Stages of making a round table with your own hands, useful life hacks

It's nice to gather around the big table in the evening with the whole family. It’s even nicer when the table is made by yourself. What shape the table should be is up to you to decide: square, rectangular or round. A circle is a perfect shape. It is not entirely accidental that in nature there are quite a lot of analogues of this form - the sun, the moon, rings on tree cuts.

It has been proven that the circle gives harmony and has a beneficial effect on a person’s psychological comfort. Round tables are often used to create a relaxed and informal atmosphere at business meetings. If you doubt how it will fit into the interior, you can look at the photo of a handmade round table.

A round table at home will fit well into any interior. The most budget option is to make a round table with your own hands. Despite the fact that at first glance it seems quite complicated, assembling such a table will be quite simple.

Advantages and nuances of self-production

A round table is an excellent option for creating a comfortable environment in the kitchen, living room, children's room, veranda, gazebo. The absence of corners eliminates the possibility of bruises and promotes an atmosphere of comfort and intimacy. However, it should be remembered that such a piece of furniture will not fit into every interior.

If you have skills in handling household tools, patience and attentiveness, making a round table is not at all difficult.

The decision to make a round wooden table yourself has the following advantages:

  1. Saving the family budget. Factory products are much more expensive. The added value is several times higher than the price of raw materials. The cost of making a round table with your own hands only includes the purchase of wood and fasteners.
  2. Possibility of choosing a model. It is not always possible to find the product you need in stores. Independent design and assembly allow you to compile elements of different models, creating your own unique version.
  3. Choice of size, configuration. Furniture is made for a room with a certain shape and limited area. Sometimes rooms are so small that not a single factory item fits into them. The solution is a portable round table for the kitchen with your own hands.
  4. Gaining the necessary experience. Having assembled a very complex structure, the home master will be able to develop further, bringing new projects to life.

The downside is that it is quite difficult for beginners to make a round tabletop on their own. In addition, there is a need to purchase special tools, without which it is impossible to obtain perfectly smooth edges.

Saving the family budget

Possibility of choosing a model

Selection of size, configuration

Gaining the necessary experience


The table should have an attractive appearance, which is ensured by the finishing. First of all, the end is processed . To avoid scratching on a sharp edge, it is recommended to remove a small chamfer.

The end itself is ground to eliminate the risk of splinters. The entire surface of the tabletop is also processed. It should be perfectly flat, horizontal and smooth.

Important : the most common finishing methods are painting and varnishing.

After sanding the surface, the wood can be impregnated with tinting compounds that will create a specific shade and emphasize the wood structure. A layer of varnish will seal the finish. With the help of alkyd paints, you can provide almost any color of furniture for combination with other interior elements .

Another common option is self-adhesive film. It is often used to finish chipboard countertops. With its help, you can imitate various natural materials - wood, natural stone, marble, metal, etc. Inlay or veneering adds special sophistication to the table.

Advice : if the issue of free space is acute for you, also take a closer look at the designs of a folding table, a laptop table, a coffee table and a children's table.

Popular designs

To make a round table with your own hands, various ideas are used that can be gleaned from magazines, thematic pages on the Internet, or by visiting furniture stores. The most popular designs today are:

  1. Coffee table. As a rule, such items are made in a multi-tier design with open shelves. Their walls simultaneously serve as legs.
  2. Kitchen table. Well suited for small rooms where there is a free corner. The sloping edges allow the piece of furniture to be moved around the room without hindrance. If necessary, a pull-out shelf for devices can be installed.
  3. Dining. A large wooden round table will fit perfectly into the interior of a square-shaped living room. The product will look especially good against the background of cabinet furniture made from solid wood.
  4. Folding. A do-it-yourself oval table with folding tops is an indispensable solution for small apartments. When assembled, it takes up little space, but when in working order it can accommodate a large number of guests.

When developing a diagram of how to make a round table with your own hands, you should think about not only its dimensions, but also the configuration of the space under the tabletop. The presentability, stability, and ease of use of the product depend on its design.





The base of a round table can be like this:

  1. 4 legs. A classic that has stood the test of time. The advantage is that such furniture is stable and easy to use. People do not need to think about where to place their feet, as there is enough space for this.
  2. With jumper. This table design is practical, durable, and easy to manufacture. The disadvantage is that the knees of those sitting will constantly rest against the crossbar.
  3. Crosshairs. This model is more suitable for rooms decorated in country style. Sitting at such a table will be moderately comfortable.
  4. One post with a cross or disk. The furniture looks impressive and takes up little space due to its compactness. Stability is achieved by installing a heavy, wide base. Otherwise, a homemade round table on one leg will constantly tip over.
  5. Modern developments. Curvilinear supports diverging from below and above are becoming fashionable. Comfortable and practical are models in which the legs are connected by a threshold, making the sitting process more comfortable.

Priority is given to projects that best match the interior of the room where the furniture will be located.

4 legs

With jumper

One pillar with a cross


Modern developments

Transformable trestle table

If you are planning to make your own transforming table for a schoolchild, we suggest doing it in an industrial style. Such furniture is very popular today, although it looks a little rough. This style includes a transforming trestle table. Its advantage is that as your student grows, you can easily change the height of the tabletop.

  1. The work begins with the manufacture of “goats”. To do this, you need to take 8 identical pieces of board and fasten them in pairs in the form of triangles.
  2. To make the structure strong, the legs must be equipped with jumpers. It is best to make two of them: bottom and top.
  3. As a result of all your efforts, you should end up with four strong trapezoids of the required height.
  4. Now, using horizontal jumpers, connect the trapezoids to each other. You now have “goat” legs.
  5. A hole needs to be made in the middle of the upper part of each trapezoid. A screw will be inserted there to adjust the height of the table top.
  6. Fasten the upper ends of the screw together using a strip.
  7. Now all that remains is to cut and strengthen the tabletop.

Article on the topic: DIY jointer table

Selection of materials

When choosing a material for making a round table, you must take into account the following criteria:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • ease of processing;
  • moisture resistance;
  • beauty and attractiveness;
  • compatibility with the interior;
  • own capabilities and skills.

You can use the same or different materials for different parts of the table. It all depends on the taste preferences of the owner and the initial project.

For table top

There are the following options for making a round table:

  1. Wood. An array of pine, oak, beech and ash is used. The raw material is easily amenable to all types of processing and has a presentable appearance. Finished products fit organically into any interior, both indoors and outdoors. The downside is that wood is susceptible to dampness, insects and mechanical damage.
  2. Chipboard. For manufacturing, it is better to take laminated boards, which are durable and affordable. The disadvantage of ready-made tables is the loose structure of the material, in which screws do not hold well.
  3. Monolithic polycarbonate. The material is beautiful, very strong, but easily scratches and melts from contact with hot objects.
  4. Plywood. A round plywood table is made of waterproof material with a thickness of at least 16 mm. The slabs are durable, with a beautiful surface, but are sensitive to moisture.
  5. Metal. A strong base that is resistant to all types of impact. The downside is that working with stainless steel requires special tools and professional skills.

For the top of a round table, it is advisable to choose materials that will fit well into the decor. So, glass, chipboard and solid wood are suitable for the kitchen. When making a table for a gazebo, it is better to choose plastic or metal. Such products will withstand changes in humidity and temperature without consequences. We should not forget about the aesthetic side of the issue. When putting practicality and durability first, it's easy to lose out on design. However, here you can find a middle ground using various surface decor options.



Monolithic polycarbonate



For the base

The best choice for a round table is metal, which is almost impossible to damage. Depending on the place where the round table will be installed, the choice is made among the following materials:

  1. Profile pipe. Products made of black, galvanized, stainless steel or aluminum are used.
  2. Corrugated fittings. Inexpensive and durable raw materials that must be regularly cleaned and treated against corrosion.
  3. Water pipes. The advantage is that you can use ready-made shaped parts to connect them.

The next strongest ones will be solid wood with a cross-section of 20 mm and chipboard with a thickness of at least 12 mm. It is better to connect the panels with bolts, nuts and wide washers. Self-tapping screws do not provide a sufficient safety margin. Plywood should be abandoned, as it bends even under light loads. The exception is light coffee tables that do not experience heavy loads.

As for the base for a round table, strength should come first, and convenience and presentability should come second.

Profile pipe

Corrugated fittings

Water pipes

Solid wood


Briefly about the main thing

The round table is a wonderful design. It’s comfortable for two or ten people to sit behind it; it fits perfectly into any interior and doesn’t attract too much attention.

In addition, a round table is easy to make yourself. It is enough to turn the parts according to the drawing and connect them together. However, I want to note that it is unlikely that it will be possible to assemble a beautiful and interesting table from leftover materials. It is better to buy materials specifically for it and assemble a beautiful, durable thing.


Write in the comments what table shape do you prefer? Do you think you would like a round table or would you be more comfortable at the usual rectangular one?

Tools and Fasteners

To make a round table from wood you will need the following tools:

  • roulette;
  • level;
  • hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • screwdrivers;
  • compass;
  • miter box;
  • Grinder;
  • pencil;
  • clamps.

If you plan to work with metal, then you need to purchase an angle grinder, a welding machine, and electrodes. In addition, a steel disk and iron rods will be useful for assembly.

To make a wooden round table with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • steel corners;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • 20 mm boards with selected edges;
  • timber 50 x 50 mm;
  • wood glue;
  • furniture varnish;
  • stain;
  • edge tape;
  • acrylic paint;
  • antiseptic.

When drilling and grinding, it is advisable to use a gauze bandage and safety glasses. To ensure the safety of making a round wooden table, you need to purchase powder and foam fire extinguishers in advance, which can be used to put out fires if they arise during work.

Determining dimensions and preparing a drawing

The beginning of making a round table with your own hands is to determine its dimensions and configuration. The strength, stability, and practicality of the product depend on the correctness of the calculations. The basis for calculations are the following criteria:

  • total area of ​​the room;
  • the presence of other furniture and its installation location;
  • purpose of the item;
  • height of legs;
  • configuration;
  • optimal size to meet the assigned tasks.

You need to think about it so that even on the most beautiful round table you can easily arrange a set of dishes for the whole family. In this case, it is advisable to provide a reserve for 1–2 guests.

After this, design documentation is prepared, where dimensions, hole diameters, and distances between parts are drawn. Detailed detailing will allow you to complete the work with a high degree of accuracy. Drawings can be made both on paper and on a computer. The choice is determined by individual skills and experience in carrying out such work.

Creative ideas

To make housing more original and attractive, non-standard approaches to furniture manufacturing are used. You can use one of the following ideas:

  1. The bottoms are made of boards from giant decommissioned barrels. The available inscriptions only emphasize the interesting history of the product. The lower edges of the tables can be equipped with thresholds made of iron brackets or chopped firewood.
  2. Large diameter trunk cuts. Their edges may be rounded or remain with bark. Wild wood looks very good in gazebos, verandas and hallways of country houses.
  3. Coils from the power cable. The products are comfortable, large, stable. They only need finishing. Service inscriptions add originality.
  4. Solid wood with carvings. The depressions made are filled with epoxy glue. It looks very unusual.

A round table helps create an atmosphere of intimacy in the home. And if it is made with your own hands, it will definitely become loved by all family members. Exclusive design will help give the room individuality and unique style.

Wood or plastic?

The choice of materials for a homemade table is determined by their availability and appearance. Particular attention is paid to the tabletop. It can be made from the following materials:

  • tree .
    The most spectacular, but also expensive, option is solid wood. Such tables have a rich appearance, but the overall design is heavy. A cheaper option is shields assembled from boards. They can be tightly fitted to each other, imitating a monolith, or they can be laid with a gap - a lightweight country table;
  • wood-shaving and wood-fiber materials . Chipboard, MDF, and plywood are widely used. They are technologically advanced, but have a reduced service life;
  • plastic _ Plastic sheets can be selected in different colors. Their advantage is low cost, light weight;
  • glass . Glass countertops have become fashionable and are in demand for modern interior styles. The main disadvantage is the complexity of manufacturing.

In addition to the tabletop, the table must stand securely on legs. For their manufacture, wooden beams are most often used.

Tip : you can also use a metal profile for them; in particular, an aluminum flat pipe, corner or U-shaped profile looks modern.

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