Advantages of solid wood beds, popular models and designs



Alder wood is soft, has a fairly uniform structure, making it easier to process, and has a beautiful reddish color. Due to its physical properties, alder is one of the favorite types of wood for making beds.

In addition, psychologists also have their say on this matter; they say that alder has such noble features as cohesion and kinship, therefore it is especially favorable to buy furniture made from such wood for newlyweds and couples with a child.

When installing and connecting parts in such a bed, you must be as careful and careful as possible, since hammering nails can lead to splitting, so it is better to connect everything with screws and bolts. Another positive detail is that alder can withstand water, so you don’t have to worry about spilling water on it or accidentally getting it wet.


One of the main advantages of aspen wood is that it lasts for a long time in water, but when dried it does not warp or crack. In addition, aspen has properties such as softness and lightness; it practically does not crack. Therefore, aspen beds are also common among stores and the price for such products is not too high, so many can easily purchase an aspen bed and enjoy the comfort, because this is also the right choice.


This type of wood is quite vulnerable to all external factors, so linden is used mainly for the manufacture of internal parts. If there is dry air in the house for a long time, this can lead to cracking of the bed, fungus appears from water and moisture, and if the bed sits in the sun for a long time, it can simply change color.

This not very favorable structure of the tree leads to the insignificant popularity of products made from this type of wood.

Among the advantages are resistance to mechanical damage, and a warm and eye-pleasing shade can win the hearts of many people.



If you buy products made from pine, you can be sure that the pleasant smell of the forest will forever appear in your home. In addition, the tree has healing properties; the aromas of pine have a pleasant effect on the human nervous system and can give peace and comfort to everyone who rests on such a bed.

Beds made of pine wood withstand both biological influences (fungi, microbes) and mechanical damage.


Hardwoods are even more popular because:

  1. Not so vulnerable to mechanical damage;
  2. Most people choose hardwood products;
  3. The stereotype that hardwoods are reliable is still in people's heads;

These are the advantages of coniferous trees, so every lover of a “living forest” will have an excellent reason to buy such a bed.


Ash beds fall into the “expensive, but worth it” category, and the advantages of this type of wood make products made from it stand out from competition with others.

In terms of long-term use and vulnerability to external factors, ash is far ahead of all other types of wood: it does not crack over time, indoor humidity does not play any role, and mechanical damage is also extremely rare.

People who have allergic reactions should think twice when purchasing and choosing a material for a bed. And the durability of such a bed is confirmed by many parents who bought such a crib for their kids - they are still in excellent condition.



There is no need to talk about this type of wood for a long time; everyone already knows the reliability and strength of oak. Oak wood is distinguished by its strength, strength, density, hardness and heaviness. Today, this is one of the few breeds that has such properties and is relatively affordable.


In our country, products made from Hevea are not yet so well known, but they are rapidly gaining popularity. This is a tropical tree that has recently been used to make beds and other furniture.

Due to the fact that this type of tree grows in tropical conditions, the color palette of this tree species is simply incredible. Hevea beds are famous for their strength and durability.

In use, these trees are not very demanding - they do not react to humidity, are not affected by temperature, can withstand frost, unheated rooms will not be an obstacle to the use of beds made of this type of wood.



Products made from beech cannot but delight with their aesthetics, and by placing a bed in the bedroom, the owners will have an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility. Also, with proper processing, beech beds can withstand mechanical stress and do not crack or split. They are quite affordable in price and are slightly cheaper than oak products.


Advantages and disadvantages

Solid wood means wood that is processed in several stages. It is subjected to cleaning, drying, grinding, and rejection. For the manufacture of furniture, prepared timber, boards or glued blanks from individual lamellas are used.

The advantages of such products include:

  1. Durability. Subject to operating conditions and proper care, a solid wood bed will last for decades.
  2. Quality. Natural wood has higher characteristics than recycled wood. In particular, we are talking about strength and density.
  3. Safety. The material is environmentally friendly due to the absence of substances harmful to health. On the contrary, some breeds contain essential oils that have a beneficial effect on humans.
  4. Suitability for repair. Dents, scratches, chips can be restored using available means (tinted putty, sealant).
  5. Natural texture and color look unique and sophisticated.

Under the influence of moisture and temperature, the workpieces are given a curved shape. Craftsmen decorate visible areas with carvings and decorative elements. Original beds are assembled entirely from one material, which indicates its versatility. The same can be said about metal furniture, but still it is inferior to solid wood products according to some criteria. Comparative characteristics of the materials are presented in the table.

Criterion Metal Array
Frame strength The structure is assembled from individual pipes by welding, which does not form a durable connection of elements; creaking may occur Solid wood is used to make a monolithic backrest and frame. The connection strength is higher than that of a metal analogue
Design features The frame and bottom consist of mesh and springs. Over time, they sag, stretch, and corrode. The frame and bottom are made of laminated veneer lumber. It retains its shape for over 30 years
Interior compatibility Light and practical furniture made from hollow metal pipes will suit an interior with elements of coldness, severity, and minimalism Regardless of size, shape and content, a wooden bed personifies warmth, nature, and comfort. It fits into any design
Price Average price category Premium class
Care Requires protection from moisture to prevent rust formation Moisture insulation is necessary so that the material does not rot, fungus, mold, bacteria do not develop, and cracks do not appear.

In addition, wood is easy to process: sawing, sanding. Thanks to this, the range of beds made of natural wood comes in a variety of shapes. Design solutions have virtually no restrictions.

The disadvantages of wood are as follows:

  • supports combustion;
  • absorbs moisture;
  • reacts to temperature changes.

Beds made from solid wood also have other disadvantages:

  1. High price. It is formed from a number of components, including the type of wood, preparation, and level of processing complexity.
  2. Impressive weight. A solid wood bed is characterized by its large mass. Products made from alternative materials (chipboard, MDF) are much lighter.
  3. Demanding requirements for operating conditions. It is necessary to exclude high humidity and temperature, as well as their changes. And under direct exposure to sunlight, wood fades over time.

Wooden products must be periodically treated with protective compounds, which will help prevent biological damage from insects, bacteria, and fungi. If abrasions do not emphasize the design style, the surface is restored using paint and varnish.

So what kind of wood is suitable?

Initially, it depends on the design you need.

  • If you need texture in order to not only see that it is wood, but also feel the roughness of the material when touched, then oak, ash, and possibly walnut are ideal for you.
  • If you want a perfectly smooth surface, then birch and linden are suitable.

It is worth paying attention not only to the structure, but also to the color.

  • The choice may fall on natural shades. In this case, it is not necessary to paint the wood; you can limit yourself to its naturalness.

Example: Walnut. He has an interesting drawing. In the array it is what it really is. There is no need to apply paint on top, other than a good polish.

  • For a modern interior, I would like to use non-standard colors, i.e. not typical for wood. Birch, linden and maple will cope with this task perfectly.

We’ve made our choice, now let’s list the tools that may be useful when creating a bed. There aren't many of them.

  • Roulette
  • Drill
  • A circular saw
  • Measuring square
  • Self-tapping screws
  • Sandpaper
  • Brushes
  • Acrylic lacquer
  • Wood glue (PVA D3 works well)

This is not the entire list, you can add something at your discretion.

When you make furniture on your own, you need to take many nuances into account. At many stages it will seem that you cannot do without the help of professionals, but this is only the first impression. At first, almost all people think that this is a complex and time-consuming process, but in fact, it is enough to be able to handle tools and know some aspects, which we will talk about below.

  • You have chosen the desired wood and color, all that remains is to purchase the material. At this stage it is worth paying special attention to quality. The boards and bars used for the bed must be level, only then will the correct frame be obtained.
  • Before assembling the furniture, you need to carefully measure the dimensions of the sleeping area.
  • Fastening elements must be selected after ideas about the basic materials have appeared. It is better to take spare parts. This way you can avoid unpleasant situations.
  • Before starting work, a detailed drawing of the bed is created. There are many programs for these purposes. They will make your life much easier.
  • When drawing up the drawing, the load on the frame is taken into account.
  • Natural wood is best varnished. To do this, apply it until the surface is smooth and even. Each layer must be thoroughly dried.

Advice: it is better to apply the composition before assembly, then unnecessary smudges can be avoided.

  • The thickness and width of the boards is selected depending on the design features of the materials.
  • Before assembling the bed, all boards are adjusted to the same thickness.

Manufacturing materials

Wood is divided into soft and hard varieties. Before choosing furniture, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the properties of the materials from which it is assembled.

Pine A soft variety, it has beneficial properties - antibacterial and soothing effect. The advantage of a pine bed is its moisture resistance due to its resin content.
Oak A classic hard type, it is distinguished by its heavy weight, high strength, and resistance to biological damage. It is difficult to process, which significantly affects the final cost of the product.
Beech Hardwood, slightly inferior in characteristics to oak. Resistant to various influences (external, mechanical)
Alder Soft wood is used to make individual carved elements, rather than the frame as a whole. This is due to the relatively low strength and good machinability.
Ash Durable, flexible heavy wood. Attracts attention with its captivating appearance
Hevea Hard mahogany has only one drawback - high cost. The advantages include strength and resistance to moisture, absence of deformation at small temperature changes. Does not cause allergies, does not absorb odors. Fits perfectly into classic interiors
Birch Soft wood is valued for its uniform golden hue and uniform texture. It practically does not split, and the elements bent after steaming can withstand shock loads well

Advantages of a white bed, its combination with different styles
To understand which wood is better to buy a bed from, you need to start from the characteristics of the room. So, if the humidity is high, you should choose solid pine, oak or ash. In a small bedroom, ash or birch will look better. The solidity of a spacious room is fully emphasized by oak.


Hevea Alder

Pine Ash Beech


Popular models

Manufacturers offer a wide variety of models to choose from. The most popular is a sliding bed with two or three backrests made of solid wood. There is mass production and exclusive - handmade products. There are options for children and adults. They are characterized by different sizes, functionality and configuration, and the presence of additional elements.

Knowing the design features of finished products, you can independently draw up a drawing of a wooden bed. This can be a combined option or supplemented with non-standard elements. As a result, the factory will produce unique furniture with a unique design.

For adults

The most common standard model has a rectangular shape. The legs serve as support. The wooden frame of this bed has 4 sides without a headboard. The mattress is placed on a support frame. Dimensions of the finished product may vary. In addition to the classic model, there are many other popular options.

Standard with headboard Models are distinguished by height, geometry, and decoration method. For example, carved beds are decorated with forged or curved elements. The headboard can be part of the structure, installed separately in the form of cabinets, or attached to the wall. Sometimes it is made soft, upholstered in fabric or leather
Without headboard This option is a good solution for a small bedroom. Allows you to save useful wall space
With 3 backs The model includes a headboard, a partition at the legs and a high side on one side. The three-back bed can be used as a sofa by adding pillows. The side addition also protects the sleeper from contact with a cold wall, draft
With drawers, with lifting mechanism The space under the mattress is filled with drawers or drawers. To make a stationary storage place, wood (solid or recycled) is used. To simplify access to the boxes, install a lifting mechanism
Roll-out An additional berth is located under the frame of the main one. Such folding beds allow you to accommodate guests if necessary, providing a full-fledged sleeping surface
On the podium A raised platform is built on the floor into which the bed can be rolled up, and the podium can be used as a workplace
Transformers Folding bed with side or vertical lift. When folded, the reverse side can serve as a table or cabinet
Floating with light The effect of weightlessness is achieved by rigidly fastening the headboard to the wall. The product is equipped with a transparent plastic base in the center, a support platform smaller than the sleeping place. You can also hang furniture from the ceiling using ropes or install magnets (this option is not acceptable for people with pacemakers). For greater effect, lighting is built into the frame
With canopy An additional frame is installed above the bed or a special mount is fixed to the ceiling. They are hung with light fabric, usually transparent. The material shelters the sleeper from drafts, insects, sun, dust
From logs For production, peeled rounded logs are used. The cross section can be circular or semicircular. Often the headboards of the beds are supporting elements

Classification of beds, photos of adult and children's models in the interior

Beds are also differentiated by the shape of the base. Standard models are made mainly square and rectangular. Oval and round furniture is less common, as it takes up more space than its corner counterparts.

With headboard Made of logs With canopy

Floating illuminated Transformer

With a podium

Roll-out With drawers

With three backs

Without headboard

For children

The children's bed is selected according to the age category. For safety reasons, solid wood furniture is equipped with high sides, and stairs and steps are equipped with railings. An additional headboard prevents direct contact of the child with the cold wall. Manufacturers must follow SanPiN, GOST and other standards.

Standard Classic beds have sides, headboard, footboard and 4 legs
Bunk The sleeping places are located one above the other. The furniture is equipped with a ladder. A high side for the bed is installed on top to prevent the sleeping person from falling
House This model is used as a sleeping place and play area. It can be covered with a canopy, additionally decorated with windows and doors
Manege The bed has high sides on all sides. They are made of soft woven materials with mesh inserts or wooden slats
Attic This bed is similar in design to a bunk bed. Only the main sleeping place is on the 2nd floor, and below there can be a work or play area, a wardrobe, a sofa

Sharp corners and metal frames increase the risk of injury. The lack of sides on tall models can lead to a fall, and there is a risk of tripping on elements protruding from below. All these points are excluded on children's furniture - the bed for the child must be safe.

Bunk House


Manege Standard

How to choose children's beds made of wood: basic requirements for products

Wooden beds are made for children of different ages. These can be classic cribs for babies, hanging rockers, playpen beds or transformers. For teenagers, single or one-and-a-half-bed options are more suitable, while children of older preschool and school age will like bunk structures, house beds and attics.

If you choose a wooden bed for a newborn and a child under 3 years old, you should pay attention to models with high sides and an adjustable bottom. The best option is a transformable bed, which can be adjusted to the age of the child. Typically, such products are designed for use from birth to 6-7 years. An older child needs to buy a bed to grow into, so a standard size of 80x190 cm is quite suitable.

One of the most popular materials in the manufacture of children's beds is solid wood.

Wooden beds, in addition to being considered environmentally friendly, are also characterized by increased durability. When installing a wooden bed in a child’s bedroom, parents can rest easy, because wood is distinguished by its ability to “breathe” and is much nicer to the touch than iron. When purchasing cribs, it is important to follow these steps:

  • assess the reliability of the design;
  • check that the stairs to the top are safe and secure, and also have a slight slope;

  • measure the height of the side: if the berth is located on the second tier, if necessary, it is worth securing an additional limiter;
  • check the bed for splinters.

Design dimensions

The choice of a bed from an array depends on several parameters:

  • bedroom area - if possible, you should leave a passage at least 60 cm wide;
  • human height - the length of the sleeping place should be approximately 40 cm longer;
  • number of sleepers - for one person a mattress width of 80–120 cm is enough, for two - from 140 cm;
  • also take into account habits, weight, physique.

For children, a sleeping place is chosen according to age. For newborns, a crib measuring 60 × 120 cm is sufficient, and for preschoolers - 60 × 140 cm. Schoolchildren need 20 cm more on both sides, and for teenagers the optimal size is 90 × 180 cm.

Furniture for adults varies in the number of beds. So, for one person a size of 80–100 × 200 cm is suitable, and for two – 160–180 × 200 cm. The average bed is called a one-and-a-half bed, its parameters are 120–140 × 200 cm.

When choosing a product, you should also focus on height. There are no strict standards regarding this parameter, so you need to take into account your own preferences, convenience and safety (especially for children).

If desired, solid wood furniture can be made to individual sizes. Alternatively, you can use ready-made bed drawings posted on thematic resources.


After attaching the legs, you can return the structure to its original position. Now it stands the way it will stand during operation. Further assembly of the bed includes decorating two end and one long side with decorative boards, as well as creating a slatted bottom on which the mattress will be laid in the future.

How to make homemade mattress slats:

  1. Since the length of all slats will be the same, the length can be measured for only one slats, and the rest can be created by drawing correspondence between its dimensions and the dimensions of the first (reference);
  2. Each strip must be cut, sanded and holes made for fastenings;
  3. The slats are laid on the base of the bed at an equal distance (relative to each other), and are attached with self-tapping screws screwed into the prepared holes to the side and central supports. Before attaching the slats, you should mark the places where the legs are attached to the frame, so that when screwing in the screws you do not damage the wood with excessive load. The distance between the screws that secure the legs and slats should be at least 5 cm.

We make slats to size

We sand them and attach them to the base.

Color options

A white bed looks elegant and refreshes the decor. The wenge color gives the furniture an aristocratic, luxurious feel - in this shade it looks expensive. In a bedroom with light tones, a black bed will look original.

To create a dynamic and expressive environment, it is worth choosing contrasting tones in relation to the overall decoration of the walls. The main thing is that there is one spectrum. For example, beige and brown, blue and blue. Bright combinations also look impressive. As an accent, a multi-colored headboard (for example, red and purple) will be enough. And next to it you can lay a rug or put a floor lamp of the same color.

Pros and cons of three-tier beds, tips for selection and placement

A popular option is a monochromatic solution. This makes the walls visually longer. Repeating the pattern will be effective. And the lightest colors - ivory, cream - will add airiness and lightness.

It is important to consider the design of the floor. It is better if the color matches the shade of the bed, but different saturations are allowed.

Ideal place to sleep: bed, sofa or ottoman?

When choosing furniture for sleeping, instead of a bed, alternative interior items are often purchased: a sofa or ottoman. This method of arranging a bed is especially popular among owners of small-sized homes who believe that the bed will take up too much space. For teenagers, chair-beds are often purchased.

Such lovers of space saving forget about an important rule: pieces of furniture must be used strictly in accordance with their intended purpose, only in this case they will last a long time and will not cause harm to health.

The sofa and chair-bed are designed to be sat on. From time to time they can serve as additional furniture for sleeping (for example, spruce trees need to accommodate guests or suddenly visiting relatives for the night). However, using them as a permanent sleeping place is irrational for a number of reasons:

  • Chair beds and most sofas are not equipped with an orthopedic base, and choosing an orthopedic mattress for them can be difficult. As a result, the filler and frame are deformed, and the person who sleeps on such a “bed” gets problems with the health of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Daily unfolding and folding leads to accelerated wear of the mechanisms.
  • Furniture upholstery quickly deteriorates.

An ottoman - a small sofa with low legs, no armrests and a small backrest - is also not a full-fledged replacement for a bed. It is suitable for placement in the living room, on the terrace of a country house or on the balcony. Guests who suddenly arrive can spend the night there.

When using an ottoman as a permanent sleeping place, problems arise that are similar to the situation with a sofa: the furniture wears out quickly, and the health of the person sleeping on it can fail.

Product design for different interior styles

The most popular classic style is distinguished by pretentiousness, delicacy, sophistication, and luxury. These wooden beds have a high headboard and backrest. For decoration, forging, stones, and velvet are used. Also, solid wood products are applicable to many other areas of design.

Provence Solid birch, ash and other light wood species are perfect for the French direction. As an additional decoration, carvings or floral patterns are applied to models in the Provence style.
Loft Bulky oak structure, brutal podium. There are no decorative elements
Minimalism Catwalk models, storage system, lack of decorative elements
High tech Functionality and strict geometry are important. The headboard merges with the bedside table or desk top
Scandinavian The main features are simplicity and naturalness. Pine and birch are suitable materials
Oriental The models are distinguished by their low height and sophistication. They are made from dark rocks. Decorated with spiers, canopies
Modern Romance and sensuality are emphasized by carved wooden beds, the headboards of which are decorated with gilding. This furniture has a traditional shape
Chalet Discreet and simple design, dark shades. The headboard is covered with leather
Country The rustic style will be emphasized by products made of boards, logs, rough-cut timber with irregularities, as well as original antique beds or with balusters

The design of a children's bed is chosen based on the gender of the child. For example, for girls, a canopy is hung, carvings are applied, and bulkiness is eliminated. The color scheme includes white, pink, and peach shades. For boys, more massive wooden beds are often made. They are given the appearance of cars, ships, airplanes. And the colors chosen, as a rule, are brown and blue.

Country Provence Minimalism Loft Oriental style Scandinavian style



High tech

Video description

The video clearly illustrates all the stages of creating a carriage screed on the head of the bed:

The fabric is stretched and then stapled to the wrong side. The excess edges are then trimmed off. Then buttons are sewn to the holes. To do this, use the longest possible needle and the strongest possible thread. Usually, before fastening, the buttons are covered with the same fabric that is used for covering. But if you replace them with large rhinestones, you get a unique object that looks like jewelry.

Rhinestones instead of the usual buttons Source

After the front side is completely ready, its back part is carefully covered with technical fabric (base or spunbond).

A finished bed with a carriage frame always looks great in the interior. This method of creating soft wood cladding is designed for a long period of use. Even under high operating loads, the cladding will not wear out and will not lose its attractiveness.

New reading of an old classic Source

The best manufacturers

Today, furniture retail spaces display products from factories from around the world. There are manufacturers who specialize in one design, work with specific types of wood, or cover almost the entire model range. Most of them manufacture beds from solid wood according to individual drawings.

  1. The SlonimMebel factory from Belarus produces furniture in classic or modern style. The catalog presents models against the background of the original interior. Beautiful photos make you want to plunge into luxurious apartments of the 17th–19th centuries or the comfort created by modern authors.
  2. LLC "Drevmebel" mainly makes beds with three headboards from wood. The range includes two-tier and sliding models for adults and children. The brand also offers a choice of wooden beds for the dacha (rustic style) and with a lifting mechanism (chalet style).
  3. Designer products in the Scandinavian style from Erik Jorgensen and Norell look laconic and natural, sophisticated and elegant. Elite beds made of solid wood are assembled by hand by craftsmen from Denmark, Sweden and Finland. Metal, glass, leather, fur, and fabrics are used for decoration.
  4. Ilan LLC from Khabarovsk produces furniture for home and office. The manufacturer actively cooperates with popular designers of the country. Here they can make a designer bed made of wood in accordance with the dimensions and drawings of the customer.
  5. The production of mahogany furniture is carried out by a company from Malaysia - MCI. One of the most popular models is the Bali bed. It combines elegance and modesty.

Solid wood bedroom furniture can become an interior decoration, storage space, playground, or work area. With the help of natural materials, modern designers and constructors implement a variety of ideas. Such beds fit into any design, and their service life is measured in decades.

Factory "SlonimMebel" LLC "Drevmebel" Bed "Bali" from the manufacturer MCI (Malaysia)

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