Desk configurations for two children, selection criteria

When a family has two school-age children living in one room, the issue of the work area is very acute. After all, each of them needs a place where they can study every day. A desk for two children can solve this problem, allowing schoolchildren to do homework at the same time. When choosing this piece of furniture, it is important to take into account certain features: material of manufacture, size of the working surface, availability of space for accessories, etc. In addition, parents should remember that it is important to position the table correctly in the room.

Height selection

If we talk about the growth of a child, then when choosing a desk you should be guided by the following parameters:

Child's height (cm)Table height (cm)Chair height (cm)
up to 803417

It is important that schoolchildren sit correctly at a desk for two children, since incorrect body position can cause problems with posture:

  1. When a child is sitting, his chest should not touch the edge of the tabletop; moreover, a child's fist should pass between them.
  2. With the correct height of the table and chair, the elbow of a straight outstretched arm should be 5 cm below the table.
  3. It is necessary to bend over the work surface as little as possible.
  4. When sitting, your knees should form a right angle, as should your hips and lower back. The feet should be firmly planted on the floor or on a special stand.
  5. The correct position on the chair means that the back rests completely on the backrest and forms a right angle with the hips. Elbows should rest on the surface of the tabletop.
  6. When working at a computer, there should be at least half a meter between your eyes and the monitor. It is necessary that the gaze falls from above, at an angle of 30 degrees. The monitor must be installed in the center of the viewing area.
  7. When writing to a right-handed person, it is necessary to place the notebook to the left, and to a left-handed person to the right, 30 degrees. This position will allow you to avoid turning your torso.
  8. When reading, you need to slightly tilt the book towards you, so the body can independently take a natural pose and relax the muscles of the back and neck.

If the desk is intended to be used by two children of different ages and heights, then you can purchase special adjustable footrests. With their help, you can subsequently easily adjust the correct body position at the table. In addition, you can give preference to special chairs with height adjustment and a built-in footrest.


Tables for two children are offered in various configurations:

  1. Double table. The model is a rectangular tabletop with cabinets on the sides. This product is suitable for children close in age. The table saves space. The children are located nearby. Among the disadvantages of such a product is the need to equip the table with additional daylight lighting, if you do not place it near a window.
  2. Bedside table-chair-chair-bedside table - placement similar to the previous option, but the model takes up much more space. The children are nearby. One of the advantages is the presence of a large working area for everyone. This table for two children is suitable for large rooms.
  3. Corner designs are appropriate in rooms with a small area. Writing desks for two children of this model can be placed in a corner or near a window, thereby freeing up space near the walls for cabinets or any other furniture. In addition, when sitting at a corner table, children have their backs to each other. This helps them concentrate and not get distracted when doing homework.
  4. A U-shaped table is a design with one cabinet and two tabletops on the sides. It takes up more space, while the children are facing each other. The working surface of this table is not very large. The advantages include ease of use and the presence of additional lighting.
  5. Straight with a roll-out tabletop - this design takes up little space in the room. When purchasing this table for a schoolchild, it is necessary to provide for the availability of free space to accommodate the retractable tabletop. This design is convenient because it saves space. Children at such a table are placed along a line, so you will have to take care of additional lighting.

Double table


Straight with roll-out tabletop

Bedside table-chair-chair-bedside table


Pros and cons of a shared countertop


  • the presence of a workplace allows the child to study and be creative;
  • a common place saves space in the room. Especially if the family lives in a small apartment or studio apartment.
  • Thanks to the design options, you can organize an interesting room.


  • the wrong choice entails further inconvenience for children;
  • Not all apartments have free space for a common countertop.

One desk for two children is a good solution, since this way you can use the space more functionally

Location options

In front of the window

A classic option that allows you to save space in the room and, in addition, receive natural light from the window. This placement is for rooms with a width of two meters or more. A table is placed in the center, with bedside tables, cabinets or shelves on the sides.

When placing your child’s workplace near a window, be sure to check all window fittings for serviceability.


  • for the sake of convenience, you will have to remove unnecessary things from the windowsill so as not to reach for them;
  • take care of insulating window frames.

On the same line

This placement is relevant in square rooms. A large option is placed along one of the walls. The advantage is that you can hang various shelves on the wall. The disadvantage is that less daylight reaches the work area.

Children's table for two on one line

Letter "G"

Relevant for large children's rooms, since corner placement takes up a lot of space. As a result, the designs allow children to study comfortably and also accommodate everything they need.

In front of each other

  • two tables are placed along opposite walls. As a result, the children sit with their backs to each other. This allows everyone to do their own thing without interruption or distraction. Option for wider rooms.
  • Schoolchildren's desks are opposite each other. The location is not always appropriate, since the area is not used rationally.

Each child has a special personality, so it is necessary to personalize each person’s workplace as much as possible.

Examples for two children

Rectangular structures. A classic option suitable for any interior. Such models are convenient for classes and allow you to compactly organize your workplace. Computer desk

When choosing a model for a schoolchild, it is important to give space for writing. Attention should be paid to designs with a retractable panel, a shelf for a monitor and a compartment for the system unit. Corner school option. Preferable for small rooms. Transformer Such models are durable and allow you to change their dimensions, for example, height, tilt of the tabletop.

Computer desk for two

Arranging a children's room is a responsible and difficult task.

Zoning a common table for two children can be done in different ways

The layout of the workplace should provide both children with free space and the opportunity to calmly go about their business. Therefore, you should take a responsible approach to choosing equipment based on the age and activities of the student.

Basic recommendations for choosing a table for two children in a nursery

work area by the window

There are several interesting and practical ideas that will tell you how to choose a table for two children. You can use multifunctional furniture and original ways of arranging it. The most important task is to organize workplaces so that children do not interfere with each other.


An extendable table for two children's workstations will be an excellent solution for a small room. When the boys are not at home, you can assemble the structure. When it is necessary to use them, set the table and arrange the chairs. Many transforming tables can be adjusted in height. In stores you can find large stationary (not retractable) structures in the form of long elongated tables. Such models are called “Tandem”.

Furniture of this design can be purchased at IKEA.

To ensure that each student has enough light, it is best to place the table facing the window. As a rule, workstations are separated from each other by drawers or shelves.

It is necessary that the furniture for studying is suitable for the height of the child, so an extendable table is not suitable for everyone. This design is only suitable for weather conditions or for children with a small difference in age and height.

Extendable table for two

Wide (face to face)

The wide and spacious structure is located in the center of the room, where a sufficient amount of light enters. Children sit facing each other (face to face). The width of the model should be very large, which is why many parents prefer square tables. Workplaces can be separated by small shelves or a screen so that the boys do not distract each other from their activities.

It is important to take care of good lighting. It is advisable to place the chandelier directly on the table

If there is still not enough light, then each student should have a small table lamp.

Face to face

Along the wall

A long structure can stand against a wall or in front of a window. There are two types of tables of this type: with two identical boards and with only one. It is advisable to place it opposite the window, but if this is not possible, then it is placed against the wall.

Here you need to take care of the correct lighting - install table lamps or hang several small lamps on the wall that provide diffused light. Don't let bright light hit your eyes.

long work area along the wall

Corner designs

Corner structures are very convenient - children can study without interfering with each other. Workplaces can be located in two ways:

  • at right angles (letter G): the boys sit with their backs to each other and neither of them sees what the other is doing.
  • in the form of a triangle (at an acute angle) - children sit half-turned to each other.

This table can be placed near a window or in a corner. You need to hang lamps on the wall that emit soft light.

Corner model with letter G

Angular triangle model

Location in the nursery: room layout with such a table

The proper placement of the school table in the children's bedroom plays an important role. Depending on the layout and footage, this can be done in different ways. There should be plenty of light in the workplace. In addition, it is advisable to separate the work area from the sleep area. There are several options for placing study furniture in a nursery for two.

Against a straight wall

A table of any design will look good next to a straight wall. The corner model can be placed perpendicular to the wall. It is worth placing a bookcase near the study area.

Original modern design

In the corner

The workplace should be located in a bright corner where sunlight falls. A corner model is suitable for this location. This will help save space and zone the room.

Near the window

The best option is to place a desk for two children along the window. There is a lot of natural light and fresh air.

If a balcony or loggia is combined with a room, then a place to study can be equipped on the balcony.

Comfortable furniture will allow children to calmly do school lessons or their hobbies. You can study a variety of table models in designer photos, and then choose the appropriate one.

Role in the interior

For children at any age, a table is an indispensable item.

The child’s desire to study depends on how the student’s workplace is organized. If children live in the same room, buying a table for two would be an excellent solution. The modern market presents various options for the design of tables and their further arrangement in the room.

A desk is a basic part of the interior of a learning area in a children's room.

Location options

Even before purchasing a comfortable table for two schoolchildren, you should determine the installation location. Corner models are selected so that the entire working surface is naturally illuminated. Regardless of the location, additional lamps will be required that will provide sufficient light.

If the table is placed near a window, it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of drafts. If there is a radiator under the window sill, you will have to leave a gap between the structure and the heating device. Otherwise, air circulation will be disrupted.

A table by the window in a nursery is an excellent solution that allows you to save usable space. Enough light will reach the tabletop. This placement option has some disadvantages - you will have to insulate, seal the frame for the winter, and also remove all excess from the window sills so as not to impede the access of light.

A student desk in spacious rooms can be placed along a blank wall. The main advantage of this solution is the ability to install shelves above the countertop. Disadvantage: severe lack of natural light.

Along a blank wallAt the windowCorner model

Table options

Manufacturers offer several options for desk configurations for two schoolchildren.

1. "Double table". If the room contains students of the same sex or twins who study in the same class and who have common things and interests, such placement will help preserve space. Of course, if the children don't mind.

2. “Bedside table-chair-chair-bedside table.” This linear arrangement will take up more space.

3. Corner table. The corner location is optimal for a nursery with a small area.

Depending on the layout, study areas can be located sideways to each other, opposite or at an angle. How to choose a corner table for a schoolchild can be read here.

4. Children sit opposite each other. It might look like this:

Straight table, opposite workstations. We divide the tabletop into two halves with a table rack. Such a desk will clearly demarcate the personal study area of ​​each room owner.

5. Growing furniture. In conditions of limited financial resources, parents usually strive to buy something for many years. A children's study space should not only be beautiful and roomy, but also suitable for the child: that is, the height of the table and chair should correspond to the height so that the child maintains correct posture.

One of the innovations in the furniture market is growing furniture. These are desks and chairs with height-adjustable legs. The cost of such furniture is high. But if you take into account the functionality and service life, the price will not seem terrible compared to the amount of furniture that will have to be replaced while the child grows.

Square room

An elongated workplace located along the wall will visually increase the free space.

The corner location saves square space. A table for two or more schoolchildren can also be purchased for a room with a non-standard window placement.

The training area can be positioned diagonally. The double transformable table will fit perfectly into a room of up to 10 square meters.

A loft bed with a corner sleeping or working area below can be placed in a square room.

Rectangular room

For a rectangular room, a study space opposite the window across the entire width of the wall is suitable.

You can use part of the window sill as an extension of the desk.

If the window is in the middle, fill the space up to the wall on both sides with a full-height storage area. It can be symmetrical on both sides. Zone the room with color if the children are of different sexes.

For a too narrow, elongated room, a podium option is suitable. This will preserve the width of the free space.

Modern children spend a lot of time at the table. They study, use the computer, and do creative work. If there are two children, purchasing a table means double responsibility for creating a comfortable, functional, healthy learning area in the children's room.

Organization of a combined work area

Although the phrase “corner table” seems very clear and describes a very standard design, the ingenious designers of our time have come up with several completely different shaped solutions that suggest different relative positions for children when working at such a table.

The classic version is when two parts of a corner table, located at an angle of 90 degrees to each other, have exactly the same dimensions. Two children sit at such a table, their shoulders touching, but turned in different directions. The computer, as well as drawers and storage shelves, separate their functional areas and at the same time unite them, since they are common, yet easily accessible for both kids.

Alternatively, parents can choose two corner tables at once, placing them in opposite corners of the room; then each of the children will have their own independent work area, and one of the wings of each table, accordingly, can be significantly shortened.

In rooms of relatively small width, models resembling the letter C are very popular. As children grow older, experts recommend choosing table models, but corner designs rarely allow this option. Essentially, these are the same two corner tables located in adjacent corners, although connected by a common body. At such a table, children sit with their backs to each other, which allows each of them not to be distracted by the other. Among other things, these types of tables are also very good because they even provide natural light from the window to the work areas of each of the children.

There is also a kind of table with two corners, the parts of which directed into the interior of the room are truncated; then each of the corners is a personal computer table with extensions and shelves for one of the children, and the table connecting the two corners is a large common table.

Height selection

If we talk about the growth of a child, then when choosing a desk you should be guided by the following parameters:

Child's height (cm)Table height (cm)Chair height (cm)
up to 803417

It is important that schoolchildren sit correctly at a desk for two children, since incorrect body position can cause problems with posture:

  1. When a child is sitting, his chest should not touch the edge of the tabletop; moreover, a child's fist should pass between them.
  2. With the correct height of the table and chair, the elbow of a straight outstretched arm should be 5 cm below the table.
  3. It is necessary to bend over the work surface as little as possible.
  4. When sitting, your knees should form a right angle, as should your hips and lower back. The feet should be firmly planted on the floor or on a special stand.
  5. The correct position on the chair means that the back rests completely on the backrest and forms a right angle with the hips. Elbows should rest on the surface of the tabletop.
  6. When working at a computer, there should be at least half a meter between your eyes and the monitor. It is necessary that the gaze falls from above, at an angle of 30 degrees. The monitor must be installed in the center of the viewing area.
  7. When writing to a right-handed person, it is necessary to place the notebook to the left, and to a left-handed person to the right, 30 degrees. This position will allow you to avoid turning your torso.
  8. When reading, you need to slightly tilt the book towards you, so the body can independently take a natural pose and relax the muscles of the back and neck.

If the desk is intended to be used by two children of different ages and heights, then you can purchase special adjustable footrests. With their help, you can subsequently easily adjust the correct body position at the table. In addition, you can give preference to special chairs with height adjustment and a built-in footrest.

Table by the window in the children's room: photos of models

Furniture for a children's room is chosen according to age. It is best to give preference to neutral options: brown, gray, white or black table. The student will place bright accents in the room himself, but the furniture must first of all be practical.

To place a long table along the window, you need to take measurements and decide whether the batteries will rest against the child’s legs. If such a possibility exists, it is better to order a wide tabletop or window sill.

A children's room is a place not only for study, but also for entertainment, so it is worth leaving space for storing personal belongings PHOTO: cabinet.rf

A white wide window sill is the most popular option. This solution allows you to save spacePHOTO:

Straight and corner table in a children's room along the window

When placing an order for a computer desk by the window, you can choose the best option from several:

  • corner model, suitable for rooms of non-standard shape;
  • long straight tabletop located along the window;
  • oval table.

The corner tabletop in the nursery along the window is suitable for a room in which two schoolchildren live. Below, between the seats, there are chests of drawers.

A straight table covering the entire wall is the best option. Shelves and drawers are installed on the sides for storing personal items. PHOTO:

The semicircular tabletop adds zest to the interior. PHOTO:

If you have space in the room, you can install a table in the shape of the letter “U”, near one or two windows. PHOTO:

Tabletop by the window in the nursery for a girl’s room

The interior of a girl's room does not have to include pink walls and tabletops, but can contain a bright element

If you need to put 2 tables in the room by the window in the nursery, it is important to make sure that each girl has a place to store notebooks, pens, books and clothes

Most teenage girls prefer a regular brown table, but hang bright curtains on the windows. PHOTO:

Corner tables in a children's room under a window made of natural wood can be decorated with beautiful and elegant handles for drawers and cabinets.

A semicircular table is not only a comfortable, but also a stylish option. PHOTO:

Depending on the girl’s age, you can purchase working computer chairs in an office style or with decorative elements.

Girls with good taste will appreciate a desk in the “Shabby chic” style and will be happy to do their homework on it. PHOTO:

There should be no distracting objects in the work area: TV, toys. It is believed that the color green enhances concentration, so the wall in front of the table can be decorated in soft shades of green.

Related article:

Varieties of models for schoolchildren

Depending on the material

This item affects the appearance and cost of the model.

  • from solid wood. Such products are distinguished by their presentable appearance and high cost. Advantages: environmentally friendly material, practicality and durability;
  • Chipboard. It is distinguished by reasonable price and practicality. The disadvantage is that over time the corners become loose and the ends become rubbed;
  • MDF are made from non-toxic resins, so they are more expensive. The MDF surface can easily be decorated with patterns;
  • glass tables are suitable for teenagers' rooms as they transform the room into a minimalist style.

When choosing a table, pay special attention to the tabletop: a tabletop made from high-quality and reliable materials is considered good

By configuration

  • Double. Suitable for children of close age, twins. Classic design involves installing a table and several side tables
  • Bedside table-chair-chair-bedside table. Placing this option takes up more space and is suitable for wide rooms.
  • Corner option. This option is suitable for small rooms. The same goes for adults.
  • Growing furniture. Parents often buy furniture to last for several years, so adjustable furniture is the best option. Tables and chairs are made in such a way that the height of the structures changes as the child grows. Such furniture costs several times more, but allows you to save money by not having to buy it in the future.

A corner desk for two children organizes the space of the room well

How to position?

There are different ways to place a desk on two places. This depends on the footage of a particular room, the features and type of model, as well as the nuances of the layout of the room itself. For example, you can install a children's desk for two students along or near the window. You can also place the product along one of the walls. This installation method is relevant for built-in options or school corners.

Corner models, like analogues of the linear type, are placed not only in corners near a wall with a window. In particularly spacious rooms they are placed facing away from the wall. In this case, the workspace, as a rule, is fenced off with a rack or another zoning technique is used, introducing unobtrusive organization into the room.

Sometimes the table is even placed perpendicular to one of the walls. This arrangement option is used when buying face-to-face models. It is suitable when there is enough space in the room.

Style and design

They try to purchase desks for schoolchildren so that they are in harmony with the general concept of style. However, whatever the direction of interior design, convenience, conciseness and comfort remain important selection criteria. In fact, models for children should not be elaborate and complex. Yes, they may have a somewhat rounded shape, a streamlined design, but excess decor will only get in the way rather than hint at belonging to a particular style taken as the basis for the interior.

In order for the table to fit harmoniously into the desired style, you should rely on color and conciseness. Fittings can also help: it’s great if they are made in unison with the finishing of lighting fixtures or fittings of other furniture parts. Regarding the use of color, it is worth considering: the shade should not stand out against the general background of the interior composition. However, it is not at all necessary that the tone be identical; something related will suffice; this adds versatility to the design.

Design and materials

When choosing a children's desk, you should focus on the general style of the children's room. But at the same time, preference should be given to laconic, convenient and comfortable models. Excessive decorativeness and pretentiousness are inappropriate in this case. In terms of design, it is better to choose the most neutral models.

The color scheme should be combined with the shades available in the room. If there is a large age difference or for children of different sexes, workstations of different colors are acceptable, compatible with each other and with the color scheme of the room. It’s good if the fittings of the product are in the same style and color as the rest of the furniture in the room.

When choosing a desk for a children's room, you can give preference to pastel colors. Shades of pink, blue and greenish are acceptable. Available in light brown, sand or wood finishes. Don't choose dark colors, they will overload the look of the room.

Nowadays the furniture market offers products made from various raw materials:

  1. Wood is a natural material. The advantages of such a base include environmental friendliness and durability. Wooden models look decent and are easy to use. Hard woods are resistant to damage. The disadvantage of this product is the high price.
  2. Wood derivatives (chipboard, MDF, etc.). Such furniture has a shorter service life and is susceptible to moisture. Its surface wears out quite quickly and peels off. The advantage is low cost.
  3. Plastic furniture is comfortable and light. The cost of such models is low. However, over time, this material releases harmful substances into the air. In addition, such products are brittle, easily scratched and, as a result, look unpresentable.

A table made entirely of wood may seem bulky. It is better to give preference to a model with a wooden tabletop and metal legs. This product is best suited for a child's room.





How to position?

There are different ways to place a desk on two places. This depends on the footage of a particular room, the features and type of model, as well as the nuances of the layout of the room itself. For example, you can install a children's desk for two students along or near the window. You can also place the product along one of the walls. This installation method is relevant for built-in options or school corners.

Corner models, like analogues of the linear type, are placed not only in corners near a wall with a window. In particularly spacious rooms they are placed facing away from the wall. In this case, the workspace, as a rule, is fenced off with a rack or another zoning technique is used, introducing unobtrusive organization into the room.

Sometimes the table is even placed perpendicular to one of the walls. This arrangement option is used when buying face-to-face models. It is suitable when there is enough space in the room.

How to choose the right one

What and how the table will be made directly depends on the financial capabilities of the parents.


Preference is given to wooden materials, and plastic should be abandoned.

For children's rooms it is recommended to install furniture made from natural components


The first step is to measure the room and the place where the workplace will be located. Designing a student room is an important step, especially if the bedroom area is limited.

Most furniture is made to order, so dimensions must be clearly stated.

When calculating the size, you need to rely on the height and age of the baby. This is an important stage, since children will spend a lot of time on it.

Table drawing for two


  • Classic rectangle.
  • Angular.
  • Corner computer models.
  • School desk with a pull-out board.

Growing table for two children


The appearance of the product directly depends on the material and established requirements. The color range includes many different shades. Therefore, you can choose it for any interior.

Useful tips

When placing a table in a children's room, it is important to think through and calculate all the possibilities for arranging furniture and choose the most suitable option.

  1. For a small children's room, a straight desk located along the wall or window is suitable.
  2. A product with drawers and shelves will help organize storage space for both children.
  3. Additional shelves on the wall will also help you place all the school supplies you need.
  4. Light-colored pieces of furniture are more suitable for a children's room.
  5. Products for two tabletops with a slope will form a correct and beautiful posture.
  6. Having additional light sources will help children maintain good vision.
  7. It’s good if the nursery has a minimum of floor furnishings, this will relieve the space in the room. It is better to distribute children's things along the entire height of the walls.
  8. If it is not possible to place the table along the window, do not worry. Modern table lamps are able to provide the right lighting for the work surface.

Desks for two children are a great option when you need to organize their workspace. These models save space and provide a decent work area for two schoolchildren. By following all the necessary selection criteria, you can find a good model that will preserve the health of children and save money for parents.

A straight table is suitable for a small child's room

Additional shelves on the wall will also help you place all the necessary supplies.

A product with drawers and shelves will help organize storage space

Design Features

When two school-age children live in one room, parents need to organize two study spaces at once. In rare cases, the size of the room allows you to accommodate two separate desks. Therefore, many try to choose one large desk. When choosing furniture for schoolchildren, it is important to consider the following features:

  • the product should be of sufficient size so that children do not interfere with each other when sitting next to each other while studying;
  • there should be separate drawers, bedside tables and shelves for student supplies;
  • It is better to choose models that can be adjusted to suit the child’s height;
  • there should be enough space on the surface of the table for each child and at least two table lamps.

Standards have been developed that must be adhered to when choosing a table:

  • the working field for students must be at least a meter wide and at least 0.6 meters deep;
  • An area of ​​50 x 50 cm is required to place the hands.

There are standards, the purpose of which is to properly distribute the load and preserve the physical health of the child’s musculoskeletal system when working at a desk. They regulate the parameters of tables and chairs for different age groups:

Height (cm)Minimum widthLength(cm)Depth (cm)Distance between supports
from 85 to 1004560-11030-4042
from 100 to 1905060-12040-5042-45

The height of a desk for two children is considered to be correctly selected if the end of the product is located in the area of ​​the child’s solar plexus.

The desk is located directly in front of the window

Typically, a children's room is more than two meters wide, and the window unit usually takes up about half the wall. That is why the ideal option would be to install a desk for two children in front of the window. To implement such a solution in practice, you will most likely need to contact furniture manufacturers, because standard table options are unlikely to fit every children's room.

Usually in this case, instead of a standard window sill, a tabletop is simply installed. However, there is one significant nuance that must be taken into account: batteries are most often located under the window, and often they stretch across its entire width. It’s quite easy to find a way out of this situation; just order a table with a special back wall.

White desk for two children against the window

It is worth noting that now furniture manufacturers offer quite a few ready-made solutions for desks for two children, which can be placed near the window. The only drawback of such furniture is the lack of various shelves, bedside tables and cabinets. Therefore, it will be necessary to independently think about the places where children would store their school supplies.

An excellent option would be hanging shelves on the walls or a table equipped with a special niche under the tabletop. However, in this case there is simply nowhere to hide a laptop or briefcase, but a student should have everything he needs nearby.

Another problem with a desk for two children in front of a window is that if the children’s room is not large, and even square, then such a workplace will take up most of it. But it is also necessary to leave free space for games. However, despite some disadvantages, this solution is undoubtedly one of the most optimal, because in this way children will be able to enjoy the view from the window and do their homework in natural light.

Children's desk against the window

The table is placed by the window

Basically, in a children's room, the window takes up most of the wall. Because of this, a good solution would be to place tables for the guys in front of the window. With this arrangement, the children will be able to observe the world around them through the window, which is very useful.

It is better to purchase hanging shelves.

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