Assembly of a longitudinal pendulum. Which pendulum is better - longitudinal or transverse?

With the arrival of a child in the family, the life of his parents changes radically, new worries and concerns appear, because it is necessary to provide the baby with everything necessary. A newborn spends almost all his time in a crib for the first six months, so choosing one is one of the main issues that worries new mothers and fathers. The wide range makes choosing much more difficult.

It has long been known that a child quickly falls asleep to rhythmic movements, so it is recommended to choose a crib with a rocking function. If the child is worried and wakes up, you can rock him to sleep without getting out of bed. Now specialized stores sell improved traditional models - cradles and rocking chairs on runners. Such cribs have many disadvantages: they move by inertia from rocking for a short time, the movements are uneven, non-rhythmic, and marks remain on the floor.

A more modern and convenient option is a crib with a pendulum mechanism. It contains bearings that make movements soft and smooth; the bed (lower part) remains motionless.

There are two directions of movement of pendulum beds: longitudinal - from head to feet and transverse - left and right. This article will help you decide which pendulum is better - longitudinal or transverse. We will use the opinions of doctors as the main criterion. In addition, detailed instructions for assembling the longitudinal pendulum are given here. So let's get started.

Crib with longitudinal swing mechanism

When a mother rocks her baby, she makes longitudinal movements - from the legs to the head. When rocking in a stroller, similar movements are also performed. That is, such rocking is more familiar for the child, so he falls asleep faster under it, sleep is stronger and healthier.

These cribs are not compact. They take up a lot of space due to the fact that they have to make an indentation from the wall, taking into account the amplitude of the swing.

Product Features

For the full development of the child, you will need a correctly selected crib design for newborns, which will be made with your own hands.

  • compliance with the above dimensions;
  • use of environmentally friendly material in the form of natural wood or high-quality plastic;
  • compliance with safety regulations, all elements of the bed should be smooth and as soft as possible.

It is necessary to ensure strong fixation of the structure and its stability. The ideal solution would be to use well-treated, high-quality wood, carefully coated with a layer of varnish.

Crib with transverse pendulum

These cribs are perfect for those who count every square meter, because they take up less space than the previous model.

Another advantage is their autonomy: upon waking up and tossing and turning in their sleep, the child sets the crib in motion, and it begins to rock, thereby lulling the baby to sleep. But children learn to roll over only by 3 months. This option is very convenient for mothers, because they don’t even have to go near the crib.


All the obvious advantages inherent in cribs equipped with a pendulum mechanism make them a product whose cost is often significantly higher than the prices of simpler options.

However, the costs for this essential piece of furniture allow it to remain in the average corridor of this segment of children's goods. The only clear exception is transformable cribs. You will have to spend much more money on them.

However, there are beds with a drawer, and its obvious advantage is that it can already contain additional necessary items and options for the life of a small person.

You don’t have to buy a changing table separately, you can save on a diaper box, and so on, depending on the design of a particular model.

It is important to find a harmonious place for the bed in the interior of the living space. It depends on its properties and qualities such as design, construction, color, material.

You can choose a piece of furniture to suit your taste long before visiting the store by familiarizing yourself with photos of pendulum beds from various manufacturers.

Pendulum selection criteria

When choosing which pendulum is better - longitudinal or transverse, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

  • the location of the mother relative to the crib during rocking;
  • the size of the room where the child’s bed is located;
  • baby's reaction to different swing directions.

It is more convenient to rock the crib in the direction away from you - towards you, rather than left and right. Therefore, if the place for mom is located on the side of the crib, then it is better to choose a transverse pendulum, and if at the head, then a longitudinal one.

If there is plenty of space for a crib in the bedroom, then you can afford to install a crib with a longitudinal pendulum, and if the room is small, then a transverse pendulum is recommended.

As for the baby’s reaction: it can only be known if the pendulum is universal. You need to observe how the baby falls asleep while swinging in each direction, and determine which is better for him - longitudinal or transverse. But this selection criterion is unreliable, because many different factors (for example, well-being) can influence how a baby falls asleep.

General rules for choosing cribs

For many mothers and fathers, the decisive factor when buying children's furniture is visual appeal, however, this approach is fundamentally wrong. The main selection criteria are the convenience and safety of the little man. There are many things to consider when choosing a crib, including:

  • material of manufacture;
  • baby protection elements;
  • features of the sleeping place arrangement.

Shapes, materials and sizes of frames

One of the main structural elements of a crib is the frame. Today, furniture manufacturers offer a huge selection of cribs for newborns; the range includes traditional rectangular models and somewhat non-standard products with a round or oval frame.

The strength and durability of a crib directly depends on the material used. In the production of furniture for small children, natural wood, MDF, plastic, laminated chipboard, and metal are used.

Of course, for a baby it is better to choose a crib made of natural material. Furniture with a wooden frame looks expensive and presentable, is characterized by a long service life and the ability to “breathe”. In the segment of wooden children's furniture today you can find quite affordable models; budget options include products made from pine, spruce and birch. More durable, expensive cribs are made from hard trees - beech, ash, oak. Wooden cribs vary in style and design. The market offers classic models made from unpainted wood and wooden cribs coated with paint and varnish, decorated with printed images.

Plastic frames are easy to maintain; the weight of a plastic crib is much less than its wooden counterpart. The affordable cost of plastic furniture also attracts buyers.

Metal frames are famous for their strength and long service life. However, metal cribs are not widely used due to the “coldness” of the material.

Sides - types and rules of choice

Another important element is the sides of the crib; the main purpose of the design is to protect the baby from falling. The sides can be:

  • stationary and removable;
  • blind rack or combined (two solid sidewalls, two rack).

Most often, furniture manufacturers make the side walls of the sleeping bed in the form of a lattice structure; the side walls consist of a frame and cross bars installed at a certain distance. The crossbars can be made in the form of a round rod or be represented by wide slats.

When choosing a sleeping place for a baby, it is important to take into account two main requirements for enclosing structures:

  • the distance between the vertical slats of the side parts should not exceed 5-6 cm;
  • The height of the sides should be at least 60-65 cm, measurements are taken from the mattress to the edge of the side.

Additional protection for the baby will be provided by special silicone pads on the edges of the side and soft removable sides fixed around the perimeter of the crib. Elements of protection are especially relevant when the baby begins to actively move and during the period of teething. Silicone pads will not only protect the child’s gums from damage, but also maintain the integrity of the tree.

Some models of cribs are equipped with a front folding side. The folding sidewall allows you to move the child's bed close to the parent's bed; when the child grows up, he will be able to independently climb into his sleeping place. Unlike cribs equipped with runners to adjust the height of the side, folding designs use piano hinges. If necessary, the side can be folded down to the outer side and, when raised, is secured with latches.

Sleeping place - types and arrangement of bases

The base for the mattress of a baby crib can have a solid covered or slatted bottom. A solid bottom is considered more durable, and the cost of cribs with a solid base is lower than their slatted counterparts. A significant drawback lies in the design features; the solid base does not have gaps or holes, and therefore there is no air circulation between the mattress and the bottom. The mattress does not dry well and can quickly become unusable.

The slatted bottom consists of transverse strips fixed to the frame. The lattice design does not retain moisture inside the mattress and provides intense air circulation. The slatted base helps to properly distribute the load on the baby’s fragile spine.

Doctors' opinions on pendulum beds

The main factor determining the choice of a pendulum is its effect on the baby’s health.

Doctors advise avoiding swings and pendulum beds altogether. They argue that the child should be able to fall asleep on his own, without any additional outside influence. Doctors recommend rocking a child to sleep only if there is a need: babies have a very excitable nervous system, and sometimes it cannot slow down on its own.

But if you have to choose which pendulum is better (longitudinal or transverse), then doctors recommend the longitudinal one. The vestibular system in children is not yet developed, so it must be handled with care. With longitudinal rocking, the baby's head does not rotate left and right, and, accordingly, there is no negative impact. In addition, if you pump from head to feet, intracranial pressure is normal.

Which pendulum is better - longitudinal or transverse?

When deciding on the type of pendulum that is suitable for a child, you need to take into account all the factors listed above. And if the dimensions of the room are small, then parents will most likely choose a transverse swing pendulum. And the child can fall asleep under it faster and sleep more soundly. But the baby’s health should come first, so it’s better to choose a crib with a longitudinal pendulum (and even if the size of the room does not allow it, it is advisable to save space on some other piece of furniture). In addition, when rocking longitudinally, the child gets the feeling that he is being rocked by his mother, because this is more familiar.


  • The dimensions of such structures significantly exceed standard analogues.
  • It should be noted that transformable beds, in most cases, are equipped with small drawers, so it is quite difficult to place a large number of things.
  • You can only increase the length of the bed; the width remains the original, and this is not enough for a school-age child.
  • After a certain period of time, the child gets tired of this design.
  • A separate standard crib and chest of drawers open up wider possibilities for arranging the interior of the room.
  • The cost of transformable beds is quite high.

Assembling a crib with a pendulum

Having decided which pendulum - transverse or longitudinal - is more suitable, you can begin assembling the crib. Its main parts include: body, supporting part of the mattress, sides, legs, pendulum.

As for the preparatory work: you need to start assembling in the room where the crib will be, so as not to move it later or scratch it. When unpacking, small parts should be placed on a white cloth or paper to avoid loss. After reviewing the instructions, you need to check the presence of all parts and fasteners. All parts should be inspected, including parts of the pendulum mechanism. If some are missing, there are nicks or damage, you need to exchange them or return them to the store. After all, the baby’s safety depends on it.

Assembly begins with studying the diagrams, photographs, drawings in the instructions (if this is not in the instructions, you need to contact the store or look at the store/manufacturer’s website).

You need to start assembling from the back wall: determine where the top and bottom are, put it with the inside facing up and screw the sides. They must be screwed very tightly, because the safety of the child depends on this.

Then the bed (the supporting part of the mattress, which is a wooden or plywood rectangle) is screwed on. The boards are placed on the grooves at the back of the crib. The screws are loosely screwed into the stock (lightly tightened).

The front part is inserted into the side grooves, the screws on the supporting part are tightened.

This structure is inverted to accommodate the pendulum.

Additional equipment

Any crib of the operating principle in question can be stabilized, if necessary, by securing the mechanism in a static position with the provided latches.

These parts are one of the weakest points in cribs, since unscrupulous manufacturers allow themselves to pay insufficient attention to them during production and installation, which leads to their rapid breakdown. If things go wrong, this can cause harm to the child and cause injury.

Wheels are an important detail in cases where the crib is expected to move around the room.

The most complex versions are the so-called transformer. Their design allows you to increase the size of a child’s sleeping place up to 50 centimeters.

In addition, the general equipment may include a chest of drawers, a changing table, various drawers, and so on - right up to the first desk.

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