A plot of 20 acres - the correct layout of a large suburban area

Review author: Terrari School of Design

A plot of 20 acres is quite a large area, which means there are great opportunities for landscape design. To prevent the site from looking like a jumble of buildings, you need to adhere to certain rules and recommendations during the design process.

Site design begins with planning on paper. This photo shows a properly planned plot of 20 acres.

What to organize on 20 acres

Before looking for a place to place each object, you need to decide what to place on such a large territory. Choosing designs is like an exciting journey.

Guided by the opinions of thousands of clients, site designers offer:

  • House;
  • Parking space;
  • Patio;
  • Pergola;
  • Sports ground;
  • Children's area;
  • Aviary for a dog;
  • Flowerbeds;
  • Orchard;
  • Landscape forest area;
  • Vineyard;
  • Garden;
  • Greenhouse;
  • Water
  • Terrace;
  • Lawn.

You should not think that each presented zone serves exclusively as an element for assembling one landscape: the lawn allows you to sunbathe, the vineyard allows you to enjoy the grapes and hide the estate from onlookers, the winter garden (heated greenhouse) allows you to collect an early harvest and relax among the flora, the flowerbed is solemn greet guests.

Therefore, by deleting a specific zone from the list, you can deprive the design of a plot of 20 acres of several advantages at once. This is not necessary, especially when the area of ​​each part can be different, which has a positive effect on the flexibility of the project.

Design ideas

In the photo of a plot of 20 acres, you can note interesting ideas with the help of which your plot will acquire a feature and individuality. To a greater extent this concerns the styles used.

Landscape, English style is often used in landscaping. Its use implies a riot of nature, greenery, vegetation, which pleases the eyes. This applies to shady alleys and slightly neglected garden plantings. This creates the impression of freedom, the absence of any framework.

In larger areas, the classic style is used. This application involves the use of rigor, clear geometric lines.

This style is expensive to use and requires constant care. For the owner who loves control and perfect cleanliness most of all, this option will be the most optimal.

A large area is primarily a place for an exotic, tropical style. Among its disadvantages are the high cost of materials and constant care by the gardener.

The use of ecological style is considered a newfangled phenomenon. We are talking about minimal intervention in plants and the surrounding nature. This flow is simple, with minimal costs. This is a great option for a large area.

If desired, you can embody the ideas of the Middle Ages, or maintain the rigor in the form of Gothic. This option is suitable for true art connoisseurs.

The modern high-tech direction will make the design stylish and unusual in appearance. Luxurious and rich baroque is also distinguished. Everything about it looks chic, but maintaining this style will require money.

Choose a style, then start drawing up the design of the project along with planning and zoning. First, the main building is erected, then additional extensions begin.

Soil features

One thing the site definitely cannot do without is plants. The trouble is that each representative of the flora is demanding of the soil in its own way, and the latter sometimes has far from the best quality.

Therefore, designers always welcome:

  • Organization of a residential building, parking lot and sports ground on infertile soil;
  • Adding high-quality humus to form separate beds, even decorative ones;
  • Installation of large containers with shrubs to distribute green spaces over the entire area of ​​the site;
  • Laying out artificial turf.

It is rare that heavy soil covers the entire territory. At least 5-10% of the land is suitable for planting trees, which will partly determine the location of the remaining objects.

And if the site is completely blessed with fertile soil, it definitely makes sense to arrange an orchard on it.

Location of main facilities according to rules and regulations

Both zoning and landscaping of the territory are carried out taking into account the standards for the location of objects.

Where to build a house

A residential building can be placed anywhere on the site, but with its blind side facing north and at the highest point. This is important so that in winter and autumn cold winds do not get inside through window and door openings. This arrangement also protects plants planted in front of the house from cold winds.

Often the house is used as the central element of a landscape design. If it occupies the middle part of the site, then it is advisable to arrange a second exit to the backyard.

When choosing a place for a house, you must always comply with the requirements for the distance from housing to other objects on the site:

  • to the toilet, garbage, compost pit and utility area - at least 15 meters;
  • to the well - 8-10 meters;
  • to the summer shower and septic tank - at least 5 meters.

Red lines

SNiP norm for a site and a dacha
This is the name of the boundaries of public areas - roadways, sidewalks, highways, etc. Private housing construction is not allowed to cross them. The distance from the red lines to the facade of a residential building is standardized - at least 5 meters. At the same time, a garage can be built closer to the borders.

Zoning of the site

It is already known that buildings located on the territory are residential and functional. The site design also welcomes plantings.

Depending on the ratio of all three “participants” of one plan, different zones are built:

  • Accommodation area - private house, hotel house;
  • Recreation area - gazebo, swimming pool, sauna, pond, sports ground;
  • Housekeeping area - garage, shed, cellar;
  • Area for growing crops - garden, vegetable garden, vineyard.

If the barn is designed to contain various living creatures, then it is better to place the thematic outbuilding structure away from the residential ones.

It is obvious that the “green zone” requires a special approach. The beds must be open. They can only be decorated with low trees or shrubs.

Moreover, the latter can already be used to completely fence off the garden. The bet, of course, is on gardening and berry crops.

If each crop is grown on a small scale, then landscapers recommend arranging beds in wooden boxes that protrude 0.2-0.4 meters above the ground.

With this approach, the finished site design is akin to a construction set: while the radish tails are bathed in the sun, the hanging strawberries delight with their “lights”, hanging from the south side of the gazebo.


When planning a site of such an area, the following points should be taken into account:

  • The area can be in the shape of a rectangle, triangle, L-shaped or angular;
  • You should know the terrain. It can be flat, which is the best option. A hilly or other form of area is also distinguished. It is this factor that is of great importance when locating certain buildings or engineering systems;
  • The cardinal direction plays a significant role in further construction;
  • Consider the soil of the land. They can be fertile, clay, or other soils.

Important! Look ahead to what will be useful to you in the near future. You should think through such moments in advance and listen to the wishes of all family members.

Thus, together you will choose the necessary extensions and make a plot of 20 acres ideal for living and recreation.

Landscape styles

Each project is assigned a specific style by default.

Otherwise, there would not be so many configurations built due to the peculiar relationship of shapes, sizes and materials used:

  • Classic - welcomes orderliness and restraint (houses and trees are of the same color and only here and there a contrasting flower bed pops up).
  • The landscape landscape is filled with green meadows against a backdrop of trees (the flowerbeds are open and serve as a transition point between the green “carpet” and the leafy “giants”).
  • Exotic - requires bright colors and sharp forms (the plot is executed mainly through ornamental plants).
  • High-tech – enjoys minimalism, solid materials and the orderliness of all fragments.
  • European style - suggests combining artificial structures with natural flora (benches are installed along the paths, gazebos and flower beds are surrounded by trees).

If there are slopes, the site plan hints at the creation of alpine slides and ponds. You can plant single trees at an angle, which will become a highlight on the ascents and descents along the rocky path. The latter can be open or equipped with railings for safety.


The process of planning a site of this area is of great importance. All necessary extensions and design ideas should be included in the project.

With the help of a competent approach to site planning, you can create all the conditions for living and quality recreation.

You can choose a certain style and bring its features into reality. Thus, your site will look quite stylish, unique and original, emphasizing the character of the owner.

Popular decorative techniques

There are a lot of interesting ideas and techniques for decorating a summer cottage. If there is a pond on the territory, then you can build a bridge across it and lead a path on both sides. It is often made from wood or metal and stone. A similar design can simply decorate a flat landscape. This solution looks stylish and exotic. For those who miss water, but do not have the opportunity to organize a real pond on their site, a so-called dry stream is suitable. It imitates the bed of a water vein that was once filled with liquid. The bottom is lined with small pebbles and planted with sparse plant bushes. To create the effect of “water ripples,” smooth, round and oval pebbles are selected, which are laid in rows with the “ribs” down. Among the general neatness, a neglected garden will stand out, in which the riot of vegetation has managed to take its toll. Of course, you will still have to take care of it, but solely in order to maintain passages for free movement. For additional lighting, the paths are sprinkled with glowing stones. Most often it is marble chips coated with special luminescent acrylic paints that give a soft, green or blue glow at night. Another unusual decoration of the site will be mills and lighthouses. The second element will complement the marine theme embodied in other decorative details. Mills can be ordinary or water. They combine well with country, Russian and Dutch styles.

By the way, you can make glowing stones yourself if you need them in large quantities and the purchase will be expensive. All you have to do is collect pebbles and buy special paint at an art supply store.

Cardinal directions

It is important to understand the location of the cardinal points. This will allow you to assess the level of illumination at different times of the day. Also, based on this information, you can understand what and how strong winds will prevail here.

The site plan must necessarily include these nuances. In particular, it is necessary to focus on the cardinal directions when placing buildings, zoning, and arranging a garden.

Garden paths, steps and flower beds around them

Garden paths not only divide the area into zones, but also give it a neat, tidy look. They are made from stone, brick, wood, concrete, cobblestones, PVC, crushed stone or pebbles, bottle caps and even pieces of tile. To create a non-trivial landscape composition or to enliven a dull, flat terrain, steps are used. They are also vital for simplifying the climb if the property is located on a slope. Steps can be stone, brick or wood. They contribute to the aesthetics of the landscape and complicate the geometry of the site. The most common type of flower beds is flower beds. Plants for them need to be selected based on the climate. For example, in southern latitudes, delicate, sensitive flowers easily take root, but they will fade in northern climates (short summer, late spring). Also, when choosing plants, you should pay attention to their flowering period. Follow the principles of Carl Linnaeus, who created a unique flower clock in which the buds opened at a strictly defined time. Then the flower beds will delight the eye throughout the entire season.

Advice from professionals

To plan competently the landscape design of your summer cottage, you will need the help of specialists. After studying the recommendations of professionals, you will find answers to existing questions.

Creating a design for a future suburban area is an interesting and creative idea. If you have a large area, there are practically no restrictions. On such an area you can place not only the most necessary objects, but also make your dreams come true in the form of an artificial waterfall, a large garage and entertainment areas.

To turn all your plans into reality, start by carefully considering the location of key objects. Put your thoughts on paper with an accurate plan of your site.

As an example, you can use the following guidelines:

the house should be located on the north side of the site. With its northern façade it can look at a garage or other buildings. It is not advisable to plant flower beds or other plantings near such a wall, since this wall is deprived of sunlight. This solution will help you save square meters and functionally use the sunny area;

  • the illuminated side should be used for a garden, vegetable garden or recreation area;
  • Windows should face both sides of the building. Give preference to the east and west sides. This will allow you to view the entire area from the house and ensure full flow of light into the room. If possible, you can make window openings on each wall;
  • the gate should be located a short distance from the entrance. The garage needs to be built near the gate.
  • on the opposite side of the plot you can plant a vegetable garden and plant flowering plants. Don't forget to fence off the area with decorative fences. Choose the location wisely so that the sun’s rays fully nourish the vegetation, and you can get a healthy harvest from the beds every year;
  • You can plant trees around the entire perimeter of the garden. They will protect the seedlings from the wind and hide the area from the prying eyes of neighbors;
  • outbuildings will be located near the garden so that all equipment is always at hand;
  • a recreation area is set up next to the country house. There can be a gazebo, barbecue, or storage space for firewood;
  • A children's playground can be installed next to the recreation area. In the play area for children, trampolines, a sandbox and a small house will be appropriate;
  • the pool should be installed next to the recreation area, but away from the children's area;
  • next to the gazebo you can build a bathhouse, which will contribute to the good rest and health of your family and guests;
  • all objects must be connected by paths. Choose their arrangement using brickwork, sawn wood and other materials. Some owners of suburban areas use concrete and expanded clay for a similar purpose. Plant flowers along the edges of the paths, install lanterns;
  • you can decorate the area with the help of decorative figures, which are popular today;
  • to plan a site on a slope, use terraces or an alpine slide. You can plant a lawn in flat areas, and organize ponds in the recesses.

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If you decide to create a landscape style at your dacha, you must understand that the garden should look attractive at any time of the year. For this reason, most designers recommend planting coniferous trees on your site.

In order not to waste time searching for the necessary material in the markets, check out the assortment of nurseries and gardening stores. Consider the characteristics of the chosen variety, as not every plant will do well in your region.

If your dacha is located in a temperate continental climate zone, an English furnishing design will be optimal for it. As the basis of such a garden, you can use miniature varieties of weeping willow, mountain pine, ivy, petunia, crocus and roses.

The success of a small-area project lies in its simplicity. You can visually change a small space with climbing plants on the fence. If you want to hide your dacha from strangers using vines with decorative shoots, consider your climate. Southern varieties are not suitable for northern regions, since they cannot please their owners with luxurious flowering. For the northern regions, virgin grapes, actinidia, are suitable. They are able to survive the winter without shelter.

Storage (shed)

As a rule, at present they refuse to build a full-fledged shed in which all the necessary garden utensils will be stored. This task is partially accomplished by the garage and outbuildings, where all the necessary supplies for caring for livestock are stored.

Having a small shed will be useful if you have large household and garden equipment that cannot be stored in the garage. In addition, in the shed you can conveniently store dry firewood in the winter, which is very important.


The surrounding area needs to be landscaped on three levels: trees, shrubs, flowers. Today the most popular techniques are the following:

  • Electric lawn mower: which one to choose?
  • Wooden fences
  • Purchase and inspection of land
  • alpine slides;
  • topiary (shrub sculpture);
  • rockeries;
  • rosaries;
  • flower beds;
  • flower beds.

Stylistic directions

It’s easy for a beginner to get lost in the stylistic diversity, so to make the choice easier, here are a few of the most popular and (let’s not lie) beautiful trends:

  • Dutch. The site, despite the external solidity of the house, has a slightly sloppy appearance due to the diversity of colors. In the Dutch style, trees are rarely planted, as preference is given to shrubs and low plants. Mixed borders bloom wildly along the stone garden paths, and the ground lawn is decorated with elements with rustic motifs. An excellent addition would be a real cart, which, after the skillful work of the designer, turns into a flowerbed.
  • English. This sleek style does not have the famous stiffness of the inhabitants of Foggy Albion. The main credo of the direction is the preservation of natural flora to achieve complete unity with nature. The English style is characterized by the use of vertical plantings, stone paths with lushly growing grass at the seams, “carpet” flower beds and free flower beds (rock gardens, rockeries) without fences, planted with perennials. Also considered a mandatory element is the presence of a pond and a well-groomed lawn on a personal plot.
  • Colonial. One of the most beautiful mix trends, which has remained relevant for several centuries. The colonial style organically combined the culture of the Old World and native customs. The trend is characterized by the use of large tubs as flower pots for flower beds, a low stone or wooden fence and a combination of green spaces of different heights to create a slight chaos on the site. In a colonial landscape, the terrace is necessarily used as a “step” to the garden, which is laid out from its threshold.
  • Mauritanian. The oriental style was used in oasis gardens, which were hidden from the views of strangers and amazed with their wealth and luxury. The Moorish site will look like a fairy tale, in which lush thickets of exotic trees hide quiet corners for solitude accompanied by the singing of birds of paradise. Particular attention will be paid to the garden, which is designed according to the “chor-bak” principle, when the main area is divided into four mini-areas.
  • Provence. The destination is characterized by white paved paths, an abundance of fruit trees and flower beds with buds in pastel shades, wooden gazebos, pergolas, sculptures and topiary on the lawn and in the garden. Instead of a traditional flower garden, beds with Provençal herbs will be laid out in the courtyard near the house, and a fountain or a stone well will become the center of the recreation area.

They also use Japanese, Chinese, Alpine, Mediterranean, Spanish, classic, rustic styles and minimalism, modern, high-tech, eco-trend.

Water is life

There must be water present in any area. This may be a water supply or a well, but its presence is mandatory, otherwise there can be no question of any comfortable living. However, ponds can perform not only a practical, but also a decorative function. Such site decorations in landscape design are divided into three types:

  • Artificial. Man-made structures that are “fed” by drinking water.
  • Natural. Perhaps the owners of the site were lucky to become the owners of a pond or stream.
  • Combined. In this case, natural reservoirs are supplemented with artificial decorative elements. The most striking example is the man-made “sills” under the stream, which turn it into a mini-waterfall.

Reservoirs are also classified into two types:

  • Static. These include pools, swamps and ponds, that is, bodies of standing water.
  • Dynamic. This group includes waterfalls, fountains, streams, cascades (a group of waterfalls) and springs. The latter is considered the most primitive, but no less beautiful type of reservoir.

A pond can be supplemented with flora and fish, and for waterfalls there is no better decor than ordinary stones of different shapes and textures.

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