TOP 15 methods on how to clean polished furniture at home

Furniture coated with varnish will always look beautiful and respectable if it is properly cared for. After all, any dirt, the slightest dust and scratches are especially clearly visible on the smooth, shiny surface of a cabinet or trellis. There are many industrial products and folk methods that allow you to clean polished furniture and rid your favorite interior items of various contaminants. When choosing a cleaning composition, it is necessary to take into account that expensive polishes are not always more effective than conventional food substances (talc, flour, raw potatoes, vinegar or milk) that are used to preserve polish.

Main problems with lacquered furniture

Such home furnishings acquire their characteristic shine due to the fact that during the production process the wood is coated with special compounds containing resins and varnishes.

Due to these features, furniture:

  • quickly absorbs various contaminants;
  • prone to the formation of microcracks and chips;
  • accumulates static electricity, which attracts dust.

Polished furniture has strict maintenance requirements. Such items should not be placed in rooms with high humidity levels or in places exposed to direct sunlight.

Lacquered surfaces do not tolerate temperature changes and exposure to abrasive particles. In both cases, cracks appear.

After cleaning the varnished surface with a damp cloth, stains remain, and the dry material electrifies the material, thereby facilitating the settling of dust.

Features of caring for polished home furniture

To ensure that the need to clean varnished furniture arises as rarely as possible, it must be properly cared for. Here are some basic recommendations that will help you keep your wardrobes, bedside tables and cabinets in perfect condition:

  • Lacquered furniture must be cleaned of dust deposits daily. This should be done with a dry soft cloth.
  • Under no circumstances should you install a furniture set in a room that is located on the sunny side, or in a room with high humidity. The fact is that external environmental factors can lead to deformation of polished furniture.
  • Do not place dishes with cold or hot contents on a shiny, flat surface. This may lead to cracking of the coating or the appearance of whitish spots.
  • It is better to install polished furniture in the kitchen away from the stove. This will protect it from fat flying in all directions during cooking, because it is very difficult to wash off. In general, to avoid such problems, it is best to buy unpolished kitchen furniture made from MDF.
  • You should handle the smooth surface as carefully as possible, since polishing quickly becomes covered with micro-scratches and gets dirty.

What might you need?

You can clean varnished surfaces using:

  • soft cloth;
  • cotton swabs;
  • leather (it is recommended to take soft and thin skin);
  • a brush with soft bristles.

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To clean polished home furnishings, you will need not only cleaning products, but also a knife to remove serious stains.

Soft flannel or cotton cloth

Flannel and cotton fabric practically do not electrify varnished wood and do not leave streaks. Therefore, it is often recommended to wipe furniture with this material.

Cotton swabs

Cotton wool is used to clean stubborn stains.

Pieces of soft leather

Soft leather is recommended to be used to add shine after cleaning from dirt.

Soft brush

This brush is used to remove stubborn stains. After polishing with such products, no scratches remain.

Water containers

When cleaning furniture, you will need any containers with a wide neck: buckets, pans, or others.

Knife for removing serious stains

The knife is used only in cases where other cleaning methods have failed.

In hot pursuit!

Disasters for lacquered furniture are cups of hot tea, an iron or a kettle. Sooner or later, some of this is placed on a varnished surface. And then…

In fact, everything is solvable. You can remove stains from furniture left by a hot object using paraffin. Rub the stain with paraffin, cover with a paper napkin and press with a warm (not hot!) iron. Repeat if necessary.

Another method for such stains, already mentioned above, is table salt and vegetable oil.

Cleaning methods at home

To remove stains from a varnished surface, household chemicals and folk remedies are used. The latter often allow you to achieve a more pronounced effect.


To remove traces of dirt, you will need to mix malt beer and wax. This composition must be boiled to remove the alcohol.

Then you can rub the furniture with the resulting solution. Beer can remove various types of dirt, and wax will return the varnished surface to its original color.

Special solution

A mixture of shampoo, water and antistatic agent, taken in equal proportions, helps to remove stubborn dirt and grease from polished furniture with your own hands. The latter prevents dust from settling on the surface.

Olive oil and wine vinegar

To clean furniture, you need to mix both components in equal proportions and wash the varnished surface. Wine vinegar can cope with various types of stains. At the same time, the liquid disinfects the surface being treated. Olive oil is used to restore shine.

Burr oil

To remove dirty stains, just apply this oil to problem areas and after 5-7 minutes wipe the surface with a dry material.

Tea brewing

Welding is used both to remove dirt and to strengthen polished wood.

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Turpentine, vinegar and flax oil

You can clean contaminated furniture with a mixture of 50 milliliters of linseed oil and turpentine with the addition of 25 milliliters of vinegar essence. In this composition you need to dip a piece of cotton wool and quickly wipe the problem areas.

Sauerkraut brine

To get rid of traces of dirt, just soak a piece of cloth in an acidic solution of sauerkraut and rinse the problem areas, and then clean the surface with a dry cloth. After this procedure, you should also treat the furniture with flannel.

Effective polishes

The use of polishes eliminates the need to prepare cleaning compounds. In addition, cleaning furniture with household chemicals reduces the likelihood of scratches or other defects resulting from poor proportions.


This polish is one of the most popular. Simply apply the product to the problem surface and wipe with a dry cloth.


Also refers to popular polishes. Chiron contains wax, thanks to which, after treatment, the surface restores its former shine.


Emsal has a soft effect on the processed material and hides minor scratches. The polish does not contain wax or silicone.


Luxus does not dry out the surface of lacquered furniture, and after treatment creates an additional protective layer.


In terms of the effect it has on polished furniture, Mebelux is no different from Luxus.


A popular Russian polish that removes traces of grease and dirt, while simultaneously removing static electricity.

Fabulous furniture

The polish contains carnauba wax, which masks small cracks and restores shine.

How to clean wooden furniture. HOW to easily clean KITCHEN FURNITURE from greasy deposits

Grease stains on kitchen surfaces are normal. During cooking, they can end up in the most unexpected places. Sometimes you even have to wash the ceiling.

But you can’t use the first product that catches your eye.

It is important to consider what material the surfaces are made from so as not to harm their appearance.

Cleaning your kitchen of grease is very easy if you do it right.

As a rule, the parts closest to the cooking area suffer the most from fat. And this role is always occupied by kitchen furniture. It is made from several popular materials, each of which has its own characteristics. It is worth considering kitchens made of MDF, wood and plastic.

How to work with MDF

MDF kitchens are distinguished by the beautiful and durable material from which the surfaces are made. They require a thorough approach to cleaning, as they can be easily damaged. There are three ways to wash them from fat.


A specially hand-prepared paste will allow you to wash away old grease from your favorite kitchen furniture. This method can also be used for household appliances and stone coatings.

How to achieve the result:

Mix some mustard powder with water to form a thick mass. Apply it to all problem areas for a few minutes.

Carefully remove any residue with a soft cloth soaked in warm water.

All the fat will remain on the rag. Therefore, you should only take fabric that can be thrown away.


A popular means of getting rid of contaminants since ancient times is ammonia. It can have a negative effect on some materials, but in this case it is harmless.

What to do:

  • Dilute a liter of water with a spoon of ammonia.
  • Fill a spray bottle with them.
  • Spray onto all stained areas.
  • Blot with a dry cloth.

This method cannot be used to clean a glossy kitchen, as this may cause unsightly liquid marks to form.

Alcohol, vinegar, lemon

An ideal option for modular kitchens with glossy finishes, which will suit the white color. It will not harm even low-quality materials, making it an almost universal means of removing dirt on kitchen cabinets and other surfaces.

How to proceed:

  • Mix equal parts of vinegar, alcohol and lemon juice or grated zest.
  • Blot with a soft cloth and wash off all dirty marks.
  • Wipe with a clean cloth.

How and with what to clean a wooden kitchen

Cleaning a kitchen made of wood is no more difficult than any other. You just need to use certain tools that are suitable specifically for it.

Oil, soda

The combination of vegetable oil and baking soda does an excellent job of removing various stains, ridding the kitchen of plaque or other contaminants.

How to wash:

Mix the oil in a ratio of 1 to 2, distribute, treat with a sponge without hard lint and then rinse.

If cleaning a wooden kitchen with such actions does not work the first time, you can repeat it. Also, instead of this mixture, you can use lemon slices, which you need to wipe all the necessary places and wait ten minutes before rinsing.

Baking powder for the dough

Baking powder, known to all chefs, instantly cleans countertops and other furniture. You will need a volume of powder that is enough to cover all dirty spots.


Dilute the powder slightly with water to obtain a thick paste.

Cleaning complex contaminants

Folk remedies also help to cope with difficult stains. In particular, to clean surfaces, you can sprinkle problem areas with flour and then wipe with vegetable oil.

Traces from hot dishes

To remove such marks, just put a small amount of salt in a cloth, roll up the bag and wipe the furniture. Then the surface must be treated with vegetable oil.

Wax drops

To get rid of the wax, you need to heat the knife and pry out the drops. After this, the problem area is rubbed with gasoline.

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Ink stains

A mixture of beer and wax helps get rid of ink stains. This composition does not need to be boiled first. After treating stains, the mixture should be immediately washed off with water.

Heavy soiling

Heated 9% vinegar can remove such stains. You need to moisten a cotton swab in this liquid and then wipe the problem area.

Cleaning away traces of flies

White wine helps with such traces without adding other ingredients.

Unknown origin

To remove any stains, you can use vegetable oil, which should be mixed with ethyl alcohol.


Traces of fat can be easily removed with leftover tea leaves wrapped in cotton cloth.


In order for polished furniture to retain its aesthetic appearance for a long time, it must be properly cared for.

  1. Polishing is afraid of high temperatures. Therefore, do not place hot objects on the surface of the furniture.
  2. Heating household appliances should be located at a safe distance from polished furniture.
  3. If the room is heated with a “warm floors” system, it is better to raise the furnishings on low legs. This technique will preserve the polish, make cleaning easier, and also eliminate the place for dust and dirt to accumulate, in which dust mites quickly grow.
  4. In rooms facing south, arrange furniture so that direct sunlight does not fall on the polish.
  5. Like any other piece of furniture containing wood fibers, polished furniture is susceptible to high humidity.
  6. To preserve the polish from scratches, cleaning cloths for polished furniture should be made of a material with a soft texture. Dust is removed from large inlay parts using a soft broom.
  7. Wipe off dust from the polished surface regularly to prevent dirt from accumulating on the polish.
  8. Do not use alcohol-containing solutions, acetone or other solvents to clean contaminants.

Furnishings covered with varnish will give the room a special chic and splendor. To preserve these qualities for as long as possible, you need to treat polished surfaces with care and regularly care for them.

Dealing with minor defects

Oil-based products or stains can help remove scratches. But such compositions are not recommended for use in cases where small cracks have appeared on the surface. To remove such defects, use wax, shoe polish or walnut.

Wax crayon

To hide a scratch, you need to melt wax in a water bath and treat the problem areas with the resulting composition, wiping these areas.

Shoe polish

Shoe polish must be matched to the tone of the surface being treated. The substances included in this product fill microcracks and thereby eliminate defects.


Use the nut kernel to rub the problem areas with light pressure. The oil released during the procedure will fill the defects.

Industrial cleaning products

Nowadays, the industry produces many special products for the care of all types of furniture. For example, “Pronto”, “Cinderella”, “Luxus”, “Chirton” and others. With their help, cleaning polished furniture at home is a snap. Most often, the composition of such polishes includes the following components:

  • Solvent that removes stains.
  • Wax that smoothes the structure.
  • Silicone or oil that adds shine to surfaces.
  • Antistatic, preventing dust from settling.
  • A fragrance that gives furniture and the entire room a pleasant aroma.

To care for polished furniture using products from the store, you should do this: moisten a soft, dry cloth with the product and apply polish to the surface. After a few minutes, wipe the wood with a clean flannel. Specialized products are easy to use, save time and do not require frequent cleaning.








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