How to install and overview of types, help in choosing a handle

A huge variety of handles on the market makes it relatively easy to choose the right device for any type of balcony door.

Lepestok fittings are an ideal solution for an apartment where small children live

The main types are presented in the table.

One-sidedThe main advantage is a simple, convenient design. It is installed if the door opens only on one side.
Double-sidedThe double handle is very convenient and practical. Installed on a plastic balcony door. The handle on each of the two sides is identical. Both sides of the product are secured with a rod made of high-quality metal.
Petal handleUsed in apartments where small children live. Its use prevents the child from going out onto the balcony independently. The “petal”, which is a simple plastic structure, is used on the outside of the door.
Shell penHelps reduce heat loss. Can be used in any type of premises. Made from plastic or aluminum.
"Brace"The fittings are presented in the form of a bracket. It is attached to the profile in 2 places on brackets. It is optimal to use it where there are no automatic latches - in offices or shops. It is placed on the balcony only if the door is equipped with a reliable locking mechanism.

Features of the standard handle

It is a conventional design. There is an opening/closing element on both sides. The door is manipulated by pressing it.

The structure contains a plate made of metal. It is located inside the door structure. There is a thread on both sides of the plate. The functional part is mounted in it, as well as places for screws.

Features of the movable handle

The structure contains a locking mechanism. The handle can be:

  • rotary (you can open the door by turning the handle to the side);
  • push (the door opens after pressing the protruding part, which then gently scrolls).

Advantages of double-sided handles

  • Such models, as a rule, are based on a durable mechanism made of metal;
  • There are many design options for double-sided handles. This is not only plastic, but also fiberglass, metal, glass and metal ceramics;
  • This handle is more convenient to use; it replaces the “shell” or latch. In addition, its locking mechanism works very softly, and the sash with a double-sided handle closes hermetically due to its synchronization. Moreover, this part is made of materials that are resistant to temperature changes;
  • Usually this is a handle narrow enough to be installed on a profile of any width;

Material and appearance

The most popular option is a plastic balcony handle. This is a fairly durable and reliable option for home use. In public places, metal fittings are recommended. Well-known manufacturers use alloys of aluminum, steel, and brass. Metal pens are presented on the market in a wide variety of colors - shades of silver, gold, bronze and others.

For those who prefer luxury in the interior, models with handles richly decorated with glass, ceramics, and wood are suitable. If you need a simple white handle, you can purchase a metal structure coated with durable plastic using special technology.

Non-standard Mako handles for roller shutters

The handles also differ in the shape of the handle. There are models specifically for blinds, where the handle is located very close to the sash. In some cases, curved handles will be a convenient option.

What's good about a double-sided handle?

It is not without reason that double-sided handles are often the choice of those who have plastic balcony doors. After all, installing such a handle allows you to freely open the door structure, both from the side of the apartment and from the street. The main advantages due to which they rely on this type of handle are:

  1. The double-sided handle lock hardware can be used for many years. As a rule, this is a strong, durable metal handle inside, which has a reliable mechanism.
  2. On the outside and inside, this element can be made of different materials. Most often it is plastic, but it can also be metal, glass and other types of coatings.
  3. The structure of double-sided handles includes a mechanism called a locking mechanism. Thanks to this, the door closes tightly, protecting the room from drafts, dust and cold. Hermetic closing of the doors ensures the correct location and fixation of the structure. In addition, the metal mechanism of the double-sided handles has heat-resistant material inside its structure. This ensures stable operation of the movable locking mechanism, regardless of whether it is cold or warm outside.

Diagram of the design of the double-sided handle mechanism for the door to the balcony

Features of choice

There is a lock with a key on this handle only on the inside

A double-sided handle with a locking mechanism must be the same color on both the inside and outside. It may also have a lock with a key that locks the balcony. But such an installed mechanism is only available on the inside, so that it cannot be opened from the outside. This is practical when there are small children in the house, so that they can go out onto the balcony without being accompanied by an adult.

This mechanism has a generally installed element that needs to be replaced - this is the rod with which the handles are connected. To accommodate both handles, the rod has an elongated shape.

To install, you need to drill several holes that are necessary for:

  • exit of a long rod;
  • placing a self-tapping screw that secures the handle from the inside;
  • fixing the handle from the outside.

When performing this process, you need to prepare: a screwdriver, drills for working with metal, and a shaped screwdriver.

Before installing a double-sided handle on a balcony door, you need to measure the thickness of the door profile in order to select the correct length of the rod. This is important to ensure excellent operation of the mechanism.

Double-sided handles increase comfort of use. There is no need for someone to close the door behind someone who went out onto the balcony or open it if they closed behind you.

Types of double-sided handles

Depending on the mechanism there may be:

  • Stationary;
  • Movable.


A balcony stationary double-sided handle for PVC doors is a design that allows you to open the door by pulling either side of it. Inside the product there is a special metal plate, which is located inside the canvas. On its sides there is a thread into which the central part of the product and side screws are screwed.


If the stationary type of handle is easy to install, then with movable ones everything is a little more complicated and for this you need to have certain skills. They have a locking mechanism and, in turn, are divided into rotary and push-type.

The double-sided rotary handle turns sideways or lowers, after which the latch opens. According to the installation method, there are mortise and overhead models, and which ones are best to install must be decided before purchasing them, because the complexity of the installation will depend on this.

The most popular option is a movable mechanism with a double-sided handle.

What to do if the key is broken?

If the door leading to the balcony does not open because the key is broken, solving this problem is much more difficult. You will have to use pliers or other improvised means to remove the key fragment. However, this can only be done in cases where it sticks out. If not, solving this problem is somewhat more difficult.

The main tool to solve the problem is a jigsaw blade. It should be thin enough to fit through the keyhole. The blade is inserted from the bottom with the teeth facing upward. After this, it is turned so that the key is hooked. This will help remove it from the keyhole. After you have gotten rid of the key fragment, you can use any of the methods described above. Moreover, if you have an additional key, the problem can be easily solved. You can safely use it to open the door.

If it was not possible to remove the fragment in this way, you will have to solve the problem differently. To do this, unscrew the lock using improvised methods. This will allow you to get the larva. However, in any case, opening the door will be quite difficult, and you may even need to call a specialist.

Jamming of the door leading to the balcony, which will have to be opened without a key

Installing a double handle

The first step is to remove the single handle. We turn the protective plastic cover, then use a screwdriver or screwdriver to unscrew the screws that secure the handle.

Do not forget that the handle itself must be turned to the open position. When the screws are unscrewed, take out the hexagon handle.

To secure the double handle, you will need to drill a hole for the square rod (pin). But there is one important nuance here.

The long axis of the double handle will pass not only through the mechanism that opens and locks the balcony sash, but also through the reinforced profile installed inside the frame.

Therefore, you won’t be able to simply take a drill of a suitable diameter and drill a hole. If you do this, you will damage the mechanism.

To prevent this, you need to loosen the entire drive mechanism for locking and opening the balcony door.

It is enough to unscrew just a few screws, and then slightly bend the drive mechanism to the side, fixing it in the required position with a wooden wedge, pencil, screw or screwdriver.

Drilling a hole in the balcony door

From the side of the room, use a 6 mm drill to drill a through hole for the axis of the double handle. You should try to drill strictly in the center, perpendicular to the balcony sash. From the side of the balcony we drill a hole with a drill with a diameter of 10 mm.

Now you need to check if the hole is drilled correctly. To insert the handle, return the drive mechanism to the reverse position, but do not fix it with screws.

Next, we insert the handle and make marks for the holes for the protruding parts - they should be recessed into the frame profile, the mounting screws will be screwed into them. Then we bend the mechanism again and fix it.

Let's start drilling the holes. First, according to the markings made, we drill holes with a drill of a smaller diameter, and then with a larger one - with a 9 mm drill.

In order for the long screws included in the kit to pass through the door frame, you need to drill holes with a diameter of 8 mm through the reinforcing metal profile.

Double handle installation

We return the drive mechanism to its original place and fix it with screws. The kit includes universal mounting screws, which can be easily shortened to the required length if necessary.

Before fixing the installed handle, you need to make sure that it is in the open position.

After installing the double handle, you will need to turn the cover and check the operation of the mechanism.

Detailed instructions on how to install a double handle can be viewed in the author's video. The author of the YouTube channel “Do-it-yourself apartment renovation” shared this useful advice with us.

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Eliminating backlash

If play has formed on the handle, it is not difficult to correct this situation. To do this, you need to: rotate the cap located at the base of the product at a right angle, and also tighten the fastening bolts with a screwdriver. Depending on the handle model, you may need both straight and curved screwdrivers, so it is better to have both types available.

Latch Installation

If there is a smoker in the family, a latch would be a good option for securing the door from the outside. It should be installed if there is a petal or shell on the outside. This simple device will ensure that the door closes tightly and protects the room from cold and tobacco smoke.

Mounting the magnetic latch

This type has a clear advantage over others: the absence of friction between the elements of the mechanism ensures a long service life. In addition, even if the door sag, the magnetic latch continues to securely fix it. Closing the door is completely silent.

Installing the latch consists of screwing a magnetic plate onto the door frame, and a matching metal strip onto the end of the door. Typically, the holes for attaching the strips coincide with the holes in standard door hardware. First, we screw the plates loosely and check how the latch works. After making sure that everything is in order, tighten the fasteners until the end.

Roller Latch Installation

Sometimes apartment owners prefer to install a latch on a plastic door in the form of a roller, which fits into a groove on the door frame when closed. The disadvantage of this mechanism is that if the door sag, it will have to be adjusted and, possibly, the strike plate must be re-installed.

Installation is carried out in the same way. The plate with the roller is attached to the end of the door, and the strike plate is attached to the door jamb.

To understand all the intricacies of installing a latch on a balcony door, we recommend watching the video.

To make using the balcony easy and pleasant, you need to carefully consider the door locking system and the functionality of the door handles. And, of course, the fittings must match the style of the room, be beautiful and comfortable.

Causes of breakdowns

The most common malfunctions of handles on plastic doors can be classified into three types:

  • The first case is simple wear and failure due to the end of the element’s service life.
  • The second case is the occurrence of any mechanical damage or it could be purely technical breakdowns.
  • The third case is improper use of the product.

Examples can be seen in the photo.

So, let's understand the reasons and the necessary actions to eliminate them.

To install the handle on the balcony we need:

  • Double-sided (double) narrow handle for balcony doors;
  • Drill or screwdriver;
  • Metal drill dia. 10 mm and 5 mm;
  • The screwdriver is flat.

Removing the handles from the balcony door

To remove the old handles, you need to remove the plastic plugs and unscrew a pair of screws on each.

Unscrew the second handle-hook.

Unscrew the fittings/door drive

Before drilling the holes, unscrew the fittings. After unscrewing all the screws, pull the drive out of the door and fix it in a convenient position. So that it is not possible to damage it when working with a drill.

Drilling through holes

First, we make 3 through holes with a drill dia. 5 mm from the side of the room, according to the finished template.

Afterwards, we drill through the resulting holes from the side of the balcony/loggia with a drill dia. 10 mm. Try to keep the drill bit perpendicular to the plane of the door to make even holes.

We install the fittings with the drive in place and screw it on.

Installing a new double-sided handle

We put a locking ring on each handle.

Next, we install the handles in the door and fasten them with two screws from the side of the room.

We install decorative plastic covers on both sides.

That's it, the pen is ready to use!

I also recommend watching the video “Installing a double-sided handle on a balcony door with your own hands.”

How to plaster door slopes yourself: photos and videos

For cosmetic treatment of door slopes, you can use the following materials:

  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • wooden slats;
  • special plaster mixtures.

Wood is used quite often to decorate doorways. It is an environmentally friendly material and quite easy to install.

The strongest and most durable door slopes can be obtained through the use of plaster mixtures. There will be no joints on such slopes and they do not require special edging with your own hands.

The only disadvantage of this finish is the relative difficulty of use, since plastering requires considerable time and skill. Craftsmen who know how to plaster slopes can do the job efficiently and quickly, so you can get the job done with the help of specialists.

Plaster is highly durable, relatively easy to repair and renew, it looks cohesive and can fill any gaps.

Required Tools

Plastering door slopes is a fairly easy task even for a novice master. Even if you want to do all the work yourself, you will need the following tool:

  • pencil;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • Master OK;
  • hammer-pick;
  • putty knife;
  • usually made of aluminum.

Plastering stages

Before plastering the slopes, you need to level the wall with your own hands. In this case, the walls near the slopes are plastered and rubbed down to a perfectly smooth state.

It is important to remember that plastering door slopes can be used for internal and external work, so you need to choose this material depending on the location of the door.

Plastering door slopes is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the door and door frame are installed;
  • all cracks are filled with pre-prepared insulation;
  • the insulation is treated with a solution of potassium fluoride in a 3% concentration;
  • the door slopes are cleaned of excess paint or putty;
  • using cement or starting plaster for facades, the slopes are finished;
  • After the finish has dried, the slopes are rubbed down for a beautiful and even appearance.

Plastering arched door slopes

Puttying arched slopes or plastering them is carried out in the same way as classic-shaped structures. In order to strengthen the upper rounded part of the arch with your own hands, use a special thin wire or reinforcement.

Before you putty the slopes, you need to prepare special templates with your own hands. They are made from any durable sheet material or plywood. Pre-prepared templates are correctly attached to the surface of the arch using dowels, and the void that has formed is filled with special mounting foam.

Next, the slopes are puttyed and after it dries, the templates can be removed. Before you putty the slopes, you need to process the rest of the arch with your own hands, and then properly paint or decorate it using stone, lining, panels.

How to make slope angles smooth

To maintain a perfectly even angle between the wall and the slope, it is necessary to use a corner for plastering the slopes. It is a regular perforated or corrugated corner made of aluminum, with which you can outline the contour of the corner.

This device is very easy to use: a solution is applied to the corner of the slope and a corner is placed on it, after which the excess solution is removed with a spatula.

When carrying out cosmetic repairs, the corner must be completely covered with putty so that it is not noticeable.

After processing all the slopes, it is necessary to let the layer of plaster dry and then rub and paint.

Finishing of door slopes

After the door slopes are plastered, it is necessary to complete the last stage, which will allow you to finally refine the doorway with your own hands.

In principle, you can complete cosmetic work after simple plastering. But if you want to preserve the beautiful appearance of your slopes for a long time, then it is better to use other finishing methods.

Before plastering slopes or decorating them with other methods, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced craftsmen:

  • if it is necessary to treat internal slopes, then you need to take into account that they will be under constant influence of dust and dirt, so it is better to choose a material that is easy to maintain;
  • door slopes are subject to constant mechanical stress, because of this it is better not to use plastic materials, as they can easily be damaged;
  • If you need to tidy up the slopes of the front door, you should take into account that they are constantly exposed to moisture, and periodic temperature changes lead to condensation. Many finishing materials quickly lose their appearance when exposed to moisture, so for the exterior finishing of door slopes with your own hands it is better to use wood or plasterboard sheets.

Installation of various types of handles on PVC doors

To install a handle on a plastic balcony door, no special knowledge is required. You will need a minimum of tools: an electric drill with drills, a screwdriver, screwdrivers and a little skill.

Installing a one-way version

A one-sided model is installed on a balcony, as a rule, in a situation where the old one has broken down, which must be dismantled in advance.

After which they proceed directly to installation.

  1. It is inserted into the hole, the locking mechanism is brought to the “open” position. To do this, you need to turn the handle until the sash opens.
  2. The model is then removed and inserted into a horizontal position.
  3. The screws are tightened until they stop. A loose knob will work faster.
  4. The fastener is covered with a decorative overlay.

Recommendations for caring for door hardware

Door handles with locks are important key parts in the door leaf and therefore require maintenance. What accessories are needed:

  • in regular lubrication of locking elements with special means: litol, grease;
  • in removing small debris and dust, for which a special oil is used, which allows you to quickly clean the entire mechanism;
  • in processing the internal parts of the lock only if there is a key to it. To do this, simply pour oil inside, insert and remove the key without turning; repeat until all the dirt inside is removed.
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