11 best bassinets for newborns - high-quality, compact and comfortable

Every newborn baby needs a comfortable, high-quality crib, because the first months of life he spends the most time in it. A correctly chosen cradle can not only create optimal conditions for the baby, but also make life much easier for his mother.

Photo: Pixabay.com

In general, the cradle is a very ancient invention of mankind. Different peoples made them in their own way, using different materials and unique designs.

Over the course of human history, several main types of cradles for newborns have emerged:

  • Suspended (with the help of special fasteners they are suspended from the ceiling).
  • Floor-standing.
  • Portable.

Of the most modern models, two types can be distinguished:

  • Electronic. Equipped with additional functions, such as backlight, automatic motion sickness system or music player.
  • Transformers.

Typically, cradles perform several functions:

  • Rocking the baby.
    It allows you not to hold the baby in your arms every time you cry, but to soothe him right in the crib. This not only simplifies the process of caring for the baby, but also teaches him to be independent, which is also a very important point.
  • Feeding your baby without getting out of bed.
    This function is available for cribs equipped with one removable wall. Such models are attached to an adult’s bed and allow you to stay nearby at night.
  • The opportunity for the baby to stay close to the mother.
    Most crib models are much lighter and more mobile than regular children's beds. They have a folding design or wheels for ease of movement. Thus, the baby can be with his mother in any room, which helps to combine household chores and childcare.

Currently, manufacturers offer a huge number of bassinets for newborns. They differ in their design, functionality, price and workmanship.

We present the rating of bassinets for newborns 2022. The best 11 models that were selected by our experts based on user reviews and ratings.

Rating (2020)Prices, ₽A country
1. Chicco Baby Hug 4 in 1from 19000₽China
2. Tutti Bambini CoZeefrom 13500₽China, Poland
3. Happy Baby Mommy 95004from 20000₽Russia
4. Chicco Next2Mefrom 12000₽Italy
5. Nuovita Accantofrom 9000₽China
6. Simplicity 3070from 9100₽China
7. Simplicity 27404 Mfrom 5800₽China
8. Red Star Malushafrom 7700₽Russia
9. Carrello Dolcefrom 8000₽Belarus
10. Polini Cradlefrom 4000₽Russia
11. Mothercare Dreamsfrom 5000₽Russia

Safety and convenience

All rocking devices for babies are generally safe. They consist of a lightweight aluminum frame that is safe for the health of the child, plastic parts and a fabric base.

Mattel by Fisher Price “Growing Together”

Some models have additional removable covers that can be washed if necessary. The cradle can be easily moved around the apartment.

When choosing a rocking cradle model, choose those manufacturers who can provide a quality certificate for their products and the materials used!

Security measures:

  1. The rocking chair's fastening straps must be fixed in a position that is comfortable for the baby, but so that the child cannot free himself from them.
  2. Rocking devices can only be installed on high surfaces if there is constant adult supervision of the baby.
  3. The child should not be in the cradle for more than 4 hours without a break.
  4. Carrying rocking devices with a child lying in it is strictly prohibited.
  5. You should not use the device when the baby’s weight has already exceeded the extreme weight limit specified by the manufacturer for this type of device.

Model Paola by Giovanni

What features of a swing for newborns should you pay attention to when choosing?

A typical swing for newborns is a seat with an adjustable backrest on a special support.

Note! A type of swing - a chaise lounge - is a mattress on a rigid base, raised at an angle and also has the function of changing the angle of location.

When choosing such a device, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Age and weight of the child. Baby swings and bouncers are usually designed for use with children from birth until they are 6-9 months old. A number of models with transformation into a high chair are used up to 3 years. The maximum weight of a child can be 9-15 kg.
  • Execution of the design. The most common swings are in the form of an inverted letter U, L-shaped models and with a ring-shaped base. The latter option usually lacks the manual rocking option and provides automatic movement along programmed trajectories.
  • Nutrition. Swings and lounge chairs for newborns are powered by mains and/or batteries. Network models allow you to save on the purchase of batteries. Designs devoid of electronic filling support only manual motion sickness.
  • Safety. Children's swings are equipped with three or five-point seat belts. The second option provides more secure fixation of the child and is preferable in most cases.
  • Additional functionality. Modern swings for newborns are equipped with advanced functionality. This could be a built-in sound module, a mobile unit with toys, support for USB drives, or control from a smartphone.

Reviews from parents

  • Anastasia, 25 years old, Voronezh : “Friends gave us a Tiny Love rocking cradle for the birth of our daughter. I immediately started using it for my baby's sleep. We used the rocking chair for up to 5 months. Then they started using it as a high chair, eating and playing in it. I want to say that the rocking cradle was very useful to us! Thanks friends!”
  • Katya, 29 years old, Kirov : “Judging by my child, then children should be accustomed to a rocking chair from infancy, and not from the 3rd and 4th month. We bought Fisher Price when my son was already 3 months old and he didn’t want to sit in a rocking chair, because by that time he was used to always being in his mother’s arms. Therefore, this device turned out to be, unfortunately, useless for us.”
  • Yulia, 23 years old, Surgut : “We purchased the simplest version of a mechanical rocking cradle without vibration. He loved our son, but when I tried to put him in a chair with vibration while visiting, he threw a loud tantrum! Therefore, I think that expensive models of rocking chairs are not always worth buying. Children grow quickly and it’s not a fact that a child will like all the newfangled gadgets that expensive models are equipped with.”
  • Olesya, 26 years old, Volgograd : “The rocking cradle helped me a lot during the birth of my daughter. My baby was very whiny and she only fell asleep after someone rocked her. If it weren’t for the rocking chair, I would definitely have screwed up all my arms.”

The baby will have a pleasant and fun time in the electronic cradle

Do you need a rocking chair?

The question of how important various rocking devices are in caring for a baby arises for most mothers. Moreover, the cost of rocking chairs is high enough to buy them just in case.

In the first months of life, babies, as a rule, can fall asleep on their own if they are not hungry and nothing hurts. Later, when the child begins to gradually master the world around him, the process of putting the baby to bed is almost always accompanied by motion sickness.

Automatic swing for newborns

The child grows and the load on the mother’s hands increases significantly. And if, moreover, the child is restless and active, then the mother has almost no time left for household chores. Then various rocking chairs for children come to the rescue.

Everyone decides for themselves how useful rocking devices are specifically for a given family. But the fact that these devices make a woman’s life much easier is indisputable.

The device will make mom's work easier

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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