How to clean upholstered furniture from dirt and stains at home

02/19/201702/24/2017 Maria Ivanova 3 comments

Every apartment, house or administrative building has furniture that differs from each other in quality, technical characteristics, materials from which it is made, etc.

From time to time it is necessary to clean the furniture, as dust, dirt, and greasy stains settle on it, which can sometimes be quite difficult to get rid of.

In order not to damage the surfaces of the furniture during cleaning, you should know what products can be used and how to wash it correctly. In this article we will talk about popular ways to care for polished and other furniture at home.

How to clean sofa upholstery from dirt, stains and stains

Let’s say right away that there is no general rule, no single recipe, no universal remedy. The cleaning method depends on:

  • type of fiber (cotton, linen, synthetics, viscose, natural silk or wool);
  • upholstery structures (matting, velor, flock, jacquard, tapestry, corduroy, artificial or natural leather);
  • upholstery colors - there are products that are suitable only for dark or only light fabrics and natural leather;
  • nature of contamination (grease, blood, felt-tip pen, urine, beer, glue, wax, plasticine, wine, coffee, juices).

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General rules and recommendations

Different types of textiles and stains will need to be cleaned differently. However, there are uniform rules that improve the result:

  1. Before removing stains, be sure to vacuum the sofa to remove small debris, wool, and dust. Use a special nozzle for upholstered furniture or a turbo brush.
  2. Test any, even the most harmless and well-known remedy, on an inconspicuous area of ​​the upholstery.
  3. A minimum of moisture, cleaning with soap foam and not a solution, will protect the sofa from dampness, mold, and musty smell.
  4. Wet wipes from the supermarket are good for removing small, fresh stains from textile upholstery.
  5. Remove the stain immediately. The less dirt comes into contact with the fibers, the greater the chance of its complete removal.
  6. Make sure upholstered furniture is completely dry after cleaning. It is better to use the natural method, but if the weather is damp and cool, it is advisable to dry the upholstery with a hairdryer.

Rules for caring for furniture

In order for upholstered furniture to serve for a long time and delight you with its appearance, it is necessary to provide it with decent care. Here are some tips:

  • during cleaning, clean the upholstery with a vacuum cleaner, and then wipe with a damp cloth, if the material allows it;
  • remove all stains immediately;
  • Clean your furniture every six months using suitable care products;
  • Apply stearic lubricant to the surface of leather furniture every 6 months.

Folk remedies for cleaning the sofa

Why folk? Yes, because they are always at hand, inexpensive and, in principle, give good results. Even if you have to tinker and waste several hours of precious time. But, you always have an alternative. Professional dry cleaning of upholstered furniture “CLEAN EVERYTHING” operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Vodka and laundry soap

Use vodka to clean microfiber upholstery. Laundry soap is also suitable, the main thing is to provide minimal moisture. Use a strong foam from it, whipped with a clean sponge from a concentrated soap solution.


Use ammonia to remove old stains and odors:

  • wipe the stain with ammonia and leave on the upholstery for 30 minutes;
  • treat the area with laundry soap, beat it into foam, and leave for 20 minutes;
  • prepare an aqueous solution of vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of cool water);
  • Wipe the upholstery with a napkin soaked in it to remove soap scum.

Hydrogen peroxide

The substance discolors, so it should be used to remove blood, red wine, and berry juice stains from white and very light fabrics. Or those that cannot be bleached with peroxide (a test on a small invisible area is required!).

Salt + glycerin + soap (laundry or liquid)

A paste of a teaspoon of salt and a few drops of glycerin removes beer stains from furniture upholstery. Spread it on the stained area, and after a quarter of an hour, wipe off the remaining mixture with a napkin. Wash it with a sponge with foam from laundry soap and, finally, with clean water.


Iodine is used to remove the smell of baby urine from furniture upholstery. You need to dissolve 15 drops of iodine in one liter of cool water. Treat soiled areas.

IMPORTANT! Iodine is only used for dark upholstery fabrics. For light and white upholstery, it is replaced with lemon juice.

Baking soda

One of the most effective and versatile products for caring for furniture upholstery. It is used:

  • For dry cleaning in powder form, which is used to coat textiles to remove dirt and odors.
  • In a solution of cold water (1 tsp per 1 liter) for wet cleaning and refreshing of upholstered furniture.
  • In combination with an aqueous solution of vinegar, laundry soap (washing powder) to completely clean the upholstery through a spray bottle, followed by treatment with a clean damp cloth.
  • Apply a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to greasy areas. After 30 minutes, a layer of soda is poured on top, which is removed with a vacuum cleaner after another half an hour. Finally (light-colored fabrics only), wipe the stained areas with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and laundry soap.

Lemon juice

The effect of lemon juice is based on the ability of citric acid to dissolve and discolor stains and remove unpleasant odors.

Lemon juice with water

A solution of lemon juice in cold water is used to remove blood, urine, juice, coffee, and tea stains from upholstery. They can replace vinegar in mixtures with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.

Pure lemon juice

Citric acid has bleaching and deodorizing properties. Concentrated lemon juice can remove stains from water-soluble drinks (juice, red wine, tea) and urine.


An inexpensive, effective remedy for removing blood stains from furniture upholstery is an aqueous solution of aspirin. Dissolve 3 tablets in 1 liter of water at 30 degrees. Wet the stain, wait 10 minutes, and blot with a paper towel. Repeat again and again until there is no trace left of the stain.

Removal technique

We offer you a universal stain removal algorithm, which contains many years of experience:

  1. If possible, vacuum the surface you are going to clean. Then removing the stain will not lead to dirty stains on the upholstery due to dust and dirt.
  2. Prepare for the process so you don’t have to be distracted by searching for something you need later. Place next to you a cleaning solution, a container of clean water, a sponge, cloth napkins, paper towels, personal protective equipment - everything you need to remove the stain.
  3. Treat the stain with a cleaning agent. Waiting (the duration is indicated in the description of the cleaning method). Clean the stain with a soft brush or sponge.

IMPORTANT! Fabrics with pile require delicate handling. If you rub too hard, the pile will be damaged, and the place where the stain was will be distinguished from the rest of the upholstery by creases in the pile.

Completion of cleaning - remove excess cleaning agent, treat with a damp, clean cloth or vacuum cleaner.

Tips for cleaning furniture at home after renovation

  • Stains on carpets or upholstered furniture can be easily removed with regular milk. To do this, you just need to moisten a cotton swab and leave it on the spot where there is a stain for 1 minute. Then wipe with a damp sponge. Experts say that the casein contained in milk literally “pushes” dirt to the surface. Therefore, such cleaning is recommended for those who suffer from allergies or have small children in the house.
  • If the furniture upholstery has been subjected to greasy or acidic stains, then it is necessary to use alkaline compounds. Otherwise, acid-based products - vinegar, citric acid, etc. - will help.
  • Any stains of paint can be wiped off with white spirit, but you will have to act carefully. Dip an ear cleaning stick in the solution and lightly blot the stain. Try to renew the cotton swab as often as possible so as not to rub the stain over a larger area of ​​the upholstery.


Vinegar, citric acid

White Spirit

Note! In any case, before using this or that composition, be sure to test the result on a piece of unnecessary fabric or an inconspicuous part of the furniture.

In this article, we tried to give a number of tried and tested tips on how to properly wash furniture in certain cases. By following these simple recommendations, you can keep all the furniture in your home in perfect order and it will look like new.

And this costs a lot, because it would be simply unreasonable to buy new furniture due to the formation of dirt that you can easily deal with yourself. We wish you success!

How to wash a sofa using household chemicals

You can clean upholstered furniture with improvised means (soda, vinegar, glycerin, lemon juice) or with special ready-made household chemicals. The former are cheaper and more environmentally friendly, the latter are more efficient and easier to use.


A series of products for upholstered furniture includes:

  • three types of shampoo (manual cleaning, refilling a washing vacuum cleaner and antibacterial treatment);
  • ready active foam;
  • stain remover spray;
  • dry cleaning powder.

Each product should be used in accordance with the instructions on the package. Before use, read the furniture manufacturer's information about acceptable upholstery cleaning products. Vanish is not suitable for cleaning natural wool and silk upholstery.


A strong dishwashing detergent can be used to create active foam and remove grease stains. Dissolve one cap of washing liquid in 1 liter. cold water. Using a clean sponge, beat the solution into a good dense foam. Apply it to areas stained with grease, chocolate, and lipstick. Rub and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse several times with a clean damp cloth.


Bleach is a powerful bleach. A substance with an unpleasant odor for removing stains from upholstered furniture is used only if you have to essentially save the sofa when other methods have failed. The smell of bleach can linger for a long time. You need to wear gloves and protect your respiratory tract.

Tar/laundry soap

Laundry soap is used in cleaning upholstered furniture as a single item and in mixtures. Its foam cleanses many stains and greasy areas. Works well on juice and red wine stains.


Baking soda, combined with vinegar and soap flakes (dishwashing detergent), effectively removes most stains from upholstered furniture. Proven recipe - 150 ml vinegar, 1 tbsp. spoonful of soda and 1 teaspoon of soap.


Vinegar refreshes colors and removes urine and dog odors. In combination with laundry soap, it is used to remove stains and greasy areas.

Potassium permangantsovka

Potassium permanganate is not used for cleaning light and white textiles. It neutralizes the smell of urine, beer... tobacco.

Using a vacuum cleaner or steam generator

When caring for upholstered furniture, a regular vacuum cleaner is indispensable. Cleaning and, if possible, stain removal should begin with a vacuum cleaner. It will remove dust and dirt, wool, crumbs, and debris. As a result, all this will not be smeared onto the fabric during water cleaning.

A washing vacuum cleaner and steam generator should be used wisely when caring for upholstered furniture. They do not need to clean microfiber, natural silk, or wool. Overmoistening during treatment with a washing vacuum cleaner leads to dampness in the depths of the filler and the appearance of an unpleasant odor caused by mold and mildew. If the sofa is too wet, dry it with a hairdryer on low heat.

IMPORTANT! : Read the manufacturer's instructions for upholstery care. Violations lead to its damage.

Let's sum it up

It is not necessary to spend extra money on dry cleaning upholstered furniture if such a procedure can be carried out at home using the above procedures. In order to make your task easier, it is recommended to put protective covers on sofas and armchairs, because it will be much easier to remove and wash such products in the washing machine.

In cases where it is impossible to get rid of stains, it becomes necessary to replace the sofa upholstery. You can read more about how to reupholster a sofa in our article.

How to remove certain types of stains from a sofa

Depending on what substance the sofa is stained with, the method of removing the stain is chosen. They are different for fat and tea, felt-tip pen and wax.

How to remove a coffee stain from a sofa

Follow these simple rules and the fresh coffee stain will disappear without a trace:

  • blot the liquid with a paper or fabric towel or napkins;
  • beat and apply foam (half a glass of water and 5-7 drops of dish soap);
  • rinse off the foam after 10 minutes with a damp, clean cloth;
  • if a trace of coffee is visible, repeat the procedure.

Coffee stains can be cleaned with glycerin. A cotton pad is moistened with it and the affected area is treated. Dry soda also saves the situation by absorbing the colored liquid. The powder is left on the upholstery for 20-30 minutes, then collected with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

How to remove a tea stain from a sofa

A napkin soaked in vinegar can remove fresh tea stains on fabric upholstery. Wipe the area with a damp cloth, dry with a rag or disposable towel. A glycerin solution (1 tbsp per liter of water at 30 degrees C) also gives excellent results.

How to remove wine or juice stains from a sofa

The juice or wine stain should be washed several times with cold water. Wipe the upholstery with a damp cloth and observe the result. It is good to cover the affected area with regular salt. It absorbs the colored liquid and all you have to do is wipe the area where the stain was with a damp cloth.

How to clean a sofa from dirt

Use dry or wet cleaning. In the first case, a soft brush, a special mitt for removing hair and fur, a vacuum cleaner, and Vanish powder for dry cleaning of textiles are used.

Wet cleaning can be:

  • manual or hardware (washing vacuum cleaner, steam generator);
  • household chemicals or folk methods;
  • with your own hands or by calling the specialists of the company CLEAN EVERYTHING.

How to remove a beer stain from a sofa

If you spill beer on your couch, dry it thoroughly with paper towels. Dissolve 50 ml of vinegar in 1 liter of cool water. Wet the affected area with a sponge and leave for a couple of minutes. Wet the sponge in clean water and wipe the upholstery. A good result is obtained by a mixture of soda, salt (1 teaspoon each) and 100 ml of strained pink solution of potassium permanganate.

How to remove oil or grease stain from a sofa

Read the manufacturer's instructions to understand what not to do. A greasy stain will remove a layer of salt, which will absorb it. Clean the remaining mark with foam, whipped with a clean sponge from dish soap. Its formula is designed to dissolve fat. There is ready-made active foam on sale, as well as Vanish stain remover in a bottle with a dispenser and sprayer.

How to clean chocolate from a sofa

Using the blunt side of a knife, carefully remove the chocolate from the upholstery. Next you can treat the stain:

  • foam from dish soap (Fairy and others);
  • shaving foam (white only);
  • a slurry of borax and water.

After 10 minutes, the cleaning agent is removed with a damp cloth, and the treated area is dried with a paper towel.

How to remove ink from a leather sofa

When starting to clean your leather sofa, do not forget the basic rules:

  • Do not use substances with an abrasive effect for cleaning;
  • carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations about acceptable cleaning methods;
  • the skin does not like excessive moisture, it becomes tough and warps.

How to clean a fountain pen from a sofa

Ink is removed from leather upholstery with liquid soap foam. You can use the foam obtained by combining lemon juice and soda. Thoroughly rinse cleaning compounds from fabric.

How to clean a sofa from an oily handle

Rub a microfiber cloth with laundry soap and gently wash the stained area. Simply wipe with a damp cloth. Wipe dry.

How to clean a sofa from a gel pen

Using a hand sanitary napkin soaked in an alcohol-containing solution, gently rub the mark from the handle.

How to clean a sofa from a roller

You can remove the roller mark with laundry soap, white shaving foam, or a juicy half of an onion.

How to remove a stain of green paint and iodine

Fresh stains of iodine and brilliant green are removed from textile upholstery with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. It discolors, so you need to use the method carefully and only after

testing upholstery for dye fastness. An old iodine stain is smeared with vinegar

essence (70%). The crystals resulting from the reaction are cleaned from the upholstery with a brush.

Remove brilliant green from leather upholstery with lemon juice. Apply it to the stain, leave for 10 minutes, and wipe with a damp cloth. Repeat the procedure until the stain disappears.

How to get blood out of a sofa

Fresh stains can be removed with cold water. Wipe it with a clean, damp cloth until all the blood is washed away. For a dried stain:

  • put ice cubes;
  • moisten with diluted vinegar (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water);
  • wash the stained area with a soap solution.

Use only cold water to remove blood.

How to clean urine from a sofa

Even an invisible urine stain on a chair, armchair, or sofa is unbearable due to the smell. The most persistent ammonia “aroma” is found in cat urine. Upholstery suffers the least from children's pranks.

General stain removal algorithm:

  1. Blot the liquid so that it does not spread to the sides and deep into the sofa.
  2. Colored upholstery is saved with vinegar (1 tbsp per 1 liter of water) or a pink, strained solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. White upholstery is washed with citric acid diluted with water (proportion 1:10).
  4. After 10 minutes, wash the affected area of ​​​​fabric with foam from a delicate colorless detergent; Wipe it with clean water and dry it with a hairdryer - this will minimize the likelihood of streaks.

Cleaning the sofa from cat urine

Optimal technology for home cleaning:

  1. Spray the stain with a mixture of water and vinegar (3:1).
  2. Sprinkle baking soda on the stain.
  3. Spray the baking soda with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide (5 parts water to 1 part peroxide). The cleaning time for the foam formed during the reaction of soda with peroxide is 3 hours.
  4. Collect the remaining powder after drying with a vacuum cleaner or manually with a brush.
  5. The treated surface is wiped with a well-wrung-out damp cloth.

How to clean a sofa from baby urine

The smell of baby urine is neutralized by treating the upholstery with an aqueous solution of iodine (16 drops per 1 liter of cold water).

How to clean an adult's urine from a sofa

Irrigation of dark upholstery with an aqueous solution of iodine - 1 liter will help against urine in an adult. 20 drops. A solution of lemon juice and vinegar (2 tablespoons each) in 0.5 liters of water is suitable for light-colored armchairs and sofas.

How to remove watercolors, gouache, oil paints from a sofa

Remove fresh stains of gouache and watercolor from furniture upholstery with a damp sponge and foam of laundry soap. Dried paint is more difficult to deal with. The stain is scraped with the blunt side of a knife blade, then foam from laundry soap or Vanish active foam is applied.

You can try removing paint stains with acetone or ethyl alcohol. Sometimes the stain cannot be removed the first time. Several procedures will be required. Oil paint is removed with butter and a clean cloth. The greasy stain is then removed with foam from dishwashing detergent or Vanish.

How to clean chewing gum from a sofa

It is easy to clean when it is in a fragile state. To do this, it is frozen - with pieces of ice or a bag of frozen food from the freezer. While the substance is frozen, use a knife (blunt side) to separate it from the upholstery fibers.

How to clean a felt-tip pen or marker from a sofa

Dirt is cleaned with foam from laundry soap and hand wipes soaked in a disinfectant solution.

How to remove nail polish from a sofa

Nail polish is removed from textiles with alcohol, sometimes acetone, and also nail polish remover. Be sure to test the cleaner on an invisible part of the sofa upholstery.

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