Wood crafts - what kind of wood is used, interesting products made from solid wood, roots and branches

Beautiful wooden crafts can decorate any interior of a house or apartment, a summer cottage or a playground. This natural material, which is easy to find even in the city, in the skillful hands of a master turns into real works of art.

What kind of wood are crafts made from?

All tree species can be divided into two groups:

  1. Softwood
    of evergreen conifers. Its density is slightly lower than that of broad-leaved trees, and it costs less because coniferous trees grow faster. This wood is used to make paper, plywood, and is used in the furniture industry. The most popular varieties: pine, cedar, fir, larch.
  2. Hardwood
    of deciduous species. It is denser and more expensive, and crafts made from it are strong and durable. Deciduous trees are valued in carpentry. Varieties common in mid-latitudes: oak, birch, hazel, linden, maple.

Interesting wood crafts can be made by both adults and children. The process of joint creativity brings the family together, children develop motor skills and creative thinking. To create interesting panels, figures or interior items, you don’t always need to use carpentry tools. For the simplest things, wood itself, office supplies and free time with an interesting idea will be enough. Any parts can be used:

  • array;
  • roots;
  • branches;
  • bark;
  • saw cuts;
  • hemp.

Decorative candlestick

This is the simplest option for making crafts with your own hands. It will take less than an hour to make a decorative ornament. To work you will need:

  • glass glass. A container with high and low walls is suitable; it is better to choose transparent glass, but this point remains at the discretion of the master;
  • glue;
  • thin dry branches;
  • small pruner.

At the initial stage, the lower parts of the branches need to be trimmed so that they fit evenly to the bottom of the glass. The proportionality of the upper part does not play a significant role.

The further operation is simple: spread the branches with glue and glue them to the wall of the glass close to each other. The candle is inserted inside the glass container, and an original candlestick for decorating a room or a romantic dinner is ready.

The second version of this craft: the branches are glued directly to the candle. Thin willow twigs, which have a straight shape, are more suitable for this. However, such products are used only as decoration: you should not light a candle covered with dry wood for fire safety reasons.

Solid wood crafts

You can work with solid wood if you have special carpentry tools. The minimum set includes:

  • work surface with a vice;
  • cutting tools, such as a jigsaw;
  • grinding devices.

Depending on your imagination, available material and time, you can create your own:

  1. Creative wooden crafts in the form of figures of fairy-tale characters, book and cartoon characters. For example, heroes, Baba Yaga or the old man Borovichka.
  2. Images of animals and birds.
  3. Kitchen utensils: spoons, ladle, mugs, candlesticks and tubs.
  4. Garden and indoor furniture: stools, stands, tables.
  5. Light wood crafts are made by using logs of different sizes. This way you can recreate a steam locomotive, a wooden horse in a harness, or figurines of fairy-tale characters. Children can also be involved in creating such decorations.


After cutting down an old tree at your dacha, you don’t need to immediately put it on the fire. From a small part of the trunk you can make an original stand for stationery. To create this craft you will need:

  • cutting a trunk with a diameter of no more than 15 cm, a height of 5-8 cm;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • varnish for wood processing.

The workpiece is cleared of bark if necessary, the lower part, which will serve as the base, is leveled to provide stability. Holes are drilled in the upper part, the distance between each is maintained at 5-10 mm. Then all surfaces and corners are sanded with sandpaper. At the final stage, the wood is coated with several layers of varnish, and after drying, the stand for pencils and pens is ready for use.

Crafts made from tree roots

If working with solid wood requires special tools and skills, then roots and driftwood suggest simpler, but no less spectacular wood crafts. They can be used for the creative process with your child:

  1. Roots look good in the form of unusual frames for mirrors, paintings, photographs and watches.
  2. Properly connected parts of the root serve as a good stand for vases or aquariums.
  3. Easy wood crafts for the home include weaving roots around flower vases.
  4. You can make beautiful candlesticks from driftwood.
  5. For an interesting interior, you can create an unusual chandelier or lampshade from roots.
  6. Real craftsmen make unimaginable pieces of furniture from old roots: chairs, armchairs, tables and benches.

How does such wood appear?

The basis for the appearance of snags is a living and dead tree, as well as its parts.
When a plant weakens or ages, its immune system can no longer effectively resist various pathogens and pests.

Therefore, damage appears in some areas, changing the properties of the wood.

Over time, damage leads first to death and then to decay of the wood, as a result of which part of the plant loses strength and is destroyed by wind, rain or other factors. Since there is no clear boundary between normal and damaged wood, the damaged areas take on the most bizarre shapes.

If destructive processes occur on a tree, then over time the damaged fragment breaks off from the trunk or roots and turns into a snag, that is, a severely damaged piece of any part of the tree.

If a branch or trunk breaks off from the tree even before the damage, then it will become a snag only after various microorganisms have sufficiently damaged it , and these defects will be noticeable even with a cursory examination.

If the damage affects the roots, then they turn into snags after the trunk breaks off from them, and the root system comes out of the ground under the influence of various factors.

Crafts from tree branches

You can create beautiful wood crafts from the most common dry branches. First, such material must be cleaned of dirt and disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, so as not to infest your home with unnecessary larvae. Crafts made from tree branches often become interior decorations or holiday decor:

  1. A simple vase of branches looks natural with an autumn bouquet.
  2. An unusual solution for placing photographs are large dried branches.
  3. Unusual baskets and storage containers.
  4. With kids you can create simple animal figures.
  5. Volumetric applications on a variety of topics: animals, family, holidays.

Process steps

Every business must be organized and planned in advance; in this way, many annoying mistakes can be avoided.

  1. Harvesting driftwood and branches. There is no need to choose rotten and pest-infected workpieces; they will be of no use, and can cause quite a lot of harm. Rotten snags can be recognized by their sound; tap them with a branch; if the sound is dull, then there is no need to take them. Snag from the forest
  2. Preparation for use. Regardless of when you plan to use the driftwood, it must be cleared of soil and moss as quickly as possible, washed thoroughly and completely dried. It is strongly recommended to fry in the oven at a temperature not lower than +100°C, this is how disinfection is carried out. At high temperatures, not only wood pests die, but also all pathogens, fungal spores and mold.

    Prepared driftwood

  3. Place the material on ventilated racks or shelves for storage. It is recommended to periodically inspect the snags, and if problems are detected, take all measures to eliminate them. Store driftwood conveniently on a table or shelves

The more blanks you have, the easier it is to work later. The fact is that creative ideas also come during production, and to implement them you need to have the material.

Tree bark crafts

Considered a waste material in the wood industry, the bark serves as a valuable material for crafts. It can be collected from dry or freshly cut down trees. The tree periodically sheds parts of its bark, so you can collect the required amount yourself. You should not remove the bark from a growing specimen, as it serves as a protective layer of wood, without which the plant will die. Crafts made from tree bark are very fragile, so it is better to use the material for decorating different surfaces:

  • flower vases and flowerpots;
  • frames for paintings and photographs;
  • papier-mâché products.

In the old days, cool wood crafts were made from birch bark, prepared in a special way. It was called birch bark and was an analogue of modern paper. It was used for writing and making:

  • baskets and baskets;
  • containers for storing food;
  • caskets;
  • decorative stands.

Sailing boat, gate, car and mill

A boat sail can be made from paper or a piece of thin fabric. These crafts are carved from a thick piece of bark. The wheels and steering wheel of a car, as well as the wings of a mill, can be made from cardboard.

Crafts from old wood

Don’t rush to throw away old boards left over after renovation or construction. This material is in great demand for creating stylish art objects in eco style. Simple crafts made from old wood can decorate various rooms in the house:

  1. Place on the wall as a backdrop for candles, photographs or clocks.
  2. You can cut a variety of flat shapes from knocked together boards and successfully fit them into the style of the room.
  3. Create unusual key holders and shelves for storing bags, alcohol and various small items.

Wall panel

Birch bark panels are a great alternative to art paintings! It will not only decorate the wall of your home, but also bring an element of eco-style to the interior, giving a touch of freshness and unity with nature.

To create a panel you will need:

  • thin birch bark blanks and birch bark chips;
  • pencil and paper;
  • cardboard (can be colored);
  • scissors or knife;
  • PVA glue and glue gun;
  • wooden beads, beads for decoration (optional).

Stages of work:

  1. PVA glue is applied to the smooth side of the cardboard and birch bark chips are poured. If colored cardboard is used, the color should contrast with the birch bark. A good combination would be light bark and a blue, black or chocolate background.
  2. While the glue dries, elements of the plot of the future panel are drawn on a sheet of paper.
  3. They are then cut out and traced onto a birch bark blank.
  4. The resulting drawings are also cut out on birch bark.
  5. After that, they are glued with a glue gun, embodying the intended plot.
  6. To give the panel a 3D effect, it is best to use birch bark of different shades.
  7. If necessary, you can decorate your creation with decorative elements (beads, seed beads, etc.).

Crafts made from round wood

In art schools and studios, wooden crafts for children, which children make on their own, are made from saw cuts - round flat parts of the trunk and branches of different diameters. By connecting them using special glue, you can create:

  • volumetric decorative figures;
  • wooden crafts for the garden in the form of animals, birds and insects;
  • small themed interior decorations - Christmas trees, leaves;
  • decorative panels on the wall;

Links to thematic forums

Homemade items made from driftwood are in great demand, so authors often discuss their works on thematic forums and share their experience there on what and how to do.

We have prepared a list of the most authoritative forums where you can get a lot of useful information:

  • Forumhouse;
  • Aquaforum;
  • International Aquarium Forum;
  • Farm "Nut Orchard";
  • Forum about repair and construction;
  • Club of decorative gardening lovers;
  • Forum of aquarists of the Primorsky Territory.

Crafts made from tree stumps

Popular wood crafts for the garden made from old stumps are tables and stools for them. Such products can be left practically untreated or given a more aesthetic appearance by sanding, varnishing, painting or decorative carving. However, if you have free time, you can truly improve unsightly stumps:

  1. With the help of decorative carvings, craftsmen turn a dull piece of driftwood that could simply be uprooted into a real masterpiece of art.
  2. Using paints and old things, you can place a brownie or other fairy-tale character in your house or on your property.
  3. You can decorate a nondescript stump with flowers by planting live plants in it or placing indoor flowers for the summer.
  4. With children, you can create fairy-tale houses from stumps using different techniques for your favorite characters and toys.

Preparing driftwood

First, high-quality raw materials are selected for crafts. It should not be badly damaged, rotten or rotten. Suitable wood is processed in several stages.

Cleaning from dirt

The easiest way is to wash the driftwood in the basin using a soapy sponge. If the dirt is difficult to clean off, you can use washing powder. Remove dirt from cracks and small depressions with water from a shower head or using a high-pressure washer. If necessary, use a soft brush for cleaning.

Cleaning the bark

Loose bark must be removed using a non-sharp chisel. Act carefully so as not to damage the wood. You can also use a grinder with a suitable attachment or a sandblaster to get rid of bark.


If the moisture content of the wood is not reduced, the process of rotting and destruction will continue. After cleaning, the driftwood must be dried naturally or forcibly.

In the first case, the workpieces are left in a ventilated area for 10-30 months. Forced drying in a dryer or oven is much faster and lasts only 10-50 hours.

Removing the loose part

The boundaries of rotten, rotten, loose wood are marked with a pencil. Afterwards, the middle of the rotten area is broken off by hand or cut out with a jigsaw or an ax, and the remains are ground off with a brush. The dust is removed with a large rasp or brushed off with a metal brush.

Changing shape

To give the workpiece the desired shape, it is cut with a hacksaw, electric saw, jigsaw or grinder. The cut surface is leveled with a plane and jointer, and slots and holes are made with any suitable tools.


The cracks are covered with ready-made wood putties or you can independently mix a composition based on fine sawdust and PVA. If desired, add color to the putty.


Small irregularities and excess putty are removed by sanding. For rough sanding, use coarse sandpaper or a sander. Soft wood is sanded manually with medium and fine sandpaper.


After heat treatment, the wood darkens and becomes more noble in appearance. You can burn either individual parts of the driftwood or the entire piece. For firing, use a blowtorch or gas torch.

Impregnation with reagents

If the product will be used where there is high humidity, be sure to impregnate it with the following substances:

  • antiseptics;
  • water repellents;
  • flame retardants.

Important! It is better to purchase a ready-made composition with all the necessary components and apply it according to the instructions.

Painting and varnishing

If you plan to paint the driftwood with water-based paint, carry out “wet sanding” in advance - it will help remove excess lint. Polymer products are applied only after the wood has been thoroughly dried. Instead of paint, you can use varnish or stain - they will enhance and emphasize the color.

Polishing and finishing

The driftwood is polished with any mastic for parquet and wooden floors. If necessary, auxiliary parts, fasteners, and additional elements are attached to it. For this purpose, glue, locks, threads, nails, etc. are used.

Pleasant trifles

A stylish frame of small branches will radically transform a familiar attribute of your home decor:

  • vase;
  • watch;
  • photo frame;
  • mirror;
  • candelabra;
  • shade.

In the last two options, it is worth considering fire safety rules.

Advantages of the presented type of furniture

Products for the site must be durable and moisture resistant. The tree copes well with its tasks. You can buy furniture or make it yourself. Wood has been used since time immemorial, and now it has not lost its relevance. Previously, they tried to decorate and improve products in various ways; roots were often used. Now this option also has the right to life.

The use of the roots began at the end of the 18th century. People were fascinated by the bizarre shapes. Each item became individual. Furniture of this kind was in the collections of kings.

Then the original method of producing furniture was forgotten, but after some time it was revived again, and it became popular again.

Main distinctive features:

  1. Since each tree is unique, products made from it will also be unique. You won't find anything else like it in the world.
  2. The furniture is environmentally friendly and absolutely safe.
  3. The roots are strong, which means the products are as reliable as possible.
  4. Any type of furniture can be made.

Who is the original solution suitable for?

The roots have an expressive shape, suitable for fans of non-standard solutions. Much depends on the conditions in which the tree grew. The more difficult the conditions, the more bizarre the roots will turn out. If the master is experienced, it will not be difficult for him to find interesting solutions.

Products made from trees are very durable; furniture is made to last forever. This applies to those tables and chairs that are made from a single piece of wood. Often a whole stump with roots is used.


It turns out you can make a gorgeous lamp out of driftwood! Of course, there are many design options, but we will consider the process and algorithm using the example of a classic product. Whatever we say about its standardness, it will look unusual, but its appearance will allow it to fit into absolutely any interior.

Now - about the manufacturing procedure. Arm yourself with certain materials and get to work.

  1. Take one large driftwood (up to 1 m long). It is desirable that it has an interesting shape (curly branches arranged in an original order). Choose the species at your discretion, but it is best to give preference to oak or pine needles: the production process will give you many pleasant emotions, and the result will amaze you with its unusualness.
  2. Treat the wood according to the first master class, and then make holes in it along the entire length of the base and individual branches at a distance of 10 cm from each other in order to insert decorations into them. These can be metal fittings, decorative stones, ribbon bows.

The uniqueness of the lamp depends on the shape of the tree that serves as the base.

What can be done

Tree roots are traditionally used for the production of tables, chairs, and decoration. The products turn out fabulously beautiful, completely homemade.

Among the modern interior, original things will look conceptual. Wooden furniture is perfect for a summer house or country house. Coniferous products are good for use in the sauna.

One interesting idea is to use roots to create a folk style bar. This way, every visitor will have a favorite hanger, table, chair. Stylistics can be maintained in any subject. Wood allows you to make any type of furniture - from flower stands to shelves.

Using roots you can decorate the following things:

You can make panels on the walls that imitate living trees.

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