Design features of beds for children over 2 years old, tips for choosing

When arranging a room for a child over 2 years old, it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules so that he can relax comfortably. First of all, you need to equip a sleeping place.

The overall mood and well-being of the baby depends on this.

Comfortable children's beds from 2 years old are produced at many furniture factories and in private workshops. A custom-made or purchased ready-made model that has special sides will protect your child from accidental falls.

This is an important condition when choosing furniture for a baby.

Children's bed with sides: advantages

To organize the sleeping area from a safety point of view, the cribs have bumpers. Special fencing has several types:

  • Solid;
    With a side along the entire length.
  • Partial.

    The sides cover the side by half or two-thirds.

You can choose an option with either a built-in fence or a removable one. In the latter case, the children's bed has special fastenings on the sides of the back and at the bottom of the frame. The sides are made of mesh or woven elastic fabric.

It’s easy to set up a sleeping place - just hook the net onto the hooks and secure it firmly.

The built-in sides are made of the same material as the frame. They can be solid or consist of wooden rods, planks, beams. They are often made carved.

To prevent the child from hurting himself in his sleep, the cribs are equipped with special soft fabric inserts.

The gaps between the bars must be wide enough to allow the arms and legs to pass freely, but not the head, otherwise the child may get stuck. Thanks to the side, the mattress, pillow or blanket will not slide off the base if the baby is constantly tossing and turning. You can hang your child's favorite toys on the side.

The advantage of beds with sides is the reliable protection of the child from rolling off during sleep.

Product Features

The skeleton of a two-year-old child is at an early stage of development. The position in which the baby sleeps determines how its bones and spine are formed. In addition, babies often toss and turn in their sleep, so it is necessary to protect them from accidental falls. The crib should be comfortable for the back, have protective sides, and provide air access.

When choosing the next bed for your baby after the playpen, pay attention to the following details:

  • the edges;
  • sides;
  • headboard;
  • back;
  • height.

The edges of the crib for children over 2 years old are rounded, which eliminates the possibility of injury. The protruding parts should be small in size, they are made so that the child does not cling during sleep and active games. They should also not interfere with parents' access to their sleeping baby.

Depending on the intended installation location, choose a bed for children over 2 years old with sides located on one or both sides. If the bed is located against the wall, a single-breasted option is sufficient. If parents plan to create access to the child from both sides, they choose double-breasted models.

The presence and height of the sides are determined based on the child’s development level and skills.

For a child's bed for a two-year-old child, a side height equal to 1/3 of the length of the product is sufficient. The fence can cover the side part completely or partially at the head. The second option is preferable. Particular attention is paid to the strength of parts. Kids can climb on the sides while playing, so the fastening must be reliable and withstand the load created by body weight. In some models for two-year-old children, the sides are installed at the head of the bed. With this arrangement, the pillow does not move or fall.

The back of a children's bed can be hard or soft. The second option is preferable for children. Soft material creates additional warmth and comfort during the cold season, and also eliminates the possibility of injury during sleep. The disadvantage is the ability to accumulate dust. The hard version can be solid, when the back is made of a single piece of material, or lattice. The one-piece back protects the head from air movement and protects against drafts. This option is convenient for the northern regions. Lattice – provides access to oxygen and creates comfortable conditions for sleep.

The sizes of children's beds comply with established standards. For Russia, the dimensions of products for a child over 2 years old are 140 x 70 cm. The height of the bottom from the floor should not be more than 1 m.

In some cases, the lower level is reserved for a table or gaming area. If there are two children in a family, it is advisable to install a bed with two sleeping places, located one above the other. For such furniture, the safety of the child on the upper tier is of particular importance, so it is equipped with sides and ladders. Typically, the bottom floor is occupied by the youngest child, and the top floor by the eldest.

Furniture for children over 2 years old: what should it be like?

A properly organized sleeping place for a baby is the key to a calm, healthy rest. Furniture is chosen from natural materials. The most environmentally friendly is wood. Modern varieties - arrays of processed products from laminated chipboard, MDF - successfully replace solid canvas. The wood chosen is of high quality, with an even texture and no odor.

Coating with special varnish compositions is allowed.

Structurally, a children's bed is created taking into account the height, weight and other parameters of the child. Both standard and non-standard products are produced. Professional models are divided into categories. Choose a predominantly continuous coating.

The components in folding products are potentially unsafe - a child could stick their hand or foot into the gap and get stuck.

You can choose a crib option for a baby – a boy or a girl – from the original models:

  • House;
  • Typewriter;
  • Airplane;
  • Train;
  • Ship;
  • Coach.

Boys will like a bright crib, the frame and sides of which imitate a vehicle. Carriages and houses are closer to girls.

The children's bed must fully meet safety requirements. Its shapes are often made streamlined, without sharp corners. The sleeping place is equipped so that the child can rest softly and comfortably.

For ventilation, it is recommended to choose a crib with slats rather than a solid bottom.

A number of models include not only a mattress, but also pillows and a blanket that are suitable in size and style.

A convenient option is with drawers where bedding can be put away for storage and change.

Modern parents choose not only classic products, but also sofa beds and folding chairs. Children's models are partially equipped with sides. The soft surface of the furniture allows the child to sit comfortably. If the child coordinates his movements well enough and is not too active in his sleep, then you can opt for a sofa bed.

Thanks to this, you can extend the life of the furniture into older age.


The most practical option for children over 2 years old is beds with additional functions. There are various models on the market:

  • transformers;
  • cribs with chest of drawers;
  • sofa beds;
  • two-tier options.

A transforming bed is convenient because its parameters change. As the child grows, special devices adjust the dimensions of the model - length and height. While the baby is awake, the furniture folds up and he can play on it as if on a special playground.

One of the most popular options is the “Baby” model. It provides a loft bed design and is distinguished by a wide variety of design options. The sleeping place is usually located on the upper tier. On the lower level there is a table, drawers for storing things, and a ladder for going upstairs. The steps can also be made in the form of a chest of drawers with drawers. Table – stationary or retractable.

This complex allows you to significantly save space and is multifunctional. The location of the stairs, table, number of drawers may vary.

For two-year-old children, they usually choose a model where the sleeping place is located at a height of no more than 1 m from the floor, and is also equipped with protective sides. Below is an area for play activities. This furniture can be used until the child reaches 5 years of age.

Comfortable for sleeping and a sofa bed for children. These models are soft and comfortable. Partial sides are installed on the furniture for safety while sleeping. The design is also suitable for older children. This option attracts parents with its practicality and compact dimensions, and children with its bright, cartoonish colors. Folding sofas are cheaper than children's beds and look harmonious in a child's room. However, not every model meets the standards necessary for the health of the children's spine.

Manufacturers also offer a wide range of furniture stylized as cartoons. It could be cars, a ride, princesses, all kinds of animals - children are usually delighted with such cribs.


Transformable sofa bed


Popular brands and models

Cribs with sides are produced by many companies. Italian brands have gained well-deserved popularity due to their durability and original design. Domestic models also have their consumers, are not inferior in quality and are superior in price. A children's sleeping place can be equipped in combination with other furniture. Headsets are produced by foreign and Russian companies.

By purchasing a furniture set you can save a lot of money on your family budget.

A custom-made children's bed may not be standard. It depends on the project proposed by the company. Private firms are willing to work with individual requests, where the design, configuration and content are invented by clients.

The children's bed chosen for the baby should not be too short.

The child moves in his sleep, he needs space. Therefore, choose a sleeping place of standard sizes or a little larger. Excess space is also not welcome if you are going to change furniture in 2-3 years.

A number of companies offer transformable models that are also suitable for older children.

The main thing in the design of a bed is its aesthetics and ease of care. The security problem is solved at the manufacturer level. Each model sold must have a quality certificate. Order a crib only from a reputable supplier or manufacturer - they are required to provide a certificate for the product and a long warranty. To accurately calculate the ordered furniture, invite a professional measurer.

Specialized companies provide the service themselves; it is included in the cost of the project, such as delivery and installation.

Manufacturing materials

Wood is considered the best material for a crib for a 2-year-old child. This is an environmentally friendly raw material that does not cause irritation or allergies. The highest quality products are made from hardwood - oak, beech, ash. Such materials tolerate processing well - grinding, polishing. There are no chips, cracks or scratches on them, which protects the child from splinters.

Laminated plywood is popular for creating children's furniture. It is durable, lightweight, reliable. Surface treatment with a special protective coating ensures resistance to moisture, pests, and strengthens the material. Side parts and lamellas for the base are made from such raw materials.

MDF and chipboard are often used in production. The material is used 100% in the product or in combination with natural wood. Cribs made from such raw materials have less weight. Products for children made from safe materials are designated with the symbols E0 or E1. The use of raw materials of class more than E1 is not allowed.

If a product is marked E2, it means it is made from materials hazardous to children.

Recently, plastic has been increasingly used in the production of children's beds. The model may consist entirely of this material or have individual elements in combination with other raw materials.


laminated chipboard MDF


Arrangement of a children's room: how to “fit” a crib into the interior?

Furniture must be selected based on the area of ​​the room and its layout. For small rooms, a wall-mounted or corner-type children's bed is suitable. The larger ones can accommodate a folding sofa or armchair. It is better to arrange the sleeping place not right next to the window, but a little further away, so as not to see through the opening.

It is not recommended to place the crib opposite the door.

A children's bed, which has bumpers on only one side, is placed with the long backrest against the wall. On the side you can place a bedside table, a cabinet, or a children's chest of drawers. Large-sized furniture - in the form of a house with a roof and side cabinets - is placed along the wall. The crib should be placed so that it is in a place illuminated from the window, but not in direct sunlight - it will be easier for the child to wake up in the morning.

During daytime sleep, it is enough to close the thick curtain so that the light is not too bright.

An armchair or sofa bed is positioned with its back to the wall. The child will not yet be able to unfold such a structure on his own; you can leave the sofa unfolded, removing the bedding. The model will become an alternative to the “playpen” if the floor in the room is cold or there is no carpet.

The child will be able to play on this sofa without the risk of catching a cold.

When buying a crib in addition to already arranged furniture, you need to look at how well it matches in design, color, and material. It is advisable to comply with the style of all items. If the crib is in the parents' room, it is better to equip it with a canopy that will cover it from light and noise. Girls especially love these models.

The baby will fall asleep and wake up calmly.

If possible, gradually teach your child to sleep without your supervision at night. To control your vacation, you can purchase a video baby monitor - a special device. With its help, you can track your baby's position in the bedroom.

Design options

There are a variety of designs for children's furniture, from a Barbie house for girls to a life-size car for boys. All of them are made in different colors to match the interior of the room. Manufacturers make different models of cars without a top, inside of which there is a comfortable sleeping place. For girls, you can choose a children's house with brick walls and a frame roof.

Most often, children choose the following options:

  1. Aircraft. Such models are produced mainly in gray and blue colors.
  2. The carriages are made for fans of cartoons about princesses. They come in grey, brown, red or black.
  3. The ships are made for children who are interested in marine themes. Colors range from orange to blue, it all depends on the child’s preferences.
  4. The ball-shaped bed is made in black and white.
  5. Images of favorite cartoon characters are popular.

Stylized beds differ from ordinary ones only in design. It is also necessary to choose a mattress and pillow that is comfortable for the child so that the spine does not bend during sleep.

What kind of mattress should a crib have for 2 years and older?

The choice of mattress for bedroom furniture is also important. The degree of rest of the child and proper physical development depend on how soft or dense the coating is. A children's bed with slats and a semi-soft mattress is well ventilated and creates an orthopedic effect.

The covering will properly cushion the body, giving the necessary relaxation to the muscles and spine.

It is not recommended to buy a very hard bedding for a 2-year-old child - it will be uncomfortable for him to fall asleep. Choose the filling and surface of the mattress from natural “breathable” materials. To protect the coating from moisture and dirt, use a cover and a waterproof cloth, which must be changed regularly.

The mattress should be periodically ventilated, and in the warm season, beaten out and exposed to the sun, if possible.

To wash it, it is better to take it to a laundry with professional equipment. When the crib has a solid bottom, you can purchase a pad with Velcro for fixation.

The mattress should not be knocked out over the sides of the bed if they are through or act as a partial restriction.

Basic requirements for the product

Beds for children over 2 years old must have soft sides, because the baby tosses and turns and may accidentally hit a hard surface. It is advisable that all corners be rounded, otherwise the child may be injured during the game. A soft headboard is considered the safest.

Special attention should be paid to the quality of materials. Solid wood furniture should be well polished. When choosing between MDF and laminated chipboard, it is better to choose the first option; it is safer, as it does not emit any toxic substances. Furniture must be inspected for gaps, burrs, and chips. In addition, you should pay attention to the ease of opening doors and drawers. All guides and hinges must be in good working order.

It is not recommended to purchase a high crib so that the child has freedom of movement. When there are two children of different age categories in a family, the lower tier often goes to the youngest in order to eliminate the risk of falling from a great height.

When choosing children's furniture, you should definitely read the quality certificate to ensure the safety of the materials used. If the seller refuses to present a certificate or convinces that this is not necessary, purchasing anything from such a place is highly discouraged.

Quality of materials

Stability of the structure It is not recommended to purchase a high crib. Read the quality certificate,

Models for boys or girls

It is more pleasant for the baby to fall asleep in an environment that he likes. Therefore, imitation of a car or airplane in the design of a crib is one of the most successful options for a sleeping place for a boy. At the age of 2, the child already has his own preferences.

You can create an environment that is close to the child’s mood using a new furniture model.

If there is more than one child in the family, a bunk children's bed will be suitable, where there will be a place for the youngest at the bottom, and a place for the eldest at the top. The design can imitate the attic of a house, with additional stairs, cabinets, and windows. For boys, beds are made in brighter colors, often with dynamic scenes. It is not recommended to choose a design with sharp (“aggressive”) outlines.

The image should imitate "soft" movement.

For a girl, buy a crib with smoothed corners, in light colors close to natural. A nice design or ornament is welcome. Place or hang your favorite toys around the perimeter of the bed if there is room for them.

Like any children's furniture, beds should not only be comfortable, but also pleasant for kids.


The external design of beds for children is striking in its diversity. They will decorate a child's room and will fit well into the chosen style. The most popular design options:

  1. Fairy tale. Suitable for children who are passionate about stories about princesses, knights, and dragons.
  2. Automatic. Bright and original cars will appeal to kids who are fond of cartoons about cars.
  3. Flora. Floral and plant motifs relieve nervous tension and allow you to calm down.
  4. Houses. Create coziness and comfort.
  5. Transport. Children's cribs with sides stylized as airplanes, trains, and carriages are popular with children who are fond of traveling.

Classic models have not ceased to be popular. Children's bed options are decorated in accordance with the specifics of age and gender. For girls, rhinestones are installed on the frame and the bed is painted in bright or pastel colors in delicate shades. Boys are offered cooler color options. The bed can be plain or combine 2 colors. White-blue, white-pink variations are the most popular.

Children's beds from 2 years old with sides - 50 photo ideas:


BedsThe Dolphin bed is a bright element of a children's room.


BedsChildren's bed guard against falls

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