Massage beds: description, harm and benefits, popular models

The Nuga Best massage bed is designed not only for comfortable sleep. It has several types of preventive and therapeutic effects. For example, it has the function of stretching the spine, superficial massage (right during sleep) and improving blood circulation in the tissues of the back.

The Nuga Best massage bed is designed not only for the spine, but also for the entire musculoskeletal system as a whole. It is useful for some diseases of the legs, problems with the muscles of the back and abdominal cavity, and joint diseases.


We offer you automated massage equipment NUGA BEST . A specialist is not required to operate the equipment. You can install NUGA BEST at home, in the office, in the medical center, in the beauty salon or in the fitness room.

The massage bed is 2 meters long and 70 cm wide.

Supplied in three boxes with a total weight of 78.5 kg.

Maximum electrical power 250 Watt. Massage beds are made using natural materials based on tourmaline. Back massage with spinal traction and infrared heating lasts 40 minutes.

The set includes a low-frequency body contouring belt and an additional hand-held infrared heat projector.

The product is certified. There are medical techniques.

Manual (manual mode)

In manual mode, you can control the movements of the internal projector in any direction.

2. Set the desired T° on the upper display.

3. Press one of the triangle keys twice.

4. In the first case, the back massage mode is activated in the area from the thoracic to the cervical spine. (upper back).

5. In the second case, the back massage mode is activated in the area from the lumbosacral to the thoracic spine. (lower back).

I hope it’s clear where and what option.

If you press and hold one of these buttons, then the internal projector will move in the direction you want.

6. If you press and hold one of these buttons, then the internal projector will move in the direction you want.

How the new bed massager Nuga Best+ works

The Nuga Best bed is an excellent product that sells well in more than 120 countries around the world.

Indoor projector

The internal projector is made of tourmanium ceramics, gently moving along the spine, providing acupressure effects such as finger pressure and heating (Moxibustion method). The changes affected the position of the rollers. The massage felt softer.

The massage program has been changed. In the new model, the rollers perform damped pendulum movements around the cauterization point. This is done to enhance the relaxing effect on blocked muscles.

Five-ball projector

The five-ball projector has an ergonomic design that minimizes heat loss and can be used comfortably on any part of the human body.

The lampshades of the five-ball projector are made of special tourmanium ceramics, which, when heated, produces healthy long-wave infrared heat.

Turmanium ceramic thermal mat

An additional mat made of tourmanium ceramics, also being a source of infrared heat, enhances the healing effect on the body. This device produces a large number of negative ions. The weak magnetic field created by minerals polarizes blood molecules, increasing its fluidity.

The new model adds a number of tourmanium discs. The heat mat has become wider.

Integrated multi-function remote control

Simply pressing the buttons allows you to conveniently select the desired functions. The optimal display size provides a comfortable overview. The remote control can be easily placed in a special stand and stored there temporarily.

Low-frequency pillow for myostimulation and reduction of subcutaneous fat deposits

The low frequency pad can be tightly connected either to the abdomen or to any other part of the body where there is excess fat. Low frequency currents train and strengthen muscles, help reduce the subcutaneous fat layer, giving an anti-cellulite effect, and stimulate intestinal motility.

Base mat covering

The new protective coating of the main mat is stitched with silver threads made using nanotechnology. The material absorbs sweat better, does not wrinkle, and has bactericidal properties.


The work of the myostimulator is based on low-frequency electrical impulses (less than 1000 Hz). The human body has electrical impulses. A spark ignites the fuel. Electrical discharges constantly occur in our heart. In children, the voltage of the charges is 5 - 6 V, and in adults 2 - 3 V. It is possible to increase the voltage only if the muscles are not constrained and the nerves are not pinched. The principles of physiotherapy and myostimulation are involved here. Under the influence of low frequency currents, Maxibustion muscles contract in an accelerated manner. This leads to energy consumption and the breakdown of fats. Myostimulation also has the unique property of increasing blood circulation tens of times, which provides tissues with oxygen and nutrients, improves blood circulation, and enhances lymphatic drainage. The action of the myostimulator leads to pain relief, reduction of fat deposits and muscle training. The pillow regularly expands and contracts the skin structure, improving its condition. After myostimulation, the walls of the large intestine are cleansed of toxins and poisons.

Korean Medicine and Nuga Best

Massage and physiotherapeutic devices Nuga Best

Since 2004, products with the “nougat best” label began to appear on the Russian market. The little-known product aroused suspicion at first. But at the moment it is known to most. Let's look at the history if you haven't heard about this product yet.

The “Nuga Best” brand, which has many medical products, started small. The bed was invented first. Its “father” was a South Korean designer. After graduating from engineering school, he worked for a medical equipment company and subsequently became interested in medicine. His first invention was a device for treating kidney stones with ultrasound. For this development he was awarded by the President of South Korea and the Ministry of Science. This was the beginning of his medical achievements.

Massage bed Nuga Best with the ability to adjust the length of the massage bed

The young engineer began developing massage equipment after his mother’s spinal disease reached such a degree that she could hardly move independently. Cho Seung Hyun wanted to cure his mother, and began to study ancient medicine, not forgetting traditional. This is how the Nuga Best massage bed was created.

Information about the Nuga Best massage bed

After the bed was tested and a positive result was noted, the engineer continued development. At the moment, the company has in its assortment other medical products that affect different systems of the body, making it healthier. Here you will find a tourmaline mat, a cape, a foot massage unit and even toothpaste.

After the product became widely known in the inventor’s homeland, Korea, and was appreciated, it began to spread, reaching Russia. So today we have Nuga Best products on our market.

Bed from nougat best

Thermal massage complex for recovery, prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis

We present to your attention the first development of this company - a massage bed. In our country, you can find it in free salons or purchase it online or in specialized stores. Let's take a look at what the nougat best bed is and what it does.

Part of the fixtureWhat does it affect?Effect
Indoor projectorThe vertebrae are massagedStretches intervertebral discs, preventing deformation
Tourmanium matAny part of the bodyAdditional heating of individual areas of the body
Additional jade five-ball projectorInternal organs, arms, legs, maxillary sinusesMassage the limbs, warming up the internal organs
Massage low frequency cushionButtocks, abdomen, thighs, lower backMyostimulation, removal of excess fat

The mechanism of the effect of a bed on a person

As you can see, the bed and its additional parts affect all parts of the human body, including internal organs. Now let's take a closer look at the structure of the device and its purpose.


Nuga Best equipment is multifunctional. It allows for effective prevention and recovery of a wide range of diseases, combining various methods: reflexology, manual therapy, infrared physiotherapy, low-frequency myostimulation. Thanks to the complex effect, muscles relax and spinal deformity is eliminated. As the vertebrae and intervertebral discs snap into place, compressed nerves are released. A pressure of 0.02 g on a nerve impairs the function of the organ to which the nerve is connected by 40%. The cauterization effect used on Nuga Best revitalizes the released nerve. The organ receives a full impulse for proper functioning. Using the Maxibustion method (long-term pressure and deep heating on the reflexogenic zone), blood circulation is restored, inflammation and swelling are relieved. It is this method that promotes the production of blood cells in the body, increasing the production of interferron, which increases the body’s defenses, enhances the contractile function of the heart muscle, and promotes the production of the hormone melatonin by the pineal gland. This hormone prevents stress, cancer, heart disease, slows down the aging process, and strengthens the immune system. Maxibustion has a positive effect on the digestive system, helps eliminate harmful substances from the body by cleansing the blood and blood vessels. Improving metabolism leads to an increase in the viability of all cells of the body and their reproduction.

What is the benefit

The purpose of the bed is massage. But it is different from regular massages in any salon. By using this device, you get a complex effect on the body: warming up the whole body (superficial and deep, affecting the internal organs), acupressure, reflexology.

Massage bed Nuga Best for step-by-step stretching and warming of the spine

The massage is carried out in a thermo-therapeutic way. This improves blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the general condition of the body. Also, this massage starts the process of cleansing and self-healing, which also leads to an improvement in overall well-being, a speedy recovery if treatment is carried out in parallel, and also helps to prolong the period of remission of chronic diseases.

The basis for the procedures is jade and tourmanium ceramics. They have healing properties that are activated when heated, due to which the maximum usefulness of the massage is achieved. This is a special alloy of germanium and tourmaline, elements that have their own magnetic field. When heated, it is able to emit negatively charged ions, which promotes the regeneration of the body, improves blood pressure and enhances immunity.

The effect achieved with regular use of a massage bed

For what?

A good service cannot be cheap - the modern consumer has understood and remembered this axiom, and therefore actively takes advantage of free master classes on the proper use of massage beds. The range includes not only massage beds, but also many other accessories that can relax, soothe and restore strength. Almost every city has free rooms with Korean massage products.

The principle of operation of this accessory is the movement of tourmaline rollers along the spine. The tissues are also heated at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. The movements of the rollers cover the entire back - from the neck to the lower back. The process itself is very pleasant, and therefore the Nuga Best massage bed is in demand among pensioners and avid workaholics, whose backs turn into a continuous center of pain from sedentary work.


Basic elements of the Nuga Best bed

To understand the uniqueness of this massager, let’s look at its components and operating principle.

The massage bed provides heating with the effect of cauterization and infrared radiation

The main therapeutic element is the tourmanium carriage (internal projector) built into the bed. It heats up and moves along the spine, warming it up and stretching the intervertebral discs. This element accounts for the bulk of the massage.

Massage bed NUGA BEST NM-5000 Plus

Also, the Nuga Best massage bed has additional elements.

    Five-ball jade projector. Its function is to emit infrared radiation of a certain frequency. Thanks to this, it warms up the muscles, as well as the internal organs of the body.

Five-ball projector stimulates blood circulation, relieves pain and reduces muscle strains

Turmanium ceramic thermal mat

Using the low-frequency myostimulator "Nuga Best"

The kit also includes a control panel. With its help, you can adjust the operating modes of the tourmanium carriage, the speed of its movement, and the angle of the bed.

Low-frequency myostimulator belt (special mode)

1. Firstly, you need to put a damp cloth on the problem area of ​​the body.

2. Secondly, attach the myostimulator over the napkin.

3. Press the LOW FREQ button on the remote control

4. Use the CONT (mode selection) button to select the mode you need. From the weakest to the strongest. Indicator lights will help you.

For the first five sessions, use a weak mode for 15-20 minutes (this is subject to using the belt every day). As a result, you can then switch to other modes. By the way, after long breaks, also start with a weak regime. The belt work lasts 37 minutes.

Features of application

The components and operating principle are clear. So what is this miracle of technology used for?

Using the Nuga-Best exercise bed for hernia

Using a dual method (acupressure and heat therapy), the massager relieves muscle tension, promotes muscle and tissue regeneration, increases the activity of metabolic processes, normalizes blood pressure, and corrects the spine. In this regard, the scope of application of the nougat best bed is quite extensive.

Standard position: the back is in the center of the main mat, the legs are on the additional mat, the bed is in a horizontal position

The first is the effect on muscles and vertebrae. So it actively affects the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, providing an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and corrective effect.

Belly position on rolls: the stomach is in the center of the main mat, the legs are on the additional mat, the bed is in a horizontal position

With the help of an additional projector, internal organs are exposed. You can warm up the liver, maxillary sinuses, thyroid gland, etc. Thanks to the healing properties of jade, you not only warm them up, but expose them to low-frequency radiation, which allows you to normalize the condition of all internal organs.

The tourmanium mat has a healing effect on the body as a whole. Due to the radiation of negative ions, it helps to normalize blood pressure and start regenerative processes, improve blood flow.

The abdomen, buttocks, and thighs can also be subjected to roller treatment. This will help improve metabolic processes in these areas, which will lead to getting rid of excess fat deposits and normalizing the metabolic process.

Boat position or feet on rollers, feet are in the center of the main mat, back is on the additional mat, the main and additional mats are raised at 10, 20 or 30 degrees

Indications for use follow from the above areas of application of the nougat best bed.

Additional (turmanium mat)

If you only need to use the additional tourmanium mat, then simply turn on the POWER button on the remote control. I note that power is supplied to the mat from the main one through an additional short wire.

The temperature of the mat is set using a thermostat located on the side of the additional mat. As a result, the Tº mode can range from OFF (off) to MAX (maximum).


Nuga Best massage beds were created to treat spinal problems

The first thing that therapy affects is the spine and muscles of the body. Based on this, the first indications are as follows:

  • initial stage of scoliosis;
  • rehabilitation period after treatment of injuries;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • pain in different parts of the spine;
  • pinched nerve;
  • intervertebral hernia (only after consultation with a doctor!);
  • arthritis and arthrosis of non-infectious origin.

Use for headaches of various origins

Due to its wide beneficial effects, it is also recommended to use this massager for:

  • frequent headaches;
  • stress;
  • insomnia;
  • low immunity;
  • blood pressure disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • overweight.

As you can see, the range of applications is quite wide. This bed is also recommended for use as a prophylaxis for various diseases of all body systems.


Contraindications for using the massager

Despite the uniqueness of the device, it also has some contraindications. Doctors do not advise people to use this massager:

  • under 14 years of age;
  • pregnant women in the 2nd trimester;
  • with a chronic disease in the acute stage;
  • with the presence of pathology;
  • those suffering from myositis (muscle inflammation);
  • having complex cardiovascular diseases;
  • in whom scoliosis has reached 2 or more degrees of severity.

Other contraindications are considered individually. Therefore, before prescribing a massage course on this bed, you must consult a doctor. Especially if there are any pathologies or chronic diseases.

In general, this massager cannot replace a full-fledged treatment, nor can it cause harm. But it helps get rid of chronic diseases and speeds up treatment, and heals the body as a whole. However, the presence of contraindications must be taken seriously, and be sure to visit a surgeon or vertebrologist before a massage course.


Having looked through a large number of reviews circulating on the Internet, it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion. Some people call the Nougat Best massage bed a panacea for all diseases, others call people who distribute products charlatans. But based on personal experience and the experience of my friends of different age groups, I can say that this device is undoubtedly useful and helps improve the health of the entire body.

Negative reviews can only be heard if people followed the recommendations incorrectly (for example, they started a massage course without treating the curvature and thereby aggravated the problem). People who fall for a fake are also unlucky. Having shown its good side, Korean equipment from Nuga Best became popular in Russia, and therefore fakes appeared on the market that did not use tourmaline and jade in the assembly. This affects the lack of a positive result. Therefore, be careful when purchasing this product.

We can definitely say that this massager is an excellent addition to everyday life, helps strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolic processes, improve posture, general well-being and even mood. But if you have complex health problems, it will not replace treatment, and if used inappropriately, it can cause harm. However, it has helped most people get rid of long-term pain and chronic diseases.

I have a question

And not alone! Many people worry that the Nuga Best massage bed is playing with fire, as heating can be risky if you have certain diseases. In particular, people are concerned about rumors that the bed can provoke the growth of tumors and the appearance of oncology. In addition, I would like to know whether such procedures are safe for female organs, especially during pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause.

Is the mistrust of massage beds justified? Indeed, in America and Europe, people have long been successfully practicing massage at home using improvised means and are delighted with the results that the Nuga Best massage bed gives.

What doctors say

Consultation with a doctor to use the massage bed for treatment is required.

Doctors agree that Korean medicine at this stage of development is considered one of the best. Moreover, products from Nuga Medical line nougat best use alternative medicine, thereby not having a negative impact on other body systems. Therefore, most doctors in Russia recommend using a massage bed from Nougat Best as a preventative measure for various diseases and during the rehabilitation period. But they still insist that complex diseases, especially those in the acute stage, must be subjected to complex treatment.

In the words of science

The Nuga Best massage bed requires special attention. The instructions for using this device take up several pages and are required reading. A bed is quite an expensive purchase for the average person, so it’s worth once again familiarizing yourself with the principle of its operation. The bed combines hardware electromagnetic and thermal infrared effects on the body. Using it without additional procedures, the user will receive only pleasant sensations and nothing more.

The device is safe for a healthy person. It has several modes of exposure. You can adjust the penetration depth of the heat rays and the strength of the rollers. It is recommended to use equipment for the prevention of joint diseases and for the body’s adaptation in the postoperative period.

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