Kitchen faucet design: design, principle of operation

Kitchen faucets come in a huge variety. They have distinctive design features and appearance. Today, faucets have become not only a device that allows you to comfortably use the water supplied through the plumbing, but also a decoration that complements the design of the sink and looks great against the background of the overall interior of the kitchen space. You can read more about the structure of mixers, their types, design differences, advantages and disadvantages right now.

Kitchen faucet complements sink design

There are not many main types of kitchen faucets. Below are the main models most commonly found in the kitchen.

Double valve kitchen faucet

Despite the fact that single-lever kitchen devices have begun to find active use in everyday life, valve-type mixers remain the most common today. With such faucets, one valve is used to control the supply of hot water, the other - cold. The valves can be positioned horizontally and at a certain angle to each other.

Two-valve mixer - the most common type for the kitchen

Types of two-valve mixers

Two-valve mixers are available in two types. They differ from each other by various locking elements. These can be crane axle boxes with elastic gaskets or ceramic plates.

In mixers of the first type, a reciprocating faucet closes or, on the contrary, opens the hole through which water flows from the pipe. In other types of faucets, water supply or blocking is possible by aligning the holes of a pair of ceramic plates.

The advantages of faucets with the first type of locking mechanism include:

  1. Lower cost;
  2. Ease of operation;
  3. Ease of obtaining water at the desired temperature by adjusting the valves;
  4. Versatility - over time, the elastic crane axle box can be replaced with a ceramic one, provided that they were produced by the same manufacturer.

Double-valve mixers with elastic seals

The disadvantages of valve-type mixers with an elastic gasket are the need to make several turns of the valve until the water supply holes are completely open, and rapid wear of the rubber gasket.

Faucets with ceramic valves have the following positive qualities:

  1. Increased wear resistance and, as a result, a longer service life;
  2. Easy to adjust water temperature due to the fact that the angle of rotation of the valves is 90 and 180 degrees;
  3. Easy to control the mixer.

Design of a two-valve kitchen faucet with ceramic gaskets

Scheme of a mixer with ceramic plates

Structurally, a mixer with two valves consists of a body, a faucet-axle made of ceramic or metal, valves, a spout with an aerator. The ceramic axle box consists of:

  • Housings

The body is made from alloys of certain types of non-ferrous metals. It has a rubber gasket in its design. It is needed so that the faucet axle box fits closely to the mixer body and water does not leak out. The lower part of the faucet housing has holes through which water enters the chamber and mixes there. To unscrew the faucet box made of ceramics, you need to use an adjustable wrench, gas wrench or wrench.

  • Rod lock

The retainer is a small part that is needed to tightly connect the valve axle housing and the rod. It snaps into place when the rod is inserted into the body. To separate them, just use a regular screwdriver.

  • Stock

The mixer valves are connected to the stem and then secured with special screws. There is a groove on the rod body that serves to snap the lock into it, and at the bottom there is a recess for the turn signal.

Device for attaching the valve to the stem

  • turn signal

It is necessary to transmit torque from the mixer valve to the ceramic plate, against which it actually rests. The turn signal can be either plastic or metal; it is better if it is made of metal, since the plastic one quickly breaks if the valves are tightened too tightly;

  • Top and bottom plate

The top plate is movable; it serves to control the flow of water into the drain spout. It has holes for pouring water and fixing the turn signal, and can be rotated at different angles, so using the tap is easy and convenient. The upper plate fits quite tightly to the lower one, which in turn is motionless. It has holes similar to those on the top one. When these holes coincide when the tap valves are turned, water begins to flow into the drain hole.

  • Rubber gasket

It is necessary so that the faucet box is closely adjacent to the mixer body and water leaks only through the hole in it. The gasket can be damaged by over-tightening the valves.

The best manufacturers on the market

Modern single-lever models are very popular, which is why they are presented in the collections of leading companies engaged in the production of plumbing accessories. Among the most famous brands belonging to different price categories are the following.

GROHE - wide functionality and high quality

None of the faucet ratings is complete without models from the German brand Grohe. Despite their rather high cost, they have earned the attention of consumers with their modern design solutions, durability and reliability.

Accessories of this brand are often equipped with many additional options, which ensures comfortable operation. Among the wide range of single-lever kitchen appliances, users most often note the Concetto 32663001 model with a 45-centimeter pull-out spout, which practically replaces a pull-out watering can.

The faucet uses a virtually silent aerator and a reliable SilkMove ceramic cartridge. A popular model for the bath is the Euroeco 32743000 faucet with an aerator and a special water saving regulator.

Grohe faucets and other accessories have a classic design, making them easy to fit into any room design.

LEMARK - original solutions

The Czech company produces mainly single-lever products with a high spout, which are convenient to use in the kitchen. Sometimes they also have a built-in dispenser into which liquid detergents are poured. The models are available in a wide range of shades, which allows you to choose the faucet to match the color of the sink.

At the same time, the catalog also presents traditional chrome-plated products, which serve as a universal option. The top best models according to users included the Comfort LM3061C kitchen mixer, as well as the Pramen LM3318C shower unit.

Owners of these devices note the impressive design of the devices, thoughtful design and high quality. Some claim that they have been using Lemark accessories for several years without any repairs.

Lemark single lever faucets are often equipped with additional accessories and fixtures, such as a pull-out shower head, for added ease of use.

OMOIKIRI - Japanese technology

Plumbing accessories from the Japanese brand “Omoikiri” impress with their unique design, as well as the highest quality and long service life. The manufacturer provides a five-year warranty on all products. Many models have a double spout, thanks to which tap water is supplied separately from drinking water.

The rating of the best models for the kitchen includes the Tonami-C single-lever mixer, made of lead-free chrome-plated brass. The accessory has a double spout with a 360° rotation angle and a built-in aerator. At the same time, users note the reliability and durability of the crane.

Although the cost of Omoikiri products is quite high, users consider it justified. The models are distinguished by their reliability, long-term operation, and original appearance.

IDDIS is the best Russian manufacturer

The products of the Russian company are very popular due to their diverse range and affordable price. They are also of acceptable quality and, with proper care, can last up to 5-7 years without repairs.

Among the accessories that have earned high user reviews, we can note the universal single-lever faucet IDDIS Vane VANSBL0i10 with a swivel spout, a retractable head with a square shower, and an aerator nozzle.

The reliable and simple kitchen faucet Alborg K56001C is also popular. Due to its low spout, this model is best used in shallow sinks.

IDDIS models usually have a classic design and a chrome-plated surface, making them a perfect match for common stainless steel sinks

KAISER - German quality at an affordable price

The Kaiser brand produces a wide range of faucets that have different types of spouts - pull-out, stationary, rotary, flexible. The products are distinguished by their magnificent appearance, while their cost is quite affordable.

Among the presented models, users especially noted the Kaiser 13044 kitchen faucet with a body made of high-quality brass.

In addition to its excellent appearance, this sanitary accessory has two built-in aerators and a water filter. The high spout has the ability to rotate 360 ​​degrees, which guarantees easy access to all corners of the sink.

Kaiser catalogs present not only traditional chrome options, but also stylish accessories made in bronze or granite.

Lever kitchen mixer

Lever mixers are very popular and easy to operate

Lever mixers are actively gaining popularity. They look stylish, are easy to use, and come in a variety of designs. A sink with such a mixer attracts attention primarily because the faucet is strikingly different in appearance from its already familiar two-valve counterpart.

Lever kitchen mixer design

Structurally, a lever-type mixer consists of the following elements:

  1. Handles that control the water supply (its pressure and temperature);
  2. Jet regulator (a special nozzle that is screwed onto the end of the spout using a threaded connection, otherwise this nozzle is called an aerator);
  3. Decorative casing of the mixer cartridge;
  4. A cartridge that is fixed through a nut. The cartridge mixes the water coming through the pipes and then pours it into the drain hole. He himself is hidden in the case;
  5. Fixing bracket.

The design of a kitchen faucet may differ slightly, but the principle of supplying water to the spout is approximately the same.

Varieties in design

Lever type mixers with ball device

Lever type mixers may differ in the design of the mixing unit. Its device can be ball or cartridge. In the first case, inside the ball sleeve there is a hollow metal ball that has three holes - two small ones through which hot and cold water enters it, and one large one for discharging water into the spout. Mixing of water occurs precisely in the spherical cavity.

Advantages of mixers with this design:

  1. Durability;
  2. Ease of operation;
  3. Ease of obtaining water at the desired temperature.

One of the few disadvantages is the need to periodically replace the o-rings, which wear out two or three times in 2 years.

Lever mixers with a ceramic cartridge differ in the principle of supplying and shutting off water coming from the pipes, but this difference is only constructive. The cartridge body contains ceramic plates that are made of aluminum oxide. There are two of them. The bottom plate has three holes through which water passes - two small and one larger. In order for water to enter the drain, it is necessary that the top plate occupies a position in which one or the other hole is open separately or at the same time halfway. Accordingly, cold or hot water or warm, mixed water will flow into the spout. Mixing of water occurs inside the chamber.

Lever mixers with ceramic cartridge

The advantages of faucets with a ceramic cartridge include a long service life, ease of mixing water to a certain temperature, and the use of one hand to operate the tap. And the disadvantages are that in some models of mixers that are not of very good quality, it is difficult to get water at a comfortable temperature (you have to search for a long time for the position of the lever).

How to prevent malfunctions?

The condition of the mixer and its service life depend on several factors:

  • quality of tap water;
  • proper installation of the water supply system;
  • quality of a specific mixer model.

Inexpensive faucets may look attractive, but they don't last long. The case and internal mechanism, made of low-quality materials, fail quickly and often. Water quality and the design of the water supply system are interdependent factors. As soon as flaws in pipe installation become obvious, they must be corrected immediately.

The presence of coarse filters can significantly increase the service life of a single-lever mixer. Don't neglect this useful device. Water hardness must be taken into account at the stage of purchasing the device. The packaging and/or the mixer data sheet indicates what water hardness the product is designed for. These data should be correlated with information about the quality of water in your own home.

The aerator is another useful factor that can positively affect the condition of the mixer. The device cuts the water flow into separate jets, which visually increases the flow volume. This allows you to reduce the amount of water flowing through the mixer, which leads to saving water and the resource of the device.

Touchless faucet

Touchless faucets are an undoubted know-how. Thanks to the constant development of technology and affordability, they are increasingly being installed in private homes and apartments. Their main advantage over their mechanical counterparts is that there is no need to turn the valves to allow water to flow into the drain and obtain its comfortable temperature. All you have to do is place your hands near the drain hole and enjoy the flowing water.

Touchless faucets - undoubted know-how

The main advantages of a contactless (touch) faucet:

  1. Saving water. In order to wash your hands or draw water into the kettle, you do not need to unscrew the valve and then spend some time screwing it in, into which water will continue to flow;
  2. Ease of use - no work required to open and close the tap;
  3. Constant temperature of the water poured out. Despite periodic changes in water temperature during central heating, the sensor mixer will maintain it at the same level;
  4. Hygiene. When using a classic faucet, many people touch the valves, which reduces the hygiene of the procedures. In a touch mixer, you don’t need to touch anything except the regulator;
  5. It is easy to customize the operation of the mixer using the buttons on the body or the control panel. With a few keystrokes, you can program the water temperature, the speed of its flow and the flow time after the person’s hands are removed from the sensors’ coverage area.

See also the interesting article “Grohe kitchen faucet - the ideal choice for the ideal kitchen”

How a kitchen faucet works - how it works

Touch mixer design

The design of the sensor mixer consists of the following components:

  1. Housings and spout;
  2. Battery;
  3. Electronic filling, touch sensor;
  4. A small valve located at the bottom of the housing;
  5. Shut-off valve;
  6. Filter and connecting hose.

As you can see, the design of a kitchen faucet is quite ordinary, and the main work here is done by electronics. Its principle is as follows: the human body emits heat, this heat is captured by a motion sensor installed in the body. Through electronics, the signal is transmitted to the shut-off valve, which immediately opens and water flows into the spout.

The water pressure and temperature can be adjusted in advance using a screw located behind the housing or an external lever. There are models that change the ratio of hot and cold water automatically when a person brings his hands closer to the drain hole or further.

Now you know how a kitchen faucet works, and if you wish, you can figure out how to repair it.

Single lever mechanisms

These types of mixing devices are made with one control handle. They work on the principle of a ball valve. If you turn the lever of the mechanism to the left or right, you can regulate the temperature of the water flow, and when it is fed down or up, you can regulate the pressure of the liquid. Similar devices are installed on kitchen sinks, in bathrooms, and in showers. They are very simple to use and truly convenient.

Mixer design - revealing the secrets of the design Single lever mixer

Most of the elements of a single-lever water tap are assembled into a cartridge (it is called a ball), which is structurally non-separable. This makes it difficult to repair the faucet. However, this is not required very often. The biggest problem with a ball valve is the failure of its gaskets. And changing them is not at all difficult. Also, faucets with ball cartridges can become clogged with small debris. A similar problem is often observed when the mechanisms in question are mounted on kitchen sinks. There is only one way out of this situation - removing the old and installing a new cartridge. This procedure is easy to perform yourself. The scheme of work will be as follows:

  1. Shut off the water supply.
  2. Remove the mixer, and then the lever (you need to unscrew the fixing screw).
  3. Take the old cartridge out of the tap and put a new one in its place.
  4. Assembling the mixer. And you are using a refurbished device.

The main difference between a mechanism with one handle and a double-lever device is that to a mixer with one lever, water is supplied to one point. This simplifies the process of installing it on sinks and bathtubs. Recently, new types of single-lever mixers are gaining popularity. Instead of a ball valve, ceramic plates are installed in them. They rub together very well. Due to this, leaks do not occur in faucets with ceramic cartridges. This means you will never hear the annoying noise of dripping water from the tap. Please note that ceramic devices rarely need to be repaired. And most importantly, they do not require any special operating conditions.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video below describes in detail the structure of a single-lever mixer, its disassembly and correction of the most common breakdowns:

Single-lever faucets are a modern type of plumbing fixture that has gained popularity due to its excellent consumer properties. The advantages of such devices include a long service life and ease of maintenance.

The ability to correctly disassemble an accessory will help you quickly replace a failed part. Thanks to this, the service life of an expensive product is extended and there is no need to replace it.

Would you like to talk about how you selected or repaired a single-lever faucet? Do you want to share your own experience as a novice plumber that might be useful to site visitors? Please write comments, ask questions, post photos in the block below.

Design Feature

Models of single-lever faucets are called differently: articulated, ball, joystick, but the operating principle of the design is similar—control is carried out using a single lever.

  • The peculiarity of this design is its functionality.
  • Using one lever, it is possible to mix water and regulate its pressure, changing the power of liquid supply to the spout.

These mixers fail for several reasons: the expiration of the equipment’s service life, errors during installation of the mixer.

The service life of the mixer is about fifteen years, and the warranty period during which the manufacturer will accept the equipment for free repairs is five years.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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