DIY watches - a selection of master classes. 150 photos of original ideas for designing clocks made of wood and cardboard

An empty wall will always look unattractive, even in the most minimalist interior. But sometimes there are things on the walls that don’t fit in with the overall style of the room. So what can you use to decorate empty wall space besides traditional shelves and pictures? As you probably already guessed, this is a beautiful wall clock. In this article you will find many interesting options, as well as detailed step-by-step instructions that will help you make your own wall clock.

DIY wall clock

How about turning your boring old watch into a true work of art? To create a homemade clock, you can use almost everything you can find in the house. The hands and clock mechanism are essential parts that can be removed from an old watch or, if necessary, purchased separately in a store. No restrictions - everything depends only on your imagination!

Homemade clock with butterflies

If you can buy it, then why make a wall clock with your own hands?

The answer is obvious - everything created with your own hands is done from the heart and for the soul. Of course, a watch from a store can be of higher quality, and even with a guarantee, but the advantages of making it yourself are much greater:

  • you can bring to life any, even the most daring idea;
  • any thing made with your own hands is a source of pride (you can show off a whole device to your friends, and not just some flower pot or postcard);
  • the dimensions of the homemade watch will be what you need;
  • After work, you will have a better understanding of the internal structure of the watch.

No restrictions - everything depends only on your imagination

Any interior will be transformed with a new wall clock

A wall clock will look great in your interior if you make it yourself. An original clock made from a vinyl record. A clock made from dominoes.

Specifics of devices with quartz filling

The main advantage of a quartz movement is its low cost. The disadvantage is that the operation depends on the power source (battery). Operating principle: the charge supplied by the battery passes through the quartz crystal, causing it to vibrate. The vibrating crystal makes the device work and the hands move.

Stores selling goods for creative activities offer sets with a quartz device.

What to use to make a dial?

Speaking about the panel under the dial, it is worth noting that a DIY wall clock can be not only round, but also square, triangular, even in the shape of a flower.

Musical wall clock Beautiful clock in the children's room

Original plywood gear clock

Epoxy resin wall clock

So, you can make a panel:

  • from a vinyl record;
  • to order in a laser cutting workshop;
  • from cut wood;
  • made of thick cardboard or cork backing;
  • from plasterboard.

Plywood can also be used for homemade clocks. Clocks in the shape of an antique bicycle.

On a note! You can also purchase pre-made plywood panels at your local craft store or online.

Alter-scrap, or a new life for the alarm clock

Do you still have an alarm clock in the house? On legs, with a “hat” and bells? You will have to work hard and buy something, but you will not find such a thing in the store. Decorated with floral arrangements and other decorative materials (they are available in scrapbooking stores), an alarm clock placed on the mezzanine will become the most fashionable interior detail in shabby chic and vintage styles.

There are a lot of options for decorating clocks for the interior that will decorate the walls of your home. The base for the dial can be knitted and embroidered, burned on wood, laid out with a mosaic of pebbles, beans, painted with acrylic paints - only your imagination can create something that will delight your friends and decorate your home.

See alsoDecoration of champagne bottles for a wedding in the form of a bride and groom

About ways to decorate watches

You can decorate finished wall clocks with your own hands in a variety of ways; the choice of one or another depends on capabilities and personal preferences:

  • you can cut out, paint and glue numbers;
  • you can paste a ready-made image;
  • embroider something and cover the piece with fabric;
  • glue three-dimensional plywood parts;
  • draw something in watercolor, and then cut it out and paste it on.

Unique clock with notes of coffee Handmade decorative wall clock The design of your clock can be anything

Even keys can be used when decorating watches

Jute thread and leather

You can make some kind of twigs from jute - after immersing the threads in PVA glue, they are laid out in interesting patterns with ornate weaves. The frozen imitation of branches is decorated with beads and rhinestones.

You can also create an original frame for a chronometer at home using a voluminous cord woven from strips of leather. This design perfectly combines wooden elements and a variety of textiles.

The nuances of making wall clocks

Clocks, among other things, also have a certain mystical meaning, because they have a unique function - they control time.

Wall clock with minions

Anyone can make a wall clock with their own hands. You just need a little time, a little imagination and a minimum of consumables. As a result, the clock will become a true highlight of your interior! Proceed from the fact that almost anything can act as a dial. It is only important that the watch turns out beautiful and original.

Handmade watches - unique interior decor

One of the possible options is a round board, which previously served as a cable reel. To decorate a room that has a geographic bias (for example, a travel agency office), you can make a clock from halves of a globe. Such a product will be compact, but very unusual.

Quite often, wall clocks are made round

For the kitchen, you can make a wall clock with buttons instead of numbers on the dial. The result will be a little thing made in “grandmother’s” style.

A more complex option is a ball clock. To create them you will need a bright ball, as well as curved arrows. Such a watch will look beautiful and futuristic, like a time machine from science fiction films.

A watch made of watches - no one has anything like it

You can also make a picture clock. To do this, take any picture and adapt it to show time.

Mirror wall clock

Video - How to make an original wall clock

Which option should I choose?

Bright “Chrysanthemum” watch made from plastic spoons. The base of this watch is cut out of polystyrene foam, although cardboard can also be used. The spoons are glued and holes are cut out.

Painting process Photo of the finished clock made from spoons
Space lovers will certainly be interested in the following project. Look how beautiful a wall clock with a moon print will look.

Wall clock with moon print. Space lovers will really like this clock.

In addition, you can make a beautiful eco-clock using moss.

Stunning eco-watch made of moss If you think that such a living watch requires special care, then this is not so - there is no need to water the moss

Another original option is a colorful watch with watercolor touches.

Bright clock with watercolor touches To make such a clock, you will need a minimum of materials Painting the base of the clock

A clock made of cork wood will decorate any interior.

Cork wall clock

Fans of the minimalist style can make a dark plywood clock.

Dark clock in a minimalist style made of plywood

Another representative of the above-mentioned “grandmother” style is a knitted wall clock with a cute cuckoo.

Cute knitted cuckoo clock

But here is a fairly simple clock that you can make with your own hands from a piece of plywood.

The simplest clock made from a piece of plywood

For lovers of everything original, we recommend taking a closer look at another project – a stylish wooden watch with a leather belt.

Stylish wall clock with leather strap

Video – Beautiful DIY wall clock

Master class No. 1. DIY wall clock made from cutlery

How to make a wall clock from cutlery
A fairly popular idea that will appeal to many. To create such a watch you will need:

  • scissors;
  • disposable tableware (plate – 1 pc., forks – 6 pcs., spoons – 6 pcs.);
  • AA battery;
  • hands, clock mechanism;
  • pencil or felt-tip pen;
  • a sheet of cardboard 30x30 (in the example a cardboard box is used);
  • black acrylic paint;
  • tassels;
  • PVA glue.

What is needed to create such a watch?

On a note! Such watches can be classified as budget watches, since their production will cost only 200 rubles. It also takes a little time - about 1.5 hours.

Step 1 . First, prepare the base. Take a plastic plate, measure its diameter (in our example it is 24 cm) and draw a circle.

The circumference of the plate is outlined

Step 2 . Using the markings, cut out a circle from cardboard.

A circle is cut out of cardboard

Step 3 . Coat the circle with PVA glue and glue it to the inside of the plate.

The finished circle needs to be glued to the plate

Step 4 . Divide the circle into 12 equal parts, mark the places where the spoons/forks will be. That is, start creating the dial.

The circle is divided into 12 equal parts

Step 5 . Paint the spoons and forks with black paint. The best option is acrylic paint. Or, alternatively, you can use black plastic utensils.

Painting cutlery

Step 6 . Wait 10 minutes for the paint to dry. Draw a circle with a diameter of 10 cm, glue forks and spoons along its base, alternating them. Also cut a square in the center for the mechanism.

Gluing forks and spoons

Step 7 . Paint both sides of the base and wait until the paint dries.

Painting the base of the future watch

Step 8 . Install the hands, clock mechanism, insert the battery.

Installing the clock mechanism and hands

The result should look something like this.

This is how the finished watch will look in different interiors


Sundials are the oldest on the planet. There are four varieties: horizontal, vertical, equatorial and polar. The easiest ways to make are equatorial and horizontal models - they require minimal calculations.

Of course, you will have to spend some time on the hour markings - the numbers on such a watch are entered by tracking the time using a timer.

To create a horizontal device you will need:

  • wooden plank;
  • base-dial (tile, smooth stone, wood, plate);
  • protractor;
  • timer.

It’s fun to make sundials with your child; they can be used outdoors, for example, in a summer cottage.


  1. Cut an arrow in the shape of a triangle from the board - a gnomon. The pointing angle of the hand should be equal to the geographic latitude of the area where the watch will be located.
  2. Cut out the base and install it in the chosen location on a flat surface. The installation site must be sunny and not obscured by trees or buildings.
  3. Place the arrow in the middle of the base, secure it so that the pointing angle faces south, and the visual continuation of the sides emanating from it faces north.
  4. Make observations of the movement of the shadow from the gnomon, applying the appropriate hour markings.

The equatorial clock is placed at an angle equal to the latitude of the area, the dial should face north. The arrow is installed perpendicular to the base and is made in the form of a rod.

Master class No. 2. Clock with tropical decor

The clock mechanism, as mentioned above, can be removed from an old watch or ordered online. But pay attention to some important points:

  • what is the thickness of the dial;
  • what is the thread diameter;
  • what is the height of the rod (this is the “stump” on which the arrows are placed).

Wall clock with tropical decor

Note! If you plan to make three-dimensional parts, then make sure that the arrows do not cling to them.

You can easily make such a beautiful watch with your own hands
Step 1 . First of all, determine where the number 12 will be. To do this, turn the panel over, install the clock mechanism and mark the middle of its upper part, then draw a perpendicular line. It is from this point that the countdown will begin and the step between the numbers will be marked (if there are any at all).

The countdown will begin from this line

Step 2 . Take a sheet of paper, trace the outline of the dial on it and start drawing the decor. In our example, the outlines of the leaves are drawn, cut out and transferred to the plywood with a pencil.

Step 3 . Color the blank according to the chosen decor.

The blank is painted

Step 4 . After the paint has dried, screw on the clock mechanism. Usually such mechanisms are sold with assembly diagrams, try to stick to them. Place a rubber backing on the stem and apply it to the back of the dial. The middle of the loop (top) should coincide with the mark made with a pencil.

Step 5 . Turn the workpiece over, put the washer on the rod and tighten the nut. You can use pliers to tighten it tighter.

The nut must be tightened tightly

Step 6 . Start putting on the arrows, first making sure that they are all straight. First put on the hour hand, then the minute hand, and finally the second hand. Put them on until they click slightly. Do not press too hard, otherwise you may damage the delicate fasteners. It is also important that the hands are parallel and not touching (otherwise the clock will not move).

Black arrows

Step 7 . In accordance with the mark, set the hands to 12, insert the battery and set the correct time using the wheel on the back of the mechanism.

All arrows are set

All, after spending just a few hours, you can decorate your home with an original wall clock!

It will take literally a couple of hours to make such a wall clock.

Verbal accompaniment

You can attach a written congratulation to the watch package or say something pleasant orally. Beautiful words for a gift will emphasize your attitude towards the person to whom it is due.

Write on a postcard, for example, the following words: “They say that happy people do not watch clocks . Don't look at them often either. Just wear them as a reminder of me.”

Or: “I present you with a wonderful watch. They are incredibly beautiful and accurate. Now, with virtually no delays, you/you will/will come to every date/meeting.”

Photo cards for your loved one

Say or write: “I give you a watch, I wish you to be on time everywhere. A chronometer will always help you be here today and there tomorrow.” Or: “You are my reason to be happy and my reason to smile.”

The following words would also be suitable: “So that you always keep time under control, I will give you a watch for many years. Let them count joyful minutes, and let the arrows draw only happy routes. Let this accessory help you keep up with everything and complete all your tasks on time.”

Write: “Our life goes by so quickly . But everyone wants it to be endless. Therefore, I give this watch so that it is you who manage time, and not you.

Master class No. 3. Embroidery hoop clock

Using decorative buttons and an embroidery hoop, you can make a very original wall clock. You can choose a fabric base that matches the texture/color of the interior, and use unnecessary multi-colored buttons.

To make such a watch, prepare:

  • clock mechanism, hands;
  • thin board or cardboard;
  • hoop;
  • braid or ribbon;
  • buttons;
  • textile.

Step 1 . Prepare the hands and clock mechanism (you can remove them from an old watch).

First the arrows are removed

Step 2 . Fix the fabric between the hoops and trim off the excess. Then sew on the buttons, positioning them like numbers on a dial.

Clock mechanism fixed

Step 3 . Cut a hole in the middle of the dial, install the clock mechanism so that the fasteners are located in the center. To fix the mechanism, cut out a circle from wood/cardboard, the diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the hoop, and glue the mechanism to it. As an option, the mechanism can be hung on a decorative ribbon, fixing it on an embroidery hoop and making a small loop to hang a clock on the wall. At the end, set the arrows. That's it, our original craft is ready!

Original wall clock made from an embroidery hoop

The benefits of creativity before purchasing

Firstly, it is new experience and new knowledge. You will understand the mechanisms, begin to understand how everything works, which is important.

Also, this is a great chance to realize any of your ideas, make a personalized item, choose the right size and color palette.

In general, create exactly what suits your home and specifically you.

Master class No. 4. Clocks from old magazines or newspapers

Magazines and newspapers can also be used to make original wall clocks.

Wall clock from old magazines

In this case, you need to prepare:

  • hands, clock mechanism;
  • pages of magazines or newspapers (24 pieces, approximately the same size);
  • a circle cut out of cardboard with a hole in the center;
  • pencil or pen;
  • transparent plastic discs (2 pcs., you can take them from CD boxes);
  • scissors;
  • silk thread for embroidery;
  • long needle;
  • transparent tape.

Materials and tools for making watches
Step 1 . To begin, wrap the first page around a pen or pencil. Make all 24 tubes in the same way, secure their ends with adhesive tape so that they do not unwind. Next, step back from the edge of the tube by about 1/3 and bend it in half in this place.

The page is wrapped around the handle, the finished tube is bent

Step 2 . Thread a long needle and thread it through the bent end of the tube. Pull the needle through and tie a knot at the end of the thread; Sew all the tubes in a circle in the same way.

The thread is pulled through the bent ends. The tubes are arranged in a circle.

Step 3 . Place a transparent disk on top of the tubes so that the hole on it is located in the center of the resulting circle. Place the clock mechanism on the disk so that the fasteners for the hands align with the hole.

Clock mechanism included

Step 4 . Then turn the structure over and attach another disk. Place cardboard on top and secure the clock mechanism with a nut.

The mechanism is secured with a nut

Step 5 . Then screw the arrows themselves. Homemade wall clock is ready!

Screw the clock hands and you're done

Master class No. 5. John Cleese's Foot Clock from The Ministry of Stupid Walks

This original watch will be an excellent gift that can fit into any interior due to the fact that it is made in neutral black and white colors.

Designer watches with hands-legs

To make such a clock, prepare:

  • printed John Cleese and numbers for the dial;
  • canvas 200x200 mm;
  • plastic (give preference to something that bends poorly - take, for example, a plastic folder);
  • hands, clock mechanism;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • black marker;
  • decoupage glue;
  • awl;
  • wire cutters;
  • scalpel;
  • scissors.

What is needed when creating a watch
Step 1 . You need to start with a printout of John Cleese himself (his image can be downloaded from this link) on A4 sheet. Trim the finished drawing so that its dimensions are approximately 210x210 mm.

Printed drawings Cut sheet with dial

On a note! It is advisable that the printer used is a laser one - this way the ink will not leak.

Step 2 . Moisten the picture with a small amount of water and wait for it to be absorbed. While this is happening, apply glue to the canvas. Glue the wet picture onto the canvas and carefully smooth it out. Apply a second layer of glue on top (obviously you need to use transparent), press the edges of the sheet and wait until the canvas dries. Only then apply another layer of glue.

The picture is wetted with water

The canvas is smeared with glue. The image is glued to the canvas. Another layer of glue is applied.

The next morning the craft will look like this

Step 3 . Cut out the legs according to the template, leaving a five-millimeter margin along the contour. Sprinkle the picture with a small amount of water and wait until it is absorbed. Next, apply glue to the prepared piece of plastic, carefully glue the paper legs, smooth them out. Apply another layer of glue to the picture, wait for it to dry (you can leave it overnight - that’s enough).

Legs are cut out according to the template Pictures are sprayed with water A piece of plastic is cut out Paper legs are glued Wait for the glue to dry

Important! If the plastic is slightly bent after the glue has dried, glue a sheet of thick paper to its back side.

After complete drying, arm yourself with a scalpel and carefully cut along the contour of the leg.

The legs are cut out with a stationery knife. Ready-made arrows-legs.

Step 4 . Determine the center of the canvas; at this point, use an awl to make a hole wide enough to accommodate the arrow fastener. Install the clock mechanism on the reverse side and secure it with a nut.

The center of the canvas is determined. A hole is made in the center. Another photo of the process. A clock mechanism is installed.

If your mechanism also includes a metal ring before attaching it between the canvas and the nut, then so that it is not visible, you can print the image of John Cleese again, cut out a circle of suitable diameter with a hole in the middle and glue it so that it covers metal ring Black circle closed metal ring

Step 5 . Place the arrows on top of the plastic legs. Mark with a pencil the places where mounting holes need to be made. If necessary, trim the arrows (their length should be slightly less than the length of the legs), and then glue the legs to them. When the glue has dried, attach the hands-legs to the dial. You can paint the mounting nut black if necessary.

Arrows and cut out legs

Locations of future holes are marked Holes are made Trimming arrows

The parts are glued to the hands. Attaching the hands-legs to the watch.

Step 6 . Ready! The result is such an original wall clock.

The result of the work done

Master class No. 6. Decoupage wall clock

Vintage is always coziness, a harmonious combination of events from past years. A handmade vintage style wall clock can decorate any interior, giving it a touch of romance.

DIY wall clock decoupage

To decoupage a vintage watch, prepare:

  • clock mechanism, hands;
  • workpiece (its diameter should be 30 cm);
  • palette knife;
  • acrylic primer;
  • brushes;
  • relief acrylic paste (you will need a thin one);
  • matte acrylic varnish;
  • transparent modeling gel (in our example, “Tair” is used);
  • stencil with dial;
  • acrylic paints (in the example the following colors are used: white, pistachio, natural umber, peaches in champagne);
  • rice cards (with drawn notes, flowers);
  • moderator;
  • special decoupage glue (in the example “Tair” is also used).

What you need for decoupage
Step 1 . First, prepare the workpiece - evenly apply a thin layer of acrylic primer to it.

Step 2 . To make the base whiter and smoother, sand it using sandpaper, then apply a second coat of primer.

Sanding the base with sandpaper

Step 3 . Start creating an artistic background. Take pistachio, peach and taupe paint (for the latter, add a drop of umber to the white paint). Use pieces of sponge to apply. When layering colors softly, apply them in smoky patches like in the photo.

Creating an artistic background for decoupage

Step 4 . To make the roses clearly visible, paint them on the reverse side with white paint.

The reverse side of the roses is tinted with white paint.

Step 5 . Glue the pieces of rice cards with glue: first the notes, and then the piece with the flowers.

Gluing pieces of rice cards

Step 6 . Using gray-beige paint, combine the background and soften the edges of the glued pieces. Dust the edges using just a little paint. You can add a little dry retardant to achieve greater lightness and transparency.

Dust the edges with grey-beige paint

Step 7 . Make a relief dial. Using a stencil, apply relief paste with a palette knife. You don’t have to level the surface too much - let traces of strokes remain on it. Next, remove the stencil and wait for the relief to dry completely.

Creating a relief dial

Step 8 . Apply another layer of acrylic varnish - it will protect the decorative layer. Wait for the surface to dry.

Acrylic varnish is applied

Step 9 . Using a transparent modeling gel, make the flowers voluminous. To apply, use a palette knife, moving according to the movement of the petals. Wait for the gel to dry (it will become transparent).

Add volume to roses using a modeling transparent gel

Step 10 . Take natural umber, dilute it with water until you get a milky consistency; also add a little retarder. Apply the resulting mixture using a bristle brush so that it penetrates into all the recesses.

Patination of the dial of future watches

Step 11 . Wipe off excess patina with a folded wet rag, focusing on the top of the relief so that the patina remains in the recesses.

Removing excess patina

Treat the edges of the dial with a patina compound, then wait until the watch dries.

The edges of the watch are processed

Step 12 . Apply matte acrylic varnish (preferably in two layers; wait for the first to dry before applying the second).

The watch is coated with acrylic matte varnish

Our watch is almost ready. Now just pick up the hands and install the clock mechanism!

Photos of finished wall clocks Types of clock mechanisms

Best ideas for inspiration

And finally, here are some more examples of decorating, creating or remaking wall clocks. Check them out, get inspired and create!

Bright wall clocks will decorate any interior

Creative ash wall clock Bicycle wheel clock

Triangular wooden wall clock Homemade wall clock with original design Amazing wall decor

Interesting wall clock Another original dial design A clock made from an old kitchen colander

Large wall clock

Homemade wall clock made of wood Original domino clock Simple wall clock made of buttons Clocks using the decoupage technique Clocks made from ordinary books

Photo of a homemade wooden clock Wall clock for the kitchen

Large clock on the wall Another example of a clock made from a bicycle wheel

5/5 — (15 votes)

The can is a real trend

If you don’t have the desire or lack the skill to build a box, then you can pack the watch in a glass or plastic jar. Today this is a real trend. Find a small clear or white container, line the bottom with paper straws and colored string, add a clock, decorate the jar with ribbon, and you're ready for a first-class package.

Photo of a jar with a clock inside

You can wrap the box with the watch in a newspaper, but not the old one that you put aside for washing windows, but the one with a feature article on its pages. Headings can be a kind of hint. Wrap the box, decorate it with additional lace, beads or thread and you can proudly present the gift.

Photo of a watch as a gift, packed in newspaper

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