Oil-wax for wooden furniture: features, types, selection rules

Any wooden products need protection from environmental influences. Especially those that are stored in the kitchen - during cooking, the air humidity and temperature rise there. Water particles get into the wood fibers, which will lead to cracks on the surface in the future. Excess moisture can cause accelerated development of bacterial colonies on the tree. Oil coating will solve this problem. Craftsmen with many years of experience know how to choose oil for wooden countertops and provide the best protection against mechanical and other damage. For this purpose, various mineral and plant mixtures are used. It is important to consider all compositions - both traditional, proven, and more modern varnishes and impregnations.

What is

Oil-wax for wooden furniture is a material used for polishing interior items.
As a result of its use, a protective coating with good performance characteristics appears on the surface.

The main components of the material, as the name implies, are oil and wax. The first agent penetrates even into the lower layers of wood, protecting it from external negative influences, preventing the destruction of the solid structure. Wax forms a hard coating on the surface. It also protects the wood from external negative influences, and also increases the attractiveness of the furniture.


Oil-wax is a material that affects both the structure of wood and its surface. As a result of its use, as already mentioned, a thin but durable coating is formed, which provides furniture with reliable protection from external negative influences, extending the service life of products without losing their visual appeal. At the same time, the product does not interfere with air circulation. Thanks to this, moisture does not accumulate under the coating and the process of wood rotting does not begin.

Oil-wax is a universal product recommended for use for interior work on any wood surface. Typically, the material is used for polishing interior items in high-traffic areas. The fact is that it forms a protective coating that prevents mechanical damage to surfaces.

In addition, the product has the following properties:

  • levels the top layer of furniture;
  • adds shine to the base, which improves the appearance of the products;
  • prevents drying and cracking of wood.

Scope of use

The variety of products is impressive. Which product is best to buy depends on many factors. Products are produced with varying degrees of gloss, and therefore they are divided into the following categories:

  • semi-matte;
  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • semi-gloss.

Based on the number of components, wood oils are:

  • single-component;
  • two-component.

Each composition is designed to perform specific tasks. The product can be used:

  1. For interior work. It is intended to impregnate tools, decorative elements, children's toys, doorways, balconies, tools, and furniture. Apply to a previously cleaned base. They can be transparent and colored. A roller or sponge is required for application.
  2. For outdoor work. The list of objects for impregnation is as follows: boats, decking, gazebos, outdoor furniture, garages, building facades, landscape design structures.


Vegetable oils are used to make the material:





As for wax, one of three types of this material is used to produce the product:


Extracted from the leaves of the Brazilian wax palm. Refractory material of increased hardness. It is safe to use because it does not emit toxic substances and does not cause allergic reactions. For this reason, oil with the addition of this type of wax can be used to treat wooden furniture even in children's rooms.


Extracted from the Canelilla bush. Refractory material, safe to use. Does not provoke the appearance of negative reactions in the body, does not emit toxic fumes. This, just like with the previous option, allows you to use oil and wax to treat furniture in children's rooms.


This wax, unlike the two previous materials, is not refractory. Its melting point is only +350C. However, its manufacturers also use it to make furniture polishes. This is not surprising, because the product helps level the surface, gives it an attractive shine, and creates reliable protection from external negative influences.

In addition to the main components, the material usually contains the following components:

  • paraffin;
  • solvents;
  • driers - elements that reduce the drying time of the product;
  • dyes - these elements are absent in colorless compositions;
  • additives – protect the base from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, which prevents the surface from fading.

What types of wood impregnations are there?

The following mixtures are available to protect wooden materials:

  1. Vegetable oils - in the old days they used sunflower, olive, flaxseed and various others. The main advantage of these compounds is complete safety for humans. However, one has to take into account the minus - without the use of special compounds - preservatives, the oil will deteriorate. Moreover, some compositions will acquire a rancid taste and smell after 2-3 months. In the best case, the coating will remain “fresh” for about a year.
  2. Mineral oils - they do not have the disadvantage that vegetable oils have. Good impregnations are even used to treat knife handles. It does not smell, does not deteriorate, and does not deteriorate the color of the wood.
  3. Beeswax is a natural sealant that has antiseptic and antifungal properties. It can be used as an independent remedy. But it can be added to oils; it will increase the moisture resistance of surfaces by closing large and small pores. Wax can be used to treat crevices, chips, and cracks. This will significantly increase the life of your countertops and cutting boards. An additional plus is that the wax smells nice.

Another type of natural oil you can use to coat wooden boards and countertops is coconut oil. It contains a lot of fats, and it retains its physical and chemical properties for a long time and does not go rotten even at room temperature. To treat wooden surfaces in the kitchen, you can use Vaseline oil: it is available in any pharmacy.

To figure out what is the best way to process a cutting board, you need to pay attention to the advice of carpenters who have been working with wood for decades. The choice of protective composition may depend on the type of wood:

  • pine boards do not combine well with linseed oil; it is better to use other compounds;
  • it is better to choose kits of the same brand - this will ensure better compatibility of components when used together;
  • You should not buy from auto stores, not all of them are suitable for processing boards, it is better to choose mixtures in specialized departments;
  • oak planks are often coated with a mixture of mineral oils and wax.

Thin plywood should also be protected with natural impregnations. Otherwise, the board may warp over time.

Advantages and disadvantages

Oil-wax has the following advantages:

  • Contains natural ingredients. Thanks to this, the product is safe to use. It is non-toxic and hypoallergenic. This allows the material to be used in medical and educational institutions, if such a need arises.
  • Versatility . The product can be used on all types of wooden surfaces - different types of furniture, parquet, etc.
  • Vapor permeability. This means that the coating does not interfere with air circulation, which means it does not provoke wood rotting or the formation of mold and mildew on it.
  • Easy to apply. Even a non-professional can treat the coating with oil-wax if certain instructions are followed.
  • Does not change the structure of wood. Consequently, the use of the product does not lead to its destruction.
  • Improves the appearance of products. The material levels the surface and gives it a beautiful shine.
  • Provides protection for furniture both inside and outside. Thanks to the product, wooden products become resistant to the harmful effects of moisture, high temperatures, and sudden temperature changes. In addition, oil-wax increases the fire safety of interior items.
  • Possibility of restoration. If over time, defects appear in places on the coating, it is not necessary to re-treat the entire surface. It is enough to make spot repairs.
  • Protects the wood surface from cracking. This is especially true if the furniture is used in a room with heated floors. The fact is that the varnished surface of wood cracks with constant heating and cooling, losing its attractiveness. Using wax oil prevents this problem from occurring.
  • Increases the service life of interior items.

No defects were found in the material.

Mineral oil quality assessment

To understand what kind of oil is used to treat wooden cutting boards, you need to consider the following points:

  • the oil must be environmentally friendly and not emit harmful chemical compounds even when heated;
  • water resistance - a good composition will not only protect the surface from small droplets of moisture, but will also prevent the board from being damaged even with full contact with water;
  • lack of color in the composition - provided that there is no desire to change the shade of the wooden surface.

Also, it should not smell unpleasant or contain foreign impurities. The expiration date must be indicated on the packaging.


There are several ways to classify material.

Depending on the type of wax:

On hard wax

This category includes products based on Caranuba and Candelilla wax. They add shine to the surface and have water- and dirt-repellent properties. Protects the base shade from fading. The materials are safe to use. Suitable for processing any surfaces.

On beeswax

This product acts in the same way as previous materials, but it has a lower melting point, so it does not increase the fire safety of wooden furniture.

Depending on the shade, the following products are distinguished:

  • Colorless. There are no dyes in the composition of such materials. Thanks to this, the furniture retains its original shade.
  • Colored. Materials containing dyes. They tint the surface, giving it the desired shade.

Depending on the type of wood, products are allocated for oak, pine, etc.

Both colorless and colored products have the same properties. The only difference is that the latter tint the furniture, while the former do not.

Selection rules

When choosing wax oil, consider the following points:

  • Composition of the material . Experts recommend giving preference to products containing hard waxes, since they are refractory and have increased strength, which means a longer service life of the coating. In addition, when choosing a material, you should pay attention to the presence of allergens, which include orange oil, etc. It is not recommended to purchase such products, as they can provoke negative reactions in the body.
  • Type of wood. The wax oil must be suitable for processing the specific wood from which the interior items are made. The appropriate markings are indicated on the material label.
  • Furniture shade. Colorless products are suitable for all interior items. Colored materials are chosen depending on the shade of the product.

Expert opinion

Doshin Roman Valentinovich

Cabinetmaker, work experience - more than 15 years

Wood is the best material for making furniture. This is an environmentally friendly product, which indicates its safety for people. In addition, wood is easy to process, looks attractive and, with proper care, lasts for decades. The only “weak point” of the material is the lack of resistance to the harmful effects of moisture. However, this problem is easily solved by oil-wax. It creates a coating on the surface that protects furniture from moisture. The main thing is to choose a quality product. I recommend using hard wax based products. They are easy to apply, create a durable coating and have a melting point of +72-910C.

How to choose the right one

Experts advise adhering to the following rules:

  1. Low-density species (linden and alder) prefer to deal with thick, saturated oils. Liquids can penetrate inside and not freeze there.
  2. For coniferous species, special impregnations are not needed. They have so much resin inside that they do not need additional protection. If absolutely necessary, you can use thick consistencies and use the waxing method.
  3. A distinctive feature of birch and beech is their high density. The first treatment should be with liquid products. Thick substances are suitable for repeated manipulations.

Before starting work, it is advisable to experiment on a small board.

To improve the functionality of a product, certain components can be added to it. To improve the absorbency of tung impregnation, it is enough to dilute it with white spirit in a ratio of 60% to 40%. To make linseed oil dry faster, add 30% turpentine to it and heat it a little. Sometimes wax is added to the substance. This increases the antistatic characteristics of the product and speeds up the drying process.

The choice of products is so large that you can get lost in its diversity. Improved new products are released annually. Where to buy the product? There are several options. The most acceptable way is to visit a specialized retail outlet, take a closer look at the assortment on display, and understand what it costs. If in doubt, you can consult the seller. He will not only help you choose, but will also calculate the required volume of the purchased product. You can use the services of an online store. The main thing is not to fall for the tricks of unscrupulous suppliers and not to purchase low-quality goods at a high price.


To treat wooden furniture with oil-wax, you don’t have to turn to professionals. You can do the work yourself if you follow the following instructions:

Prepare the surface

All fasteners are carefully screwed or driven in so that the caps are as deep as possible into the surface. After this, the holes are sealed with wood putty. This material also masks defects - cracks, etc. if any. After this, take a break until the putty has completely hardened.

The base is sanded

To do this, use a grinding machine or sandpaper.

The surface is dedusted

The easiest way is to wipe the furniture with a damp cloth and wait until it dries.

Perform the first surface treatment with oil-wax

For this, it is best to use a brush with natural bristles. The product is applied along the wood fibers.

Take a break to let the material dry

This usually takes 8-10 hours.

Re-treat the surface

Stop work again to allow the product to harden.

The coating is polished by machine

This enhances its appeal by adding a glossy shine.


Oil for treating natural wood countertops has the following approximate consumption:

  • 1 liter per 30 m2 – if two layers are applied;
  • 1 liter per 40 m2 – when the surface is treated in one layer.

Before using the product, stir it for 3-5 minutes. It is applied to the product in an even layer with a small excess. After half an hour, the excess is leveled, and the surface is polished with a pad or soft cloth. This stage involves complete absorption of the oil into the surface of the wood. When two layers are applied, the second should be done only after 16-24 hours. Both application of the product and its drying should be carried out only at a temperature of at least +16 °C.

TOP best means

The TOP includes only the best materials with optimal characteristics.

Gappa matte, 0000 colorless

High quality material that can be used for both indoor and outdoor use. This allows the product to be used, including for garden furniture. The product provides reliable protection against aggressive biological environments, the harmful effects of moisture and ultraviolet radiation.


  • processing material – wood;
  • hardening time – 24 hours;
  • UV protection – yes;
  • minimum consumption – 30 sq.m/l;
  • gloss level – matte;
  • shelf life – 5 years.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • reliable protection;
  • faint odor;
  • ease of application;
  • low consumption;
  • high quality;
  • wear-resistant attractive coating.
  • long drying time.

BIOFA hard professional, matte

High quality material recommended for all types of wood. Suitable for interior work, including processing wooden furniture in a children's room. Forms a water- and dirt-repellent coating on the surface. It is easy to use.


  • processing material – wood;
  • hardening time – 24 hours;
  • gloss level – matte;
  • type of coating – glaze;
  • shelf life – 2 years.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • fits well on the surface;
  • ease of use;
  • can be applied in several layers;
  • reliable protection of wood from external negative influences.
  • takes a long time to dry;
  • a pungent odor that can cause dizziness and headaches.

OSMO TopOil, 3058 clear matt

A high quality product that is recommended for use for interior work. It is safe to use. Does not emit toxic fumes and does not cause allergic reactions. Thanks to this, the material can be used for interior items in a children's room.


  • processing material – wood;
  • hardening time – 24 hours;
  • gloss level – matte;
  • type of coating – glaze;
  • shelf life – 5 years.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • good to go to bed;
  • high quality;
  • suitable for furniture in children's rooms;
  • restores the external attractiveness of interior items;
  • reliable protection from external negative influences.
  • There are no cons.

Oil-wax is a material that creates a protective coating on wooden furniture. Expert advice and TOP best products will help you choose the right product.

Surface preparation

Before processing, the wooden covering is cleaned of accumulated dirt and grease. After using detergents and degreasers, it is washed with clean water and then dried. If paint and varnish treatment of wood was previously used, then it should be removed using a special liquid that removes old paint. A thick layer of dirt is sanded with coarse sandpaper. After cleaning, carefully remove the settled dust using a vacuum cleaner.

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