How to remove the smell of new furniture: the most effective methods

Today, numerous interior items are one of the main attributes of a comfortable existence. But not every housewife knows how to get rid of the smell of new furniture that permeates the entire apartment.

Each item purchased requires special treatment. For example, if the set is made of chipboard or wood, you will feel not only natural aromas, but also mixed fumes from glue, as well as the consequences of transportation and previous storage. New furniture, be it a sofa or an armchair, has a specific smell, since the base and finishing materials are impregnated with chemicals used in production.

Such a background “smell” can bother you for up to several months. If you still haven’t decided what to do about it, our advice to you is to find its root cause! Try using the instructions below, they do not require special skills and will fix the problem fairly quickly.

Why is it harmful

Few people think about the consequences of inhaling a specific amber. In fact, when a new purchase smells, it is not only uncomfortable, but also extremely dangerous to health, especially if small children live in the apartment.

The reason for the formation of an unpleasant “odor” is direct treatment with chemicals that contain toxic components (phenols, aldehydes, solvent vapors). It is they, in the process of evaporation, that poison the air in the room.

And the worst thing is that over time, this chemical is deposited on the respiratory organs and accumulates in the body. Of course, there will be no special consequences, but migraines, allergies, dizziness and respiratory disorders are guaranteed.

There are several reasons:

  • varnishing and painting of a new product;
  • storage in conditions of high humidity;
  • use in the production of formaldehyde;
  • use of cheap materials (chips, glue, chemicals).

Important! Don't think that you can just wait until the stench goes away on its own. This is not an option! Getting rid of the smell of the same varnish or paint is not so quick. And if, in addition to children, there are allergy sufferers living in the house, the problem should be solved immediately!

Consequences of breathing polluted air

Toxic substances contained in new furniture can become so ingrained in the elements of the frame or upholstery that they will cause discomfort and unpleasant symptoms for a long time. Even if the aroma has passed or you have already gotten used to it, this does not mean that the danger has passed completely. Vapors of harmful substances enter the air, and even over time are deposited on other furnishings that are most susceptible to absorbing odors. This usually does not pose a direct threat of poisoning, but the cumulative effect leads to breathing complications or irritation of the mucous membranes and skin.

The most dangerous thing is that some manifestations will most likely not be associated with the true cause of their occurrence, but will be attributed to random temporary changes in weather or mood. Here are some symptoms that occur when there is high levels of formaldehyde in the air:

  • dizziness, migraine;
  • worsening sleep;
  • skin rashes, itching, irritation;
  • fatigue, weakness;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • attacks of nausea.

On a note!

Sometimes foreign odors seem insignificant or even pleasant; in such cases, it is still worth carrying out at least minimal elimination procedures to avoid negative consequences.

Regular ventilation

Obviously, to eliminate the “fragrance” from new finishing materials, first of all, ventilation can be recommended. It's easy and affordable.

New furniture with a base made of particle boards is inexpensive and durable, but it contains synthetic resins, antiseptic additives and other harmful components, so take the removal of the “amber” emanating from it seriously. To begin, lay out your leather or fabric sofa, armchairs, or any other purchased piece of furniture, and then open all the windows in the room. Maintain the longest interval possible, and repeat the procedure several times.

Since the stench emanating from wood materials is deeply absorbed into the upholstery, ventilation alone is not enough. Be sure to combine it with the other methods below.

What to do first

It is best to assemble furniture with the windows open.
When the piece of furniture has arrived in the living space, experts recommend assembling it with the window open. This will help to quickly remove the initial smell that the furniture absorbed during the manufacturing process and storage in the warehouse.

After assembly, be sure to go over with a damp cloth to remove dust and debris. It’s good to add a little sea salt, which not only has a disinfecting effect, but also absorbs odors.

It is not recommended to use furniture intended for a living area immediately after its installation. You need to give it a few days to air out well, after which you can start using it.

If we are talking about soft sofas, armchairs, and beds that have rag upholstery, it would be good to go over it with a vacuum cleaner. Mini vacuum cleaners designed for cleaning car interiors are ideal for these purposes.

Application of an ozonizer

With the help of a modern ozonizer, you can get rid of the characteristic chemical stench of new furniture in the shortest possible time. Before using it, try to carefully read the instructions!

The action of the ozonizer and the essence of its work boil down to the production of ozone from the surrounding air. Ozone is a strong antiseptic with the effect of “binding” and settling suspended particles (dust, aerosol vapors, spores and other pollutants).

The device operates exclusively indoors (3–5 hours). In addition to the fact that it quickly eliminates the specific odor from home furnishings, the ozonizer also purifies the air from toxic fumes by collecting particles on filters. In addition, it disinfects your new purchase, eliminating harmful microorganisms, mold, parasites and chemicals.

The only drawback is its high cost. It may not be worthwhile to specifically purchase a device, but borrowing it from someone is the ideal way out of the situation. The ideal option is to purchase an air conditioner with an ozone generator and HEPA filters.

Purchased funds

Today in stores you can find a large number of different preparations that will help remove unpleasant odors, and they will also ensure the subsequent “fragrance” of both old and new upholstered furniture. If you can’t cope with the problem yourself, you always have a backup option - the product can be chemically treated.

As for hard parts, made of wood or plastic, they can also be protected with special disinfectant solutions (it is recommended to wipe wooden and plastic surfaces with special means).

The applied liquid is converted into a protective film that prevents the terrible aroma from spreading in the room. In addition, mechanical action removes dust particles and the smallest fragments of varnish or paint. The disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of using chemicals for people with allergies.

The surface of old headsets, like new ones, should also be treated from time to time to avoid the formation of a bad “smell.” In addition to the recommended liquids, you can use special scented sprays that are sprayed onto the wooden base and fabric covering.

General tips and tricks

To avoid becoming a hostage to the unpleasant and toxic smell of furniture, you need to:

  • Always pay attention to the condition of the seams of interior items. If there are chips and damage, then the risk of a foul odor increases significantly. This is especially true for PVC furniture.
  • Don’t be shy about smelling furniture, especially upholstered furniture with fabric upholstery. If you spend a long time in a trade exhibition pavilion, there is a risk of bringing home an unpleasant addition along with your comfort.
  • Do not buy furniture at sales, and especially in warehouses where all manufacturing and storage conditions are violated. Wood and fabric perfectly absorb dampness, which in most cases is difficult to remove without special means.

What products do you use to combat furniture odors?


  • Do not be afraid to return the furniture to the seller if its unpleasant odor cannot be removed by anything, and if the ventilation is closed, it constantly intensifies.
  • Buy furniture from trusted sellers who have quality certificates and are responsible for the interior item.

To summarize, it is important to note that an unpleasant odor can accompany both expensive leather pieces and cheaper fabric analogues of upholstered furniture. If conventional treatments do not give the desired result, you can try special products.

Within 3-5 days, the furniture should adapt to the new conditions, and any “furniture” smell should go away. If this does not happen, it is cheaper to return such a piece of furniture than to fight every day.


There are many proven methods for removing irritating fumes from a new purchase. Use substances that can absorb moisture and aromas - absorbents (absorbers). Activated carbon, baby powder or coffee are all odor neutralizers.

It is enough to place them in fabric bags or bowls around the entire perimeter, as well as in drawers, shelves and other accessible places. Moreover, if these are wardrobes and shelves, do not forget to leave all the doors open, the sofas should be wide open. In just a few days, any of these tools will remove the stench.

After all procedures, you should thoroughly ventilate the room and additionally treat items with a weak solution of lemon juice or another odor destroyer.

Special cases

Let's look at how to get rid of some characteristic odors that are unpleasant for the person himself and his environment.


The best way to get rid of tobacco smell on clothes is to smoke only outside the apartment, otherwise the smoke will gradually permeate all things. The following remedies will help free things from the spirit of tobacco.

Vacuum cleaner

The smell of tobacco accumulates on dust in clothes. Things are knocked out, covered with a damp cloth and vacuumed at high power.

Tip: It is useful to keep clothes near steam - hang things near a hot shower, over a basin of hot water, then dry them. The smell of tobacco also quickly disappears in the cold.


The coffee beans are ground and placed in a fabric bag. The smelly items are loosely placed in plastic bags for several hours, with coffee sachets placed between them. Outerwear is dried near the radiator, on which a bowl of ground coffee is placed.

Citrus peels

The peels, packed in fabric bags, are placed directly with the items in the drum. The same bags are placed in clothing closets so that the smell of freshness permeates the clothes.

New things

If airing does not get rid of the smell of dyes or synthetic fabrics from new things, ammonia will help. Take 1-2 tablespoons of ammonia per liter of cold water and soak the new item for an hour, then wash it in the recommended mode.


Special sprays help get rid of the smell of cats, dogs, birds and other pets on clothes. A home remedy is to soak the item in a vinegar solution (2 tablespoons per liter of water).

Rotten aroma

The smell of rotten meat can be easily removed using citrus fruits. Squeeze lemon juice (dissolve citric acid) and add to water when washing, soaking or rinsing. Let us remind you that the product has a whitening effect.


The smell of sweat ingrained into clothes sometimes remains even after washing in an automatic machine. Often the item cannot be washed, and the sweaty smell needs to be gotten rid of.

Oxygen stain removers

Oxygen bleaches dissolve all contaminants in fabrics, so they can also eliminate odors. Use only on items that can be bleached.

Laundry soap

72% laundry soap kills most bacteria and helps get rid of fatty particles. Rub soap onto dirty areas, leave for 5-10 minutes, wash the item and rinse well.

Dish soap or hair shampoo

Sweat contains fatty particles, so dishwashing detergents and shampoo dissolve them well. Contaminated areas are moistened, left for an hour, then washed.

Cold environment

If you don’t have time to tinker with clothes, you can take things out into the extreme cold or place them in the freezer for several hours. The smell of sweat will die along with the bacteria.

Vinegar essence

The essence is diluted to a concentration of 6-9% (table vinegar). Place it in a spray bottle and spray individual areas or the entire item. Allow to dry well and ventilate.


To remove fishy smell, soak clothes in solutions:

  • laundry soap;
  • vinegar;
  • light - in bleach;
  • shampoo, dish soap.

After washing, items are rinsed in cold water.

Traces of gasoline or diesel fuel are first removed with a stain remover. Then they fight the smell by soaking the clothes in a solution of ammonia, soda, lemon juice, laundry soap or hydrogen peroxide.

Folk remedies

Of course, there are many folk remedies to get rid of the smell of new furniture forever. All you have to do is choose which one you like:

  • you can use special aromatic sachets with essential oils;
  • clean the products with a vinegar solution;
  • wash interior items with diluted washing powder;
  • place dried bouquets in the room.

Fighting the hated “amber” with folk remedies will be inexpensive and safe for all family members.

Table salt and black tea

Regular tea bags and kitchen salt are excellent absorbents. They effectively eliminate and absorb unpleasant fumes emitted by any part of the product (see the method of application above in the “Absorbents” subsection).

Fragrant essential oils

Special aromatic oils will also help quickly get rid of stench. First remove all removable elements, open the sofa and ventilate the room (you already know how and how long to do this). Then, before assembling, place open jars of your favorite aromatic oils inside or pour the product into other small containers.

Zest of lemons or oranges

Lemon and orange zest can also remove the “odor” from upholstery and wooden elements. It is enough to spread the citrus peels outside and inside the products. This method can be combined well with the use of absorbents and lemon juice.


It happens that purchased, for example, a kitchen or living room has a specific musty smell. This happens due to the long stay of the goods in warehouses with high levels of humidity. In this situation, we will consider the problem from the other side; the methods described above will not give the expected effect.

So, first you need to lay everything out and open the internal surfaces as much as possible. Be sure to allow time for ventilation (at least 3-4 hours)! And only after that, close all the windows and turn on the heater. You can leave freshly peeled citrus peels indoors, they will enhance the effect.

Ways to eliminate odors

There are several ways to remove the smell of new furniture; everyone chooses a convenient option for themselves. These could be improvised means, the test of time, or a serious approach with the purchase of additional equipment or chemicals. If you use what you have in the house, then usually these are products or spices with a pronounced aroma. This is the most accessible method, but not the shortest in terms of time, since the replacement process is quite slow. Household chemicals are also suitable, but the principle of “knocking out a wedge with a wedge” is not always appropriate. One of the effective methods is an ozonizer; it is the most expensive, but it is harmless and has a permanent, sustainable result.

On a note!

It is unlikely that you will get a 100% effect at once; usually this means several repetitions or constant use for a long time. Much depends on what exactly stinks - the wooden body, finishing elements or upholstery.


The ozonation process is carried out with a special device - an ozonator. This is quite expensive, but a multifunctional device that not only eliminates odors, but also disinfects. Ozone, which is obtained when released from the atmosphere after treatment, neutralizes odors and harmful compounds contained in the indoor air. This is the most expensive method, but long-term and gentle. This option is good for those whose family members are susceptible to allergies, asthma, and viral diseases. It’s probably not worth buying specifically just for the sake of removing foreign odors from the furniture in the house, but if you intend to look after the health of yourself and your children, then it would be good to find out how much it costs and have it in the house all the time.

Use of chemistry

A huge amount of household chemicals are produced that help eliminate stench of various origins. Most often this is a liquid that is diluted in water and applied to the surface; sprays are also possible. After application, a film is formed on the surface, “blocking” harmful fumes inside. When the product dries and the smell of household chemicals disappears, the “smell” emanating from the furniture also goes away. The advantages are accessibility and ease of use. The downside is that it is only suitable for cabinet furniture, wooden or plastic surfaces; soft sofas and armchairs cannot be processed using this method. Especially relevant for children's rooms and those in which allergy or asthma sufferers live.

On a note!

People with allergies will be able to stay in the room after treatment only after a certain time after ventilation. Under no circumstances should you do the treatment yourself if you are susceptible to allergic attacks.

Gluing the ends with furniture edges

Sometimes inexpensive furniture may have unfinished joints and end edges. Harmful substances contained in resins and varnishes for wood treatment can easily evaporate through open surfaces. The simplest solution is to glue furniture edges to these areas, which will prevent evaporation. After pasting, it is necessary to ventilate the room.

Cleaning leather products

For cleaning leather products, conventional measures may not be effective and may even ruin the appearance. Texture and colors can be destroyed by chemicals, and even some common products. You should not experiment with methods that have not been tested; it is better to take well-known recipes. First, you should apply it to a small area that is not in plain sight; if no reaction occurs and the color remains the same, you can continue on the entire surface. To prepare the solution, take 1 glass of water and 1 teaspoon of ammonia. Use this liquid to wipe the upholstery with a soft sponge.

From chemicals, you can only use special products intended specifically for leather, eco-leather, and leatherette. You can also use the aroma of coffee to neutralize an unpleasant odor. To do this, place a bowl of freshly ground coffee on the surface or scatter it over the upholstery. The second method will work a little faster, but will require careful additional cleaning.

On a note!

If you don't like coffee aroma, take any other one. Instead of coffee, you can put fragrant handmade soap made from natural ingredients - with herbs, oils, fruits, cinnamon, the main thing is that you like it and have a bright aroma.

Available means

In most cases (except for very critical situations), available methods resolve the issue without additional purchases. Common items found in any home will be used - spices, tea bags, salt, citrus peels, vinegar, aromatic oils. It will be more effective to use several methods at once, then the result will be faster and better.

Waiting, airing and drying

This option is suitable for those for whom the smell is not critical or is not pronounced. In order not to subject the room and products to additional processing, you can simply wait until the aroma disappears on its own. Just to speed things up, you need to intensively ventilate the room for at least a month. If these are cabinets, tables, chests of drawers, you need to open the doors and pull out the drawers. Soft sofas and armchairs are pre-folded and left in the unfolded state. If you are concerned about mustiness, additionally turn on heating devices. It is important to remember that the furniture should not be exposed to direct sunlight so that the upholstery or varnish does not lose color or crack.


Any substance that has a porous structure and the ability to absorb can become an absorbent. From what you have on hand - rock salt, tea bags, charcoal or activated charcoal in tablets. Any of these products can be placed in a woven or paper bag and placed on shelves, drawers, or upholstery. The coal is also removed from the blister and packed into bags; in addition to odors, it will additionally absorb moisture. For the best effect, you should periodically change the absorbent and regularly ventilate the apartment.

Leather interior items

The smell of new leather furniture can come from both the upholstery material and the wooden frame. Therefore, the first thing we do is increase air microcirculation and remove woolen carpets from the room for two weeks, which very quickly absorb any stench. Then we thoroughly vacuum the inside and back parts of the sofa and place bags of dry herbs inside. It could be peppermint, thyme or lemon balm. Flavored tea bags and ground coffee will help eliminate the unpleasant “smell” of leather upholstery.

To clean and wash new leather, it is best to contact specialists from a cleaning company; you should not do it yourself. At home, to avoid damage to the product, we recommend placing a dry cloth on the sofa and sprinkling with a layer of flavored sea salt (repeat for 5-7 days).

Baking soda can also be a pretty good solution. It scatters over the upholstery, and after a while it is removed with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner.

Common cleaning mistakes

Materials such as silk, velor, flock cannot be cleaned with home remedies - special compounds are needed for delicate coatings.

Important! Do not use cleaning agents without testing their effects on an area of ​​the surface that is not visible to the eye.

The most difficult stains to remove are blood and wine stains. When treating such stains, many make the fatal mistake of spreading the stains over the surface of the upholstery with a damp cloth. After such procedures, contaminants are absorbed into the fabric even more strongly, and the stain is not only not removed, but becomes larger.

Have you ever had to clean blood and wine stains from your upholstery?

Not really

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