Filling for bean bag chairs, properties, varieties, volume calculation

A bean bag or pear chair is very popular, but when choosing, potential users often pay attention only to the appearance and size of the product, ignoring the filling. Meanwhile, the durability of frameless furniture depends on the density of the latter. Moreover, just a high-quality filler for a bean bag chair guarantees the comfort of using the “pear”: relieving muscle tension and the proper relaxing effect after a hard day. That is why, when choosing this popular piece of furniture, it is important to take into account not only its appearance, but also the properties and characteristics of the internal component.

Features of frameless furniture

A distinctive feature of such chairs is that they do not have a rigid frame. It is a regular bag with filler placed inside.

The shape of the products depends on the shape of the bag itself, which is sewn from a variety of fabrics. This allows you to create unique pears, butterflies and other interesting options. Frameless furniture has several advantages:

  1. The absence of a rigid frame prevents injury from hitting a sharp corner.
  2. The chairs adapt to almost any body shape.
  3. The simplicity of the design allows you to make furniture yourself.
  4. The presence of a special hole in the cover makes it possible to periodically change the filler, restoring the appearance of the structure. You can also do the same with the top fabric covers. This allows you to adapt the design of the product to the interior of the room.

Fillers for bean bags

For some, a beanbag is a useful and cozy storage for old (and other) clothes. Someone fills them with natural materials. And furniture manufacturers offer lightweight and durable beanbags filled with polystyrene foam. But no matter what fills the internal volume, all the variety of bean bag chairs have one thing in common - a cover. Even two.

Materials for chairs

The first one plays the role of a frame: it holds the contents and, if provided for when sewing it, the shape of the chair. It is made of soft, plain, sliding fabric that does not interfere with the movement of the filler in the bag.

Application area

Most people put convenience in the first place in the interior rather than presentability. Designers take this fact into account when creating furniture, which is why frameless models have now come into fashion. Bean bags, ottomans, sofas and mattresses without a rigid base are loved by almost everyone. Their appearance is varied, and in terms of convenience they have no equal.

The main function in frameless furniture is played by the filler. He can be anything. It all depends on the imagination of the designer and the desire of the client who orders the model. Fillers are necessary in the manufacture of several options for comfortable furniture:

  • Ottomans - they are comfortable and can be used in any room and interior as a chair, footrest or mini table;
  • Bean bag chairs - designers make them in various shapes. Most often they are purchased for a children's room. Adults also love them: at various trainings and similar events, the participants are often offered bean bags instead of chairs. Many antique cafes prefer frameless models;
  • Chair-cushion - a round or rectangular volumetric pillow can be used as a lining on a hard seat or as a separate piece of furniture;
  • Transformable upholstered furniture - beds and sofas, consisting of separate soft blocks, perfectly complement living rooms and bedrooms;
  • Mattresses - springless models are increasingly found on sale.

The length of use of the furniture depends on what filler is inside. One material can last quite a long time, while the other will have to be changed frequently.

Bag chair



Furniture transformer

Cushion chair

What to do, if….

When using a pear chair at home, various emergency situations may arise. For example, a cat wrote on a bean bag chair or a small child. How to be in this case? If this type of contamination occurs, it is necessary to remove the outer cover and clean it. For stains left by children, you can simply wash the stain with warm water if it is minor. This is not the best option, but it is quite acceptable.

As for cases when an animal “goes to the toilet” on a bean bag chair, it must be ventilated, since the smell of cat urine is very persistent and encourages the animal to do “its business” again.

You can often encounter a situation where a bean bag chair that was recently purchased stinks. This is due to the fact that completely new polystyrene balls were used in the production of the chair. The material did not have time to weather before being poured into the case. In such cases, it is also necessary to take the bag chair into a room with good air circulation. To do this, you can use a non-glazed balcony or garage. After three days, the unpleasant chemical odor should disappear.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that all Promopuff TM products undergo thorough testing and quality control at all stages of production. Bean bags are equipped with double covers, which makes their use convenient, the furniture itself is practical and safe for children and animals (the inner cover protects against the penetration of polystyrene balls, which are toxic when eaten). In addition, for the first filling, we give the required amount of filler to our customers.

Selecting a softening filler

The bag, which is filled only with foam balls, holds its shape well, but under the weight of the human body the foam compresses and the chair becomes rigid. To avoid this effect, a softening additive is additionally used, for example, foam rubber crumbs or holofiber, which completely fills all the gaps between the polystyrene foam granules. It is much more convenient to use frameless furniture with combined filling. Each of these softening materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. Foam rubber has a lower cost, but it is short-lived and crumbles over time.

Holofiber, on the contrary, has many undeniable advantages. It is hypoallergenic, moisture-resistant, breathable, quite durable and resistant to the absorption of foreign odors.

Calculation of the optimal quantity for a product

Expanded polystyrene is sold in specialized or construction stores in large bags. Most often it is packaged in 100 liters, so when going to the point of sale, you need to accurately calculate how much material is needed to make a bean bag chair.

For frameless furniture, about 500 liters of filler will be required. If some of this volume remains, it can be used for topping up. The amount of polystyrene depends on several factors:

  1. Fabric density. The thicker the material, the less filler will be needed.
  2. Granule size. If they are small (up to 1 mm), you can slightly reduce the final volume. Balls with a diameter of more than 3 mm have a low density, so you will need more of them.
  3. Manufacturer and quality of material.

Periodically, expanded polystyrene needs to be replenished. Due to shrinkage, its density becomes less - the product gradually loses its shape. This is especially noticeable if the furniture is used by a person with a lot of weight. But children's pear chairs practically do not need repairs.

If frameless furniture is actively used, once every 2-3 months you need to add about 50 liters of polystyrene foam or 10-20% of the volume of the pouf. The product can be repaired less frequently, but in this case the amount of filler for the bean bag chair needs to be increased.

For convenience, you should sew a small zipper into the fabric, which will provide quick access to the granules. Also, every 2-3 years you need to completely replace the material. Usually, after 12 months, the internal filling becomes less dense, and then completely ceases to perform its functions.

Seat sizes

Granule sizes

Depending on the volume of the bean bag chair

Small sizes M, which are mainly intended for children, are filled with polypropylene. They are 70 cm in diameter and 95 cm in height. For such a chair you need no more than 200 liters in a bag. As a rule, it is not necessary to frequently add material, since the child weighs little.

A convenient bag for the whole family with a volume of XXL. It is necessary to double the amount of filler. Purchase at least 100 liters of additional substance; you will have to top it up periodically. Natural innards, such as hay or feathers, will need to be found in 2 bags.

If you want to purchase a huge piece of furniture that looks like a sofa, then you need a large amount of any filler. From 700 liters each. The height will be about 160 cm, and the diameter will be at least 130 cm. The filler in large dimensions is less compressed, so in addition we take the minimum.

How to calculate the required quantity

The standard size is considered to be a bean bag with a volume of 300-350 liters. To add polystyrene foam to settled frameless furniture, 100 liters is enough. This is the volume of a standard filler package, which can be purchased in specialized stores; it will be enough to return the pear chair to its original characteristics and properties.

As for children's models, their volume is much smaller - 200 liters. To update such furniture, it is enough to fill in about a third of the total volume of “balls”. Renewing the filling of a children's pouf is done very rarely, since shrinkage occurs slowly due to the small weight of the child.

Filling with polystyrene foam balls is carried out gradually until the chair returns to its original shape.

Filler for filling

What filling is best for a bean bag chair?

Materials with different properties can be filled into the dense inner covers of soft mattresses. Admirers of eco-style choose natural filling; lovers of comfortable modern furniture like a bean bag chair made of polystyrene foam or holofiber. We list the options for using natural ingredients:

  • legume grains;
  • cereal;
  • husk;
  • hay;
  • sheep's wool;
  • bird feathers;
  • fluff;
  • horsehair;
  • shavings;
  • sawdust.

The use of natural ingredients as filling for bean bag chairs is limited for the following reasons:

  • The grain attracts rodents and insects.
  • Feather causes allergies in many people.
  • Natural ingredients are more susceptible to moisture and mold.
  • High-quality natural filling for a bean bag chair is more expensive.
  • The service life of natural materials is shorter than that of their artificial counterpart.

Expanded polystyrene for bean bags

Almost immediately, manufacturers of frameless furniture began to look for replacements for short-lived and expensive natural components in order to speed up and reduce the cost of production without compromising the basic characteristics. At the moment, polystyrene granules are considered the best - a filler for bean bags, which is superior to most analogues in a number of characteristics. The advantages of this synthetic material:

  • The material is non-flammable, melts without ignition or spread of flame.
  • Resistant to harmful microorganisms.
  • This is an environmentally friendly filler for bean bags; the granules do not emit harmful substances that can cause allergies.
  • Easy.
  • Hygienic.
  • Has low thermal conductivity.
  • Has slight shrinkage.
  • Cheap.
  • Resistant to moisture.
  • With good shock-absorbing properties.

Polypropylene for bean bags

To a non-specialist, many synthetic substances look similar in appearance, but in some respects their properties differ significantly. For example, now there are often proposals to use polypropylene filler in the production of frameless chairs. The performance properties of the material are excellent, but there are some controversial issues regarding safety.

Advantages of polypropylene filler:

  • Convenient spherical shape.
  • Good elasticity.
  • Durability.
  • Not electrified.
  • Withstands washing at temperatures up to 60°C.
  • Without smell.

Disadvantages of polypropylene:

  • Poor fire resistance.
  • During combustion, it releases toxic substances.

Holofiber for bean bag chairs

Air material is used in frameless furniture mainly not on its own, but as an innovative additive to expanded polystyrene. With such a perfect combined filler, the chair-cushion acquires increased softness. When mixing these substances, the optimal proportion must be observed. Otherwise, there is a risk of reducing the elasticity of the product, which will immediately affect the degree of comfort.

Let's list the advantages of holofiber:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • good breathability;
  • low degree of shrinkage;
  • silent;
  • soft.

Polyurethane Foam for Bean Bags

The material has been known for decades under the name foam rubber, old samples of which were extremely far from perfect. It is produced by gas filling a polyurethane mixture. The foam fragments are large in size, which allows for a smooth seat surface. In the 90s, production technology improved dramatically, and modern analogues of elastic foam rubber have good characteristics. If you need to restore a leather pouffe chair, polyurethane foam filler is perfect.

Types of polyurethane foam:

  • Block
    - large-sized sandwiches that should be cut into blanks.
  • Cast
    - a special creamy composition is poured into molds, obtaining fillers of the required configuration after hardening.

Advantages of polyurethane foam:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • inexpensive;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • breathable;
  • elastic;
  • universal purpose.

Disadvantages of PPU:

  • Most types of polyurethane foam are a fire hazard.
  • Destroyed by exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Short-lived under increased loads.
  • It follows the curves of the human figure far from perfectly, so it is recommended for bean bags with relatively thick covers (leatherette, leather).

Advantages of synthetic filler

The buyer chooses artificial material for stuffing a pouffe bag because of the advantages due to which frameless furniture retains its shape for a long time. What attracts them to this material?

It is not difficult for the owner of the pouf to independently supplement the volume of foam that has decreased over time. They are sold in bags of 100 liters or more.

But for buyers who decide to make original furniture themselves using filler for a pear chair. 300 liters is the minimum required amount. You just need to follow safety rules when stuffing the product, because light granules can get into the respiratory tract if spilled. Scattered balls can be removed using a vacuum cleaner.

A homemade piece of furniture will delight your household; its lightness and convenience will appeal to children and adults. A shapeless chair, created with your own hands, will decorate your home. Exclusive frameless furniture will not only provide comfort, but also emphasize the taste of the owners.

Frameless furniture is in demand in many homes. Having appeared just under 50 years ago, it quickly gained popularity. Indeed, chairs with soft filling that take the shape of the body relieve tension from the muscles, making the position comfortable.

Frameless furniture is an original and comfortable, practical and stylish, convenient and mobile solution for the interior.

Today, such chairs confidently win the hearts of Russians with their originality, practicality and convenience.

An excellent alternative to an armchair or sofa not only has high mobility, but also brings a touch of originality to any interior.

This is an ideal option for relaxing in front of the TV or for spending time reading an interesting book. Some models serve as a preventive measure for diseases of the spine.

Thanks to its structure, the chair is able to take the shape of the body of the person sitting in it and transform in any direction.

The abundance of shapes, sizes and design options for covers allows the owner of an apartment or house decorated in almost any style to find their own option.

The filling for frameless furniture is its main feature, so the choice of chair must be responsible.

For different degrees of softness, different fillers are placed in the beanbag chair. This is a material that gives a piece of furniture a shape that changes under load.

Surprising at first acquaintance with their bagginess, such seats captivate those who sit in them.

The defining sensation in describing the sensations of sitting in such a chair is absolute comfort.

The filler is stuffed into a base made of dense fabric, which does not let it out. The quality of the chair is assessed primarily by this parameter. Tested products do not allow content particles to escape. The filler should also adhere well to the seams, even after numerous cleanings. Double covers are used for additional protection.

Such products are ideal for children's rooms and youth interiors.

It is of great importance what kind of filling will be selected for pear chairs.

Natural materials

Adherents of environmentally friendly materials choose natural products as fillers.

Grains and plant seeds

Popular ones are:

  • peas;
  • beans;
  • buckwheat and its husk;
  • rice;
  • beans, etc.

Buckwheat husk


With this type of chair, the chairs are quite hard. They are extremely rare, as a lot of starting material is required.

Twisted horsehair (braid)

Feather and down

This option will also take a lot, but the chair will turn out to be very light and airy.

Down-feather filler is one of the types of natural fillers.

Sheep's wool

Furniture made from the hair of rams and sheep is pleasant to the touch and very soft.
You can buy it for little money.

Sheep wool does not accumulate static electricity and neutralizes its negative effects

Wood sawdust and shavings

The best wood filler is waste from the processing of cedar and pine. The aroma of these trees has medicinal properties and can repel insects and rodents.

The disadvantage is that this material cakes and will have to be changed from time to time.

Chair bag with cedar shavings provide complete rest and have a healing effect

Dry grass and hay

This filler stands out for its unique, delicious aroma.
If you add medicinal plants to the composition, the effect of aromatherapy will appear. The furniture is soft and comfortable. Cheap option.

Do not forget that natural ones have a number of significant disadvantages:

  1. All materials absorb moisture, and this causes them to deteriorate.
  2. The service life of such materials is shorter than that of artificial ones. After some time, a complete replacement is required.
  3. To fill a bean bag chair, a large amount of the component is required, and it is not always possible to get it.
  4. Most natural fillers can cause an allergic reaction.
  5. Natural ingredients are attractive food for rodents and insects.

Dry grass and hay

How to choose the right filler

There are quite a few types of filler for bean bags. They all have their own characteristics and features. For example, some materials are dangerous for allergies, others cannot be used outside the walls of the house. Therefore, the choice of padding should be approached very carefully.

Natural organic aggregates

If the environmental friendliness of the filler is important to you, then choose its natural types:

PhotoType of natural aggregate

Wood processing waste (sawdust and shavings)
In most cases, coniferous waste is used to fill a beanbag:
  • cedar;
  • pine;
  • spruce;
  • fir. This material has medicinal qualities. The aroma of pine resins contained in sawdust treats migraines, alleviates the condition of asthmatics, and relaxes a person psychologically.
    Disadvantage - it wrinkles quickly.

    Therefore, it needs to be replaced regularly.

Bird feathers and down
This is a very light and soft material.

Please note that you will need a lot of it to sufficiently fill the chair.

Horse hair
This material is tough.

Thanks to this, a bean bag chair or pouf stuffed with it keeps its shape well.

Sheep wool and down
This material is very warm, which is an advantage when using the chair in winter.

Buckwheat husk
This material is quite popular because of its low cost.

Organic fillers have their disadvantages:

  1. Some of them may cause allergic reactions.
  2. When exposed to moisture, the material becomes moldy and decomposes. Therefore, it is not advisable to use a chair with natural filling outdoors or in damp rooms.

Artificial padding

Synthetic materials can also be used to fill a bean bag chair:

PhotoType of synthetic padding

Expanded polystyrene granules
This is the most popular type of filler.

The same material is used to make polystyrene concrete.


  • high modulus of elasticity;
  • such packing weighs very little;
  • the balls give the chair padding additional volume;
  • expanded polystyrene in granules recreates the orthopedic surface. The fractionation of the polystyrene filler can be 0.1–0.5 cm. The smaller this parameter, the better the quality of the filler.
    As the chair is used, the granules gradually flatten out.

    At the same time, the seat settles, losing some of its volume.

    The larger the diameter of the balls, the stronger and faster the process.

Polypropylene granules
This filler is durable and strong.

Thanks to its high modulus of elasticity, the chair quickly regains its shape after use.

Polyurethane foam
This type of filler has an optimal elastic modulus.

In addition, it is hypoallergenic and retains its shape for a long time.

Before filling the chair, the foam is crushed.

This is a fibrous material in the form of balls.

Most often it is used in conjunction with any other synthetic filler (for example, polystyrene foam granules).

The chair, stuffed with holofiber, is light and soft.

This material is hypoallergenic and moisture resistant.

Furniture filled with plastic balls can be used outdoors and in wet areas. After all, granular polymer is not afraid of water.

Fill the bag with what you have on hand

If your budget does not allow you to buy granular litter, you can replace it with what you can find at home:

PhotoType of padding substitute

Cereals and grains
It can be buckwheat, rice, millet, corn, wheat, etc.

Each of us has such food supplies at home.

Thanks to them, you can fill a bean bag chair with environmentally friendly material without spending much money.

We often have a lot of peas, lentils, and beans stored at home.

They will make an excellent chair with an orthopedic effect.

Seeds, hay and straw
From time immemorial, these materials have been used by our ancestors to stuff mattresses, pillows and blankets.

They can also be used to fill a chair without a frame.

Finely cut paper
Many of us have unnecessary waste paper stored on the loggia or in the garage.

It can be crushed and stuffed into a bean bag chair.

Remains of fabric, foam rubber, padding polyester, padding polyester, batting and yarn.
Many homes accumulate these materials.

They remain from sewing clothes and making upholstered furniture.

This waste can be put to use and stuffed into a chair.

cotton wool
Furniture filled with cotton wool will initially be quite soft.

To prevent the cotton from caking, the bean bag chair must be shaken periodically.

What are the types and their differences?

Bean bags are available in different shapes and sizes. You can imagine the parameters you want, and there is probably already a bean bag chair out there that will exactly match your preferences. However, there are four main types of bean bags that differentiate them from each other:

Gaming. Bean bag chairs can be designed keeping in mind the requirements of gamers. This type of bean bag chair can resemble computer chairs with added support for the arms, back and neck. You can find bean bag chairs with additional features, such as built-in speakers, to enhance your gaming experience.

Square bean bags. They have the same features of a chair, such as a backrest and armrests, and are typically used by adults as they offer extra support.

Sofa. These types of bean bags are rectangular in shape and much larger than other varieties. They are designed to accommodate several people at the same time.

Along with the fact that they are available in various designs, bean bags are also available with different types of filling. Each filler has its own unique characteristics. Here are the different types of fillers and their characteristics:

Shredded foam

Shredded foam is probably the least popular of the paddings used to fill bean bag chairs. As a rule, such fillings are irregular in shape and make the chair less comfortable to sit on compared to bean bags filled with other materials.


Polystyrene beads are the most common type of filling used in bean bags. Lightweight balls are comfortable and elastic and better conform to the contours of the user's body.


Polypropylene is another type of plastic bead that is used to fill bean bags. This type of padding is actually preferable to the previous types we discussed because it is more elastic than polystyrene beads and provides the same level of comfort. The downside to polypropylene beads is that moisture can cause the beads to break down over time.

Accessory manufacturing technology

So, you decided to make a bean bag chair with your own hands. The filler is essentially the most important. It is he who determines how convenient and comfortable your vacation will be. However, in addition to this, you will need the following:

  1. Make a cover for the filler. It is better to sew the first products using simple patterns, choosing the shape of a cylinder, sausage, or ball. After mastering them, you can create complex products in the form of a pear, other fruits or animals.
  2. Sew the outer cover. It is important to choose the right material here. It should be strong, durable and easy to clean. This is especially true if there are small children. Do not forget that during operation the seams, as well as the base, will experience heavy loads, so you need to use the appropriate threads. It is better to make several external covers so that you can change the appearance of frameless furniture and wash the product at the same time.
  3. Don't forget to sew zippers into the outer and inner covers.

So, here is a finished bean bag chair. How much filler do you need to ensure a comfortable rest? Usually the inner case is filled to 2/3 of the volume. This option is the most optimal.

Tips for filling

Regardless of whether the cover is made according to an individual sketch or purchased ready-made, you need to know how the bean bag chair is filled. It is extremely difficult to fill poufs well; it is important to follow the sequence of steps, otherwise small plastic filler balls can easily scatter around the room. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Prepare an empty plastic bottle with a narrow neck.
  2. Conventionally, divide it into three parts, cut it so that the top one remains in your hands, resembling a standard plastic watering can-funnel.
  3. Insert the prepared bottle, neck down, into the bean bag cover, securing it with tape or rope.
  4. Feel free to pour the balls, little by little filling the wide part of the plastic container with them.

By analogy, you can use a paper funnel or a large plastic watering can, if you have one at home.

You can fill the material in another way. The method involves using a vacuum cleaner and a nylon stocking:

  1. Take the tube from the vacuum cleaner and pull a nylon stocking over it.
  2. Open the bag with the filling and the inner cover of the chair.
  3. Hold the handset with one hand and turn on the device with the other.
  4. Without ceasing to hold the pipe, lower it into a container with balls - the bean bag filler will stick to the stocking.
  5. Turn off the vacuum cleaner, place the tube in the case - just shake it a little and all the balls will be inside.

With this method, not a single granule will end up outside the bag. But it’s easier to add settled filler to the chair with two people, making sure that there are no small children or pets nearby. It would be a good idea to prepare a container of water so that the electrified balls can be easily collected.

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