How to wash and wash roller blinds without damaging them

Roller curtains are in no way inferior to ordinary standard curtains in terms of practicality, convenience and style.

Having a special impregnation, dirt does not eat into the canvas, but remains on the surface, which greatly facilitates their cleaning.

This allows you to wash them quite rarely. However, sooner or later this will have to be done.

It will be useful for owners and potential buyers of this interior detail to know how to wash roller blinds, which is what this article will tell you about.

Prohibited actions in care

Any thing requires self-care and actions that cannot be used. Roller curtains are no exception; when starting to clean them, you need to know what not to do:

  • The most important prohibition is automatic washing, regardless of their material. Such actions will hopelessly ruin the canvas and a beautiful appearance is out of the question;
  • processing the fabric with aggressive chemicals (acetone, solvents, gasoline, etc.) is unacceptable;
  • some advise treating curtains with steam, not taking into account the fact that it can contribute to the disintegration of the dust-repellent coating;
  • After wet treatment, the roller blinds must be dried in a straightened form and in a horizontal position. Various bends and additions in several layers are unacceptable. If this happens, then it will no longer be possible to fix the curtain;
  • Ironing in the care of roller blinds will also do more harm than good. If this becomes necessary and you only need to iron a small part of the fabric, you can do this with the tip of the iron, at a minimum temperature and always through a damp cloth.
  • if the material of the solar control fabric is made of natural materials, such as bamboo, flax, reed, wood and the like, such curtains should absolutely not be washed;

Things to consider before cleaning

Manufacturers, as a rule, sew roller blinds from fabric with special impregnation. Therefore, dirt and splashes do not penetrate into the fibers, but remain on the surface. Such contaminants can be removed dry.

If dry cleaning cannot cope with complex stains, and you decide to wash the curtains, follow the rules:

  • Try not to use chemicals: it is unknown how the canvas will react to exposure to different substances.
  • If you cannot remove stains with water, do not use aggressive compounds. Abrasives, chlorine and toxic substances will damage the impregnation. It is better to choose gels with an environmentally friendly composition and a mild effect.
  • Do not soak curtains: water may wash out the pigment.
  • Do not use a steamer or hot water for cleaning. The effect of high temperature will damage the material.


When planning a wet clean, choosing the right product is key to the success of the event.

Today, along with a wide range of roller blinds themselves, there is a great variety of liquids developed for the fabrics from which curtains with antistatic impregnation are made.

In the absence of a specialized product or other reasons why store-bought products cannot be used, any mild detergent that does not contain chlorine can be used for roller curtains.

This may be a not too concentrated solution with laundry soap, liquid detergent, or washing powder thoroughly dissolved in water.


Curtains roller blinds roller blinds for roller blinds roller blinds roller blinds roller blinds there are roller blinds installed roller blinds. roller blinds with How to remove roller blinds change the fabric leaving this fabric fabric installing fabric blinds fastening fabric blinds. change fabric leaving remove roller blinds remove roller blinds fastening roller blinds tearing up roller blinds fastening roller blinds roller blind system dismantling roller blinds installing roller blinds curtains.remove roller blindsremove roller blinds


How to clean roller blinds

If the contamination is not global and serious enough to require washing, then at home you can get by with dry cleaning of roller blinds.

The most simple and natural cleaning is to open the window for ventilation; the wind, blowing the canvas, will sweep away the dust that has settled on it.

The most popular and basic method of dry cleaning is using a vacuum cleaner. The main thing here is not to allow the fabric to wrinkle due to suction into the socket.

To do this, the vacuum cleaner must be set to a reasonable power and equipped with a suitable brush. A couple of times a month will be enough for this type of cleaning.

For some minor surface stains, you can use an ordinary pencil eraser.

The effectiveness of this method is so good that manufacturers of cleaning products began to produce special rubber bands for cleaning roller blinds.

Terms of use

Roller blinds will last a long time if you follow these simple rules:

  1. All actions to control the mechanism are performed smoothly, without jerking. If the control rope gets tangled, do not pull it, untangle it, then pull it gently.
  2. The more often you ventilate the room, the longer the roller blinds will retain their appearance. In a fresh room, they will not accumulate odors.
  3. Treat the fabric with care, do not touch it with wet hands; when washing windows, collect the curtains, do not bend the fabric.
  4. If the mechanism begins to jam, lubricate it with a special compound.
  5. It is not recommended to hang the product near the stove, electrical appliances, or batteries.

When choosing, don't settle for the cheapest options. For an example of how to care for roller blinds, watch this video:

If you want the canvas to serve for a long time, it must be dense, moisture-resistant, and impregnated with protective compounds.

How to wash roller blinds

Despite the constant maintenance of dry cleaning, wet cleaning should be done two to three times a year. This option is more effective and can replace washing for a while.

It is best to clean fabric roller blinds with a flannel cloth or napkin.

In order to wash the roller blind without removing it, it must be unfolded to its full length and gently wiped from top to bottom with a cloth soaked in a light soap solution.

Use a second cloth, also damp, to wipe the canvas, removing the soap solution.

Finally, the curtain should be wiped dry. After this, you need to let the fabric dry completely.

Cleaning methods

In addition to washing, there are other ways to clean roller shutters, namely:

  1. Dry cleaning.
  2. Wet processing.
  3. Dry cleaning.

See the manufacturers' recommendations on which method is suitable for your roller blinds.

Dry cleaning

Some types of rolls cannot be washed; they can only be dry cleaned. This can be done in two ways:

  • vacuum. Pre-attach a fabric cover to the vacuum cleaner nozzle so that the exciting air flow does not damage the material;
  • Wipe the fabric of the roll with a slightly damp, loose cloth or sponge without strong pressure. This cleaning is easy and effective, since the dust lies on the surface of the material due to its impregnation.

It is recommended to carry out dry cleaning once every two weeks, and using a vacuum cleaner once every two to three months is enough.

Wet processing

Wet cleaning of roller shutters is possible if there are no restrictions on washing in the instructions for use.

With this procedure, the rolls remain hanging on the window. Immediately you need to stock up on loose napkins:

  1. We soak one in a solution with a liquid gentle agent, and gently wipe the surface of the roll.
  2. Use a second clean, damp cloth to remove soap traces.
  3. Third, we absorb all the moisture.

Wet treatment is recommended once every six months.

On the Internet you can find harmful advice - to clean roller blinds with steam. This is absolutely not allowed! Hot, humid air changes the properties of the fabric and disrupts the polymer protective impregnation.

Dry cleaning

There are types of roller blinds that require dry cleaning only. Also, if you don’t want to wash or clean the rolls yourself or are simply afraid of ruining the curtains, then take them to the dry cleaner. Our specialists will thoroughly clean the curtains, remove stains and return the roller blinds to their original appearance.

This is a qualified cleaning method, but quite expensive.

Trust dry cleaning of roller shutters only to well-established organizations.

How to wash roller blinds at home

You can wash roller blinds at home by following a certain sequence and rules:

  1. First of all, you need to disconnect the blade from the mount and the shaft (how to do this is described below).
  2. Before washing, the curtain should be laid out on the surface and examined for stains. If any were found, they should be removed using the same eraser.
  3. Old and greasy stains should also be removed using cleaning products.
  4. Direct washing begins by filling a container with warm water sufficient to hold the linen when unfolded and with enough water to completely cover it. Liquid detergent dissolves in water. Its amount should be no more than 3% of the total mass of water.
  5. The canvas, immersed in water, must fit completely in width and length into the container, without wringing or bending. The cleaning procedure consists of gentle circular movements with a sponge over the entire surface of the curtain. Strong pressure should be avoided so as not to damage the color of the fabric.
  6. After treating the entire curtain, you need to rinse it with a shower head to avoid whitish streaks when it dries.
  7. After rinsing, the curtain can be blotted with a soft cloth and allowed to dry completely.

How to remove curtains for washing

Before removal, the curtain must be rolled into a roll. Remove the closing cover. There are three types of curtain cassette mounting:

  1. on self-tapping screws. They simply unscrew and the base is removed.
  2. Spring bracket. In this case, the fastening is pulled out and the roll can be taken out.
  3. Adhesive tape. She just comes off.


Can roller blinds be washed? Yes but not all. Polyester fabric of different textures or mixed fabric consisting of polyester fibers with the addition of viscose react calmly to washing. Roller shutters made from the following materials cannot be washed:

  • polyester with satin;
  • cotton;
  • flax;
  • jute;
  • bamboo;
  • silks.

These fabrics will definitely shrink, and it will be impossible to return them to the window. It is better to wash such a product on the spot, as described above, and in case of severe contamination, contact a professional dry cleaner.

You can wash the roller blind yourself only by hand. The washing machine will make the fabric unsuitable for further use.

Hand washing of curtains is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The completely rolled curtain is carefully removed from the curtain rod by unscrewing the side screws, pulling out the gears, or simply disconnecting the tape or magnet, depending on the type of fastening.
  2. The bathtub is half filled with warm water and one of the gentle detergents mentioned above is dissolved in it.
  3. A small curtain is laid unfolded on the bottom of the bathtub and after a few minutes, without pressure, it is cleaned with a washcloth. A larger canvas is immersed in a washing solution in a roll, the top edge is unrolled, washed, and then gradually rolled up, each time freeing a new dirty area.
  4. A clean product is thoroughly rinsed by lifting and lowering it into water or using a shower. If detergent is left on a woven surface, it will stain after drying and will quickly change color when exposed to ultraviolet light.
  5. After washing, the curtain is allowed to swell naturally. Squeezing the product is strictly prohibited, as it will be impossible to smooth it out.

The total time of “water procedures” should not exceed half an hour. Otherwise, the roller blind will lose its protective layer.

Drying correctly

The drying process is no less important than cleaning and washing, and this must be done so that the fabric retains its original appearance and smoothness. The following rules will help to achieve this:

  • After removing most of the moisture from the curtain, it is best to lay it out on a clean surface and leave it to dry there. To speed up this process, you can place a cloth made of natural material under it;
  • You can hang it without bending the fabric using clothespins, on a clothesline or crossbar. With this method, there is a possibility that the fabric may stretch;
  • minor creases can be corrected with an iron, following all the precautions discussed below.

Exposure to high temperatures when drying roller blinds should be avoided. This can lead to loss of shape and the appearance of marks on the canvas, which will be impossible to get rid of.

Useful tips

Naturally, in order to remove blinds of one type or another, there are many different recommendations, but there is also some useful advice regarding the general aspects of this process. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. You should be careful in everything; it is best to avoid sudden movements and jerks, which can lead to breakage.
  2. If you have to operate at heights, it is best to get a stepladder. You should climb onto it so that the top of the blinds is at eye level. This way you won’t have to constantly raise your head, and you will feel much less tired.
  3. When removing individual parts, do not throw them on the floor or windowsill, as they may get lost. It’s best not to be lazy, get off the stepladder and carefully place them on the table.
  4. If necessary, it is best to use special tools. You should not replace them with improvised kitchen tools, for example, cutlery, as this can also lead to damage to the products.

Perhaps this is all that concerns the general aspects of this process. By adhering to all the tips described above and taking into account the characteristics of each type of product, you can easily remove them and, after removing any dirt, put them in order and return them to their place.

Removing stains

The formation of stains on the fabric of a roller curtain is quite a common and widespread phenomenon, which can be successfully dealt with at home.

One of the simple and affordable ways is to use a rubber band or eraser. Having spread the cloth on a table or laid floor, you should rub it over the stain without excessive pressure. This option is suitable for simple, superficial stains.

If the contamination is more serious, then you should use a stain remover specially designed for this purpose.

These products should consist of a natural base and do not include bleaches or abrasives.

The stain remover is applied to the desired area and left in place according to the instructions, after which it is cleaned or washed off the surface of the curtain.

A serious stain or deeply ingrained dirt that cannot be removed with stain remover or washing can only be removed by dry cleaning.

Know and follow the operating rules: ov

Blinds are an incredibly practical and compact type of window curtain. In addition, in some cases they will be much more profitable financially than classic fabric canvases, the cost of which may be slightly inflated. But sometimes it becomes necessary to remove them, for cleaning, washing or simply changing the interior composition, so you need to familiarize yourself with some instructions for their use in order to remove this decorative item without damaging it.

How to care for roller blinds or how to slow down the pollution process

To minimize the rate of their contamination, avoid stain formation and keep the curtains in a well-groomed and neat condition, you should perform several easy steps:

  • when installing roller blinds, you need to take into account the proximity of heating devices and place them at a distance;
  • Open the window once a day for ventilation - this will not only get rid of some of the settled dust, but is also good for health;
  • When cleaning your house regularly, you don’t need to ignore the roller blinds and go over them with a vacuum cleaner after installing the nozzle for cleaning upholstered furniture;
  • when washing windows, it is better to roll the curtains into a cassette;
  • the resulting creases or bends must be straightened in a timely manner (it is better to avoid them), since in such places there is a more intense accumulation of dust;
  • Roller blinds installed in the kitchen are best rolled to the “open” position during cooking;
  • For a positive effect, problem areas should be cleaned immediately after contamination appears or is detected.

Maintaining basic cleanliness of your home, ventilating the room and periodically dry cleaning your roller blinds will allow them to last longer and delight you with their beauty.

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Removing the Uni Cassette with Spring Mechanism


  1. Turn the lock by the handle to a vertical position. Raise the curtain.
  2. With the blade of a stationery knife extended 3 cm, trim the adhesive layer at both ends of the cassette.
  3. Separate the cassette from the frame or sash.
  4. Remove the lower plugs of the aluminum guides.
  5. Using the blade of a utility knife, trim the adhesive layer that holds the guides on the frame or sash beads.
  6. Remove the guides.
  7. Use alcohol or lighter gasoline to remove traces of tape from the window.
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