18 easy ways to get rid of bad odors from your couch

How to get rid of the smell of urine on the sofa is a question that becomes relevant when a small child, pet or elderly person lives in the apartment. In such situations, unfortunately, unpleasant embarrassments often occur - we are talking about urine stains on the sofa, which every housewife strives to get rid of. Today we will look at the most effective methods for solving this problem.

How to get rid of urine smell on the couch

Reasons for persistent urine odor

Unfortunately, urine stains retain an extremely unpleasant odor for a long time, due to which some things must simply be thrown away. But a sofa is a rather expensive piece of furniture, and it is worth making every effort to restore it to its original appearance. The persistence of unpleasant urine odor is associated with the following reasons:

  1. Urine flows into the inner layers of the upholstery. So, you can remove a stain only from the surface when urine has already soaked the foam rubber or even parts of the frame - and the smell comes from the inside.
  2. As a result of contact with air, an oxidation process occurs, as a result of which compounds are formed on the surface of the sofa that are insoluble in water. To remove them you will need to use chemicals.
  3. Old urine stains are the best environment for the proliferation of various microorganisms, which is why it can be quite difficult to remove this pungent odor.

It turns out that many reasons influence the persistence of urine odor on upholstered furniture. You should not hope that over time it will disappear on its own; on the contrary, in this case it is necessary to carry out treatment as early as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to correct such an unpleasant problem.

In some cases, it can be difficult to get rid of the smell of urine

How to properly care for your sofa

Not only prevention, but also proper care of the sofa can reduce the risk of such a problem. It is important to consider the upholstery material. This determines how exactly the furniture will be cared for.

Use a special vacuum cleaner to clean the sofa.

But there are general rules. And the first of them is that it is necessary to clean the sofa regularly. For this, a special brush with soft bristles is used. You can use a vacuum cleaner. If stains are found, do not delay in removing them. It is important to start getting rid of them right away. Begin removing dirt from the edges, moving towards the middle.

It is recommended that you test your chosen cleaning product on a small area to ensure it will not harm your upholstery. If the smell or dirt does not disappear after several attempts, you should contact a professional dry cleaner. But the sooner the removal of unpleasant odors begins, the higher the chance of a positive cleaning result.

A steam cleaner will help you quickly get rid of the unpleasant odor from your sofa.

An unpleasant smell from a sofa can ruin any room. It can be difficult to get rid of it. Therefore, it is recommended to act comprehensively. Be sure to constantly ventilate the room. Additionally, they use professional products and folk recipes to get rid of the unpleasant aroma.

Urgent measures to get rid of urine stains and unpleasant odors

How to solve the problem will differ depending on how long ago the stain appeared. In case you just noticed a puddle of urine spreading across the sofa, this makes the action much easier. Indeed, under such circumstances, urine simply does not have time to react with air and does not flow too deeply.

You should clean your sofa as soon as possible, without postponing the procedure until later, using effective methods.

Place several layers of toilet paper or napkins (6-7 layers) on the wet spot and change them as they become wet. Sometimes you have to waste a roll of paper for such purposes, but you should continue such actions until the stain on the sofa becomes dry.

When saving a sofa, don't skimp on toilet paper

You can use a special diaper for such purposes that has an absorbent surface. It must be pressed firmly onto the stain, and then repeat the same actions several times. If you have a baby diaper on hand, you can use that too.

Disposable diapers best absorb any wet marks and odors

When there is no moisture left on the surface, you can lay the napkin again and then press it down with a weight. This is necessary in order to remove any remaining traces. Then you need to remove the weight and replace the napkin. It is recommended to repeat the same steps until the paper stops getting wet.

Finally, you will need to spray the sofa with a cool soapy solution from a spray bottle and wipe with a sponge. It is also better to repeat such actions several times, which will certainly get rid of the smell.

It is necessary to generously spray the area where the stain was

Some housewives recommend drying the stain with an iron or hairdryer before carrying out the procedure to get rid of the smell of urine. Of course, in emergency situations, it is possible to use this method, but it is important not to overdo it, because prolonged heating only intensifies the oxidative reaction.

In addition, the surface of the sofa will have to be covered with gauze, otherwise a stain of a different nature may form on the delicate material.

Heat the stain with a hairdryer for no longer than five to seven minutes.

If such methods do not help get rid of the pungent odor, then you can use other methods that are suitable even for old stains.

Grease stains on upholstery or carpet

In addition to daily pollution, damage to carpeting or sofa upholstery can be caused by a family feast or the habit of dining in the living room. But it’s quite possible to remove greasy stains at home; it’s enough not to hesitate, putting cleaning on the back burner, but to start immediately after contamination. An effective and familiar method is to cover a greasy stain with salt, but there is a remedy that is several times superior to a food additive. To completely get rid of a greasy stain, you need to crush a piece of chalk into dust and sprinkle it on the contaminated area, vacuum up the chalk after 15 minutes and repeat the procedure. If you don't have regular chalk at home, you can replace it with baby powder.

How to remove odor from baby's urine?

It is worth noting that the urine of babies is low-concentrated and therefore does not have a strong odor. But, if the child is constantly on the sofa (and did not come to visit once), when numerous stains appear, the upholstery begins to smell unpleasant.

Of course, it is impossible to cover all the upholstered furniture in the house with special oilcloths, so mothers have to deal with this problem in various ways.

Such embarrassments often occur during the period of potty training a child.

Laundry soap: step-by-step instructions

It is not necessary to use too concentrated laundry soap for such purposes, like what was sold in the USSR. Now manufacturers offer a large number of delicate options (with a pleasant aroma), which are even suitable for washing children's clothes. Thus, the soap will be safe both for the upholstery of the sofa and for further contact of the baby with the furniture.

Step 1. It is necessary to intensively soap the foam sponge with a piece of laundry soap, and then thoroughly wipe the surface of the furniture with the stain.

Do not use the hard part of the sponge to avoid damaging the fabric.

Step 2. Then you need to moisten the stain with clean water and wipe again with a sponge. The foam should be left on the surface of the sofa for at least fifteen minutes. Afterwards, the remaining soap will need to be removed with a damp, clean cloth and the upholstered furniture should be dried.

Try to foam the sponge as much as possible

Important! It should be borne in mind that this method is not always suitable for light-colored sofa upholstery - unsightly stains may remain on the surface, so owners of such furniture will need to rinse the sofa more thoroughly upon completion of the procedure.

Manganese: step-by-step instructions

I would like to immediately note that this method of cleaning a sofa is only suitable for dark upholstery. Light or colored surfaces will leave stains that will be difficult to remove. If in doubt, it is better to first apply such a product to an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the fabric (if it does not stain, then continue).

Step 1. You will need to dissolve a small amount of manganese in clean, warm water.

Potassium permanganate solution

Step 2. Next, you need to dip any old unnecessary fabric into this solution - it will have to be thrown away at the end of the procedure. After which the fabric must be wrung out and placed on the stain. After about 25 minutes, you need to dip the fabric again into the manganese solution and repeat the steps.

Dip the cloth into the solution and place it on the stain.

Step 3. The last step is to dry the upholstered furniture. You can iron the surface of the sofa with an iron or direct a warm stream of air from a hairdryer, but natural drying at room temperature will also work. If this happens at the dacha or in your home, you can even take the sofa outside for airing when the weather permits.

Then you need to dry the sofa

Lemon juice: step-by-step instructions

The main advantage of choosing this method is complete environmental safety. Therefore, if your baby is allergic to chemicals, then lemon juice is the most suitable method for dealing with urine stains.

Step 1. First of all, we need to get the right amount of juice. To do this, squeeze out the lemon pulp in any convenient way.

Squeeze lemon juice

Step 2. After which this juice must be poured into a spray bottle and distributed over the surface of the stain.

Pour lemon juice into a spray bottle

Step 3. After half an hour, you will need to spray the juice again on the upholstery of the sofa and place a damp cloth on top - this will allow the juice to penetrate into the deep layers of the upholstery.

Apply lemon juice to the sofa and apply a damp cloth

Step 4. Now you need to rinse the upholstery fabric with clean water and a sponge.

You need to wipe the stained area with a clean sponge or rag.

Another advantage of this method of cleaning a sofa is the pleasant aroma of lemon, which remains in the room for a long time.

Baking soda: step by step instructions

Baking soda is another non-toxic and affordable way to remove the effects of childhood embarrassment. The main advantage of this method is that it is suitable for almost any type of upholstery (soda does not dye or discolor the fabric). This way you can quickly eliminate any contamination with a strong aroma.

Step 1. You will need to distribute dry soda over the entire surface of the stain.

Distribute baking soda over the surface of the stain

Step 2. Then you need to blot the fabric with a damp sponge, and then add a new layer of soda. The sofa should be left in this form for a while until the soda dries completely.

The soda should dry, after which you need to apply a new layer.

Step 3. Remains of soda can be removed with a vacuum cleaner or a dry cloth - just shake it off the surface.

Removing baking soda residue from the surface of the sofa

Usually one procedure is enough to remove the smell, but you can do this several times.

When there has been no cleaning for a long time

When upholstered furniture is old and has not been cleaned for a long time, you can get rid of the unpleasant odors emanating from it using folk remedies or special preparations sold in stores. They start by freeing the sofa from dust. To prevent it from rising and settling on other things in the apartment, the procedure is performed using a kind of filter - an old sheet.

This item is soaked in water and wrung out well so that the dust collected by the too-wet sheet does not leave dirty streaks on the upholstery. Cover the sofa surface with a damp sheet and go over it with a beater, after which it is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

If the surface of the furniture has not been cleaned for a long time, you can use a detergent composition to eliminate odors accumulated in it. To make such a product, make a soap solution, add citric acid and vinegar to it, 1 tbsp each. spoon of each component. Beat the mixture until fluffy foam appears. Using a sponge, apply the liquid to the sofa surface and leave the furniture in this form for several hours. The remaining foam is removed with a stiff brush.

How to remove the smell of urine on the sofa from an adult?

Such marks often remain on the surface of the sofa if seriously ill or elderly people live in the apartment. Moreover, even such a problem can be dealt with on your own.

First of all, it is necessary to disinfect the surface of the sofa. We will look at the most effective disinfectants.

Table No. 1. Popular disinfectants

Remedy, illustrationDescription
Bleach (0.5%)This is an effective remedy that is sold in the form of a white powder. The only downside is that lime eats away the delicate upholstery of the sofa. Therefore, this cleaning method is not suitable in all cases and you need to mix bleach with water in a very small amount.
AbacterilThis is a modern disinfectant that must first be diluted with water in the required concentration. Its main advantage is that it does not discolor the fabric, while effectively destroying bacteria.
Maxi-deathThis product is suitable for treating surfaces to remove traces of urine from seriously ill patients. After disinfection, the sofa will need to be thoroughly rinsed with clean water.

Important! Preliminary disinfection is extremely important in the presence of infectious diseases in a seriously ill person. In some cases, such procedures are performed multiple times (for greater efficiency).

Vinegar: step by step instructions

This is a very effective remedy for combating various unpleasant odors, but after using it you will need to ventilate the room, because vinegar itself also has a specific aroma.

Step 1. You need to add a few tablespoons of vinegar to one glass of clean water. Of course, it is also possible to use a concentrated solution, but after such treatment it will take too long to ventilate the room, so it is better to immediately dilute it in liquid.

Mix water and vinegar

Step 2. Next, as in previous cases, apply this solution to the surface of the upholstery using a sprayer. You can then wipe the stain with a damp cloth.

Apply the solution to the stain

Important point! If you are sure that urine has not penetrated into the deep layers of the upholstery, then you can apply vinegar, put a napkin on top and press down with a weight. In another case, it is necessary to fill the trace with a large amount of acid and leave it in this form until it dries completely.

When treating upholstery with vinegar, it would also be a good idea to test in an inconspicuous area, because the acid corrodes some fabrics.

Vodka: step by step instructions

This alcoholic drink is known for dealing with a large number of dirt and stains (including on upholstered furniture), disinfecting, and also eliminating pungent odors. The main thing is not to spare such a means, because in the process of work a considerable amount will be required. Otherwise, the advantage of vodka is that after the procedure there is no specific smell left.

Step 1. You need to take a light cotton fabric so that it does not stain the upholstery. Then this rag should be moistened generously with vodka.

Cotton fabric

Step 2. Next, you need to apply a wet rag to the surface with the urine stain and leave for 2-4 hours. Once the alcohol evaporates, the pungent odor will disappear.

Apply the solution to the entire surface of the stain

It is important to consider that the surface should not be exposed to the sun's rays during processing. It’s better to even turn off the lights in the room.

Ammonia: step-by-step instructions

This simple method allows you to cope not only with the smell of adult urine, but also with any old contaminants.

Step 1. It is necessary to mix ammonia and vodka in equal proportions in one container.

Mix ammonia and vodka

Step 2. Next, you will need to wet a rag in this solution and then place it on the surface of the sofa. It is better to leave it on the sofa for 10-15 minutes so that the solution is saturated.

It is necessary to moisten a rag in the resulting solution

Step 3. This stain should then be washed with clean water.

Washing the stain

Step 4. Finally, the sofa will need to be carefully ironed through gauze (if the upholstery is fabric).

Iron thoroughly

Dampening the sofa

It happens that upholstered furniture simply becomes damp without signs of fungal infection.
In this case, this piece of furniture needs to be dried thoroughly. After completing the procedure, the smell will quickly disappear. When fungus appears in the house, it is useless to clean upholstered furniture before it is removed. After eliminating the fungus, they begin to eliminate all its consequences. Dry the sofa completely from dampness inside and out using special means. Since the fungus is a living organism, it is removed using disinfectants that destroy fungal spores and prevent their reproduction. For this purpose, it is easier to purchase ready-made preparations or call specialists from a cleaning company to clean furniture.

If you have to clean the sofa yourself, then first vacuum it and wipe it with a cloth moistened with a solution of alcohol and water in equal proportions. Then the furniture is dried for several hours in order to completely remove traces of dampness and mold that have become ingrained in the sofa upholstery. Another method involves spraying products containing fungicides over the furniture surface and then drying the upholstered furniture.

How to remove urine odor from pets?

Removing the sharp, ammonia smell of cat or dog urine will be the most difficult, because biological excretions of animals have the most persistent aroma. That is why, if you see that your pet has left a puddle behind, you need to remove it as soon as possible.

You can learn how to remove the smell of cat urine from our special article.

Another difficulty is that it is after animal urine that difficult-to-remove stains remain on the surface of the sofa. You should be careful when cleaning upholstered furniture.

If the cat describes the sofa, hurry to eliminate the consequences

Combined product: step-by-step instructions

There are no difficult tasks for skilled housewives. Therefore, even such stains can be dealt with with an integrated approach.

Step 1. First of all, you need to pour a glass of pure vinegar into the stain. Next, it needs to be rubbed over the surface and dried thoroughly.

Table vinegar

Step 2. The next step is to apply a thick layer of soda to the mark and rub it with a damp sponge.

It is necessary to thoroughly grind the baking soda on the surface.

Step 3. Next, you need to mix hydrogen peroxide with any liquid soap and apply this mixture to the surface.

Hydrogen peroxide

After 60-70 minutes, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the sofa again with a damp cloth. Typically, this intensive treatment will permanently remove the smell of animal urine.

Iodine: step-by-step instructions

An equally effective and universal remedy for combating the smell of pet urine is iodine. However, this method is only suitable for dark upholstery fabric or leather on the sofa, because it is almost impossible to remove the coloring solution from a light surface.

Step 1. You need to add about 25 drops of iodine to a liter of warm water.

Add a few drops of iodine to water

Step 2. Then you should take any unnecessary rags, blot them in the solution and thoroughly wipe the sofa.

Wipe the sofa thoroughly with a damp cloth

The stain must dry thoroughly. Other treatment methods may not be required (if the odor has been eliminated).

Video - How to get rid of the smell of cat urine

How to prevent the problem?

Since it can be difficult to stop a pet from defecating on the sofa, experts advise purchasing a special spray product from a veterinary pharmacy that can repel animals.

It is sprayed on the surfaces of upholstered furniture and any other places. Of course, you should also smell this spray before purchasing, because the strong smell can be unpleasant not only for animals, but also for residents.

Using an effective product will help you wean your pet from marking its territory.

Many housewives also claim that pets can be scared off by the smell of citrus fruits, so you can treat the sofa with the juice or essential oil of orange or lemon. In any case, this method will not cause any harm.

How to stop a cat from pooping in the wrong place

Prevention of the problem

In order not to look for suitable means to get rid of unpleasant, persistent odors, it is better to prevent their occurrence. To do this, you should follow simple preventive measures. Regular cleaning of the sofa is enough. This will avoid a musty, damp aroma. Also, if the upholstery gets wet, it must be dried immediately.

Upholstered furniture, which is in every apartment, must be cleaned regularly.

Furniture should not be allowed to be constantly damp or damp. You should not eat or drink on the sofa so that liquid or food does not accidentally fall on the cover. The solution to the problem may be the use of special covers. They will protect not only from odor, but also from stains. Even if liquid comes through the cover, it will be small and will be easier to remove.

Using store-bought urine odor removers

Today, manufacturers offer us a wide range of different products that best deal with stains on upholstered furniture and remove odors.

Table No. 2. Popular products for cleaning upholstered furniture

Remedy, illustrationDescription
Dufta FreshA series of these substances is produced specifically to eliminate the smell of urine (including human urine) on upholstered furniture. This spray must be applied to the stain, then covered with film and left for 25 minutes. After a while, you just need to rinse the sofa with running water. The main advantage is that the product quickly eliminates even old odors. Moreover, the composition does not contain any toxic chemicals. This effect is due only to the use of organic components. Therefore, such treatment can be carried out in an apartment where small children and pets live.
Vanish stain removerThis is one of the most famous products, which is actively used both for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture. According to reviews from many housewives, it is recommended to use a car interior cleaner to get rid of the smell of urine. The foam should be applied to the stain, and then wipe the surface with a brush. If after drying the sofa there is still an unpleasant odor, you can use Vanish again.
OdorgonThis is a whole series of American drugs to combat the smell of cat urine, but they can also be used in other cases. The composition includes essential oils that best combat unpleasant odors. Moreover, any product from the series is considered completely safe for people and animals.

Using assistive devices when cleaning a sofa

In order to best clean the surface of the sofa from urine stains and unpleasant odors, housewives often use various devices.

Table No. 3. Accessories

View, illustrationDescription
Steam generatorThe principle of operation of such a device is that hot steam penetrates into particularly difficult places, due to which it breaks down dirt and disinfects the surface of the upholstery. In combination with various detergents, this device will help cope with any odor.
Washing vacuum cleanerA washing vacuum cleaner is perfect for cleaning any upholstered furniture. Some wash vacuum cleaner attachments are even suitable for some delicate sofa materials.

Why does the smell appear?

Before you begin to deal with odors emanating from the sofa, you need to know what caused them. Most often this smell is caused by the following factors:

  • smell from animals living in the house;
  • traces of child urine, vomit;
  • spilled strong-smelling drinks (beer, wine, etc.);
  • tobacco smoke, which permeates everything in the apartment;
  • mold due to increased humidity in the room and, as a result, the formation of fungus on the furniture.

Sometimes a sofa, like other furniture, absorbs a not very pleasant smell in the apartment. In such a case, in order to get him off the sofa, you must first ventilate the room, wash the blanket (cape) from the upholstered furniture, and do a general cleaning. If these steps do not help, use special cleaning products.

What precautions should be taken when treating a sofa?

Every housewife must follow safety precautions when treating a sofa for urine stains:

  • make sure there are no small children or pets in the room;
  • protect the skin of your hands and face with gloves and a special mask;
  • open the windows in the room so that chemical compounds do not concentrate in the air (otherwise you can get poisoned);
  • Instead of alcohol or vodka, it is strictly forbidden to use any perfume (this will only aggravate the foul odor).

Of course, it is better to treat the sofa outside, no matter what time of year. After all, both sunlight and cold help remove odors.

Work only with thick gloves

Rules of care

To prevent the sofa from becoming a source of unpleasant odors, it is necessary to maintain hygiene:

  • Treat upholstery for stains immediately as soon as they are discovered.
  • Constantly ventilate the room and monitor the humidity level.
  • Remove sources of mold on the walls if they suddenly appear.
  • Protect the sofa with covers if there are pets in the room.

If the sofa is in the living room combined with the kitchen, it is necessary to install a good hood in the kitchen, because otherwise the smell of cooked dishes will be perfectly absorbed into all textiles and upholstered furniture.

Advice! Sometimes it is necessary to ozonate furniture. After this procedure, the air in the room becomes fresh, as does the upholstery.

The sofa requires constant and careful care. Every month you need to knock out dust from it and clean it with a soapy mixture. If the sofa gets dirty, you need to immediately clean the area using available means.

It is advisable to keep pets away from the sofa. Animals must be aware that this is an unauthorized place for them.

Ways to eliminate odors

There are many effective methods for removing odors from furniture. But it is extremely rare that they help the first time. The effectiveness depends on the number of repetitions and the frequency of their use. And of course, from the material of the product that is being processed: the smell of chipboard furniture is eliminated more easily than if this problem overcomes soft products.

And now - directly to the recipes. Smell from new cabinet or upholstered furniture made of chipboard - how to get rid of it using improvised means at home?

Ventilation and drying

For new furniture, only ventilation is necessary; for old furniture, which is musty, it also requires forced drying. The product is placed in a non-residential room, all doors and drawers in cabinets and chests of drawers are opened, folding sofas are laid out - you need to make the largest possible area of ​​the product available for ventilation. Then the windows are opened to let in fresh air.

It is ideal to organize a draft: leave both the windows and the door to the room open, but this is suitable if no one will be in the house, since a draft often leads to various colds.

The heating device should not be placed in close proximity to furniture - this can lead to drying out of individual chipboard elements. To improve the effect, you can spread orange peels on furniture - they absorb odors well and replace them with a rich citrus aroma.


An ozonator is a special device that passes indoor air through itself, filters out harmful particles and saturates the air masses with ozone. Buying this device is not cheap, but it is useful. The ozonizer is recommended to be used when one of the family members is sick with viral diseases. It may not be worth buying it purely to eliminate the smell of furniture, but if you already have it, the device can be safely used for this task.

Use of chemistry

Household chemicals departments sell special products for purifying the air from unpleasant odors. They help to solve the problem really quickly and effectively and are especially in demand when it comes to furniture in a children’s room or in a house where one of the family members has chronic respiratory diseases.

The product is diluted in water in the proportion indicated on the label and applied to the surface of the furniture. It forms a thin film that prevents the spread of odor throughout the apartment. After the film has dried, ventilate the room - when the smell of the product goes away, the smell of the furniture will also disappear.

The only drawback is that such chemistry is suitable for cabinet products, such as chests of drawers, shelving, sideboards, wardrobes, but is not suitable for upholstered furniture.

Gluing the ends

Often a bad smell comes from furniture that has poorly processed or not processed ends at all - it is from these sections that formaldehyde resins find their way out, since on the main part of the surface the paint and laminated coating prevent diffusion. If the smell comes from the ends, you need to purchase furniture edges and glue them yourself, then ventilate the room to “drive out” the remaining smell.

Available means

Products such as tea, table salt and activated carbon will help remove unpleasant odors. All of them have a high degree of odor and moisture absorption. Tea bags and handfuls of salt can be placed in drawers and on the shelves of the product and left for several days, remembering to regularly ventilate the room - this will help effectively get rid of the smell from upholstered furniture. Activated carbon tablets are used in the same way.

Essential oils

They are powerful flavoring agents. A rag soaked and placed inside the furniture will not remove the unpleasant odor, but will kill it. It is definitely better to smell the scent of ether than the smell of chemical compounds or dampness. You can continue to use this method until the furniture stops emitting a smell on its own. The most powerful are the oils of citrus and coniferous plants.

Eliminating the smell of new furniture using improvised means

To understand what to do to eliminate smell from furniture, you first need to find its root cause. The most strongly specific aroma comes from chipboard and varnish used to coat furniture. Chipboard, especially if the material is not of high quality, uses formaldehyde - a reactive substance that not only causes discomfort, but also adversely affects human health. In this case, experts recommend using odor-absorbing substances. They are tea and table salt. In the room where the new furniture is located, you need to place tea bags or bags of salt. If the source of the unpleasant odor is a closet, bookshelves, table, chest of drawers or nightstands, place absorbent substances in all compartments of these pieces of furniture. In this case, cabinet doors and shelves should be left open for several days. When the specific smell does not cause discomfort, ventilate the room well and wipe the surface of the furniture with a weak aqueous solution with the addition of lemon juice.

How to remove the smell of new furniture

How to remove unpleasant odor from upholstered furniture

If the source of the unpleasant odor is upholstered furniture, spread out the sofas and armchairs as much as possible and ventilate the room. It is recommended to put lemon and orange peels in containers for storing laundry, as well as near furniture, which are good neutralizers of unpleasant odors. Instead of citrus peels, you can place a saucer with vinegar in the room or use special aromatic sachets with essential oils.

Furniture odor removers

Tea to combat the smell of furniture in the apartment

How to eliminate odor from new furniture

Removing odors from upholstered furniture can be quite a painstaking task if it smells musty. If a similar aroma is emitted by new furniture, most likely it has been in conditions of high humidity and dampness for a long time. In this case, in addition to the above recommendations, you need to create a draft in the room for the whole day, and then turn on a heater or fireplace that dries the air. If, despite all the manipulations, you still smell musty, you may need to have your furniture cleaned because... It is possible that the source of the smell is in the deep layers of the upholstery.

Removing odor from upholstered furniture

Effective odor removal from upholstered furniture

New leather furniture can also emit a specific smell. If you are not one of those who like the smell of craftsmanship, unfold your leather sofa or armchairs, then open all the windows in the room. When the initial smell has disappeared a little, place a container of freshly ground coffee near the products, lay out citrus fruit skins, absorbent, a bag of salt or tea bags. But keep in mind that during the production process, leather furniture undergoes extensive chemical treatment, so the aroma emanating from it can last for several months.

How to remove the smell of new leather furniture

How to eliminate the smell of leather furniture

Features of working with clothes

It's easy to remove fecal smell from clothes. Before washing, it is important to consider what fabric it is made of.


  • rinse in a solution of 9% vinegar or citric acid;
  • soak for 10 minutes in a solution of table salt;
  • rinse in a solution of ammonia and salt.

Do not wipe the stain with wet wipes or try to mask the smell with others. Typically, the opposite effect occurs and the fabric begins to smell like a mixture of aroma and feces.

Cleaning the mattress from dust

If it is not possible to vacuum the mattress, it should be taken outside and beaten well.

This will help you get rid of dust, mites, debris, wool, and hair.

If it’s warm, you can leave it outside for a while, because the sun’s rays are an excellent disinfectant.

In addition, the mattress will be ventilated and acquire a fresh aroma.

If it is impossible to take the mattress outside, cover it with a damp sheet and beat it well.

All the debris will stick to the wet cloth.

What harm can it cause

Regular cleaning of the apartment, bathroom and furniture is an important condition for human health. It is especially important to pay more attention to hygiene if there are animals or small children in the house. Untimely removal of feces can lead to a deterioration in the general condition of household members, the spread of bacteria, infection with helminths and infections.

Hydrogen sulfide

One of the dangerous substances released by decomposing feces is hydrogen sulfide. It is a gas that has no color but has a disgusting, pungent odor of a rotten egg. Hydrogen sulfide is poisonous and has a toxic effect on humans and animals. At low concentrations, the gas has no significant harmful effect. If the smell is strong, a person's respiratory receptors are blocked and he stops feeling the stench. The process of intoxication begins, causing dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness, and headaches. Hydrogen sulfide poisoning often leads to the development of chronic diseases of the respiratory tract and skin.

Ammonia and carbon dioxide

Ammonia and carbon dioxide are other derivatives of fecal fermentation. Gases in high concentrations are dangerous to humans. The mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract are the first to be affected. Ammonia can cause severe burns if it comes into contact with skin. Inhaling carbon dioxide causes headaches, shortness of breath, and nausea.

Sometimes exposure to substances in higher concentrations forces a person to see a doctor.


The feces of warm-blooded animals and humans are a natural environment for the development of Escherichia coli bacteria. In addition, most domestic animals suffer from the presence of worms, many of which are parasitic in humans. Therefore, any contact with feces or incomplete removal can cause infection and the development of diseases of the digestive system.

See also

TOP 10 means and methods on how to get rid of and remove the smell of rubber

What remedies won't help?

Some commercial products can only deal with stains. The smell remains after treating the sofa with similar products.


Nordland contains harmful and bad-smelling substances. After processing, this product leaves stains on the sofa.


The carpet is not only unable to get rid of dirty stains, but also leaves a strong aroma after treatment.


Cinderella is recommended to be used immediately as soon as a stain appears on the sofa. In other cases, the remedy is ineffective.

My family

The product is not able to cope with any stains, even fresh ones.

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