Rating of the best transporters and furniture moving kits for 2022

The process of rearranging furniture in itself can change the interior of a room radically and at minimal cost. However, it often becomes necessary to move a rack or cabinet in such a way as not to damage the flooring, and to do this procedure with minimal labor costs. Naturally, all this can only be accomplished using one’s own muscular strength, but then such a movement may be associated with the risk of injury or damage to a piece of furniture or the environment. Therefore, today there are many ways to perform this operation - from purely folk ones (lining various objects used as sliders, for example, plastic tires) to quite technological ones (for example, furniture conveyors).

It is worth noting that some transportation kits are direct successors of folk methods, and these may include special slider stands made from a special material and produced in a factory. But a more productive tool for carrying out operations for transporting large furniture are furniture transporters. With their help, it is possible to lift the edge of an object, place the mounting legs on it, and then securely fix the object on a special moving platform. Using such a device will allow you to move an object without much labor.

Modern technological methods of moving furniture

  • Furniture conveyors

This designates a set of items that includes a small lever that has the function of a jack, responsible for lifting one of the corners of a piece of furniture, and also includes four stands with wheels that can be directed in any direction. By placing moving mechanisms under each side of the object, it can be easily moved around the entire perimeter of the room.

IMPORTANT! In cases where it is necessary to move a heavy object specifically over a decorated covering (carpet or rug), you should select a conveyor with wheels of a large diameter so that they cannot “drown” in the pile of the covering.

  • Special furniture stands

They are squares or circles of various diameters and thicknesses. For moving on carpet, plastic ones with a smooth base are suitable. They are fixed using an adhesive base, either with built-in nails or screws. The option with built-in nails is perfect for massive furniture, because putting such an object on its side can be very difficult.

IMPORTANT! It should be remembered that fixing stands with an adhesive base is not always able to withstand the weight of massive objects, so it must be reinforced with super glue with high adhesion!

  • Hand (“garden”) carts

To carry out the operation of moving furniture, it is possible to use ordinary metal carts on two wheels. This option is used in cases where it is necessary to move a relatively small object (bedside table or chest of drawers) from one room to another. However, even if the object is light, but has large dimensions in width, it is preferable to work together so that the second person can hold the opposite edge. However, you can also secure the object for stability with a flat and wide belt.

  • Durable foil

This simple method of moving is most suitable for furniture whose supports are made in the form of legs. This includes tables, couches, massive chairs. The foil is simply folded in several layers, then placed under the leg, and the free edges are wrapped around. This wrapping will prevent the material from coming off the leg while moving. It should be noted that this method is not suitable for very massive objects - the foil can easily tear under their weight.

  • Carrying straps

Special belts (it is also possible to use a regular strong rope) for carrying are the most popular way to move any pieces of furniture of considerable size. However, such carrying should be carried out by at least two people. The essence of the method is that a belt (or rope) is pulled under each pair of legs, and its ends are held by people. This method is very effective when it is necessary to carry out an operation that is called “in weight”, preventing contact with the sensitive floor surface when moving furniture. The method will 100% protect the floor covering from dents, scratches and other mechanical damage.

  • Hardboard fragments (fiberboard)

This method is best used when you need to move a small cabinet or cabinet over a fleecy surface. To do this, the smooth side of the hardboard is placed on the carpet, and the rough side is placed under the foot of the object. Further, it is preferable to use belts to move all sides evenly.

Consequences of careless handling

But linoleum, no matter how reliable and durable it is, needs careful care and careful operation. The above-described elasticity and some softness hide those features of the material that do not allow it to be handled roughly. When moving heavy things on linoleum, it is quite easy to damage it. Under the pressure of the cabinet legs, it bends, gathers like an accordion and, as a result, breaks. Repairing the material will be either difficult or completely impossible.

Damage to linoleum

On a note! Sometimes linoleum tears can be repaired using special cold welding, but this is an extra cost and extra work for the home owner. And the material cannot be restored to its 100% integrity. It is much easier to prevent damage to the coating if you move the furniture correctly.

Cold welding of linoleum - stages of work

By the way, even if the material is not affected by furniture constantly moving over it, it deteriorates under the pressure of the legs of a heavy cabinet or sofa. In places where there is large or massive furniture, grooves form on the material over time - the linoleum simply sinks under things. And even if you remove a heavy cabinet from it, the holes formed in the place of the legs will not always straighten out again - a lot will depend on the duration of the mechanical impact, as well as on the quality of the floor covering.

Torn linoleum

"Folk" methods

  • Using lubricants, glycerin, detergents or WD 40 lubricant

These products are perfect for moving furniture on flat and level surfaces. But first you need to check whether the product does not leave unnecessary marks on the floor covering. To do this, it is applied to an area that is not visually striking in the interior of the room. Next, you need to wait a few minutes and wash off the applied composition with a degreasing solution. If there are no traces left on the floor, then the composition can be safely applied.

To move, you should distribute the sliding composition on the floor along the future trajectory of the object, commensurate with its width. Then you need to place the object on the created “path” and move it with light effort. The friction force will be dampened by the sliding properties of the composition. It should be mentioned that this method is preferable to use when moving furniture over short distances.

  • Use of rugs

This method is suitable for moving furniture items over carpet or carpet. To do this, I turn the rug over with its pile down, and a moving object is placed on its rough surface. The fleecy side will glide perfectly over both the pile and the parquet, and the wide base of the rug will be able to cover the entire width of the bottom of the furniture.

  • Using felt coasters

They are made by hand, similar to plastic coasters, but are considered less dangerous for smooth floor coverings. With their help, it is possible to move large-sized structures without disassembling them in parts. To speed up all processes, it is worth using at least four gaskets.

  • Using the Bedspread

To move furniture, it is possible to use a regular blanket, which can also be used to cover things when transporting them by road. The essence of the action is very simple - simply place a blanket under the lower base of the object and then simply drag it to the desired place. Also, with the help of several blankets it is possible to move the load upstairs, for which they (the blankets) need to be laid out on a flight of stairs, creating a kind of ramp. However, this method will require the participation of at least two people.

Types of lifting devices

What the pulley for lifting loads and the construction crane have in common is the use of the idea of ​​increasing force - the rule of leverage. In order to balance the load on the short side of the lever, you need to apply less force to its long side to the extent that the short arm is less than the long one. The ratio of forces at the ends of the lever is called the gear ratio.

You can balance and even lift a weight with an effort less than its weight, but the path made by the end of a long lever will be longer than that of a short one, just as less force was applied to lift it. There is no gain in work (F1*L1=F2*L2), but this is not required.

The use of Archimedes' principle is implemented in different lifting mechanisms, and how depends on the purpose of the lift. Designs differ in gear ratio, principle of force transfer, mobility, strength, and energy used. The most popular types for self-production:

  • chain hoists;
  • drum structures;
  • lever mechanism.

To choose the type of device needed for specific work, it is worth familiarizing yourself with their capabilities and limitations.

Features of the use of furniture conveyors

Traditional sets for moving furniture consist of a lever with a comfortable handle, combined with a wheeled platform. Using a lever, the platform is installed in the desired location. To use the conveyor correctly, several parameters should be taken into account:

  • The material of its manufacture and all parts (may be different);
  • Dimensions of the piece of furniture;
  • The design of the legs of this item.

Wheels for the device must be selected depending on the surface on which movement will occur - whether it will be parquet or laminate, or soft flooring. At the same time, you should make sure that the device as a whole is comfortable to use. Professionals say that a high-quality transporter will allow even a person who is not very physically fit to cope with the movement of a large object alone. However, the help of an assistant during complex operations should not be neglected, because extra control and insurance of the entire process will never be superfluous.

Thus, when choosing a conveyor for transporting furniture, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Material of manufacture - the platform itself with the lever must be made of durable metal that can withstand significant loads. Steel is excellent for these purposes, as it is a strong, durable and deformation-resistant material. It is from material of similar quality that the lever must be made.
  • Platform - it must be suitable in size, shape, and be provided with sides and a relief surface. The best option would be to have a universal base, which has a rounded recess for the legs and corresponding sides on both sides. Such limiters will prevent the load from slipping while moving.
  • Wheelbase – The material used to make the wheels must be as strong as the arm and platform. The minimum standard for conveyors is to maintain a load of 100 kilograms. It would be ideal if the wheels have a rotating function. Sometimes, instead of a wheelbase, movable plates are used - they work best on a decorative fleecy covering.
  • The shape of the handle - the thinner the part that needs to be inserted under the furniture, the less clearance it will need. A metal cylinder or wheel is usually used as a support. Wheeled models are best used for sensitive types of flooring - they will scratch the floor less.

IMPORTANT! It should be noted that for large furniture it is possible to use several conveyors at once - this is common practice.

Manual drum winches

The principle of operation of winches resembles a simple lever fixed at a fulcrum. If the short arm of the lever is the surface of the cylinder, and the load is attached to it by a cable, you will get a winch with a gear ratio equal to the ratio of the length of the lever and the radius of the cylinder. To prevent reverse rotation, a ratcheting mechanism with a spring-loaded pawl is installed on the axis - a ratchet. You can assemble such a hand winch with your own hands according to the drawing:

However, the high gear ratio of the system will require a very long handle, which is inconvenient. The solution is found in two types of drum winches, which increase the gear ratio using gears or a worm gear.

How to make a winch with your own hands using a worm gear can be seen in the drawing:

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A ratchet is not needed in this design; the gear ratio, when the worm flange passes over each gear tooth, is equal to the number of gear teeth multiplied by the ratio of the length of the handle to the radius of the worm. But a significant disadvantage will be the friction between the teeth and the comb. The mechanism requires constant lubrication.

A gearbox made of gears operates with much less friction. When using the principle of transmitting force through a pair of gears of different diameters, the easiest way to make a manual drum winch with your own hands is this:

Please note that a stopper is required in such devices. This design is used for small heights or lengths of cargo movement. A cable guide will help increase the movement distance by evenly distributing the cable along the length of the cylinder. The easiest way to get the result is to use a spring-loaded plate or rod that presses the cable to the drum:

Features of using sets of furniture sliders

Special furniture sliders are a set of technologically advanced and simple devices that make the process of moving furniture much easier. As a rule, the set includes several pieces of sliders, which makes it possible to move furniture of various sizes and with different numbers of supports. Depending on the type of surface on which you intend to move the object, you should select the appropriate type of sliders (with a plastic or fleecy base).

The process itself is quite simple: the slider is placed individually at the desired angles or furniture legs. To do this, the object is raised slightly and a slider is placed under it in the appropriate place, with the working side facing the floor surface. The working side will reduce the friction force, which will greatly facilitate the movement procedure.

Next, simply push the trace object in the desired direction along the surface. The movement should be smooth and in small jerks, and the assistance of a second person will be useful in order to exercise proper control over the stability of the object. Upon completion of movement, the sliders are simply removed from under the furniture.

Lever lifts

The most popular use for lever jacks is as a car jack. It is used less frequently as a universal device, since the lifting height is small and limited.

The lifting of the load occurs as a result of repeated small movements of the platform between fixed positions on the rail. It is rarely used in the household. The positive quality of lever systems is reliability and durability.

Features of moving furniture on different types of surfaces

Methods for shag flooring

In order to prevent the soft covering from breaking through when moving large furniture, it is preferable to use devices on rollers or sliding devices. However, the key to a successful move will be compliance with the following features:

  • Large furniture must be freed from the items in it;
  • It is also preferable to remove its internal elements, for example, removable heavy shelves or drawers;
  • Any locking elements, for example, doors or doors, must be immobilized by securing them with tape.

Methods for smooth coating

When moving massive furniture structures on an unprepared surface, there are many risks - the surface may be damaged or even the person himself may be injured. To prepare a smooth surface for furniture movement, start by washing the floors. Heavy objects will move more easily if there is no dirt on the surface that can create unnecessary friction. Depending on the chosen method, movement can be carried out either using special devices. Or simply by lubricating the path of movement with a sliding compound. It is worth remembering that movement on a freshly painted surface is not allowed in order to prevent damage to the paint layer. You need to wait the required period of 8 to 10 days.

Creation of an air cushion for the redeployment of very heavy objects

In cases where you need to move an extremely heavy object, even regardless of its dimensions, the best option would be to use an air cushion, which you can make yourself. It will lift the load above the surface and simply slide along it, which means a significant reduction in the applied muscular effort on the part of the person.

To make and manage such a pillow you will need:

  • A small pump (for example, for pumping up an inflatable boat);
  • A sheet of plywood of the required area with a thickness of at least 8 millimeters;
  • Fabric, rubberized on one side;
  • Foamed polyethylene backing.

The manufacturing process involves the following steps:

  • First, a cushion platform is made from a sheet of plywood, the size of which should be slightly larger in area than the base of the furniture to be moved (i.e., the edges of the plywood should extend beyond the base of the object);
  • Closer to the edge, a hole is made in the plywood for inserting a pump pipe for inflating the pillow with air;
  • To fit the size of the plywood, overlays are cut from foamed polyethylene, the total length of which must be at least 20 millimeters;
  • Then a piece of rubberized fabric that does not allow air to pass through is prepared; its dimensions must be larger than the dimensions of the plywood base by at least 10 centimeters on each side;
  • The prepared piece of fabric is folded and attached to a plywood base in such a way as to prevent the involuntary release of inflated air under the pressure of the transported item. Fixation is carried out using reliable super glue with a high level of adhesion.

Upon completion of the glue hardening process (the period is indicated in its instructions), the pillow is ready for use. You should simply place it under the object, pump air into it, and then move it. The smooth surface of the pillow will easily slide over a flat base, and its rough part, inflated with air, will hold the object being moved. However, if the object itself is large, then stability control by another person will be required.

Safety regulations

Moving furniture is always quite hard work, which is associated with the risk of injury. It is clear from this that people involved in this process must comply with minimum safety requirements:

  • It is necessary to plan the entire procedure in a calm environment and technically competently, while simultaneously making sure that transport devices are securely fixed.
  • You should not apply excessive force to heavy and large objects if they do not give in the first time. It is better to use special means of transportation.
  • The path of movement must be freed as much as possible from all sorts of obstacles, so as not to complicate the process of movement by bypassing them.
  • While moving the object, always maintain a stable position and do not make sudden maneuvers.
  • Always remember that it is better to disassemble a large object in parts and reassemble it in a new place. This simple method will help you avoid dangerous situations.
  • You should not neglect the help of other people - it is easier for two people to control the position of the furniture and its stability while rearranging it.

Premium class

3rd place: “Controlled platform for moving heavy loads EURO-LIFT ST30”

This sample is a controlled version of the lifting heel and has 4 movable rollers. The rollers themselves are made entirely of nylon, which protects the moving surface as much as possible from mechanical scratches. The handle has a length of 1.05 meters, which provides high leverage when installing the load. Permissible weight for transportation is 3 tons. Suitable for moving various types of cargo, not just furniture. Country of origin - Russia, set retail price - 16,200 rubles.

Steered platform for moving heavy loads EURO-LIFT ST30


  • Long control rod;
  • One-year warranty;
  • Extended range of use.


  • Not detected.

2nd place: “Stella ST60 g/p 6t”

This type of conveyor can rightfully be called universal: it has a rotating mechanism, is capable of transporting objects of various sizes and weights, and its roller movement system provides reliable support. Maneuvers are very convenient to perform even in limited space. Durable metal construction will last a long time. The country of manufacture is Russia, the established cost for the retail network is 28,000 rubles.

Stella ST60 capacity 6t


  • Rigid system as a whole;
  • Does not require additional maintenance;
  • Comfort during use.


  • Not detected.

1st place: “Transport-roller set Stella SK30”

This transport kit contains an expanded set of adjustable and controllable platforms, which are stored in a special case. The entire set is very easy to assemble and disassemble, which makes it possible to fine-tune the conveyor for a specific piece of furniture. The roller system is responsible for uniform load distribution, which indicates minimal possible wear on the entire structure. The set is completed with a crowbar and a grip, making it convenient to remove the platform from under the load. Country of origin - Russia, set retail price - 45,000 rubles.

Transport and roller set Stella SK30


  • Stable design;
  • Rigid system;
  • Reliability.


  • Extremely high price.

The principle of operation of pulley hoists

The only simpler device for moving heavy objects is a metal scrap. The main element is a wheel with a chamfer in the middle of the outer surface, the axis of which is fixed to the ceiling beam. You can throw a hoist over it, and the lift with a gear ratio of 1 to 1 is ready. To increase the leverage, let's pass the hoist through another loose wheel, the axis of which is connected to the load, and fix the hoist at the top of the structure.

The transfer coefficient will become equal to 2 . Now let's attach another wheel to the ceiling, and pass the end of the hoist through it, securing it to the axis of the lower wheel. The gear ratio will become equal to 3. And so on, by adding one wheel at a time and changing the mounting location of the hoist, you can increase the gear ratio.

The location of the wheels relative to each other may be different.

The most compact designs are those with single-axle wheels. The design of such devices has two wheel holders. Having studied the drawings of the chain hoist, it will not be difficult to assemble it with your own hands. You will need two clips:

  1. traverse;
  2. carrying bracket;
  3. cheek for mounting parts;
  4. wheel (block);
  5. emphasis;
  6. bearing;
  7. sleeve;
  8. axis;
  9. axle holder;
  10. bearing oiler;
  11. hoist limiter;
  12. screw;
  13. bearing;
  14. cheek.

The end of the hoist is fixed to one of the clips.

Pulley hoists also have disadvantages. To increase the gear ratio by 1, you need to add one wheel each time, as a result the weight of the mechanism increases. In addition, bending the cable on each wheel requires force, reducing the efficiency of the device. You can reduce these losses by increasing the diameter of the wheels, but at the same time there will be an increase in the weight and dimensions of the pulley. Other types of lifts do not have these disadvantages.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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