The most useful indoor plants - 100 best options

Each of us tries to make our home more comfortable and cozy. Flowers add undeniable comfort to any apartment or house, and it is also useful, because indoor plants perform the function of purifying the air. Archaeological science, based on pollen found in caves, has proven that even in the Stone Age, people decorated their homes with flowers. Today, indoor floriculture is a separate science, and from all the variety of house plants, we present the most beautiful indoor flowers.

18 most beautiful types of indoor flowers:



The beautiful evergreen plant is named after Duchess Charlotte Clive, who was governess to the future Queen Victoria of Great Britain.

This flower arrived in Europe from South Africa, easily took root in northern latitudes and became a favorite of most gardeners.

An unpretentious plant will decorate any home or office space, but you must try not to move the pot and water it once a week.


How to propagate monstera?

Indoor liana reproduces in three ways:

  • by air layering - this is the easiest way of propagation; layering with at least one leaf plate and an aerial root is suitable for it; they are lowered into the ground to form an independent plant; they can be temporarily placed in plastic bottles to form roots;
  • by cuttings - the use of lateral and stem shoots as material is practiced, the cuttings are rooted in pots under a glass greenhouse; before roots appear, the glass is lifted, ventilated and watered twice a day, and then transplanted into a larger pot;
  • seed method - pots with sown seeds must always be kept warm and receive sufficient light. The first shoots appear after about 30 days. By the age of two years, an average of 9 leaves can be counted on a plant.

How does it bloom?

The flowering of vines with large white flowers occurs mainly in the natural environment; the flowers look like the sails of a yacht or the cap of a small gnome. Corn-cob-like fruits then appear, which turn purple when fully ripe. In the delicious monstera, these fruits are suitable for consumption.

The monstera plant blooms, extremely rarely, flowers appear in greenhouses and winter gardens. When grown at home, it is almost impossible to observe exotic flowering.


The round leaves of this plant look like coins, which is why Crassula is often called “money tree” or “crassula” among gardeners.

When it blooms, it is covered with small white flowers, sometimes red, and very, very rarely the flowers can be blue.

One of the most unpretentious room dwellers. Even a leaf that falls to the ground can sprout into a separate plant.


Popular plants

  • Zamioculcas (Dollar Tree)
  • Kalanchoe
  • Spathiphyllum
  • Dracaena
  • Poinsettia (Christmas Star)
  • Cyclamen
  • Poinsettia (Christmas star)
  • Ficus benjamina





Photo credit: Dornenwolf / flicr

Translated from ancient Greek, the name of the plant translates as “stone appearance,” perhaps because it comes from the rocky and sandy deserts of Namibia and Botswana.

That is why Lithops has learned to retain moisture and easily tolerate heat and arid climates.

The flowers of the desert dweller who migrated to apartments are white or yellow; very rarely there are varieties with orange petals.



This species, growing in tropical and subtropical zones, has long become popular among flower growers around the world.

Its bright leaves will add variety and uniqueness to your home, or will become a real decoration for your office. Due to its shape it has become very popular among amateur gardeners.

The plant is easy to care for, and some of its species grow up to 80 centimeters in height.


Unpretentious aquarium plants for beginners

Aquarium plants are a kind of exotic. But many of them need special care and attention. And there are also unpretentious specimens that easily adapt to both temperature conditions and other water parameters.


Elodea canada is completely unpretentious to temperature and water hardness . Moreover, it is a useful plant characterized by active and intensive growth. It will bring special notes to the interior thanks to its unusually bright color.


This plant can be placed not only in an aquarium, but also in an ordinary three-liter jar. And it will grow, feeling great! True, the more space a culture gets, the more luxuriantly it will grow.


A completely unpretentious aquarium plant. Cirrus has been known for several centuries, and it has always been used to decorate artificial reservoirs. As this culture grows, it creates an attractive openwork pattern that looks beautiful through the glass walls of the aquarium.


A hardy plant characterized by excellent survival rate in any conditions. It is not affected by water hardness or temperature. When kept in large containers, Vallisneria can grow to impressive sizes.

key moss

This decorative type of moss is now not used very often. But in vain, because it does not require maintenance, and it does not require changing the water in the aquarium too often. The only drawback can be considered its ordinary, discreet appearance.

Thai fern

The plant does not tolerate bright light, so it is recommended to place the aquarium with it in the shade. The culture is characterized by slow growth, but it is ideal for decorating an aquarium. In addition, the appearance of the Thai fern is very attractive; it will be a good decoration for any room.

Echinodorus Amazonis

Amazon is a culture that is not distinguished by its unusual appearance, but it is unpretentious in care . It is enough to provide the echinodorus with good lighting and stay in warm water. There are no further requirements for the conditions of its detention.


They named the indoor flower and the entire genus in honor of the Swedish biologist Bromelius. This tropical beauty is a distant relative of the pineapple.

Their leaves are lancet-shaped, they are collected in a kind of rosette from which the peduncle grows. Bromeliads require watering only once a week, but bromeliads should be placed in places that receive sunlight.

Flowering lasts from 3 weeks to several months, delighting the owners and guests of the house.



A lush epiphytic fern that seems weightless due to its beautiful filigree greenery. Its thick leaves are pinnately dissected, like those of garden fern species.

It grows very quickly, its roots literally crawl out of the container in which it is planted.

Davallia is unpretentious and loves sunlight. She needs infrequent but abundant watering. You can wash the flower in the shower, avoiding water getting on the soil and roots.


This beautiful indoor plant also has bactericidal properties, so it will not only decorate the room, but will also be useful.

In order for geraniums to bloom constantly, it is necessary to pick off the already fading flowers.

The plant is unpretentious and does not require spraying or frequent watering. Because of its beauty and originality, geranium is one of the most popular inhabitants of apartments and offices.


Plants and pets

If you have a cat, dog or other animal at home that moves freely around the apartment, choose non-poisonous flowers. This is especially important for cat owners, since cats are the ones who don’t mind chewing on another flower. Among the indoor plants that are harmless to animals:

  • Saintpaulia;
  • chlorophytum;
  • nephrolepis (fern);
  • gerbera;
  • Areca palm (by the way, also purifies the air);
  • Money Tree;
  • chamedorea.

But even if you bought a flower that is safe for your pet, make sure that the animal does not get to it. The habit of cats to knock plants off shelves and window sills is known to everyone.


The exotic queen of the tropics has just begun to win the hearts of sophisticated flower growers. Unusual, original shaped alocasia leaves will decorate any room.

In addition, it is unpretentious and does not require special care. Interestingly, different species have different numbers of leaves, but during flowering many plants have only one leaf.

In nature, some species grow up to 2 meters in height, but domestic relatives are from 20 to 40 centimeters.



A perennial ground cover plant from the genus Mocopod with very original leaves reminiscent of soft coniferous twigs. The shape of the leaves can be needle-shaped, round, spiral.

The colors are also varied: light green, yellowish, dark green and even almost black with a metallic sheen.

Lacy greenery grows very quickly, forming an intricate pattern. She needs diffused light and good moisture. Heat is destructive for club mosses - the plant withers, sheds its leaves and may even die.


According to legend, this beautiful home flower helps girls meet their betrothed and find feminine happiness.

But with such abilities, it requires special attention to itself, and one cannot say that these are unpretentious indoor flowers. It does not like drafts, but it is better to water it using the cycle method with settled water.

During its flowering period it requires more moisture, but the sun is not so important for it, so it can also grow on windows facing north.


Indoor flowers: photos and names in alphabetical order

In catalogs, indoor flowers with photographs and names are usually arranged alphabetically, their homeland, requirements and other data are indicated. We propose to get acquainted with groups of indoor plants and several of their prominent representatives.

Indoor rose

What could be more beautiful than a rose, especially when it blooms on your windowsill. But this queen of flowers requires special care.

The home rose simply loves sunny color, so it is better to place it in a well-lit place on a western or eastern window.

If you care for them properly, roses will bloom all year round, every 7-8 weeks.


Tips for choosing large sizes

A few tips will help you choose the most suitable “green” large size:

  • Find out in advance how quickly a particular plant grows. After all, some of them reach large dimensions only after a few years.
  • If you want to get significant sizes quickly, then it is better to buy an already mature specimen or choose fast-growing species.
  • Before purchasing, think in advance about where it is best to place your green friend, and whether the chosen location meets the necessary conditions (lighting, air humidity, etc.). It is important that this or that plant is in the most suitable environment for it.
  • If you choose a plant with a large height, then you need to place it in a room with appropriate ceilings.

Some care tips:

  • Some specimens require additional support in the pot.
  • Initially, you need to plant it in the right pot, suitable in size (height, width, diameter), with drainage holes. In a small pot, the root system will not be able to develop normally, and in a pot that is too large, water may stagnate in the soil.
  • To protect the plant from stress, it is advisable that it stands in one place throughout its entire life.

Thanks to the relatively large selection, you can choose the most suitable potted plant for your room or office. The choice may fall on either a flowering specimen, or a decorative deciduous variety with large or fleshy leaves, or a tall one. Remember, in order for a large plant to delight you with its decorative properties for a long time, it is necessary to take good care of its potted “friend”.


Once upon a time, flowering indoor plants accepted fuchsia, a native of Australia and Latin America, into their family. And what is noteworthy is that she immediately took a leading position in home floriculture.

This flower was also revered by the American Indians, and the Incas considered it sacred and decorated their homes and places of worship with flowers.

Fuchsia is unpretentious, and the only thing it really loves is the diffused sunny color. On the pages of the website we wrote about this plant in an article about the most beautiful flowers in the world.


Photos of indoor flowers that should not be kept at home

For some reason, many people believe that indoor plants are harmless and simply decorate their living rooms. However, there are a number of scientific reasons that claim that not all plants can be kept at home. There are also folk beliefs associated with the energy of flowers.

Some plants emit or contain dangerous allergens and toxic substances. These are some types of ferns, aglaonema, euphorbia, oleander, monstera, alocasia, some ficus, anthurium, clivia, croton, poinsettia, rhododendron, cyclamen, lilies.







If you believe in folk superstitions, then refuse to keep ivy of any kind at home - you will remain an old maid, and throw away all the cacti - your husband will become an alcohol addict. What should those who don’t have a husband do? Leave the cacti alone and let them grow. And if you want freedom and loneliness - go ahead, get the ivy!


But this is not really a flower, but a shrub that came to the Old World from the hot tropics. Evergreen hibiscus, blooming from early spring to late autumn, will decorate the room.

It should be kept in the southern part of the house, where there is a lot of light, and watered regularly and preferably with settled, not cool water.

The only thing that this most beautiful of shrubs cannot tolerate is sudden temperature changes and drafts.



One of the most beautiful openwork indoor plants. Its graceful shoots add freshness to the room. Adiantum is demanding on lighting, watering and temperature. It needs to be sprayed daily with a spray bottle and ensure that the substrate in the pot is moist.

The plant does not tolerate heat and thrives in partial shade. The fern does not tolerate drafts and tobacco smoke. Adiantum is periodically pruned, removing old dried branches.


Often this representative of indoor fauna is mistakenly called Amaryllis; in Greek it is a combination of two words “horseman” and “star”.

A flower with a romantic name loves bright light and is very thermophilic. This is not surprising, because he arrived in Europe and America from the warm latitudes of South Africa.

When flowering, it produces magnificent bright red or pink corolla-shaped flowers.



This house flower, a member of the large Asparagus family, can bloom in a variety of shades from bright red to white and purple.

Recently, due to its original shape and beauty, it has become a fairly common species among gardeners. In addition to the house, there are species that get along well in the garden.

Hyacinth flowers are widely used in the perfume industry, and during the flowering period, hyacinth itself has a pleasant aroma.


Placing flowers in the house and apartment

Planning to create a certain atmosphere in a room using greenery begins with developing a sketch. This will allow you to determine the required dimensions and select a specific type of decorative crop. When placing indoor flowers and plants in the interior, we focus not only on their features, but also take into account the general rules:

  1. Do not install pots next to heating appliances. Prevent plants from getting cold air currents during ventilation;
  2. Light-loving crops are placed closer to sources of natural light. If necessary, provide additional lamps.
  3. Organize systematic care based on knowledge of the characteristics of each individual plant. When distributing plants in space, it is important to create a harmonious environment.
  4. For climbing plant varieties, fixation of vertical supports is provided. They are also hung in special flowerpots on walls or in window openings.

Furniture facades or wall surfaces most often serve as a background for greenery. Large-leaved indoor plants are recommended to be installed in rooms where the walls are decorated with wallpaper with small patterns. Small-leaved plants look great against the background of plain pastel surfaces.

Advice! To achieve a logical conclusion to the overall composition, textiles and decorative details are selected taking into account the colors of the plants placed in the room.

A combination of plants of different heights looks advantageous. You can create an elegant composition of indoor flowers with foliage of various shapes, sizes, and colors.

They also pay attention to the appearance of flower pots, flowerpots, and cache-pots. They must match the size of the plants planted in them. The color and texture of the containers are selected in accordance with the style of the interior, as well as taking into account its color scheme. It is possible to add original accents to the atmosphere of your home if you use pots with a colorful design or an unusual shape.

On a note! It is important to show a sense of proportion so that the room does not turn into a greenhouse or a museum of plant forms.

Flowers and plants on the windowsill

tall flowers on the windowsill , which will reduce the intensity of lighting in the room. Pay attention to compact varieties, examples of which are violets, fittonia, and balsam.

To create a harmonious composition, pots with low plants are selected in a single color scheme. Place them on the windowsill in a rhythmic pattern, without cluttering up the limited area. Crops that require identical care are placed in a common, beautifully shaped container, creating an orderly, neat atmosphere.

On a note! You can create a composition in several levels if you place a low table under the windowsill for taller flowering crops.

Flowers on a stand

Flowers with a lush, spreading aerial part and many buds look more impressive alone. It is advisable to install crops with tall stems and large leaves on low-height floor stands. You can place flowerpots directly on the floor.

Interesting options for including plants with leaves and petals of different shapes and colors are obtained by installing flowerpots on forged, wooden, or plastic elegant stands. The number of levels is selected depending on the area of ​​the room.

Vertical gardening

The trend in modern apartment design is vertical gardening of premises in various options:

  • green partitions and walls;
  • ceiling installations;
  • mobile compositions of greenery;
  • phyto-paintings;
  • hanging spatial compositions;
  • plant modules.

Plants stretching vertically upward visually raise the ceiling. Ivy and vines look expressive against the pastel background of the walls. Tradescantia and cissus create an interesting effect.

Next to walls decorated in dark colors, crops with bright buds and light or variegated foliage should be installed. Vertical stripes on wall planes will become dynamic in the vicinity of spreading openwork plants.

Using a variety of devices, you can create vertical green compositions from plants that saturate the atmosphere with beneficial compounds that lift your mood and improve sleep. Their list includes begonias, valerian, lavender. Citrus fruits, geranium, and myrtle also have a calming effect. Crops such as laurel, rosemary, and gardenia help relieve anxiety and provide comfort.

Live zoning

Using wisely indoor flowers and plants in the interior , it is possible to identify different functional zones in one room, provided that the varieties of indoor crops are competently selected, taking into account the area and the existing microclimate.

Not only flowering plants are used in the compositional solution of space, but also representatives of the flora with decorative leaves. Easy to care for, unpretentious cacti, delicate ferns, elegant palm trees, majestic ficus, and graceful climbing ivy fit elegantly into the interior.

To identify individual zones, different methods are used:

  1. Open shelving . Climbing and small-leaved indoor crops are placed on shelving shelves that are open on both sides. Over time, they form an openwork screen. To create a living partition, ragwort, pilea, cissus, soleirolia, hedera, tiny ficus, etc. are used.
  2. Floor flowerpot . Tall plants, as well as varieties with large decorative leaves, are planted in floor pots. Such green compositions are characterized by mobility. They can be easily moved to another location if you need to highlight a specific functional area. Ficus, anthurium, and philodendron perform excellent border roles. Monstera, Dieffenbachia, and Alocasia are often used. Containers for outdoor plants must be stable and durable.
  3. Zoning from above . Cascades of openwork leaves and climbing stems descending from ceiling mounts in the form of hooks or shelves look impressive. It is advisable for the upper zoning to plant ampelous ornamental crops, for example, chlorophytum, scindapsus, aeschynanthus, asparagus, columna, hoya.
  4. Green wall . When climbing plants are placed quite densely on a partition or network plane, an original composition is obtained. Flowerpots are often fixed on a special lattice or hooks are mounted in a certain rhythm.
  5. Plant border . By establishing a line that visually distinguishes one of the zones in the room, crops that bloom at different times get an elegant border. You can use plants that differ in the height of the stems, colors of buds and foliage.


Be that as it may, but a prickly flower during the flowering period, even if this happens very rarely, you simply cannot take your eyes off them.

And it can please you with flowering only with proper care and compliance with watering requirements. Everyone probably knows that cacti are not watered in winter.

This is a heat-loving plant, so it loves bright light and prefers to be in the southern part of the house.

Palms and trees


This bamboo palm is considered very low maintenance. A spreading beauty from Central and South America has arrived. Such palm trees are often used to decorate offices, hotels, and the halls of business centers.

Basic care requirements: moderation. Moderate lighting, since in the shade the palm tree will wither, and in bright light its leaves will get burned. Moderate watering - the earthen ball should be constantly wet, but not waterlogged due to the owner’s zeal! In winter, watering is reduced and the palm tree is kept at a temperature of 15 degrees.



Graceful and majestic begonia has long won the hearts and souls of flower growers and lovers of beauty. It is noteworthy that leaves and flowers can take on a variety of, and sometimes quite bizarre, shapes.

Loves sunny color and regular watering. With proper care, it will delight you with the blooming of beautiful colorful flowers.

This genus is the most common and numerous in the large Begonieceae family, and somewhere in space there is an asteroid named after this flower.



The first Spaniards who arrived in South America met a beautiful flower in the tropics, and local ethnic groups spoke about its healing and magical properties.

The second name simply screams about the magnificence of the plant - the most beautiful Euphorbia, and today it is widespread as an indoor flower in every corner of the world. For a long time there was a misconception that the plant is poisonous, but this is not so. It is harmless and even useful, ionizing the air in the room where it grows.



A flower with such an unusual name belongs to the cactus family, but among gardeners there are many names: “Decembrist”, “Christmas cactus” or simply “Christmas cactus”.

When it blooms, it usually blooms very luxuriantly and for a long period of time. It is better to place it in bright places, but without direct sunlight. Like all cacti, it requires moderate watering, but during the flowering period it is necessary to water it abundantly and maintain high air humidity.


Indoor plants for beauty and benefit

Spoiler : cacti are not included in the list of useful plants for the home. Because their ability to protect against electromagnetic radiation turned out to be a myth. However, cacti on the desktop are beautiful, so they still have benefits. But - only aesthetic.

Plant Benefit Type Demanding conditions
1 Chlorophytum Purifies the air, disinfects, regulates humidity Deciduous +
2 Aloe vera Juice is good for health Succulent +
3 Sansevieria Purifies the air and releases oxygen Deciduous +
4 Hamedorea Purifies the air Deciduous ++
5 Indoor mint Flavors the air, repels insects, provides aromatherapy, decoctions are good for health Deciduous ++
6 Ficus Purifies the air Deciduous ++
7 Begonia Disinfects and purifies the air Blooming ++
8 Citrus Air disinfection, aromatherapy Decorative fruit ++
9 Lemon eucalyptus Disinfects the air, repels insects, aromatherapy Foliar ++
10 Geranium Disinfects the air, repels insects, and has a calming effect. Used in folk medicine Blooming +
11 Rosemary Disinfects, aromatizes the air, drives away insects. Deciduous +
12 Aglaonema Purifies the air, relieves stress, improves performance Deciduous ++
13 Ivy Air cleaning Deciduous ++
14 Spathiphyllum Air cleaning Blooming ++
15 Crassula Disinfects the air Deciduous +
16 Gerbera Purifies the air Blooming +++
17 Fern Purifies and ozonizes the air Deciduous ++
18 Dracaena Purifies the air Deciduous ++
19 Philodendron Purifies the air Deciduous ++
20 Saintpaulia Purifies the air, aromatherapy Blooming +++


Source – flowershome.rf

A deciduous plant with long green or variegated leaves. Chlorophytum survives almost always and everywhere, although the optimal conditions for it will be a temperature from +18 to +220C, indirect sunlight and regular watering with spraying.

Benefits of chlorophytum : cleans and disinfects the air, regulates its humidity.

Disadvantages : none identified.

Price – from 300 to 1500 rubles.

Aloe vera

Source – flowershome.rf

Tropical succulent with evergreen fleshy leaves. Very easy to care for: Aloe only needs bright but indirect sunlight, room temperature, and regular watering (as the top layer of soil dries out, about once every 5 days).

Benefits of Aloe Vera : Aloe juice is a natural biostimulant and healing agent.

Disadvantages : not the best decorative properties.

Price – about 800 rubles.


Source – flowershome.rf

Or "Mother-in-law's tongue." An evergreen plant with wide, long, erect leaves. The color of the leaves is green, with light green veins. Sansevieria blooms periodically with small white flowers. It can reach a length of 1 m, but grows slowly.

The plant is unpretentious, loves diffused light, watering once every 3-4 weeks in winter and once a week in the warm season, at room temperature (not lower than +100C).

Benefits of Sansevieria : absorbs carbon dioxide and harmful compounds from the air, releases a lot of oxygen.

Disadvantages : Can get too high.

Price - from 600 to 18,000 rubles (depending on size, type, pot).


Source – flowershome.rf

Or a bamboo palm. A beautiful evergreen plant with beautiful feathery leaves. The average height of a palm tree is 70-80 cm, but it can reach a height of more than 1 meter.

Hamedorea is relatively unpretentious. She needs moderate diffused sunlight, daily soil moisture (light), daily spraying. The optimal temperature is +12 – +200C. Such indoor plants do not like temperature changes and drafts.

Benefits of Hamedorea : cleanses the air of benzene and formaldehyde.

Disadvantages : for novice gardeners it can be whimsical.

Price – from 800 to 7000 rubles (depending on height).

Indoor mint


A fairly unpretentious deciduous plant, which everyone knows as a traditional medicine and seasoning. But indoor mint is also an ornamental plant that will decorate both the windowsill and the shelf in the room.

The optimal conditions for mint will be a room temperature no higher than +220C, watering once every 3-4 days and daily spraying in hot weather.

Useful properties of indoor mint: aromatizing the air, repelling insects, toning (due to the release of essential oils). Plus, it is a healthy and tasty addition to tea.

Disadvantages : not suitable for people with an allergy to mint or intolerance to its smell.

Price – 25-60 rubles.


Source – flowershome.rf

An evergreen deciduous plant that can often be seen in offices, salons, and public institutions. There are many types of ficus, but they all have beneficial properties, so any of the ficus is worth having at home.

Moreover, ficus plants are unpretentious - they need room temperature, diffused bright light, and watering 2-3 times a week. If the indoor air is dry, the ficus requires daily spraying.

Beneficial properties : absorbs phenol, benzene, and other toxic compounds.

Disadvantages : Can reach a height of more than 1 meter. May cause allergies in sensitive people. In the dark, it absorbs rather than releases oxygen.

Price – from 600 to 26,000 rubles.


Source – flowershome.rf

A popular flowering plant whose flowers resemble roses. There are begonias on sale in a variety of varieties and colors, and they will fit perfectly on the windowsill, decorating the house, bringing positivity to the environment. Blooms twice a year.

Begonias are unpretentious: they need bright sunlight (but not direct rays), room temperature up to +240C, regular watering (every time the soil dries out). If the air is extremely dry, spraying is necessary.

Beneficial properties of begonia : kills microorganisms, purifies the air of harmful substances, including those contained in cigarette smoke.

Disadvantages : the juice of the flower is poisonous, do not allow small children or animals near the begonia.

Price – from 600 to 1200 rubles.


Source – flowershome.rf

Decorative, indoor, but fruit-bearing citrus trees are what you need for a bright, exotic interior. Miniature trees decorate rooms, balconies and kitchens.

Citrus fruits are easy to grow. They need room temperature, regular watering (do not let the soil dry out), and bright, indirect light. Citrus fruits also love humidity (they need to be sprayed) and do not tolerate temperature changes.

Beneficial properties of citrus fruits: they disinfect and aromatize the air, provide aromatherapy.

Disadvantages : not suitable for people with allergies to citrus fruits.

Price – from 1600 to 8000 rubles (cost of fruit-bearing trees).

Lemon eucalyptus

Source –

An interesting decorative foliage plant that can be grown both in the garden and at home. And grow it from seeds. It is also a well-known medicinal plant - its essential oil is used for colds, inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.

Lemon eucalyptus likes direct sunlight (south or southwest exposure would be ideal), room temperature, and regular moderate watering. But it also loves humidity, so it is better to place the pot with eucalyptus on a tray with peat or expanded clay, which is regularly moistened. Eucalyptus does not like spraying.

Useful properties : disinfects the air, repels insects.

Disadvantages : Leaves are poisonous to animals and people.

Price - from 30 to 200 rubles per bag of seeds.


Source – flowershome.rf

Or Pelargonium. A popular home flower that is suitable even for novice gardeners. An unpretentious, beautifully flowering plant feels great both in the room and in the kitchen. It blooms for a long time, with beautiful bright flowers, the colors of which can be very different. Geranium is a symbol of home and family comfort.

Pelargonium prefers bright light, but in the midst of heat it is better to protect it from the scorching sun. It needs room temperature and watering once a week.

Beneficial properties of Pelargonium: disinfects the air, repels insects, releases essential oils that have calming effects. Used in folk medicine.

Disadvantages : not everyone likes the smell of geranium, it can cause allergies.

Price – from 600 to 2500 rubles.

Rosemary fragrant

Source – flowershome.rf

This aromatic herb is often grown as a seasoning. Rosemary is ideal for meat and fish dishes. But even if you don’t add rosemary to your dishes, it’s worth growing it: it will decorate the windowsill in the kitchen, and freshen the air in the room if it stands on a shelf or table.

It is better to expose rosemary to bright light; it is suitable at room temperature and watered once a week. However, the plant is not afraid of drought. But it does not tolerate drafts and sudden temperature changes.

Useful properties of rosemary: disinfects and refreshes the air, repels insects. Used in folk medicine.

Disadvantages : may cause allergies.

Price - from 300 to 400 rubles per bush 20-25 cm high.


Source – flowershome.rf

A beautiful plant with wide variegated leaves. Perfectly decorates both the office and home. Aglaonema also has beneficial properties and is quite easy to care for.

The plant loves shade, warmth (25-27 degrees), humidity (needs to be sprayed). Watering is required when the top layer of soil dries out.

Beneficial properties of Aglaonema: absorbs harmful compounds from the air, releases substances that promote concentration and relieve stress.

Disadvantages : the plant is poisonous; you need to wash your hands after handling the leaves.

Price – from 1200 to 8000 rubles


Source – flowershome.rf

Probably the most popular plant in government institutions and homes dating back to the Soviet period. And for good reason - ivy not only decorates the room, but also effectively purifies the air. It is especially good to plant it in a house where there are animals or birds.

Common ivy feels great in apartment conditions. Loves shade, partial shade and diffused light. Does not tolerate direct rays. Requires constant soil moisture, plus good drainage. When the air is dry, regular spraying is necessary. You need to remember that this is a climbing plant, so take care of the supports.

Beneficial properties of Ivy: cleanses the air of harmful compounds and fecal bacteria.

Disadvantages : the plant is poisonous to people and animals.

Price – from 700 to 4000 rubles.


Source – flowershome.rf

A beautiful flower called “Women’s Happiness”. Elegant, with dark green leaves and delicate white flowers, Spathiphyllum is rightfully one of the most popular houseplants.

In addition, the flower is unpretentious. It grows well in an ordinary, heated apartment, at room temperature. Prefers partial shade or diffused bright light, regular watering (the soil should not dry out). The flower loves humidity, so it is better to place the pot on a tray with wet expanded clay and spray the leaves of the plant.

Useful properties of Spathiphyllum: effectively cleans the air of pollutants, including formaldehyde and benzene.

Disadvantages : Can reach a height of more than 1 meter.

Price – from 300 to 6000 rubles.


Source – flowershome.rf

Or Money Tree. This original indoor plant with round, fleshy leaves really resembles a tree covered with coins (albeit green ones).

The money tree is quite unpretentious. It loves diffused sunlight, room temperature, ventilation and regular moderate watering.

Useful properties of Crassula: disinfects the air.

Disadvantages : keep away from animals and children, as the leaves contain a high concentration of arsenic.

Price – from 960 to 15,000 rubles.


Source – flowershome.rf

We are used to seeing this beautiful bright flower, similar to a large daisy, in bouquets or flower beds. But some varieties of gerberas can be grown at home, allowing summer all year round. This is a perennial plant that, with proper care, will delight you with feathery leaves and beautiful flowers every year.

Gerberas love room temperature, bright but diffused sunlight, and regular, abundant watering. It should also be regularly sprayed with warm, settled water.

Useful properties of Gerbera: cleanses the air of benzene and trichlorethylene.

Disadvantages : Can be difficult to maintain for beginners.

Price – from 700 to 1000 rubles.


Source – flowershome.rf

Evergreen, mysterious, ancient and very beautiful, it is not for nothing that the Fern is loved and willingly bred in many homes. With proper care, it will delight you with the splendor of its openwork leaves and create a fresh, calm atmosphere. And in the literal sense too.

Ferns are relatively unpretentious in care. They are very moisture-loving, but do not tolerate waterlogging of the roots, so they need regular, moderate watering. And high air humidity - in summer the fern needs daily spraying. The plant tolerates diffused light well, thrives in partial shade, and does not like direct sunlight.

Useful properties : able to absorb excess moisture from the air, and when dry, release it. A natural ozonizer that cleans the air of harmful compounds.

Disadvantage : absorbs oxygen in the dark

Price – from 300 to 5000 rubles.

Dracaena carinatum

Source – flowershome.rf

Dracaena marginata or Dracaena marginata is a beautiful, elegant deciduous plant with narrow leaves and a tree-like trunk. Dracaena is capable of blooming, but at home this is a very rare occurrence.

Dracaena is quite unpretentious - it needs room temperature, bright light, but not direct rays, moderate watering and regular spraying.

Useful properties of Dracaena: filters the air, removing harmful compounds.

Disadvantages : very sensitive to dry air.

Price – from 400 to 17,000 rubles.


Source – flowershome.rf

A tropical plant with beautiful, large leathery leaves (liana). It can grow up to 2 meters, and the length of the leaves can reach 60 cm. But since it is a vine, philodendron branches can be sent along the walls.

Philodendrons prefer room temperature, diffused light and partial shade, and plenty of regular watering to keep the soil constantly moist. Philodendrons also love moist air, so they are often sprayed and the leaves are wiped with a damp cloth.

Beneficial properties of Philodendron: purifies the air, saturates it with oxygen.

Disadvantages : the plant sap irritates the skin, the plant is poisonous to animals.

Price – from 600 to 10,000 rubles.


Source – flowershome.rf

It is also called Uzambara violet or simply violet. A beautiful delicate indoor flower, ideal for an apartment. Thousands of varieties of violets have been bred, making these indoor plants popular among gardeners and collectors.

Violets are delicate flowers. They need diffused light or light partial shade, and soft warmth, without temperature changes. The flower does not tolerate drafts; in winter it is better to highlight it. Watering should be regular to keep the soil slightly moist. Regular spraying is also recommended.

Beneficial properties of Saintpaulia: purifies the air, saturates oxygen, aromatizes, harmonizes the psychological state (aromatherapy).

Disadvantages : very sensitive to diseases and pests.

Price – from 400 to 500 rubles.


Let’s complete the review with a representative of the Primrose family, the most beautiful and original flower, Primrose. The name in Latin is exactly that - “first”.

Whole, carved leaves form a basal rosette. But the primrose blooms with multi-colored flowers of bizarre shapes and an incredible aroma.

It is best to place primroses in brightly lit places, but without direct sunlight, in the southern part of the apartment or house.

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