Aquarium in interior design. 50 original ideas with photos

A person feels comfortable in a warm and cozy living space. Various decorative elements add to its attractiveness. We’ll tell you how you can decorate an aquarium in the interior of a hallway, living room, bedroom, kitchen, how to choose the right shape, and where it’s best to place a water tank. After reading the article, everyone will understand what great opportunities the presence of an artificial reservoir opens up in a city apartment or private house.

Aquarium as a partition Source

Aquarium in the kitchen

Placing an aquarium in the kitchen is a very original solution. Do you want to bring a creative idea to life? Choose a table with an aquarium underneath. You can easily feed the fish with the press of a button.

An aquarium as an apron is an unusual solution that will become the highlight of the kitchen.

If the kitchen is large, then it is worth considering the option of an aquarium built into the kitchen cabinet in which dishes are stored. In a large cabinet there is a space in the middle in which the aquarium is placed. It will also be unusual to see an aquarium built into the bar area.

Of course, the most convenient and practical option is a small mobile aquarium that can be placed in any desired location.

Features of choice

The range of finished products is very large. There are tanks on sale that can be placed on a table or placed on special shelves, there are wall-mounted models, bowls that can be easily built into a furniture set. By choosing them, you can significantly save room space. This is true for small apartments.

Small aquarium in the interior Source

Experts warn that it is better to give preference to simple glass structures. They are easier to care for, easier to create conditions for a comfortable habitat for fish and the growth of a green world. As the tank is used, contaminants are constantly generated. They will have to be cleaned periodically. The shape of the aquarium should not interfere with this. There are other nuances that must be taken into account:

  1. Larger aquariums are easier to care for than smaller tanks. Beginners don't know this.
  2. Wide containers are more stable. They have a good horizontal base, a large area, which helps eliminate conflicts among the inhabitants of the aquarium, who usually fight with each other for territory if there is not enough of it.
  3. Standard rectangular models do not distort reality, which means they fit better into an existing interior. If a complex room design is created, a style is chosen that excludes the presence of straight lines and sharp corners, the shape is selected for a specific setting, and sometimes exclusive models are created that exist in one design.

Aquariums of unusual shape Source
If you need an imitation of an aquarium in the interior, you don’t have to buy a container and create an underwater world inside it. There are products on sale that only superficially resemble an artificial pond, but at the same time perform a completely different function (the function of a lamp, for example). They do not need to be looked after, cleaned or changed water. But the illusion of deception turns out to be very impressionable.

The volume of the tank for the aquarium is calculated taking into account the number of living inhabitants who will then live inside it. For one fish, 2.5 cm in size, you need nine liters of water. If living algae live inside, it is better to increase the volume. We need space for additional decor. Stones and broken amphorae also need to be placed somewhere.

In order for living organisms to coexist normally, certain conditions will have to be maintained. It is important that the temperature of the water inside the aquarium is always stable (+22, +26 ºС), that its density is 1.02-1.05 g/cube, and that the salinity is at least 30%. The fish must be able to move freely inside; for this, pumps will have to constantly create the effect of a filling flow.

Flow pumps for aquariums Source

See also: Catalog of house projects for a narrow plot

Proper lighting is organized using several lighting fixtures. Ultraviolet emitters and ozonizers maintain a favorable habitat. Purchasing special equipment is a prerequisite for maintaining an aquarium.

Some designers, taking into account the wishes of their customers, create an underwater kingdom without inhabitants. This eliminates the need to care for pets. In this case, the aquarium becomes only part of the overall decor of the room. It is filled with artificial plants and complex figures. Inside such a reservoir you can create reefs and grottoes, and plant bright plants. But they also need to be looked after. Therefore, in any case, an artificial pond is a decor that will have to be paid attention to.

Artificial pond with non-living plants Source

Aquarium over the bed

An aquarium can replace the headboard of your bed. You will fall asleep and wake up with the fish. The dimensions of the aquarium vary according to your preferences. If a large aquarium is too much for you, then you can put a smaller aquarium.

A very creative option is an aquarium of a non-standard shape. It can be located not only above the headboard, but also above the head. You will literally be immersed in the sea element.

Interior partition

Sometimes an aquarium is installed for the purpose of zoning space. Instead of a boring ordinary partition, an amazing, ever-changing underwater landscape with mysterious lighting appears. This idea is especially good for open-plan rooms. Transparent glass does not darken the room, adds light and air to it, but at the same time allows you to isolate yourself and get the necessary privacy.

You can enjoy the beauty of this aquarium from both rooms that it separates.

An aquarium can divide a room in an original way, becoming an interesting design solution, but you need to remember a few rules:

  1. Too much bright sun can stress aquatic life and lead to their death.
  2. The stand for the container should be strong and easily support the weight of the aquarium.
  3. The container is placed so that it can be viewed from all sides.
  4. For easy cleaning, the space around the aquarium is left free.

A large aquarium can be built into a wooden cabinet

Or place it in an open arch

It is good to use a glass container to differentiate between the living and dining areas, the kitchen dining area and the work area. The filling of the aquarium should be harmoniously combined with the decoration of the room. To use the space most ergonomically, things are stored under the aquarium.

See alsoModern style in the interior of a modern house

Built-in Aquarium

If you are looking for a creative solution, then you will like an unusual aquarium built into the furniture. This could be a cabinet where tanks with water and fish are installed in a special niche.

The grandfather clock combined with an aquarium looks gorgeous. Here is another non-standard idea that will become a very effective accent in the interior of your room!

An unusual solution is to combine a musical instrument and an aquarium with fish.

The meeting of two elements: fire and water

The imagination of designers knows no bounds. It would seem that there is enough space in the house to install an aquarium. But they suggested a fireplace. Why? It turns out that the combination of imitation fire on logs and the beautiful water world becomes extremely effective. Those who decide to combine an aquarium with a fireplace will have a lot of work ahead of them.

Chic aquarium around the fireplace in the living room

It will be easier to combine an aquarium with a fireplace if the latter is an imitation and not a real hearth

The process will turn out to be quite labor-intensive; you need to correlate the electrics of the fireplace and the aquarium so that they do not intersect, and try to ensure that in the event of a leak, a short circuit does not occur. But when all the issues are resolved and the two elements - fire and water - are on the same plane, the impression will be amazing. Now you can not only admire the dance of the flame, but also watch the movement of beautiful fish and vibrant flora.

See also: History of country style

Basic Aqua Design Styles

Aqua style is a new trend that is gaining momentum in popularity. But it is already possible to identify the main styles of this direction.


This style uses a large amount of different vegetation in its design and is therefore called “Herbalism”.

Iwagumi - Japanese rock garden

This style involves decorating an aquarium from stones of various sizes and shapes.


This is a moderate style. Algae, driftwood, and stones are used to decorate the aquarium.


This style “recreates” the seabed. Stones, driftwood, various seaweeds and decorative elements such as ships, castles, etc. are used for decoration.

Remember that aquarium design is divided into two categories: natural and artificial themes.

If you decide to decorate your interior with an aquarium, then remember, it is very important to pay attention to the creation of microflora, then it will not require painstaking care!

Original: drink coffee and look at fish

The modern interior is dynamic and interesting. A coffee table with a built-in aquarium is something new and original. It can be of any size - for small and spacious rooms. The table will become the highlight of the interior, certainly attracting attention, especially since, thanks to the imagination of designers, it can take on various shapes: square, rectangular, oval.

The tabletop of the aquarium table should be made of glass

Beautiful table in the form of a round aquarium

Tempered glass is usually chosen as the material for the tabletop; it is durable and can be easily removed for maintenance. A technological hole is provided for feeding the fish. Additional equipment is placed in the table frame and bottom relief. It's nice to sit and have a friendly conversation, put a cup of coffee on the glass and watch the colorful living inhabitants of the aquarium, the play of light and shadow in the water. Decorative elements: boats, pebbles, grottoes make the underwater landscape especially attractive; the design of a room with an aquarium is always advantageous. For the coffee table choose unpretentious guppies, neons, cockerels and goldfish. They will not fulfill your wish, but they will definitely become an adornment of a small water kingdom.

See alsoWenge color in classic and modern interiors

Aquarium in the interior. Photo

Aquarium equipment

Before you buy an aquarium cabinet, evaluate its functionality. This can be an open or closed cabinet. The latter offers an excellent opportunity to hide aquarium equipment and accessories inside. Stylishly designed doors can give the cabinet a more attractive exterior.

Most aquarium cabinets require special holes in their back wall for wires, hoses, etc. This is very convenient for connecting aquarium equipment. If the cabinet you like doesn’t have them, don’t worry, you can make them yourself or with the help of a specialist.

Choosing the right cabinet for an aquarium, taking into account its functional and aesthetic purpose, is not as difficult as it seems. With this, you can not only organize a place for your pets to live, but also, by incorporating this piece of furniture into the cozy interior of your room in an original way, you can pleasantly embellish it.

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