How to clean upholstered furniture at home with soda and vinegar

General cleaning rules

Before you try to clean your sofa with vinegar and soda, make sure that it will not harm it:

  • The above methods are only suitable for fabric upholstery. A sofa upholstered in suede, natural or synthetic leather cannot be cleaned this way.
  • Cleaning a sofa with vinegar and soda is contraindicated if the upholstery contains silk fibers. Silk does not like either acids or alkalis.
  • If the recipe contains a recommendation to thoroughly scrub the sofa with a brush, it is not suitable for fleecy upholstery - velor, velvet. Also, flock and chenille do not like excessive friction. Be very careful when cleaning them with a brush or rag.
  • Tapestry, velor and velvet do not tolerate heavy moisture. Choose recipes for them in which the sofa does not need to be washed.

Even if the upholstery of your furniture is not included in the list of exceptions, this does not mean that you can do anything with it.

Before cleaning the entire sofa with baking soda and vinegar, test your chosen method on a small, inconspicuous area. Do everything described in the recipe and dry the treated fabric. Now compare it with the rest of the upholstery.

The color hasn’t changed, the pattern hasn’t floated, the pile hasn’t started to fall off? Then the chosen method suits your sofa.

Keep in mind that after wet cleaning and drying, the pile of many upholstery becomes tougher. This can usually be fixed by simply rubbing the treated area with a dry brush. You can also pour a little fabric softener into clean water, which you will use to rinse the upholstery after cleaning. But do not add conditioner directly to vinegar solutions.

If the bristles are not softened by the brush, it means that the selected cleaning products are changing the structure of the fibers. In this case, it is better to choose a different cleaning method for your sofa.

Below are detailed descriptions of cleaning. All recipes use 9% white table vinegar and regular baking soda (not soda ash).

Preparatory stage

Cleaning a sofa (or the upholstery of any soft parts of furniture) with soda and vinegar is quite simple.

First, upholstered furniture must be vacuumed well (preferably with steam) and pet hair removed. This can also be done using a slightly damp soft cloth or sponge. This preparation will prevent unsightly stains on the upholstery.

Note! Before removing stains, apply the prepared solution to a small area of ​​upholstery in an inconspicuous place. After it dries, there should be no traces left on the upholstered furniture: abrasions, discoloration, etc.

To prepare the solution, use regular table vinegar with a strength of 9%. Higher concentrations can irreparably damage upholstery material.

Important! If you only have concentrated 70% vinegar essence, dilute 1 part of it with 7 parts of water.

Cleaning a sofa with baking soda and vinegar

Cleaning the sofa with vinegar and soda will also help get rid of unpleasant odors, including the acrid smell of urine or the corrosive “aroma” of tobacco.

However, before using soda solutions, check whether the sofa upholstery will change color under the influence of the powder. To do this, carry out a test cleaning on a small area; if the fabric changes color after the procedure, you cannot use soda.

There are several ways to clean and disinfect upholstered furniture:

  1. A combined solution of baking soda powder and acetic acid, which is suitable for removing blood, urine and other greasy stains. Take a spray bottle, pour in 1/3 tbsp. vinegar essence and 0.5 l. water. Then add 1 tbsp. l. soda powder. Spray the product evenly over the surface and leave for 10-15 minutes. Remove foam with a medium-hard brush, then wipe with a damp cloth.
  2. Cleaning with vinegar solution. The solution is prepared from 1 tsp. 9% vinegar diluted in 1 liter. water. Soak a sheet in the prepared solution and cover the entire surface of the sofa with it. If one sheet is not enough, use two. Take a beater and thoroughly tap the upholstered furniture - all the dirt will remain on the sheet. Repeat the procedure until the sheet stops getting dirty. For a more delicate cleaning, reduce the amount of vinegar to 1/2 teaspoon. — this solution is suitable for cleaning velor sofas.

Ready-made chemicals

You can also clean the sofa with chemicals. While studying the sofa cleaning product, we familiarize ourselves with its description and rules of use. The description indicates what type of fabric it is intended for:

  • "Vanish" The line of this product includes shampoo, antibacterial agent and powder. For coatings that do not tolerate moisture, we use the latter (cleaning using the dry method);
  • "Marseille Soap" Contains olive oil and baking soda. Used to clean small stains. Wet the soap, rub the stained area and after 20 minutes rinse with a damp cloth;
  • "Denkmit" - foam for cleaning carpet and sofa upholstery. We use it for velvet, tapestry and silk coverings;
  • "Sama" Effectively fights old stains, dirt and bacteria;
  • Bagi "It's quiet." We use it as a stain remover and as a complete cleaning agent;

Advice! Do not let the product dry, otherwise it will leave streaks that are difficult to wash off.

  • "Pro Brite" An environmentally friendly product, suitable for people with allergies. It has a sprayer that is convenient for applying the product to local areas of the upholstery;
  • "Dufta", "Simple Solution", "Nature's Miracle". These products effectively combat unpleasant odors and completely eliminate them.

Wet cleaning with baking soda and vinegar

Cleaning with a solution of vinegar and sodium bicarbonate can remove stains of various origins:

  • traces of urine from children or animals;
  • blood;
  • greasy stains, traces of food or drinks;
  • from most fruits or vegetables and their juices.

To prepare the solution, add 2 tbsp to 0.5 liters of water. l. vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. soda, mix well. The prepared solution is poured into a spray bottle, sprayed on the surface of the sofa, left for 20 minutes, after which the contaminated areas are wiped with a brush with medium-hard bristles or a foam sponge. Wipe off any remaining product with a cloth moistened with clean water. Allow the upholstery to dry, then vacuum thoroughly.

You can clean your sofa with baking soda and vinegar, mixing them with laundry detergent, laundry liquid or dishwashing liquid. To prepare the product, pour 0.5 liters of hot water into a basin, add 1 tsp. detergent or 1 tbsp. l. washing powder, 1/3 cup table vinegar.

Read also: Treatment of fibroids with soda

The mixture is poured into a spray bottle, add 1 tbsp. l. soda, quickly close the container and spray on contaminated areas. If a spray bottle is not available, the solution can be applied with a sponge, but in this case the upholstery gets more wet and takes longer to dry.

Rub the moistened surface with a dry brush or the abrasive part of a sponge. Excess product is removed with a clean rag moistened with water, and then with a dry cloth. After complete drying, the pile can be straightened with a brush.

To clean light-colored sofas, the usual products can be combined with sodium tetraborate; in this case, soda and vinegar are taken in equal proportions, and tetraborate is added as a bleach in the amount of 1 tsp.

To remove urine stains, use acetic acid and baking soda in turn, combining them with hydrogen peroxide.

To do this, first apply an aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate to the upholstery of the sofa using a spray bottle (take 1 tablespoon of soda for 1 liter of water). Then spray with a 1% vinegar solution, and after 15-20 minutes - with hydrogen peroxide. The remaining substances are wiped off with a clean damp cloth, dried, and then vacuumed. When cleaning dark furniture, use hydrogen peroxide with caution so as not to discolor the upholstery.

Sofa cleaning solution made from vinegar, soda and “Fairy”

The method is suitable for removing general dirt, grease, street dirt, tea, coffee, grease, and beer stains. The product will also help restore the faded color of upholstery fabric. Fairy can be replaced with any other dishwashing liquid, as well as high-quality liquid soap.

Cleaning instructions:

  1. Mix 80-100 ml of vinegar, 1 tsp in a spray bottle. "Fairy" and about 400 ml of hot water.
  2. Add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. soda Be careful - the product foams quickly and strongly. Close the bottle.
  3. Spray the resulting solution evenly onto the surface of the upholstery.
  4. Wait a few minutes for the “chemistry” to dissolve the dirt.
  5. Scrub the most dirty areas with a brush.
  6. When all stains have been wiped off and dissolved, remove the dirty liquid with a sponge and clean water.
  7. Wipe the upholstery dry with a cotton towel and dry the sofa.

Method 2

  1. For leather or leatherette, whipped chicken protein is suitable. Try milk, it can also cleanse your skin. The wine stain will be removed by treating it with an alcohol wipe. The ink will disappear if you treat the area with ethyl alcohol.
  2. Velor is one of the most difficult types of fabric to clean. Saline or vinegar solutions are suitable. Movements should only be made in the direction of the pile.
  3. When cleaning suede or nubuck, use an alcohol solution or dissolved salt. Dust and hair can be removed from suede with a special brush designed for suede.
  4. The tapestry covering should not be wetted - only apply foam and vacuum it after a while.

Baking soda is a good adsorbent not only of dirt, but also of odors. Vinegar replaces stain remover or conditioner. These substances are used to remove grease, stains, and persistent odors. At the same time, they are safe for human health and do not cause allergies. There are several simple ways to clean a sofa with vinegar and soda without harming the upholstery.

How to clean a sofa with baking soda at home

At home, removing stubborn stains can be very difficult. To deal with stains and get rid of odors without using an aggressive detergent, you can clean the sofa with soda and vinegar, peroxide, washing powder or alcohol.

Dry cleaning a sofa with baking soda

Baking soda is considered an effective cleaning agent for upholstered furniture. It disinfects and kills pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms: for example, dust mites.

To get rid of a stain without using a solution, simply sprinkle baking soda over the stain in a 1-2 cm layer. Leave for 40-50 minutes, then use a vacuum cleaner to collect the powder.

Dry cleaning works well for removing fresh stains.

Soda powder can also be used to dry the sofa after using liquid solutions. When you remove the solution, simply fill the wet area with baking soda - it absorbs moisture well, allowing the sofa to dry out faster.


Angelina, 43 years old, Kirov. An incredibly dirty sofa was left in the apartment from the previous owners. I tried “Vanish” and other fashionable products - zero results. A neighbor advised cleaning it with vinegar and soda. Of course it smells terrible, but the result exceeded all expectations - the sofa was cleaned quickly, the first time.

Maria, 23 years old, Minsk. The kid spilled tomato juice on the sofa. We didn’t notice it right away; the juice had managed to soak into the upholstery. I thought I couldn’t remove the stain, but I read reviews about baking soda and detergent. I made the mixture, applied it - after 10 minutes. There was no trace left of the stain!

The best folk remedies for cleaning a sofa on video.

Dry cleaning a sofa with baking soda

It is recommended to rid the sofa of stains using dry sodium bicarbonate. The product can remove traces of tea, juices, dirt, ballpoint pens and children's paints. Dry soda is used to remove grease and update the color of upholstery. Sodium bicarbonate is applied to both dry and damp upholstery and left for 30 minutes. If necessary, especially dirty areas should be cleaned with a damp sponge or brush and then vacuumed.

To remove particularly difficult stains, you can prepare a paste of 1 part baking soda and 1 part water or detergent. The resulting paste is applied to the stain with a brush and allowed to dry. Then remove with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

Method 1

  • Moisten old stains generously with a solution prepared from 9% vinegar and water.
  • Cover with paper and leave until dry.
  • Sprinkle the stain with baking soda powder.
  • In a spray bottle, mix cooled boiling water with 100 milliliters of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • Add 1/2 spoon of Fairy or liquid soap, shake the mixture slightly.
  • Spray the solution over the baking soda and leave for 2-4 hours.
  • Wipe the upholstery with a damp cloth or sponge.
  • Wipe the treated area with a piece of dry cloth that absorbs moisture well.

Coffee. Lightly wet the stain with water, rub with laundry soap (not bleach), and wait until it is absorbed. Use a damp cloth or sponge to remove any foam or remaining dirt.

How to remove odor from a couch using baking soda and vinegar

The easiest way to eliminate unpleasant odors is to cover the furniture with a sheet soaked in a 1% solution of table vinegar. It is advisable to carry out this procedure several times in a row until the unpleasant odor completely disappears. You can simply moisten a napkin with a 1% solution of vinegar, to which you need to add 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide. Dry baking soda also adsorbs odor well. To do this, scatter it evenly over the surface of the sofa upholstery, leave it for 2-3 hours, and then carefully collect it with a vacuum cleaner. The problem of how to clean urine from a sofa can be solved with the help of sodium bicarbonate and acetic acid. These substances break down the components of urine, permanently eliminating its odor. To begin with, a fresh stain should be carefully and repeatedly blotted with paper napkins to prevent the urine from being absorbed into the upholstery and filling of the sofa.

Contaminated areas are generously moistened with a solution of vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2, covered with a paper napkin, and left to dry completely. After this, the stains are wiped with dry sodium bicarbonate powder. Then a mixture of 1 part 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and 1 part cold water is applied to the contaminated areas with a spray bottle.

You can add ½ tsp to the solution. liquid detergent. Mixing on the surface of the upholstery, the substances will begin to foam, releasing oxygen, which will destroy the components of urine. After 2-3 hours, wipe the upholstery with a clean sponge or napkin and then dry it.

Recommendations for upholstered furniture

Before cleaning, the furniture must be thoroughly vacuumed or wiped, getting rid of dust, so that there are no streaks left after manipulation. For the same purpose, stains are cleaned from the periphery to the center. To avoid leaving traces, it is advisable to treat the sofa completely and not partially.

When carrying out wet cleaning, you do not need to wet the furniture abundantly so as not to stimulate the formation of mold. It will be enough to moisten the fabric a little.

Sodium bicarbonate must be carefully removed from the surface - rinse or vacuum up. Residues of the substance may begin to collect moisture or dust from the air, which will accelerate the contamination of the sofa upholstery. Delicate fabrics (tapestry, silk, velvet, velor) are cleaned dry, avoiding excessive friction. Flock and chenille are afraid of mechanical damage.

How to remove scuff marks?

A significant drawback of leather furniture is the appearance of scuffs and scratches. You can restore damaged upholstery using improvised means and special compounds. The chosen method depends only on what is available in the house.

Liquid skin

The most effective method of restoring leather products is the use of a composition with a texture reminiscent of gouache, the so-called liquid leather.

It is extremely difficult to find such a product for unusual upholstery colors, but to eliminate defects on a black, white or brown leather sofa, the composition can be purchased at a hardware store.

The paste should be evenly applied to the damaged area using a porous sponge , which will create a natural texture of the skin.

All you have to do is wait until it dries completely, which usually takes about 2 hours, after which the product will look like new.

Olive oil

To eliminate small abrasions, soak a cotton pad or a piece of soft cloth in sunflower oil so that it is sufficiently wet, then gently rub the damaged area and area around in a circular motion for 3-5 minutes.

Lightly blot the oil with a dry cloth and allow the residue to absorb into the skin. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times.

In the case where the defect is more significant, you should apply a thick layer of olive oil to the scratched area , cover it with a cotton cloth folded in half without any impurities in the composition.

Leave in this state until the material is saturated with oil. Using a warm iron, unplugged from the outlet, make continuous circular movements over the fabric for 10 seconds.

This will allow the oil to penetrate the skin and fill the defect from the inside. After removing the fabric, leave the oil for 1-2 hours , then use a damp cloth to remove any remaining oil.

Shoe polish

Thanks to the wide selection of shoe care products, choosing a cream that matches the color of the sofa upholstery will not be difficult.

Apply a small amount of cream to a cotton swab or cotton pad and apply light rubbing movements to the damaged area.

Allow the product to dry, then use a suede or velor cloth to walk over the restored surface several times.


Both special ones, available in any hardware store, and natural bees are suitable. It is enough to heat the wax to a low temperature and use a soft cloth to treat the abrasions with it ; it will restore the structure of the leather and return it to its original shine.

Which method and means to clean the sofa to choose is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

It should be remembered that the use of nail polish, food coloring, industrial paints and other aggressive liquids will not only not lead to the desired result, but will also completely ruin the appearance of the leather sofa.

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