Children's room for two girls: TOP-200 design ideas with photos

When decorating a room for two girls, you should take into account many nuances. Let's choose an interior style and decide on the color scheme, arrange the furniture correctly and place the lighting.

Design of a children's room for two children
Video: Design of a children's room for two girls

Nursery design for two girls: secrets and subtleties

Light furniture is best suited in a miniature room for two girls.
Light color allows you to organize all the necessary areas. Bright color accents in the form of furniture or decorative elements look great against the background of a plain neutral finish.

Diversity in the calm interior colors can be achieved with the help of textiles and other accessories. Cool, light shades are ideal for rooms with south-facing windows.

Find out your daughters' color preferences when planning your nursery design. Of course, you can adjust their solution a little, but be careful in this matter, allowing children to make their own choices.

It is advisable for children of different ages to distinguish between places of rest and study. If the difference is minimal, there is no need to separate these zones.

Recreation areas are located at different levels in height, so they take up less space. With this arrangement, you can use every inch of space to your advantage.

The partition between the beds does not take up much space, separating one resting area from the other. Shelves can be used to store books or jewelry.

This bed design option will give your girls peace of mind. Everyone will feel lonely and will be able to talk to their sister before going to bed.

When arranging a nursery, buy high-quality orthopedic mattresses - this factor is important for the health of your daughters.

A bunk bed is the most compact option. However, the top shelf is not suitable for small children - it is quite dangerous.

There is no need to use bulky cabinets to store toys - decorative boxes have become popular lately. The boxes can be marked with special stickers, with the help of which the sisters will quickly understand what is stored in this place. These rules will teach children to discipline and maintain order in their room.

Practical chest of drawers with folding seat.

The folding bed model will save space even during the day. This transformation of space is especially necessary if it is impossible to accommodate all functional areas in the room at once.

Rollaway bed option. This furniture is suitable for children of any age.

In our selection you will find other samples of a folding bed for two.

In the girls’ room, it is advisable to provide a place for playing sports with special equipment or install a wall to develop physical capabilities. This will allow you to do morning exercises or take a sports break while studying.

Neoclassical interior in neutral colors for teenage sisters.

With proper planning, children should not have to sit with their backs to the door doing homework. This arrangement often leads to emotional distress and irritation.

Wallpaper is the best option for wall decoration, because it is easy to glue and can be replaced if necessary. Among the large assortment, paper wallpapers are suitable for children's rooms due to the environmentally friendly properties of the material. It is better to choose an abstract design, unless it is a photo wallpaper with a visual effect of expanding the boundaries of the room.

Tip: Be careful when choosing trim colors. Experts say that light walls cause fatigue, emotional exhaustion and nervousness in children. Refuse the acidic palette, even if your own children chose this palette.

If there is only one window in the room, a work area should be placed next to it. Even a few artificial sources cannot replace natural light. Conversely, it is better to place the sleeping place away from the window so that the morning sun does not interfere with your girls’ sleep.

Side by side sofas are a common arrangement method that works great for square spaces. The only drawback is the lack of opportunity to retire.

If your daughters can't compromise on which wall color to choose, you can combine two shades in one area. The main principle is a harmonious combination of two colors.

Tip: For small rooms, choose furniture with storage compartments where you can put away linens and other items.

The neoclassical interior does not look boring due to multi-colored fabrics, the shades of which can be changed if desired. The corner option for placing beds allows you to significantly save space, freeing up useful space.

Even if your children are not yet in school, there is still work to be done to develop sculpting and drawing lessons.

The stylized house bed emphasizes the playful and light atmosphere of the bedroom.

Advice: if the children’s area is minimal and you cannot fit everything you need on your own, contact a designer for help. A professional will offer several alternative layouts, transformable furniture, and also select interesting color solutions for interiors.

A large skylight allows a lot of light into the work area.

Minimum angles in the nursery will reduce the likelihood of accidental injury in active children. Distributing sleeping places along one wall is the best option if the room has an elongated shape.

Arranging a mirror with the placement of the main functional areas along the walls. Each of the girls at school will need a separate workplace. Read our article about how to organize this.

Take care of spacious shelves, comfortable chairs, special cabinets or lockers for textbooks, books and other school supplies. For additional lighting, use table lamps with a rotating mechanism that allows you to independently direct the flow of light.

Tip: thanks to folding furniture models, the space can be transformed by moving items to the desired part if you need to increase the playing area.

The door to the room should be closed so that the sisters can retreat and tell each other their secrets. This opportunity allows children to feel psychologically safe.

Tip: if your daughters are afraid of heights, the second level is definitely not suitable for sleeping. Bright posters and pictures look good against a calm background.

General design rules

It’s good when sisters live in the same room - it’s convenient, not only for adults, but also for children. On the one hand, this saves free space - there is no need to allocate two separate rooms.

Secondly, with this approach, the older sister will be able to look after the younger one. But to make the room comfortable and safe, you need to arrange everything correctly. There are a few general guidelines to follow.

  1. It is important to arrange the room so that each sister has her own personal corner. This is equally important for twins and for sisters of different ages.
  2. It is necessary to take care of children's safety and provide for all the nuances according to age. For example, if a child under three years old will live in a room with a schoolgirl, you need to make sockets in an inaccessible place where the younger girl cannot reach.
  3. It is important to ensure that all functional areas are separated as much as possible - this will help maintain order.
  4. It is not advisable to place a newborn child or an infant under 1.5 years old with a schoolchild. The fact is that small children often wake up at night, and the older one will not get enough sleep because of the noise.
  5. It is important to properly distribute free space. If there is a shortage of square meters, you need to especially carefully calculate and plan every centimeter.
  6. It is necessary, if possible, to delimit the room so that the playing area is located as far as possible from the desktop.
  7. It is also worth organizing an effective storage system - installing a separate double-sided wardrobe or buying two chests of drawers.

To effectively cope with the task at hand, you need to start by drawing up a plan. If possible, you can use software to simulate ready-made interior ideas and make corrections in virtual mode.

This will help you calculate everything down to the millimeter and avoid mistakes, because they will be corrected at the planning stage.

Nursery layout for two girls

The first steps of renovation begin with planning. Before choosing an interior design for a nursery for two girls, you need to consider the height of the ceilings, the area of ​​the room, the purpose of the room and the exact location of the furniture. The height of the ceilings will determine whether it is possible to install a bunk bed or make do with folding beds.

The area of ​​the room will help you choose the functionality of the nursery:

  • it will serve as a playroom or even a bedroom.

Before choosing a design, consider a list of important factors:

  • the most important thing is the age and tastes of your children, you need to listen to both sides and make an appropriate decision;
  • exclude decorative elements that may be hazardous;
  • furniture should be made from environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic materials;
  • if the property will have a bedroom and a playroom, then you should choose folding furniture, since your children will always be in this room and nothing will interfere with their movement;
  • It is necessary to divide the children's room into two so that each has its own space.

Children of the same age

When creating an interior for two girls with a slight difference in years, it is important to remember that children will grow up and over time they will have their own interests and hobbies. Therefore, you should immediately think about the personal space of each child in the common room.

Preschoolers have a strong sense of ownership. Therefore, each child should have their own sleeping places, wardrobes and shelves for things. But the playground can be made common. This division of the kindergarten space will be as convenient as possible and will avoid conflicts on the territory.

Expert opinion Olga Kovalenko I have been engaged in interior design and architectural design since 2010. As girls grow up, the play space in their bedroom will need to be transformed into a space for creative activities such as music or drawing. Or equip a corner for receiving guests and friendly gatherings. To avoid contradictions, the common room should be furnished symmetrically and with the same elements.

Children of different ages

Designing a nursery for two girls becomes more difficult if there is a noticeable age difference between the sisters. Perhaps the youngest princess still needs a nap during the day, while the eldest already wants noisy meetings with her friends.

Proper zoning, as well as a reasonable approach to the daily routine, will allow you to find a compromise even in this case.

  1. It is important to teach children to make concessions to each other. This is the only way to make their life comfortable in the room. It is advisable to consult with each of the girls about the choice of style, decor and come up with a general option that suits everyone.
  2. A preschooler does not yet need a full-fledged workplace - a table for drawing and crafts will be enough. The older sister needs more space for lessons and to place equipment: a computer, a music system, attributes of her favorite hobby.

In a room for girls of different ages, learning areas can be located in opposite corners of the room. This way, everyone will have personal space, and children will not disturb each other while going about their business. You can also differentiate a room using color and wallpaper of different shades.

Distribution of zones: games, study, recreation

The main thing you should pay attention to when planning the nursery space is the age of the girls. Preschoolers need more space in the play area. You can set aside half the room for it, which will be occupied by shelves with books, a drawing board, a small table with chairs and a soft carpet.

Older girls no longer sit on the floor with blocks and dolls; it is better for them to equip a full-fledged recreation area and practice their favorite hobbies. For example, for an artist, you can arrange a place for drawing and painting: in one of the corners you can place an easel, a chair and a table for palettes, pencils and paints.

If space allows, you can put a small sofa or chair in the room and hang a TV on the wall. The result will be something like a living room for receiving guests.

If you put compact dressing tables in the recreation area for every girl, they will be delighted.

For optimal zoning and arrangement of furniture, the configuration of the room should be taken into account.

  1. A rectangular room can simply be divided in half. As a result, each sister will have her own personal space with a sleeping area and a desk. It is better to place the leisure area in the middle.
  2. In a square room, you can arrange the beds with their headboards facing each other. In this case, the entire center remains free. And in the opposite corner you can arrange a space for leisure.

In addition, there are a lot of interesting design techniques for visually dividing the nursery.

  1. Color. The sleeping areas are decorated in subdued colors, while the play and leisure area is decorated in brighter colors.
  2. Light. Installing dim lighting in the children's sleeping areas.
  3. Partitions. These structures can divide the room into functional zones. There are several types:
  • mobile (sliding doors);
  • screens (convenient because they can be temporarily removed);
  • curtains and canopies;
  • open shelving, shelves and shelves.
  1. Multi-level ceiling.
  2. Podium.

Choosing an interior style

A nursery for two girls is an excellent field for realizing any creative idea. Many thematic and style trends will fit perfectly here. Little ladies can decorate the interior, taking as a basis the motifs of fairy tales about the Little Mermaid, Snow White, and equip a real princess castle. Most often, pink tones are taken as the basis, which are complemented by thematic photo wallpapers, furniture in the form of locks, carriages and other relevant paraphernalia.

When decorating a nursery for two girls, you can turn to the classics, which combine exquisite comfort, centuries-old traditions and tranquility. The classic style is good because it allows you to decorate a room regardless of the age of the children. Light and warm tones of decoration, solid wood furniture, crystal chandeliers, exquisite fabrics - all this fills the room with comfort and abundance.

Provence is ideal for romantic girls' rooms. Here you can’t do without a lot of small floral prints, present on light trims and fabrics. Of particular interest is light furniture with a pronounced wood texture and elements of aging, conveying the spirit of French provincial life.

At first glance, the Scandinavian style of a nursery for girls may seem colder and more reserved. But if you look closely, you can see how the white and gray tones of the decoration are enriched with home comfort thanks to the significant presence of wooden elements in the decoration and furniture. Such a nursery will always look light and airy.

Minimalism can also “fit” into the interior of a nursery, especially since many modern teenagers much prefer a balanced, serious environment. A room with light colors, functional furniture and almost no decor may be best suited for a small apartment.


Young fashionistas will definitely love the design of the room in the spirit of movie and pop stars. Its basis is an abundance of soft pink and white carpets on the floor, a huge chandelier with hanging elements and photos of celebrities on the walls.

Adult children can and should participate in the process of discussing the design of a children's room. It’s worth considering together a photo of the finished interior, options for installing lighting and arranging decorative elements.

Scandinavian style

  • Eco-friendliness and conciseness distinguish the Scandinavian style. It is more suitable for lovers of modern interiors.
  • Primary colors are white, gray, powder pink. Rugs, paintings, flags, garlands will add coziness to the room. You can set up a wigwam in the play area by placing decorative pillows and soft toys on it.
  • The bed and shelves, decorated in the form of houses, look interesting. A bedroom decorated in Scandinavian style will become an area for development and true friendship for two girls.


It's worth meeting a young rebel and decorating a wall or two as she asks. In this case, the curtains can be replaced with blinds, the room can be decorated with images of rock musicians, guitars on the stands and stands.

Pop Art

The design of a nursery for two active girls can be made in pop art style. An extraordinary style will help create a bright space in which two girls will definitely not be bored. “Art is accessible to everyone” - this is how the title of the guide can be interpreted. Its features include:

  • the use of pop culture images - film and television stars, cartoon and comic book characters;
  • a non-standard look at familiar things;
  • collage and graffiti on walls or furniture.

Pop art is suitable for girls who are interested in art and lead an active lifestyle. Bright colors, glossy surfaces, unusual combinations, artificial lighting will attract people with unconventional thinking and a new outlook on the world. The use of acidic shades and bright contrasts is allowed and even encouraged.

Pop art will not require large financial expenditures and at the same time will help to create a cheerful and stylish interior.

Classic nursery style

Although I usually recommend not using classic styles, in a nursery for two girls they are the number 1 choice. In 2022, a classic style, such as Provence, is already clearly unusual and more like a fairy tale, just realistic. Girls will be able to imagine themselves as princesses and characters from their favorite cartoons and fairy tales, but not as caricatured children, but rather serious ones. The main advantage, as in the previous version of the style, is that there is no need to redo the repairs as the girls grow older.

Classic style is relevant for girls of any age.

The main feature of the classic style for a children's room is the same white furniture, which goes well with bright, rich colors. When children are small and their taste has not yet developed, they love bright colors. These colors can be applied to wallpaper, toys, stickers, fabrics, and then all this can be easily and cheaply replaced as girls grow older. For many photos of such finishing options, see the material on a children's room for a girl.

A children's room for two girls in a classic design style has one serious drawback - the high cost of furniture and the slightly inflated price of finishing. This is even more profitable than first repairing the baby and then remodeling it, but this money will need to be immediately frozen inside.

To protect white furniture a little from children's creativity, place a drawing board in the room. The furniture has obviously been washed, but let the energy initially be better directed towards creation.


Sports fans, young bloggers, music lovers and active people will love the big city style. The best solution for them would be photo wallpapers with skyscrapers and newspaper prints on the walls.

The “Paris” style will suit romantic girls. Soft colors in the decoration of the room, complemented by posters depicting the Eiffel Tower, will create an elegant and sophisticated interior.


Country style will appeal to sophisticated young people. Distinctive features of this direction:

  • use of light and pastel colors in the interior;
  • artificially aged furniture;
  • small flower wallpaper;
  • lace, frills on fabrics;
  • posters are hung symmetrically on the walls;
  • figurines and bouquets of dried flowers.

An abundance of small details and decorations will add coziness and comfort to children. At the request of the girls, the composition can be supplemented with handmade items. These can be embroidery, watercolor sketches, origami compositions or sketchbooks.

Expert opinion

Creating the interior of a room for girls under 9-10 years old can be completely entrusted to parents, and be sure to discuss this with older children. In general, teenagers have their own impression of comfort and convenience, and a style imposed by adults may be perceived negatively by them.

Modern style with white furniture

I usually recommend choosing modern design styles and consider them to be the best, but in a girls' nursery this approach comes in second place.

The question here is not obvious why the furniture is white, especially given the desire of children to draw on everything. It's about choosing colors. After all, you have seen the design of children's rooms, which in the eyes of an adult looks like a terrible collective farm. There is even an opinion that children cannot like a room and be elegant at the same time, but this is just a myth.

You can make a nursery look elegant, and we will tell you how to do it.

In order not to explain too hard, let’s compare 2 children’s options for girls in real photos. Option 1:

You don't have to be clairvoyant to guess that you liked the first version of the girls' nursery best.

Standard colors of wooden furniture have low saturation and usually do not match the bright colors of children's wallpaper and accessories, and there will be a lot of the latter in the interior for two girls at once. Therefore, if you choose a modern style or make the furniture white and then add some bright colors. Or the furniture is ordinary, but you will have to give up rich colors.

Here's an example taken to the extreme, using neutral furniture and overall decoration, but with bright accessories. And although in this example the design is still more or less, it seems that it is already on the edge and by adding a little more color, the interior of the nursery will no longer be balanced.

Changing wallpaper is cheap and fast. Toys and accessories change naturally and gradually. But changing the finish of the ceiling and furniture is expensive, dusty and labor-intensive. A modern design option with white furniture is especially good for two girls of different ages. Their interests and tastes may vary greatly and change quickly over time, and a neutral shade will in no way be uncomfortable.

When the girls grow up and the time comes to redecorate the room, there will no longer be a need to consider it a child’s room. You can simply choose the current design style and maintain the room in it.

Choice of color and style

This is perhaps the most difficult stage in the labor-intensive process of arrangement. Difficulties may arise due to different tastes and preferences among sisters.

It is necessary to take into account the wishes of each child and make sure that the colors and styles chosen by the girls are harmoniously combined in the overall picture of the interior. Here are some recommendations to help you decide.

  1. Do not choose monochrome interior solutions - they do not allow you to use color as a tool for zoning a room.
  2. It is important to ask girls what colors they prefer and choose options that will contrast or harmoniously combine with each other.
  3. It is worth finding something in common that each of the sisters likes in order to form the core, the basis of the future interior. But in separate zones, use objects taking into account the personal preferences of each girl.
  4. It is important to choose a single style concept, but it is better to use different color schemes for each half.
  5. It is necessary to select a style taking into account age, and also do not forget about child safety.
  6. It is recommended to choose practical style and color solutions.

More: Children's room for two boys of different ages
It is not recommended to use the traditional “cartoon” interior style. If parents want to instill in their children a sense of style and refined taste, they should choose aesthetic interior concepts from the classical direction.

Moreover, children change their preferences quite quickly, and there is no guarantee that within a month they will get bored with their once-favorite cartoon characters.

Color solutions

When choosing a color for a nursery, it is important to consider the location of the room relative to the cardinal directions. If the windows face north, you should abandon cold and bright colors in favor of warm, light colors - they will help make the room more spacious and airy. On the contrary, for the south side, where there is already a lot of natural light, you can find cooler shades.

A good choice would be a monochromatic design in light colors, against which bright furniture and accessories will look great. From the color palette for decorating a room for two girls, white, pink, lilac, cream, and green shades are ideal. Individual contrasts can be created using yellow, purple, and orange colors.

Arranging a study corner

If two schoolgirls will live in a room, you need to provide two workplaces where the girls can study. It is important to organize everything correctly so that the child has a desire to learn, and also so that he is comfortable in his place for learning.

There are several recommendations that are worth adopting to make the study corner truly comfortable and safe.

You need to choose the right place; it should be quiet, located away from sources of noise and distracting objects. For example, it is not recommended to install a study table close to the gaming area or TV.

It is important to properly zone the room so that the work area is separated as much as possible from other parts of the room; this creates discipline and helps maintain order. For example, it is a very bad idea to combine a play corner and a study area.

For younger children, it is better to set up a small study area away from the play area, so that the child is under the supervision of an older sister or parents.

It is advisable to install a study table away from the bed so that the child does not associate this corner with rest.

For two schoolgirls, you can install a single desktop on the entire wall, but divide it with a border of shelves or a rack so that the sisters do not distract each other during the learning process.

It is better to choose a table with a cabinet and drawers that the child can use to store notebooks, textbooks and stationery.

The width of the working surface of the table should be at least 90-100 cm so that the child can use his place for learning without discomfort. If there is a computer on the table, you will need to provide a place for it.

If there is not enough space, you can use transformable furniture, a folding or pull-out table.

You need to choose a table of the correct height - when the child is sitting, the tabletop should be approximately 3-4 cm above the level of his elbows.

The study chair should also be of the correct height; an adjustable seat is ideal. It is advisable to give preference to models that meet orthopedic safety requirements.

It is advisable to place your workplace near a window. In the event that the window faces the sunny side. It is necessary to purchase a high-quality curtain or blinds with a day-night system to regulate the light intensity.

More: Bedroom in brown - design, color combinations

Materials for finishing a nursery

Children are creative people. Walls or floors are often used for painting. Therefore, you should not buy expensive exclusive materials for repairs.

In addition, little housewives grow and mature quickly. Children's wallpapers with fairy-tale characters lose relevance over time. Of course, there is no point in completely redoing a high-quality renovation. But their partial replacement will be very useful.


A popular material for a children's room is wallpaper or non-woven wallpaper. They do not need to perfectly level the surfaces.

  • To visually expand the space, it is recommended to choose light colors;
  • to visually raise the ceiling, you can use striped wallpaper;
  • small prints in the form of flowers and birds in lavender and light green shades will ideally fit into the Provencal style and suit romantic natures.

Wallpaper in the recreation area will also look good. Images of fairy-tale characters and cartoon characters are suitable for children. Over time, they can be replaced with more age-appropriate textures - landscapes, metropolitan themes, photographs of movie stars.

Another popular option is painting. This design technique can highlight one of the walls.


Eco-friendly flooring materials:

  • parquet;
  • laminate;
  • short pile carpet;
  • cork.

An excellent solution for a nursery is heated floors. In this case, porcelain stoneware is chosen as the facing material.

In the bed area you can put small rugs made from natural materials - sisal, viscose and wool.

Expert opinion Olga Kovalenko I have been involved in interior design and architectural design since 2010. Long-pile coverings quickly become dusty and dirty.


The stretch fabric in the shape of a sparkling starry sky will calm and relax your baby. By combining this material with plasterboard structures, you can zone the room. The color of the ceilings should match the palette of the walls.

Primary requirements

  1. If you are decorating a room for two girls, you need to teach them to respect each other's personal space. Therefore, it is advisable to take care of zoning the room so that each daughter has her own separate area.
  2. When you choose the style and furniture for the room, consult with your daughters.
  3. The design should be such that they would not be ashamed to invite friends to visit.
  4. The room should be large enough so that the girls have enough space for active games.
  5. You should not allow the room to be cluttered with unnecessary things. If the room is small, you need to choose modular furniture.

Decorating a children's room for two girls

The classic style is quite an advantageous solution for decorating a nursery. Such an interior involves the installation of wooden beds, decorated with beautiful carved details, the use of a variety of accessories and a regal color palette, making the atmosphere truly magical and fabulous.

The main features of the Scandinavian trend are the use of solid, monochromatic finishes, light wood floors and simple furniture. You can liven up the monotony with colorful paintings, photographs, children's drawings or bright fabrics.

The romantic Provençal style, originally from France, will ideally complement the bedroom of two girls aged 10 to 12 years. The design often includes natural lilac, pink, blue and other pastel colors, floral prints in wallpaper design, pastel linen, curtains and other fabrics.

Furniture elements are generally lighter and lighter in design.

The loft style is best suited for teenagers from 14 to 16 years old seeking self-expression and personal development. This interior is distinguished by a very elegant and original look, discreet shades, somewhat rough finishes and the use of street decorations, such as graffiti.

Furniture for children's room

In a kindergarten for two girls, try to use every square meter as cheaply as possible. Let's consider options for transformable beds and extendable tables. As a storage system, you can choose a narrow but tall wardrobe, separate modular elements and use built-in drawers under the beds. For small children, you can take a whole complex, which includes sleeping places in the form of houses and lockers.

Space zoning

Every girl should have her own studio and storage room. There should only be a common area for games and relaxation, where children will communicate.

The younger the children, the more space they need for entertainment.

You can zone a room in different ways:

  • using a partition, for example, made of plasterboard or wood;
  • placement of a screen or rack;
  • use different shades in the design of walls, furniture, textiles;
  • using lighting;
  • due to the decor: each girl can have her own paintings, posters, textile accessories.

Sleeping places

For two girls, you can buy a bunk bed, which will help save space in the room, or two “loft bed” sets, where the lower part will be occupied by tables and cabinets. The placement of the beds depends on the geometry of the nursery.

In a square room, beds are placed along two opposite walls or in the far corner of the room. In a rectangular room, the bed can be installed in a “train” along a long wall or perpendicular to it. An interesting solution is to organize a high podium with folding beds. In this case, a training area with two desks is installed on the podium, and the remaining area of ​​the room is equipped with a play area.

Another option worth considering is beds that are hidden in the closet using a lifting mechanism. Using such furniture, you will make the room much freer during the day.


For small children, you will need a fairly spacious place to play, which can be organized due to the lack of a work area. Roll out a warm carpet here and set up a small bungalow, house or tent.

Girls love a variety of themed toys, for example, a hairdresser with a cosmetic table and a mirror, a dollhouse or a kitchenette. There is no need to install cabinets for toys; it is easier to use open shelves or the now popular wicker baskets and decorative chests. Label the boxes with special stickers that will help the girls navigate where the toy store is - this will teach them order.

For older children, you can equip a sports corner, and for teenage girls, install a dressing table here, on which they will be happy to cool off.

Work zone

If your girls are studying, you should take care of organizing a place where they will study. Most often it is installed near a window, where there is sufficiently bright daylight. You can install a long desk along the window sill, on which your daughters can sit at the same time. Perhaps a more correct and economical solution would be to increase the area of ​​the window sill itself.

In a square nursery, in addition to beds along the walls, you can install desks closer to the window. In this case, the girls will not be distracted by sitting with their backs to each other during the lesson.

Lighting system

It is important that the space is filled with natural light - this factor has a beneficial effect on the formation of the child’s psyche. With a lack of light, the baby may develop more slowly and the growth rate will be reduced. Light is an excellent stimulator of all life processes.

Make sure the window opening lets in as much sunlight as possible. At the same time, it is worth providing protection from direct rays so that classes in the work area can take place with comfort - after all, the bright sun can interfere with mental concentration.

Advice: it is necessary to provide additional light sources at each workplace, as well as near the rest area, so that daughters can read a book before bed without harming their eyes.

If the room is oriented to the north, abandon thick curtains and multi-layered drapery in favor of transparent, lightweight fabrics. A combination of light tulle with curtains is also suitable. In this case, it is better to choose a warm color scheme for wall decoration.

You can find more tips on organizing your lighting system here.

Finishing touches to decorate the room

Cute accessories for “girls” will help to revive and complement the room:

  • For children, these could be lamps, soft toys, or even fundamentally useless little things in the form of their favorite flowers, animals, or cartoon characters.
  • For older girls - photographs, their names, arranged in bright and perhaps colorful letters, drawings or crafts in beautiful frames.
  • For teenage girls: posters with stars, favorite audio and video CDs.

When planning your space, you should not forget that in a few years the design will lose relevance as children grow up quickly. Try to decorate the children's room so that its elements are universal, for example, refuse “children's” furniture, giving preference to classic models.

Decorative elements will help give the room a childish look: pillows, bed linen, curtains, curtains, stickers, funny pictures.

They can be easily removed and replaced with new ones depending on the age of the nursery owners and without compromising the overall design of the room.

To help your sisters learn to keep their area tidy, organize storage for their belongings and treasures. In addition to a large wardrobe, you can use lightboxes for toys (girls will be delighted if they are on wheels), shelves or multi-level shelves of different sizes.

If one of the girls is older, she will organize her organizers and supplies to a level that the youngest cannot.

This will avoid many conflicts, because it is not always possible to explain to a small child that some things that are within his boundaries cannot be taken.

Be sure to arrange a place for older girls to “show off” - it’s convenient if each sister has her own mirror. You can use one for two, but it is advisable that the girls see each other from head to toe. In addition to being an opportunity to show off, mirrors will add space and light to a room.

Your room is one of the most important elements in shaping your personality. When solving design problems for a nursery for two girls, it is not always possible to avoid conflicts. By the way, with a kindergarten for two men it’s a little easier. This is why it is so important to provide each child with enough personal space.

Despite this, a common space for games and hobbies will contribute to the development of communication skills and the ability to find a compromise, which will definitely bind girls into strong friendships and will be useful to them in adulthood.

Decorating a room for two girls

Homemade ornaments can be used as decorations. Encourage girls to be creative and innovative. Prepare a corner where they can place their items. Buy cardboard, colored tape. Let the kids decide what color and craft they want to make. We cut out shapes of various toys, animals, and Christmas trees from them.

An original shelf-coffee table, created in collaboration with little housewives

Give each girl the opportunity to choose something of her own, individual. Take pictures and let the children choose the frame themselves. Place lots of family photos in your room.

Tip 4: Provide privacy for children from each other.

Even sisters sometimes want privacy. Especially if girls have completely different rhythms of life and schedules. After all, you won’t even be able to read a book before bed without disturbing your sister’s sleep. How to provide your daughters with personal space in the common room? You can do this using:

  • Canopy;
  • Racks or cabinets;
  • Curtains or sliding door in the middle of the room;
  • Screen partitions;
  • False walls, for example, made of gypsum board.

  • Canopies over the beds of two girls

An example of dividing a room with sliding doors

Children's room for two girls with two windows

The interiors with 2 windows are large and well lit rooms. There are several ways to arrange furniture in them.

Consider the following placement guidelines:

  1. Any furniture placed between the windows blocks the passage of light. The wall between the window openings is not pressed into the furniture. They hang a mirror, a small shelf, and put up a children's trellis. Below: you can equip a shelf for storing toys.
  2. The brightest space next to the windows is reserved for games and activities. The table is placed by the window.
  3. The bed and wardrobe are placed along the blank walls of the room. Clothes for sleeping and storage do not require lighting.
  4. The locker is located in the farthest corner of the room. This layout allows you to properly distribute the space. Take the most unclaimed space in the “pantry” room.”

Tip 7. Play area

If the sleeping and study areas in the room should be separate, then the play area should be made common. Here girls will be able to communicate, play together and receive guests. To create space for games, place a rug on the floor and place:

  • Wigwam;
  • Double-sided easel for drawing;
  • Sports complex;
  • Toy kitchen;
  • Mini table for tea parties;
  • Ballerina barre with mirror;
  • Mini library;
  • Playhouse.

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Room ideas for two girls of different ages

Of course, girls of different ages will need different sized furniture, and an older sister will need more storage space. Otherwise, the design principles will remain the same.

For convenience, consider dividing the space with a partition - this will separate the child’s play area from the schoolgirl’s study area.

Sleeping area

Beds are located in this area, and it is highly desirable to equip them so that the falling child feels privacy. To do this, you can separate them with cabinets, place them on opposite walls, or even use canopies over the cribs.

In addition to two regular beds, to save space, you can use the following as a sleeping place:

  1. Bunk bed
  2. Folding beds
  3. Roll-out beds
  4. Sofas

Fun room for fun kids

A children's room for two girls of preschool age is equipped with ordinary small cribs. For elementary school girls, you can already use a two-tier one if the ceiling is not lower than 2.6 meters.

Babies are not strong enough to unfold and put away their bed on their own. The exception is roll-out beds on good casters. They are rolled out from a specially constructed podium 30-40 cm high, which can be used as a work area or recreation area.

In a children's room for two schoolgirls, you can free up significant space by making folding beds. Such designs are sold and made to order, but this is not cheap. Whatever beds you choose, you need to take care of high-quality orthopedic mattresses.

Of course, an attractive option for teenagers would be folding sofas or armchairs - beautiful, comfortable for relaxing and receiving guests, but not very comfortable for sleeping.

Beds in the children's room

Room for teenage girls

In addition to larger beds, teenage sisters will generally need more space, especially for things - give preference to hidden storage systems and more functional furniture.

Use different accessories in the closet and on the shelves, such as special boxes - they not only help keep things organized and separate, but also look aesthetically pleasing.

If the space of the room allows, equip your daughters with a separate dressing room. If necessary, you can put a dressing table with a mirror here and arrange a large area for storing cosmetics, which will be enough for both sisters.

In design, adhere to the same principles as in organizing an “adult” bedroom: minimalism, calm colors and accent decorations.

This design is quite practical and, moreover, does not distract or irritate the teenager. However, first of all, of course, listen to the wishes of the children - if they want a pink princess bedroom, it is better to meet them halfway.

Tip 5: Personalize your sleeping arrangements

Even though the design of the room will be in the same style, you can break away in the design of the sleeping areas and reflect the individuality of each daughter. To do this, you can, at a minimum, hang photos of their mistresses and nameplates above the beds, and, at maximum, scatter different pillows, put different lamps, chests or bedside tables, decorate the wall with stencils or paper booms, hang shelves and furnish their favorite girls things.

Tips for arranging a nursery

The main thing in children's lining is the use of environmentally friendly and safe materials. For wall decoration, smooth or textured decorative plasters, paintable wallpaper or paper sheets are often chosen.

In a small room, it is advisable to use a lighter and pastel design with a not too colorful print; plain walls can be decorated with colorful stickers, posters, paintings and more.

According to the color scheme of a children's bedroom, they prefer calm shades of milky, blue, soft pink or more contrasting colors of mint, green or yellow. For a room with windows facing north, a combination of warm orange or apricot colors would be especially appropriate; in a sunny room with a southern orientation, cool blue-gray or pale purple tones are used in the decoration.

To decorate the ceiling, ordinary whitewashing, painting or wallpapering is suitable, which will give the ceiling plane a very unusual and truly unique look. Natural linoleum or carpet is usually placed on the floor.

Taking into account the main physical, psychological and material aspects, it is possible to create the optimal design of the room:

  • First of all, you need to take care of the baby's safety. To do this, you should securely fasten the furniture or choose fairly stable structures without sharp edges.
  • The decoration of the children's room should use natural and environmentally friendly materials.
  • In addition, special attention should be paid to windows. It is better if the maximum amount of natural light enters the room through them; for this purpose, it is advisable to decorate the window openings with lighter and lighter curtains or blinds.
  • This room should provide free movement in space; for this, it is necessary to pay special attention to the issue of decor and layout.


This sweet word is freedom! Independence in choosing time to read or play, study or music - a child truly feels this only in a separate children's room for two girls. And children try to show their initiative and defend their opinion even at the stage of planning and decorating the premises. This is amazing! Discuss with them the style, necessary (and affordable for your wallet) furniture, color scheme, carry out (with their direct participation) a quick repair and accept the fact that the furniture will be moved more than once, and without your participation. Unless children need help hanging shelves or moving a heavy bed.

Retro raid in a children's room for two girls

In fact, parents will need to intervene in this process, for example, by helping to fairly divide a children's room for two girls into zones. But don't rush. Wait for the moment when, having tried different options and suffered, your girls come to you for advice.

In the future, in the children's room for two girls, a stormy life will take place, hidden from your eyes . Cry, try bright cosmetics, start a fuss with your sister, a heated quarrel, and then make a heated reconciliation - how can you live without this? The sisters, who shared one nursery between them, have a lot to remember about their cheerful childhood. Don't be surprised how often children will invite friends over - after all, they can be proud of their room, into the design of which they put so much effort and imagination.

Children's room for girls with one bedside table for two

Nursery design for two girls - photo

Finally, we invite you to visit our photo gallery. Here are plenty of real-life examples to help you create a truly stunning nursery design for two girls. Watch and be inspired!

Furniture arrangement in limited space

A nursery for two girls must have:

  • two beds;
  • one common or two desks;
  • two chairs;
  • one common closet (clearly divided between two owners).

Typically, children's rooms are 10-15 square meters. meters. The main task when arranging is to arrange the furniture correctly. To take up as little space as possible in the room, you should opt for:

  • Multifunctional furniture. This could be a sofa bed, a bed with lower shelves, ottomans with niches for things, wardrobes with drawers, shelves for clothes and a compartment for hangers. Such furniture will allow you to significantly save on purchasing unnecessary shelves.
  • Light and low furniture. A light surface opens up the space, and cabinets that do not touch the ceiling make the room appear taller.
  • Soft, streamlined shapes. The geometry of the furniture adds roughness to the interior and narrows the room. Shapeless armchairs, sofas with rounded armrests, curved tables - all this is created for small rooms.

Option for planning a room of 10 square meters. meters

Free space is a place for creativity and development. You should leave the things you really need and the appropriate furniture for them in the room. Modern styles provide for storing things in open spaces - tables, racks, wall shelves. Such furniture does not clutter or narrow the room.

How to organize your study space

A table and a place for books are now very conveniently placed complete with a loft bed. This saves space and compact arrangement of necessary furniture. If both girls need tables, it is better to place them next to each other or opposite each other. A bookcase, decorative screen or retractable door will perfectly separate the work area from the rest of the room.

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