Making beautiful and practical curtain rods with your own hands

We make a cornice with our own hands according to the instructions (34 photos)

There are many types of curtain rods on sale for decorating window and door openings with curtains, but many homeowners want to have something original in their interior, different from consumer goods. Or the status of the room does not impose any special requirements on the interior, and there is no need to spend money on an industrially manufactured accessory - you can build something from available means.

Examples of placing curtains on homemade devices

Let's consider several options on how you can make a cornice with your own hands, depending on a particular situation.

Color range of interior curtains

A large number of colors can complement the chosen style, complement the palette or make the curtain a bright accent. A small or irregularly shaped doorway can be decorated with canvases of muted shades that do not stand out from the overall scheme of the room.

Advantages of wooden cornices

Wooden cornices have been decorating various rooms for many centuries. Models made from valuable wood species are especially valued. The main and most undeniable advantage of such products is their unique appearance, which is difficult to replicate with other materials. The unique natural shade and texture are the components that attract most people.

In addition to this, wooden curtain holders have many positive features:

  1. High performance characteristics. Such fastenings for textiles can serve their owner for a long time without loss of quality and decorative properties.
  2. The ability to withstand heavy loads, which is valuable for interior decoration with heavy curtains. Due to its durability, it will be possible to decorate a room with several textile options at once, skillfully combining fabrics of different densities.
  3. Versatility. Wood products look great in a room of any stylistic orientation; you just need to choose the right design for the fixture itself.
  4. Complete environmental friendliness, which is most important in the era of everything unnatural.
  5. Multifunctionality. Wooden cornices not only play the role of a holding device, but also become a decorative component of the interior in themselves.
  6. Easy to install, as the design does not feature intricate systems.

It is worth mentioning the high cost of products made from natural wood. But it is fully paid for by the qualities that the buyer receives in the end.

The best manufacturers

To be sure that you are buying not only a beautiful, but also a high-quality cornice, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. The best models are made:

  • Cessot is a French brand that produces products from environmentally friendly, high-quality materials.
  • DecorHome is one of the largest manufacturers in Russia. If desired, the buyer can make an individual order (with ornaments, for painting).
  • Olexdeco is a manufacturer that works only with high-quality materials. The company offers a wide selection of original cornices at an affordable price.
  • Legrand, in addition to curtain rods, has launched the production of sun protection systems for windows. All products are of high quality, attractive design and low prices.

The range of curtain rods from various manufacturers is more than wide.

What do masters need to know?

Creating a cornice on your own is not an easy task, requiring careful preparation, attentiveness and accuracy from the master. It is recommended to preview various videos and master classes to get an idea of ​​the work ahead.

Then you need to decide on the choice of a suitable cornice. They come in several types. Let's look at the most popular options:

  • Plastic. Good and inexpensive material. Suitable for heavy and massive curtains;
  • Wooden. Standard round wooden cornice. A classic and versatile option. Used in any interior and in combination with all types of curtains;
  • Multi-row. Such a cornice will be required if the owners plan to hang several curtains (in 2-3 rows);
  • Metal. The heaviest type of cornices. Forged products not only hold curtains securely, but also act as interior decoration.

Each owner decides for himself which option to give preference to. Please note that making metal products yourself is extremely difficult. Therefore, it is better to create a cornice from plastic pipes or wood.

Let's look at examples of several simple models that almost every home craftsman can make.

Work order

All of the above options for curtain hangers will be assembled in approximately the same order. Therefore, below we present a general order of work for everyone, which, with minor differences, may be suitable for any option.

  • First, the window opening is measured. The assembled structure should be 30-50 centimeters wider than the window. This size allows you to completely darken the room by covering the window with thick curtains.
  • According to the obtained size, blanks for the guides on which the curtains will be hung are cut.
  • Fasteners for the guides are being prepared. In the case of a wooden or steel round rod, it can be a wooden piece, with a hole for the rod and another hole through which it will be attached to the wall, or a simple metal corner of a suitable size. For string systems, it is necessary to prepare steel angles, two for each string. The tire is attached with dowels or screws directly to the ceiling.

Door curtain options

From the wide variety of decorative curtains for the doorway, you can choose any that will complement the chosen style.


Decorating openings in a dressing room or storage room is possible with wooden curtains. Horizontal curtains can be hung on a door with a transparent insert, while vertical curtains will make the living room more comfortable.


This is one of the types of decorative curtains that can be knitted by hand. For this you will need threads and your imagination. You definitely won’t find any other curtains like this.


Curtains made of beads will add romance to the space. They can be made in soothing colors or be an accent due to bright details. Large beads can be diluted with beads. This is an exotic way to decorate your interior space.


Such curtains hide transparent inserts on the doors. X-shaped curtains are attached to 2 horizontal slats at the top and bottom of the door. At the same time, the fabric remains taut. To give it an hourglass shape, it is tightened in the center with a decorative grip.


Thread curtains are a decorative partition that can be used instead of curtains on a cornice. Air curtains have high light and air permeability. Shades can be selected to match any color combination in the room.

Straw rings

Inexpensive and practical, lightweight hoop curtains can be hung on doors or between rooms that don't need to be covered. For example, this could be the transition from the hallway to the living room.

Hollow bamboo

Decorative curtains made of bamboo are suitable for rooms where natural materials are used. If you select curtains taking into account the direction, it can be ecological, African or Japanese style.

With cornice

The cornice can be mounted on the wall or under the ceiling. This method of decorating rooms is often used. Ceiling pendants will make the room look higher, and the tubular cornice can be decorated to suit any style using decorative finials.

Smooth metal

Decorative curtains made of smooth metal can be hung to complement a stylish and formal interior. Curtains can be made of spherical or tubular components. There are designs made of plates.

Bright plastic

Curtains made of bright plastic can be hung in a gazebo or children's room. A decorative design can zone the space in the kitchen. The advantages of such a curtain include moisture resistance and a large number of colors.

Knitting and weaving

You can hang one knitted curtain in the opening. The shape can be in the form of an oval or rectangle framing the opening. It is also possible to combine it with thread curtains or macrame. In this case, the knitted part is located on top, forming a decorative arch or lambrequin. Most often, floral and plant motifs are used to drape a doorway.

Semiprecious stones

Hanging shiny threads of curtains can be decorated with jasper, malachite, carnelian or rock crystal.

How to make a curtain rod with your own hands: step-by-step instructions describing the process

There are several ways to produce a product. Before starting work, you need to choose the type of structure.

  • Decorative strip.

Model for string cornice. It increases the attractiveness of the design.

Chipboard cornice

For production you will need:

  • a circular saw;
  • chipboard sheets;
  • steel corners;
  • screwdriver


  1. A strip 15 cm wide is cut out of a sheet of chipboard. The length depends on the dimensions of the window.
  2. The element is coated with paint and varnish. You can glue decorations - patterns, leaves, etc. It all depends on the overall design.
  3. Make markings on the ceiling for steel corners. They should be positioned with birch strings so that the bar disguises the product. Drill holes. Self-tapping screws are inserted into the holes formed.
  4. Steel corners are screwed to the bar.
  5. Fix the structure to the ceiling. Install it on self-tapping screws. Shift it so that the parts fit along the grooves.

The decorative strip can be used not only for string, but also for any cornice that needs to be decorated.

  • Construction made of metal pipes for wall mounting.

This system looks attractive and can withstand even heavy curtains. To make a cornice, you will need pipes with a diameter of 19, 25 mm, and a 12 mm rod.

Cornice made of metal pipes


  1. Cut the required length of pipes. It depends on the size of the window.
  2. They make holders for the structure. To do this, the rod is cut into 3 parts. The length of each is 25 cm. At a distance of 1.5 cm from the edge, a groove with a diameter of 26-27 mm is made in the element so that a large pipe can easily pass into it. After 8 cm from the first hole, a second one is formed. Diameter – 20-21 cm. This groove is intended for a smaller pipe. Each element is sanded, dusted, coated with a primer and paint.
  3. Markings are made on the wall for three holders. Two should be installed on the sides of the window, the third in the middle.
  4. Drill holes. Brackets are inserted into them. To ensure the reliability of the product, they are sealed with putty.
  5. The pipes are inserted into the grooves.
  6. Install plugs. You can use elements from an old device or purchase round door handles of a suitable size.

Paper clips

The easiest way to decorate an opening is with hanging curtains made from paper clips. To do this you will need paper clips of different colors. They can be assembled into identical stripes or form an arched passage. The function of a cornice can be performed by a wooden beam. You can screw self-tapping screws into it and secure ribbons of paper clips.


A decorative curtain made from CDs can be hung in a large interior opening. Such curtains will complement the high-tech style. To assemble tapes from disks, you need to drill 2 holes at the top and bottom. The discs are connected with transparent fishing line or thin wire.

Wine corks

If you have been collecting wine corks, now they can become a bright accent in the room. To assemble the curtains, pierce the corks lengthwise and pass the fishing line through them. You can dilute the monochrome of the decorative design by using beads in rich tones.

Assembling the cornice

Do-it-yourself curtain rods made of wood are assembled according to the following principle.

The cornice is assembled only after all previous steps have been completed. A fastening bar must be inserted into the rings, and it must be attached to them using glue. After the glue has completely dried, it is necessary to cut off the part of the timber that will protrude inside the ring. After this, the rings are put on the guide. The first must also be attached with glue so that the cornice does not “walk.” Next comes the turn of stringing rings to hang the curtains. The finished structure is attached to pre-installed hubs. For a reliable connection, a large amount of glue is also used to coat the parts.

Features of choice

When choosing a cornice, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  • Its shade should be harmoniously combined with furniture, wall decoration and curtain color. To emphasize interesting curtains, it is allowed to use a contrasting cornice.
  • Light-colored products are appropriate in small rooms. In a large one, you can hang massive cornices, decorated with carvings, forging or decorated with metal parts.
  • In order for the curtains to protect the room from the penetration of cold air from the street, it is worth choosing rounded models that have an original appearance.
  • Carved cornices and curtains must match each other. Having chosen a massive composition made of dense, heavy fabric, you need to choose a large curtain. And vice versa.

When choosing, keep in mind that the curtains with the cornice should be harmoniously combined.

Decorating doorways

Curtains made from bamboo tubes, threads, curtains with a cornice or on a door leaf can complement the interior of the room. This will add charm and elegance to the space.

Decorative curtains hiding the doorway zone the space, separating one area from another. Curtains in the doorway make the space cozier and complement the chosen room design. You can make some types of curtains yourself using available materials. This could be macrame, curtains made from paper clips or CDs.

How to make a product special

Using wallpaper and paint, you can achieve a variety of decorative effects and make the most ordinary design original and beautiful. This hand-made cornice will harmonize perfectly

with the decoration of the room. There can be many decor options. The simplest is to paint the product in the color of the walls or curtains. Interesting color effects can be obtained when applying paint with a rag swab or sponge. You can also use special adhesive paints of several colors.

The cornice can be decorated with stripes or left plain and individual elements painted: fleurons, brackets or rings. An original product will be obtained by covering the bar with wallpaper that harmonizes with the curtains. Drawing lovers can cover the design with hand painting

. It is very important to choose the right paints. Vinyl or silk emulsions and water-based compositions are suitable for wooden cornices. For metal rods, it is best to use enamel, spray or special metal paint. The finished decor is varnished.

Even a novice home craftsman can make a cornice with his own hands. Accuracy and patience will help you make a good, practical thing. And if you show your imagination and decorate your product in an original way, you will get an exclusive masterpiece. You can come up with the design of the cornice yourself, but it is better to look for interesting decor ideas and choose the best. A lot of interesting design solutions are collected on the WESTWING website; it’s definitely worth a look. Develop a project for an original cornice

and bring your idea to life. Your home should be the most beautiful, make it that way!


Designing, creating and installing a homemade cornice is a labor-intensive process, but if all the rules are followed, the result of the work will exceed all expectations. Not every owner can boast of an original product in the decor of their home, so such touches are always highly valued.

Designers remind us that we shouldn’t focus only on the functional side of the issue. Thanks to the abundance of fittings, even the simplest product can be decorated in accordance with the basic style of the room and emphasize its uniqueness.

As for Japanese panel curtains, it is better to trust the craftsmen, especially since in the light of growing competition the cost of such work is no longer so high.

What is required for assembly

In order to assemble a cornice specifically for Roman blinds with your own hands, you will need the following set of materials and tools:

  • You will need a board with a width of 4 cm and a thickness of at least 2 cm. As for the length, it must correspond to the selected width of the curtain. However, if we are talking about mounting inside a window opening, then it is better to take a board that is narrower and thinner.
  • You need a piece of fabric that will match the color of the curtain or its lining. The width of the piece of fabric should be enough to wrap the cornice + 2.5 cm. The length should be equal to the length of the board + 7.5 cm.
  • To attach the cornice to the wall, you must have metal corners.

No drapery

The basic principle of the modern method of window design “minimalism” is the absence of folds and gathers. Curtains with loops (patches), which are made from ribbons, braid in a contrasting color or from curtain fabric, look stylish. It doesn't need hooks. The loops can be fastened with buttons, snaps, Velcro, or tied with bows on the curtain rod. If it can be easily removed, the patches can be sewn without unfastening. You should first check how easily the fabric will move along the cornice. The width of the fabric for it should be 1.5 times larger than the window opening. The side sections are processed as stated above, the corner joints are sewn together with a hidden seam. The simplest option is to sew curtains on “blind” loops. Their width and length are chosen arbitrarily. The required allowance is 2 cm. The number of loops is calculated based on the fact that the distance between them should be 2 times their width. The strips for them are folded lengthwise with the right side inward, stitched, turned inside out, ironed and pinned to the top edge of the main fabric turned 2 cm. After this, the loops are adjusted with some kind of braid or fabric facing.

Wood Curtain Styles

Advances in modern technology make it possible to use natural wood, creating products from it in various colors and shades, ranging from natural tones to black and white, with different colors used in different styles.

In eco and minimalist style, light shades of wood look beautiful and are used in small, low rooms.

Baroque, Empire, and classic styles are a lot of luxury and wealth and are made in dark colors and are used in pompous, elite places.

Scandinavian does not have a specific color scheme, and depends on the design of the room, but preference is given to white tones.

Italian curtains in red shades of wood, carved inserts for curtains, intricate patterns.

Important! Curtain rods with a sharp contrasting color in relation to the curtains and decoration of the room are not recommended, but a slight difference in shades is acceptable.

Set of wooden curtains

  • rods 1 -3 pcs;
  • brackets;
  • a set of parts for fastening curtains (hooks, rings, eyelets, clips);
  • decorative tips, fleurons.

Taking into account all the nuances when purchasing wooden products, the interior of the room will acquire a unique, individual design. We could have stopped there.

But you can make wooden curtains for curtains with your own hands.

Accessories and decorative elements

Wooden cornices consist of:

  • rods (depending on the model, there may be several, for example, in a double-row – two);
  • brackets;
  • tips for decoration;
  • parts intended for fastening curtains (hooks, clips, rings, eyelets).

Some models may have fleurons - decorative tips attached to a baguette or wooden rod. They can be of any shape (round, pointed, quadrangular).

Some models may have fleurons - decorative tips of various shapes.

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