DIY bunk bed: +780 photos, drawings and master classes

DIY bunk bed photo

If you have limited space in your child's bedroom or share a small apartment with friends, you can still make good use of the space by making your own bunk bed . Here we've compiled some of the best step-by-step instructions we could find online. All presented models have a unique design, so you can choose the best option for a master class on how to make a bunk bed out of wood with your own hands . So if you want to get a new comfortable bed and save some space in your home, check out our list of projects. We've even found a few examples of how to make your own three bunk bed so you can further improve your use of space. If you have the tools and some basic woodworking skills, you can make any of these beds. In each example you will find a link to the source website with detailed instructions. Be sure to look at all the projects to choose the most suitable bunk bed option.


The second tier in the room is made according to individual needs and sizes to make it as comfortable as possible for your family. Everything will be taken into account - the number and location of windows and doors, the height of ceilings and doors, the height of furniture and proper arrangement in areas of the living space, taking into account your wishes.

For example, stairs. It is clear that in the room of an elderly overweight lady it will be completely different compared to the stairs that will be used by a thin young student.

Watch our new video on our channel! You will meet our customers from the “5 Stars” Residential Complex and find out: - why the decision was made to install a loft bed with a built-in wardrobe, - how the customers contacted our company, - what was memorable about the collaboration with Yarus2, - what the bed looks like - attic wardrobe with mirrored doors in a modern interior - are the owners happy with their new bed?


“We used to constantly bump into a cat in our cramped apartment in the dark...”

Manufacturing materials

A bunk bed-house for children is made from the following materials:

  1. Natural wood. Environmentally friendly, safe, strong, durable material. Children's furniture is most often made from solid wood. You can make any two-tier models from it - with a ladder, a chest of drawers, a closet.
  2. Chipboard. Fiberboards of this type significantly reduce the cost of furniture, but are inferior in strength and quality to natural wood. In addition, the resins used to glue the chips together can emit toxic fumes, which is extremely undesirable for a child's room.
  3. MDF. These boards are a level higher than chipboard. They are almost as strong as solid wood, and no harmful compounds are used in their production. Furniture made from MDF is more budget-friendly than furniture made from wood, but is somewhat more expensive than furniture made from chipboard.
  4. Metal. The metal bed is a frame with a silhouette reminiscent of a house. It can be supplemented with a canopy and curtains. It looks simple and concise. Suitable for teenagers. It is superior in strength to any other materials.

Types of bunk beds with wardrobe, design options

Plastic, fabric, jute and other options are used as additional raw materials for some structural elements. For example, the house may have a rope ladder, curtains, and plastic decor.

Whatever material children's furniture is made of, it must be safe - sharp edges, corners, nicks, and protruding fittings are excluded.







At a price of 11300 8700 RUB. PER SQUARE METER OF STANDARD WOODEN CONSTRUCTION (EXCLUDING THE COST OF MATERIALS) a reliable rigid structure is available, made in accordance with safety requirements and your wishes, with reliable railings and stairs.


  1. PHOTO - Guidelines for Selecting a Suitable Design for the Second Tier
  2. Catalog of 300 Designs from Designers from Around the World (Second Floor In A Room, Loft, Loft Bed)

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Watch our new video showing the STRENGTH of our structures (+ customer review):

Bed design

The design of this furniture is so diverse and creative that only photos of children's bunk beds can describe it.

There are separate models for boys and girls.

Options for boys are created in the form:

  • Ships
  • Starships
  • Typewriters
  • Fisherman's huts
  • Craft workshop
  • Knight's castle
  • London bus

Often such models have additional equipment for climbing and sports: hanging ropes, slides, rings, wall bars.

Models for girls are made in light colors and have a lot of decorations and decorative materials. These beds often have a large number of drawers, chests, shelves and other secluded places for secrets.

Bed options for girls:

  • Princess Castle
  • Princess boudoir
  • Fairytale house
  • Witch's house
  • Eastern tent

You can complement the design of a bed for a girl with your own hands. Options for adding decor:

  • Decoration of painted walls and slats
  • Using decoupage for painting
  • Pasting with rhinestones
  • Placing stylish curtains imitating an oriental tent or an astrologer’s tent
  • Decoration with pieces of fabric and nets in the style of a witch's hut

Advice. Curtains on the bed on both tiers will allow the child to create his own individual space and it will be easier for him to fall asleep.


The housing affordability indicator calculated by the Institute of Urban Economics Foundation is only 27%! This means that under our mentally handicapped government, only one family out of four will today be able to purchase housing using their own or borrowed funds. These are people who have a fairly high regular income - at least 75 thousand rubles per month per family.

Others are forced to live in cramped conditions, perhaps for the rest of their lives. Think about it for a minute. This problem is as serious as cancer for 73% of our people.

How to place a bed in a room

When placing a bed in a room, it is important to choose a place that is comfortable and safe for the child. First of all, the bed must be placed so that drafts from the window do not blow on the child.

To do this, furniture is placed in a corner near the wall. It is better if there is a space of one and a half meters between the window and the bed. The wall along which the bed stands should not be external, otherwise it will blow cold.

If there is a desk near the bed, it should be well lit from the window. In this case, the light should fall from the left for right-handers and from the right for left-handers.

Bunk beds have such a stylish and bright design that just placing them in a room will transform the entire interior. But it will be better if the rest of the room is decorated in the same style. For this you can use:

  • Pillows and poufs
  • Fabric for bedspreads and drapery in the room
  • Decorating steps with carpet, which is also used to cover the floor
  • Styling other furniture in the room to create a single ensemble with the bed.

This interior design will make the entire room cozy and interesting for the child, where he will happily play, study and relax.


Scientists have proven that crowding has a significant impact on human behavior, well-being and health. You can look, for example, at the Great Encyclopedia of Psychiatry (Zhmurov V.A., 2nd ed., 2012) or just type in an Internet search engine - “crowding, consequences.”

Almost always, crowding is associated with a bad mood.

People feel worse when they feel crowded. The state of health is deteriorating.

Studies have shown that people living in crowded conditions have elevated blood pressure levels. Do you know why the mortality rate in prisons is much higher than in freedom? Right. One reason is overcrowding in prison cells.

In crowded conditions, people become hostile to other people! People become more aggressive. To understand what we are talking about, just remember your last trip in a crowded transport during rush hour... In a family, this can lead to frequent quarrels between loved ones, alienation, and divorce.

Bed types

Depending on the design and type of use, children's beds are divided into several types:

  • A “transformer” bed, where the lower place is removed during the daytime. Children can use the freed up space for games. There are options where the lower place is removed and the desk is folded down instead.
  • Bed with cabinet furniture. The advantage of such models is increased stability. The design of the bed may include a chest of drawers, a wardrobe, and a desk.
  • Bed with loft for games. In this case, the upper tier is equipped not as a sleeping place, but as a creative space. Here, in addition to space for the child, shelves, drawers, or even the steering wheel of a spaceship can be placed. The upper tier can also have a hidden structure and be blocked from the front by a small façade.
  • Beds with offset floors. In them, the lower and upper places are not located exactly above each other, but are shifted either along or across. The free space is used for drawers and shelves.

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