How to saw off a workpiece with a jigsaw without chipping or scoring: 4 proven methods

Probably, many have encountered such a problem when, when cutting plywood or chipboard using a jigsaw, chips and burrs remain on the surface of the workpiece.

Of course, this quality of cutting is no good. But what can you do to avoid this?

Alternatively, you can buy a high-quality wood saw with a fine tooth. However, this still does not guarantee a perfect cut.

However, there are four ways to saw off plywood or chipboard without chipping or scuffing. Not perfect, but still as neat as possible.

The author of the YouTube channel The Maker shared his personal experience with us. We recommend you take note!

Rating of the best electric jigsaws

1.Makita 4329 450 WPrices Review
2.BOSCH PST 700 E 500 WPrices Review
3.BISON L-400 400 WPrices Review
4.Interskol MP-85/700E 700 WPrices Review
5.VORTEX LE-65 650 WPrices Review


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How to work with a jigsaw: features and rules

The electric jigsaw cuts unevenly. There is no need to rush and use force here. It is better to cut slowly and press the tool lightly against the material.

When working with a jigsaw, you should follow the rules

There is a small educational program on how to cut with a jigsaw exactly in a straight line, and so that the blade does not slip:

  1. While sawing you need to keep an eye on the file . As soon as it becomes a little dull, it should be replaced. When the file is dull, it moves away and chips appear.
  2. It is necessary to ensure that the file does not overheat , otherwise the teeth will quickly become unusable.
  3. Each type of file is designed for a specific material .
  4. The power of a tool directly affects its performance . The higher the power, the more different materials it can cut.
  5. Dense materials (countertops, laminate) can be sawed with a file with large teeth . Fiberboard and plywood are easy to cut with a fine-tooth saw .
  6. For a more even cut, you can use appropriate devices - stops or guide rails .

Any material can serve as a guide. The main thing is that it has a smooth edge and the ability to correctly align and fix it.


The milling cutter allows you to get the cleanest possible edge of the workpiece, while the quality will not be so easy to distinguish from the formatter, and sometimes it will be even better.

First, you need to cut the workpiece with a jigsaw, making an indentation from the marking line by 2-3 mm, and then align the line according to the template. Usually, for this purpose, a second piece of laminated chipboard is used, sawn on a format saw, so that it is of a suitable size.

It is necessary to use a copy cutter, that is, one with a bearing. This way you can get a very clean cut. Among the disadvantages of working with a router, there is a lot of hassle, since there is a need for precise markings, preliminary filing of workpieces and setting templates for the router.

How to make a perfect cut with a jigsaw

To get a correct, beautiful and straight cut, you need to follow the following recommendations.

Selection of cutting blade

For shaped and fine work, it is better to take thin files . If you need to make a complex pattern, you need to use files with 2 cutting edges . The leading edge guides the main cut, and the rear edge makes the saw maneuverable, preventing scraps.

Fastening material

Many people neglect such a simple rule as fastening the material. It's one thing when the structure itself is bulky . There is no need to pin anything here. But if you need to cut, for example, a sheet of plywood, you can’t do without fasteners. The material is light and without fixation you can ruin everything.

Cutting technology

They begin sawing after securing the workpiece and applying markings. To do this, you need to turn on the jigsaw, set the maximum speed level and adjust the pendulum stroke by setting it to number 1.

You need to bring the file to the marking line, press the side of the platform against the guide and start working. When moving the jigsaw forward, you need to monitor the location of the platform. Do not deviate from the guide. When there are a few centimeters left to the end of the canvas, you need to carefully hold the free edge, avoiding breaking. At this point the process can be considered complete. To prevent the cut from turning out crooked, it is worth remembering a number of nuances:

  • During operation, do not press too hard on the electric jigsaw, otherwise the file will break;
  • when cutting a steel sheet, you need to choose a tool with maximum power and work at high speed - when heated, the steel softens and becomes more pliable;
  • When processing plastic, laminate, organic glass or stainless steel, it is necessary to provide additional cooling for the file and periodically take breaks so that the tool has time to cool down;
  • to prevent the plastic from melting during processing, it is necessary to set the minimum speed with a frequency of 1000 rpm;
  • the figured cut will be smooth if you choose a narrow file with small teeth;
  • After finishing the work, the electrical device should be cleaned of sawdust and placed in a special case.

Why can a jigsaw cut crookedly?

Not everyone knows how to saw off a workpiece smoothly with a jigsaw. The tool is light and without sufficient skill, the entire cut can go crooked .

Why does this happen:

  1. No experience with the tool.
  2. Saw blade with defects.
  3. Play in the guide roller. There may be 2 reasons: wear of the internal part and failure of the mounting holes.
  4. Rod wear. With such a malfunction, a large backlash occurs.

These are the most basic faults. There may be others, so you need to take all points into account.

Various methods are used to obtain an accurate cut.

Fastening material

In order for the cutting line to be smooth, the working surface must be as stable, rigid and durable as possible. When working at home, this can be an ordinary table with reliable legs and a flat tabletop.

The board is fixed to the surface using clamps secured on both sides with moderate force. The sheet to be processed must be positioned in such a way that the tool does not rest against the surface during operation. To prevent pressure from being applied to the saw during the cutting process, you can weigh down the protruding edge hanging from the surface using an attached weight.

What to do if you have problems with accuracy

Below we will look at how to cut smoothly with a jigsaw and get an accurate cut.

Sawing with a saw table

Often you have to cut out round or oval elements . You can't do without a saw table. On the underside of the tabletop you need to secure the jigsaw with the file facing upwards. Secure the start and stop buttons to the side. All that remains is to move the material in the right direction.

Sawing with a guide bar

The tire looks like a long ruler 1.3-1.5 meters . A groove is made in it and the jigsaw moves along it. The file must be adjusted along the cutting line, and the tire must be secured with a clamp. When sawing, the tool should be guided strictly along the tire.

Methods for cutting laminated chipboard without chipping

Sawing of laminated chipboard at large woodworking enterprises is carried out on a special format-cutting machine. Small workshops that produce furniture also purchase one, but it is expensive, therefore, it is not practical as a household tool. If the question arises of how to cut laminated chipboard without chipping, then as an alternative cutting method, you can choose sawing using a hacksaw, circular saw, chipboard cutter or jigsaw.

Using a hacksaw

Sawing chipboard without chipping with a hand saw is not as easy as sawing laminated chipboard with a jigsaw. Although this is a cheap and accessible way.

First you need to cut the cutting line with a knife, draw it with a nail or an awl, and then stick on masking tape to protect the top laminated layer. Then, at an angle of 30 degrees, carefully, without pressing too much, cut the material. The selected hacksaw file should have fine teeth so that the cut is as even as possible.

A hacksaw can leave damage, which can be eliminated by using a belt sander set perpendicularly for subsequent edgebanding.

At the final stage, it is worth treating the cuts with fine sandpaper and covering them with a flexible profile.


Often a jigsaw is used to cut laminated chipboards. The main condition for accurately cutting a slab is small teeth.

A jigsaw cannot replace a circular saw, since it is mainly used as a cutting tool for small areas of slabs. They need to work without strong pressure, smoothly and not too fast. If the laminated chipboard sawer is inexperienced, small chips may appear on the reverse side, but with practice the quality and appearance of the cut will improve.

Circular saw

If the question arises about what to use to cut chipboard and which tool to choose, then a circular saw is quite suitable. It is also often called a circular saw. This is a disk tool mounted on a table. Many people are interested in which circular saw blade to use. You will need a circular disc with fine teeth. The cutting quality is better than when using a jigsaw.

For greater accuracy, it is worth marking the guides, and also not working at too high speeds.

Cutting to format using a saw

The use of a sawing machine guarantees accurate cutting and complete absence of chips. Such machines are used in production and are considered specialized equipment.

Its main components:

Carriage. Allows movement of the movable table, but the plate is fixed in the desired position. Saw unit. It has two flat metal disks: the first one does preliminary sawing, the second one does final sawing right through. Bed. The mechanism rests entirely on it

Eliminates vibration and adds stability, which is important for the quality of the cut.

Three desktops: 1st: node location. 2nd (movable): feeding slabs for cutting. 3rd: maintaining the sawn parts.

Types of sawing machines depend on the time of continuous operation:

  • light – 5 hours;
  • medium – no more than 10 hours;
  • heavy – no more than 20 hours.

When setting up the machine, the following matters: depth of cut; plate position; cutting angle.

The cutting occurs as follows:

  • the plate is fixedly fixed to the table (movable carriage);
  • the workpiece is positioned according to the size ruler and the saw unit is started;
  • when the disk reaches the required speed, the table will move forward along with the workpiece plate and fall on it.

The use of format-cutting machines is advisable for mass production, and not for isolated cases. For one-time independent use, you can choose a simpler tool or order cutting from specialists.

Sawing with undercut

Cutting with trimming is performed as follows:

  • tire - the ruler is fixed to the plate using clamps on the marking line;
  • a cut is first made along the line on one side with a depth of about 0.1-0.3 cm;
  • then, on the other side, the slab is finally cut through.

If everything is done carefully, no chips will appear.

General cutting principles

To know how to cut smoothly with a jigsaw, there are several generally accepted rules.

How to cut wood, chipboard, plywood

To saw wood and its analogues (chipboard, plywood, fibreboard, laminate, chipboard), you need to use saw blades with a pitch of 3-4 mm and a maximum stroke frequency . The jigsaw should be moved slowly, pressing against the workpiece. If the cut is made quickly, then a pendulum stroke of the saw blade is used.

How to cut ceramics, porcelain tiles

When working with such materials, the tool should never be pushed. For ceramics, blades made of hard alloys of a certain length are suitable; for porcelain stoneware, diamond blades .

How to cut metal

For such purposes, use a fine-toothed file with a pitch of 1-2 mm , with a low stroke rate and without a pendulum. When working, only smooth movements, without pressing on the tool.

How to cut plexiglass, plastic

To saw off this type of material, use a file with a fine tooth . Provided that the pendulum stroke should be set to the minimum value.

Methods for cutting laminated chipboard without chipping

You need to saw a laminated board using a special machine (format cutting machine). But it) if we are talking about use at home. An alternative could be budget options (hacksaw, jigsaw, etc.), which will take more time to cut but require less investment.

Using a hacksaw

To nag

Using a hacksaw at home is quite difficult.
First, you need to cut the measuring line with a knife and glue tape along it. This will protect the top layer from damage. Point the tool at an angle of 30 degrees. Carefully move the hacksaw back and forth without pressing hard. To cut laminated chipboard
without chipping with a hacksaw at home, choose devices with the finest teeth. In case of damage, the cut area must be passed with a file, directing it from the edge to the center. Finally, rub with sandpaper (fine-grained) and hide the defects under the flexible profile.

Features of cutting round and oval elements

Before cutting out a circle or oval, you need to mark the workpiece . A hole slightly larger than the saw blade is drilled in the material. For elements with curved lines, a narrow file will be required. The cutting process should be slow.

If you need a circle of the correct shape, then use a circle cutter . A stop (compass) is fixed in the center of the circle and cut with a narrow blade. Here it is advisable to focus on the file itself.

There is no need to drill a hole in the material . The jigsaw must be installed behind the marking line, always with the edge of the sole. The angle should be increased until the workpiece is cut through. Then the jigsaw should be stopped, the file removed and returned to its normal position. You need to reach the marking line gradually, slightly rounding the cut. Having learned these simple tips, it will be clear how to cut an even circle with a jigsaw.

Before cutting complex workpieces, be sure to make markings

Briefly about the tool

A jigsaw is a mini saw that makes human work easier. The tool processes wood and its derivatives, metal blanks and plastic. The principle of operation is to transmit oscillatory movements in a vertical plane to the cutting tool. Moving up and down, in parallel with the translational movement, the jigsaw makes a cut in the semi-finished product.

Read also: DIY collet clamp for a router

In addition to vertical reciprocating movements, some power tool models are equipped with a pendulum stroke. Feature - the file moves in a vertical plane and simultaneously back and forth. That is, in the working position, the teeth are in contact with the material. In the counter-move, the file moves back, interrupting the interaction.

Design features

Using a jigsaw correctly means, first of all, knowing its structure and technical capabilities.

  • Bed . It is the base on which the remaining elements of the tool are attached. The platform must be level, rigid and strong - the correct direction of the file depends on this, and, accordingly, the ability to make an accurate cut. In addition, the massiveness of the base eliminates vibrations that occur during operation.
  • Frame . It combines the main components - engine, gearbox, saw attachment system, control elements. It is made in two types - with an arched (bracket-shaped) handle or a “fungal” (“iron”) handle. Ergonomics, the ease of grasping the tool by hand, indirectly affects the performance of operations with minimal tolerances for deviation.
  • Blade fastening mechanism . Reliability of fixation, absence of free movements (backlash), maintaining the direction in one plane is one of the technical capabilities for precise cutting.

Useful equipment

A number of jigsaw accessories help to create an even seam:

  • Compass stop . Required for precise cutting of a circle.
  • Parallel side stop . Designed for straight cutting. The straightness of the seam depends on the condition of the side (supporting) side.
  • Guide bar . Allows you to make precise straight cuts at a distance of 20 centimeters or more.
  • Platform overlay. Reduces the coefficient of friction and increases sliding on the surface of the workpiece.
  • Anti-scratch liner. Reduces the likelihood of chipping. Useful for processing laminated materials.

Characteristics affecting cutting accuracy

A jigsaw has certain characteristics that indirectly or directly affect the nature of the cut. For clarity, the indicators are summarized in a table.

PowerAffects productivity, speed and depth of cut. That is, it is easier to cut a workpiece with a more powerful unit without applying external force than with a weak one. The likelihood of vibration, bending of the file, and yaw to the side will be reduced
Speed ​​(rpm)The indicator is important for choosing a cutting mode for a specific material. Affects cutting speed. High – for soft wood, low – for steel
Smooth startThe function allows you to start the cutting operation smoothly, without jerking or impact. The moment the seam is formed depends on the initial cut - whether it hits the trajectory exactly or at an angle.
WeightIncreasing the weight of the tool reduces the influence of vibration and sideways movement
Saw strokeDirectly related to power. When processing thick parts, weak units operate in peak mode, at the limit of their capabilities. The consequence is increased vibration, bending of the file, departure from the trajectory
Pendulum strokeSpeeds up the cutting process, but degrades the quality of the cut
Speed ​​adjustmentAllows you to select the optimal cutting mode in accordance with the characteristics of the workpiece material
Maintain speed under loadThe stability of the movement of the cutting tool during the processing of the material allows you to create a smooth sawing seam without chipping or leaving the trajectory
Airflow directionBy blowing the cutting zone with an air flow from a fan cooling the engine, the sawdust is swept away. Improved visibility of the cutting point
Illumination of the cutting areaIllumination of the working area increases visual control over the cutting direction

An important point is that no matter what characteristics the tool has, poor-quality assembly can nullify the capabilities of the device.

Cutting tool

The second most important element of a jigsaw affects the cutting accuracy.

  • Canvas length . In addition to power, it determines the thickness of the workpiece. Size mismatch leads to peak operating conditions and vibration. It is very likely that the seam will break, causing an increase in width and the formation of uneven edges.
  • Web width . Increasing the size helps maintain the cutting direction. Narrow files are convenient for making curved lines.
  • Thickness of the canvas. Increases the rigidity of the cutting device, reducing the likelihood of being pulled to the side. The perpendicularity of the file to the surface of the workpiece is maintained. The quality of the cut increases.
  • Tooth pitch. Determines the type of material being processed. Parameter 3

6 mm is intended for rough processing of wood. 2

3 mm – clean cut of laminate, furniture panels, parquet boards. Up to 1 mm – metal processing. For the convenience of the consumer, markings are applied on the side - the inscriptions “wood”, “metal”, etc.

  • Set of teeth. Allows you to create a seam size that does not interfere with the movement of the fabric. There is no possibility of jamming or distortion.
  • File material. Affects the strength, rigidity and sharpness of the teeth. Distortion of any parameter affects the quality of the seam.
  • Files are produced for working on ceramics, glass, and polymers. The correct choice of cutting tool is one of the keys to accurate cutting. An additional factor is the sharpness of the teeth. A dull saw cannot make an even cut.

    Processed material

    The type of material being processed and its thickness greatly influence the quality of processing. Using a wood saw to cut pine, larch or oak blanks leads to different results due to the strength properties of the wood.

    Another example is working with different types of steel - stainless steel and black iron. Here there is a difference in strength, viscosity, and fragility.

Mistakes when working with a jigsaw

If you don't have the skills to use the tool, the result can be disappointing. Curves and chipped cuts can occur if the material is not fixed correctly . Rapid movement of the jigsaw, jerking during work - all this will lead to defective work.

Hoping to save money, many people use homemade tools . The benefit is cheap, but the result will be sad. It's better to give up this idea. A tool that is too heavy will also have a negative impact on your work. Your hands will quickly get tired from tension and this will affect the quality of the cut.

Where can I buy chipboard?

If you are interested in the question of where exactly you can buy chipboard, then you can visit the company NPP Trans Lok LLC, because that’s where you can buy chipboard, MDF, plywood and many other tile materials. You will be pleasantly surprised at the prices and quality of materials as they are very reliable.

You can also immediately order chipboard cutting on site. The craftsmen will quickly and efficiently complete their work using professional equipment, which will save your time and effort.

Thanks to the master, you will receive a good workpiece, and your slab will not have various chips and scratches, which is very important for making furniture

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