Wall decoration with photographs: design, location, theme, photos in the interior of rooms

Decorating a wall with photographs is one of the original ideas. A gallery with photographs will be a striking addition to the design in a room for any purpose. Also, using this approach, you can remove a visible defect on the wall.

Homemade photos Source youtube.com

Option for using photographs and framed pictures Source rem-stroitelstvo.ru

Photo card design options

There are a variety of designs used for wall decoration.


Picture frames are most often selected taking into account the general style and color palette of the entire room. For decoration, you can choose either frames made in one color or multi-colored frames of varying thicknesses.

For bright walls, lighter and thinner frames for photo cards are perfect, and for neutral walls you can choose dark frames that will create an interesting contrasting accent.

No frames

When placed correctly, frameless photographs create a lively, natural and unusual composition that looks very original. Due to the absence of a frame, such photographs fit perfectly into the decor of the room.

The photo shows a bright wall decorated in the form of color photographs without frames.

Frames are also not used for modular photo paintings or multi-panels, consisting of segments of any shape and size.

Black and white

Retro photographs or photographs in black and white, decorated with classic frames, with a symmetrical or random arrangement on the wall, will undoubtedly become the main element of the interior and bring unique originality to it.


A miniature format of Polaroid film photographs, complemented by a certain phrase or memorable date, will look especially cute on the wall and remind you of pleasant moments.


Using a small card in the shape of a square, you can decorate the wall in a variety of ways, for example, completely covering the surface or creating even rows at the same distance from each other.

Looking for a common idea

Simply taking a dozen pictures you like and posting them on the wall is a fairly common technique. Such a gallery can indeed look harmonious, cute and very family-like. This is often what happens because you subconsciously choose photos with a similar color scheme or idea . This is the most important principle of decorating an apartment with photographs.

All pictures that you decide to place in close proximity to each other should have something in common:

  • subject . For example, family vacation, wedding, travel, flowers, transport - whatever. An interesting idea is photos dedicated to one person growing up or a change in family composition. You can dedicate a home gallery to your child by hanging his photo from first grade to graduation. Young parents will love the idea of ​​combining photos of the baby from ultrasound pictures to the first birthday;
  • color . The simplest example is the use of black and white photographs. These can also be photographs from one photo shoot, which the photographer processed in a common color scheme. Here, in general, it turns out to be 2-in-1: both the general theme and the color;
  • form . It's more complicated here. This principle is more suitable not for ordinary family photographs, but more for subject or landscape photography. For example, all photographs may contain circles or spirals. You'll have to worry about it, but the result will be spectacular.

When thinking about the future composition, do not forget to take into account the type of room and the color scheme in which it is decorated.

How to beautifully decorate a wall?

The most interesting options for wall decoration in the house.

Heart shaped

A photo collage in the shape of a heart transforms and softens the atmosphere, filling it with pleasant sentimental emotions and warmth. This design will be an excellent solution for romantic photos together.

The photo shows small color photographs placed in the shape of a heart on the wall.

On a cork board

A cork board is a very convenient interior item for modern design. Natural textured material, originally decorated with your favorite photo cards, takes on a truly interesting look.

On clothespins

Using photographs and ordinary wooden clothespins or modern bright clothespins, you can create not just decoration, but a unique work of art to decorate an inconspicuous empty wall.

On shelves

Thanks to their mobility, photographs can be placed not only on the wall, but also placed on hanging shelves. Photo frames of various sizes, slightly overlapping each other, will become a very stylish decoration for any room.

The photo shows the interior of a living room with a wall decorated with shelves with photographs on them.

With garland

With the help of such a collage you can significantly refresh and transform the decor of the room. The soft light emanating from the garland will give photographs an unusual appearance and turn them into a real art object in the room.


Photos on a pendant in the form of an ordinary rope, twine or satin ribbon will create a unique and inimitable finished composition and fill the space with brightness and tenderness.

Shaped like a tree

Such a design in the form of a family tree drawn or made from decorative materials with photographs located on each branch will become a kind of decor for the room.

The photo shows a wall with a painted family tree decorated with family photos.

Shaped like a watch

Clock hands, indicating pleasant life moments, will perfectly decorate any room wall and create a bright accent on it.

With letters and inscriptions

Cute inscriptions or voluminous letters allow you to add expressiveness and emotionality to your composition. With this design you can create your own unusual collage.


Three separate photo segments, united by one ideological and storyline, fit perfectly into almost any interior and become its individual decoration, not overloaded with unnecessary details.

Combination of large and small photos

Photo frames of various shapes and sizes with an ordered or chaotic layout can revive and add dynamism to even the most austere and restrained design.

Features of apartment interior design using photographs

Decorating rooms with different pictures is an easy way to create a unique decor. Most often, they are framed - this allows you to arbitrarily change places without fear that the image will be wrinkled or torn. The frame with glass protects the card from fading in the sun.

With the help of various selections you can fill the room with warm memories

The most popular solution is to place photo cards of the same size on the wall. This option is suitable for elements arranged in one row, diagonally, in the form of a square or in a checkerboard pattern. Bright images in contrasting frames are hung on light walls and vice versa.

Before hanging photos, simulate different options and find the most successful solution

Often many small photos are placed around one large one. A little less common are compositions of three to five or more pictures arranged chaotically. It is also possible to stick different photos on one base, creating a collage and placing it under glass in a common frame.

Large photos without frames look very stylish in the interior.

Placement of photos on the wall

Several options for hanging photographs on the wall.

Above the sofa

This arrangement is a traditional stylistic move. The asymmetrical placement of photo frames will become a unique highlight of the room, and the design in the center will add harmony to the space.

The photo shows the living room and the wall above the sofa decorated in the form of black and white photographs.

Above the bed

Photo cards located on the wall above the bed will draw attention to this part of the room. It will look organic here as one large photograph or several.

The photo shows a collage of a triptych depicting nature, located on the wall above the bed in the bedroom interior.

In the corner

For decoration, you can use special corner photo frames that beautifully frame a corner or several photo cards of different sizes, but made in the same style. This way you can create a creative, original and very effective design.

Chaotic order

It represents asymmetry, with which you can safely experiment with the arrangement of photographs. A composition that goes beyond regular geometric shapes allows you to create an original design.

Selecting photographs

Where can I get photos suitable for printing? Yes, everything is simple - there are so many of them on the computer and on the phone of each of us. There are both amateur photographs and professional ones from photo shoots. The latter will be more preferable, since their quality is higher - you can easily print a large photo, and everything is in order with the colors, sharpness and idea. However, the quality of amateur photos has grown greatly recently, as has the culture of photography. Any budget modern smartphone takes photos that can be printed on posters - the resolution will be sufficient. And if your hands grow from the right place, then all the photos for the apartment can be taken on a smartphone. But that's not what we're talking about now.

Photos for printing can be searched not only in the family photo archive:

  • take a look at photo banks , there are tens of thousands of photos collected by theme, color and idea. You can combine one or more of these stock photos with personal ones. For example, you decorate the wall with pictures from your winter vacation. Remember that the human eye is always more interested in looking at diverse shots , but as luck would have it, everywhere you see only you in full view on skis. Look on photo banks for pictures of skis with beautifully flying snow, mountain peaks or icy pine trees. This way you can accurately convey the atmosphere of your vacation, since many details simply do not fall into the lens;
  • The photographs of famous photographers are often so beautiful that, like paintings by artists, you want to look at them and look at them. You can definitely find such photos on the Internet. Why not hang them in your living room?

Photo topics

Thematic photo cards provide an opportunity to bring a certain mood into the environment.

  • Trips.
  • Photo of the baby by month.
  • Family.
  • By event.

The photo shows a themed black and white photo collage in the interior of a nursery for a newborn.

Which is better: color or black and white photographs?

It is difficult to choose one and the best from black and white and color images. Each of these pictures has its own undeniable merits. For example, black and white images do not lose their appearance and brightness for a long time. They remain just as clear. In addition, they have the following positive qualities:

  • convey the essence of the image;
  • hide flaws;
  • draw attention to themselves;
  • black and white photos are intriguing and fascinating;
  • they immerse a person in deeper and more reverent memories.

Options for placing photos in the living room
At the same time, color photographs always look realistic and cheerful. These are the kind of pictures that will bring brightness and fun to your living room interior.

Photos in frames can be arranged as you like

Professionals have noted that the most expressive and realistic images are obtained by non-professional photographers. It is their works that have an original storyline and can carry a huge charge of energy. The best photos for decorating your living room are those taken by chance using a regular camera.

Options for creating photo collages

Ideas for decorating walls in the interior of rooms

Well-chosen photos can fit into the interior of any room, make it truly individual, or even change the perception of space.

Children's room

Photo cards with the image of the child himself, both in strict classical frames and with the most unusual bright frames, are suitable for decorating a nursery. Various decorative experiments and ideas will look very original here, for example, an exhibition of photographs showing the gradual growth of a child, from a toddler to a teenager.

Living room or hall

With the help of narrative or personal photographs in the same style, you can fill the living room with comfort and add special emotionality to the atmosphere.

The photo shows a modern living room with a wall decorated with family photographs.


Photo cards hung on the wall in the kitchen interior will become a stylish and modern decorative decoration that will delight the eye and create a favorable environment for staying in this room.


Photos for bedroom decoration should contain positive and happy moments captured. According to Feng Shui, the ideal option for wall decoration would be family, wedding photographs or photographs filled with love.

Hallway and corridor

Framed photographs will enliven the decor of the hallway, harmoniously complement its image and attract the main attention.

Along the stairs

Using single-style photo frames located approximately on the same line, you can decorate the wall along the stairs. This display will undoubtedly become one of the best decor ideas.


When decorating an office, it is important to maintain a sense of proportion. To create a calm emotional background, several black and white photographs of the same format, placed on one or both sides of the wall, are suitable.

The photo shows the interior of the office and the walls decorated in the form of photographs in black and white.

Basic rules for photo layout

When hanging photographs, place accents correctly. Group photos according to the rules of artistic composition, using classic wall decor layout schemes - and you won’t go wrong!

When designing single photos, it is customary to proceed from the color and texture of the base. The color scheme of full-length photographs, concentrating all attention on themselves, is built either on the principle of contrast or on the principle of harmony. Be sure to make allowances for the functionality and style of the room: bright colors and contrasting combinations are a good choice for a youth living room, but for a bedroom and study it is better to choose a calmer palette. When decorating a nursery, it is recommended to use warm, cheerful colors. Unnatural, flashy shades overstimulate the child’s nervous system and provoke whims and hysterics.

8 photos

Photo: Instagram samjr_dp

For walls with textured finishes, posters in laconic frames are selected.

Photo: Instagram artphotography.gallery

A stylish combination of contrasting and harmonious shades: the work of photographer Martin Osner in a minimalist interior

Photo: Instagram_victoria_dias_

Wall decoration puts you in a businesslike mood

Photo: Instagram yaminahglow

A photographic portrait against a contrasting background gives the model a hypnotic look.

Photo: Instagram fotodepartament

Photo: Instagram just.a.little.treasure

Sepia is the soul of retro style!

Photo: Instagram magazinejedecore

Photo: Instagram tanyazouevphotography

The easiest way to arrange several large photos is in a horizontal row. Vertical placement of photographs looks good only in rooms with high ceilings - three meters or more. The central principle of decor grouping focuses the viewer's attention on the main idea of ​​the composition. Select a central element in the photo selection around which the rest of the photos will be located - right and left, top and bottom, or in a circular direction. More complex schemes are built by combining photographs of different sizes and shapes and rotating rectangular photographs at different angles.

Before you take up the drill, sketch out a rough layout of photographs on paper so that you can make adjustments in a timely manner and avoid making unnecessary holes in the wall.

It is not necessary to turn the largest photograph into the semantic center of the composition: it is not the size that is important, but the exact expression of the thought. Small lyrical sketches framed by several pairs of symmetrical photos in ascending order of size look very impressive.

The asymmetrical arrangement of photographs enhances the notes of spontaneity and ease in interior design. If you want dynamics and pressure, place the largest image at the left or right end of the row, followed by two or three rows of smaller photographs.

10 photos

Photo: Instagram jenndispirito

Classic symmetry inspires a sense of harmony and peace

Photo: Instagram photospillscolages

Photo: Instagram jenndispirito

Changes in altitude give the atmosphere a brisk rhythm

Photo: Instagram kiolo

Photo: Instagram therustynest

Grouping family portraits around a window is an original composition technique

Photo: Instagram suklengogoi

Photo: Instagram marina_fouxman

The center of the composition can be not only a photograph, but also any bright object!

Photo: Instagram fotodepartament

The complex symmetry of the decor of the dining area - the size, shape and color scheme of the photo form a single symphony

Photo: Instagram momplusbusiness

Photo: Instagram jenndispirito

Asymmetrical composition for the bedroom: the empty space above the headboard leaves room for thought

It is advantageous to place photographs in places where the eye most often falls:

  • in the living room above the sofa or between the armchairs;
  • in the office above the desk;
  • in the kitchen in the dining area;
  • on a mantelpiece or chimney;
  • steps above the stairs;
  • in the bedroom above the head of the bed or above the cabinet in the sitting area.

It is recommended to place large-sized photographs at the top of the wall, and miniature photos at the bottom: then it will be more convenient to view them. The optimal location for wall decor is in the line of sight of a seated person - at a height of 1.5 meters above floor level.

To prevent images from merging, maintain a distance between pictures of at least 3–4 cm. If you intend to place a photo collage or a single photo in a sitting area or soft corner, count 30 cm from the headboard and the highest sofa cushion - then the furniture will not obscure the view.

9 photos

Photo: Instagram pinklakestudio

The laconic design of the relaxation area in monochrome tones will help you experience zen.

Photo: Instagram fotodepartament

Photo: Instagram safa___kamar

Gallery of photo portraits in a classic dining room - elegant and impressive

Photo: Instagram mahmoud.awada

Photo: Instagram linderstudio

Elegant design of a lounge area in a minimalist style: the background of the photo supports the accent blue in the sofa upholstery

Photo: Instagram fotodepartament

Photo: Instagram gorgeouslondonltd

Vertical monochrome photo - a contrasting magnet for glances in a laconic Scandinavian interior

Photo: Instagram jenndispirito

Photo: Instagram instiles.app

Chronicles of sports achievements in the design of the staircase motivate you to climb another step higher!

  • Apartment

    Dynamic composition in the interior: how to create it and enliven the space

Photos in various styles

Photographs can be placed on the wall in the interior of any style direction.


One large photographic canvas or a gallery of several small artistic images in beautiful frames will be the finishing touch to a classic design and will create a harmonious composition in the interior. Portraits of loved ones, family members or nature photographs should be placed in this style.


For the modern trend, stylish photo collages compiled with special taste are suitable. With the help of a successful symmetrical arrangement, such a design will look quite advantageous on the wall, stylistically transform the surrounding space and change the worldview.

The photo shows a modern-style living room with black and white photo frames located on the wall above the sofa.


Black and white or bright and rich photographs with paper mats placed on the wall or on shelves would be appropriate here. They will set the mood for the space and emphasize the expressiveness of the loft style.


Cute photographs in wooden old light frames, or with a frame made by yourself, will allow you to create a cozy corner of pleasant memories.

Selecting a location

Old ideas about design said that photos should be placed above the fireplace, in the living room, near the stairs or in the bedroom. Modern houses and apartments with their improved layouts have great potential for decorating spaces with photographs.

It is not at all necessary to follow traditions in our time. For example, you could create a collage of photos in the dining area for your family or guests to enjoy while dining. Also, pictures are placed in the hallway, corridors, kitchen and bathroom.

First you need to decide what kind of photographs you want to decorate the wall. Landscapes, portraits or maybe general photos? In any case, you need to choose a place with enough space.

Where to hang

The best place to hang a photo is in places that attract the most attention: for example, around the TV, above the sofa, above the bed. Also, photos can fill and beautifully decorate any empty wall.

On the whole wall

If you have an entire empty wall, then photographs will fill that space in the best way possible. Select photos, a diagram and a hanging method and go ahead!

Above the sofa

Most often, there is empty space above the sofa, table or bedside table: the shelf will most likely get in the way, leaving the choice between a painting or photographs.

  • If you stopped at the photographs, then further actions are similar to the previous point, only there will be a little less space.
  • Although, even on an empty wall, most often they hang it not from the floor, but just at least a meter from the floor, so everything is the same.

Around the TV

Usually the wall on which the TV hangs is empty. But you can beautifully design her photo.

In the bedroom and above the desk

Photos above your desk or at the head of your bed will save you from the problem of buying any decorations.

Around mirrors, paintings, windows

The mirror will serve as the center of your exhibition and form a photo collage around itself. The mirror does not have to be the same shape as the frame. A round mirror and square frames are considered excellent.

On a blank wall in the corridor

In 3- or 2-room apartments with an old layout, there is often a blank wall at the end of a narrow corridor. Usually it is completely non-functional. But if you hang a photo on it and light it up, it will become much more cozy!

In an empty corner

The corners of the walls are most often empty, since protruding objects are easy to catch when moving. But the photographs are flat and a collage of them can decorate this part of the apartment in an original way.

  • Along the steps or on the wall under the steps (if a private house or two-story apartment)
  • You climb the steps slowly, look at the photographs and do not feel any fatigue. Alternatively, you can hang photographs from bottom to top as the children grow older.

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