intrusive colors or aggressive patterns.

Another good tip for making a quaint entryway feel more spacious is proper lighting. In most cases, there are no windows in the hallway, so it is necessary to install several light sources from different sides. This can be done using sconces, wall lights or LED strips.

Correct selection of furniture

Probably one of the most logical space-saving tips is to purchase prefabricated or narrow furniture. Practical furniture is not just a practical pouf that can be easily put away.

Multifunctional cabinets and shelves, hooks for clothes or hats, and elegant cabinets with hinged doors are just some of the options.

Another way to save space in the hallway is to use narrow or hidden-mounted appliances. It's best not to underestimate this method - when installed correctly, they can hold as much clothing as a regular closet.

And the last tip: using organizers and baskets in the hallway will not only increase space, but also get rid of chaos and clutter in the hallway.

Photo wallpapers and mirrors

Fashion is cyclical, and what once seemed beautiful and then lost popularity can become relevant again! This is the case with photo wallpapers - not so long ago they were considered unappetizing, but now they can bring depth and variety to the interior of a room.

Large mirrors will create an optical illusion effect and increase the space. You can also use shelves with a mirror or glass surface, which will reflect light and add sparkle to the room.

Plastic panels

One of the most affordable finishing options is plastic panels.
PVC panels are an affordable and easy-to-install material that can, however, significantly transform any room. Such cladding provides great opportunities in planning your own version of the interior of the corridor, as it is produced in a rich variety of colors, ornamental and relief patterns, with a very reliable imitation of natural materials - the texture of wood, stone, sand, etc.

This is all - also plastic panels, so the finishing possibilities are not very limited.

This material is very popular due to its aesthetic appearance, durability and relative strength. The panels are easy to clean with wet cleaning, so they are perfect for decorating corridor walls, both the lower part of the wall and all surfaces completely.

Successful design of the corridor and hallway with a combination of colors of PVC panels

If PVC panels are chosen for finishing the corridor, then the repair will take place quickly and relatively cleanly, without unpleasant odors of paint or spilled glue.

Using this material, it is quite easy to level the surfaces of rooms; it becomes possible to hide cables and communication pipes without stripping the walls. In addition, soundproofing material can be placed behind the panels.

Despite their synthetic origin, PVC panels under normal operating conditions are completely harmless to humans

Panels produced for interior decoration are an environmentally friendly material that does not emit harmful fumes.

The advantage of PVC panels is that such a coating will not attract animals, since it has a smooth surface that is not easy to claw into.

In order for the finish to meet all the qualities mentioned above, you should not purchase cheap materials. The stiffening ribs installed inside the panel should not be visible through the outer solid layers of plastic, and when you press them with your fingers, they should not wrinkle.

The surface of the panels should not have deformations or dents, and the joining of individual lamellas should be easy, with the tenon completely inserted into the groove.

One cannot help but remember that for finishing corridors and hallways it is necessary to choose PVC panels with a flammability category of G1 or NG. They have a special treatment that makes them more resistant to ignition and melting even when heated to extremely high temperatures. This circumstance must be taken into account so that in emergency situations the exit from the apartment is not blocked by strong and toxic smoke or even open fire.

The process of installing PVC cladding on walls is accessible to everyone!

Any owner who is more or less “savvy” with basic construction skills is able to perform such cladding. How to decorate walls with plastic panels - read in a separate publication on our portal.

For a large hallway

Increasingly, large modern hallways are found in cottages, detached houses or large apartments. Here the designer’s imagination is not limited.

According to modern style, it is necessary to have a closet in which, in addition to clothes, you can put a vacuum cleaner, extra pillows and blankets and many other trinkets.

For decoration you can use different colors and shades. For example, you can use dark colors, experiment with various accessories and decorate it with large, expensive decor that will emphasize the wealth of the owner.

It is important to remember that all the selected furniture will be comfortable, and its quantity will be optimal.

Other furniture

If there is free space in the hallway, install a small bench, pouf or chair. A good addition could be a table, a small chest of drawers or a bedside table.

Larger rooms can accommodate a whole set, but don't make the room too cluttered.


Modern hallways try to get rid of unnecessary or rarely used items as much as possible, and hide everything else behind beautiful and neat facades of storage systems.

The best way to do this is through your wardrobe. It is compact in size, does not require additional space to open the door and securely accommodates the mirror built into it.

Having a fairly large internal space, the compartments are ideal for storing small items of clothing: scarves, mittens, hats, outerwear, shoes, care products for all these things.

Hinged cabinets are less popular, but are still used quite often.


It's hard to imagine a hallway without a mirror. This is where the finishing touches are put on the look you've created, your overall appearance is assessed and the subtleties of your wardrobe are checked.

In large hallways, two mirrors are often installed, one opposite the other. This makes the space seem larger.

A mirror on a closet door looks great because it doesn't take up space on the wall or reflect clothes or shoes hanging on the shelves.

For a more interesting accent, mirror surfaces can be patterned or covered with a decorative matte pattern.


Most lobbies do not have their own windows, so lighting is also an important issue.

Most often, several types of lighting are planned.

General lighting will illuminate the entire area, spot lighting will highlight certain objects (cabinets, mirrors, paintings) or areas.

Interesting interior design ideas

When creating a design, we focus not only on the aesthetic appearance, but also on the possibilities of the room. Time and again we have to return to the unevenness of the walls, especially if we are talking about an apartment in a panel house. To mask imperfections, we use various elements that are in harmony with each other: stone, vinyl wallpaper, slatted and tile panels.

If the lighting in the hallway is dim, use light shades of panels so as not to reduce the space.

In the hallway of a large private house, owners can afford to use large drawings and patterns on surfaces, since the visual reduction in area will remain almost unnoticed.

An interesting solution would be to decorate the upper half of the wall with wallpaper or paint and cover the lower part with panels arranged vertically.

Decorating the walls with light panels and the floor with dark ones will help to visually expand the space.

The 3D panels look interesting. They can be combined with mirror polystyrene. Since such material increases volume, it is better to use it in a small room. Diffused lighting is suitable.

The imagination can draw a limitless number of options. The choice of one of them depends on your financial capabilities and taste preferences. Remember that combinations are always interesting. They enliven the interior, moving away from monotony and boring monotony.

Hallway in a modern style: photos of mistakes

Let's start with the mistakes made when decorating the interior of the hallway. This is usually the most educational part. The photo itself will go first, and then below it will be a description of the error.

Is this mirror too small? But why is it so high? Apparently, the owners practice warming up by jumping rope before going outside. Enlarge the mirror and place it below.

The cabinet design is not bad, but it should be horizontally mirrored. Move the fenced high section further out and move the bench right up to the entrance. Otherwise, the entrance is too crowded. And if several guests arrive, how will they fit in such a cramped space? In fact of the matter. And they forgot about the mirror, like in most of the photos in this article.

There is space and no mirror - no problem. There was nothing stopping them from hanging a mirror to the right of the door or removing a few coat hangers.

Well, and our favorite hallway, no more comments.

What to consider when choosing a finish?

The hallway is a utilitarian room. Before you start choosing its decor, it is worth determining the desired functionality of the room. This could be the placement of closed storage systems, an exhibition of family photographs, children's drawings or souvenirs brought from vacations, or something else. Depending on this, the design is selected. In addition to functionality, you need to consider:

  • Size and shape of the room.
  • General style of home decoration.
  • The presence of small children and pets, which can ruin some types of finishes.

Making a niche in the wall

It is worth considering the presence of niches, ledges or arches. They make finishing somewhat difficult and require proper placement of accents. In a well-chosen design, such elements become a kind of highlight that decorates the interior. For example, niches are often decorated in contrast to the main decoration. Thus, as if emphasizing them. If the niche is small, you can place a lamp or figurine in it. The more spacious room houses frescoes, photo wallpapers or a small exhibition.

Photo of the walls in the hallway (interesting design ideas)

Design ideas

Decorative elements

In a small hallway, it is advisable to avoid additional decorative elements, as they overload the space. Just put some figurines and a mirror. If the size of the room allows, accessories will help give the space additional touches. A good option would be a painting - the size of the canvas depends on the size of the wall. It is important that all the main elements of the interior look proportional. That is, if there is a large wardrobe in the hallway, then a canvas measuring 60 by 40 will look appropriate. But this picture will look too wide against the background of the small size of the furniture.

Another important rule is the dosage of interior elements. There should be no more than two paintings on each wall. It is better to leave rooms with original wall coverings without additional decorations.

Square hallway

This classic entryway is easy to create, but just as easy to ruin if you mess up the design. It is important that the middle passage is always clear. On one side there should be a small closet, a chest of drawers and a shoe cabinet with a bench, and on the other there should be a wardrobe. Perfect symmetry and the absence of unnecessary details will reveal all the advantages of the room.

It is important that each element emphasizes the correctness of the square. This applies not only to furniture, but also to finishes and colors. If you decide to choose a contrasting color scheme, it should be replicated on both sides of the front door.

Selection of furniture for the hallway

When choosing furniture, remember that the hallway needs free space. Therefore, if the hallway area is small, it is better to avoid bulky massive cabinets and walls. Instead, choose cabinets with light-colored legs. Recessed furniture is another good idea. A built-in wardrobe will not clutter up the space and will provide plenty of storage space.

In addition, the hallway should have a small table for keys and trinkets, a seat for convenience, a clothes hanger, a cabinet for shoes and a mirror. All furniture can be decorated in one shade or create a harmonious ensemble.

Lights and accessories

The lighting in the hallway should be bright. And this is not a decoration, but a necessity. Lamps and sconces on the wall create a feeling of greater space. The combination of mirrors on the wall and good lighting can visually increase the space.

No wall design would be complete without decorations. These can be modular paintings, photographs or watches. By adding or changing something in the interior, you can over time give the corridor a modern look and create a feeling of coziness and comfort.

Modern interior styles

Find out about the latest design trends with descriptions and photographs of fashionable hallways.


The laconic classic looks noble and emphasizes the taste of the apartment owners.

In this interior, raw elements are unacceptable, which are welcome in high-tech, modern or loft styles.

The classic style uses a light palette for walls, floors, ceilings and furniture, a choice of natural materials or their imitations, and an integration of ornaments including stucco, blacksmithing, etc.

High tech

High-tech, with its desire to remove everything unnecessary, is another suitable option for city life. However, many people find this style uncomfortable. One of the most unusual solutions that is suitable for hi-tech is to place flush-mounted neon lamps of different colors along the wall. This will definitely add variety to the interior.


Minimalism or eco-minimalism—with its penchant for uncluttered spaces—is ideal for any small space.


Pastel colors may be the best option. However, to give the room a unique look, you can also create bright contrasts. Carefully arranging a variety of furniture that combines several colors can give the desired effect. For example, by decorating the walls with soft panels and installing bedside tables, you will turn your hallway into a cozy corner.

DIY wall decorations or custom wall murals can make your entryway feel more spacious and full of color. And fancy wall hooks, hangers, wall accessories with unusual decorations can fill the room with uniqueness, creating a special atmosphere.

You can lay a carpet with an original pattern. Paste the same motif on one wall and on the ceiling. High-quality wall panels and a mirror wall are ideal options for decorating the exterior of the hallway.

Unique shades of cabinet fronts, doors, floors or ceilings in a checkerboard style will make even your wildest fantasies come true. Plus, a deep, slightly solid color will leave an unusual mark on your guests' first impression.


If the room should be decorated in Provence style, then follow these rules:

  1. Use natural finishing materials or their analogues.
  2. Keep your color scheme light by using lavender, cream, pale blue and other pastel colors.
  3. Use vintage accents and handmade accessories for decor.


The interior, designed in a loft style, looks raw and brutal. But it does not have to consist only of brick walls. The space can be decorated with other interesting accents.

Organizing a hallway in an apartment does not require large expenses, since natural brick, concrete and wood with an antique effect are allowed in the decoration.

The color range is not limited to dark shades. You can also use a light palette with contrasting details.

Art Deco

Considered luxurious and somewhat artsy, this style allows for bolder ideas and custom details. It can have several levels of ceiling, stucco, textured walls and so on.

If you are planning to decorate a room in an art deco style, you will have to give up budget furniture and cheap decor.

It should contain only expensive materials, for example:

  1. Ceramic tile.
  2. Varnished wood.


This style is built on an abundance of free space. Therefore, only compact furniture is used. The accent color is white combined with pastel colors.

In the Scandinavian direction, elements of high-tech, loft or modern minimalism are allowed.

What wall color should I choose?

Color scheme for hallway walls.


Turquoise trim is very fashionable, relevant and modern. Gives the interior amazing freshness.


At first glance, a white corridor may look uncomfortable, but this is due to the choice of materials. If you don't skimp on the finishing touches, you can achieve a surprisingly bright room with minimal effort.


Will add a touch of uniqueness to your hallway. Black walls are the main accent and give the room a very elegant, chic and original look.


Yellow is the perfect color for a hallway. Firstly, it looks very original and unusual, and secondly, it perfectly compensates for the lack of light.


Elegant shades such as gray-blue and gray-blue fill the space with tenderness and airiness, giving the room an incredible feeling of spaciousness. Entryways in these colors look especially good with accents of bright yellow or green.


Mysterious, mysterious and intriguing blue color is ideal for spacious corridors with lots of light.


Brown color is universal in the choice of furniture and materials. Great for practical spaces such as hallways. Fits perfectly into the fashion for natural colors.


Gives the room a feeling of luxury and at the same time makes the design more thorough, detailed and clear.

Color spectrum

Since there are no windows in a standard hallway, bright colors are preferred. This could be white, beige or bolder colors such as blue, burnt orange, grey, lime green, pink or purple. Shades of brown, from deep rich to light coffee, look good as accents.

Accent colors should not make up more than 15-20% of the interior color palette. However, designs on finishing materials and textiles are acceptable. Such details will help create a more interesting organization of space.

Wall design options

The panels are used to decorate interiors in various styles. Their colors and design options are varied. With their help, you can hide all the shortcomings of the room and highlight its advantages.

Light shade options are ideal for poorly lit rooms . They are able to visually enlarge the space and make it warmer and brighter. Moreover, a tandem of light panels and a dark floor covering will look good. The interior decoration of the hallway in dark colors requires the use of panels in the same color scheme. Such a room will look elegant and deep.

However, such an interior requires good lighting.

An interesting idea would be to use options with small patterns or designs. Panels in minimalism or loft style look very stylish. They have a simple but interesting design. But large patterns and prints are best suited for spacious hallways. They attract too much attention and will negatively affect the appearance of small rooms.

Glossy shiny and mirrored models make the space wider and more spacious. They are well suited for decorating narrow and long rooms. Vertical slats are suitable for rooms with low ceilings, but horizontal slats are suitable for narrow rooms.

For a classic style, it is better to use models with an unusual design. The panels can be decorated with stucco, moldings, cornices and other decorative elements. Panels with relief will help create a bright accent in the interior.

You can line the walls with natural stone or its imitation; this solution will ideally complement an interior in a country, loft, Provence or classic . Wooden wall panels will fit perfectly into a rustic or classic interior. Wood texture looks better on dark shades. The walls covered with colored glossy panels look beautiful.

They will make the room brighter and more stylish.

Photo - gallery of the best hallway design ideas

Furniture and furnishings

It’s not easy to choose furniture for the hallway, and if it’s also tiny, then this becomes a real problem. In such a place you feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable, especially if someone else stands next to you. Let's see what furniture options are suitable for a small room.

Open storage systems

Open storage systems without doors are called open storage systems. Not everyone thinks this is beautiful, although probably not everyone knows how to use such shelves correctly.

In open structures, it is appropriate to store small items in boxes or baskets, which take on the function of drawers, but are more decorative.

There may be several shelves, but for some, one, but spacious one, is enough. A more thoughtful storage system includes several shelves with drawers

The hanger also belongs to the open type of storage. The design of this item can be so amazing that it will become the highlight of the corridor.

Hats are traditionally stored at the top, shoes at the bottom, and it’s good when the shelves are from the same furniture ensemble


A practical approach to business gave rise to sliding wardrobes: due to a moving door rather than a hinged one, such furniture does not interfere with the room and looks great.

A sliding wardrobe can occupy the entire wall, being part of a set. Unfortunately, not all hallways allow you to accommodate such comfortable pieces of furniture.

For small-sized storage systems, shelves are often placed at an angle, which significantly saves space

A separate small wardrobe will serve its purpose well if there is space inside for shoes and hats

Decorative plaster

The textured finish is practical and original in design. It is durable, harmless, and easy to maintain, but creating a stylish effect will require the use of certain skills.

You can apply simple plaster yourself, but it will look simple.

Photos of the walls in the hallway will show the variety of finishes of vertical surfaces and help you choose the most attractive option.


Decorating the walls with wallpaper in the hallway still remains a classic hallway design.

Wallpaper can be perfectly combined with each other and with other finishing materials, and has the widest possible variety of textures, colors, and patterns.

Wallpaper made of paper will not last too long, but can be a good finishing option if there is a lack of finance for more expensive finishing.

Non-woven and vinyl sheets have a longer lifespan. They even allow you to wash yourself if you get dirty. The possibility of repeatedly repainting these types of wallpaper will make repeated repairs a simpler and faster process that does not require large financial investments.

Liquid wallpaper will help you not to pay too much attention to the rough finish of the hallway walls. They will not repair major damage, but they will do an excellent job of fixing minor shortcomings of builders.

The process of applying such wallpaper is a bit like playing in the snow, and therefore will be a pleasant pastime for home decorators. This is the only finish that can be remade several times without fear of damaging the original material. In addition, liquid wallpaper can be easily repaired.

Fiberglass has not yet earned a big name. But this is due to the rather high cost of the paintings. Otherwise, this wallpaper is completely environmentally friendly, completely safe and durable, can be easily repainted and washed if necessary. They are not afraid of moisture, dirt, mechanical damage, or drafts.

Lighting a small room

Most likely, this is a room without windows, so it will be dark and even gloomy. To avoid this, it is worth considering lighting. A lamp on the ceiling illuminates the entire hallway, but so that not a single corner is forgotten by the light, you can install a sconce or hang a beautiful lantern above the front door.

Lighting around the mirror immediately makes the room brighter

Related article:

We organize high-quality lighting of the corridor in the apartment . Study the technical capabilities of various lighting devices and methods of their use discussed in our publication.


Finishing with paint will be an inexpensive option for creating a hallway that takes into account all the wishes of the apartment owners.

It is durable, washes well with water, does not attract dirt, tolerates moisture calmly, and is not afraid of touch.

A variety of colors and shades will help you choose the most suitable finishing tone, and the opportunity to create an unusual room will be provided by various decorative elements that can be applied to a smooth surface.

The disadvantages of paint coating include the need for careful rough finishing and a pungent odor that will linger until the paint dries completely.

Examples of floor finishing

The floor in the hallway is subject to loads even more than the walls, so you need to carefully choose the material. It must have an anti-slip coating, be resistant to moisture, be impact-resistant and wear-resistant. Carpet has all these characteristics, but it is quite difficult to clean.

Better than the previous option is parquet, which is often used to finish the floor. But it has many disadvantages. Firstly, it is afraid of moisture, and secondly, it wears out quickly. You may prefer laminate; it withstands moisture and shock well, and looks beautiful. The floor will be decorated in imitation of natural wood. Linoleum is most often used in apartments. This traditional coating is not afraid of moisture, does not rot and is easy to clean. You can choose the same ceramic tiles that will harmonize with the ceramics on the walls.

Basic principles and methods of decorating corridors

Taking into account the significant high cost of durable and beautiful finishing building materials, it is recommended to combine hallway coverings. In such cases, the lower sections of the walls are covered with practical and maximum resistant to external influences coatings, while the upper sections are covered with materials with increased decorative properties. A similar principle is used when zoning spacious hallways. Accordingly, the owner of the premises faces the problem of selecting different, but compatible in style, finishing options.

There are no clear rules and restrictions, but in general, designers do not recommend combining different types of decorative stone or plaster, porcelain stoneware, tiles and plastic wall panels in certain areas of hallways. This is explained simply - coatings with different textures, degrees of gloss and geometric shapes do not look good in limited space. The same applies to brick walls, which can be successfully combined exclusively with smooth paint.

Cork, paint, plaster and similar plain coatings with a weak texture or smooth surface have good compatibility with other decorative materials. Stripes of white or contrasting colors help to separate dissimilar materials horizontally; vertical sections most often simply neatly adjoin each other. Multi-level ceilings, ceiling arches or well-placed furniture and accessories also help to zone a hallway or corridor.

You can decorate and visually enlarge hallways or corridors:

  • Shallow niches with decorative lighting.
  • Mirror walls placed in narrow and long corridors to expand them.
  • Moldings and similar three-dimensional decorative stickers attached to smooth painted walls or laminated panels.
  • Wallpaper or panels with a depth effect.

Particular attention is paid to the lighting of the hallway. It is strictly not recommended to use lamps with cold or LED lighting in the hallway or corridor. The latter is especially true when the walls are completely covered with natural stone, Venetian plaster, mirrors or any glossy coatings. Proper and sufficient placement of devices with natural white or warm light, on the contrary, emphasizes the advantages of finishing and hides the disadvantages of the hallway.

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