Wedding table decoration: fashion ideas and style trends (65 photos)

For most people, a wedding is one of the most important and special events in life, so you want to make this day perfect. To achieve such a result, you need to pay attention to every detail. This applies not only to the outfits of the newlyweds, the choice of place for painting or the behavior of the holiday, but also to the correct design of the wedding table. This is where guests will spend most of the evening. It is important to think through the decor in advance so that it supports the overall idea of ​​the holiday.

Wedding table decor ideas

Recently, it has been popular to decorate a wedding celebration in a single style, which can be seen in the color scheme, decorative elements, as well as all kinds of decorations for the table, cars and banquet hall.

The table plays an important role in creating a festive atmosphere. To emphasize the chosen wedding theme, you need to take into account a large number of different details and nuances that must be present when decorating the table. The best place to start is by choosing a color palette. It is selected in accordance with the time of year in which the festive event will be held:

  • winter. The table may contain artificially snow-covered branches, vases with selected compositions, as well as a variety of snowflakes or cones. White, calm shades of blue, light blue are suitable as the main color;
  • autumn. Tables and banquet halls can be decorated with compositions of fallen leaves. Branches with ripened red rowan berries are suitable as additional elements. The color palette for an autumn wedding consists of the following shades: golden, tea, marsala, orange, beige, chocolate, yellow;
  • spring. This time of year represents awakening after a long winter sleep. Therefore, there may be branches on the tables with leaves that have not yet blossomed. For late spring, the choice of table decorations is much larger. A variety of spring flowers can be used here. The predominant shades will be all bright colors, pink, green, lilac, purple, lavender, blue;
  • summer. This is harvest time, so the wedding table may contain various wildflowers, as well as interesting compositions of dried flowers, ears of corn and fruits. The following tones are suitable for decorating a summer wedding: turquoise, raspberry, burgundy, light green, peach.

In order for the wedding celebration to make a positive impression on the guests, and also to be remembered by everyone for many years, you must follow a few simple rules when decorating the festive table:

  • If the table decoration consists of fresh flowers or fresh fruit, then it is best to start making it on the eve of the celebration. This will allow you to maintain a presentable appearance of the decor throughout the banquet;
  • wedding decor on tables should be in moderation. If you force them into all the free space, then there is a high probability that it will look tasteless;
  • When selecting jewelry, you must take into account their shape and size. For example, for a small round table designed for 5-7 people, a small but noticeable composition in the center is suitable. If the furniture in the room is arranged in an L or P shape, then it is better to choose vases, baskets or designer candles. They should be placed in the center of the table every 1-2 meters;
  • Each element that is used to set the table must support the overall style and concept of the celebration. Such items include tablecloths, bottles, napkins, cutlery, dishes;
  • all decorative elements, as well as the compositions compiled, cannot be too tall and bulky. Each invited guest should have a clear view of the newly made spouses, as well as the food on the tables;
  • When choosing candles, flowers and other decorative elements that have a unique scent, you should give preference to calm, light aromas.

As the main color for decorating the wedding table, you should not choose too bright and flashy shades: at the end of the evening, guests will begin to feel headaches and a feeling of discomfort. Prohibited tones include:

  • red;
  • blue;
  • green.

The optimal color palette is considered to be gentle and calm. As a base, it is better to choose cream, golden and silver tones, as well as a white shade. Bright decorative elements look great on them.

Bouquets and flower arrangements

Not a single wedding is complete without flower arrangements; they become the main decoration of the celebration. Even the most ordinary and ordinary room of a banquet hall will be transformed beyond recognition if you beautifully arrange bouquets around the perimeter. The main thing is to know how to decorate the wedding table of the bride and groom with your own hands using fresh flowers, as well as how to decorate the rest of the furniture with their help. Mainly used:

  • hydrangeas;
  • peonies;
  • roses;
  • different types of wild flowers.

If living bouquets are too expensive, you can replace them with regular petals. There are many of them in any flower shop. Petals can be used in several ways as wedding table decor:

  • when they are scattered between glasses and main courses;
  • when a small amount of water is poured into the salad bowl, and then petals and floating candles are added.

In order for the celebration to be in the same style, it is necessary to take the bride’s wedding bouquet as a basis. The types of flowers it consists of should be used when decorating holiday tables. They are complemented by a variety of ribbons, lace and other elements present in the bouquet.

Recently, weddings in which naturalness predominates in decoration have begun to gain popularity. Almost all decorative elements are made from natural and environmentally friendly materials. Therefore, bouquets of different herbs are chosen for decorations, tree branches, moss and other vegetation are laid out on the tables. Natural compositions are also used to decorate glasses, cutlery, dishes and when serving main courses.

Wedding candles

Electricity will never convey all the excitement of one of the most important events in the life of the bride and groom. To emphasize the romance and tenderness of the celebration, candles must be present on the tables. They can be in candlesticks, candelabra, vases of water or other objects that will highlight the natural beauty of a burning flame.

One of the main rules when decorating a table with wedding candles will be concern for the safety of guests. They need to be placed in the center so that guests do not accidentally touch or snag the decor.

Cloth and napkins

Only fabric napkins are suitable for a wedding celebration; paper options look too cheap.

To amaze guests, as well as to emphasize the unified style of the holiday, fabric napkins must be folded in an original way. These can be beautiful but complex figures or voluminous flower buds. The main thing is that they are combined with bonbonnieres and seating cards that will be placed for each guest.


Such decoration not only looks original, but is also an integral part of the wedding table. Children, who are always eager to enjoy different fruits, will especially like the decoration. The products are beautifully and neatly laid out in vases that match the chosen style of celebration.

The fruits themselves become a real decoration. If finances allow, you can choose very interesting and exotic species. For example, passion fruit, mango in combination with the usual apples or pears.

Recently, carving has begun to be used at weddings. This is an oriental art - carving entire masterpieces on vegetables and fruits. All guests will be amazed and will definitely remember this decoration for a long time.


This is another one of the main attributes of a wedding celebration. It is customary to use balloons to decorate the restaurant hall, as well as the space behind the newly-made spouses in the form of a panel or arch. But today, airy decor is also often used to decorate wedding tables. The main thing is that they are made in the same color scheme as the rest of the decorative elements.

Balloons are attached to the backs of chairs, main dishes or other items. In addition, you can attach a small weight to the end of the ribbon, which will allow the ball to remain in its place until the end of the evening.

Close-up view. We increase the status and significance of the wedding

The last thing that guests are impressed with when they are directly standing near the table or sitting at it is the invisible at first glance, but very important details: bonbonnieres, napkin rings, original inscriptions, individual messages to guests, cards with a banquet menu.

If you have a limited budget, you can avoid all or some of these accessories, since they are not so necessary. But if the status of the event is high, then every little thing matters. The more details are taken into account and thought out, the brighter the emotions and the stronger the impression of the guests.

Bonbonnieres, personal messages

Original surprise packages, “bonbonnieres” are the best way to express gratitude to your guests for their presence at your wedding. Having received specially prepared boxes, bags, bags, jars, envelopes, chests with sweets or souvenirs, guests will take with them a piece of the unique holiday and will fondly remember your wedding for a long time.

Bonbonnieres can be personalized with a personal message. These are small cards in the general style of wedding printing, where individual words of gratitude are written for each guest. Such a gesture of attention on your part will not go unnoticed and will significantly increase the status of the celebration.

Napkin rings

Napkin rings will help to provide sophistication to the table setting and emphasize the chosen style. They come in a wide variety: metal, wood, plastic, fabric, knitted, with brooches, beads, pearls, lace, any other themed accessories and even fresh flowers. The more original the decor, the more interesting it is.

Banquet menu cards

The presence of cards or booklets with the banquet menu indicates a high level of celebration. They are required at weddings, where all the dishes are not piled on the table at the same time, but are served in a certain order. Guests can use the menu card to choose the dishes they like or refuse some. Alcohol is also ordered from the list provided in the booklet. In style and design, such cards are identical to other printing accessories.

If you are planning a European wedding, then take care not only of a luxurious menu, but also of the spectacular decor of guest tables. Only in this case will your celebration be unique, full of emotions and vivid impressions.

Original accessories

Some newlyweds strive to make their wedding as original and unusual as possible. To do this, they use the most inappropriate objects at first glance as table decorations. Among them are:

  • aquarium with goldfish;
  • composition of dry branches with red rowan;
  • wreath of spikelets;
  • small armfuls of dry grass with cornflowers inserted;
  • old hoop with lace;
  • balls made from string soaked in glue;
  • glasses decorated with linen and burlap.

If it’s difficult to come up with creative decorations on your own, you can always turn to professional designers for help. They will quickly select original wedding table design options that will highlight the overall style of the celebration and will be remembered by all those present.

Painting wedding glasses

Those who are good at working with a brush and paint can try painting glasses with their own hands.

. Here your imagination will work to its fullest: you can make beautiful curls, dotted patterns, floral images, hearts, bows and so on. The pattern on the glass repeats the lace pattern. Here we use white and gold paint:

For such drawings it is not necessary to have great artistic abilities; you can also use stencils



To paint glasses, you can use glass paint, simple gouache or nail paint.

Popular color palette and trends in wedding table decor 2020

Creating a festive mood at a wedding that matches modern trends is an extremely difficult task. To prepare the celebration, the bride and groom need to take into account a large number of different nuances and features, starting with where exactly the banquet will be held, and ending with the number of invited guests and the decor of the room. The main thing is that all important design elements are combined with each other and are designed in the same style.

Design Tips

decoration of the room in the same style

  1. Style decision.

The decoration of the wedding room should be done in the same style, naturally combined with the bride’s outfit. If all the interior details are not carefully thought out and there is too much bright colors, then the wedding hall will look like a room for a children's event.

  1. Basic key.

Decorating a room for a wedding celebration requires choosing a basic tone, then it can be harmoniously played with other shades. Finishing should be moderate. To liven up the room, wedding decor uses bright accents, such as bouquets or balloons.

bright balloons will help create a festive atmosphere

  1. Natural flowers.

Decorating a wedding venue is impossible without fresh flowers, but not all types of them can be used to decorate a festive hall. If the flowers fade, the spectacular interior will be ruined. We recommend choosing a rose, carnation or chrysanthemum, or use an economical option - take asters and tulips.

floral arrangements are an integral attribute of wedding venue decor

  1. Decoration with fabric.

Independent decoration of a festive room involves the use of fabric in wedding decor. There is no need to skimp on this point, since decorating chairs and tables with beautiful fabric should be harmonious. If your budget is limited, decorate only the bridal table with fabric.

using tulle as wedding decor

Flowers in dark shades

Decorating the newlyweds' wedding table with fresh flowers is one of the simplest and most reliable ways to quickly create a festive atmosphere. Until recently, only light and delicate shades were used for this.

Today, dark flowers on tables look trendy. The main thing is that they are combined with the overall style and color scheme of the celebration. Bright and rich compositions can be placed on tables for guests, participate in the design of a photo area, a dance floor, a table for giving gifts, and also decorate the place of the bride and groom. It looks very impressive if the bride’s bouquet also contains several dark flowers.

Use of fruits, vegetables, caramel and chocolate

Sweets are an excellent table decoration at a wedding, because they predict happiness in family life for the newly-made husband and wife.

Beautiful serving dishes, paper figurines and fruit vases are used to decorate the sweet table.

It is not necessary to put sweets on the tables towards the end of the celebration; it is best for fruit, caramel and chocolate to be served along with snacks.

If time permits, fruits can be used to create real masterpieces

Even a chic assortment of delicacies will not look attractive without exquisite decoration using decorative dishes

The ideal serving option is on a multi-level stand. Also, as an option, you can use separate tables for sweets, but do not forget - they also need to be decorated.

See also: How to decorate heating pipes?

Texture fabric

To prevent guests and newlyweds from sitting at boring and monotonous tables during a wedding banquet, furniture is usually decorated with various types of fabric. Today there are a huge number of different ways to make jewelry from material. For this, types of fabric of different densities can be used. The most popular include:

  • veil;
  • atlas;
  • chiffon;
  • organza.

It is important to maintain the overall theme of the holiday. For this, it is best to use light and delicate shades of fabric. To highlight the table of the newlyweds, an LED strip or garland is placed under a light translucent material.

DIY wedding glasses with lace

Another very simple way to decorate glasses is to use lace.

Lace is an ideal ready-made material that already contains an intricate design and looks great on glass. Ideally, wide white lace is suitable for wedding glasses.
To make the lace richer, it can be supplemented with beads, satin ribbons and other decorations

. In this case, the glasses were decorated with rhinestones.


To better attach the beads to the uneven surface of the glass, it is better to use flat beads or rhinestones.

Colored candles

The decor is suitable for decorating wedding tables if the event is held indoors. With the help of candles, an intimate romantic atmosphere is created that can most accurately express the wedding mood. The main thing is that less artificial light is turned on in the banquet hall.

Candles placed in designer candelabra or decorative candlesticks look impressive. They can be placed in vases with water or decorated with fresh flowers.

DIY wedding car decoration

Decorations for the wedding carriage

– an important detail of wedding events, because the car should be as elegant as everyone else gathered.
Traditionally, cars are usually decorated with flower bouquets, colorful ribbons and bows, and toys

The most popular detail for decorating wedding cars are long multi-colored ribbons.

. You can also find special metal ribbons that sparkle in the sun.

Attaching the tapes to the car is not so difficult, you just need to hook them onto the protrusions at the front and back

, or, so as not to cover the windshield -
front and side

Here is another example of a simple ribbon decoration for a car:

Using the same tape and decorative New Year's rain or braid

you can make whole drawings: waves, flowers, hearts. Here it is important to attach the braid to the surface with tape in the right places, and it will fall down beautifully under its own weight, creating the impression of an original pattern.


– the second most popular detail for decorating wedding cars.
Moreover, it is not necessary to make large bouquets in front and behind; you can simply attach one flower to the entire area of ​​the car
. In this photo you can see that the flowers are attached using simple tape (Both real and artificial flowers are suitable. The tape will not be visible from afar):

Bouquets of flowers, balloons or the same folded ribbons will look good on the handles.

You can decorate the inside of the car

, for example, wrap colorful ribbons around the steering wheel or hang garlands on the windshield.
Please ensure that these decorations do not interfere with the driver's visibility

Those who have artistic abilities can paint the surface of the car with beautiful designs.

using special washable paint.
This decoration, of course, is not for rainy weather, but it looks very impressive. If you have no artistic abilities, then you can use ready-made stencils or car stickers
, which can then be easily removed.

Edible place cards

Such an interesting decorative element for a wedding table as edible seating cards will become not only unusual, but also a very practical and useful item. Gingerbread cookies cope best with such tasks. You can write the name of the invited guest on them using icing or melted chocolate.

Gingerbread cookies can be made in different shapes and sizes. To emphasize the sincere attitude towards each guest, next to his name you can depict a symbol or a small drawing that the bride and groom associate with him.

Table arrangement for Wedding 2022 photo

The types of seating arrangements for guests at a wedding are as follows:

  • At a common table - suitable for compact weddings of up to 20 people. Advice! When choosing a letter form of seating, you should be sure to ensure that the aisle is sufficiently wide. This is especially important for the bride, whose beautiful dress should not cling to the legs of chairs and tablecloths.
  • Letter seating - in the form of beech P, T, W and their variations. Here, options are possible when the guests’ tables are adjacent to the presidium table or there is a passage between the table of the young people and the guests’ tables.
  • Herringbone Seating: An alternative option for letter seating.
  • European seating: up to 14 people sit at one table, but as a rule - 8-9. The dimensions of the room in which your wedding will take place may not always allow guests to be seated in this way.

When it comes to table shapes, the most common are rectangular tables, while square, round, or unusually shaped tables are less common.

Geometric shapes and vases

There is no need to be afraid to use various objects of non-standard geometric shapes to decorate the table. Among them:

  • triangles;
  • diamonds;
  • ovals;
  • circles;
  • squares.

Modern style when decorating a wedding in this vein is suitable for couples who want to move away from the usual ruffles, lace and vintage. Unusual geometric shapes can be seen in vases, stands, candlesticks, stands, and dishes. This technique is also used when choosing tablecloths and napkins.

Shiny taffeta

Taffeta is used less often when decorating a room than the three previous options. But this is not at all related to the characteristics of the fibers or the functions of textile fibers in drapery. These are rather individual characteristics and the choice of young people.

Taffeta is self-sufficient and competitive. Does not accept minimalism in design. By intertwining silk threads with cotton, manufacturers obtain a fabric of a new formation: thin, on the one hand, and stiff, on the other.

The shine emanating from taffeta is mesmerizing.


  • does not deform;
  • takes shape easily;
  • looks great in folds;
  • looks interesting when decorated with beads and tulle.

The potential possibilities of taffeta are visible when used as:

  • garlands (for example, on top of arches);
  • design of stair railings;
  • main fabric for decorating covers.

Industrial vintage

The distinctive characteristics of this style are airiness and lightness. The entire decor resembles lace napkins, so it is very important to select all the items to be placed on the wedding table in a similar manner. The main elements include:

  • bouquets of wild flowers in vases;
  • napkins with embroidered flowers;
  • strings of pearls;
  • lace on the tables.

Each of them will make the table more presentable. As additional items for furniture decoration, you can use satin fabric and elegant ribbons, which will be used to decorate tablecloths on tables, as well as the backs of chairs.

Decorating the newlyweds' table with flowers

It is almost impossible to imagine how to decorate the table of the newlyweds at a wedding without flowers. Floral arrangements are divided into two main types: these are either flowers in vases, or compositions created on the basis of a floral sponge (as an option, frame compositions, which will be more difficult for beginners in floristry to master). The newlyweds' table is most often decorated with an oblong composition, which is placed in the center of the table. If the table is long enough, smaller floral arrangements in the same style and with the same flowers can also be used and placed on the sides. Another option is a solid “flower bed” along the outer edge of the table. It is usually created from different flowers of approximately the same size.

At the same time, the floral design should be harmoniously combined with the fabric. If you choose a bright, voluminous and unusual method of draping, then you should not use too voluminous floral arrangements, especially with greenery or flowers hanging like ivy. If the table is decorated with a skirt with a classic wave, then the emphasis should be placed on the floral decor.

Working with a floral sponge is not at all difficult. First you need to prescribe it with a special solution, which will ensure the durability of the flower arrangement. It's best to buy it at the store, but you can make it yourself. In this case, it is better to soak the sponge with mineral water, and for exotic flowers, like an orchid, an alcoholic solution based on vodka is suitable.

After this, you need to stick the flower stems cut with pruners or a knife at an acute angle into the sponge. Typically, the largest or brightest flowers are placed in the center of the composition, which is the focus. The rest of the space is filled with additional material that plays up and highlights the shade and beauty of the central part of the composition - green leaves, small flowers, berries, and so on.


Recently, weddings decorated in accordance with Russian folk customs have begun to gain popularity. To emphasize the rustic feel, you need to take care in advance about the correct design of the wedding table. The main decorative elements present on it are:

  • clay dishes;
  • vases with seasonal fruits;
  • natural fabrics;
  • ribbons of different colors;
  • beads of different colors and sizes. Sometimes they are made from berries or fruits of fruit trees;
  • bouquets of wild flowers;
  • straw, ears, paws of spruce.

Some couples try to recreate the image of an old Russian wedding as accurately as possible. To do this, they use samovars, wooden dishes, felt boots or bast shoes, as well as similar paraphernalia when setting the festive table.

Bride's bouquet and groom's boutonniere

A bride's bouquet made of paper is small in size. You can order it from a decor studio or make it yourself. Paper flowers, bright and lush, look no worse than real ones. In addition, such a bouquet will be stored for many years, refreshing the memory of a wonderful wedding day.

To create a harmonious picture and maintain the overall style, you can use the same set of colored paper to make a bride’s bouquet, a boutonniere for the groom, and bouquets for the bridesmaids.

If you decide to make paper jewelry with your own hands, you should first make several copies - this is required in order to know whether it will work or not, because not everyone can work with paper independently. Detailed instructions with photos and video material with lessons on making decorative elements from paper can be found on the website.


The style suits couples who are not afraid to abandon the usual wedding look. They deviate from the generally accepted rules and norms of the celebration, so their self-expression is manifested in every detail of the holiday. The tables must have modern decorative elements, contrasting colors, as well as bohemian luxury items.

Animal figurines

Animal figurines are not always appropriate at a wedding celebration. However, if the young couple loves our younger brothers, then some animals can be added to the wedding decor.

For example, you can paint graceful horse figurines with the paint that predominates in the decorated room. They could also be long-necked giraffes or majestic deer. To emphasize the beauty and grace of animal figures, they should be placed under glass covers.

Editor's choice: What color to wear for a wedding in 2022: fashion solutions

Animal figurines can be used as coasters with the names of invited guests. At the end of the party, such figurines can be taken home so that invited friends remember this magnificent holiday.


Young couples who want to celebrate their wedding in style and beauty, but at the same time on a budget, usually choose a marine theme for their celebration. The holiday is held in the warm season and in the open air, which allows you to significantly save on decorative elements. The following items should be present on the tables:

  • shells;
  • starfish and seahorses;
  • anchors;
  • corals;
  • twine.

For tablecloths and napkins involved in the decoration of the festive table, it is better to choose white, blue, mint, blue or emerald. Shades from the pastel palette go well with them. The main thing is to create an atmosphere of proximity to the sea or ocean.

How to decorate a house for a wedding: decorating the yard, bride's room, apartment

A wedding celebration is a wonderful holiday that will be remembered for many years. And it usually begins at the bride’s home: here there are preparations and a photo shoot, then a ransom and a buffet reception.

With the help of stylish decoration, guests and newlyweds will immediately feel the festive mood, so think about how to decorate the house.

The wedding day also ends in an apartment or house, so do not forget about the bedroom for the newlyweds.

Our portal will tell you how to decorate an apartment for a wedding and do it quickly, effectively and without extra costs.

Decorating a house or apartment for a wedding: where to start

Of course, you need to start decorating your home for the wedding with cleaning. It is better for someone close to help the bride in this matter: she already has a lot of troubles before the wedding.

Then you need to purchase or make all the necessary decorations yourself. Calculate in advance how much fabric, balls, flowers, etc. you need. This way you will protect yourself from unpleasant surprises.

You need to start decorating your home for the celebration from the entrance or yard. They should look festive and bright, especially if a bride price is planned.

Simple ways to decorate your yard or entrance

  • Fairy lights. This is an excellent option for those who decided to decorate the yard or entrance of their home for a wedding with their own hands. Garlands are easy to make, but look stylish and beautiful. They can be different: with flags, butterflies, flowers; They are easy to attach to the wall. As a rule, garlands are made from triangular pieces of fabric or paper.
  • Ribbons. Ribbons of different colors will look cute and elegant. They can be decorated with beads or rhinestones. It is better to choose pastel colors to create a romantic mood when preparing the bride's home for the wedding. You can decorate the railings on the stairs or the space in the yard with ribbons; this decor looks unobtrusive and airy.
  • Paper figures. A good option for those who are thinking about how to inexpensively decorate their yard for a wedding. By cutting out fluffy pompoms or shaped accessories from colored paper, you can hang them anywhere. However, this method is more suitable for the warm season.

The decoration of the bride's room should be gentle and romantic.

Some of the design options will require your time and patience, while others will be ready in a few minutes.

Decorating the newlyweds' room

The newlyweds' room is a place where the newlyweds can finally be alone with each other after the wedding day. You need to approach the design of the bedroom with taste so that the bride and groom enjoy being in it, and the feeling of a wedding fairy tale does not leave them.

  • Rose petals. This is perhaps the most romantic decoration for the newlyweds' bedroom. In addition, it is also not expensive. Petals can be used to strew the floor and bed in the bride and groom's bedroom. As a rule, for such an occasion the color red is chosen - the color of love.
  • Candles. They will add mystery to the newlyweds' evening, and scented candles will help you relax after a busy day. It is better to focus on a composition of candles of the same color scheme. They can stand on shelves, on a coffee table in a room, or even on the floor.
  • Textile. Another way to decorate an apartment for a wedding, which looks expensive and festive. Using satin, silk or lace fabric, you can decorate the bed of the bride and groom. It’s worth trying to make it fall to the floor: it looks very stylish. You can choose any color, pastel or contrasting.

How to design and decorate a house for a wedding is an important question. After all, this is where your journey on a busy wedding day will begin and end. Let the design be special.

The main thing is to try to choose only the decor that you like.

If you want lightness and romance, delicate colors and sophisticated decorations are suitable, and if you like a riot of colors, do not be afraid to make your house or apartment really bright.

The help of loved ones in this matter will not be superfluous: this way you will have time to do everything and will not worry. And the advice from the portal team will help you decorate your home with taste.

Articles in section (531)

Engagement is not only a kind of guarantee of a wedding, but also a very beautiful custom. How to do it correctly? What nuances need to be taken into account? We have prepared tips and tricks for you that will be useful for organizing a modern engagement party.


An event decorated in eco-style will always look spectacular. It will be remembered by all guests. But for this you need to pay special attention to table decoration. The main decorative elements include:

  • small trees planted in decorative tubs;
  • bouquets of spikelets;
  • pine cones placed in glass vases;
  • fruits and berries arranged in baskets.

The main highlight of the evening should be the wedding cake. To decorate it, you can use different types of berries, succulents and even flowers and tree branches.

Anyone who has dealt with planning a wedding table knows that it is a very complex and lengthy process. It is important to choose the style of the holiday as a whole, after which all that remains is to select suitable decorative elements. If you think through all the nuances in advance, and also pay attention to every little detail, the result will be a beautiful and romantic holiday that will be remembered not only by the newly-made spouses, but also by all the guests present.

Fully styled wedding

Having chosen this method of wedding decoration, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will require a lot of costs, financial and physical; it is almost impossible to prepare on your own; it will take a lot of time and nerves, which are already at their limit. It is better to seek help from a specialist who, as a rule, has his own professional team who knows their business.

Classic holiday decoration

The couple will only have to set the theme for the upcoming party. The style of such a wedding can be very different; it can be an event organized based on a favorite movie, the culture of a particular nation, or a romantic nautical design. You can also choose a certain time period as a basis and hold a celebration filled with the spirit of the chosen time.

The nautical style is unsurpassed even here

In a word, there will be no problems with choosing a style; every couple can find something they like just for themselves. Such a design will be especially impressive if you do not limit yourself only to interior design, but work on the venue, entertainment, images of the main heroes of the occasion and their guests. As an example, you can consider the design of a wedding - a winter fairy tale.

A winter wonderland at any time of the year

Winter's Tale

A wedding in winter is always a particularly fabulous event, especially if it is held outside the city, where there are snowdrifts, snow-covered conifers, and a cozy atmosphere by the fireplace. All this in itself creates a special holiday atmosphere.

Winter wedding decorations are dominated by white and cold shades

As a rule, in a winter interior, decorative elements are used that themselves are winter symbols and fill the soul with pleasant warmth and comfort. Wood, spruce branches, pine cones are used here, flower bouquets are complemented with cotton and all kinds of winter berries.

Winter wedding elements

Each item used in the interior sets a special mood for the wedding. Everything should be clearly selected and in harmony with each other

It is also important not to overload the overall decoration with unnecessary details.

The cake can also be decorated “winter style”

With these items you can create the effect of immersing yourself in winter magic:

  • As has already been said, cones, coniferous branches, are exactly that winter symbol that is impossible to do without to create the necessary atmosphere. Such bouquets can be used to decorate a table, as well as a wedding cake.
  • Glitter. Such a seemingly insignificant element can perfectly set accents. You can shower the newlyweds with them instead of petals, or use them to decorate invitations for guests.
  • Wood is perhaps the most comfortable material. A massive wooden table and chairs, decorated with natural fabrics, will fit perfectly into the overall interior, setting the mood and comfort. Wooden saw cuts will be an excellent addition as all kinds of signs and stands.
  • What is comfort without candles? They are simply irreplaceable; they are used to decorate a table, a wedding arch, or hang from the ceiling on special candlesticks. And if you decorate the candles with pine needles or cinnamon sticks, the air in the room will be filled with an indescribable aroma.
  • Velvet and knitted elements will add not only comfort to the wedding, but also environmental friendliness. Velvet can be used to decorate chairs, skeins of wool can be placed, for example, by the fireplace, and knitted items can be presented to guests as souvenirs.
  • Cotton will add lightness and tenderness to the celebration, it can be placed either as a decoration for the table or the entire room, in bouquets or simply by arranging baskets with inflorescences, it can be hung from the ceiling, in any variation, it will look unusual.

A bouquet for a winter wedding can even contain pine cones.

Ideas for DIY home decor using scrap materials. Refreshing the interior + 125 PHOTOS

Organization of a holiday menu

Recently, many brides are increasingly including homemade sweets or their own signature dishes on the wedding menu, which are presented on the buffet. This allows you to create a special homely atmosphere. Some couples include colorful snacks with original designs on the menu. Whatever your menu, use your imagination to create a unique wedding setting.

You can also save on your budget on wedding treats if you don’t order a multi-tiered cake. A worthy alternative would be a homemade cake or a cake made from different types of cheese. Cheese cakes have been at the peak of popularity lately.

Where to start decorating a room

Once the location of the ceremony has been finalized, planning the decorative elements can begin. The first thing to start with is choosing a theme for the decor and the main colors of the wedding. If the entire wedding is dedicated to a specific theme, then naturally the decoration of the hall will be appropriate. In other cases, you can select the style and colors that will match the location of the celebration.

After choosing a theme, we decide on specific areas that will be decorated for the celebration. Most often these are the following places in the hall:

  • tables on which you can place vases or baskets of flowers;
  • decoration of glasses;
  • decoration of the restaurant space;
  • small accessories that create the impression of a wedding (invitations, guest cards, napkin rings, etc.).

Purchasing decor for a wedding can be more expensive than ordering a banquet. However, most design elements can be made with your own hands by watching several thematic videos on the Internet. The bride and her bridesmaids can make glasses for the newlyweds, exquisite napkin rings and small boxes with gifts for guests.

Wooden parts

Decor in the rustic style is now extremely popular, so you can organize a celebration not in an expensive restaurant, but in nature. In this case, the place of celebration can be furnished with old wooden furniture.

Arrange antique chairs, tables and benches. Find a chest of drawers or a sideboard where you can create an original sweet corner. You will also need wooden boxes. What are they useful for:

  • They can serve as the basis for flower arrangements.
  • You can put gifts in them for guests.
  • Use the drawers as storage for cards and gifts, or as a container to hold bottles of different drinks.

There are a lot of options for using wooden items as part of a wedding event. Try and experiment!

Design your own tablecloths

Ordering tablecloths for tables is as expensive as ordering covers for chairs. Therefore, it is best to come up with original tablecloths yourself or find someone who will help in this matter. Again, you just need to buy the appropriate material from which the tablecloths for your banquet tables will be made and cut it according to the design you have in mind.

But before buying fabric, think about the colors of the wedding; the fabric may have to be dyed in the desired color. Make napkins from the same fabric.

Focus on core areas

Instead of trying to decorate as many areas as possible, focus on decorating 1-2 main locations, they will have a greater impact on the appearance of the space. It is better to pay attention to the beautiful design of the ceremony area, which will be used as a photo area throughout the evening. Or adequately decorate the podium and backdrop, because the guests’ eyes will be directed there throughout the evening. By focusing on one or two areas, you can create a “wow” effect without spending your entire budget on decor.

Wedding trends 2020

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Classic style

Despite the fact that many couples strive to stand out by arranging a stylized wedding, thus making it memorable for themselves and their friends, there remain adherents of the classics, and a considerable number of them.

We create timeless decor

Not surprisingly, the style may be universal, but it is by no means identical in its execution. The classic style is laconic, there are no random objects, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. But first things first.

Indispensable classic floristry

Bride's image

Usually fragile, delicate, flying, the girl looks like a porcelain doll, her makeup and hairstyle are impeccable. You can add sophistication by highlighting your lips with lipstick, a rich color that will remind you of the passion and sensuality of your beloved. And chic, well-chosen jewelry will highlight the girl’s beauty.

We complement the image with makeup and jewelry

It is better for the groom to wear a suit of rich dark colors, decorated with a boutonniere of flowers that were used to create the bride’s bouquet.

Exquisite serving

There are no unnecessary details in the table design for a classic wedding; here the dishes themselves act as a decorative element. Exquisite plates with carved patterns are perfect, and crystal glasses themselves will decorate any table. The table is decorated only with lush floral arrangements and candles. Luxury does not need additional accessories.

Everything should be in moderation

Attention, flowers

Roses, of course, are the canon, but you can use any others, the main thing is that everything looks organic and solemn. It is better to choose bouquets of white or pastel shades; roses, lilies, peonies, and other noble buds will look good.

There are never too many flowers


Guest invitations and place cards should look very elegant. Delicate pastel colors, both warm and cold shades, are suitable for this. And the inscriptions are best done in the form of calligraphy.

Original seating plan

Exquisite decor in a classic style will become memorable and unique not only for the couple in love, but also for the guests of the celebration.

Fairy lights

Garlands will be an ideal decoration for a wedding photo zone or can be used to decorate a wedding hall. You can create paper garlands yourself using multi-colored paper, glue, thread, and scissors. Before starting work, you need to choose the colors in which the garland will be made. Next, you need to cut out a blank from thick cardboard, which will serve as the basis for cutting out paper parts. Then, using the base, paper blanks are cut out. If paper elements of several colors are produced, it is advisable to immediately put them in several boxes so as not to get confused. The figures can be made three-dimensional by gluing several parts together or left single.

Paper plants

Decorating a wedding hall with artificial flowers is a fairly budget option. One of the simplest and most economical materials is colored paper. Moreover, when creating interior details, you can use not only the usual bright sets that are sold in departments for children's creativity. To decorate a room in an extraordinary way, it is enough to use corrugated or designer paper instead - the pattern can be chosen to suit every taste.

Depending on the style of the wedding, you can decorate the wedding hall with artificial flowers of the following varieties:

  • roses from individual petals of rich color, sequentially glued to a folded tight leaf in a circle;
  • dahlias made from petals in the form of rolled up balls glued to a flat round base;
  • lilies made of corrugated paper, assembled from two layers of petals;
  • large peonies made of petals glued to the core in layers;
  • calla lilies made from folded pieces of corrugated paper;
  • giant poppies with crepe paper petals glued to a yellow center.

This design option is not suitable for all weddings. For example, decorating a wedding hall with paper flowers can even be used for a celebration in a classic style, but only if it does not involve excessive elegance and rich decorations. As for themed weddings, paper flowers will look harmonious at a wedding in an oriental, Japanese style, Love is or “Alice in Wonderland”. Decorating a wedding hall with paper flowers is not suitable for strict and elegant celebrations, for example, European, French, vintage, etc.

Paper flowers can be placed in an abstract pattern on the wall, and they can be used to create a kind of arch behind the newlyweds. If desired, you can even create artificial bouquets in floor vases, which you then place along the aisle to the banquet hall. Garlands are often made from flowers to zone a space or create a corner for a photo shoot.

Decorating the hall with paper flowers for a wedding in the following photo turned out beautiful:

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