6 simple but original ways to beautifully fold fabric napkins

Every housewife wants to surprise her guests not only with delicious dishes, but also with beautiful table settings. One way to give the table a festive look is to fold napkins in an original way. For friends and family, you can use paper napkins for serving. But if you are planning a dinner party or formal event, it is better to purchase textile products.

Typically, napkins are folded into a triangle and placed next to the plate. But this method is not original. If you want to grab your guests' attention, it's best to get creative with napkin folding. In this article you will learn how to fold napkins for table setting.

Christmas tree for New Year

Napkins folded in the shape of a Christmas tree will be a good addition to decorating the New Year's table.

  1. The napkin needs to be folded in half into a rectangle, with each corner folded towards the center of the product. The resulting bevels are also folded towards the center to form a square.
  2. The product is turned over and folded in the same way on this side.
  3. The upper left corner is folded diagonally and hidden on the opposite side of the square. Do the same with the bottom corner, you should get an equilateral triangle. It is then folded in half.
  4. Take another napkin and fold it in the same way, and then connect both products. It turns out to be a Christmas tree.

Selecting the color

The color palette of napkins has a great influence on the final decoration of the holiday. Therefore, you need to try and choose the optimal color. Green shades are associated with freshness, and it will also highlight the beauty of other tones.

This process is not only exciting, but also creative.

Plain textiles are ideal for lunch with business partners or a tea break. If the tablecloth is made in rich blue colors, then the table service should have light or white tones.

Decorating with cloth napkins is the most important point in the design process.

Light textiles are harmonious in any setting. When choosing bright colors, do not forget about the emotional state of the guests. Yellow and red will give you a joyful mood, green and blue will give you a business mood.

Napkins are considered not only an addition to add unusualness, but also hygiene products.

Note! White napkins and a colored tablecloth are the best option for quickly decorating a special event, welcoming guests and treating them to culinary masterpieces. It is considered a classic and will always be appropriate.

Fan styling

The easiest way, but it looks beautiful and original. It is advisable to choose plain napkins.

  1. Fold the napkin into a triangle.
  2. The resulting shape is placed in a stand and the outer corner is shifted by 1.5 cm. This creates a fan.
  3. You can make a double fan, for this you can choose napkins of different colors.

How to achieve spectacular design

For serving, use cloth and paper napkins. The first option is formal and solemn, but beautifully folded paper “fans” or “roses” look no worse. Napkins are available in various sizes and colors, so it’s easy to choose the right decor for a children’s party, New Year or anniversary.

What to pay attention to:

  1. Consider the thickness of the paper napkins (one or several layers), the stability and rigidity of the completed compositions depends on this.
  2. Before decorating, the fabric is thoroughly starched and ironed.
  3. Choose a color scheme in advance so that the decor matches the dishes, tablecloths, and prepared dishes.
  4. Napkins are not only decor, but also a hygiene item. Therefore, do not build an overly complex design so that guests do not have to destroy the composition. You can do it differently: put beautiful figures on the table for decoration, and put additional napkins on the table.
  5. Practice composing figures in advance, make a supply of napkins so that in the last minutes of pre-holiday hassle, preparing the design does not take much effort and time.

Lotus styling

A beautiful decoration for the holiday table.

  1. The fabric product is folded in half, with the wrong side on the inside.
  2. The rectangle is unfolded with the fold down.
  3. The top corners are folded towards the center.
  4. Transfer the figure to the other side and fold it in half.
  5. The lower corners are turned up.
  6. The resulting shape is folded into an accordion shape.
  7. A lotus bud is secured from below and the upper petals are straightened.

Napkins in a ring

Interesting options for decorating a festive table are obtained by using rings. Rings can be taken ready-made or made with your own hands.


  1. The napkin is laid flat with the wrong side down.
  2. Bend it in half at an angle so that the fold is on the left.
  3. The extreme corners are bent upward.
  4. From the fold side, roll the fabric into a roller.
  5. Bend the corner into a roller.
  6. Fold the roller in half, pinching it in the middle.
  7. Pull the fabric into the ring, then straighten it into a bow.

Victorian flower

  1. Leaving the fold at the top, the square fabric is folded in half.
  2. The upper right vertex is bent to the fold.
  3. The double corner is bent from bottom to top.
  4. The corners are folded on the other side in the same way.
  5. A diamond folded in several layers is obtained.
  6. The lower part is collected in the middle and placed in the ring.
  7. The upper corners can be straightened in any position.

To make rings with your own hands, cut hard cylinders from under foil or cling film. Lace, gold or silver film, and textured string are suitable for decoration.

For the New Year's feast, they think through various accessories for serving, complementing the napkins with spruce branches, miniature balls, serpentine, and bright ribbons.

There is no need to start with complex, difficult-to-implement schemes. The above are fairly simple options, and if you show creativity and imagination, the results will definitely please you. And don’t forget that you can decorate and set the table stylishly not only for a holiday, but also for everyday lunches and dinners!

Beautiful lily

It is recommended to use light-colored fabric napkins, which will make the lily even more beautiful.

  1. It is necessary to fold the fabric napkin diagonally, with the fold at the bottom.
  2. The right and left corners are folded to the top vertex.
  3. The product is folded horizontally in half.
  4. Turn away the top of the triangle and make the corners of the lily.

How to beautifully fold napkins for a festive table: 6 New Year's ideas

Beautifully folded napkins can be a wonderful decoration for a holiday table. These step-by-step instructions will help you make folded napkins that will wow your guests.

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How to beautifully fold napkins in a herringbone pattern

These fabric napkins folded in the shape of a Christmas tree will not leave both children and adults indifferent! You can add a small ball or bell to the top of the tree and attach a card with the guest's name to it.

You will need:

- fabric napkins;

— iron and ironing board.

Step 1

Fold the napkin in half, then in half again.

Step 2

Unfold the napkin so that the center corner faces up and the loose ends face down.

Fold the top corner up as shown in the photo on the left.

Then turn the second corner up and place it on top of the first, moving down a little, as shown in the photo on the right.

Unscrew the third and fourth corners in the same way.

Step 3

Carefully turn the napkin over. Fold its right edge to the left so that the lower corner of the fold is under the upper central corner of the structure.

Fold the left side in the same way.

Bend the upper tip down and hide it in a fold, as shown in the photo on the right.

Step 4

Turn the napkin over. Start by folding the ends facing downwards, inwards, as shown in the photo on the right.

If you wish, you can bend all the ends up - as you like.

At the end, iron the napkin a little so that the folds hold better.

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How to beautifully fold a napkin into a pocket

If you fold the napkin into a pocket, you can neatly place your cutlery in it. For additional decor, you can use rope, lace, ribbon, braid - depending on the decoration of your room and New Year's table.

You will need:

- fabric napkins;

- ribbon, lace, string for decoration.

Step 1

Fold the napkin in half, then in half again. Turn one corner diagonally.

Step 2

Turn the napkin over with the folded corner facing down. Fold the right edge to the left. Then fold the left edge over so that it covers the right.

Turn the napkin over again. Place the cutlery in the resulting pocket and tie a ribbon or cord on top.

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How to beautifully fold a napkin and decorate it with pine needles and a homemade ring

This step-by-step description will tell you how to make a New Year's napkin ring with your own hands and how to beautifully fold a napkin and decorate it with this ring.

You will need:

- cloth napkin;

- small bells (you can also use miniature balls or other decor);

- wire cutters;

- thin flexible wire;

- sprigs of pine needles, live or artificial.

Step 1

Cut a piece of wire 15 cm long. Place one bell on the end and bend and twist the end of the wire to secure the bell. Then string other bells onto the wire.

Then form the wire into a circle and tie the ends of the wire together to make a ring.

Step 2

Fold the napkin in four and put a ring on top of it, so that the loose ends remain at the bottom. Add a sprig of pine needles.

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How to beautifully fold paper napkins into a fan

This way to beautifully fold paper napkins is quite simple, and the result looks impressive.

You will need:

- paper napkins.

Step 1

Unfold the napkin along one of the folds.

Fold one of the halves like an accordion parallel to the central fold.

Turn the napkin so that it is accordion side down.

Step 2

Fold the entire napkin in half.

Then fold the long end towards you.

Fold the long end under.

Unfold the fan and you can place the napkin on the plate.

How to decorate a New Year's table: 16 ideas

How to beautifully fold a napkin into a bow

This way to fold napkins is simple but super cute! For this you will need napkin rings.

You will need:

- fabric napkins;

- napkin rings.

Step 1

Unfold the napkin and fold it diagonally.

Fold the bottom corner and roll the napkin into a roll.

Step 2

Fold the corners of the roll towards the center of the napkin and put a ring on the napkin. Ready.

How to beautifully fold a fabric or paper napkin into a star shape

This method can be used to fold both fabric and paper napkins beautifully.

You will need:

- napkin;

— napkin ring with decor.

Step 1

Unfold the napkin and fold it in half.

Step 2

On one side, bend the corners towards the center.

Repeat on the other side.

Step 3

Fold the resulting corners towards the center of the napkin.

Fold the napkin in half by pulling the middle, as shown in the photo.

Bend the side edges inward, as shown in the photo.

Secure the structure by putting a ring on top of it.

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Photo: cvlinens.com, everydaylaura.com, girlabouttownhouse.com, boxwoodavenue.com, howtoi.com.au, popsugar.com


You will need two napkins, one for the bud (you can use pink, it will look delicate and beautiful, or use red), and the other for the foliage - green.

  1. The green fabric product is folded in half into a triangle. After this, repeat the same procedure twice and place it in a wine glass so that the edges of the fabric peek out.
  2. A pink or red napkin is folded into a rectangle and rolled into a bud.
  3. Place the resulting form on the foliage in the wine glass.

The importance of napkins may be underestimated in table setting. After all, thanks to fabric products you can give your holiday table an unusual decor. The ability to fold them will help you decorate the table beautifully; especially fabric figures look harmonious among formal tableware.

It is not necessary to decorate only holiday tables; the table setting can be for everyday dinners. Guests or family members will appreciate this creative approach.

Choosing napkins for serving

Etiquette does not give clear instructions regarding the color and other characteristics of the material. It is allowed to take shades that completely match the tablecloth or contrast with it. In the second case, the selected tone should resonate with other elements of the serving. If there are candles or a vase of flowers on the table, then the color of the napkins is selected to match these elements.

In order for the table setting to be complete, it is worth using the same material as the fabric from which the tablecloth was made. The main criterion that is put forward for this part: soft and pleasant to the touch material. Cheap fabric products quickly deteriorate and change texture after the first wash, so it’s better not to save money.

A harmonious composition will only work if you take into account the style of the interior and the table. The only exceptions are themed meals, for example, children's parties, Easter, Christmas. In all other situations, it is worth considering the interior of the room:

  • Classic. Almost any textile is suitable for it; for accents, choose products with fringe, bows or bright decor.
  • Loft. In such an interior, eco-leather or thick textiles look organic. It is not necessary to use a tablecloth here; napkins are usually sufficient.
  • Country style. Cotton and linen are best suited for it; light-colored textiles with lace or unique embroidery are also used.
  • Minimalism. Here, a tablecloth is also inappropriate; instead, large napkins are used, which are placed under the plates.
  • Scandinavian style. Since its main difference is considered to be natural elements, plain napkins made of cotton or linen are suitable.

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Idea - 3

  1. Fold in two, again the same way;
  2. The sides of the rectangle are folded down;
  3. Turn it with the wrong side facing away from you, and twist a “bag” from the ends;
  4. The resulting parts are connected together.

Idea - 9

  1. The napkin is folded as follows: in two, the fold is located at the top
  2. Corners that fold at the top to the middle part along the lines
  3. The sides of the napkin are aligned so that the corners with the sharp part are at the bottom
  4. Turning the figure over, bend the ends, this will be a support
  5. Bend inward and place the finished napkin

Where did napkins come from?

In Rome there was a mention of this item of etiquette. One gentleman who loved to eat, when this happened, he would reach across the table for a napkin, but at that time it was just dough with a raw texture.

How this thing was used was to put the dough on the face, thereby causing food to stick to it, then bake it and eat it. Not very hygienic, of course, but according to the Romans, this was one of the optimal solutions of that time.

Later at dinners they brought something more similar to our napkins, these were fabric ones. When Rome fell, Europe thereby forgot to use this element; girls mainly wiped themselves with dresses or sleeves.

When such a phenomenon as the Renaissance occurred in the country of France, then along with this phenomenon, large napkins appeared, covering almost the entire table. The main drawback was the fact that it could only be wiped off together.

Over time, the napkin acquired more and more similar shapes to its contemporary. The term napkin etiquette appeared in France after 1699.

Candle formation

A candle does not interfere with the Christmas tree, especially if the imitation of the color source is made in red. After all, the appropriate outfit is very harmonious with green and generally personifies the holiday:

  • A long cloth towel is folded into a triangle;
  • The triangle is rolled into a tube.

The candle remains to be immersed in a glass or glass. To do this, the product is bent in the middle and the blunt end of the bend is placed on the bottom.

Volumetric figures Candle and Crown

Flat shapes are easy to make. But there are also three-dimensional figures - a candle and a crown - that can be made in a couple of minutes. The candle is well suited for a romantic dinner or New Year's party, and the crown will act as a stand for spruce branches or flowers. For the crown, it is better to take a napkin with openwork edges. Such a craft will look solemn.

  1. Candle. Fold the napkin into a triangle, moving the edges one centimeter inward. For a stable base: five centimeters of the lower part of the triangle is rolled up into a tube. Turn the napkin over, holding the fold with your fingers. They begin to roll the tube from any angle. The free end of the fabric is fixed in the previous fold. The candle is placed on a saucer and the wick is decorated. To do this, the outer edge of the fabric is folded outward and the inner edge is twisted.
  2. Crown. The napkin is folded into a triangle, from which a diamond is formed. The rhombus is turned over with its back side up and the lower part is folded over to form a triangle. The corners of the triangle are bent back, tucking one into the other. The crown is straightened and placed on a beautiful stand.

On a note!

To secure the edges of the shape and make it easier to complete, you can use a paper clip. But it is necessary to remember that paper products are easy to tear. Therefore, you should work carefully.

Napkins decorated in this way decorate the table and give it an aesthetic appearance. They are easy to make, so you can involve children in the making process. They will be happy to master the skill of creating three-dimensional figures from napkins. This is an exciting activity, the result of which will delight the hosts of the holiday and guests.

Other design schemes

Having mastered simple patterns, you can begin to create more complex shapes. Thematic images will emphasize the importance of the event and delight the guests. Animal figures are a good choice for decorating a children's party, flowers are a good choice for a wedding celebration and a romantic evening. First you need to determine the color scheme of the napkins, and then start creating fancy shapes:

  1. Christmas tree. The corners of the napkin folded into a square begin to bend before reaching the previous layer. When the corners of all layers are bent, the workpiece is turned over. The right and left sides are folded towards the middle. Turn the workpiece over again and fold the corners, tucking them under the previous ones.

  2. Lotus. First, the stand is made. To do this you will need twelve green napkins. Fold the napkin into a triangle. Then the corners are folded towards the middle, from the top of the triangle to the bottom edge. The workpiece is turned over and the corners are bent. The workpiece is folded, hiding the corners. The first part is ready. By analogy, eleven more parts are made. Form the base by tightening the parts with thread. The second stage is making the petals. They make them the same way, only they change the color of the napkins to a brighter one. A total of ninety-six parts will be required. The last stage is assembling the flower. Using a spoon, tuck the corner of the pink petal into two green modules, holding them together. There will be eight layers in total. After assembly, the edges of the petals are straightened.

  3. Tulip. Fold a rectangle from a napkin. The edges are twisted to form a tube. Stepping back a few centimeters from the edge, roll the paper tightly, forming a stem. In the middle of the workpiece, a leaf is formed and the remaining tube is twisted.

  4. Heart. The napkin is folded into a triangle and a diamond is formed from it. The workpiece is turned over, the corner is bent down. The left corner of the bottom layer is folded diagonally to the left, the right corner to the right. Bend all corners inward and turn the workpiece over.
  5. Butterfly. There are several techniques for making a figure. The simplest one: straighten the napkin and place it face down. The sides are folded towards the middle, forming a rectangle. The corners of the workpiece are bent, the napkin is folded like an accordion and the middle is fixed. The wings of the figure are straightened.

  6. Bunnies. Option for celebrating Easter. The sides of the napkin are folded towards the middle, forming a rectangle. The corners are folded to the center line of the workpiece, turned over and the procedure is repeated. The workpiece is folded in half, lengthwise. The lower corner of the workpiece is bent. The workpiece is folded, the corners are hidden in pockets. Straighten the bunny's ears.

On a note!

If flowers are chosen for table decoration, then you need to choose different shades of napkins for execution. A monochromatic color scheme is also acceptable, but it will be more pleasant for guests to see “their” color. In this way, you will emphasize the individuality and importance of each guest.

Folding paper napkins is a type of origami. You can find many interesting patterns that will help you decorate your holiday table. Unusual figures, luxurious flowers, elegant envelopes - there are many options. Decorating with napkins allows you to emphasize the style and theme of the celebration.

Napkin etiquette. 25 ways to fold napkins

At an official reception or at your friends' dacha, you will certainly meet HER
It can appear before you as chic, large, small, bright multi-colored or elegant snow-white. But even this will not confuse you if you remember the rule: a linen or paper napkin
has a main purpose, which has been established over the centuries, to protect your clothes from stains.
Even if in front of you is a box with pieces of paper that can be pulled out, which, when used, go straight to the trash bin, in this case you should not neglect the etiquette
Rule 1:
If you are given a napkin, use it.
Don't leave it on the table untouched. The napkin is given to wipe your hands and mouth, and also to protect clothes from possible stains. The fact that a person does not use it shows that he is a slob. Rule 2:
Wait until the host of the table unfolds his napkin.
Only after that start working on yours. Rule 3:
If the napkin is too big and falls off your lap, roll it to the desired size.
Rule 4:
In polite society, it is not customary to make sudden sweeping movements at the table.
Don't aggressively shake the napkin to unravel it. Do not dry yourself with a napkin as if it were a towel for morning exercise. Just pat your mouth lightly. Rule 5:
Do not rush to unwrap the napkin, wait until the dish is brought.
Rule 6:
If you must leave the table, leave your napkin on your chair or to the left of your plate.
After eating, place the napkin also to the left of the plate, but in no case on the plate. Rule 7:
Where does the napkin belong?
On your knees. Neither behind the belt, nor behind the collar. Although, if you are in a society where such behavior is acceptable, feel free to follow it. For example, in the south of Italy or New Jersey they serve spaghetti with a wonderful seafood sauce. This dish is best enjoyed without worrying about red stains on your shirt or pants. Many Italians and Americans of Italian descent tuck a napkin into their collar, perceiving it as an integral part of the dish. In their society you can act in the same way. What about waiters with a napkin over their hand? This is convenient from a practical point of view in case of incidents with stains - a napkin is always at hand. This practice originated several centuries ago in France, where the manner in which napkins were worn determined what was for lunch. In general, napkins have been used for thousands of years

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