All about stools: features and varieties, choice and combination in the interior


The base of the stool is responsible for the stability of the structure as a whole. Products vary in number, shape and location of legs.

  • A wooden stool on four legs is considered the height of reliability. The latter are installed strictly vertically or with a slight deviation.
  • The three-legged structure looks light and modern, but can tip over if not handled carefully.
  • Wooden models with one support are not so common. An example is an hourglass or hemp stool. Their disadvantage is their significant weight.

The supporting elements of folding modifications take an X-shape when unfolded. It can be:

  • flat parts fastened together;
  • post leg combined with a wooden plate;
  • three supports of round or square cross-section, movably fixed in the center.


1Leg3 pcs.
2Seat1 PC.
3Upholstery50x50 cm.
4Self-tapping screws12 pcs.
5Stubs12 pcs.
6Baluster1 PC.
7Dowels12 pcs.
8Staples12 pcs.

Types of stool designs for the kitchen

Stools vary in shape and design. For example, seats can be not only round or square, but also oval, rectangular, octagonal and even irregular in shape. The chair must be of suitable size so that it is comfortable to sit on. But you also need to remember that a seat that is too large is not a guarantee of comfort, and may be uncomfortable to use. A seat measuring 30 – 45 cm will be the most suitable option for any person.

Also, the stool should be selected according to the person’s height. Before purchasing, you need to sit on the chair and determine if it is suitable. The feet should be placed in a free position on the floor, and the knees should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees. The stools must also fit the height of the table so that they can be moved in without any obstacles.

How to choose the optimal sizes

If you need chairs for a family, models are selected for average height, calculated taking into account all its members. However, for certain purposes it is better to make an individual selection. This will help you maintain correct posture, not get tired during sedentary work, and feel comfortable and safe in your chair. Individual selection of height is carried out according to the following formula: multiply the height of the person by the height of the table and divide by 165. Subtract 40–45 cm from the resulting number (the taller the person, the closer to 45). This will be the optimal chair height.

Equally important is the correct ratio of table and chair heights. Today, tables with a height of 72-78 cm are more often made

At the same time, a standard chair for it has a height of 40-45 cm. If the stool has higher legs, there should be support under the feet.

For the comfort of sitting, the depth of the chair is important - the distance from the outer edge to the intersection with the back. Typically this parameter is determined as follows: three-quarters of the thigh length + a few cm for the gap (between the seat in front and the back of the popliteal surface). The average seat depth of a chair is 360-450 mm, an armchair – up to 500 mm. Children's chairs have a depth of 200-240 mm (for preschool children) and 270-360 mm (for school-age children).

Backrest height is the distance from the seat to the point at the level of the lower edge of the shoulder blade. The lumbar support will be functional if placed at the level of the 5th vertebra of the lumbar region. As the backrest angle increases, its height becomes smaller.

Chairs are furniture on which a significant part of any person’s life passes. Its correct selection is very important. An uncomfortable foot not only brings discomfort, but also harms health, causing pain in the back, neck, and legs.

Buying a kitchen stool: pros and cons

When deciding to purchase a kitchen stool, you need to weigh the pros and cons of such a purchase. The advantages of this type of furniture include:

  • functionality;
  • small dimensions;
  • light weight;
  • a large selection of models for a wide variety of interiors;
  • ergonomics;
  • Suitable for people of any size.

The stools are compact and suitable for all people PHOTO:
The only disadvantage of regular kitchen stools is their lower comfort compared to a regular chair. The lack of a high back, which provides support for the back, does not allow sitting on such a structure for a long time. The hard seat of most models also does not add comfort, but this can be solved with the help of a special soft pillow.

General recommendations

The height of a stool for a standard kitchen table should be 45 cm, the diameter of the seat is usually 50 cm. In general, the size of the stools should correspond to the dimensions of the kitchen.

Preference should be given to options that are not too soft, but not too hard.

The fabric upholstery of the seat can get dirty or worn out relatively quickly. However, it is easy to replace. As an option, you can use replaceable covers for kitchen stools. They will help keep the upholstery clean.

The general style of the home interior must be taken into account when choosing stools. They should be in harmony with the rest of the kitchen furniture and complement it.

Stool designs

The classic option is a stool consisting of a base with four legs and a square seat. But modern manufacturers are not limited to such options. They offer a variety of kitchen stools. In the kitchen you can install the following models:

  • original form;
  • with backs;
  • folding;
  • bars, etc.

In the modern assortment you can find many original options. There are models with three legs, a figured seat, and an unusual base. There is a wide variety of plastic stools for the kitchen. This material is perfectly shaped and painted, which allows designers to realize any idea.

Plastic stools for the kitchen

Despite the fact that the lack of a back is the main distinguishing feature of the stool, this feature is not a dogma. Now manufacturers are trying to make their products as convenient as possible. It is possible to buy a stool with a backrest for the kitchen if the classic option does not meet your personal requirements.

Comfortable stool with backrest

This furniture is not always intended for permanent use. Sometimes stools are auxiliary items. They are installed only when guests arrive, when you need to create additional seats at the table. In such cases, a folding stool for the kitchen will be an ideal option. It can be placed between pieces of furniture or stored in a closet. Compact folding stools for the kitchen can be used in the design of balconies and loggias; they can be taken to the dacha, country picnic, or fishing.

A folding stool will create additional seating at the table

In modern interiors, the bar counter has become a popular piece of furniture. This is a great alternative to a traditional dining table in a small kitchen. This design provides zoning in the studio. Bar stools for the kitchen are ideal elements of such an interior. They blend harmoniously with the stand and provide convenience.

Safety instructions for working on a wood lathe

Dangers at work

  1. Eye injury from flying chips.
  2. Injury to hands when touching the workpiece.
  3. Injury to the hands due to improper handling of the cutter.
  4. Injury from fragments of poorly glued, cross-layered, knotty wood.

Before you start

  1. Wear the correct overalls (apron with sleeves or robe and headdress: (boys - beret).
  2. Check that the belt drive protective cover is securely fastened.
  3. Inspect the reliability of the connection of the protective grounding to the machine body.
  4. Remove all foreign objects from the machine and place the tools in their designated places.
  5. Check if there are any knots or cracks in the workpiece, trim the workpiece to the desired shape, and then securely fasten it to the machine
  6. Place the tool rest with a gap of 2-3 mm from the workpiece and secure it at the height of the center line of the workpiece.
  7. Check the serviceability of the cutting tool and its correct sharpening.
  8. At idle speed, check the operation of the machine, as well as the serviceability of the starting box by turning its buttons on and off.
  9. Before starting work, put on safety glasses.

During work

  1. The cutting tool should be fed to the material only after the working shaft reaches its full speed. The tool feed should be smooth, without strong pressure.
  2. Move the tool rest towards the workpiece in a timely manner and do not allow the gap to increase.
  3. To avoid injury while working on the machine, it is prohibited:
  • tilt your head close to the machine;
  • receive and transfer objects through a working machine;
  • measure the workpiece until its rotation completely stops;
  • stop the machine by hand braking the workpiece;
  • leave the machine without turning it off.

After finishing work

  1. Put the tools in their places.
  2. Remove chips from the machine using a brush. It is prohibited to blow off shavings with your mouth or sweep them away with your hand.
  3. Hand over the machine to the teacher.

Decor options for wooden stools

A variety of techniques are used to decorate solid wood stools.

  • Carving in different styles (contour, flat-notched, relief) is suitable for creating designs and ornaments.
  • Mosaic allows you to create interesting patterns from individual pieces of wood that differ in color and texture.
  • Turning is used to obtain perfectly smooth surfaces with different profiles.
  • Burning with hot pins is based on the application of a design or ornament.
  • Embossing of wood blanks is carried out at elevated temperature and pressure in a special mold. The design appears during the extrusion process.

The wood is exposed with varnish or paint, tinted or bleached, subjected to an aging procedure, and treated with wax or vegetable oil.

As a result, the material significantly improves its performance.

  • Reduces the risk of fire.
  • Strength characteristics are enhanced.
  • Hydrophobic properties appear.

Safety instructions for working on a drilling machine

Dangers at work:

  1. Eye injury from flying chips when drilling metal.
  2. Injury to hands due to poor fastening of parts.

Before you start

  • Wear the correct overalls (apron with sleeves or robe, beret or headscarf).
  • Check that the belt drive protective cover is securely fastened.
  • Check the reliability of the connection of the protective grounding to the machine body.
  • Securely secure the drill in the chuck.
  • Check the operation of the machine at idle speed and the serviceability of the starting box by turning the button on and off.
  • Firmly secure the part on the machine table in a vice or jigs. It is prohibited to support a loose part with your hands when drilling.
  • Wear safety glasses.

During work

  1. Do not use drills with worn tapered shanks.
  2. After the machine spindle has reached full speed, the drill is fed to the part smoothly, without effort or jerking.
  3. Before drilling into a metal workpiece, it is necessary to tilt the centers of the holes. Wooden blanks at the drilling site are pricked with an awl.
  4. Special care and attention is required at the end of drilling. When the drill leaves the workpiece material, you need to reduce the feed.
  5. When drilling large wooden blanks (parts), a scrap or piece of multi-layer plywood is placed on the table under the part.

To avoid injury while operating the machine, do not:

  1. tilt your head close to the drill;
  2. carry out work wearing mittens;
  3. placing foreign objects on the machine bed;
  4. Lubricate or cool the drill using wet rags. To cool the drill, you need to use a special brush;
  5. brake the chuck or drill with your hands;
  6. leave the machine without turning it off.
  7. If the power supply stops, turn off the motor immediately.
  8. Before stopping the machine, it is necessary to move the drill away from the part, and then turn off the motor.

After finishing work

  1. After stopping the rotation of the drill, remove the chips from the machine using a brush. In the grooves of the machine table, the chips are removed with a metal hook. Do not blow away chips with your mouth or sweep them with your hand.
  2. Separate the drill from the chuck and hand over the machine to the teacher.
  3. Get yourself in order.

Stools in interior styles

The functional performance of this furniture is undoubtedly important. But the aesthetic qualities also deserve attention. Stools are part of the kitchen interior; they should successfully complement the design and fit harmoniously into the decor. In a modern interior you can find options for any style. Photos of stools for the kitchen in the interior allow you to make a choice.

Various design trends are used in the design of this room. The guideline for choosing is personal priorities. Some consumers prefer comfort, others practicality, for others the main criterion is compliance with fashion trends. The range allows you to choose stools for any of these preferences.

This furniture is available in all popular styles. Belonging to a particular design direction may be reflected in:

  • materials;
  • designs;
  • decor;
  • shade.

Wooden stools in a modern kitchen

Traditionally, wood products and slabs are used in classic designs. Models made of plastic and metal are included in modern styles. However, this is not a requirement. For example, soft stools for the kitchen with a metal base, leather, textile seat upholstery perfectly complement classics, Provence, country, laconic wooden products look good in modern or high-tech.

Bar stools for the kitchen look good

In classic interiors, products of traditional design are usually used. Modern styles welcome original, non-standard solutions. In high-tech and lofts you can often see models of unusual shapes; bar stools for the kitchen look good in these designs.


The purchase of a table and chairs usually occurs at the end of the renovation, when finishing work has been carried out and the set has been installed

It is very important that the purchased furniture is in harmony with the interior. It is not necessary to purchase a set, you can choose a pair yourself

  1. In a classic dining room interior, richly decorated wooden samples would be appropriate.
  2. Minimalism and modernism are well complemented by simple, stylish wood products without unnecessary details. Plastic will also fit harmoniously here.
  3. High-tech hi-tech is emphasized by metal and plastic.
  4. When decorating a room in Provence or country style, it is worth choosing objects made of wood; it is possible to use colored or artificially aged samples. For country music, an interesting solution would be to use rattan.

Nowadays it is fashionable to purchase chairs of the same shape with different upholstery colors or painted in all sorts of colors. These can be calm shades, for example, white and black, variations of beige or a rainbow variety. The first case is appropriate for minimalism and modern styles, and bright objects will fit perfectly into country and high-tech.

Transparent plastic products are an excellent solution for tight spaces. They allow you to create the illusion of free space.

Good video review on the topic:


Increasing the comfort level of a stool is quite simple. To do this, you need to equip it with a soft seat. It consists of a base, a layer of filler 3-6 cm thick and upholstery.

The choice of upholstery material largely determines external indicators.

Genuine leather looks expensive and stylish, and is characterized by high strength and durability. But a set of items with a leather top can make a significant hole in the family budget.

Substitutes can successfully compete with it. The price is especially attractive. The material can imitate the first option in color and texture, but will not last as long.

Fabric upholstery provides ample opportunities for realizing design ideas. If you plan to use stools in the kitchen, then you should choose a material with special impregnation.

Rigid models captivate with their completeness, although sitting on them is not very comfortable. It is worth abandoning flat surfaces and preferring a slightly concave configuration. One option: a creative model, the seat of which can sag under the weight of a person.

The shape of the seat can be round, square, rectangular, oval. You can find products in which the upper part is made of a transverse cut of wood.

What types of wood are used during manufacturing

Various types of wood are used in the manufacture of massive products. Each type has its own specifics that should be taken into account when selecting. Several factors are assessed.

  • Hardness.
  • Resistance to moisture.
  • Sensitivity to mechanical and shock loads.
  • Artistic characteristics: color, pattern, texture.

Based on the first sign, 3 groups are distinguished.

Soft varieties - pine, aspen, fir, spruce, linden, alder.

Elm, walnut, cherry, ash have an average degree.

The greatest hardness is found in oak, maple, beech, and boxwood.

It is easier to work with wood of the first group, but it quickly loses its original appearance.

Products made from materials of the third group will last a couple of decades, but the processing process is very complex and difficult.

  • Oak rightfully takes first place in most characteristics. Its wood pleases with a variety of colors: gray-brown, yellow, light red. Oak products are bulky. Their surface is often decorated with ornate carvings.
  • Walnut is also quite hard, but more pliable in processing. Its specific feature is the absence of chips, thanks to which craftsmen are able to create filigree patterns. Painting wood offers great possibilities. Ranging from light to black, including all brown shades. Sometimes you can see red and purple colors.
  • Pine is very popular in furniture production. It can be easily finished and tinted. Due to the presence of special substances, wood is invulnerable to rotting, temperature changes and moisture. A bonus when purchasing pine stools will be a non-heavy pine smell.
  • Larch has great decorative properties. Its wood is available in 12 shades.
  • Beech, despite its hardness, after steam treatment acquires plasticity and is suitable for the production of bent components. From the very beginning the tree is white with a hint of yellow, but over the years its tone becomes pinkish-brown. The material is sensitive to moisture and can change.
  • The original color of linden is white, but with the help of stain it can be given a shade of any species. The material is stable in conditions of very high humidity, but is most likely to suffer from pests, so it requires specialized impregnation.
  • The wood of fruit trees (cherry, apple, pear) is beautifully finished, but does not have good strength.
  • Ash is inferior in hardness to oak, but its feature is clear growth rings. Furniture made from it looks expensive and stylish, and warm natural shades will make the atmosphere truly cozy.

Round or flat tenons are used to connect wooden elements. Final fixation occurs using glue. This assembly method is considered the most reliable.

The top cover can be secured with self-tapping screws, screwing them in from the front side. The caps are deepened, and the resulting irregularities are filled with a mixture of glue and sawdust. After the composition has hardened, the surface is sanded.

Choosing stools for the home depending on the interior style

Stools, like any other furniture in the house, must be in harmony with the style of the room, and not cause dissonance. When choosing products in a store, you should take into account all the features of the home’s interior. In some cases, it is recommended to purchase custom-made stools according to individual parameters.

Wooden stools with curved carved legs will look best in a classic interior. They can have a natural wood color, as well as brown, beige or black. Wooden stools in white, beige, and light blue are ideal for interiors in Provence and shabby chic styles. For a rustic-style interior, it is recommended to choose the simplest wooden stools - they do not have to be elegant, on the contrary, massiveness is encouraged.

Metal stools with round seats will fit perfectly into all modern interiors. When arranging a kitchen in a high-tech or minimalist style, you should choose simple metal products of standard height.

The color of their seats should match the overall color scheme. For example, if the kitchen is furnished in gray tones with red color accents, then the seats of the stools can also be red. When decorating a kitchen in a loft style, or when arranging a kitchen-living room, designers advise choosing high (bar) stools.

Style directions

In order for the stool to fit harmoniously into the interior, it is necessary to choose the right model design.


Rustic American style is ideal for country houses. The main characteristics of the direction: beige tones, natural materials, a large amount of wood. A stool made of rough wood is ideal for a bathroom in this style. The texture, pattern, texture of the material is not hidden, but highlighted.

Modern styles

In bathrooms decorated in a modern style (hi-tech, minimalism), plastic stools are most often installed. These are practical, stylish and inexpensive models. In the above directions, both products in neutral colors and bright options will look great. A model with chrome legs would also be a good choice.


A wooden stool with a soft seat is a classic option. Products in white and light beige colors are very popular. If the room has a large window, you can place a bench stool under it. This will create a cozy and stylish corner in the bathroom.

Universal options

There are also universal models that are suitable for most styles. For example, the standard option is a white stool with metal legs. A light element will stand out against the background of bright or dark walls, and can also successfully merge with a snow-white design. The classic color will look organic in almost any room.

The most popular materials for making kitchen stools

To produce modern stools, not only traditional wood is used, but also metal and plastic. All such designs have their own characteristics and positive characteristics.

Wooden stools are the most expensive option. They are distinguished by their aesthetic appearance and durability. Currently, for the production of stools, they are increasingly using not solid wood, but laminated chipboard.

In this production, formaldehyde resins are used. Due to the simplicity of the design, and if you have the materials and tools, you can even build such a product yourself. A stool made of natural wood will look appropriate in a classic interior; it will emphasize the respectability of the kitchen and make it more comfortable.

Wooden stools can be used not only in city apartments, but also in country cottages with a corresponding interior. The color palette can be different: wenge, sonoma oak, alder, dark walnut, etc.

Metal stools - as a rule, only the base and legs are metal, and other materials (for example, plastic) are used for sitting. Stools of this design are highly durable and can easily withstand heavy loads. Structures made of aluminum are not subject to corrosion. The seat of such a product can have any color and shape.

Stools with soft seats can be made of metal or wood. Provide maximum convenience during operation. The upholstery for the soft seat can be made of textile or leatherette. Over time, the upholstery may become unusable, but it can be easily replaced.

What is important to know when choosing a chair

Firstly, you should familiarize yourself with GOST. Furniture should ideally match this. This is not yet a guarantee that the stool or chair is good, but at least the standard options will not be downright harmful.

Set with table

What does this parameter affect?

It’s one thing if a person sits down for five minutes. It doesn’t matter what exactly he sits on. But when it comes to long-term work or study, the characteristics of the furniture cannot be ignored. After all, overall health depends on them.

Here's what the seat height of a chair directly affects:

  1. Function of the circulatory system.
  2. Spine condition.
  3. Foot health.

Back and seat option

So if you want to work effectively without harming your health, then it is important to choose a chair of exactly the height that will be optimal for a particular person

What parameters of the body constitution are worth considering?

Furniture is selected in height based on the characteristics of the person. First of all, height and weight are taken into account, because they determine what size and strength a chair or stool is required

It is also important to consider age. If this is a child, then, for obvious reasons, he should purchase furniture with a margin of strength and stability

Variety of models for the living room

The difference between chairs depending on their purpose

The optimal office or kitchen chair has different parameters. For relaxation, of course, soft chairs are more pleasant, but well-chosen office furniture will be more useful. In addition, sometimes it is no less comfortable. The children's chair also has its own characteristics.

So, it is important to take into account the constitution of the human body, the purpose of the furniture and the standard. Then you will be able to choose a product of optimal height

However, it is important to consider that people with specific problems with the body sometimes require special furniture.

Historical information

The word "stool" is of French origin and is translated as "cushion for pins." It is highly doubtful that such a product is comfortable for sitting. But there is an opinion that a chair without a back received a similar name when soft, embroidered models, similar to an accessory for storing needles, came into fashion.

In general, the stool is considered the oldest piece of furniture. The first mentions of it date back to 3 thousand years BC. The ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks actively used products similar in design to the current stool to provide comfortable conditions for the pharaohs and rulers. In those days, only rulers had the privilege of using such furniture. In Ancient Egypt, there were even folding stands with a seat made of a mat.

Economic justification

The section is devoted to economic calculations of the cost and price of the product, as well as the size of the expected profit

S1 clear varnish (0.5 l) = 75 rub.

S2 self-tapping screws (100g) = 12 rub.

S3 upholstery material (50×50 cm) = 60 rub.

S4 staples (set) = 30 rub.

Stotal = S1 + S2 + S3 + S4 = 75+ 12+ 60 + 30 = 177 rub. 00 kop.

The cost of making the stool amounted to 177 rubles. The main material (wood) is waste from a furniture production workshop. There are 4 stools in the kitchen set, so the total amount in monetary terms was

177×4 = 708 rub.

Mechanical technological operations (turning, sawing, milling) were performed in the school workshop, so I did not take into account the costs of electricity and depreciation of the machines.

But when taking into account these costs (according to my calculations), the cost of a stool increases to 250 rubles. (set 1000 RUR).


  1. The product is cheaper than in the store
  2. Convenient to use
  3. Made in house
  4. Materials are publicly available
  5. The material used is environmentally friendly


  1. Let's learn to tinker. (Bustard. Zakharov M.A., Egorov V.V.)
  2. Project activities at school. (Ed. “Teacher”. Popov D.P., Nessonova O.A., Palchikova V.V.)
  3. Magazines: Do It Yourself, Home Craftsman.
  4. Carpentry (Sotnikov D.B., Bessonov E.K.)
  5. Project method in technological education of schoolchildren (Ventana - Count. Sasova I.A. 2003)
  6. Maksimova V.N., Problem-based approach to teaching at school: method. Special course manual / V.N. Maksimova. – L., 1973
  7. Matyushkin A.M. Problem situations in thinking and learning / A.M. Matyushkin - M.: Pedagogy 1972
  8. Makhmutov M.I. Organization of problem-based learning / M.I. Makhmutov. – M.: Pedagogy 1977
  9. Project method in technological education of schoolchildren / Ed. I. A. Sasova. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2003. 296s.
  10. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system / Ed. E. S. Polat. – M.: Publishing House, 2000. 272 ​​p.
  11. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: textbook / G. K. Selevko. – M.: Public Education, 1998.
  12. Skatkin M.N. Problems of modern didactics /M. N. Skatkin. – M.: Pedagogy 1980.

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Types of models

There are several types of stool models that are used as a stand.

One-piece products are most widespread. They are made by injection molding. The absence of fasteners increases reliability.

If there is a shortage of free space, you should choose a folding option. After use, the item is quickly assembled and takes up very little space. The transformation mechanism depends on the material used. Plastic products are equipped with hinged joints in the ribs of the supports, in the center of the seat and in the side parts. Wood and metal stools usually have two pairs of X-shaped legs.

The stand with a retractable step has proven itself well. Since the height of the product exceeds the standard parameters, the model acquires greater functionality.

Safety instructions for manual wood processing

Before you start

  1. Wear the correct overalls (an apron with sleeves or a robe and a headdress: a beret or a scarf. In this case, you should carefully select your hair and tuck in the ends of the scarf).
  2. Check the availability of equipment (seat, sweeping brush, dustpan), the serviceability of the workbench (clamping boxes, sawing stop, clamping wedges, drawing devices).
  3. Place personal use tools on the workbench in the strict order established by the teacher. There should be nothing unnecessary on the workbench.

During work

  1. Securely secure the material to be processed (wood) in the clamps of the workbench.
  2. Use the tool only for its intended purpose, in good working order, well adjusted and sharpened.
  3. The ends of the bow saw blades must be firmly secured in the shanks. The canvases are separated. The cord must provide the necessary tension on the fabric.
  4. Planing tools must have a horn or a sign in zenzubels, kalevkas, and geltels. The back of the pad should be round and smooth. Split parts of the plows are immediately replaced. Tool handles should be comfortable to use.
  5. Perform technological operations (sawing, hewing, chiseling, drilling, joining parts) on a workbench in designated places, using devices, stops and backing boards.
  6. Do not let your workbench become cluttered with waste and shavings. Return the shared tool to the teacher in a timely manner.
  7. Don't get distracted while working, follow the correct working techniques.
  8. The glue is prepared and heated under constant supervision in a well-ventilated room isolated from the workshop.
  9. The use of open flames and electric heaters in a woodworking workshop is strictly prohibited.
  10. To avoid injury you must:
  • monitor the tension of the bow saw blade;
  • use a guide to support the tool blade when filing;
  • clean plows (plane, sherhebel, jointer) with wooden wedges;
  • If the tool is damaged during operation, replace it immediately.

After finishing work

  1. Hand over remaining materials and unfinished products to the duty officer or teacher.
  2. Check the condition of the instruments and place them in the order specified by the teacher.
  3. Clean up your workspace using a quick sweeper. Blowing away shavings with your mouth or sweeping them with your hand is prohibited.
  4. On the workbench, check the presence and condition of the wedges, and screw the clamping boxes (rear, front) to the specified gap (no more than 2-5 mm).
  5. Get yourself in order.
  6. Leave the workshop with the teacher's permission.

Features of operation

Simple recommendations will help extend the service life and preserve the attractive appearance of wooden products for a long time.

  • Remove dust with a soft cloth.
  • Special care compounds are used. With their help, it is easier to remove dirt and restore shine and color.
  • Periodically treat with antiseptic agents.
  • Renew the varnish coating.
  • Protect from moisture and overheating.
  • Careful handling will help avoid dents, chips and other damage.
  • Metal fasteners are checked and tightened annually. The moving parts of the folding mechanism are regularly lubricated.
  • Upholstered seats should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner at least once a month.

Wood requires a certain indoor microclimate. The optimal temperature range is 15-25°C, and humidity is from 45 to 70%.

Wooden stools are reliable and durable pieces of furniture. For your home, it’s easy to choose suitable models based on design, cost, and construction that will fit into any interior style.

A little history

The stool can safely be called a piece of furniture that was one of the first to appear. In ancient times, a piece of log was used to sit on. This was the prototype of the modern stool. In ancient times, products were made from ivory, wood, and chairs were upholstered with natural leather. In past times, only rulers or important people could sit on stools; ordinary people could only afford to squat, or at best, on stones.

Stools will help you rationally use space in a small kitchen. This type of furniture can diversify the decor and significantly transform the interior of the room.

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