Decorating gifts: how to decorate a box beautifully and originally with your own hands and choose suitable decorations?

Attractive gift packaging is the first thing everyone pays attention to, regardless of age and gender.
With its help, creating a particularly solemn atmosphere will not be particularly difficult. And even a modest present will be remembered for a long time. By wrapping a gift yourself, when you already know what to give to a girl on March 8, a birthday or another holiday, the giver shows imagination and truly surprises a loved one. There are many ways to gift wrap a gift. With step-by-step instructions, mastering any of them is easy.

For work, you can use various types of paper and film. When choosing, take into account the shape and size of the gift, the presence of original packaging. The color scheme of the wrapping material is also significant for the overall impression and helps to enhance the festive atmosphere.

What's a fun way to wrap a birthday gift?

Every person expects surprises on their birthday.
Unusual gift design will help prepare them. Even a small gift can be wrapped in such a way that a person will be surprised. If your gift is small (it could be a keychain or car keys), it is not necessary to choose packaging by size.

  • Prepare several boxes of different sizes. Place your gift in the smallest one, cover it beautifully, and tie it with a bow. Place this box in the next one, decorate it carefully, and pack it so that the birthday boy will have to work hard before he gets to the next one. In this way, fold the box into the box until the largest cardboard container comes next. The result should be a “matryoshka doll”. A person will think that a gift is waiting for him already in the first box, what will be his surprise when he has to open a great many of them. In this way: “package within a package”, you can present a ring, watch, apartment keys, gift certificate, personalized mug and much more.
  • A great way to use multiple types of wrapping paper colors. The present is wrapped in layers. To give the packaging a festive look, you can attach a bow on top, decorate the gift with applique or beads and rhinestones.

Original gift packaging

Special mention should be made about the bow. There are many ways to make it big and beautiful. To do this, use wide or narrow bright ribbons, make large and small loops, and fasten with a stapler if necessary. You can also cut a bow out of paper and attach it to the box.

Gift packaging design

Create a flower

This process is not very complicated, but requires care. First you need to make the petals. The more there are, the more magnificent the flower will be. When making petals, it is advisable to use paper in bright contrasting colors (for example, blue and yellow).

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Follow these steps:

  1. On a thick sheet of paper, draw two drop-shaped petals - a large one and a slightly smaller one. Cut them out. These are your templates.
  2. Place the larger template on a piece of blue paper and trace it with a pencil. Draw a few more petals in the same way.
  3. Place the smaller template on a piece of yellow paper and trace it with a pencil. Draw a few more petals in the same way.
  4. Carefully cut out all the petals.
  5. Use your fingers to twist them a little. They should become slightly wrinkled.
  6. Take a sheet of white (or any other) paper and use scissors to make a fringe on one side. The size of the cuts should be approximately 2 times less than the length of the small petals.
  7. Place the fringed sheet on a flat surface. Place newspaper on top. It should not overlap the fringe.
  8. Attach the newspaper to the paper with glue so that it does not slip.
  9. Twist a tight tube. The newspaper should be inside so that it is not visible. If it peeks out from the side opposite the fringe, cut it off with scissors. Glue the newspaper to the paper along the entire length of the stem. It should be no thicker than a pencil.
  10. Gently straighten the fringe.
  11. Start forming the flower. To do this, glue small petals in a circle to the stem in the place where the fringe begins. We have them in the shape of a drop. Apply glue in a narrow strip only along the edge of its widest part. Spread the tips of the petals with your fingers, giving them a beautiful shape. Wait for the glue to dry. Next, glue the larger ones around the small petals. Give them a nice shape too.

The flower is ready. All that remains is to attach it to the package. To do this, apply glue along the entire length of the stem. Place it on the bag and press it onto the paper. You can place the flower in the center, on the side or diagonally. If you wish, cut out leaves from paper and glue them to the stem.

You can make a lush flower without a stem. It will also look quite impressive.

How to decorate a gift for a man's birthday?

If you don’t have time for a long time wrapping a gift, you can use other methods.

  • Make birthday gift tags. Even a bottle of alcoholic drink can be quickly packed in wrapping paper, and a tag can be attached to the neck of the container. The inscriptions on the gift can be very diverse: wishes of health, humorous phrases or even declarations of love. The tag can be sewn from fabric, made in the form of a small postcard, or made from salt dough. Make it in the shape of a butterfly, oak or maple leaf, car, heart. When making it, use various decorative elements: beads, rhinestones, embroidery, applique. If the gift is of an unusual shape, it is difficult to place it in a box or gift bag, make a tag in a matter of minutes, sign it - and the gift is ready. This method is well suited for large-scale gifts: a car, a boat, a fishing rod, a laptop. Even a wallet wrapped in paper with a tag attached to it will be an unusual gift for your loved one’s birthday.
  • A man can pack a gift in a box made using the origami technique. Packaging made in the form of a shirt and tie is widely used. A paper tie is attached to the surface of the gift box. On the reverse side you can write congratulatory words. You can make a similar gift bag yourself. On a regular thick bag, make an applique in the form of a collar and tie. It is better to choose a monochromatic package.

This way, the gift will immediately take on the image of a present intended for a man, and will look more impressive than a box with a bow

  • You can use the furoshiki technique. This is a Japanese invention, reminiscent of origami. Fabric is used instead of paper. The gift is wrapped in it, original knots are made and it turns out unusual and cool.
  • You can give a gift in a glass jar. It is better to take the original form of the jar. A layer of plasticine should be applied to it. Attach various beads, seeds, cereals, buttons, and coffee beans to this layer. Place your gift in a strange vessel. Close the container. The gift is ready!

The original packaging sometimes delights more than the gift itself. Therefore, you will have to try if you want to truly surprise a person.

Making a gift for a man


You can decorate an ordinary faceless bag with a bright flower made of paper. This decorating method will require more time on your part, but the results are worth it. To make a flower you will need the following materials and tools:

  • a sheet of thick paper;
  • newspaper;
  • colored paper (you can take yellow, red, blue, green);
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • a sheet of white paper;
  • pencil.

You will use white paper to make the center of the flower. You can use any other color for this purpose. Newspaper is used to make the stem. It makes it stronger and tougher. If you have a lot of colored paper, you can do without newspaper.

Where can I get the packaging?

Gift wrapping materials can be purchased at a florist, craft store, office supply store, or similar places.

On sale, especially before some major holidays, there is simply a huge selection of packaging for every taste and color: bows, bags, wrapping paper, boxes.

You can buy anything, but it’s much more interesting to create this packaging yourself, without spending a lot of money, but putting your soul into it.

What can the packaging be made from?

Anything that is at hand can be used: Remnants of ribbons, scraps of paper, pieces of fabric, baking paper, ordinary printer paper, threads, ropes, newspapers, pencils, paints and even, you won’t believe it, potatoes. Intrigued? Then read on, we'll tell you everything.

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Packing with a beard

To create this gift wrapping you will only need a sheet of craft paper (or baking paper), a sheet of printer paper, scissors, glue, two buttons, red paper and a pencil.

The gift box should be wrapped in craft paper or baking paper. From printer paper you need to cut out an abstract figure that at least vaguely resembles the beard of Santa Claus.

We glue the beard onto the box, on top, in the place where the eyes should be, we glue buttons (you can just draw eyes), and in the middle above the beard and mustache we glue a circle cut out of red paper.

As a result, we get a beautiful package, and on it is a recognizable face with a beard, a red nose and two eyes.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners

Operating procedure:

  1. First you need to draw out the detail of the future box on a sheet of paper or cardboard.
  2. Usually, the bottom of the future box is drawn, and then, on each side, the walls of the future box are added to it.
  3. After this, the sheet is folded along the drawn lines.
  4. As a result of this manipulation, squares are formed in the corners of the sheet.
  5. Then, one side of each square will need to be cut, so these squares cut off on one side will become valves.
  6. Using glue, these valves must be fixed to the wall of the box from which the valve was cut.
  7. If necessary, the lid is made in the same way.

There are also many other ways in which you can make a craft like a box.

As you can see, boxes can have lids, or they can be made without lids. If necessary, the box can be decorated by any available means, for example, using paints, or using appliqué made from crumpled paper or other material.

Packaging with a wreath

The set is exactly the same as for the previous version: white or craft paper and paints.

We wrap the gift in packaging, draw two green circles in the middle, a larger one and a smaller one inside it. This will be the base of our wreath. Now we fill the space between the circles with green colors and draw balls, berries, bows, and whatever comes to mind.

As a result, we will get a very atmospheric packaging that can be made together with children, inviting them, for example, to draw dots and curls.

Paper packaging

This is the easiest and fastest way to register. Nevertheless, the finished work looks neat and concise:

  • Select a suitable size sheet of wrapping paper.
  • Wrap the gift in it, leaving a free edge at the top and bottom.
  • Seal around the perimeter with clear tape. Simple but beautiful packaging is ready.

Want to make it more original? Arm yourself with scissors and make openwork edges on the packaging. In addition, the finished gift can be tied with a ribbon.

Which packaging option to choose

In this section, we will help you decide on the appropriate packaging option, based on the type of gift and the required materials.

Type of packaging Gift type Materials
Classical Rectangular or square Glue, tape, scissors, wrapping paper
pad Small size Glue, sheet of cardboard or colored paper, pencil, ruler, round object, scissors, tape
Plastic bag Any Paper, hole punch, cattle, tape, thread, scissors
Transparencies Irregular shape Transparent film, tape or thread
For round gifts Round (dishes, vase, etc.) Tape, double-sided tape, scissors, wrapping material
Any shape Any Cardboard, scissors, stapler, paper
For the bottle Bottle Scissors, double-sided tape, tape, two types of wrapping material
Candy A small gift Cardboard, ruler, pencil, scissors, glue, tape, thread

Gift box

Despite the fact that currently there is a huge variety of products intended for gift wrapping on store shelves, hand-made packaging always looks much more interesting. A box is a universal way to pack any gift. You can decorate the box yourself in several ways:

  • Wrap in pretty paper.
  • Cover it with beautiful, noble fabric - satin, velvet, corduroy and so on.
  • Tie with wide satin ribbons.
  • Cover with beads, rhinestones, sequins.
  • Decorate with lace or braid.
  • Paint it with paint.

Step-by-step instructions for decorating a gift box:

  1. Prepare a box of a suitable size, preferably plain, without drawings. If your box has writing or drawings on it, you can cover it with spray paint. When choosing paint, give preference to light, pastel shades.
  2. After the paint has dried, cover the box with beads, beads, rhinestones in any order or making a composition, for example, of flowers.
  3. Cut thin ribbons from paper that matches the color of the box and line the bottom of our package with them.
  4. After placing the gift in the box, close it and tie it with a satin ribbon. The presentation is ready.

Wrapping paper gift bag

This method can be used for any awkward object with an unusual shape.

  1. Cut the desired piece of wrapping paper.
  2. Fold the two sides together to create the desired width to create a seam in the center that needs to be secured with tape.
  3. Fold the bottom part about a quarter of the way through the package, open it and fold the sides inward, forming triangles.
  4. Bend the top and bottom parts inward and secure with tape. The package is almost ready.
  5. Now you need to straighten the resulting bottom of the bag, place it vertically and put all the awkwardly shaped gifts inside, then fold the top.
  6. Then, make two holes side by side, at the same level, and secure the gift with a satin ribbon.

Gift in a basket

Presenting a gift in a wicker basket is a very interesting and original way of congratulations. A basket made from natural materials looks very attractive and natural. This is a great way to present flowers, fruits, soap, cosmetics and hygiene products, and so on.

We also note that after unpacking the gift, the basket can be used as an independent accessory, for example, for storing small items or for interior decoration. As an addition, you can use ribbons or completely wrap the basket in transparent mica.

Box material

A strong, durable and frame box will be made from binding cardboard. An alternative to such material can be micro-corrugated cardboard. Such packaging options are suitable for decorating dishes, household appliances and other valuable items.

To cover the box, binding materials, designer cardboards and papers, as well as coated paper are used. The choice of designer cardboards and papers is very extensive. You can choose materials of different shades, textures and densities.

Simple and cost-effective solutions include coated paper with lamination and printing. This paper has ideal plasticity.

Gift boxes can also be decorated with rhinestones, beads and ribbons.

Cigarette paper

This material is characterized by fragility. But this paper makes a beautiful floral decor. The gift can be placed in the center of the paper and the envelope folded, then tied with ribbon.

How to decorate a table for a birthday

Corrugated paper

The material is very diverse. The non-smoothness of the paper allows you to achieve unusual effects when designing.

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Gift paper

This type of paper has low cost and availability. In the store you can choose any material option. A wonderful option is bright coated paper in a checkered pattern. The smooth coating can be complemented with original forest decor. A box wrapped in bright paper looks unusual. A wonderful addition would be red braid. An original solution is a paper wrapper with prints in an oriental style. For gift wrapping, you can use paper with different patterns and in a different color palette. Colorful paper itself is an excellent decorative option. Even ordinary packaging can be given a little originality. The use of Japanese origami techniques will come in handy for this. An element such as plaiting is performed simply and quickly.

Black paper with golden decoration will give the gift a solid look. The design made from combined paper looks festive.


Let's find out how to decorate the box with fabric. For decoration, choose satin, organza or felt. For packaging, you can purchase special floral felt, which is soft. Interesting solutions include burlap. Using this material you can create stylized bags for decorating a present.

You can make unusual decor from felt. This design will be a wonderful decoration for a birthday.

Bright fabrics can be used for non-standard packaging solutions. Checkered fabric will be a wonderful gift, decorated in country style. Simple fabric is also suitable for stylish decor. The required length can be cut from old clothes.

Photos with all kinds of natural landscapes will be a wonderful decoration for a holiday box. You can complement the decor with compact green branches.


Green twigs and leaves can be used to decorate holiday packaging. Plant elements will help give a festive look to even simple packaging. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to create light and stylish decor. For decoration, you can use not only regular wrapping paper, but also white. You can use it to create frames. Instead of ribbons, plain white twine will do. You can use any decor for brown paper bags. Gray and white twine is used for decoration. For larger packages, double threads can be used. White and brown labels are used for greeting inscriptions. Leaves and spruce branches are placed under each bow.

Flowers, which can be placed on the surface of the box, are also used to decorate gifts. If the plant itself is used as a gift, it must be beautifully packaged. Decorative baskets and beautiful paper are used for this.

You can also use beautiful branches with flowers, which can be attached with adhesive tape. Greenery can be attached framed by a beautiful paper napkin. Plant-style packaging can be complemented with satin ribbons and live plant branches. White and black boxes decorated with ribbons and plant elements look elegant.

Pompom decor

You can decorate the box interestingly with the help of unusual accents in the form of pompoms. Similar elements can be used as a bow or used instead of the main decoration. A colorful bow made of satin ribbon or even a simple twine is suitable for decoration.

A pompom can be the centerpiece of box decor. This element looks unusual in the form of a flamingo figurine. Plain packaging can be decorated with multi-colored pompoms. Small parts are glued over the entire surface of the gift. A fluffy white pompom with a silver ribbon is suitable for decorating packaging in a delicate color palette. A light pompom goes well with an abstract ornament.

Napkin with ribbon

This is the easiest method that does not require any special skills or knowledge. It will only take you a few minutes to decorate the bag. You will need the following materials and tools:

  • openwork napkin;
  • ribbon of any color;
  • scissors;
  • hole puncher.

You can purchase a napkin at a craft store. Any tape that is available will do. Its length should be at least 10-15 cm. If your ribbon is much longer, do not rush to cut it. It's better to do this at the very last moment.

If you don’t have a beautiful napkin, you can make one yourself from a sheet of plain paper, white or any other color. It is desirable that it is not too thin, but not dense either. Regular A4 office paper will do just fine.

You need to take one sheet and cut a circle out of it. Choose its diameter yourself. It is better if it is no less than 10 and no more than 15 cm. You need to fold the circle in half, and then several more times. The more you fold it, the more delicate the napkin will turn out. Next, you need to carefully cut out small triangles in the resulting paper shape with scissors. It is necessary to leave small distances between them so that the paper does not tear. You can cut teeth along the edge.

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Having completed this work, you need to unfold the circle and iron it with an iron. You will get a beautiful openwork napkin. After this, you can start decorating the packaging.

Creative options

You can beautifully and originally decorate a gift box for a birthday or other holiday with your own hands. It is important to choose the decor according to color and shape. As for the color scheme, there are indeed many creative options: bright shades, pastels, laconic tones. To ensure that your packaging is also harmonious, consider the following recommendations:

  • give up cold shades of snow-white, but white bows are an excellent choice, at the same time, the range of white can be perfectly combined with others;
  • yellow is a very cheerful color, perfect for a gift, combine it with purple, brown, greenery;
  • the shade of orange is very joyful; greens, blues and reds go well with it;
  • red will ideally decorate a small gift, but a huge red box is not the best choice, combine it with warm palettes, gold and silver;
  • pink is suitable for a gift to your loved one, combined with jewelry in shades of burgundy, violet, white, silver;
  • green is a universal color, suitable for any gift; compositions that combine different tones of greenery, gold, silver, gray look luxurious;
  • blue , as a rule, is aimed at men's gifts, looks good with gold, silver, yellow, snow-white;
  • purple is a very mysterious and beautiful tone for packaging; it looks great in tandem with pink, yellow, white, and silver.

Taking these rules into account, you can create not only expressive and unusual, but also very aesthetic packaging. We offer you several creative options for any occasion.

  • New Year's mail. Decorating a gift in the form of a parcel from Santa Claus means arranging a real holiday for both adults and children. Make sure that the packaging has all the necessary details: stamps, stamps, white and red lacing.
  • For travel lovers . The theme of wandering is very popular, but continues to be original. Here you can use non-standard materials: contour maps, atlases, political maps.
  • Warm gift. Perfect for winter holidays. Here you can safely use available materials: an old scarf, an unnecessary sweater. Be sure to add pompoms as decoration.
  • Eco style. Craft paper, twine, fir cones or mimosa sprigs depending on the holiday mood are all you need to create an elegant arrangement.
  • Red box. A piece of scarlet fabric and a sprig of decorative berries will allow you to decorate your gift in an impressive and unusual way.
  • Non-standard parts . Stitch paper, use stamps, cut out original details from paper, glue buttons - use your imagination, it will allow you to create a masterpiece from the simplest box.

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Color scheme and packaging style

When making a gift, you must first of all pay attention to the person himself, his lifestyle, character, passion, and clothing preferences. Based on these parameters, you can easily choose the appropriate direction. Among the main styles are:

  • Romantic. The souvenir can be wrapped in paper and placed in a box with a design. The surface of the material should have light and delicate shades. Ribbons, jewelry, and lace fabric are suitable as additional decor.
  • Conservative. Muted, discreet colors are used. Packaging should be strict, without additional accessories.
  • Ecological. Here it is better to use natural paper or fabric of natural shades. Natural materials are used for bandaging, such as twine, tree bark, palm or agave fibers. Cones, moss, and green twigs are used for decoration.
  • Provence. Only natural elements in light pastel colors are used. There should be flowers in the drawing. A wooden box or beige flowerpot can simply be wrapped with ribbon.
  • Feminine. The color scheme can be different, red and lilac shades, pink, yellow-pink are preferred. Elegant, beautifully designed, textured materials in the form of fabric, film, paper, decorated with ribbons and flowers are suitable.

Budget Ideas

You can decorate a gift in an interesting way without investing a lot of money in materials. As a rule, it is simple decorative elements that look most unusual, for example, in eco-style. It is enough to create a package from paper, make a flower from a ribbon, or create a composition with a fir branch and cinnamon sticks. You can effectively cover it with rhinestones or decorate the bag. We offer you some of the simplest ways to decorate a gift, depending on its shape.

  • Box . You can choose any one that suits the size, cover it with paper, and add decorations from scrap materials. You can make the box yourself, giving it the shape of a heart, flower, chest, casket.
  • Basket . A very effective option. Use any basket that can be decorated according to your chosen style. You just need to put a present in it.
  • Plastic box. Here you will have to call upon your talent as an artist or decoupage master to help.
  • Packaging bag . All you have to do is buy any paper bag in a neutral color and decorate it according to your wishes. The package is easy to make yourself, using cards, magazines, sheets of music as material. If the gift is for a man, create a shirt bag with a bow tie. You can simply add one decorative element to the package, which will somehow resonate with the interests of the recipient.
  • Any packaging will be decorated with tags and labels with personal inscriptions and congratulations.
  • Crafters can use their talent to create packaging. For example, knit a packing fabric, weave a decoration or a case from macrame.

Whatever packaging you choose, consider the contents, especially if the gift is miniature or fragile. The filler will keep it intact and add beauty to the packaging itself. For filling you can use: glitter, confetti, dry grass, flower petals, lumps of paper.


Baskets are most often used to add dimension to a gift. There are baskets with or without handles, deep or flat.

Baskets are convenient for storing small but colorful items: cosmetics, perfumes, food, drinks or flowers. To secure items in the basket, you can use a floral sponge, double-sided tape or ribbons.

Basket design options:

  • Additionally, wrap the basket with transparent film, paper or sisal, creating free space. The material must be draped.
  • Using a floral sponge, place candies, chocolate medals, dried flowers, marshmallows, marshmallows and other small items between the main gift items. Sweets can be secured on wooden skewers.
  • Baskets can be decorated with small inflatable foil balloons. This will add volume to the gift.
  • The handle of the basket can be decorated with fresh flowers, ribbons or strings of beads.

Advice. The combination of flowers and sweets is a great idea for how to beautifully decorate photos as a gift. This composition will evoke pleasant impressions that can be shared over tea.

Gift decoration for a boy

You can use the same idea as for decorating a girly gift - cover the packaging with stickers with your favorite characters. These can be superheroes, cars, ninja turtles and everything that the boy loves.

    Another good idea would be packaging in the “Superhero” style. To do this, you need to draw or print the emblem of your favorite superhero and stick it on the packaging.

Holiday card

This is one of the easiest ways to decorate a regular bag. The only difficulty is that you need to have a beautiful postcard available. You can paste the entire postcard or pictures cut out from it onto the bag. It is especially convenient to decorate gift wrappings for the New Year this way. You can stick an image of a Christmas tree, stars, Christmas balls, snowmen, snowflakes and so on on the bag.

You can make pictures of all these items yourself. For example, to decorate a bag with balls, you need to put lids of different diameters on sheets of colored paper, trace them with a pencil and cut them out. After this, they should be beautifully placed on the bag and glued with regular stationery glue or PVA. Next, attach the end of a bright thread to the top of one ball. Its second end must be pulled to the top of the bag and secured there. You will get a colored ball on a string. Each ball needs to be decorated this way.

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