Beautiful boxes for gifts with your own hands: ideas, shapes, templates, stencils, diagrams, design, photos. How to decorate a gift box with your own hands?

The main thing in a gift is not only the object of the gift itself, but also the attention on the part of the giver, as well as the anticipation and subtle feeling of something unusual that is born in the recipient.

The unusual packaging creates a wonderful holiday mood and anticipation of a miracle. That is why the art of how to beautifully decorate a gift is so important. You can decorate it in an unusual way using special materials or improvised means: plain paper, ribbons.

Ideas, shapes and photos of beautiful DIY gift boxes

Gift box with openwork decor Gift box: heart Square gift box

New Year's gift box

Gift box: star
If you want to show your friend or relative all your respect and love, then try making a gift box with your own hands. If possible, try to use all your imagination and create the most original packaging. If you wish, you can make the box round, triangular and diamond-shaped, or make a package visually similar to a flower, house, fruit or even a diamond.

Of course, the latter options will require a little more craftsmanship, but in the end you will get a unique item that definitely cannot be purchased in a store. The only thing you must remember is that such crafts love precision. In this case, when cutting out the template, you cannot afford to deviate from the line in one direction or the other.

You must cut all the lines as accurately as possible, taking care to create perfectly straight edges. If this stage of work is not carried out as it should be, then with a high probability we can say that in the end the box will not be entirely presentable.

Packed beautifully

We already know how to make boxes, now we need to understand how to beautifully wrap a gift with our own hands. Of course, you can leave the gift as is (or put the gifts in gift boxes, which is also good), or you can think about how to decorate the gift and come up with something special.

Let's look at how to wrap a gift in paper so that it looks truly stylish and does not give the impression of sloppiness. Pay attention to the choice of paper - you can choose regular light or dark paper, you can choose natural packaging paper (Kraft), or you can buy several sheets or rolls of beautiful printed paper from a scrapbooking store.

See how to wrap a gift in an original way. Try a new way that attracts attention - your gift will look very, very unusual!

How to do it right

How classic gift packaging is made:

This was a classic type of packaging, and now there will be an original gift packaging for a man or woman - in the form of a Christmas tree.

To make a braid, you will need a lot of decorative paper. So, we consider: we will need to completely wrap the box (width and allowances), and in length we will need to take 1.5 measurements of the length of the gift and 2 of its height. By the way, you don’t have to fasten the Christmas tree, but collect it in a kind of ponytail, then it’s better to take the length of your gift and multiply it by 2.5 - then you’ll definitely have enough.

As a practice, try wrapping any small box with a piece of newspaper or plain paper - this way you will understand how to fold the folds, where to lay the tape and practice a little.

This way you can make packaging for anything - it could be a large box of chocolates and an ordinary book, a set of cosmetics or a plush toy.

How to make a cardboard box for a gift: template, pattern

Step #1

Step No. 2
If you are new to this business, then you need to start your acquaintance with this type of needlework with the simplest things. Believe me, if you do everything correctly, even an ordinary square box will look attractive. Now we will present to your attention a master class with which you can make a rectangular gift box.

To make it, you only need glue, scissors and special cardboard. If you don't have one, don't be too upset. You can quite easily take even the one that children use in school lessons and make a frame for a craft from it. It’s just that in this case, after the box is ready, you will have to decorate it additionally. This can be done using the decoupage technique or using organza, tulle or satin ribbons.

Decoupage technique

Another accessible method of decoration is the decoupage technique. By using a decorative napkin and special glue, you can transform a boring box design.

What is used for decoration? To do this choose:

  • Napkins for decoupage with a beautiful pattern;
  • PVA glue;
  • Brush;
  • White acrylic paint;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Satin ribbon;
  • Dried flowers;
  • Furniture varnish;
  • sponge;
  • Alcohol;
  • Soft fabric.

The surface of the box must first be cleaned of traces of various contaminants.

  1. Using a soft cloth, distribute the alcohol evenly over the entire area of ​​the product.
  2. Next, the entire surface of the container must be painted with white acrylic paint.
  3. To ensure that the colored decor is evenly distributed and does not form lines, you need to use a sponge.
  4. To create an even base you will need two layers. The drying time between application of the composition should be 30-50 minutes.
  5. When the acrylic paint is completely dry, you can proceed to decorating the box. To do this, we use napkins for decoupage.
  6. The elements are first cut out using scissors. We distribute the decorations in a chaotic order.
  7. Glue will allow you to fix them on the plane. Carefully cover the surface of the image with the adhesive mass and wait for it to dry completely.

We will fix the tape along the border of the product. It is recommended to secure the elements with adhesive. Now, let's use clear furniture varnish to fix the result. To create a dense shell, apply 3 layers. The drying time of the finished product is 1 hour.

We will fix a composition of dried flowers in the center. To do this we will use a glue gun. Apply hot glue at several points and attach dried flowers. You can complement the composition with beads or rhinestones. The finished box is used for storing jewelry and cosmetics.

How to make a small mini gift box from paper: template, pattern

Scheme for work

Gift box

Ready-made box Template No. 1 Template No. 2
If you are planning to give a small gift to a loved one, then you can make a small box for such a gift. It is best to make a similar craft, like the previous one, from thick paper. If you make it out of thin material, then there is a possibility that it will not hold the desired shape, or it will simply tear due to the mechanical impact that the gift will have on its walls.

Yes, and in this case it is extremely important to take the most responsible approach to fastening all the side parts. Since these crafts do not have secret locks, it will be better if you fix everything with glue or double-sided tape. If the first box seems too simple to you, then below we have placed two more quite interesting templates, by printing which you can easily make some pretty cute crafts.

Bows and ribbons

You can give a loved one a festive mood by decorating the gift with a bright ribbon or even a bow. You can make the decoration yourself by purchasing ribbon of a suitable tone from an office supply store. It will be easy to wrap the box using ribbon made in bright or soothing colors.

How to make a scrapbooking box for a gift?

Template No. 1 Box of squares
If you want to really surprise your loved one, then make a scrapbooking box for him. To make it, you will need both regular cardboard and special paper for scrapbooking. You will make a durable frame from cardboard, and use paper to give it a festive look. The best part is that in this case you will have a huge field for imagination. Since this box is supposed to be untied, you can decorate it both inside and outside.

Moreover, if you wish, you can even provide places for small gifts in those parts of the craft that will recline. For example, you can make places there for notes in which you write the nicest words. But keep in mind that in order for the congratulatory notes to fit well into the overall style of the gift box, they must be in the same color scheme as it.

Kraft paper

At the moment, craft paper is very popular, as such packaging looks extremely original. It should be added that there are a huge number of varieties of this type of paper: a huge range of colors and the density of the material itself.

Of course, such packaging requires some additional decoration. Most often these are: hand-drawn drawings, stickers, ribbons, beads, wreaths. This type of packaging can develop your creativity.

How to make an origami gift box?

Step No. 1 Step No. 2 Step No. 3
Recently, the origami technique has become so popular that even gift boxes have been made with its help. In principle, you can make such a craft from any colored paper, but since you are still making a product for an important holiday, it will be better if you spend money on scrapbooking paper.

In this case, you will not need additional decoration of the inside of the product, as you will immediately make it as it should be. The only thing you have to take into account is that to create a box, the master class for which is posted above, you need to use two square sheets, one of which will be literally 11-12 millimeters smaller. If you do not take this nuance into account, then in the end you simply will not be able to combine the two parts into one craft.

We design the decor

When we prepare gifts for a certain holiday, of course, we want to add themed decor to the packaging.

For example, New Year's gifts can be decorated:

  • snowflakes made of shiny paper;
  • silhouettes of snowmen, deer and other characters;
  • images of Father Frost and Snow Maiden;
  • artificial snow-covered sprig of spruce, poinsentia or holly.

You can get even more great ideas from this video.

If you are planning a gift for a birthday, we advise you to do the following:

  • attach a balloon to it;
  • place the gift in the mailing box;
  • print out mini-format photographs of the birthday boy and glue them to the packaging;
  • Use beautiful paper to make an applique in the form of a birthday cake.

You will find even more ideas by watching this video.

Valentine's Day gifts has never been easier. The main thing here is a lot of hearts.

For example:

  • instead of a bow, attach fluffy heart pompoms;
  • glue a big heart folded using the origami technique;
  • attach several small heart cards with warm wishes;
  • place the gift in a large cardboard box, fill it with small balloons and close it. This will be a surprise!

If you want something especially romantic, be sure to watch this video.

How to make a gift box with a lid?

Recommendations for making a round box
A gift box with a lid is an ideal packaging for heavier and heavier gifts. If you make it a little larger than shown in the master class, you can supplement the main gift with sweets, boutonnieres made of fresh flowers and cards made by yourself. As you probably already understood, it is best to make such a box from thick cardboard.

If you have the opportunity, purchase it at a specialty store, or go to the nearest supermarket and pick up any paper box there. When you bring it home, lay it out horizontally and place it under something heavy. Leave it in this position for literally an hour, and then proceed to drawing the frame of the future craft. This little trick will help you smooth out any kinks that would probably get in your way when creating your masterpiece.

Mugs as a gift: the most unusual and original gift cups for men and women

A mug is a fairly common type of gift for any occasion. You can give it to your grandmother on her birthday, to her daughter for Christmas, and to her beloved man on Valentine's Day.

In order for the gift to be original and your cup to be different from all the others, you should be more careful in choosing it: pay attention to the design of the container, the quality of the material, the packaging, and take into account the individual characteristics of the recipient. Thanks to the huge range of modern stores, this is easy to do.

You can always choose a mug as a gift for a loved one: brother, father, friend or grandfather, spouse or admirer.

When choosing a mug for a man, try to find an option that will stand out from the rest of the teaware

You can, for example, buy a cool mug with an inscription or photo. Souvenir shops provide this opportunity. If you decide to place your photo or a photo of the recipient on the container, you will need to turn to specialists for help. This service costs approximately 500 rubles.

There are also training master classes on the Internet on how to apply a graphic image to dishes at home. You can be a little wizard and decorate the cup yourself as a gift.

Choose a funny phrase, an original photo, and then an unusual mug with humor as a gift for your husband will be the best gift.

Mug with humorous inscriptions

Thermal mugs are popular. This is not only a beautiful, but also a useful gift. It will be useful for a person who spends a lot of time at the computer or on the road: his drink will not get cold.

Many types can be heated directly in the car or using a telephone charger. The price of such an original thermal mug as a gift for a guy depends on the manufacturer.

There are options from 500 rubles, and there are also for 5000 rubles.

Gift set with a mug for your loved one

If you think a tea cup is not a suitable gift for a man, pay attention to gift sets of glasses with cup holders. Faceted gift glasses look very beautiful. They can also have an inscription or design.

A glass often becomes a real memorable souvenir. The person who receives such a gift can only use this utensil and remember the giver.

A beautiful mug as a gift will be an excellent souvenir for your mother, your work colleague, and your best friend. You can always put something else in the mug as a gift. It's a great idea to fill it with tea bags or coffee sticks. You can present a cup with sweets or even place a bill in it.

This will make the present more significant if you need an expensive gift.

The woman will spend the money as she sees fit, and the cup will remain as a memento. In this case, you can choose a gift cup and saucer and hide the banknote under the glass. Pack the gift beautifully in transparent film, insert a card and go congratulate the recipient. Or surprise your girlfriend and hide the jewelry in a glass.

Gift cup and saucer

A tea set for a woman is an appropriate gift for big events. It’s not a shame to come to an anniversary with him. The services are usually already packaged and all you need is a card and a bouquet of flowers.

Often dishes are chosen as a gift for a wedding anniversary. It would be an appropriate gift for a porcelain or silver wedding.

Of course, provided that the dishes are made of the appropriate material.

Tea set as a gift

A girl will also definitely like a thermal mug as a gift, especially if she likes to watch TV series on long evenings. Now she won’t have to stop watching to warm up her tea. The drink will always be hot. It will also be useful to her in the workplace. It's always nice to take a break to have some tea.

Etiquette requires that the gift be wrapped. It must be put in gift wrapping. But this is difficult to do with non-standard gifts. In this case, transparent film and decorative tapes will help out. You can decorate a mug as a gift for a man as follows:

  1. Take a piece of transparent film 2-3 times larger than the glass itself.
  2. Place the present in the center.
  3. Gather the edges of the film over the glass.
  4. Tie with decorative ribbon.
  5. Make a beautiful bow.

Place a congratulations card inside. Remember that the bow should be modest, as men's packaging suggests a discreet and formal style.

Packing the cup in transparent film

There is an option to pack a mug without a box in gift paper with your own hands. In this case, you can do the same as with the film, that is, collect the ends of the paper above the container itself.

Older relatives will love a bundle made from craft paper. This is exactly how goods were wrapped in Soviet stores. Tie it with a nylon cord, and your grandmother or uncle will certainly appreciate the idea, remembering the times of their youth.

Alternatively, make a gift bag out of paper and place the gift in it.

You can not use film or paper, but decorate the mug as a gift with decorative elements. This could be a paper flower attached to a handle, a hat coquettishly placed on a container, or a paper applique. Decorate your New Year's gift with tinsel and rain or tie a heart-shaped balloon to the handle and present your gift to your loved one on Valentine's Day.

A mug is a sought-after gift. They use it all the time. Even in Ancient Greece, a person who came to visit gave the hosts a vessel filled with sweets.

This meant a wish for prosperity and well-being

In Italy they do the same, but add cereal.

In Russia there is an opinion that if you give one mug, the owner will remain lonely and will not have a life partner. But judging by the popularity of such a gift, few people know about it. To avoid getting into trouble, give a mug filled with something and talk about traditions in European countries.

In addition, an elegant, original, beautifully packaged cup is unlikely to raise any doubts.

For a married couple, purchase two mugs in the same style. But remember that then such a gift would be inappropriate on your birthday. After all, on this day it is supposed to give only what only the birthday person will use. If you choose a gift for your loved one, buy yourself the same one. Let it stay with you.

If you were given a cup as a gift, and you are a superstitious person, and you are afraid that it will be the culprit of your loneliness or will threaten family happiness - give payment for it. A symbolic ransom destroys the magical effect, and you will be able to use the donated dishes.

A small gift, even if it’s just a souvenir cup, can lift a person’s spirits, speak about the feelings of the giver and express sincere affection for the recipient.

Gift idea mug with sweets

You can, for example, buy a cool mug with an inscription or photo. Souvenir shops provide this opportunity. If you decide to place your photo or a photo of the recipient on the container, you will need to turn to specialists for help. This service costs approximately 500 rubles. There are also training master classes on the Internet on how to apply a graphic image to dishes at home.

Thermal mugs are popular. This is not only a beautiful, but also a useful gift. It will be useful for a person who spends a lot of time at the computer or on the road: his drink will not get cold. Many types can be heated directly in the car or using a telephone charger. The price of such an original thermal mug as a gift for a guy depends on the manufacturer. There are options from 500 rubles, and there are also for 5000 rubles.

How to make a surprise gift box?

Box in the form of a piece of cake Template No. 1 Template No. 2
In principle, a box with a surprise can have a completely different shape, color and decor. In this case, everything will depend solely on what event you are going to. If you are going to an employee’s birthday, then it can be a completely standard square and rectangular box, inside of which, in addition to the present itself, a piece of paper with wishes will be placed (it should be as long as possible and folded into an accordion).

If you are going to a child's party, then make a gift box for him in the form of a piece of cake and be sure to place a couple of cartoon characters made of cardboard inside. And in order for them to really be a surprise for the baby, attach the figures to flexible springs that will push them out as soon as the lid is removed from the box.

Options for homemade packaging boxes

It's very easy to make creative packaging for a small gift. There are many designs and manufacturing options. In addition to the standard rectangle, cardboard can make excellent triangles, trapezoidal, and shaped products. The top clasp can be made in the shape of hearts, flowers, secured with ribbons, lace, or left open.

The work requires a minimum of materials. Choose the packaging design you like, transfer it to cardboard and cut it out along the contour. We bend the elements as indicated in the figure with a dotted line and coat the joints with glue. We collect the box and let it dry. Textile ribbons, bows, stickers, and any natural materials can be used as decoration.

How to make a gift box with wishes?

Master class on making a pyramid

Tips for making a pyramid
If you want your gift box to be both packaging and a greeting card, then make it in the shape of a pyramid. In the photo above you can see templates that can be used to make a small pyramid. But if you try to enlarge the scale of the drawing, you will eventually be able to make a pyramid on which you can place wishes.

Remember, in order for such a surprise to look interesting, the scale of the picture must be increased at least twice. Only in this case will you have the opportunity to make pockets on the outside of the product, in which you can later put cute notes. Yes, and remember, these pockets do not have to be made of paper; you can quite easily use, for example, lace for this. Just when you attach them, use a stapler instead of glue.

How to pack a bottle in gift paper?

If you purchased alcohol without packaging as a gift, and it is awkward to give it in this form, use the following tips.

Take wrapping paper of the same tone. Cut 2 equal strips. Wrap the bottom of the bottle with one strip and the other around the neck, just like closing jam in home jars. Accessorize the top with a decorative cord tie and a greeting tag. It will be very original.

Use crepe paper as a wrapper. “Swaddle” the bottle in it. Tie with a satin ribbon and make a bow. You can pack a bottle of champagne this way. In this case, the neck can be additionally decorated with flowers, pine cones, or origami figures. If you are presenting alcohol to a man, place the bottle on top of the shirt and tie it with a tie. Write congratulatory words on the reverse side.

Packing a bottle in gift paper

How to make a transparent gift box?

Rectangular gift box

Tall gift box Triangular gift box
Above, we have already shown you how to make a gift box from cardboard and plain paper, and now you will learn how to make a very cute transparent package. The best part is that you don’t have to buy material to make such a craft.

Since it is made from an ordinary plastic bottle, you only have to buy ribbons and gobbets for decoration. So, take a transparent plastic bottle and cut off the neck and bottom from it. As a result, you should be left with a perfect cylinder in your hands. Then take your scissors and carefully cut it exactly as shown in the picture.

After you're done with this, start bending the material so that you can clearly see all the edges of the future craft. If you can't do this with your hands, then use scissors for this. As soon as you realize that the plastic has become more obedient, you can safely assemble the box. For security, tie it with a satin ribbon.

"Warm" packaging

A gift wrapped in fabric looks unusual and original. You can simply use a piece, wrap it in a thick box, shape it into a knot, or sew a beautiful bag with a clasp. Buttons, felt tags, yarn, and ribbons are used as decoration. A wicker basket wrapped in linen fabric looks beautiful. In this way you can present a gift in the form of vegetable compositions.

There are many techniques for folding textiles beautifully: the basic technique, four knots, for cylindrical objects, flat boxes, with double wrapping. Knitted packaging is very popular. It will come in handy during the cold season. This could be a small cuff with a note, or a soft bag.

How to beautifully design a bottle for a gift

To decorate gift bottles and vases, there are many types of special paper, elongated bags with handles. The standard wrapper can be varied in various ways. The easiest one is to make funny curls at the neck. To do this, you need to cut the free edges and twist them with scissors. The packaging is suitable for gifts for New Year's holidays and Easter wines.

You can pack champagne beautifully using napkins and corrugated paper. We wrap the bottle with material, starting from the neck, and secure it with tape. Leave the bottom open. The gift can be decorated with beads, artificial flowers, and bells. You can hide the outline of the container if you place it in a homemade cardboard tube.

How to make a box for a women's gift on March 8?

Template No. 1 Template No. 2

Template No. 3
It just so happened, but for some reason most women associate March 8 with delicate branches of mimosa and scarlet tulips. That is why when making a box for this holiday, you must remember that there must be flowers on its outside. Whether they are drawn or made using appliqué is up to you to decide. The main thing is that your packaging shows with all its appearance that spring is coming very soon.

If you don't want to spend extra time decorating the box, then invest in scrapbooking paper. If you are ready to work a little, then you can download some interesting template on the Internet, make flowers using it and cover the finished box with floral applique. Also, if you wish, you can simply paint it beautifully.

What types of glass sets are there?

Typically, wine glasses are sold in sets of 2 or more pieces. Choosing glassware will be easy if you remember the main differences between wine glasses for different drinks.

In order to feel the rich taste and aroma of the drink, you need to drink it from the right glass.

Wine glasses

Red wine has a rich color and a noticeable aroma; for such contents, you should choose a set of wide barrel-shaped glasses with a slightly narrowed neck, a fairly long stem and a high bowl. This shape will allow the wine to come into maximum contact with the air and release its aroma, which will linger due to the upper narrowing of the container.

The names of vessels for serving wine directly depend on the types of wine. After all, each grape drink has its own characteristics.

There are two types of glassware for red wines.

  1. Bordeaux. It is permissible to pour any type of this drink into it. The glass has a large volume (up to 600 ml) and a conical shape. Bordeaux wine glass.
  2. Burgundy. The glass is easy to recognize by its spherical shape. Suitable for mature, low-tannin, aromatic wines. It is often used during tasting, since the large area of ​​​​the dish allows you to most accurately determine the taste of the contents. The Burgundy glass has a spherical shape and a long thin stem.

Advice! It is not recommended to pour the drink more than a quarter of the container. Otherwise, you will not be able to feel the aroma that arises when the wine comes into contact with oxygen.

Only in this way can you feel the rich taste of the drink.

White wines do not have a pronounced aroma, so they choose a cone-shaped wine glass or a glass with straight walls. The white wine container resembles a Bordeaux glass, but differs in size. This drink is usually drunk from a small wine glass, the volume of which does not exceed 400 ml.

Elongated glasses with a stable thin stem and a narrow base are suitable for dry wines.

There are also stemless wine glass sets. They are suitable for any type of drink and are a good choice for everyday enjoyment of good wine. However, such dishes are not suitable for tasting drinks of the highest level. You should also take into account that fingerprints will definitely remain on the walls of a glass without a stem, so sometimes you will have to wash the container several times during the evening.

These vessels are comfortable to hold in your hand.

Sets of glasses for other alcoholic drinks

In addition to wine glasses, several popular types of glassware for other alcoholic products are produced.

  • Glass-saucer. It has the shape of a shallow bowl on a high stem. The volume is 120-200ml. Often used to create champagne pyramids at various celebrations.

Similar vessel models are used at various events to create champagne towers.

  • Flute. This is a long narrow glass with a high stem. The edges are slightly tapered at the top. The volume is usually about 200ml.

Any sparkling wines and champagne are served in this container.

  • Margarita. The glass has an original wide shape, resembling a saucer on top. It was invented specifically for the cocktail of the same name. The volume varies, from 200 to 500 ml.

Can be used for any alcoholic cocktails with ice.

In addition, there are a large number of glasses and shot glasses for strong drinks (vodka, several types of whiskey, strong liqueurs, etc.). All of them have a small volume so that the drink can be drunk at one time.

Not only vodka is served in small glasses, but also various cocktails based on it.

How to make a box for a men's gift on February 23?

Template No. 1

Template No. 2 Template No. 3
If there are real men in your family, then you simply must make February 23 a special day. The right gift wrapping will help you create a festive atmosphere. In principle, it can be done quite simply. You can make a box according to any template or master class that we introduced you to, only taking into account the fact that you are preparing a gift for a representative of the stronger sex.

That is, in this case it is best to forget about flowers, curls and all sorts of feminine things. It will be better if you make a gift box from paper with a camouflage print, or simply paint the finished product in different shades of green and brown. If you want to pack a present for an older man in this way, you can try decorating the box with a red star or any other attributes of the Soviet era.

You can also draw it, or print out the template and use the resulting blanks to make the desired applique. Well, if you are a lover of everything new, then try making a box in the shape of a men’s shirt. You can see how to do it in the picture, which is located a little higher.

Color scheme and packaging style

When making a gift, you must first of all pay attention to the person himself, his lifestyle, character, passion, and clothing preferences. Based on these parameters, you can easily choose the appropriate direction. Among the main styles are:

  • Romantic. The souvenir can be wrapped in paper and placed in a box with a design. The surface of the material should have light and delicate shades. Ribbons, jewelry, and lace fabric are suitable as additional decor.
  • Conservative. Muted, discreet colors are used. Packaging should be strict, without additional accessories.
  • Ecological. Here it is better to use natural paper or fabric of natural shades. Natural materials are used for bandaging, such as twine, tree bark, palm or agave fibers. Cones, moss, and green twigs are used for decoration.
  • Provence. Only natural elements in light pastel colors are used. There should be flowers in the drawing. A wooden box or beige flowerpot can simply be wrapped with ribbon.
  • Feminine. The color scheme can be different, red and lilac shades, pink, yellow-pink are preferred. Elegant, beautifully designed, textured materials in the form of fabric, film, paper, decorated with ribbons and flowers are suitable.

How to make a gift box for lovers on February 14?

Box for February 14

Template No. 1

Template No. 2 Template No. 3
Many people think that making a heart-shaped box is very difficult. In fact, such a product is made according to the same principle as all other packaging. All that will be required of you in this case is simply to find the correct template and use it to glue the box together. We decided to make the task easier for you and therefore offer you a choice of several interesting ideas for gift boxes for February 14th.

If you decide to make the largest and most voluminous one, remember that in this case you will also have to make a product consisting of two parts. One part will act as the gift box itself, and the other will be the lid. Therefore, when cutting out the frame of a future craft, be sure to double-check whether one of the parts is slightly larger in size.

As in the case of a rectangular product, this is necessary so that in the end you can easily put the upper part on the lower part. As for the color of the box, it doesn't have to be red, if you want you can make the heart pink, raspberry or even purple and white.

Gift wrapping in film

Elastic transparent film is suitable for irregularly shaped boxes and gifts without protective wrapping. These can be edible bouquets, flowers in pots, toys and other items. The main task of accessible packaging is to protect the item from contamination.

Nondescript film can be safely used for wrapping gifts for big celebrations. You can give it a festive look with bows, flowers, and stickers. If you use a lining, you can achieve a mysterious effect. To do this, use fabric and colored paper. There are several ways to wrap an item in film:

  • Wrapping along the contour;
  • Collecting the edges of the film around the gift;
  • In the form of a candy, a cracker, tying the edges with ribbons.

How to make a wedding gift box?

Template No. 1 Template No. 2 Template No. 3 Template No. 4 Template No. 5
It’s probably not even worth mentioning that a wedding gift box should be special. And the point here is not in the shape of the product, but in its decor. Therefore, feel free to choose the template according to which you would like to make such a craft, and then begin to think about what the finishing of the finished product will be like.

I would like to say right away that in order for you to end up with something truly festive, the decor should be multi-layered. That is, you can create volume using flowers, leaves or hearts glued to each other and complement all this beauty with elegant curls made of rhinestones and sequins.

It is best for beginning needlewomen to opt for square and rectangular crafts. Such products are not only made faster, but also easier to decorate. Since you will actually have a canvas in front of you, you can first lay out the future picture from the elements, see how all the details will look together, and only after that start fixing them.


A fairly common way to decorate gifts made of any material. Wreaths are made from plants (especially evergreen ones - thuja, rosemary, pine needles). The branches are folded into a kind of circle of exactly the size that suits you and are fastened together imperceptibly or glued together.

The twigs can be tinted for depth of color (for example, if you took light material (straw, dry grass, jute cord), and you need to emphasize the naturalness of the materials). In addition, wreaths can also be decorated.

They are complemented with beads of the exact color that suits your color scheme.

How to make a birthday gift box?

Template for making a cake Template No. 1 Template No. 2

Template No. 3
Birthdays are one of those holidays that everyone looks forward to. It makes no difference how old the hero of the occasion is; on this day he still wants to feel most loved and dear. And what else can take us back to childhood and give us wonderful memories if not a gift packed in a box simulating a birthday cake. It’s easy to make such a craft, the main thing is to show a little patience.

Above you can see a template that you can use to make one piece of cake. If you see that in the end the gift wrap will be smaller in size than you need, then increase the scale to the desired size, just making sure that all proportions are respected in the process. Then make the required number of pieces, fold them into a circle and measure the diameter of the resulting figure.

But based on the data obtained, cut out a round stand on which you will place all the workpieces. If you wish, you can cover its edge with openwork snowflakes or lace. When the stand is ready, fill all the boxes with presents, form them into a cake and secure everything with a satin ribbon.

Gift decoration for a boy

You can use the same idea as for decorating a girly gift - cover the packaging with stickers with your favorite characters. These can be superheroes, cars, ninja turtles and everything that the boy loves.

    Another good idea would be packaging in the “Superhero” style. To do this, you need to draw or print the emblem of your favorite superhero and stick it on the packaging.

How to make a gift box for the New Year?

Template #1

Template No. 2 Template No. 3 Template No. 4 Template No. 5
As you probably already understood, if you wish, you can make a box for the holiday of any shape and color with your own hands. As for the New Year, in this case too you will have plenty to choose from. If you show a little patience and ingenuity, then with the help of our templates you can make a beautiful snowman, a fluffy Christmas tree, a house or Santa Claus.

If you print the templates on a color printer using photo paper, then all you have to do is cut out the parts of the future gift box and carefully glue them together. If you don't have the opportunity to print templates, you can always make gift wrapping from a paper bag and a winter applique, such as the head of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden or a snowman.

In this case, the bag, depending on the chosen character, will need to be made red, white or blue, and then a head, for example, Santa Claus, will be glued to the very top of the bag. You will need to stack two of them and be sure to provide holes at the very top for ribbons, which you will later use to tie your gift.

Dry flowers

This type of gift design is rightfully considered the most creative option for replacing a bow made of satin ribbon or any other material, because it:

  1. Creative - such a thought would only occur to a creative person. The recipient will certainly appreciate your message and the gift will look even more expensive.
  2. A valuable contribution to the mood of the recipient - in order to make a tiny bouquet on the package, you need to do quite a painstaking job.
  3. First, choose colors. Secondly, find rare materials, since not every home stores dried daisies, chrysanthemums, or even wildflowers. All this means that the person tried and sweated so that the recipient fully enjoyed the appearance of the package and acquired an amazing magical feeling of happiness and joy.
  4. A good deception maneuver - it is worth noting that such incredibly beautiful packaging serves as part of a gift (accordingly, it can also be used in the future as a decorative item).

Thus, if your gift is not quite expensive, but is packaged incredibly beautifully, as in our case, the gift acquires great value because of its packaging.

What are such compositions used on gift wrappings made from? The answer is simple - from everything that comes to hand. No matter how banal it may sound, it is partly true.

You can use:

  • Dried roses,
  • Rosemary sprigs,
  • Wildflowers,
  • Various leaves,
  • Helichrysum,
  • Millennial and mainly gypsophila.

How to make a box for a cash gift?

Box for money Template No. 1

Flowers for decoration
Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with a gift envelope for money, so most people try to present them in a more original way. The best option for such a case would be a cash gift box. You can make it using a fairly simple template. True, when making such a craft, you must remember that in this case you will be making a box, the inside of which will slide out.

Therefore, if you see that the sides of the product do not hold their shape well, then be sure to strengthen them. If you do this using cardboard, then one strip will be enough. If you use less dense paper, then first glue several pieces together, and only after that fix this element on your craft. And, of course, remember that until all the parts of the product are fastened together, it is not advisable to move the internal part.

If we talk about the finishing of such products, then everything depends solely on your imagination. You can decorate a cash gift box with whatever you have on hand, or try making flowers from scrapbooking paper. You can see how they can be made a little higher.

Which gift set of wine glasses to choose

Both for gifts and for your own use, it is recommended to purchase sets from well-known manufacturers. They value their reputation, so there is no doubt about the quality of the product.

The prepared gift can be supplemented with a bottle.

The following companies have proven themselves to be excellent.

  • CHEF&SOMMELIER. A French company that produces tableware for household and professional restaurant use. The products meet all quality standards, they are safe and hygienic.

The brand offers a large selection of sets consisting of glasses for alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

  • DIAMOND. The company produces sets of glasses for various drinks. The Lady Diamond Eclat line is well known. The sets consist of six pieces made of high quality glass. They are distinguished by high functionality and elegance.

A set of Diamond glasses will decorate any feast or make a good holiday gift.

  • LIBBEY. One of the world leaders in the production of glassware. The company uses high modern technologies and original design solutions.

The collections are in high demand among ordinary users and restaurant business professionals.

  • TOGNANA. The oldest company from Italy, which began its activities in 1775 with the production of bricks. Over time, TOGNANA refocused and succeeded in the production of glass and porcelain tableware. What distinguishes the brand is the production of exclusive glasses made of glass with thick walls.

The quality of the products is recognized by professionals all over the world.

How to make a gift box for sweets?

Recommendations for making a box A simple box for sweets A simple box for sweets
In principle, a box for sweets can be anything. You can, for example, make a cake from boxes that imitate pieces of dessert (we described how to do this in the previous paragraph of our article) or make something simpler, for example, a round or rectangular box. Therefore, choose which shape you like and start making your holiday craft. If you don’t like such products, then try making boxes using the templates located a little higher.

But I would like to say right away that no matter what you choose, you need to pay special attention to the material from which you will make your craft. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to use thin standard paper as it is unlikely to be able to withstand the weight of the sweets. Therefore, it will be better if you spend money and find the most dense cardboard in a specialized store that will not require additional reinforcement.

How to make a gift box for a child?

Template No. 1 Template No. 2 Template No. 3

Template No. 4
If you are planning to make a box for a children's gift with your own hands, then remember that in this case brightness will come first. Therefore, it will be better if you use paper in rich and rich colors to create such a craft.

Scrapbooking paper is also suitable for creating such a masterpiece, just try to find a material on which a child's drawing will be applied. These could be castles, princesses, cute animals, racing cars or even Legos. But even if you don’t manage to buy something like that, then just use your imagination and decorate the product with appliqué.

Original options

You should also use unusual items to decorate gifts. Non-standard textures or unconventional use of materials will definitely make the gift stand out from the rest.

Unusual options:

  • Sisal. The material can be bought at any flower shop and used instead of paper.
  • Chocolate. You can weld it yourself and give it any shape: a flat cone, a nut for a ring or a box. Chocolate molds are also available for free sale. Anyone would be pleased to receive such a sign of attention.
  • Bouquets or boutonnieres are a great way to present cash gifts or other small items. This method will avoid creating the impression that the donor did not know what to choose.

There are many options for decorating surprises, the main thing is to approach the issue with imagination and love.

How to design and decorate a gift box with your own hands?

Paper roses

Lush flower Flowers made of corrugated paper Flowers made of fabric Recommendations for making bows Paper bow

Ribbon craft

Idea for an applique Applique for decorating a gift box
If you were attentive, you probably realized that you can decorate a gift box with any decor. Therefore, you can even use simple colored paper as a decorative material. So, draw a flower of the desired shape on it in different sizes. After this is done, all you have to do is carefully cut out the blanks and then layer them on top of each other in 3-4 layers.

At the same time, you must ensure that the petals of your flowers are not located opposite each other. It will be better if the petals of each new ball move a little. This way you can achieve the effect of fluffiness and visual realism of the flower. You can also paste over the finished box with hearts, stars, openwork snowflakes, small notes with wishes and various kinds of signs.

In addition, you can make bows of different shapes from paper and also place them on the craft. And, of course, don’t forget that paper can be easily decorated with crafts made from ribbons and fabric. You can see how they can be made in the master classes posted a little higher.

Choosing a packaging method

There are entire manufacturing industries involved in gift wrapping, operating on a scientific basis. If we take these circumstances into account and approach the matter with all responsibility, then when choosing a certain method, you should pay attention to the size of the gift, its recipient, the age and gender of the person. Let's look at different situations in more detail:

Official and festive events

  1. Gift for a man. The packaging of any gift for a father, husband, boss, or friend should be serious and contain a brutal touch. There can be many options for wrappers, but the most suitable ones are:
  • Red, green or blue wrapping paper, tied with ribbon, without unnecessary details;
  • Cloth or scarf. You can use the furoshiki technique. For this, it is preferable to choose thin cotton or silk textiles.
  • A regular box in a neutral shade without additional accessories.
  • Gift bag. If you don’t have time, you can give a discreet but beautiful bag.
  • Gift envelope. Used to transfer funds.
  1. Gift for a woman. A wrapper intended for a wife, mother, or friend should be intriguing and uplifting. The best option would be:
  • Beautiful wrapping paper in soft and pastel shades, containing an image, inscriptions. You can tie it with a beautiful ribbon.
  • A basket with a gift, complemented by a card with a wish. You can wrap it in transparent film.
  • A paper gift bag can only be used when giving a corporate gift.
  • A bright box that matches the size of the item included.
  1. Gift for a child. When decorating a surprise for a baby, no matter whether it is a girl or a boy, you should use bright colorful packaging. Suitable for these purposes:
  • Original boxes decorated with various trinkets.
  • There is a large amount of paper that prevents the gift from being opened quickly.
  • Bows, ribbons, boxes for presenting equipment.

A man should not be given a gift wrapped in light-colored material suitable for the opposite sex. The choice of packaging for a woman must be approached very responsibly. Many people like to use an envelope, box, or bag for personal needs; they wrap their souvenirs with them.

To give a gift to a loved one or acquaintance when you come to his house, you can use any available means for packaging:

  • Glass jars. It will require minor manipulations with the surface of the object, dyeing, wrapping with fabric, and appliqué.
  • Money balls. You can place banknotes in the inflated balloon.
  • Newspapers, old wallpaper. As wrappers for objects of any shape.
  • Textile. It is enough to wrap the element and tie a knot, or perform careful styling.
  • Cardboard. For making homemade boxes.
  • Ribbons, cellophane bags for wrapping.
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