The cat peed on the sofa, how to get rid of the smell: remove and remove the smell of urine

If a cat peed on the sofa, the owner has two problems - how to stop the animal from pooping anywhere and how to get rid of the corrosive smell of cat urine. More often, pieces of furniture are marked by cats during periods of active festivities or by small kittens that are not litter box trained. If an adult pet changes its habits, provocateurs can be stress, illness, or the tough temperament of the mustachioed one. Experienced breeders advise how to stop a kitten from shitting on the sofa and what to do to get rid of the consequences.

The smell of urine on the couch - where does it come from and why do cats do this?

Who pooped on the sofa?

Don’t think that leaving puddles on furniture is the prerogative of only cats. Dogs often do the same thing. And if after cat urine the bed can still be put in order, then after an 80-kilogram Alabai goes to relieve itself several times on your favorite sofa, all that remains is to throw it away. The sofa, of course, and not the dog.

Usually, cats do not engage in such obscenity in front of their owners. The latter are in for a surprise: upon entering the room, they notice a wet dark spot on the bed.

If some time has passed since the offense, then it is useless to punish the animal, it has already forgotten about everything, and does not connect the anger of the owners with what it did.

Cats do this for various reasons. Sometimes it’s because they don’t like their own litter box. Or because they consider themselves the eldest in the home pack, which means they get to set the rules. Some animals are sick, and the reason lies in their illness. Be that as it may, the problem needs to be solved.

To summarize

It is impossible to convince a cat that is accustomed to peeing in a certain place that there are more suitable, dedicated corners and devices for this. If a cat has marked the mattress once, he will pee there as often as he wants, and endless soaping and cleaning will not discourage him from the habit.

A common mistake made by owners is treating mattresses with chlorine concentrate, which has the opposite effect on the pet than expected, and the mattress itself turns out to be hopelessly damaged and smelling of the pungent chlorine stench.

There is a selection of special sprays on sale with aromas that do not irritate the human sense of smell, but for a long time discourage the cat from jumping on the bed.

Removing the smell of urine from the sofa

The first step is to clean the furniture and get rid of the smell. It’s best if you stock up on oilcloth for the near future and cover your sofa or bed with it. It’s difficult to wean your pet off a bad habit right away, so it’s better to be on the safe side.

So, let's get down to business. We send the bed linen to be washed. But even if the mattress is not damaged, do not rush to immediately cover it with clean sheets. Most likely the smell remains. feel it, but animals have a very subtle sense of smell .

The smell of urine on the couch may encourage your cat to poop again.

When a cat sniffs a place that has once served her as a place to relieve herself, it is as if she is receiving an invitation to relieve herself there again.

We'll talk about how to remove the smell a little later. For now, let's move from the bed to the sofa. If a cat urinated on it or on a chair, there will almost certainly be a stain left on the upholstery even after the cat urine dries. Care must be taken to get it out.

Washing the sofa

Judging by the traces and the amount of urine, there were several cats, it will be difficult to wash them off

Washing the stained area with warm water and soap or washing powder is not the best option, but it is acceptable . Be careful as you may spread the smell of cat feces over a large area. Use a damp cloth or sponge to treat only the stain itself, without wetting the sofa upholstery around it.

Folk remedies

Vinegar is a great help in the fight against the smell of urine on the sofa.

A preferable option is one that allows urine to be broken down into its constituent chemical elements.

  1. Dilute table vinegar and wipe the stain.
  2. When the area is dry, sprinkle baking soda on it. Previously, this is not possible - vinegar will simply “quench” the soda, and you will not get the desired effect.
  3. Next, mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with a small amount of dish soap.
  4. Pour this mixture over the area treated with soda and leave it there for 15-20 minutes. Foam will appear and the smell of ammonia will be felt, which will soon dissipate.
  5. Only then can the stain be washed with water, or the area cleaned with a washing vacuum cleaner.

We use filler

By the way, a vacuum cleaner is also suitable if you use a method that is quite unusual, but already popular among cat owners. If you buy small litter for your pet’s litter box, it will help you deal with the puddle of urine on the sofa .

Vacuuming the sofa

Sprinkle it on the stain and then vacuum it up. Remember that manufacturers set themselves the task that their products must absorb unpleasant odors.

Bleach and whiteness

At such a moment, many owners reach for “Whiteness” or some other household product with a pungent odor.

In order to remove the smell of cat urine from the sofa, you can use bleach or bleach.

You can use bleach, but it is not safe. Firstly, a pungent odor can cause allergies not only in the cat, but also in the owners. Secondly, bleach must be diluted, otherwise it will leave a light stain on the furniture - chlorine will simply corrode the paint.

If you prefer potassium permanganate, the solution should also be weak so as not to dye the fabric pink. It is better to soak a cloth in vodka and treat the stain. The smell of potassium permanganate will quickly disappear, taking with it the cat stink.

The main causes of problematic pet behavior

A cat begins to pee and shit on the sofa in the following cases:

  • Insufficient hygiene. When the owner does not wash the litter box well and does not remove solid feces in a timely manner, this forces the animal to look for another, cleaner and more comfortable toilet. Cats are very clean, so they do not tolerate dirt and concentrated odor even in their litter box. Therefore, it is important to wash the boxes once a week with a neutral-smelling detergent.
  • Inappropriate location for the tray or inconvenient shape and size. A cat goes to its litter box only when it suits it in all respects: from size and location to filler.
  • Diseases. The development of pathologies is indicated by the fact that the cat pees everywhere - on the carpet, sofa, laminate flooring, carpet, etc. At the same time, the smell of urine is very corrosive, and the color is concentrated. Changes in the consistency of stool are also visible, especially when parasites are detected. To identify the problem, you need to take the animal to a veterinary clinic, where they will conduct an examination.
  • Seasonal features. If spots appear on the sofa periodically, it may be that the cat has marked the territory. This happens in healthy animals during the period of active “bumping”. The only way is sterilization or castration.
  • Stress. The condition of a small pet is affected by moving, changing owners, and conflict with other animals. Until the cat adapts, you may notice that he has peed on the sofa, chair or bed.
  • Jealousy. It can manifest itself to a new pet, another person, including a child. In the latter case, the cat pees on the baby's mattress.

Professionals come to the rescue

The effects of cat urine on the bed can be removed using special products

It’s even better to contact pet store sellers or order the necessary products online. Domestic and foreign industry produces a whole range of drugs that can help you solve the problem.

There are special flashlights that can be used to see cat urine stains that are invisible at first glance. There are products that dissolve uric acid crystals and remove stains and odors.

Repellents - they will help protect the furniture, and, on the contrary, attractants - you should spray the tray with them if the cat does not want to go there, preferring the owner's sofa.

Nature's Miracle Products

Nature's Miracle products have proven themselves well; there are many good reviews about SmellOff and Urine OFF.

Nature's Miracle

In addition, industrial products successfully eliminate microbes present in cat urine. If you purchase “ Antigadin ” and treat the affected sofa with it, the cat will no longer want to defecate on this place. Antigadin itself has a slight odor and does not spoil the upholstery.

Among the disadvantages, consumers note the high price of many products for this purpose, as well as the short duration of their action. If the cat’s bad habit has already become entrenched, he may return to his favorite place later.

Professional products


This spray works on the principle of organic breakdown of uric acid into gaseous elements, that is, it rids the spoiled item of the pungent cat odor, acting on the original cause of its formation.

The product is designed for domestic use in residential buildings and can be sprayed in the presence of children and animals. Due to the content of plant enzymes, the spray is not dangerous for people with asthma and allergies.

DuftaPet has a gradual effect, and for greater effect it requires leaving it on the site of the unpleasant stain for an hour to three.

How to use the spray:

  • wash the surface of the mattress with any means to urgently prevent the spread of the stain;
  • apply the product evenly, having first tested it on an inconspicuous area;
  • Cover the treated surface with plastic wrap and wait.

After two to three hours, you need to wipe the area of ​​the former stain with a damp cloth.

Nature's Miracle Stain & Odor Remover

The product is designed for people professionally involved in breeding purebred cats. This took into account such important conditions as the presence of small kittens and several adult animals in the house that may urinate in inappropriate places. The product is suitable for use on delicate fabrics, and copes with old stains from urine and cat excrement. The unobtrusive aroma of citrus, which makes cleaning pleasant, discourages the cat from his favorite territory.

The bottled form of Stain & Odor Remover is suitable for treating large surfaces and regularly wiping those places in the house where the cat is not allowed to go.

Stain & Odor Remover

Nature's Miracle Stain & Odor Remover spray does not have a repellent effect and is neutral, which is why it is recommended to use it on cat litter boxes and when washing them off cat beds. The drug is designed to wash away from surfaces: cat urine, the persistent smell of fur and the fur itself, the dirt that cats carry on their paws.

The product can be used in the presence of children and allergy sufferers.

Method of application:

  • Spray the liquid onto the pre-washed surface and leave it for 15 minutes. Apply mechanical pressure to old stains with a brush or abrasive sponge, and extend the exposure time to 1 hour;
  • if after the specified time has elapsed, the stain is still wet, wipe it with a non-woven absorbent cloth; if the stain has dried, vacuum the treated area.

The product is considered gentle on surfaces, so repeated treatment will not cause significant wear to the mattress.

How to stop an animal from damaging furniture

Having determined the reasons for the appearance of puddles or marks on the bed, it becomes easier to understand how to stop a cat from shitting on the bed. It should be noted that you cannot become aggressive, use brute physical force on the animal, or poke its nose into a puddle. This will aggravate the situation and increase the animal’s stress. You need to control yourself. The only acceptable punishment is to explain to the cat in a stern voice what she is doing wrong. Animals will understand perfectly well that the owner is unhappy.

All soiled pillows, bed linen, blankets, bedspreads must be thoroughly washed, stains and unpleasant odors removed. Then dry everything. If possible, dry clean the mattress. Make the bed with clean, different linens. Since cats rely on smell, it is very important to remove it.

Next, it is recommended to inspect the tray. Rinse it even if it is dry and clean. Sometimes droplets of urine remain on the tray, which the owner does not notice. The animal, sensing the smell, refuses to write and goes off in search of a new place. If a puddle appears on the bed after changing the filler or tray, you need to return everything as it was. If a small child or another family member appears in the family, cats need to be given enough attention. They will experience stress from any changes and are jealous of it. The cat needs to be picked up, caressed, and treated to treats more often. Animals are also given sedatives of plant origin. The preparations are natural and will not harm the cat’s health.

If all the described external reasons are not reflected in a specific situation, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian. Perhaps the animal suffers from a disease and therefore pees in the wrong place. The veterinarian will take the necessary tests and perform an examination. These measures will help determine the disease of the animal. Treatment will also be prescribed in more severe situations - surgery.

If a small kitten is mischievous, you need to treat the situation with patience and understanding. Take your baby to the litter tray more often. The best time is immediately after sleep or eating. If the kitten has passed correctly, it is recommended to praise it and treat it with a treat. Constantly reminding your baby of the place where he should defecate will bring results over time.

Another recommendation concerns urolithiasis, which often affects especially castrated and sterilized cats. It is necessary to regularly do rapid tests and visit the veterinarian. Constant examination will allow you to promptly identify the first signs of the disease and begin treatment on time.

Cats are demanding, they are jealous of the appearance of new family members and other animals in the family. The reason for the “surprise” on the master’s bed can also be diseases and age-related characteristics of their body. Animals need support and help from their owners. An attentive attitude will bring more benefits than nervousness, aggression and physical punishment.

Puddles or marks

Why the cat shits on the bed has now become known. How to find out what is left on the bed: puddles or marks?

Tags are determined by the following criteria:

  1. Puberty period. It begins in animals at different times, depending on the breed. Puberty occurs at 6-9 months of age. This is when cats begin to mark their territory;
  2. Cats in heat may also begin to pee in inappropriate places;
  3. They recognize marks by smell, unlike urine, it is specific and very pungent;
  4. If you take some of it for analysis, it turns out that it is only pheromones and not a drop of urine;
  5. You can identify puddles or marks by watching exactly how the cat does it. He raises his tail vertically, stretches out his hind legs and sprays pillows and blankets with a strong stream. A cat's marks signal its readiness to breed.

Signs of cat puddles:

  1. The puddle is much larger than the mark stain, it is not a few drops, but a large wet spot on the bed;
  2. To pee, the cat lowers its tail low, sits down, and spreads its hind legs;
  3. Puddles may not have a strong odor like marks.
  4. A cat will try to “bury” a puddle by covering it with a blanket or crumpling up the bedding.

Depending on whether they are puddles or marks, it is worth dealing with their appearance differently.



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