Aviary for dogs: photos of successful DIY designs



From this article you can learn how to make a dog enclosure with your own hands: photos of street and home structures made independently, unusual solutions and useful tips from experts. The text describes in detail the technology of construction of structures intended for keeping animals, with visual materials and a detailed description of the entire process: the choice of drawing, materials and dimensions of the structure, followed by manufacturing instructions.

An aviary will allow the dog not only to have its own place, but will also protect the animals from bad weather and external dangers

Which size is better

The area of ​​the fenced area depends on the size of the dog. A golden mean must be observed. The dog should not be too cramped and, at the same time, should feel comfortable.

For small breeds (pug, French bulldog), an enclosure measuring about 6 sq.m. is suitable. Medium dogs (terriers, collies, huskies) need a paddock area of ​​up to 10 sq.m. Large dogs - at least 12 sq.m.

Another rule is that any enclosure must have a blank wall, or even two or three. But at least one is a must. This “wall” rule only applies to outdoor enclosures.

When is a special room needed?

An aviary will be required in the following cases:

  • a baby appeared in the family;
  • the old booth has become too small for the pet;
  • the dog “has” its own offspring;
  • On a suburban property, the owners have some livestock that needs to be protected from the dog.

A special building for the guard of a suburban area will solve all of the above problems.

Making walls

When deciding what to make an enclosure from, you need to remember that the materials should not be impregnated with substances that can release odors when heated.

For the dog it will be simply painful and very harmful. Open walls can be made of chain-link mesh (this is the most popular and cheapest option), welded mesh, metal elements, and so on.

The main thing is that the dog cannot be injured by sharp structural elements. A blank wall can be made of boards, bricks, or it can be the wall of a house or barn.

DIY dog enclosure diagram: drawings and dimensions, choice of materials and design

To provide the animal with good living conditions, before you build an enclosure for a dog with your own hands, you should draw up a drawing. The layout of the future construction should take into account the main factors that may affect the comfort of use.

During the construction process you need to take into account:

  • dog breed;
  • age category;
  • floor;
  • the nature of the location of the site;
  • features of the location of the wind zone on the site.

Design diagram of a typical enclosure for large breed dogs

How to make an enclosure for a dog: basic recommendations

The enclosure will become a home for the dog, so during the construction process it is necessary to provide for all the nuances so that the design provides coziness, comfort and tranquility. It is very important that the animal is kept dry and warm. Here the pet will eat and sleep, spend most of its time playing, relaxing, and also looking after the territory.

The aviary can be placed as a separate building, an extension or part of an outbuilding

There must be enough space inside the structure for the animal to move freely. If an enclosure is being made for dogs of medium breeds (up to 50 cm), such as a spaniel or a beagle, a minimum of 6 m² of space will be required for optimal living. If you plan to build an enclosure for a husky or Labrador with your own hands, then the internal area of ​​the fence should be increased to 8 m². This requirement applies to all breeds with a height at the withers of 65-70 cm.

Related article:

A dog enclosure in an apartment: how to create a safe place for your pet

Varieties of home designs for pets, their advantages, tips for choosing and making them yourself.

At least 10 m² should be allocated for the construction of an enclosure for a shepherd dog (Central Asian, Caucasian) or Alabai. It would be desirable if there was more space. Having established the minimum dimensions of the area, you also need to take into account the sex of the animal. Males and females need different living conditions.

The enclosure must have space for bowls of food and water.

For a female dog, it is necessary to provide a vestibule and a maternity area. These structural elements will be located inside the enclosure. When puppies are born, they will not sit in one place, but will begin to move around the territory while playing. For this reason, the structure must be as protected as possible from bad weather conditions.

For a male dog, you will need to install a reliable and large booth. When making an enclosure for an alabai with your own hands, you should remember that males are physically strong, so both the castle and the enclosure itself must be as strong as possible. Otherwise the dog will simply break it.

For open-type structures it is necessary to provide reliable fastenings

How to make an enclosure for a dog with your own hands: choosing the optimal place for construction

Choosing the optimal location is an important condition for building a good enclosure for an Alabai or a dog of another breed. The structure should not be installed in a remote location. If the dog is isolated from people, he will bark loudly and become restless. An aviary next to a fence wouldn't be a good idea either. The animal will be constantly interested in people passing by the yard. A large dog can easily jump over a fence, choosing a snowdrift as a support point in winter, for example. This can lead to a lot of trouble.

Important! The enclosure should not be installed near a compost pit or other sources of strong odors, otherwise the dog may partially or completely lose its sense of smell.

The enclosure should not be located on the sunny side so that the animal does not suffer from the heat in the summer.

The optimal location for the enclosure will be the front part of the yard. In this case, the structure will be located near the gate leading to the house and the path. Thanks to this, the animal will have the opportunity to observe everything that is happening around while in an isolated shelter. It is not recommended to choose a low-lying part of the yard for construction. In this case, the enclosure will be flooded with rainwater. In addition, dogs love an overhead view, so you should give preference to a small hill.

If you place the entrance on the south side of the site, the animal will be hot in the summer. Only in cold regions is this zone allowed to be used. But even in this case, it won’t hurt if there is a tree nearby that provides shade where the dog can hide from the sun.

The best option for the location of the enclosure is considered to be an area near the house, so that the animal is not lonely and does not get bored

If you make a dog enclosure with your own hands with a door on the north side, this is fraught with trouble. Precipitation will be the source of these inconveniences. If the region where the site is located is characterized by frequent snowfalls, in winter you will have to constantly clear these drifts in order to enter the enclosure. This requires a significant investment of time and effort, which the owner may not have.

For a comfortable stay, the size of the enclosure must correspond to the needs of a particular breed of dog

Making an enclosure for a dog with your own hands: photos of designs from different materials

If future construction involves making an enclosure for a large dog intended for permanent residence, care should be taken to protect it from drafts. To do this, it is advisable to block the back and adjacent walls.

In this case, the following should be used as building materials:

  • bricks;
  • type-setting wooden panels;
  • thick tongue and groove boards enclosed in metal frames;
  • monolithic concrete;
  • cinder blocks.

When choosing to build an enclosure made of wood, all elements must be treated from time to time with safe antibacterial agents

It is better if the open wall faces south, southwest or southeast. To make it, it is advisable to use metal rods. To create a gate, a metal frame and rods are suitable. Dogs have a good mind, so they can open many locks with ease. The locking device on the gate must be reliable.

Important! It is not recommended to use mesh for dog enclosures in construction. Despite the fact that this material is more affordable than metal rods, it will last much less. In addition, the mesh can injure the animal if it breaks.

The enclosure can be built in the form of a small house, which will allow you to organize additional storage space for food, bedding and toys for the dog

Comfortable living is only possible if the base is warm and dry. For this reason, experts recommend using wood to make floors in enclosures for huskies and other dogs. A covering formed from thick boards, if properly processed, will last quite a long time and protect the animal from drafts. Antiseptic agents are provided for this purpose. These compounds provide protection against rot and mold. In addition, you need to take care that there are no protruding nails or knots so that the dog does not get hurt.

To build the foundation, you can use concrete. However, in this case, the presence of wooden flooring is mandatory, as is ventilation under it. Materials such as concrete and asphalt should not be used as the sole base without a coating. They can seriously damage the animal's joints and claws.

Typical design of an enclosure for keeping a guard dog

The roof structure can be anything, the main thing is that it has a canopy. The list of roofing materials recommended for use includes:

  • slate;
  • metal tiles;
  • profiled sheet;
  • soft roof.

An example of an open-type dog enclosure

When choosing roofing materials, it is better to give preference to coatings that have a high level of sound insulation. Dogs' hearing is very sensitive and during rain the animal will experience discomfort if the drops drum loudly on the roof.

Making dog enclosures with your own hands: photos of designs designed for a pack

To support a whole flock, you can build one structure that will take into account the needs of several animals. Such structures are necessary in cases where there are several dogs on the site or the owner is breeding them. Most often seen in the photo, enclosures for two dogs or more animals have the appearance of tunnel structures. They are good for keeping a pack, but are completely unsuitable for housing one pet.

To keep a whole pack of dogs, you usually choose a one-piece enclosure structure, divided into zones for each animal

Such structures consist of several separate sections with semi-winter roads. Each section should be covered with a canopy for 3/4 of its length. In this case, about 4 m² of internal space will be allocated for each dog. The width of the section should correspond to the length of the animal's body without a tail.

To save money, you can make your own dog feeder from wood, using a jigsaw to cut holes for bowls and a drill with screws to secure the structural elements.

When keeping two dogs in one enclosure, it is worth taking care of a sleeping place for each animal

Important! Sections of an enclosure with several dogs must be separated by solid partitions, otherwise clashes between animals are possible during feeding.

The feeder is made in the following order:

  1. To begin with, a drawing with dimensions is selected for making a feeder for the dog’s enclosure.
  2. The markings in accordance with the drawing are transferred to the wood. For this, a furniture board or board can be used.
  3. Using a jigsaw, the material is cut according to the markings.
  4. Holes for screws are formed (3 mm drill).
  5. Using a jigsaw, circles are cut out for the bowls and the corner parts of the parts are rounded.
  6. All elements are sanded and connected with screws, after preliminary gluing.

An example of the design of an enclosure for four dogs with a separate entrance for feeding

To make the feeder look neat, all cracks and screw heads must be filled with putty intended for wood. Then the surface is again treated with sandpaper and painted in any color you like. For these purposes, only safe and environmentally friendly compounds are used so that the dog’s health is not harmed during use.

The size of the enclosure for several dogs is calculated based on the breed and size of adult animals

Calculation of the size of an enclosure for a dog based on basic parameters

To create a drawing you need to know the dimensions of the structure. It is not only the area that is important. The size of a dog enclosure also depends on such a parameter as height. The structure is designed in such a way that the animal can stand freely on its hind legs without resting against the roof.

A dog cannot be kept in a small enclosure all the time, so it is necessary to determine the purpose of the building before starting construction.

The minimum permissible side length of the enclosure is 2 m. This is quite enough for the animal to move freely, but for complete comfort it is better to increase this parameter. A dog can live permanently in a large enclosure. If it is of minimal size, you will have to let the animal out twice a day or at night so that it can stretch its legs and run around in the yard.

Once the dimensional parameters of the future design are determined, you can begin to develop a drawing of an enclosure for the dog. To do this, you can use ready-made projects or draw up a construction diagram yourself, taking into account personal preferences.

The size of the booth should correspond to the size of an adult dog.

When developing a drawing of an enclosure for a husky or a dog of another breed, you need to add the required elements to the diagram of the future structure:

  1. A place to sleep is an area where a sleeping place is equipped or a booth is installed.
  2. A walking area is an area where the animal can actively move, relieve itself and play. The larger this zone is, the better.
  3. Place for food - a couple of bowls are placed in this area. One of them contains water, the second contains food.

Scheme of the floor design in an enclosure for year-round keeping of a dog

Helpful advice! To simplify the feeding process, you can provide a window in the enclosure to serve food without going inside. If the dog is tall, bowls should be placed on a platform taking into account the height of the animal.

In addition to the dimensions, the drawing must indicate:

  • winter road border;
  • open area for walking;
  • platform border;
  • area for opening a gate or entrance door.

Layout of the platform, booth, feeder and exit in the enclosure

Preliminary drawing up of a drawing will allow you to rationally distribute all the elements of the enclosure and calculate the required amount of materials, as well as avoid mistakes.

Common mistakes when building a dog enclosure and expert advice

You should not skimp on materials, especially when it comes to fasteners and amplifiers. The design must be strong and reliable. It is not recommended to use slats, jibs and similar materials to strengthen the walls. A large dog will break this structure in one go.

The mesh must be attached in such a way that the dog cannot be injured.

When developing a project, you should not delve into the design. Decor that a person will like will create inconvenience for an animal. It is highly undesirable to use forged elements and other decorations that can become a source of injury to the animal. A dog's head or paw can easily get stuck in metal curls, which will lead to a fracture and other unpleasant consequences. The enclosure must be installed so that the dog has an overview and can control the situation.

The presence of a flower garden, alpine hill or flower bed near the enclosure is undesirable. Flowering plants emit aldehydes and ethylene. These substances cause irreparable harm to the dog's health, disrupting its sense of smell.

When using a net for an enclosure, you must use special bolts to attach it to the frame

When building walls for an enclosure, it is imperative to take into account the size of a shepherd dog or other breed if these surfaces are lattice. In this case, metal rods are installed in increments of 5-10 cm. After construction is completed, it is imperative to check whether there are any defects left on the surfaces of the structure that could injure the animal. In metal enclosures, where elements are fastened by welding, be sure to inspect the seams for reliability.

To reduce the likelihood of injuries during operation, during the construction process it is advisable to use other types of fastening elements instead of nails.

When building an enclosure made of wood, it is necessary to thoroughly clean all boards and other elements to avoid injury to the dog.

Suitable for these purposes:

  • bolts;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screws;
  • screws.

It is very important that the roof has a good rafter system and is sloped. Thanks to this, the structure will be reliably protected from the wind, and precipitation will not accumulate on its surface.

When keeping several dogs in one enclosure, it is necessary to arrange special feeding windows

Before making an enclosure, it is advisable to make a foundation or form a base so that the wooden flooring is not subject to shrinkage and rotting. The presence of such a hill will provide the necessary ventilation.

Helpful advice! In addition to the shutter, it is advisable to install eyelets on the door to the enclosure. When it breaks, these elements can be used to install a padlock.

Aviary with a dog walking area

Do you need a floor and a roof?

A good enclosure must have a roof, or rather a canopy. In covered enclosures, dogs can stay all year round in any weather.

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You can consider an option where the canopy will be only over part of the enclosure. On the open part, the dog will enjoy the sun to his heart's content. When closed, it will hide from the rain and heat. It is on the closed part that the booth should be installed.

The floor in the enclosure can be earthen (that is, no different from the surface of the yard), sand, or poured concrete with boards laid on top.

The last option is costly in time, effort and money, but is the most preferable. The dog does not freeze in the cold and dampness. Such a floor will be easier to clean, and sand and soil will not get stuck in the animal’s fur.

If you put insulation under the boards, the enclosure is perfect for use even in the most severe frosts.

Professional opinion

Dog handlers believe that keeping a dog in a special place does not at all limit the freedom of a pet, but, on the contrary, disciplines it. By “evicting” a family pet from a living space, you will not harm him, but will achieve several goals at once:

  • create comfortable living conditions for the dog;
  • Make it easier for yourself to clean, feed and care for your animal;
  • ensure a safe stay on the site for guests, small children, and domestic animals;
  • You can constantly watch your four-legged friend.

Start of construction

As an example, let's talk about the construction of a small enclosure. For a small dog, a pen of 6 square meters is enough. m. There will be an opportunity to stretch your bones, but also not be afraid of the large space.

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The height of the walls is about one and a half meters. The roof may be partially covered or completely absent. All the same, such dogs should not be outside in bad weather.

The floor should be made of concrete and boards - small dogs quickly get cold on the cold ground.

Important! Small breeds (pug, dachshund, chihuahua) need an enclosure only during the daytime. Such dogs will not be able to spend the night, much less stay there in winter. These are domestic breeds and should live in a house.

Choosing the optimal location for construction

An important issue when planning a structure is choosing a suitable location for it. The mental state of the pet, its behavior, a comfortable overview of what is happening, the peace of the owner himself, and the emergence of conflict situations with neighbors depend on this. When placing the structure on the site, the following points should be considered:

  1. The dog must have a full view of the yard, including the entrance.
  2. You cannot build a site near a garage, latrines, compost pit, sewerage system, or other objects with unpleasant and pungent odors that can lead to the pet losing its sense of smell.
  3. It is recommended not to install the structure right next to the house, but it is also not worth moving it to a great distance, otherwise the dog will feel abandoned.
  4. Free access to the structure should be provided.
  5. The optimal place for an enclosure will be a hill located in the front part of the yard. In the lowlands, the building will be constantly flooded after rains.
  6. It is advisable that a tree grow near the object, but one that does not produce large fruits; it will protect the pet from the sun's rays.
  7. Close proximity to a fence located near a street or roadway will lead to irritation of the four-legged friend and unreasonable barking.

Construction instructions

Measure out an area 3 by 2 m. Dig a trench around the perimeter 20 cm wide and 20 cm deep (on the bayonet of a shovel). Dig metal pipes 2 meters high in the corners (leave 1.5 m on the surface).

The trench must be filled halfway with crushed stone or broken bricks. Make formwork from boards around the trench, as shown in the photo. The boards can then be removed and used to create the walls of the dog enclosure.

Now fill the trench with cement and leave it to harden for a day. Now the formwork boards can be removed. Fill the entire floor of the future enclosure with cement. When the floor has hardened, cover it with boards, fastening them with self-tapping screws.

Important! Try to make the floor have a slight slope.

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Now we are building walls. We make two from OSB boards, and two from chain-link mesh. We cut out a small door in one of the slabs - such that the owner can pass through.

We attach the chain-link mesh to the posts using wire. On top of the mesh walls, parallel to the floor, we attach wooden slats to the posts using self-tapping screws. It is on them that the canopy will be supported.

We lay boards on the roof and roofing felt or tiles on top. The enclosure for a small dog is ready. A larger dog pen is made in much the same way, only it can be insulated (first of all, the floor).

And put a booth in the corner between the blank walls. Now the dog can live in such a pen all year round.


You don't have to build a kennel that is too big. Its area should be exactly such that the dog can turn freely, and its height should be approximately one and a half times the height of the dog at the withers.

The doghouse needs to be warm, so they make it wooden. Ideally, make the floor and walls in 2 layers (for example, board and plywood) and insert thermal insulation material between them.

The size of the kennel should match the size of the dog

The dog spends most of its time in the enclosure. Therefore, it is extremely important to make it spacious, comfortable and warm.

Aviary in the apartment

Why do you need a pen for a small dog that lives in the same apartment with you? There are several reasons. This can be a secluded corner for your pet, where he will be calm and comfortable, and where you can safely leave the dog while you are at work.

Such an enclosure may be necessary if your dog has puppies that are constantly trying to run around the house and chew something.

Options for enclosures for home can be made of different materials - mesh, wood, plastic. But these are much easier to make. There is no need to dig trenches, pour concrete or cover a roof.


Elite enclosure designs: notice how beautiful they are!

We especially like the forged bars on the enclosures:


With booth:

An original solution to build an enclosure made of bricks:

For a large dog, be sure to make a pen with a walk:

For two or three dogs:

Indoor aviary made of wooden slats

It’s not difficult to make and it will look good inside the apartment. The size can be chosen approximately 1 m, 1.5 larger for small puppies is unnecessary. We measure the slats to the required length - 4 pcs. 1 m each, and 4 pieces - 1.5 m.

We nail wooden planks onto parallel slats (you should get something like a village fence). If the enclosure is planned to be high enough, you can cut a door in one of the walls.

We install our enclosure on the floor and lay down a piece of linoleum. All is ready. Your dogs will be happy if you put not only food inside, but also a couple of beddings and their favorite toys.


Considering that the owner or one of the household members will have to regularly enter the enclosure, the size of the doorway is calculated based on the dimensions of an adult.

The height of the door in most cases corresponds to the height of the fence. Width – 3–4 cm less than the distance between the supports of the doorway. This will ensure normal door movement and eliminate the possibility of jamming.

During the door leaf manufacturing process:

  • make a frame from metal corners or wooden boards;
  • fill the space inside the frame by analogy with a general fence: stretch the mesh or weld metal rods.

The door is hung on hinges previously fixed to one of the supports of the doorway.

Attention: The enclosure door must open inward and fit snugly against the fence wall. The door is equipped with a strong lock on the outside.

The door is equipped with a strong lock on the outside


If you don't have experience pouring concrete, it's best to hire a professional to do the task. However, if we want to do it ourselves, we look for videos on the Internet.


  • It's low maintenance
  • Concrete floors last a long time


Not as easy on dogs' joints and paws as other flooring options.

  • It is expensive
  • Dogs don't like to "mind their own business" on concrete.

The disadvantages of concrete are that dogs do not like to go to the toilet on concrete as much as, for example, on grass. It is also harder on the paws and joints.


If you decide to build a structure yourself, listen to the advice of professional breeders:

  • in order to save money and space, do not reduce the established size standards;
  • do not make the enclosure too large - in winter it is difficult to maintain the required temperature;
  • carefully consider and follow the rules for making the walls, roof and floor of the enclosure.

Let us consider in more detail how to correctly manufacture individual structural elements.

Making a booth

The Boston Terrier and French Bulldog will be in comfort when the enclosure is supplemented with a good-quality booth. The first rule is the parameters, they are significant and are chosen according to the physique of the LEONBERGER or Rottweiler. The Caucasian Shepherd will not go inside until it becomes comfortable and spacious for sleeping, resting, staying until sunset, the heat subsides, and coolness sets in.

Based on this, they draw a sketch, detail the drawings, and calculate the materials:

  1. The pet is measured at the withers with the tips of the paws.
  2. The second parameter, from the nose to the tailbone, will give the size in the lying position.
  3. Tolerances are made + 15 cm.

3 sizes will create an ideal neat outline: Siberian Husky and Samoyed.

Where to place it correctly

The correct place is considered to be the one that is typical of the recommendations:

  1. Preference is a flat, dry area, no drafts or gusts of wind.
  2. The animal has a maximum view of 120° in both directions.
  3. The location is not close to the entrance and fence.
  4. Complete isolation from the owner is eliminated and loneliness is not experienced.
  5. Away from the windows of the house. So that the smells do not reach the hut.

We will install a fence or barrier

The barrier holding the dog back is the important part. It is necessary to consider how high the barrier should be to keep the dog.

A chain link fence can be an easy option, but most medium to large dogs can jump a regular fence. 180 centimeters or more is a good height for a fence. Some dogs may require a higher fence.

Portable design

For small dogs, enclosures are made that can be brought into the apartment. The rules for working on such structures are the same as the design of street premises.

In principle, such products are more likely to be needed for growing puppies - they prevent little doggies from wandering around the house.

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