Types of curtain rods and methods of installing them on the wall

Comfort in a living space is created by a harmonious selection of furniture, the color of the walls, and beautiful curtains in the window openings. Properly selected curtains and cornices play a paramount role in creating an interior.

The cornice should emphasize the beauty of the curtains and complement the interior of the room

Curtains are curtains used to decorate windows (doors). Many modern designers use them because of the possibility of functional use. Design features of curtains - the weight and design of the curtains, which are taken into account when choosing and attaching the curtain rod.

When deciding how to hang a curtain on the wall, to match the interior of the room, textile curtains, you need to choose the appropriate type of curtain rod:

  • round;
  • baguette;
  • string;
  • profile;
  • rail.

Round cornice

Baguette cornice

String cornice

Profile cornice

Rail cornice

Telescopic cornice
Curtains are attached in different ways: to the ceiling/to the wall. Nowadays, suspended ceilings are in fashion, so the most popular technique is installing curtains on the wall.

How to choose the right one

To answer the question “how to properly hang a curtain over a window?”, you first need to determine the way in which all the elements of the future integral structure will be installed.

  • First, you need to learn about fastening methods. This depends on the density and strength of the base on which the future cornice will hang - the wall should not be too thin, otherwise the cornice may fall off and fall to the floor along with a rather large piece of the wall, forming a hole in the surface that will be difficult to repair.
  • Secondly, you need to determine the load that will be constantly on the cornice - the smaller it is, the lighter the structure should be.
  • Thirdly, you need to pay attention to the material from which the cornice is made. In addition to the appearance (which should serve as a separate decoration for the room), you need to remember again about the load - a light plastic cornice will not withstand dense tapestries, and therefore the material must be chosen depending on the weight of the future curtains.
  • Fourthly, it is important to remember about the control of the cornice, since in the case when it has an electric drive in its design, it must be installed completely differently from ordinary cornices.

Do not forget about safety precautions when attaching curtain rods.

Design selection

The right choice of design is a very important point that simply cannot be left to chance unless you want to ruin the appearance of the room completely and irrevocably. The cornice and curtains should match the interior of the room in color and, preferably, material:

The range of curtain rods from various manufacturers is more than wide.

The cornice should be chosen to match the color of various furniture elements, for example, a coffee table or cabinet. You can also refer to the color of small decorative details on furniture - sofa legs, sofa or cabinet decorations (the color of cabinet or chest of drawers handles, for example, will look good on the cornice).

Round cornices make rooms more comfortable.

In this way, an atmosphere of harmony and comfort will be created in the room, which will be visible in the entire design of the room.

In the dining area it is appropriate to hang minimalist curtains and tulle.

It is better to choose curtains so that their color matches the main colors of the furniture in the room - the sofa and the closet. For example, if the upholstery of the sofa and armchairs is gray, then you can choose a steel color, deep blue for the curtains, so that everything together looks beautiful and harmonious, as one whole.

The tire cornice is more invisible, so it is easier to use in the interior.

Size selection

Size is also important when choosing suitable curtain and cornice models. To figure out exactly how long the curtain rod should be, you first need to decide where to attach it.

Curtain rods can enhance the beauty of curtains.

Often, curtains are simply attached to the wall as an element of room interior decor, and for this purpose there is no need to choose a cornice model that is too long.

The installation height of the cornice above the window should be taken into account taking into account the aesthetic component.

It is worth examining the walls of the room and choosing the most suitable place for beautiful curtains. Then measure the required length of the curtain rod and buy a suitable option, on which you can then hang the curtains.

Curtain rods have a wide range of materials used for their manufacture.

It is also important not to forget about the size of the curtains themselves - their length and width. If you want to cover a decent part of the wall with fabric, you can choose a length so that it reaches the floor, but usually the curtain hanging on the wall is made half as long as the one that covers the windows.

Ceiling cornices are convenient because they are invisible in the interior, therefore they are suitable for modern design.

Cornice material

Several types of material are used to make cornices. All options are attractive in their own way, although debate about which one is better has not subsided since the first copies appeared. The choice of one type or another is the prerogative of the owner; it is made according to his own considerations and taste preferences. However, it is recommended to strive for maximum harmony of the interior of the room with the appearance of the cornice. It should be remembered that this element is always visible, so compliance with the overall style of the room should be ensured. Let's look at what types of curtain rods there are.


Plastic curtain rods appeared relatively recently, but quickly gained recognition and high praise from users. They are beautiful and cheap, do not have extra weight and are not prone to corrosion or warping like metal or wooden samples. The material allows you to create different design options, from flat tires to attractive and elegant baguette strips. There is a wide selection of colors, decor and composition of plastic curtain rods. The only drawback is their relatively low strength, so it is better not to hang heavy curtains on them.

How to properly hang a curtain on a wall (above a window and not only, + what fastenings are needed)

Answering the question “how to hang a curtain on a wall?”, it is worth providing the following instructions with preparatory steps before installing the curtain rod:

  1. Select a mounting location.
  2. Calculate the length of the cornice (it should protrude 30-50 centimeters beyond the window opening).
  3. Calculate the number of holders.
  4. Calculate the length of the curtains.
  5. Calculate the distance from the cornice to the ceiling (from 2 to 10 centimeters or mount directly under the ceiling).

The structure must be installed in accordance with the recommendations.
To assemble the structure into a product ready for installation, you need to prepare the following tools:

  1. Ruler.
  2. Roulette.
  3. Pencil.
  4. Screws.
  5. Dowels.

Prepare all tools and materials.
You need to start measuring everything from the center of the window - this is the starting point.

Final installation of the curtain

After marking and drilling the holes, we install the cornice on the ceiling. To do this, we apply it to the ceiling and mark the place where the central fastener is fixed. After that, we drill a hole, drive in a dowel, attach the fasteners and screw it in with a screw. Then we align the curtain with respect to the wall and fix the remaining fasteners. We finish our work by hanging curtains. If the ceiling surface is wooden, then the curtains are fastened using self-tapping screws.

Ceiling cornice parts

Fastening curtains

Before carrying out all the work, you need to know exactly how to hang a curtain, and in particular be confident in your knowledge regarding the question of how to properly hang a curtain over a window.

Having decided where the cornice will hang, you can begin installation.

In general, all this is quite easy, you just need to follow the instructions below:

  1. Assemble the structure by placing a curtain on the curtain rod with rings/eyelets/hooks/curtain tape.
  2. From the center of the wall or window, lay equal sections on both sides; brackets will be attached to their ends.
  3. Drill holes in the places for the brackets.
  4. Drive dowels or wooden plugs into the holes with self-tapping screws screwed into them in advance.
  5. Hang the brackets on dowels or plugs with self-tapping screws and secure them.
  6. Install the cornice.
  7. Check the appearance of the structure from afar.
  8. Secure the cornice.

Heavy cornices have brackets for fastening with screws or anchors, depending on the wall material.


When choosing the color of the cornice, you need to focus on the color scheme of the furniture. The following rules must be adhered to:

  • light wood cornices are suitable for small rooms decorated in minimalist styles;
  • interiors in Empire, Baroque and Classic styles “require” spectacular dark-colored cornices;
  • the color of the structure does not have to repeat the shades of the furniture, the main thing is to combine (but not merge!) with the tone of the walls and curtains;
  • the fastenings (holders) of the cornice should not contrast with its color.

Important! Particular care should be taken when choosing colors for so-called ethnic styles.

The Scandinavian color corresponds to white, the African color corresponds to black, and massive red cornices suit the Italian style of interior design.

How to avoid mistakes

What mistakes can you make when installing a cornice and hanging curtains on it? First of all, you can make a mistake with the choice of materials: the cornice may not be strong enough for the selected curtains (for example, plastic will not withstand thick velvet fabric).

It will also be unsuccessful to try to fix a strong, heavy cornice (for example, made of aluminum or wood) on a thin wall, which may even collapse after repair work. A frequent occurrence is errors in calculations, uneven construction of segments, due to which the cornice can be positioned rather crookedly and spoil the entire appearance of the room.

The cornice is an indispensable element of the interior, without which it is impossible to hang curtains.

Curtains hanging on the wall are a new way to decorate a room, give it some unusualness and originality, which is already quite common and continues to gain popularity among people not only due to its beauty, but also due to its ease of implementation at home.

The cornice affects the overall perception of the curtains and the room.

Types of cornices and their features

There are different designs of curtain rods. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages. Initially, the type of design was determined by the material of manufacture, but the development of technology has practically eliminated the difference and made it possible to manufacture samples of any shape and size. Today, the choice of design is determined by the features of the interior and the structure of the ceiling or walls of the room. Let's look at the types of curtain rods.


Such structures consist of two rigidly fixed brackets, between which a steel wire is stretched. A special feature of these products is the ability to adjust the length to the size of the room with an accuracy of millimeters. Typically, string cornices are attached to the ceiling slab. This somewhat limits their use due to the widespread fashion for suspended or suspended ceilings. The tension force of the string requires a strong and very rigid supporting plane, otherwise it will be deformed or completely destroyed.

The appearance of string cornices leaves much to be desired, so they are usually covered with decorative panels or hidden under the ledge of a suspended ceiling, plasterboard structure or other masking element. The cost of such products is the lowest, they will suit almost any interior, which has made string samples the most common of all alternative varieties.


The catalogs of modern manufacturers contain photographs of wooden cornices, among which there are both the simplest and most sophisticated products. On the goods market you can find the following forms of cornices:

  • round;
  • rectangular;
  • baguettes;
  • fleurons.

Each of the listed models has its own characteristics. Let's look at their pros and cons.

Rail holder installation

This is the one that has sliding rollers in its design. Today there are many such models! They are usually made from three materials: plastic, aluminum, steel.

The former are the best option for light curtains. The latter are indispensable when decorating bay windows. Well, others are good under massive curtains.

Sawing off excess length

Rail holders are sold in standard lengths, but if necessary, they can be shortened with a hacksaw (when cutting the rail, place the flat side up). The kit includes screws, runner brackets, rollers, hooks and stops that prevent the runners and hooks from slipping.

You can mount such a cornice on a wall or ceiling, here are the instructions for each of these options:

Stage numberCeiling installationWall installation
1.Considering the presence of pipes or radiators, we retreat from the wall at least 10-15 cm.The minimum height of the fastenings to the upper edge of the window opening should be at least 5-7 cm.
Drill a hole in the place marked with a pencil for the first bracket. A 6mm drill and dowels will work here.
2.On the eaves itself, every 20 cm we mark with a pencil the locations of future holes for fasteners.Place the bracket on the screws, but do not tighten it.
3.We attach the holder to the ceiling and drill holes. There is no way to do this without an assistant. Mark the location of the second bracket.
4.Installation of the ceiling cornice is carried out using special screws that are included in the kit. But you can replace them with dowels and screws. We insert the rail into the first bracket that is not fully tightened, we substitute the second one in place of the future fastener and, using a building level, we check whether the cornice will hang evenly.
5.We insert rollers, runners, hooks and a limiter into the gutters.We mount the second bracket.
6.Tighten the screws thoroughly.
7.First we insert the rollers, then the runners, then the hooks and finally the limiter.

In the photo you can see the fixing screws that come with the curtain rod

For your information! Profile aluminum cornices, single-row and multi-row, are installed using the same technologies.

Installation of string curtain rods for light curtains

The string of these products is made of polymer cable or steel wire. It imparts lightness, subtlety, and grace to the entire structure, which, in fact, eliminates the need to hang heavy curtains on it. Even if you tighten the string well during installation, it will sag under the weight of massive theater-type curtains.

The string cornice can be installed both on the wall and on the ceiling. The procedure is as follows:

Stage numberActions
1.Having made the markings, we attach the base of the fastening to the ceiling and make marks with a pencil under the screws.
When installing on a wall, above a window, you must first check with a level that the marks are correct.
2.We drill holes, drive in dowels and secure the fastenings with self-tapping screws.
3.We tighten the string using a special tensioning device, which is located on the mount.

String holder

Installation of baguette holder

Absolutely any ceiling curtain holder can be upgraded to a baguette holder. To do this, you just need to attach a ceiling molding to the product, which will serve as an excellent decor that hides all the ugly hooks and fasteners.

The material, color schemes and design of the baguette cornices are impressive. You will certainly find what you need. And the installation will be like this:

Stage numberActions
1.Before installation, we assemble the cornice according to the manufacturer's instructions.
2.On the wall, in correctly measured and marked places for attaching the side brackets, we make holes for dowels.
3.We attach the side parts of the cornice to the wall with brackets. The front strip is screwed with its upper side to the ceiling. You can fix the bar immediately by screwing in the screws every 20 cm.
4.We put hooks on the runners, insert the runners on rollers into the gutters of the cornice, and close the product with plugs on the sides.
5.Installation is complete! You can move on to decorating with baguette.

This is how you can decorate a window beautifully by mounting a baguette-type holder

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