How to remove the smell of adult urine from a sofa: folk methods and household chemicals

Any housewife wants coziness and comfort to reign in her home, and this is created not only by furniture, textiles, and decorative elements. Smells play an important role. If an animal lives in the apartment, the owner may have a problem with how to remove the smell of urine from the sofa at home. Young mothers often face the same problem. The women's website “Beautiful and Successful” devotes this page to issues of combating unpleasant odors in the house.

How to wash urine from a sofa: a review of store-bought products?

Various manufacturers produce special products that will help cope with such a delicate problem.

Dufta Fresh

The product from the German manufacturer Dufta has a pleasant soft aroma and contains herbal ingredients to eliminate heavy odors. Does not cause allergies or asthma attacks.

Wash the sofa against urine with Dufta Fresh

Nature's Miracle

For leather furniture. Easy to use: after all the moisture has been collected, you need to apply the product and let it dry. Then apply leather furniture conditioner.

Wash the sofa against urine with Nature's Miracle


Does not leave traces of processing on surfaces. Eliminates microbes at the molecular level, which helps complete the cleaning process successfully. The smell is easily removed even from cat litter boxes. The reviews are positive, in some cases they complain about the price.

Wash the sofa against urine with OdorGone


A well-known product for removing dirt and bad odors. They can remove both old and fresh urine stains.

Wash the sofa from urine with Vanish

Why is the smell difficult to get rid of?

There are several reasons:

  • substances contained in urine are poorly soluble in water, so strong chemicals are needed to clean stains;
  • Various pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply in dried stains, so the smell persists for a long time, and it can be very difficult to remove it;
  • Even if you cleaned the upholstery, the liquid probably penetrated into the sofa filler.

The smell will not disappear on its own and will become increasingly ingrained into the furniture. So don't delay processing

Precautions when treating a sofa for urine

  1. Don't mask odors: perfume or cologne will not help get rid of stench. If you don’t want to clean it yourself, ask someone in your household or buy a ready-made product to remove dirt and odors.
  2. Be careful: caustic substances are often used for cleaning. If there are small children, animals, or people with allergies in the house, it is better to avoid vinegar or bleach.
  3. Use rubber gloves, a gauze bandage or a respirator.
  4. No people or animals should sit in the room when cleaning.
  5. The room must be ventilated both during and after cleaning the upholstery.
  6. If possible, take the sofa outside. Sun rays or frosty wind help fight odors.

Cleaning a sofa using special equipment

If folk remedies and household chemicals cannot cope with odors, then use household appliances.

Steam generator

Water is poured into the steam generator tank. The device converts it into hot steam, which cleans and disinfects surfaces well. If you first clean the surfaces with a steam generator and then treat them with a professional neutralizer, you will be able to eliminate almost any odor.

Washing vacuum cleaner

Sofas and other upholstered furniture can be cleaned using a washing vacuum cleaner. This is a good way to comprehensively combat the unpleasant smell of urine on upholstery. If you choose the right attachment, you can even process any materials and hard-to-reach places.

Features of removing different types of urine

Different methods are used for different urines.

Children's urine

How to clean a sofa from fresh baby urine:

  1. Dry the stain with paper napkins, towels or toilet paper. Do not proceed to the next step until most of the moisture has been drawn out.
  2. For processing, apply a soapy solution with soda: 1 tbsp. laundry soap for 1 liter. water.
  3. If the stain has disappeared, rinse the upholstered furniture with clean water.
  4. Dry the upholstery using any method you can.

Common mistakes

Mistakes when treating a sofa for the unpleasant smell of urine at home can lead to damage to the upholstery of upholstered furniture. To avoid making such mistakes, you need to know what not to do when cleaning sofas:

  • Do not use cleaning products without first checking their effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​the furniture surface.
  • Some delicate fabrics (silk, velor, flock) should not be cleaned with homemade products. This requires specialized professional solutions for delicate fabrics. Some can be found on store shelves, but in most cases they are only available in cleaning companies.
  • The use of bleaches, acids and acetones in their pure form is prohibited. Only in low concentrations that are safe for human health and the surface being treated.
  • It is not recommended to use very hot water for cleaning. It can age the upholstery and make it less elastic and faded.
  • You should not leave a poorly washed sofa after cleaning. Residues from detergents destroy the upholstery and render it unusable.

Removing old stains

Housewives are especially interested in how to wash urine off a sofa if it appeared a long time ago. There are many methods to remove such stains.

Laundry soap

Wet the sponge and rub it well with laundry soap. Treat stubborn stains and leave for 5-10 minutes. Rinse off the foam with warm water and dry.

Removing old stains from the sofa with laundry soap

Potassium permangantsovka

Dilute 2-3 crystals. The solution should turn out a light pink color. Dip a rag or towel, place it on the stain and leave for 30 minutes. Dry upholstered furniture. This method is suitable if the upholstery is dark in color.

Removing old stains from the sofa with potassium permanganate

Lemon juice

Squeeze the lemons. Blot the cloth and leave it on the surface for 20 minutes. Another way is to pour the solution into a spray bottle. Wipe off the juice with a damp cloth and dry the upholstery.

Removing old stains from the sofa with lemon juice

Why is it difficult to refresh your sofa at home?

Upholstered furniture items are necessary in the house for a good rest. Almost all household members spend most of their time on the sofa, so in any case it needs systematic cleaning. If someone used it instead of a toilet, it will not be easy to refresh the sofa.

There are several reasons why it is difficult to remove the smell of urine from a sofa:

  • The liquid quickly penetrates into the product, absorbing not only into the foam rubber, but also into the wooden parts of the frame.
  • Urine reacts with substances contained in fabrics and foam rubber. As a result, stable compounds are formed.
  • If the stain is not treated immediately, it will become an excellent breeding ground for various microorganisms, which will become a source of unpleasant odors.

Experienced housewives know well: the smell of urine does not disappear. You cannot expect it to disappear on its own, otherwise it will be completely impossible to remove it.

How to clean an adult's urine from a sofa?

Method No. 1

  1. You will need bleach or substances containing it. For disinfection you will need a 0.5% solution.
  2. Apply it to the stain and leave for half an hour.
  3. Rinse the sofa with clean water until the chlorine is completely removed.
  4. Dry the upholstery.
  5. Ventilate the room.

Method No. 2

  1. Take ammonia in a ratio of 10-15 drops per 1 glass of water.
  2. Treat the stain and leave for 1-1.5 hours.
  3. Rinse with clean water.
  4. Dry the sofa.
  5. Ventilate the room.

Removing urine stains from an adult’s sofa with ammonia

Cat marks

  1. Prepare rubber gloves.
  2. Mix 100 ml vinegar + 0.5 l. water.
  3. Treat the dirt with a sponge.
  4. Wait for it to dry.
  5. Now it’s time for dry cleaning with soda - sprinkle the product onto the stain in a layer of 1-2 cm.
  6. Prepare a new solution: water + peroxide 1:1 + 1 tsp. detergent.
  7. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray the stain.
  8. Leave brushing for 1 hour.
  9. Brush over any remaining stains. Vacuum any remaining soda or remove it with a damp cloth.

Removing cat urine stains from the sofa with vinegar

Features of odor elimination depending on its origin

Dealing with traces of urine on your own using available means is quite difficult. It will require not only patience, but also certain knowledge, since depending on the origin of the smell, you should resort not only to traditional methods, but in most cases to effective professional chemicals and appropriate devices. If you cannot remove the smell on your own, it is better to seek professional help.

The cat got into mischief

If you have a feline living in your house, you should know that their urine has a strong and unpleasant odor that is resistant to many products. Babies who are not litter box trained can leave an unpleasant “surprise” for their owners.

Cat urine contains substances that do not dissolve in water, so you should know exactly what product to use to remove the unpleasant odor.

Cat urine quickly eats into the fabric surfaces of the sofa, and the longer it remains inside, the harder it is to get rid of it. There are several ways to remove cat marks:

First, you can use baking soda and soap solution:

  • Cover the wet stain generously with soda, covering the entire contaminated area.
  • Make a solution from soap by cutting it with a grater or knife and dissolving it in water.
  • Moisten a sponge in the resulting solution and wipe the stain with it using pressing movements. Leave for 60 minutes.
  • After the allotted time, wash off the sofa upholstery and dry thoroughly.

Secondly, you can use lemon juice:

  • Cut the lemon and squeeze the juice out of it.
  • Strain the juice through a sieve to avoid any pulp or seeds.
  • Moisten the contaminated surface generously with lemon juice and leave to soak and dry.

Important! The latter method is good not only because it will eliminate the smell of urine, but will also deter the pet from further attempts to relieve itself on the sofa. Cats do not like the smell of citrus, so in the future they will no longer mark the treated sofa.

You can find 13 effective ways to remove the smell of cat urine from your sofa at home here.

Dog not trained to walk

Adult dogs trained to go to the toilet outside in most cases do not damage the upholstery of the sofa. However, owners of young dogs often face the problem of a small puppy urinating on furniture.

The animal's biological secretions have a very persistent odor and leave stubborn stains that are quite difficult to get rid of. Therefore, the puddle should be removed as soon as possible.

With a lot of effort, you can cope with this problem only by using an integrated approach:

  1. To begin with, pour a full glass of 9% vinegar into the stain. Then rub it over the contaminated surface, covering additional areas, and dry thoroughly.
  2. Sprinkle a thick layer of baking soda onto the remaining stain mark and gently rub in with a sponge in a circular motion.
  3. Mix hydrogen peroxide with liquid soap until a paste forms and apply it to the surface to be treated. Leave for one hour.
  4. After the allotted time, rinse the contaminated area again with a damp cloth.

Thanks to this treatment, not only the trace of the stain is eliminated, but also the specific smell of urine.

A small child wrote

The smell of children's urine is much less pronounced than that of adults, so it is much easier to remove.

To clean the sofa from the urine of a small child at home, you can use regular soda, for this:

  • Mix soda with water until a thick paste forms;
  • Apply the prepared mixture to the contaminated area of ​​the sofa upholstery;
  • Leave to dry;
  • Vacuum the remaining soda.

You can use baking soda without water. In this case, it should be sprinkled generously on the stain and left to absorb moisture for 6-7 hours. Then thoroughly vacuum the remaining soda.

IMPORTANT : Do not wash the stain with water, as the urine will penetrate deeper into the sofa. This will make the cleaning process much more difficult.

If the stain is not small and has managed to deeply saturate the sofa, for a more global cleaning it is better to use the following methods:

  1. Dry the wet area thoroughly with napkins or paper towels. Cover the stain with baking soda, fine salt or cat litter. Then carefully collect the loose parts with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Combine vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:3, and wipe the stain with the resulting solution. Leave until completely dry.
  3. Cover the wet stain with baking soda. Prepare a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap (can be replaced with dishwashing detergent), using half a teaspoon of soap per 100 ml of peroxide. Spray the contaminated area of ​​the sofa generously with the resulting mixture. Leave the resulting foam for several hours. Remove excess with a damp sponge.

Thanks to these methods, the urine will completely decompose and there will be no smell left.

ATTENTION : As an additional measure, you can leave a cotton bag of baking soda inside the sofa, in the linen compartment, so that it absorbs unpleasant odors.

Adult and elderly person

Unlike the urine of a small child, in an adult or elderly person (sick, with kidney or bladder problems), it is sharper and more corrosive. To eliminate it, you will need not only home remedies, but also special purchased chemicals.

Of the purchased products, Vanish can cope well with this problem. You can use laundry soap and vinegar from your household arsenal.

Here are a few ways to get rid of unpleasant odors using improvised means:

  1. Blot the wet stain well with napkins or toilet paper, and dry it with a hair dryer or iron through a dry cloth. Soap a dish sponge with laundry soap. Using rubbing movements, distribute the foam over the stain and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse off and clean the remaining foam.
  2. If the furniture has dark upholstery, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate. Dissolve a few crystals in water until a light pink tint is obtained. Soak a clean cloth in the resulting solution, apply to the stain and leave for 30 minutes. Then repeat the procedure 1-2 more times. Dry the sofa naturally.
  3. Squeeze juice from one large lemon (without pulp or seeds). Using a spray bottle, spray it onto the stain and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then repeat the procedure. Wipe the problem area with a cloth soaked in cold water. You can also use wet wipes.
  4. Bleaching lime will also help solve this problem. A 0.5% solution should be thoroughly rubbed into the stain and left for 30 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and leave until completely dry.
  5. Soak a stain wet from urine with alcohol (you can use ammonia) or vodka and leave for an hour and a half. Then rinse and dry the wet area with an iron.

Advice! If after using these methods the smell remains, you should order dry cleaning.

Getting rid of old urine odor

One of the most difficult odors to remove from a sofa is the old smell of urine. It is very difficult to remove it yourself using available means. Therefore, most often you have to resort to dry cleaning or heavy chemicals.

Current home remedies that can cope with this problem include iodine, alcohol and bleach. However, iodine and whiteness can greatly damage the upholstery of a sofa, especially if iodine is used on sofas covered in light shades, and whiteness on dark ones.

To avoid accidentally damaging your furniture, it is best to use the services of specialists. Dry cleaning your sofa will not only help get rid of the unpleasant odor, but can also return the furniture to its original appearance.

How to clean a sofa from dog urine?

  1. Soak the area where the dog peed in vinegar.
  2. Leave until completely dry.
  3. Use dry cleaning with soda: spread the product in a thick layer of 1-2 cm.
  4. Mix 100 ml of peroxide (3%) + 0.5 tsp. detergent + water so that the total volume is 200 ml.
  5. Shake in a spray bottle.
  6. Spray baking soda over top. It will foam.
  7. Rinse with water after some time.
  8. Dry upholstered furniture and ventilate the room.

Removing dog urine stains from the sofa with baking soda

How to dry quickly?

In some cases, after cleaning the sofa from the smell and stains of urine, it becomes necessary to dry the surface without waiting for natural drying. This can be done using a hair dryer or iron.


Before using a hairdryer to dry the sofa upholstery, you need to remove excess moisture with dry wipes. Then, at low speed, use warm (not hot) air, holding the hair dryer at a distance of at least 20 cm from the surface, to dry the wet area. Drying with a hairdryer for a long time without breaks is prohibited, as it can burn or damage the upholstery of the sofa.


Before using to dry the iron, you should also remove excess moisture with a dry towel or napkins. Between the iron and the upholstery of the sofa there must be either gauze or white cotton fabric (so that it does not fade onto the upholstery). If the iron has a steam function, it should be turned off.

Important! It is recommended to dry delicate fabrics with an iron at a low temperature so as not to damage the upholstery. Drying for a long time without a break is also not recommended, so as not to damage the fabric and the iron itself.

You will find simple ways to quickly dry a sofa from water, urine and beer stains in this article.

Drying upholstered furniture after treatment

  • Natural drying. Don't touch the sofa and just wait until it dries.
  • Artificial. Iron. Remember: it should not remain in one place for more than 1-2 seconds, so as not to burn the fabric.
  • Hair dryer. Don't forget to turn it off periodically.
  • Dry sheet. Cover the sofa with it and wipe thoroughly.
  • Fan. You need to place the fan opposite the wet spot.

You can get rid of urine on the sofa quickly and effectively. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations, otherwise you can ruin the sofa.

Tips for cleaning a sofa

To avoid damaging your sofa when cleaning it, follow these recommendations:

  • To avoid damaging the upholstery, test the products on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric before treatment.
  • When using household chemicals, follow the instructions and follow the dosage.
  • If you remove urine with napkins, paper, towels or diapers, do not rub or press on the stain. This will force the liquid deep into the sofa.
  • If the above remedies do not help get rid of the odor, use the services of a professional dry cleaner.

Urgent measures to get rid of urine stains and unpleasant odors

How to solve the problem will differ depending on how long ago the stain appeared. In case you just noticed a puddle of urine spreading across the sofa, this makes the action much easier. Indeed, under such circumstances, urine simply does not have time to react with air and does not flow too deeply.

You should clean your sofa as soon as possible, without postponing the procedure until later, using effective methods.

Place several layers of toilet paper or napkins (6-7 layers) on the wet spot and change them as they become wet. Sometimes you have to waste a roll of paper for such purposes, but you should continue such actions until the stain on the sofa becomes dry.

When saving a sofa, don't skimp on toilet paper

You can use a special diaper for such purposes that has an absorbent surface. It must be pressed firmly onto the stain, and then repeat the same actions several times. If you have a baby diaper on hand, you can use that too.

Disposable diapers best absorb any wet marks and odors

When there is no moisture left on the surface, you can lay the napkin again and then press it down with a weight. This is necessary in order to remove any remaining traces. Then you need to remove the weight and replace the napkin. It is recommended to repeat the same steps until the paper stops getting wet.

Finally, you will need to spray the sofa with a cool soapy solution from a spray bottle and wipe with a sponge. It is also better to repeat such actions several times, which will certainly get rid of the smell.

It is necessary to generously spray the area where the stain was

Some housewives recommend drying the stain with an iron or hairdryer before carrying out the procedure to get rid of the smell of urine. Of course, in emergency situations, it is possible to use this method, but it is important not to overdo it, because prolonged heating only intensifies the oxidative reaction.

In addition, the surface of the sofa will have to be covered with gauze, otherwise a stain of a different nature may form on the delicate material.

Heat the stain with a hairdryer for no longer than five to seven minutes.

If such methods do not help get rid of the pungent odor, then you can use other methods that are suitable even for old stains.

Purchased household chemicals

In cases where self-prepared remedies for the smell of adult urine do not have the expected effect, you can use one of the purchased household chemicals.

Well-proven drugs include the following:

  • DuftaFresh;
  • Sanera Enzym;
  • OdorGone.

All these drugs are effective, convenient to use, but have a high cost.

Sanera Enzym

This professional product is designed to remove stains and unpleasant odors of organic origin, including urine. Can also be used in case of damage to the upholstery due to vomit and feces.

Saner Enzyme is based on active enzymes that react with organic substances, which helps eliminate unpleasant odors. The price of a container with a volume of 0.5 liters is about 700 rubles . Country of origin: Sweden.

How to use:

  1. Clean the upholstery with a brush.
  2. Spray the product over the surface or apply it with a damp sponge.
  3. If necessary, rub.
  4. Rinse off with a clean sponge.
  5. Dry with a napkin.

If, with this use, both the stain and the odor do not disappear, a more intensive treatment is applied:

  1. Apply Sanera Enzyme to the upholstery, ensuring good hydration of the fabric.
  2. Cover the treatment area with a napkin, cellophane or plastic shield to slow down the drying of the product.
  3. After removing the odor, rinse the product off the upholstery with water.
  4. Dry with a napkin.

The consumption of the product can vary depending on the severity of the problem and the size of the spot.


This product is a professional neutralizer of odors of organic origin, which includes urine.

Interaction with the source of an unpleasant odor takes place at the molecular level. In this case, the smell of urine is eliminated rather than masked.

Manufacturer of biodegradable odor neutralizer - USA. The cost of the product is about 850 rubles.

Using OdorGone is quite simple, since the container is equipped with a sprayer. The product is sprayed onto the upholstery, ensuring good hydration of the material.

Cover the surface with film or cloth for 12 hours to slow down evaporation.

In cases where the stain is caused by a large amount of urine that has penetrated deep into the upholstery, it is recommended to use a syringe into which you take OdorGone and prick the sofa mattress.


This environmentally friendly product is designed directly to eliminate urine odor. It is produced in Germany.

DuftaFresh is safe for people and animals , which allows it to be used in residential areas.

The product contains enzymes of plant origin that break down substances that emit an unpleasant odor.

The DuftaFresh bottle is equipped with a sprayer. With its help, the drug can be easily applied to the entire surface of the area affected by urine.

Lay a film on top of the fabric moistened with the neutralizer. If after drying the result is not good enough, the treatment is repeated.

The price of DuftaFresh depends on the volume of the container . A bottle with a spray with a volume of 0.5 liters costs about 1,100 rubles, and a 2.5 liter canister costs about 3,700 rubles.

If the problem of dealing with the smell of urine on the sofa recurs frequently, it is beneficial to purchase a large-volume container and then refill the spray bottle.

Urgent measures

If the liquid has not yet been absorbed deep into the upholstery, proceed to emergency actions:

  • soak the area with a dry paper towel folded in several layers;
  • actions should be continued until the paper remains dry;
  • instead of a paper towel, a disposable diaper does the job well;
  • then several layers of paper are again applied to the place and pressed down with something heavy on top;
  • At the last stage, the stain should be cleaned with plain water.

Animal urine

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Transformable table-bed: which one to buy, customer reviews

We have already told you how to stop cats from tearing up the sofa. But some animals defecate on the upholstery. The owner is unlikely to be happy about this.

But we need to act. First, carry out the liquid removal procedure as soon as you notice the stain using the method described above.

In the case of animals, such means are used.

  • Special liquids and sprays
    . Sold in veterinary stores, as well as in household chemical departments. They have instructions for use;
  • Hydrogen peroxide
    . In general, the procedure is complex. First, soak in vinegar solution and dry. Next, add dry soda. Prepare a solution of peroxide and water in a ratio of 50 to 50, and add a little liquid soap. Stir the resulting mixture. Using a sponge or sprayer, apply over dry baking soda. A reaction will appear. Leave the mixture for 2 hours. Then remove the residue with damp cloths and dry;
  • Lemon juice
    . This works well against cat marks. The acid helps break down urea, and the citrus aroma itself repels animals.

Keep in mind that animals have a better sense of smell than humans. Therefore, you need to thoroughly clean everything, and additionally use special repellers.

Well, another solution for any type of urine is professional dry cleaning. Now many companies carry out the procedure at home. Therefore, you won’t have to disassemble the sofa and take it somewhere.

Advice from experienced housewives

To avoid mistakes and quickly eliminate the unpleasant consequences of having animals in the house, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points:

  • The wet spot needs to be dried using a hairdryer/iron. This method will remove traces of urine. It is unpleasant if the sofa smells, so you need to remove the liquid first. If possible, the upholstery is washed.
  • It is recommended that the animals have their own sleeping place; they should not be allowed on the sofa if they are not litter box trained.
  • Infants need to be covered with oilcloth while they sleep and are awake.
  • To clean a sofa at home, it is recommended to use protective equipment; just rubber gloves are enough. When working with a spray gun and an aggressive substance, use protective glasses. Moreover, clothes should be closed.

For older people who need care, special diapers are recommended. The smell of urine of breastfed children is absent or weak. In most cases, it is enough to dry the sofa upholstery; no treatment is required.

Professional products

Manufacturers of special products offer a large selection of them. With the help of these compositions it will not be difficult to remove the smell of urine from absolutely any upholstered furniture. Such substances are popular.

  1. TAPI-Foam . The product is suitable for pile coverings. The procedure is also simple. You need to rid the area to be treated of dust, spray at a distance of 16 cm, wipe with a napkin and remove the powder using a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Clean-TEX . This composition helps to instantly combat the unpleasant odor of urine. It is sprayed onto the contaminated area at a distance of 28 cm. After half an hour, everything is washed off with running water.
  3. Foam spray . This special formulation is designed specifically to eliminate urine odor from your sofa. All you need to do is spray it on and then leave the foam on the surface and wait for it to absorb before rinsing the area with water and vacuuming.
  4. Shampoo . Any product presented as shampoo (and they are sold in a wide variety) should be dissolved in plain water and whisked until foam appears. Apply the resulting composition to the problem area using a sponge. Then it is left for 17 minutes and removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Along with this, ammonia and tar soap are used to remove the smell of urine from the sofa.

from the smell of urine

Precautionary measures

When deciding to get rid of an unpleasant odor on upholstered furniture, you must adhere to 2 rules:

  • Observe safety precautions when working with components used to prepare cleaning products. You should not assume that if substances that are in everyday use were used to make a solution or mixture, then they will not cause harm. It is recommended to carry out work with rubber gloves, avoid contact of products with skin and clothing. After carrying out work to help remove urine from upholstered furniture, hands are thoroughly washed and moisturized with a nourishing cream.
  • You should carefully consider the choice of a product designed to remove unpleasant odors from furniture. Before using them, test the prepared mixture on a part of the furniture hidden from view. If there is no change in the color of the sofa upholstery, get to work.

What happens to urine in the upholstery and filling of the sofa

When urine gets on the upholstery of a sofa, it is quickly absorbed into the structure of the fabric and into the top layer of the filler. The speed of this process depends on the absorbency of the materials and the presence or absence of moisture-proof layers/impregnations.

Within a few days after the “incident,” urine evaporates and loses up to 96% of its volume, which is water. Precipitated metabolic products remain in the materials - uric acid salts, urea, pheromones and other water-insoluble substances. The pH of urine shifts from acidic (pH 5-6) to alkaline (pH 9-10).

The main source of the foul “aroma” is uric acid salts. The characteristic odor of ammonia is given to the components of urine by bacteria that enter biological secretions from the outside and/or are initially contained in them (present in the urine of sick elderly people). The yellow color of the urinary spot is given by urochromes - derivatives of bile pigments.

When in contact with water, the components of uric acid form highly volatile organic compounds, thiols (mercaptans), which emit a disgusting stench. To neutralize it, dry cleaners use special odor absorbers.

Read in the blog: “Even dry cleaners fail: 6 problems when dry cleaning upholstered furniture.”

Skin cleaning

Unfortunately, the baby is not always able to restrain his urges and all instinctive needs. Children often “give” their parents surprises in the form of “fountains” on the carpet, furniture, things and even a leather sofa. It would seem that such upholstery could be wiped down and that’s it. There are also means that surfaces are treated to repel water. By the way, their action is well described in this video.

But if parents did not have time to acquire such a product or simply forgot to spray the sofa, did not imagine that such a situation was possible in principle, then they should be especially careful when cleaning natural leather

Preparing for cleaning

Before you start washing leather, the material needs to be prepared. For this purpose, preparatory actions are carried out.

Paper towel

Absorb the urine with tissues or paper towels.


To remove urine odor, it is not enough to clean your skin. It is important to take out the upholstery - you must wash it with an enzyme cleaner.


Detergents that are applicable to textile products are not suitable for cleaning leather and removing odors. To remove odor from skin, products can be purchased at a pharmacy or pet store, as well as in some shopping centers and construction complexes.


Test the effect of the product in an inconspicuous place. An excellent detergent is Nature's Miracle.

Tip: Do not clean leather unless you can remove the upholstery. The smell can “cut through” even after washing. For thorough processing, contact a specialist.

Leather washing

After thoroughly preparing the skin, you can begin cleaning and removing odors.


Soak a piece of leather where there is a stain and the smell of baby urine in the solution. Remove the stain with a napkin.


Treat the area with a sponge, removing any remaining product. If you need to clean a pillow, treat it completely.


If you want to make it yourself, take 1 liter of hydrogen peroxide, 100 grams of baking soda and 1 tbsp. dishwashing detergents. Mix everything and gently wipe the surface.


Dry the upholstery in the sun. Please note that the skin may become slightly rougher.

Air conditioner

To restore softness to the skin and replenish natural oils, apply conditioner to a cloth and wipe the entire surface.

Tip: When using enzymes, it is important to remember to rinse the leather upholstery under running water.

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