Ceiling cornice: TOP 160 photo reviews of varieties. Installation features, interior design ideas

Ceiling curtain rods have always been popular, due to the fact that such design solutions make it possible to create the visual effect of high ceilings, as well as give the entire room a complete look. As a result, ceiling-mounted structures are gradually replacing wall-mounted systems. In addition, industrial manufacturers make it possible to fit them into almost any design as accurately as possible, which wall structures are in principle incapable of doing.

Ceiling cornices can fit perfectly into any design

Advantages of ceiling models

Unlike wall cornices, these products are attached to the ceiling base. They have significant strength and reliable fastenings that ensure the stability of curtains and curtain rods.

In addition, the following advantages of practical choice should be noted:

  1. The ability to drape the entire window opening, regardless of its size.
  2. The ability to form beautiful folds on textile fabric (both horizontal and vertical folds).
  3. Visual effect of expanding space.
  4. Tight closing of all cracks and open spaces, which allows you to retain heat in the room.

Curtains located on ceiling cornices provide better protection from direct sunlight and absorb street noise.


To ensure that the curtains occupy the entire space between the parallel walls, first measure the required length. You can choose canvases 10 cm shorter. However, models that are attached tightly are also suitable. If only one window will be closed, choose curtain rods whose length exceeds the window width by half a meter. Determining the length depends on the wishes of the person.

Consider these characteristics:

  1. If the window is quite wide and fills the room with light, make sure that the cornice protrudes beyond the frame by 20 cm on each side.
  2. It is better to complement small northern windows with canvases that stand out from the overall width of the window frame by 30 cm. This way you can also hang thick curtains on the sides.
  3. If the room has two windows at a short distance, choose a long, solid cornice. This will make the design seem more modern.

When you attach the cornice, make sure that the tulle does not touch the heating radiators. This is quite important if the room does not have ideal geometry.

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Disadvantages of ceiling models

Among the disadvantages of practical choice, the following provisions should be noted:

  • When installing a ceiling cornice, you may need the help of a specialist.
  • The need to use the most reliable fastenings.

Stretch ceilings can be particularly difficult, which poses a problem for attaching ceiling cornices.

Installation features

The preparatory stage includes choosing curtains and purchasing the appropriate cornice. Often this stage becomes the longest in time, since the installation process itself is quite simple.

Initially, markings are applied. You need to measure the same distance from the wall in two places where the edges or brackets of the cornice will be located. When choosing a string, this will be enough. The profile can be attached to the ceiling and marks along it.

Then holes are made for fasteners, the elements of which are usually sold as a set. It is worth screwing in the screws, starting not from the outermost fastening, but from the second or third. This reduces the need to constantly hold the curtain rod during installation.

At the final stage, rings and loops for curtains are inserted, and the ends are closed with plugs.

Choosing a cornice model

Today, among ceiling cornices there are many models that differ in their properties, care features and design. On store shelves, the buyer can find the following types of accessories:

  1. Tire options.
  2. Cornices-plinths.
  3. Flexible models.
  4. Baguette cornices.
  5. Rods with a round base.
  6. String options.

Each type of cornice differs in material of manufacture, external decor and color. For the optimal choice of a particular model, a number of features and factors should be taken into account: room area, ceiling height, weight and number of textile fabrics, structure of the ceiling base (for suspended ceilings it is necessary to use special ceiling cornices).


Ceiling curtain rods can be divided into single-row, 2- and 3-row. This classification is carried out according to the number of runners for moving the curtains. There are also models with 7 runners. Suitable for complex structures.

The types of curtain rods will be discussed in more detail below.

The basis

Cornices fixed to the ceiling can be divided into the following types:

  • on strings;
  • profile plastic;
  • aluminum.

The string designs are quite simple. The fastening is carried out on a steel cord. The hooks move smoothly on it. The number of strings reaches three. Such models will be relevant for minimalist interiors.

String options can be used if they will not be visible in ceiling niches or behind decorative overlays. Plus - their budget cost and functionality.

Profile structures are made of plastic or metal. There are grooves inside called “rails”. Special hooks or runners are installed inside the grooves. Their difference is that they have rotating wheels. Models with runners are more expensive, but have a more flexible movement. Curtains are attached to runners or hooks.

There are also classic ones with pipes attached to the top. They will be appropriate for high-tech style. If windows or loggias have an unusual shape, you should refrain from using such cornices.


Bay window cornices are made on the basis of plastic. They have another name - modular. They consist of special elements with which you can create different shapes. The disadvantage is that there is no way to collect some corners.

There are also flexible ones. The structure is made of a polymer profile that can take different shapes with optimal vertical rigidity. There is a small bend radius. Its size depends on the manufacturer, but usually does not exceed 10 cm. Such models will be suitable for installation on a loggia or attic. You can also decorate the bed canopy and attach a curtain that will zone the room.

With decorative strip

If the cornices on the ceiling will serve as decoration, you can choose options with a bright strip. There is an adhesive tape or groove on the outside. If the manufacturer took care of the adhesive tape equipment, you can independently design the strip from the trim of curtains or decorative fabric. Choose designs that go with the overall design of the room.

You can also choose a different design. Along the cornice body there are grooves that secure the plastic decorative tape. However, it should be noted that the selection is limited. You can also attach adhesive tape to the end.

Profile (tire) cornices

The basis of the design is a rail with one or more grooves for attaching curtains. They are made of plastic, which has a number of advantages:

  • Strength.
  • The plastic cornice completely hides hooks, rings and other fastening elements in the depths of the grooves.
  • The flat surface of the cornice fits optimally into the interior without standing out among other details.
  • Plastic does not require special care rules and is not afraid of moisture or aggressive chemicals.

Such options are affordable, but with prolonged exposure to sunlight they quickly lose color.

Types of curtain fasteners

The type of fastening depends on the design of the cornice, as well as the density of the material and the model of the curtains. The following types of fittings are distinguished:

  • Loops . A bar is threaded through them. The fastening element is sewn from the same fabric as the main part of the fabric, or from ribbons, cords, and braid that are harmonious in color and style. They can be either attached at both ends or fastened with buttons, Velcro, etc. An interesting solution is when two laces are sewn on top, which are tied with a bow or knot.
  • Rings . This type of fittings is suitable for rod and cable models. To prevent the rings from scratching the surface of the cornices, the inside is often made of plastic. Such fasteners move almost silently.
  • Eyelets . Holes are cut in the canvases and framed with wooden, plastic or metal rings, which are called eyelets. A holder is threaded through them. This type of fastening helps to form beautiful soft folds and is used for rod and string models.
  • Clothespins, hooks, clips . These are additional fasteners. The fittings are put on a bar or cable (rings with hooks) or inserted into the guides of tire models. One of the latest developments is magnetic curtain clips.
  • Braid . A ribbon with loopholes for hooks is sewn onto the curtain. There are also laces threaded through the ribbon, which can be pulled together to beautifully drape the panel. The braid is universal and suitable for consoles of any design.
  • Backstage . At the top of the curtain there is a pocket for threading a rod or cable. This type of fastening is easy to make yourself. The curtain looks best in a rustic and ethnic interior.
  • Velcro tape . Typically, Velcro is used for lambrequins. One part of the tape is attached to the façade of the cornice, the other to the textile product.

Flexible models

Curtain rods with shape changing function are made of aluminum. Manufacturers use special alloys with a high aluminum content to make such products.

The structure of the alloys is resistant to corrosion, easy to maintain, and favorably emphasizes interior details. The ability to change the shape of the holding rod was appreciated by many buyers, which determined the popularity of this curtain rod.

Plastic or aluminum

Both designs go well together in a minimalist design. Metal is much stronger than flexible and unreliable plastic. Its use is not limited, which cannot be said about plastic elements. A durable cornice can withstand the heaviest curtains. Plastic ones are used when you plan to hang airy curtains or tulle.

The aluminum version is more expensive. It is used with massive and voluminous curtains of great weight. The runners and hooks are chosen to be quite powerful, and the profiles are constructed from strong material. The fastenings are fixed on a variety of dowels. They have a more powerful design, specially made for heavy curtains.

Round base rods

These curtain rods are made of various metal alloys (with the exception of aluminum). They have a pleasant external decor and a glossy surface texture. They are easy to maintain and resistant to corrosion, thanks to the foresight of the manufacturers.

The surface of the bar can be absolutely smooth, or it can be made in the form of a relief ornament. The advantage is the special strength of the product, the ability to withstand significant weight of textiles.

String options in the interior

One of the most popular accessories for attaching curtains. They are a set of brackets, between which a strong metal line is stretched. The strings are hardly noticeable, favorably emphasizing the design of the textile fabric itself.

However, it will not be possible to hang heavy, coarse curtains on string curtain rods - even several strings are unable to withstand significant weight.

By material

The reliability and durability of the structure directly depends on the quality of the material used. To ensure that the bar does not lose its original appearance for a long time, it is recommended to choose from:

  • Wood - A classic option, it allows you to decorate a room quite beautifully and at the same time concisely. Among the woods in this direction, the most popular are oak and cherry; linden and pine are also used. However, only an ordinary tubular rod can be made from wood.
  • Metal - This material is more durable than wood. In addition, it can be used to create virtually any design in terms of shape and operational features.
  • Plastic - Budget-friendly, but at the same time quite durable material. Very often a decorative film is used, which colors the plastic into wood or metal that matches the interior.

Cornices with decorative strip

A new product from manufacturers is cornices with a beautiful strip that has a wide base, a dense structure, and a bright color composition. The fasteners are located behind the bar, which completely hides the rings, hooks, and clamps. Similar models are used as additional decor.

Photos of the ceiling cornice presented on the pages of the official catalogs from the manufacturer will help you make the best choice.

Photos of ceiling cornices

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