Frameless chairs: types of models - how to choose the right one

Bean bag chair design

Let's start with some basic information. So that you can clearly understand what a bean bag chair is and how it works.

  1. External case. It can be made of Greta, Oxford, Duspo, nylon, etc. fabric. It is the face of a bean bag chair and can be plain, multi-colored or with a pattern (print).
  2. Inner case. Filler is poured into it, which gives the chair its shape. But not all models provide two covers - there is frameless furniture with one cover. We will tell you which is better below.
  3. Filler. These are small balls of foamed polystyrene. They fall asleep inside the chair.
  4. Pen. Optional attribute. But it helps simplify the task if you need to move the chair to another place.
  5. Drainage rings. They are needed to allow air to escape freely when you sit down in a chair.

This device makes the bean bag chair easy to maintain and use.

Rules for the use and care of frameless chairs

Compliance with the operating rules will significantly extend the life of the bean bag chair.

  • The products are designed for rooms with low humidity and above-zero temperatures.
  • It is advisable to avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
  • For frameless models there are load restrictions (no more than 120 kg).
  • The chair is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Fabric covers can be washed at up to 40°C to avoid shrinkage.
  • When removing stains, do not use compounds containing chlorine.
  • Contact with sharp objects that can damage the integrity of the chair shell is unacceptable.
  • It is recommended to shake the product periodically to restore its shape.
  • It is unacceptable to knock out furniture or iron it with a hot iron.
  • When moving, the product should be carried rather than dragged across the floor.

A frameless chair will enliven the interior of a bedroom, nursery, living room, and will allow you to arrange a relaxation area in a modern style. However, such models are not very suitable for work or sleep.

Chair shape

Frameless furniture can be:

  • Pear chair. A classic and popular look with maximum comfort. It takes the shape of the body sitting in the chair and forms a comfortable backrest.
  • Cushion chair. A spherical model in which you can not only sit, but also lie. With large sizes, for example XXL, such a chair can easily fit 2-3 people.
  • Ball chair. Also a spherical model, but made in the form of a football, baseball or other ball. More suitable for sports institutions, in the room of a boy athlete or fan.

These are the main shapes to consider when choosing a bean bag chair for your home.

Rating of the best manufacturers of bean bags

Rating of the best manufacturers of bean bags1Dreambag5.0
5Papa poof4.6

Fabric: inner and outer cover material

Inner case

Filling is poured into this case.

The inner cover must be durable, moisture-resistant and wear-resistant. Therefore, when choosing a bean bag chair, pay attention to the material of such a cover - it should be spanbel.

Therefore, the first thing to remember is that the inner cover must be made of spanbel.

Outer case

It is better to choose the top cover from Greta fabric. Of course, there are also velor, denim, etc., but they all have low abrasion resistance and absorb moisture well.

Greta fabric is wear-resistant, does not allow or absorb moisture, and most importantly, it is easy to clean and can be safely washed in a washing machine. Bean bags made of this material are great for use both at home and outdoors.


The outer cover can be made from a variety of materials: leatherette, velvet, fur, linen, cotton, etc. Many manufacturers combine beauty and practicality, so for production they use special Oxford fabric, which practically does not allow water to pass through and is easy to clean. In addition, a cover made of such fabric can be painted in any other color if desired. The material is breathable and lightweight.

leatherette chair

After two years of constant use, you may need filling for the chair, as it shrinks over time. Expanded polystyrene in the form of small balls is used as filler. Their diameter directly affects the convenience of the model. The density of the material used to produce the filler affects the performance characteristics, namely the shrinkage of the material and the overall weight of the chair.

Sometimes a certain amount of synthetic fiber - synthetic fluff - is added to more expensive models. It minimizes shrinkage and makes the chair more comfortable. Expanded polystyrene and synthetic feathers are hypoallergenic materials.

Some manufacturers, wanting to save money, use foam chips as a filler. With such filling, dust will appear when using the chair. This material will cause allergies in some people.

Number of cases

The price of a bean bag chair and ease of care depend on the number of covers.

A bean bag chair with two covers is more reliable—it can withstand a load of 250 kg—and more comfortable. For example, you can remove the top cover and wash it without spilling the filling, leaving it in the inner cover.

A chair with one cover has a price advantage - it is cheaper. But care will take longer. Because before you put the cover in the wash, you will need to empty all the filling from the chair, and then, after washing, add it back.

We advise you to buy a bean bag chair in two covers so that it pleases you for a long time and does not create additional hassle during care. But consider your financial capabilities - you can’t buy cabinet furniture in two covers, take it in one. Later, the internal one can be purchased.

Interesting on the topic: Chair in one and two covers: what is the difference

Features of frameless chairs

The main feature of this chair is the absence of a frame. Its design consists of two covers: outer and inner. The latter is filled with a special filler.

The model has a number of advantages.

  • Light weight. The weight of the product varies from 3 to 7 kg, which makes it easier to move.
  • Wide range of sizes. This makes it possible to choose a chair in accordance with the user’s height and room area.
  • Safety. The design has no sharp corners or hard elements, so there is absolutely no risk of injury.
  • Stylish appearance. Frameless models will fit well into a modern interior.
  • Comfort. The soft product takes the necessary shape, adapting to the contours of the body.
  • Fast recovery. After removing the load, it is recommended to simply shake the chair and it will return to its original appearance.
  • Easy care. The top cover, thanks to the zipper, can be easily removed for washing. There is always the possibility of replacing it with a new one. This is an easy and budget-friendly way to transform a room.
  • Affordable price.

However, a frameless soft chair is not without its drawbacks.

  • It is important to constantly maintain cleanliness, since the model is installed directly on the floor.
  • Any filler tends to wrinkle; you will need to periodically add new portions.
  • There is a risk of mechanical damage to the cover.
  • Not all products are capable of providing full back support.
  • This piece of furniture is only suitable for modern design styles.


Now you must decide who you are buying the chair for. Perhaps for yourself, as a gift for someone or a child.

  • M. Chair for children up to about 6 years old. Well suited for a child's room, lightweight and does not take up much space.
  • L. The best option for short people, children and teenagers.
  • XL. The option is suitable for everyone - both adults and children. That is, for people 160-180 cm tall.
  • XXL. A large chair in which two people can sit comfortably at once.

There are also bean bags in size XXXL. But we are not considering them, because such frameless furniture takes up a lot of space and is unlikely to be suitable for an apartment. But in a cafe, cinema or some other establishment, perhaps.

Size range

It is important to choose a frameless chair taking into account the individual parameters of the user. First of all, a person's height is taken into account.

For the convenience of buyers, letter indices are used.

  • S. The product is suitable for babies no more than 120 cm tall. Its height is 95 cm, diameter 75 cm.
  • M. This type of chair has the following parameters: 130 and 85 cm, respectively. It can be chosen for older children, teenagers and those whose height does not exceed 170 cm.
  • L. The model is designed for persons up to 190 cm. Its dimensions are 140 and 90 cm
  • XL. In this case, there are no height restrictions, and the sizes are 145 and 95 cm.
  • XXL. The 145x105 cm design looks even more impressive.
  • XXXL. The model has a truly royal size of 150x120 cm. Several people can easily fit on this seat.

However, it is worth remembering that chairs from different manufacturers with the same markings may differ in size. Therefore, it is advisable to test the model you like for compliance with the parameters. This will allow you to purchase the most comfortable product.


We cannot recommend a specific color for you. After all, each person has their own color tastes and different renovations in their apartment.

Choose a color based on your home decor. It can be either a solid color model or with a stylish print. If you are buying for a child, think about his favorite cartoon character, superhero or other character. Then you can apply a stylish and interesting design to the bean bag chair.

If you are choosing a chair for an adult, you can limit yourself to one color or print.

The final stage is decoration

The inner cover does not require finishing, as it serves as the base. But the outer one can be decorated with something. It could have originally been made from some kind of printed or altered fabric. You can make beautiful applique or embroidery on a simple plain material. You can also cover the chair with an additional bright cape: it will hide the seams and combine the appearance of the chair with the overall interior.

A drop of motley fabric


The quality of the filler determines how often you will have to replenish it so that the chair retains its shape.

We recommend choosing a filler made of foamed polystyrene. These are small white balls of the same size. They do not crumble and do not generate dust, such as polystyrene foam, which is used by unscrupulous manufacturers of frameless furniture.

The polystyrene foam filler rarely needs to be refilled and makes the bean bag chair easy to carry.

Filler in our catalog

Sewing a cover

After creating the cutting for both covers, their sewing begins. To do this, it is important to decide in advance what the dimensions of the chair bag will be. The process is performed in the following sequence of actions:

  • two flat blanks are created. To do this, all elements are fastened to each other with pins, after which the side seams should be basted on the wedges;
  • the formed side seams are connected with a sewing machine or by hand, after which they are smoothed, for which it is advisable to use an iron equipped with a steam mode;

Before you start stitching the parts, fasten them with needles

  • the side seams are sewn on the front side of the outer cover;
  • On both workpieces, the outer wedges are folded, after which they are basted. When working with an outer cover, the remaining side seams are sewn from the bottom and top, and it is important to leave approximately 40 cm on either side, and this distance is necessary for sewing in the zipper. The same steps are performed for the inner cover, but no more than 35 cm is left for the zipper. All seams obtained are ironed;

All seams must be overlocked

  • For the remaining unstitched sections, zippers are pinned or basted. Their middle should be in the center of the pressed seam. After adjustment, the zippers are sewn in;
  • as a result of the actions performed, the seams of the bag will have a tube-like irregular shape, which taper slightly at the top;

How to sew a zipper correctly

How to sew a zipper correctly After the wedges are sewn together, you will get this base

  • The handle of the future chair is made, for which the prepared part is folded, and only inside out. It is stitched in a place where there is a long edge. Then it is turned inside out and ironed;
  • The existing blanks of both covers are turned inside out. A top is sewn to the outer cover, which is basted to the outer pipe, after which the handle is inserted;

For ease of use, zippers should be sewn into the bags.

  • The bottom of both covers is ground off, and the resulting circles are attached. After the work is completed, the covers are turned right side out.

External chair cover

After creating the covers, it is important to decide what will fill the inner element. The selected filler is loaded into the product in such a way as to completely fill it. To do this, the inner cover is inserted into the outer one, and then stuffed with the selected material. After creating a beanbag chair, a pillow or other similar elements are often made that ensure the comfort of using the product.

Locks and seams

The last thing you should pay attention to when choosing a bean bag chair is the reliability of the locks and seams.

The zipper should be about 100 cm long to make it convenient to remove the top cover, hidden so that it is not conspicuous and does not spoil the design, and also equipped with a lock that prevents the chair from accidentally opening - important for models with one cover.

The seams must be strong. Let's pay attention to the line. Is it double or triple? Great, that means the chair is durable and reliable.

We hope we were able to help you choose a bean bag chair. Take a look at our catalogue. We have a wide selection of frameless furniture, which we sew ourselves and deliver throughout Belarus.

Sewing process

The pattern from the graph paper is transferred to paper and cut out. Next, trace with chalk on the inside of the fabric. First, draw the dimensions of the pattern, then mark the centimeters for the allowance. Cut out the parts with an allowance. It turns out 6 side parts for the inner and outer bag, 2 parts for the bottom and 2 parts for the outer circle.

The cut out parts are fastened with pins, sewn with bait, and overlocked. The details of the lower and upper circles will be made separately, leaving space for lightning. Sometimes zippers are placed on the side parts of the bag. The entire structure is hemmed and machine stitched. Then the zippers are sewn in. The locks are double stitched for strength.

The inner one is placed in the outer one, and only then it is filled with filler. It is not recommended to stuff the product to the point of failure; the chair does not accept the silhouette of the rider well.

Several silica gel packets are placed inside to collect the smell of the filler.

Finishing decor of the product

If you managed to sew a bean bag chair, then it is important to pay attention not only to convenience, but also to the aesthetic part of the new piece of furniture. You can make a bag with your own hands at home into a real designer art object. For example, if old jeans are chosen as external protection, then in addition to the original pockets, you can sew several additional ones - from bright fabrics.

A simple way to sew a pear ottoman and make it an individual personal gift is to sew a “photo print” of a family member onto the back of a plain chair and make each resident their own bean bag ottoman with your own hands.

For bourgeois oval large pillows in the Empire style, made of plush or velvet, adding luxurious fringe would be appropriate. Colorful pastel armchairs with a hint of Provence are perfect with bows and ruffles. For a children's frameless product, you can sew an “educational” case with multi-colored letters of the alphabet and numbers. The preschooler will visually remember the symbols, which will facilitate the learning process.

With print


How to make a pear chair yourself

This problem can be solved even by those people who have never held a needle and thread in their hands, and not just a sewing machine. Today it is not a problem to order tailoring from a tailor shop, and if you cut out all the details yourself, you can ask your mother or neighbor to make a few lines. But first you need to prepare everything.

Sewing a bean bag chair does not require much effort.

What is required for production

They start with the selection of materials, the list of which is quite modest.

Table. Materials for making a pear chair.

Type of materialDescription

Fabric for inner cover

The fabric should be dense and durable, but not necessarily beautiful and new. The main thing is that it does not spread or crumble around the edges. You can buy regular satin or calico, fabric for napkins, or use home supplies. For example, old curtains or tablecloths. The optimal width of the fabric is one and a half meters, and the length is selected based on the size of the future chair. As a rule, 3-3.5 meters is more than enough. Below is a pattern with dimensions for a standard product, but you can reduce or increase it as you wish.

Fabric for outer cover

The top cover should be a little more spacious than the inner one, so you may need a little more fabric. The material requirements are the same, plus a few additional ones. It is desirable that it be wrinkle-resistant, non-slippery, and pleasant to the touch. Color and pattern are your choice. You can use not one, but two or even three types of fabric and alternate multi-colored parts when assembling. The only practical advice: do not choose fleecy fabric if there are pets in the house. It is also possible to sew several different covers to change them according to your mood or during washing.


You will need two zippers that match the color of the selected fabric. The zipper for the inner cover may be small, but for the outer cover it should be at least 50-60 cm long, otherwise it will be difficult to remove it from the chair and put it back on.


The ideal filler would be expanded polystyrene foam granules - small white balls. They are sold in large construction stores as an additive for the production of “warm” concrete. The minimum packaging volume is half a cube, which is enough for two medium-sized chairs. There may be a problem with its transportation, so if you do not have a large trunk, you will have to order delivery. But you can also use other filler, for example, pieces of foam rubber. And fill a small bean bag chair for a nursery with small soft toys, simultaneously solving the problem of storing them and keeping the room tidy.


The threads should be chosen according to the thickness of the fabric and must be strong so that the seams do not come apart under load.

Choosing fabric for a pear chair

For the manufacturing process itself, you also don’t need anything special except a sewing machine. Just a large sheet of whatman paper or graph paper for a pattern, a pencil with a tape measure and scissors.

Everything you need to sew a bean bag chair


To get a pear-shaped chair, you will need six drop-shaped or wedge-shaped parts for the base of the product, as well as the bottom and top - both in the shape of a hexagon.

Standard pear chair pattern

You can use the proposed pattern, changing its dimensions if desired, depending on the desired size of the chair or the size of the available fabric. There are no standards here.

Advice. If the fabrics are butted together, the top and bottom pieces can be cut out and sewn from halves or quarters. To make all the parts the same and symmetrical, to make a pattern, fold the paper in half and apply the outline of half the part on it, and then cut it out without unbending the sheet.

You will get three patterns in total, but the largest wedge-shaped one will need to be transferred to the fabric six times. Before doing this, spread the fabric on the floor or other large and flat surface and choose the most economical option for arranging all the parts. At the same time, do not forget to leave seam allowances around the entire perimeter of about one centimeter.

Example of fabric cutting

Transfer the patterns to the fabric and carefully cut out all the details with scissors. And then repeat the same with the fabric for the top cover, but increase the size a little. It is enough to step back from the edge of the stencils not by 1 cm, as in the first case, but by 1.5-2 cm.

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