Rating of the best desks with height adjustment for 2022

According to statistics, every third worker who spends most of his time at a desk is susceptible to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Diseases are primarily caused by uncomfortable posture and incorrect table height. To avoid stagnation of lactic acid in the muscles, which causes pain, purchasing an adjustable desk model that allows an office employee, student or student to change position. In addition, the smart desk adapts to the user’s height and needs.

The editors of the Yanashla website bring to your attention an overview of the best height-adjustable tables for 2022 and tips on choosing this necessary piece of furniture.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Adjustable Desks

This model differs from its counterparts in the ability to change the height of the tabletop due to “growing” legs.

The built-in mechanism allows the table to be used in a standing or sitting position, which increases human comfort.

The control mechanism is driven by manual force or electric drive.

According to buyers, the design has the following advantages:

  • While working at a desk, a person can choose any position that is convenient for him.
  • Adjusting the height to suit human height relieves the discomfort that appears when working at a table that is not the right size.
  • Furniture for children with a height adjustment function allows the spine of preschoolers and schoolchildren to develop correctly without deforming their posture.
  • A table that grows with a child is an obvious saving on the family budget.

The disadvantages of adjustable tables include:

  • Inexpensive models are made of quickly aging material and low quality raw materials.
  • The control mechanism may fail, requiring structural repairs.
  • Many budget options are not equipped with drawers and cabinets, which reduces the functionality of the furniture.
  • High-quality products with additional options that increase the comfort of use are expensive.

Having weighed all the pros and cons of this design, buyers, when deciding which is better to buy a table - a regular or adjustable one, come to the conclusion that the second option is more profitable.


Adjustable table - a table with the ability to change height due to a mechanical or electric drive.


  • the ability to alternate body positions (sitting, standing);
  • the height is adjusted to the height of a particular person;
  • ideal for children (“grows” with the child).


  • price.

Types of lifting device:

  1. Mechanical. There are 2 types: stepped (the height changes by moving the tabletop along special grooves installed in advance at certain levels) and screw (the work is based on the circular rotation of the legs).
  2. Electric. Works automatically when you press a button, powered by electricity.

Types depending on structure and functionality:

  1. Writing. Often, in such options there is also a function for changing the angle of the tabletop. This is very convenient for school-age children, but is not suitable for installing a computer. Most often, such options have mechanical control mechanisms.
  2. Computer. Ideally, if this option contains a cooling system in the design, then the computer will not overheat during constant operation. This model also differs in size; it provides space for a mouse, keyboard, and a special compartment (platform) for the system unit under the table. The folding surface option can contain 2 elements: the first for the computer, the second for the worker’s hand. Bedside models are equipped with convenient wheels for quick movement around the room. Typically, they are L-shaped or T-shaped, which is very convenient for use.
  3. Office. Such options are more functional, equipped with various additional functions (sockets, footrests, shelves, etc.). Standing desks are also suitable for offices and negotiations; they can be conveniently selected to suit any worker’s height.

Shape and materials

Let's look at what materials are most often used in the production of countertops:

  • Chipboard. Models made from this material are budget, costing from 1,000 rubles, but they are not durable, chipboard is quite fragile and quickly breaks down.
  • Fiberboard. It has high moisture resistance and increased resistance to damage.
  • Solid wood. The most expensive option, but at the same time the strongest and most durable.

The base is made of metal, it can withstand heavy loads and is resistant to damage.

The ergonomic characteristics of the product largely depend on the shape, so it is very important to choose the appropriate option specifically for your parameters.


  • Corner option - will help save space in the apartment, it is convenient to work on the computer behind it;
  • the rectangular version is universal, suitable for any work, will fit into any interior;
  • round: the round shape allows you to add an element of sophistication to the interior, it is convenient to work on the computer, or conduct negotiations; it often has a recess for the convenience of the seated person;
  • square, it can be used as a bedside or coffee table, the square shape is suitable for any interior and will not take up much space;
  • triangular - less common than others, more often used in offices or apartments as a magazine option, but can be placed in the kitchen.

For people who sit at a desk for a long time due to their occupation, experts recommend alternating sitting and standing positions and taking short breaks from work. This will avoid fatigue and increase vitality.

Optimal level

The indicator of the correct level is especially important for children, their posture, muscles and spine are formed, but also for adults, if the position is incorrect, fatigue, back and lower back pain quickly occurs. Therefore, you need to know the correct fit:

  • At a desk, when working with documents, you need to sit straight, your back should touch the back of the chair, there should be a distance between the table and the chair, and your elbows should be on the surface. Legs at a 90 degree angle should touch the floor.
  • When working at a computer, your eyes should look at the center of the monitor; if your head tilts down or, on the contrary, rises, then you need to adjust the position of the surface.
  • When working at a round table that requires a standing mode, it is necessary that the tabletop reaches the waist or waist of a person, and the arms bent at the elbows should lie on the surface at an angle of 90 degrees. If these conditions are not met, it is necessary to adjust the level of the tabletop.

What types of tables are there with adjustable height?

The types of structures are different; the main role is played by the purpose of the piece of furniture.

There are tables for office and home use:

  • Writing.

For user comfort, it is equipped with a mechanical device that allows you to adjust not only the height, but also the tilt of the tabletop. Models in which the working area has movable and fixed platforms are more convenient.

  • Computer.

Model with limited functionality. The tabletop is wide enough to accommodate a computer; a retractable panel is provided for the keyboard. There is no room for written work. The shape of the tabletop may be different. There are L-shaped and C-shaped models on sale. The best manufacturers also vary the mobility of their products. On the product market there is a choice of both stationary structures and bedside ones, on wheels with lateral support and the option of axis rotation.

  • Office.

Since the appearance of multifunctional new products with the ability to adjust the height and tilt of the working area, equipped with additional functions and elements that ensure user comfort, the popularity of models in this line has not waned. The engineers thought through everything to the smallest detail: a footrest, a socket for a computer or laptop plug, a device for installing a lighting fixture, and convenient and spacious drawers for business items. Such products are expensive, but the price is justified. Budget desks are also available for office equipment. Such a model with a growth function, with a cabinet that moves on wheels, or with a shelf, is devoid of other additions. T-shaped models are also sold, usually installed in meeting rooms.

  • Children's.

There are models with electric drive and mechanical control. The first option is sold with a remote control that allows you to select the desired parameters. The second has a built-in mechanism—step or screw—that regulates the height. A child cannot handle the setup on his own; this work must be done by an adult. More convenient designs include a footrest, a function for changing the position of the tabletop, and a drawer for textbooks, notebooks and stationery. Models with the possibility of modification are multifunctional, which means they are more comfortable, but also more expensive than simpler products.

  • Magazine.

A transformer for the living room, equipped with a height adjustment mechanism, increases the functionality of the piece of furniture. He adjusts to the height of the person sitting in front of him. Models with sliding surfaces are also produced. This option can replace the dining table. The shape of the tabletop can be round, square, rectangular. For small rooms, a coffee table is convenient, whose working area is triangular and can be easily pushed into a corner.

  • Worker.

Popular models are made of MDF and chipboard, with electric drive or mechanical height adjustment. A workspace with an adjustable surface is useful both in the kitchen and in the workshop. Designs are rectangular, square, triangular and C-shaped. The frame material is metal, which increases the strength of the product. Wall-mounted designs, mobile models with wheels, and stationary ones are popular. An attached or corner one is also convenient for working, especially in tight spaces. Models with wheels complemented by individual brakes are among the most popular.

  • Dining room.

A dining model with “growing” legs increases the comfort of people participating in the meal. The kitchen transformer, which also has the function of expanding the countertop, allows you to increase the serving area. Traditionally, such furniture is made from chipboard, wood, and metal. Tabletop material: glass, plastic, wood, chipboard. Products made from chipboard are less environmentally friendly, since they contain formaldehyde resin, the fumes of which are harmful to health. Wooden furniture is an eternal classic. She is safe, elegant. The only negative is that quality products are expensive. Metal products are durable, modern, but will not fit into every interior.

Before purchasing a product, you should decide what type of furniture you need and how you plan to use it, since its parameters and functionality depend on its purpose.

Table repair

Typically, in such structures, the lifting mechanism most often fails. However, breakdowns of a different nature also occur.

When choosing a control mechanism, think about how often you will need to use it.

The most common malfunctions of adjustable tables:

  • Failure of the lifting system (for structures equipped with electric motors). In this case, both the electric motor and the control panel may break. Sometimes the telescopic lift gets jammed. Most such breakdowns are resolved by replacing the faulty part.
  • Backlash. Such problems are typical for tables with manual lifting. For example, a desk with adjustable height, in which the fixation is carried out using a pin. This can be solved by selecting a fixing pin of a larger diameter.
  • Tabletop defects. For tables with one support, constant loads tilted to one side can lead to surface deformation. In addition, mechanical damage such as scratches, chips and cracks is possible during operation. In most cases, the countertop will need to be replaced.

If you just need to adjust a certain height of the kitchen table, then you can choose a mechanical mechanism.
Of course, it cannot be said that such a table will be an ideal option for everyone. Although, of course, there are certain benefits from such a solution. “Definite” because a height-adjustable table requires a review of the operating mode, constant alternation of body position and, in the end, doing it regularly, which not everyone can do. On the other hand, if it is possible to avoid diseases and not look like a question mark with age, then the answer is obvious.

When buying furniture for a child, you should not give preference to bright models, as this significantly distracts children from the thought process.

Criteria for choosing a good model with regulation function

The best tables have the following qualities:

  • Rich functionality: there is an electric drive and remote control, LED backlighting, built-in drawers, shelves, sockets, a footrest, a cooling function for the system unit, tilt adjustment for educational and office options.
  • Brand. The difference in price for products from domestic and foreign manufacturers is obvious. The functionality may also be different. The buyer decides which company is better to choose a product based on his solvency and the purpose of using the product. However, in any case, you need to give preference to models from reputable manufacturers.
  • Material. High-quality models are made from safe raw materials; cheap products may contain harmful impurities that begin to evaporate over time. If furniture is purchased for children, you should pay attention to this criterion first. The type of frame is also important because it affects the service life. It is desirable that the product have a metal “skeleton”; it is much stronger.
  • Form and parameters. The table should fit into the interior, but at the same time be comfortable for the user. Everyone chooses a model according to their own taste, taking into account the dimensions of the room in which the product will be installed and the height of the person who will work at the table.

The color of the product can be selected as desired. However, it is worth remembering that marks remain on a black lacquered surface, as well as on a glossy white one.

Where to buy and how to choose a table

You can pick up a good product in an online store or a furniture showroom. Shopping in a shopping center is much easier. The buyer can carefully examine the presented sample and receive recommendations from a consultant.

On the trading site, you can only rely on your own insight and carefully read the description and characteristics of the lot. Frequent mistakes made by buyers when choosing a product are due to inattention. You should study in detail all the lines of characteristics, clarify the parameters of the product, find out the brand and country of origin, read reviews of other users to find out the disadvantages and advantages of the product. On buyer forums you can also find out how much the same table costs on other trading platforms and choose a more suitable option.

You can order a product online only after finally making sure that this particular model is needed.

Before making a purchase, you should ensure the integrity of the seller. It is worth checking whether the store’s contact details are indicated on the online trading platform - the address of the legal entity and telephone number. The presence of an organization carrying out the sale can also be checked on the official website of the tax service by entering the details of the seller. These steps will help you avoid becoming a victim of scammers.

How to choose

Before you go to the store, you should ask yourself, what kind of height-adjustable table do you actually need? First of all, you need to proceed from the tasks, the solution of which will justify the feasibility of such a purchase. The second important factor is size. Such tables are quite large in size, so it makes sense to take measurements in advance of the place where it should stand.

Such furniture adapts to a person’s height and ergonomics, which allows him or her not to slouch while working.

In general, it is recommended to pay attention to the following:

  1. Structural diagram. Mechanical lifting or using electric drives.
  2. Material. If a large load is expected (monitor, printer, system unit), it is better to choose models with a metal frame and a massive tabletop. Models for paper work may be simpler.
  3. Number of supports. Again, it all depends on the load.
  4. Maximum lift height.
  5. Frequency of use. How often is the height supposed to be adjusted?

Note! In some tables with a mechanical lifting system, the adjustment process is carried out using a pin in the corresponding hole on the support. This means that you will have to remove all objects from the countertop that could fall during this procedure, which is extremely inconvenient if such an action must be performed constantly.

Adjustable furniture is an excellent prevention of various diseases of the spinal column.


The Movotec lifting system consists of lifting cylinders and a pump driven by a lever or an electric motor. Oil from the pump flows into the cylinders and then back out of the cylinders into the pump, so the cylinders extend and contract within the set height (stroke) adjustment range.

Adjustable desks have already become a part of our lives, finding their way into many companies, organizations and institutions. Their popularity is largely due to the fact that these products are functional, making them extremely convenient for office work. Why? Thanks to the ability to adjust the height, they are suitable for people of almost any weight and build, which makes it possible to work comfortably for a long time and without getting tired.

Tabletop height adjustment systems: how to choose the right system

Very often, customers come to us who have certain ideas for improving their workplace or original ideas for organizing home life, preserving space and its optimal use at home, at work, in a restaurant, but there is no understanding of how best to do this. In this article we will try to tell you how to choose a lifting system for yourself if you need to raise and lower something or move something. SUSPA lifting systems are used to change the height of tables, work surfaces and small machines.

Lifting system ELS

Let's start with the most popular lift system, the ELS3 electric lift system. You will most likely choose this tabletop height adjustment system if you want:

  • work at an office desk both sitting and standing;
  • adjust the height of the podium or any lecture stand;
  • hide built-in appliances in the living room or kitchen;
  • when using medical or laboratory equipment, adjust the position of the monitor, equipment, special apparatus depending on the needs of the patient;
  • and even raise or lower part of the scenery on stage.

The areas of application are very diverse! What is it about an electric lift system that makes it ideal for these applications?

  • the ability to synchronize the operation of 2 and 3 legs;
  • elegant and simple design, silent operation;
  • Load capacity per leg is 50-60 kg! this will allow you to easily lift both a light chipboard tabletop and medium-weight equipment;
  • two height adjustment ranges: 1) from 570 mm to 1220 mm; 2) from 680 mm to 1180 mm;
  • various activation systems: the function of remembering several positions you need and even a remote control!
  • easy assembly and excellent German quality!

Varistand lifting system

The second system option we offer is the pneumatic Varistand system. Scope of application is narrower:

  • tables in fast food restaurants, portable tables;
  • height-adjustable stands at receptions in hotels, offices, halls, exhibition equipment/booths;
  • coffee tables;
  • speaker stands;
  • carts, gurneys;
  • bedside tables.

Key points to consider when choosing a Varistand pneumatic lifting system:

  • Only one-legged system!
  • The tabletop diameter is limited to 90 cm.
  • Limit load capacity 400N (40 kg).
  • Two color options: chrome-plated leg or gray RAL 9006.
  • Two options: 1) length in the extended position of the leg - 1040 mm, in the compressed position - 625 mm;
  • 2) length in the extended position of the leg - 660 mm, in the compressed position - 435 mm;
  • Available with or without bottom base.
  • Movotec lifting system

    The third option is the Movotec hydraulic lift system. If you need to change the height of fairly heavy equipment and/or your structure covers a large area, this system will most likely be suitable for you. Typically, it can be used:

    • height adjustment of the workplace in production;
    • changing the height of the machine or any heavy equipment in accordance with the needs of production;
    • massage tables;
    • Sewing machines;
    • laboratory equipment;
    • medical equipment.

    Features of the Movotec hydraulic lift system:

    • load capacity from 340 to 590 kg for 4-leg systems;
    • load capacity 680 kg for a 6-leg system and 907 kg for an 8-leg system;
    • range of adjustment of the working surface in height from 150 to 400 mm;
    • design features: 1) round legs: directly attached to your existing structure; 2) square legs: they are already a support for the structure; a tabletop or other work surface can be mounted on them;
    • systems can be adjusted in two ways: using a motor or a manual drive (lever).

    We hope that this short review will help you understand which height adjustment system will help implement your idea, and we, for our part, will try to provide you with maximum technical and commercial information on the products you have chosen.

    We wish you good luck in realizing your creative ideas! Sincerely, Deacon LLC


    DIY wooden table for the veranda

    There are many options for tables that are suitable for installation on the veranda.

    1. If you intend to use this piece of furniture for family dinners, then you can make a spacious dining table from solid wood.
    2. If the veranda is used mainly for relaxation, then you can assemble a small coffee table with a round top with your own hands.

    Dinner table

    We make a dining table from wood with our own hands: you can take the drawings from the Internet or make a simple sketch yourself with your own dimensions based on the photographs presented below:

    1. We are preparing the material. For the frame you will need boards (LxWxT): 2 pcs. 800x100x25 mm; 2 pcs. 450x100x25. Bar 9 pcs. 600x40x40 mm. For the tabletop you need 6 boards. 800x100x25 mm. For the legs you need to prepare 4 boards 750x100x25.
    1. Assembling the legs. How to make table legs? Very simple, since they are part of the frame. We assemble a support module from two boards 750x100x25 and a block. We make markings on the leg: we retreat 30 mm from the top edge and from the side of the board. We screw the block as shown in the figure. We repeat the operation for the second pair of legs.
    2. We assemble the frame by screwing in blanks 800x100x25 mm with self-tapping screws, as shown in the figure.
    3. At the ends of the frame we attach 2 boards 450x100x25 mm.
    4. We measure 25 mm from the top edge of the side boards of the frame, fasten the bar blanks from the inside of the table. These elements will keep the tabletop from deforming.
    5. We make a tabletop from boards with our own hands, placing them tightly in the prepared place and fixing each element with self-tapping screws to the bars on the inside of the table. All that remains is to thoroughly sand the resulting product and coat it with water-based varnish several times.

    You should know that this technology is also suitable for making strong and stylish benches that will be an excellent addition to such a table.

    Round coffee table - video

    Tools and materials

    To assemble a table from boards with your own hands, you will need a standard set of carpentry tools, which includes:

    1. A hacksaw for wood. Having a hand-held circular saw and a jigsaw will significantly speed up the assembly process.
    2. Electric drill with a set of wood drills.
    3. Screwdriver with bits and a set of attachments. This toolkit can be easily replaced with conventional screwdrivers (straight and curved), box and open-end wrenches.
    4. A sanding machine, which, due to the lack of one, can be replaced by a regular block and sandpaper.
    5. Hammer, carpenter's knife, tape measure.

    To assemble a wooden table structure, it is preferable to use dry, planed edged boards made of natural wood.

    This material is relatively inexpensive, decorative, environmentally friendly, available for purchase at any hardware store and can be easily processed.

    When assembling the finished product, it is necessary to provide for the presence of wood screws, dowels, and PVA glue. In addition, furniture bolts, nuts and washers may be required. It is also advisable to have clamps that will allow you to secure the workpieces during the gluing process.

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