(+54 photos) DIY podium bed with drawers drawings

The use of non-standard architectural solutions when decorating the interior of a room largely determines the attractiveness of its appearance. Such techniques include multi-level ceilings or niches in the walls. The recently popular bed podiums also add originality to the design of the living space. In addition to the aesthetic component, such designs also have a functional purpose.

How to make a podium for a bed with your own hands

Required materials and tools

To make a simple podium bed with your own hands you will need:

  • A standard set of tools for cutting, preparing and fastening wood materials (hacksaw, screwdriver, drill, tape measure, level).
  • Solid timber with a cross section of 50*50 or 50*100 mm, used to assemble the frame.
  • Well-dried durable lumber: plywood for the bottoms of boxes 10 mm thick, chipboard or MDF boards from 16 mm, OSB-3, boards with a thickness from 22 mm.
  • A set of fasteners and accessories, including anchors for fixing the frame in the walls, wooden dowels, confirmations with a length of up to 70 mm, self-tapping screws with a cross-section of 4.5 mm, metal corners to strengthen the structure, guides for drawers or a pull-out bed, handles, rollers or wheels.
  • Wood glue for coating joint areas or reinforcing fasteners.

Materials for finishing or decoration: carpet, foam rubber, textiles, thin floor coverings, laminated wood boards or laminated wood for facades, varnishes, paints, stains, LED strip.

Taking into account its close location to the floor and constant loads, it is recommended that the bed podium be made from materials with high strength.

Deviation from the specified parameters of slab materials to a lesser extent is not allowed. If possible, the sides or base of the bed are cut from sheets with a thickness of 19 mm or assembled from dry boards.

When working with laminated materials or planning to install a backrest with a soft headboard, additionally prepare a construction hair dryer, tapes, and a furniture stapler with staples.

Create a drawing

Drawings of the podium bed are drawn up based on exact measurements of the room and the planned dimensions of the mattress. Small rooms are simply covered with a podium into parts with different heights; in other cases, the length of the bed (as well as the dimensions of the drawer with the sleeping bed) is adjusted to the mattress.

The width of the furniture varies from 1.2 to 1.5 m for children’s models, 1.7–1.9 m for double models. The height of models with drawers of any type varies between 40–70 cm.

Deviations in the smaller direction are not recommended; in the larger direction, they are permissible when installing the bed in a room with high ceilings and strengthening the strength of the frame.

Detailed sketches of beds are made on paper or electronically, using online editors or furniture design programs. If you lack experience, you should use ready-made drawings, scrupulously observing the specified indents and gaps. It is also very important to purchase materials of a given thickness.

If it is necessary to change the length or width of the frame, the dimensions of the retractable elements and external facades are simultaneously adjusted.

The intervals between adjacent boxes and the specified gaps must remain unchanged. In particular, the width of the drawer placed under the bed in any case should be 2.5 cm less than the box itself, and the minimum permissible distance from the bottom to the floor is 1 cm.

How to make a podium for a mattress with your own hands

Not every bed falls into the ergonomic category, so there is a need to use more practical and smaller sleeping options. A mattress located on a podium can be an excellent solution for a nursery in which several children live at the same time. It is necessary to consider the availability of space in the nursery for games and separately for study. In some cases, it is recommended to consider design models that allow beds to be placed not on the surface, but inside the structure. Throughout the day, the bed will be in the product, hidden from prying eyes. When night falls, the bed is conveniently removed and prepared for bed. This way you can save useful space in small spaces. For the manufacture of such structures, the strongest types of wood should be used.

Complex designs

Not every craftsman can make a functional design on his own. Here you will need not only experience working with certain materials, but also the ability to draw and work with a drawn diagram. The design will have to be created complex, because creating a full-fledged podium for a mattress with your own hands without outside help is not an easy task. For those who are familiar with furniture and carpentry first-hand, the task at hand will not be difficult. Roll-out structures require skill and experience in order for the bed to serve well. To begin with, a project (drawing) is created, in which all the details of the future product are drawn without exception. Strength parameters are calculated at the design stage. Particular attention is paid to the thickness of the sides, frame, and cladding material. Possible gaps are thought out in advance.

Simple podium

In order to create a one-level podium for a mattress according to a regular drawing, you do not need skills or experience. A beginner can build a strong wooden frame with his own hands. The material must be thoroughly dried and treated with special compounds. Otherwise, after a short time, unpleasant squeaks may appear.

Note! It would be a good idea to pour a concrete-based screed under the podium. And make the frame not wooden, but metal.

Whenever possible, ready-made drawings that have been tested by experience should be used. A modern person has plenty of opportunities, and besides, craftsmen do not charge a lot of money for an ordinary drawing.

Height and dimensions of the hill

Only after choosing a podium model can you calculate the features and, in particular, the height of the future product. Provided that it is planned to equip the sleeping area with drawers, a height of 40 cm is considered sufficient. This value is typical for rooms in which the ceiling height is 2.7 m. If the ceiling height is less than expected, the height of the podium should be limited to 20 cm. Otherwise, the design will stand out against the general background and look unnatural.

Standard bed size:

Single modelOne and a half modelDouble model
Width0.8 m1.2 m1.4-2 m
Length1.9-2 m

When calculating the square footage of the podium, the following measurements should be taken into account:

  1. The dimensions of the elevation differ significantly from the mattress (in a larger direction). The indicator can be 35 cm. When using a mattress measuring 1.6x2 m, the podium will have dimensions of 2x2.3 m.
  2. If there is a narrow room, the podium is made to span the entire width of the room. There could be a small space left on the sides of the bed that was not advisable to use.

The height of the mattress placed on the podium should be more than 30 cm. It would not be superfluous to take care of a step that would indicate that the person is in the sleeping area. This trick will help you avoid injury.


A modern person does not spend as much time in the bedroom as doctors advise. However, compared to the general indicator of a person’s presence in the house, the majority of it is spent sleeping. The materials used in the manufacture of the structure must meet a high quality indicator. It is allowed to use only proven materials, including for the manufacture of drawers, shelves and niches.

To make a podium for a mattress with your own hands, you should use the following materials:

  1. Reasonable price. Based on statistical data, not every resident of the country is able to purchase expensive materials for making a podium.
  2. High aesthetic index.
  3. Long lasting and durable. Otherwise, frequent repair work is possible, which will be very expensive.
  4. The materials must not contain substances harmful to health.


List of required tools:

  • construction stapler;
  • chisel;
  • hammer drill;
  • perforator;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • square;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • simple pencil.

Installation and covering of the frame

A number of the following activities are carried out as preparatory work:

  • a cork backing will be needed instead of expensive soundproofing material;
  • the area of ​​the floor on which the podium will be installed is covered with thick polyethylene film;
  • to draw lines (the boundaries of the future structure) on the surface of the walls and floor, you should use a laser level;
  • linoleum and carpet are pre-removed;
  • Furniture that is permitted to be transported is removed from the premises for a period of time.

When assembling the frame, you should consider some aspects:

  1. Right angles are used to join the lower and upper contours of the frame. The type of connection being made is “half-tree”. After delimiting the width by 0.5 cm, a cut is made into half the timber. A chisel is used to chip the remaining part. The type of connection will be strong and will not interfere with work with other elements.
  2. Metal corners will be needed for mounting vertically directed racks. The vertical bars are additionally fastened with wooden non-gels. For this purpose, the devices are placed in pre-made holes located at the ends of the racks, the lower and upper trim of the bars.
  3. Plywood elements are screwed to vertical posts, which delimit the internal space, creating separate compartments. The guides for the drawers are attached to them.
  4. The sheathing elements are cut and then installed in the designated places. A technological gap should be provided, which will be 0.02 cm. If the gap was not provided, the wood will warp and the structure will be visibly deformed.

Manufacturing and installation of drawers

  1. Before making a podium for the mattress, you should decide on the dimensions of the drawers, the dimensions of which should not exceed the dimensions of the platform.
  2. For drawers, the length of the guides is 60 cm. Provided that the capacity indicator is higher, then the guides are used of a different size. The box will need some additional space in order to move freely within the structure.
  3. To assemble the necessary structure, you will need a bottom and four planks. The height of the side and rear walls should be the same. The front bar is narrower to make the drawer easier to open. Screws are used to connect individual elements.
  4. The quality of connections must be high. Fastenings are carried out at a short distance from the screwing points.
  5. Afterwards, the internal guides are mounted and secured.
  6. The assembled boxes are installed in place in the niche of the podium.
  7. When purchasing chipboard (laminated), you should agree on cutting the panels directly at the enterprise.
  8. The surface of the plywood sheet, if it is planned to be used, is sanded on all sides using sandpaper. Afterwards it is primed and painted.


Regardless of whether it was decided to make a retractable bed on a podium or an open platform, finishing work will be required. These include:

  1. The front crossbars, located in the central part of the structure, consist of small beams 3.1 cm thick. They are screwed to the central part of the niche with sections. Two T-shaped stops are placed at the edges and attached to the head of the podium. Subsequently, a decorative panel can be placed on the elements.
  2. Flat tenons are placed in the grooves located at the ends (screwed in). Installation is carried out on the front crossbars and the base of the structure.
  3. Before use, the spikes are lubricated with an adhesive compound. Then they are placed in the designated grooves. This way, subsequent assembly and disassembly will proceed without complications.
  4. After securing the crossbar, you should begin to arrange the edging. The places where the grooves are planned to be installed should be outlined in advance with a pencil.
  5. We proceed to the installation of the edging by connecting the base of the bed with the transverse (front) slats.
  6. Using a wide brush, apply several layers of primer mixture.
  7. Afterwards the surface is carefully sanded and varnished in several layers. Polyurethane varnish is better than others.
  8. A mattress is placed on the finished structure. The sleeping place is ready for further use.

Design Features

Depending on the type of frame, there are two manufacturing technologies: a bed on a podium with drawers or with a pull-out mattress. In both cases, they use available building materials and tools that are in the arsenal of every owner.

This means that you can make them yourself. At the same time, the products differ fundamentally not only in installation technology, but also in purpose.

Let's take a closer look at them.

With a sleeping place in a niche

The product is a hollow structure that rises 40-70 cm above the main floor level. In the lower part there is a large cupboard. At night they sleep on it, during the day they hide it in a niche. The upper plane above the pull-out bed is actually a raised floor.

It is usually used to organize:

  • recreation areas;
  • work or study space;
  • children's playroom

This allows you to create a “hidden” bedroom in any room without compromising its space. If the shape of the room is elongated, you further zone it and add functionality.

The limitations are the dimensions of the room. A ceiling that is too low creates discomfort for tall people. Mounting the frame in a very small room will also not work. There should always be free space nearby to pull out the shelf with the mattress.

With storage area under the bed

Externally, the bed on the podium with lower drawers is practically no different from the classic one. It is raised a little more above the floor, and in the space below there is a storage system. It allows you to completely replace the cabinet or part of it.

The design is suitable for installation in an apartment of any configuration. If you install it against the wall in the middle of a large room, you will get comfortable, shallow-depth cupboards.

When the size of the house is very limited, the end part of the room is used. In this design, it is not necessary to make long, bulky cabinets. It is enough to divide them lengthwise into two zones: hidden and quick access. Put everyday items in one and seasonal items in the other. Access to the distant niche is limited. She hides under the mattress.

This storage option is great for winter jackets, unclaimed children's toys or clothes that kids have outgrown.

How is the cost calculated?

If you want to know the approximate price of the finished product, before calling the company or craftsman, consider and write down the following parameters.

  1. Dimensions and architecture of the room in which the podium will be installed, ceiling height.
  2. What kind of mattress will be installed on the podium - single or double.
  3. What type of product will it be - decorative, technical, multifunctional?
  4. What will be the design of the storage system - the lifting mechanism of the bed and one solid “box” inside, drawers, etc.
  5. Room interior style, predominant color scheme
  6. Financial budget for the project.

Making a podium bed with drawers

Before starting work, it is important to pay attention to the design of the future structure. You can draw a project with a pencil on a piece of paper, or make it in an online editor or specialized program.

When visualizing, gaps, thicknesses of parts and the relative position of all elements are taken into account. This allows you to accurately calculate the amount of materials and avoid inconsistencies during the work process.


The basis is a beam 50x50 or 50(h)x100. It is used to make racks and load-bearing beams. The supports are placed near the walls and in the space between the cabinets. To ensure strength, you need to maintain a distance between longitudinal guides of no more than 50-60 cm, and between supporting elements of no more than 80-120 cm.

If the structure is located between walls, crossbar guides can be attached to them without supports.

It is important to place the load-bearing elements on the racks from above, and not to attach them to the sides on the corners. To prevent the wood from cracking, smaller diameter holes are drilled for the screws. Rubberized gaskets are installed between the wooden parts at the places where they are attached. They allow you to avoid squeaking during operation.

When you start making a podium bed with drawers with your own hands, do not forget about the stability of the frame. Therefore, after installing the bars, it is imperative to make the bottom trim from plywood or OSB. Cut strips 150-200 mm wide and fasten all the supports with them. In this case, the sheets are screwed to each with at least two self-tapping screws.

This allows you to avoid distortion of the product during use. To increase reliability, all joints are coated with wood glue.

Pull-out sections

The base is assembled from laminated chipboard, thick plywood or furniture panels. The bottom is made of fiberboard. If the cabinets are small or they are not intended for storing heavy things, the bottom is secured from below with nails or self-tapping screws. When a more reliable structure is needed, a groove is made in the side walls with a milling cutter and a fiberboard is inserted into it.

This option is more technologically advanced, but requires a special tool. At home, the groove can be replaced with thin 10x10 mm support rails.

It is better to mount the lower shelves on wheels so that they can be completely rolled out to the side. This will give you access to the cleaning niches. The upper glove boxes are mounted on full extension guides. They need to be installed before facing the frame.


For finishing you can use any materials. Typically, chipboard or painted plywood is installed on the vertical faces. A similar floor covering is laid on the upper part. They cover the entire surface or just the area around the mattress. To fix it, a side about 5 cm high is installed around the perimeter. The plane inside can be solid or consist of a set of lamellas.

If possible, all elements are secured with self-tapping screws from the inside. By pulling out the drawers, you get full access to hidden elements. This means that the screws will not damage the outer surface.

Installation Tips

You can make a traditional frame yourself - the main thing is to take care of the strength of the podium (so that it can support the weight of the person himself and the furniture, if you plan to install it). The drawing should take into account the thickness of the upholstery and floor covering, as well as (for a pull-out bed) the gap between the mattress and the podium. If you plan to use polystyrene foam or mineral wool to provide sound insulation, their thickness must also be included in the calculations.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the location of the bed relative to the communications - it should not block them (or a corresponding hole should be provided in the podium). The final structure should be of such dimensions as to leave space for free movement around the room, as well as access to windows and doors

If there are retractable elements, you need to evaluate their size and make sure that the distance to the wall is enough for them to fully extend. Finally, if you plan to make a children's bed-podium with a work area, you need to think about safety and protect little users as much as possible from sharp corners.

Combining a sleeping area with other areas is a convenient solution for rooms of different sizes and purposes. Thanks to the variety of models, you can place podium beds in small bedrooms, spacious loft spaces, children's rooms, and on balconies

If it is important to focus on the bed itself, traditional and decorative models are suitable, and when you want to hide it, it is better to choose combined ones when it leaves the podium. It is important to consider that this piece of furniture is quite large and must be in harmony with the interior, as well as fully comply with the area and other parameters of the space

Accommodation option in the nursery

In the living roomIn a studio apartment

In the spacious bedroom

Making a podium with a pull-out bed

When developing such a design, special attention should be paid to zoning. If a playroom for children is planned on top, you can start from the dimensions of the mattress. But when you want to place a workspace or relaxation area on the second tier, it is important to consider the size of the future table or sofa. In this case, it is necessary to draw a preliminary design.


When the sleeping place is in a niche, the base must be more durable - it can withstand the load from furniture and people. The general principles of the design of beams and crossbars are the same as in the version with retractable drawers.

The main differences are the increased cross-section of the load-bearing logs and the pitch of their installation. It is allowed to place bars 50x100(h) on the edge. In this case, in order to avoid tipping over, they must be fastened together with intermediate slats. An alternative option is to install beams with a smaller pitch of 40-50 cm.

It is important to pay increased attention to the overall geometry of the supporting structures. A large cupboard should easily slide into and out of the niche. When calculating its height, the space occupied by the mattress, bed linen and pillows is taken into account.

On the sides, it is necessary to accurately maintain the installation gaps within 1-2 cm and ensure perpendicularity. In this case, focus on the measuring tool, and not on the distance from the walls.

Pull-out section

Its base is assembled from a 50x50 mm bar. A flat sheet of plywood, type-setting lamellas or a ready-made factory base are laid on top. Limiters made of laminated chipboard are screwed to the side, and a façade decorative panel is screwed to the front.

The cabinet moves on furniture wheels. We only need to get linear motion, so we use non-rotary ones. Each of them is designed for a specific load, which is indicated in the technical specifications. It consists of the weight of the following components:

  • Base materials.
  • Mattress and bed linen.
  • Human. 100 kg per single bed, 200 kg for one and a half and double beds.

We multiply the resulting amount by a safety factor equal to 1.4. We divide the result by the number of wheels. We get the load that each one must withstand.


The principles of cladding remain the same. But, if you plan to place the structure in the nursery, you need to pay attention to safety. On a slippery surface, it is easy for a child to fall and get injured. Therefore, carpet is often laid on top.

Location options

If the podium bed is designed near a window, the best option is a podium with drawers at the bottom. This placement saves space and adds natural light as the bed rises higher. It is better to remove the radiator from the window, and instead build a special convector into the floor. Thus, the bedroom is divided into two parts, which look great, being in the same color and style. For finishing, you can use environmentally friendly materials made from natural wood or laminate. To visually increase the space, you can decorate the walls with mirror panels or stick photo wallpaper with a beautiful landscape on them.

If the room has a niche or alcove, this is an ideal place to install a classic podium, because in this case there is no need to construct a pull-out bed. It can be simply installed in a niche, additionally equipped with modest necessary interior items, depending on the wishes of the owner. The standard dimensions of the alcove are 2.40 x 2.50 m, which allows you to place a double bed with drawers below.

There are many ways to place a podium on a balcony or loggia, despite the limited space. If the width of the balcony allows, you can put a place to relax on a classic podium. The disadvantage of a cold floor can be compensated for by integrating the popular “warm floor” heating system into the podium. An excellent “two-in-one” method is to place structures along the entire length of the loggia in the form of several wide and durable wooden boxes in which homemade supplies will be stored. In warm weather or if the balcony is properly insulated, place a mattress on top of the drawers - and the sleeping place is ready.

There is a great opportunity not only to build a large podium, but also to install an additional heating system in the room, installing it inside the structure, which will serve both technically and functionally at the same time.

In the children's room

When arranging a children's room, you should, first of all, zoning the room: the child should always have a place to sleep, play and do school homework. Both retractable and classic options can be equally suitable for equipping a children's room. The good thing about a pull-out bed is that there is more space in the room; moreover, when using this option, it is very easy to place the necessary areas in the nursery: the sleeping place itself pulls out, and at the top of the podium there is a study area in the form of a table, chair and several bookshelves. During the daytime, the bed can easily be removed inside the podium, and the child has an ideal space for games.

The option with built-in beds is very convenient if there are two children in the family. Sleeping places in the form of vertical roll-out beds are symmetrically located to the left and right of the podium, the steps are in the middle, and a kind of room with a work area is equipped at the top. During the day, the beds are removed inside, and thus there is enough space for two in the room.

Another good way to arrange a children's room is to place a bed there on a high podium with many drawers where the child can put anything: from toys to school supplies. The room will be provided with both order and sufficient space for games. If the choice is to create a high podium, you can also install a small built-in table with a retractable mechanism, which will be both practical and very convenient.

Advantages of podium beds

Podium beds have recently become popular due to many factors:

  • the opportunity to bring originality to the design of an apartment or house;
  • significant savings in living space, which is especially important for small apartments;
  • relatively small financial investments in the manufacturing process;
  • ease of installation;
  • functionality.

You can make a podium bed with your own hands in two versions:

  1. a sleeping place located on a raised platform and with separate sliding compartments in a niche;
  2. pull-out mattress, which does not take up much space and is convenient for low ceilings.

The advantages of this type of bedroom design are that the apartment is immediately transformed and freed from excess furniture. With such a bed, there is no need for large cabinets and shelves, since clothes and other items can now be stored in under-bed drawers.

Such sleeping places are ideal for children's rooms, which allows you to put not only bedding in them, but also toys.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Carrying out zoning without loss of area.
  2. A good option for organizing space in small rooms and studios with the placement of several functional areas in a limited space.
  3. The podium bed fits organically into various interior styles: classic, Scandinavian, country, Provencal and others.

The podium has many advantages.

Disadvantage: increased risk of injury. Even the lowest podium is an additional step on which you can trip. Consider the safety of the structure at the design stage, especially if there are small children or elderly people in the family. Another disadvantage appears when masking communications - complicating access to wires and pipes.

One of the disadvantages of the design is the high risk of injury.

You should not make a podium in a room with low ceilings.


Podium beds can be divided according to several criteria. First, let's divide them according to shape: round and rectangular designs are considered the most common. However, here everything depends on your imagination.

You can make the podium triangular, polygonal or even intricate in shape. But for this it is necessary to make an appropriate frame, which adds complexity to the matter.

We can talk about such a criterion as the use of a podium. This refers to the location of the sleeping place. It can be located on top of the podium, and additional useful space is represented by a podium, which can be used as storage boxes. The second option is a pull-out bed.

It is also worth mentioning the type of podium: monolithic and frame. The first is made of gypsum block, sand-cement mixture or foam concrete. More often this type is used for kitchens and bathrooms in private homes, since the design is quite heavy and adds additional weight to the floor. Frame podiums are most often used for beds.

The idea is to construct a metal or wooden profile, which is then covered with plywood.

Functional load

The type of structure used will directly depend on what tasks are assigned to the podium bed.
Such designs can act as a separate decorative element that sets the tone for the room. In this case, the bed is made of a non-standard shape, attracting additional attention. It is possible to close the podium, but not if the shape of the room is incorrect. Inconvenient architecture will play into its favor, and the bed will turn into a key element of the bedroom. It is preferable to decorate the room in an oriental style, where such designs come from. Inside the podium there can be containers for storing things and bed linen. Externally, shelves are allowed that are suitable for storing small decorative structures. The technical podium will perform several functions simultaneously. The platform is made as a full-fledged orthopedic base, and the remaining space is used for storing household items. If there are no drawers, the remaining space should be filled with communications that should be hidden from prying eyes. If the room is small and every centimeter counts, you should give preference to multifunctional podiums. The sleeping place will be a retractable structure that will be rolled out at nightfall. During the day, the podium can serve as a work area or a space reserved for games.

Preparatory stage of work

Any job requires preparation. And such a thing as making a podium bed with your own hands requires careful preparation. This stage includes:

  1. making measurements;
  2. drawing up a design project;
  3. selection of material;
  4. base processing;
  5. preparation of tools.

First you need to take measurements of the room. The dimensions of the podium are determined by the size of the room. We suggest making a rectangular podium across the entire width of the room. Determine the length yourself as far as the dimensions of the room allow.

You also need to take into account the size of the mattress to determine how much free space will remain.

In accordance with the received measurements, we draw up a design project. It includes all stages of work, from the choice of material to the design of the product.

We choose the material. To make the frame you will need strong wooden beams. Laminated chipboard or several sheets of plywood to cover the podium frame. You will also need several chipboards (chipboards) for the side walls of the bed.

The tools you will need are a tape measure, a pencil, a screwdriver, a drill, a hacksaw, a set of screwdrivers, self-tapping screws, a hammer, a construction stapler, and a construction level.

You need to buy material in accordance with the measurements received. In this case, you will not have extra elements or shortage of material. Initial processing is not required, since wooden beams and chipboards are sold ready-made. Processing will occur during work as the material is cut and fastened.

Start of assembly

The base of the bed is made of three blocks; the back and sides must be connected at right angles. The central block is the middle of the bed, two parts on the sides will fill the boxes, which will move using roller wheels along the slats. We fasten the headboard of the bed and the side blocks with bolts. We choose nuts to taste, wing nuts or regular ones. The use of a bolted connection allows you to assemble or disassemble the product in any situation. Side panels and cross members can also be made collapsible.

We make holes in the blocks using a drill, insert pins and assemble the blocks. We coat all contacting sides of the blocks with glue, compress them with clamps and leave until the element is completely dry. The shortest central part rests on four square struts. In the two top panels we make recesses according to the size of the transverse rail passing through them.

We make a frame

After the preparatory stage, we begin work. It all starts with the basics. And our work begins with constructing a podium, which will become the basis for the bed and drawers.

  1. We start by placing the podium. To do this, in accordance with the measurements, draw the height of the fixed beams on the walls, and then check the marks using a building level so that the resulting podium is level.
  2. Then we take the prepared wooden beams and fasten them to the floor and walls with anchors horizontally.
  3. Then you need to attach the beams to them vertically, additionally attaching them to the wall.
  4. The distance between the logs should be no more than 40 cm for structural strength. We also attach wooden beams to the vertical beams on top, duplicating the bottom layer.
  5. It turns out to be a kind of box. This is the frame of the podium.
  6. Now you need to determine the location of the mattress on it.
  7. Depending on the location of the mattress, attach three bars to the base of the podium to secure the slats.
  8. One should pass strictly in the middle of the proposed mattress, the other two along the right and left edges.
  9. Then stuff the slats onto special beams - this will be our sleeping place.
  10. It is also necessary to attach several boards to the base around the perimeter of the mattress to secure the mattress.
  11. Along the edge of the frame we attach a slab of plywood or chipboard (depending on the rest of the material for the bed) to the wall and base, which will form the future headboard.

Now you can proceed to the manufacture and fastening of additional parts.

We add details

  • In our case, additional parts are drawers. This is a very practical and easy-to-use option. You can also make drawers with hinged doors or shelves. However, we recommend using drawers.

Having made measurements, you can order the finished product and just insert it into the frame. But we suggest making the boxes yourself.

Moreover, it will not take much time and effort. It should be noted that the width of the box should be 2.5 cm less than the box in which it will be located. In accordance with this, we proceed to the manufacture of boxes. We will need a sheet of plywood for the bottom, 3 chipboards for the side walls. We fasten these parts with glue. We take another particle board and attach a handle to it, after which we attach this board to the rest of the box. The box is ready.

Using the scheme described above, make the remaining drawers, the number of which is provided by the existing niches.

To install the drawers you will need several guides. They consist of two parts: the first (two guides) is attached on both sides of the box, and the second (also 2 guides) is attached to the frame. This is done using screws, which usually come complete with guides and screwdrivers.

Final stage

The last stage involves the assembly of all parts of the structure, its final installation and cladding.

In essence, we only have the frame ready. Now we need to do the finishing. For this purpose it is better to use sheets of plywood. Take sheets of plywood prepared to length or cut according to your measurements. Cover the cut with plastic edging. A heat-activated adhesive is applied to one side.

To secure this edge, you need to heat it and press it tightly to the cut of plywood (this can be done using an old iron).

Now we attach the treated plywood sheets to the frame using screws. So it is necessary to cover the entire podium (for the walls of the bed we have already secured particle boards around the perimeter of the mattress, you can also use plywood for the walls). We cover the junction of the podium with the floor with a plinth.

The top of the frame is covered. We repeat these steps in relation to the sides of the frame. Now all that remains is to place the drawers in the appropriate niches and place the mattress in the designated place.


The podium bed is ready. We manufactured the frame and main parts, carried out assembly and finishing. Now there is an opportunity to dream up and decorate the resulting product.

Decor that is not provided for in advance in the plan can be done using fabric, carpet, LED strip, etc. So the podium can be covered with carpet, securing it with baseboards; decorate the headboard of the bed with fabric; We glue an LED strip around the perimeter of the podium or drawers or drape it with fabric. Anyone can use such simple decorating techniques; they vary in all directions and techniques that you know.

You can use paper or thread, paint, varnish and other materials to achieve the desired look of the bed.

Things are different with more complex decor. This could be built-in LED lighting or musical equipment, finishing the podium with figured marble beams, etc. Such innovations require planning. They must be displayed in the design project, as they require additional design modifications.

With careful planning, you can realize any idea that comes to mind.

Making a raised bed

Initially, they determine the place where the podium bed will be located. Drawings and dimensions are drawn in accordance with the desired design. Then the preparatory stage begins, when they collect everything necessary for work. The cross-section of the beams is determined depending on the size of the bed. On average it is 5 x 5 cm. Strong wood is used under the frame, which is connected along the area of ​​the mattress. An allowance of approximately 5–10 mm is left on the sides.

Drawers and boxes are placed inside the paving base. The quantity is determined at personal discretion. Schematic plan for assembling a bed-podium in the figure.

If a single bed 2 meters long with three drawers is meant, then a frame measuring 1.87 x 1.25 m is made from 5 x 10 cm bars. 18 mm thick plywood is used under the blanks for the frame. With such dimensions of the bed, the niches for the drawers are left 50 cm wide, and the drawers themselves are 47.5 cm with a length of 60 cm. They are made from plywood sheets 13 mm thick.

Pre-collect the required material:

  • board with a cross section of 220 mm - cross members and external components;
  • board 160 mm thick - internal parts of the drawers;
  • Chipboard - for finishing the inside of the bed;
  • centimeter plywood - bottom of drawers;
  • bars - for the frame of the sleeping bed.

It is recommended to pre-drill holes in the bars for self-tapping screws so that the wood does not crack.

A number of preliminary recommendations:

  • The dimensions of the future bed are drawn on the floor, and bars are filled around the perimeter, which will serve as a contour for constructing the frame.
  • They begin assembly, starting with the construction of the frame base and stationary frame. The frame will have an area of ​​215 x 188 cm. An additional 12 cm is added to the standard length.
  • The standing bars are securely fastened so that the podium does not wobble.

Step-by-step assembly instructions:

  1. The timber is cut into 4 sections along the length of the planned frame and the same number of 2.07 m each. You will also need 2 parts of 1.88 m each. All of them will serve as the bottom of the structure. Blanks for the top are made in the same way.
  2. Short crossbars are cut in the following quantities: vertical - 16 pieces, horizontal - 12. The perimeter of the outline on the floor is sheathed with timber and the timbers are attached to it vertically. Self-tapping screws are used.
  3. Vertical components should be 5 cm lower in height than the podium. They are installed at intervals of 40 cm.

  4. Cross members made of the same timber are attached to the support. For stability, the racks are pinned to the walls with dowels.

If the cross beams are too long, then additional vertical block sections are placed in the center of the structure for stability. Otherwise, the bed will begin to creak in the future.

How to make and install boxes

When designing drawers, take into account their length - 60 cm. This size is optimal because it does not require much space and at the same time allows you to place a sufficient number of things inside . The box consists of 4 parts and a bottom. They are fastened together with screws. Then the finished boxes are fixed in the positioned opening on the guides.

When installing boxes, they are guided by the drawings in order to do everything in exact accordance. Otherwise, in the future this will negatively affect the ease of use of the bed.

Final finishing

The final touch will be finishing the finished podium. Cover it with chipboard or carpet. It is recommended to first apply a layer of acrylic primer to the plank surface and, after drying, sand it with sandpaper. Then they are varnished several more times; it is better to choose matte.

The headboard is designed depending on personal preferences - who has enough imagination for what. It may be soft. Then you will need foam rubber and plywood, and some fabric that is pleasant to the touch is pulled on top. Now all that remains is to lay the mattress, and the bed is ready for use.

How to close the podium

Once the installation of the podium and bed frames has been completed, it is possible to begin closing the frame and covering the upper elements. For finishing, sheet material is used that has high strength, for example, OSB boards or plywood.

The cost of a finished plywood structure will be less, however, OSB boards have a more uniform structure, without knots, chips and cavities.

In accordance with the drawing, the necessary pieces of the slab are cut out and screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws. It is recommended to leave a distance of 2-3 mm to prevent possible surface deformation.

If a completely enclosed podium is being installed, then you don’t have to cover the internal structure. For structures that are open on at least one side, the inside is sheathed.

If the podium is planned with drawers, then they are installed inside the frame before the podium is closed. How to make and install drawers will be discussed below. It is recommended to treat the wooden frame and cladding with protective agents against fungus and mold.

Common mistakes at work

Let's look at the mistakes that beginners make when installing a structure:

  • if the podium is located near a heating radiator, then it is necessary to provide ventilation holes inside it. They can be located on the partition between the stairs and the pull-out bed or in the vertical wall of the step. If it is possible to move the battery, then it is better to use it and hide the additional pipes in the frame of the structure;
  • When installing a structure with a pull-out bed near a window, the risk that a child may fall out of the window increases. It should only be opened for slot ventilation. If possible, make a fence in front of the window from thin chrome pipes or kitchen rails. It is enough to secure 2-3 horizontal pipes at a height of up to 60 cm to protect family members;
  • All side cuts and joints must be securely sealed and free of chips and snags.

What is this

Podium bed with a berth on top and a beautiful canopy for zoning the berth

The podium bed is a raised platform in the form of a step with a mattress laid on it. The main difference from a regular bed is that there is a fairly large amount of free space on the podium around the mattress. It can vary from 25 cm or more.

Podium with pull-out bed and workplace

The berth can be located directly on the podium, or it can also be retractable, that is, located in one of the niches of the podium. In the latter case, the elevation is used to organize a work or play space, or a recreation area.

Stylish and comfortable bed on a podium behind a screen in the corner of the room

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