Description and application of XB-124 enamel - technical characteristics

Any surfaces that are exposed to weather conditions, such as rain, wind, snow, require strengthening them with additional means of protection. A caring owner will definitely devote time and money to strengthening his home or other property. So that it can last as long as possible. One of these products is enamel XB 124. More details about this product will be discussed below.

Composition and scope

The enamel is produced in accordance with GOST 10144 89. The paint is based on polyvinyl chloride chlorinated resin. To add elasticity, additional components are used:

  • organic solvents;
  • alkyd resin;
  • plasticizer;
  • pigments.

The suspension is used for painting metal structures. Widely used in the engineering sector.

Safety regulations

When working with this paint and varnish composition, it is important to follow the following rules to maintain health:

  • If painting is done indoors, it is imperative to organize high-quality ventilation. The enamel contains harmful, toxic substances that, indoors, will have a detrimental effect on the respiratory organs and human well-being;
  • It is prohibited to use paint near heating devices, sparks and open flames, since XB-124 is a highly flammable, fire-hazardous solution;
  • during application of the composition, it is necessary to protect the skin with a special protective suit and rubber gloves;
  • to protect your eyes, it is recommended to use glasses, as if the mixture gets into your eyes, your vision may be impaired;
  • To prevent toxic fumes from entering the respiratory tract and respiratory organs, it is necessary to wear a respirator or gas mask.

If the dye gets on the skin, it should be washed immediately with tap water and soap. In case of contact with eyes, water is also used to rinse; after rinsing, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


The components included in the composition create a durable coating in different climatic zones. After complete drying, the painted layer does not crack, swell, or smudge. The appearance is uniform.

Important! The paint is elastic, prevents corrosion of metal structures and the process of rotting of wooden surfaces, the paint and varnish material is durable. Withstands temperature changes.

The recommended layer thickness according to GOST is 25-30 microns. The service life of the coating is up to 6 years. Considered frost resistant. The surface can be painted at a temperature of -10 degrees C.

Areas of use

XB-124 is mainly used for application to metal and wooden products. Thanks to this, enamel has become in demand in various fields of industry, instrument making, machine manufacturing, and others.

XB-124 is used for application to automobile bodies, refrigerators, electric and gas stoves, various household appliances, chimney and pipeline systems. The scope of paint use is not limited to the industrial sphere; at home, XB-124 is used quite often; this paint and varnish material is used to cover all kinds of metal products to protect against rust and corrosion. Paint is used to apply to the facades of wooden houses to protect them from weather conditions, high humidity, ultraviolet radiation, precipitation and temperature changes.

Storage conditions

Enamel is flammable. When storing indoors, all conditions must be ensured. One of the first and most important conditions is the absence of exposure to direct sunlight. The paint can must be tightly closed.

There should not be a source of fire or heat nearby. The storage location should be dark and cool. The air temperature in the room should not be lower than – 30 degrees, but not higher than +30 degrees. According to the manufacturer, the shelf life from the date of manufacture is one year. Incompletely used paint can be stored for no more than six months. Long-term storage increases the viscosity of the enamel.


To optimize enamel consumption and extend the service life of the painted layer, it is important to take into account the temperature and humidity of the air. Consumption largely depends on the viscosity of the mixture, as well as on the number of layers applied. If you follow all the rules established by the manufacturer, the consumption per 1 m2 will be from 120 to 170 grams if a brush or roller is used. When using pneumatic spraying, the consumption will be slightly less, from 110 to 130 grams per square meter.

The price of XB-124 per 1 liter is about 100 rubles. Since the consumption of this paint and varnish material is not very large, you do not need to spend a lot of money to create a high-quality protective layer. Due to its cost-effectiveness, this enamel is widely used both in domestic conditions and in industry.

Applying enamel

The structures can be painted with a roller, brush or spray. Before application, the surface must be prepared. Clean from dirt, grease, corrosion, and old layers of paint and varnish. You can use solvent R-4 to remove old grease stains.

After cleaning, the surface is primed. The primer is used AK-070 or FL-03K. The final primer is applied in two layers. Used in tropical climate zones. Wooden structures are painted in 2-3 layers without primer.

Enamel belongs to the flammable group. Contains harmful substances. When working with this paint and varnish material, use personal protective equipment. Work only with gloves and a respirator. Follow fire safety regulations. To prevent fire, keep a fire extinguisher in an accessible place. When working indoors, it must be well ventilated.

Observe safety precautions when working with this paint material. Manufacturers indicate the measures on the packaging.

Features of using paint enamel XB-124

Most often, this product is used for processing metal and wooden structures. Therefore, it is in great demand in the fields of industry, industry, instrumentation, automobile production and others.

It is used to process appliances for freezing food, gas and electric stoves, appliances for household needs, chimney and pipeline systems. It is also applicable at home; it can be used to treat various metal objects that require protection from corrosion. Private wooden houses treated with this paint become more resistant to various weather conditions and receive protection from mold, mildew and dampness.

Private wooden houses treated with this paint become more resistant to various weather conditions.

Subtleties of application

The work begins with the surface cleaning stage. Traces of corrosion are removed from the metal and dust is wiped off. The formation of fungi, mold, moss, dirt, etc. is eliminated from wooden products. If necessary, remove grease and oil stains using white-spirit or another solvent. Rust is removed mechanically. Before moving on to the next step, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned.

Next, it is recommended to carry out priming work. The entire surface is covered with a primer. You need to wait until the primer is completely dry before painting.

The work begins with the surface cleaning stage.

First, the solution is brought to the desired thickness using a special solvent, then you can proceed directly to applying the enamel, for this you can choose one of the tools: brush, roller, spray gun. If several layers are applied, subsequent ones can be applied only after the previous one has dried, you should wait at least 60 minutes.

When working, do not forget about the precautions, the observance of which will prevent the occurrence of health problems:

  • When carrying out work inside the building, it is necessary to ensure air access and organize a ventilation system;
  • Do not work close to heating devices, open flames or sparkling objects (the material is flammable);
  • You should definitely wear a protective suit and gloves to protect your skin from direct contact with the paint;
  • It is also necessary to protect the organs of vision; ingestion of the product may lead to its damage;
  • To prevent toxic elements from entering the respiratory system, use a respirator and a gas mask;
  • When purchasing, you should check for a certificate of conformity, because it must be manufactured in accordance with GOST, only certified products can meet all the properties, the use of a counterfeit can lead to unpredictable consequences.

You should definitely wear a protective suit and gloves to protect your skin from direct contact with the paint.

Product consumption per square meter

To reduce consumption and increase the service life of the coating, it is necessary to monitor the temperature and air humidity when performing painting work. Consumption directly depends on the thickness of the mixture and the number of layers applied. Subject to the rules for using enamel prescribed on the packaging, it will be consumed approximately 120-170 grams per sq.m. (when applied with a brush or roller). When using a spray bottle, XB-124 will be consumed in smaller quantities - 110-130 grams per sq.m.

The cost of this enamel is quite low. With low consumption and low price, this is a very budget-friendly product, which explains its choice for both domestic needs and industrial institutions.

Consumption directly depends on the thickness of the mixture and the number of layers applied.

How to apply it correctly?

Permissible relative humidity is 80%. If the mixture is applied to a surface initially coated with a primer, it retains its qualities for 5-6 years.

It is advisable to degrease before applying enamel of this brand with white spirit.

To prime the initial surface, soils of the following categories are used:

  • XC-010;
  • XC-059;
  • XC-068.

Painting is done with rollers and brushes; if you are not limited to manual methods of work, you can use pneumatic and vacuum sprayers. Regardless of the method of use, paint and varnish materials are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous solution is obtained. Solvents are used to bring the mixture to a working viscosity; they can also be used to clean contaminated tools and other surfaces.

Before starting work with perchlorovinyl enamel, you need to find out what the surface temperature is. Normally, it should be at least 3 degrees higher than the dew point.

The manufacturer's instructions indicate that the composition must be applied in at least a couple of layers, the thickness of each of them being from 60 to 100 microns. Enamel should be stored in a hermetically sealed container, away from open fire and heat. Do not expose to direct sunlight or wet the paintwork.

Long-term storage can lead to:

  • increasing the viscosity of the composition;
  • the appearance of sediment;
  • breakdown of complex dyes.

When this period passes, the manufacturer is automatically released from all liability for the consequences of its use and further storage. Standard packaging is 25 and 50 kg, which allows you to use one package to cover an entire apartment or large wall.

It is recommended to apply the enamel in three or four layers. If a varnish of the same brand is used, it should be applied in a maximum of two layers. The strength and beauty of the external coating (subject to compliance with technological requirements) are guaranteed.

Enamel XB-785 is used in painting:

  • industrial baths;
  • large capacity tanks;
  • objects under construction;
  • machines and mechanisms that endure the action of water and water vapor;
  • equipment and technology designed for high or low air temperatures;
  • galvanic industrial equipment;
  • other technological machines and mechanisms;
  • motor transport.

When working with the XB-785, you must wear a respirator, have a charged and tested fire extinguisher and a box of sand ready nearby.

According to the operating data, the enamel easily tolerates contact with hydrogen sulfide. Static exposure to a solution of table salt (at a concentration of 3%) does not lead to a deterioration in the quality of the coating within 48 hours; for mineral oil this figure is 72 hours.

You will learn how to enamel a bathtub from the following video.

Basic properties

Primer enamel XB-124 differs from similar paints and varnishes in its increased anti-corrosion properties. It reliably protects surfaces from negative external influences, prevents the further spread of rust and serves as a decorative coating.

In addition, the positive properties of this composition include:

  • resistance to fire and moisture;
  • excellent elasticity;
  • ability to withstand temperature fluctuations in the range from –25 to +60 degrees;
  • durability;
  • resistance to detergents, various types of oils and gasoline.

General description of paint

The composition has a viscous consistency and provides a strong connection to the surface. Thanks to the polyvinyl chloride resin, after drying, a durable layer is formed that can withstand critically low air temperatures. Before painting iron parts, a special primer is applied. Enamel is applied to wooden products without priming. The coating does not allow moisture to pass through, so the metal underneath does not rust and the wood does not swell. The enamel is poured into metal buckets and containers. The surface dries in 24 hours. The thickened composition is diluted with chemical solvents.

Validity period of the protective properties of XB-124:

  • in arctic cold conditions - four years;
  • in a tropical climate in the heat, with intense ultraviolet irradiation - three years;
  • in temperate latitudes - six years.

Analogs of XB-124 enamel are perchlorovinyl paints with any XB marking. In terms of decorative and anti-corrosion properties, enamel XB-1100 is closest. It forms a stronger and more durable coating. Domestic brands are interchanged with imported ones.

Expert opinion

Zakharova Irina Yurievna

Cleaning professional with 15 years of experience. Our best expert.

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Perchlorovinyl enamel is used instead of anti-acid KF-252 for painting technical rooms with battery equipment.

Let's look at the basic properties of paint

One square meter of facade takes approximately two hundred and seventy grams, with a paint ball thickness of 25 microns.

The thickness of the product for facades is thirty to forty-five conventional units, which is why it can be safely applied with a spray bottle, without diluting with solvents.

The amount of non-volatile additives in the entire mass for the facade is up to forty-seven percent, and the elasticity is no more than five millimeters.

Below is a list of advantages:

  1. Coloring can be done from -20 to +40 degrees.
  2. They belong to the budget category.
  3. The manufacturer adds a special substance to perchlorovinyl paint, with the help of which the color will remain on the surface for a long time and lastingly (more than six years). So, the coating is not afraid of the sun's rays and the tone will not fade.
  4. There is no need to apply a primer before carrying out work.
  5. It has the ability to penetrate deeply into the pores of the base. Thus, it is strengthened and protected from the negative effects of external factors.
  6. It is produced in a form ready for use.
  7. If you want, you can create about twenty-five tones.
  8. The paint is “friendly” with almost any surface material. Thus, by applying it to a metal structure, it is provided with protection against corrosive processes.
  9. Possesses frost resistance.
  10. It has vapor permeability, so the surface “breathes”.
  11. Even if there is shrinkage or vibration, due to elasticity the integrity of the layer will be maintained.

Really, where would there be no downsides? They are:

  1. During the drying process, due to the evaporation of toxic substances, an unpleasant odor appears on the facade.
  2. The present components are very toxic.
  3. Facade paint is fire hazardous, so it is necessary to have a fire extinguisher in your household.
  4. You cannot add liquid to them.
  5. Although there is elasticity, it is very weak, therefore, to apply it, you must ensure that the base is even (otherwise the coating will crack).
  6. Do not dye in hot weather or during precipitation.

Material KO-814

This paint is recommended for use on metal equipment, oil and gas pipelines, waste furnaces, car exhaust systems and other equipment. Its properties make it possible to protect surfaces from high temperatures - up to +500 degrees.


In addition to protection from elevated temperatures, KO-814 material will protect from the effects of cold (up to -50 degrees). This is a heat-resistant silicone enamel, which is also highly resistant to moisture, salt, petrol and oil. The product is two-component. According to the certificate of conformity and GOST, it is sold as PAP-2 powder (aluminum) and semi-finished varnish KO-85. The components are combined in a ratio of 5:100.


In the description of the material parameters, the following should be noted:

  • the appearance of the film is silvery, smooth, uniform;
  • viscosity according to the VZ-4 viscometer at a temperature of +20 degrees – 12-18 s;
  • drying time at a temperature of +20 degrees – 2 hours, final polymerization – after 72 hours;
  • coating strength according to the U-1 device – 50 cm;
  • resistance to water at +20 degrees – 24 hours;
  • resistance to gasoline at +20 degrees – 24 hours;
  • consumption – 100-120 g/sq.m. m;
  • number of layers – 1-2;
  • layer thickness – 20-40 microns.

Preliminary work with the surface and product

After cleaning from any contaminants (rust, salt, grease, dirt), as well as from the remnants of the old coating, degreasing is done with xylene and toluene. To make enamel, combine 100 parts of varnish and 5 parts of aluminum powder. Stir until smooth, let sit for 10 minutes until air stops escaping. The product must be used within 8 hours.

Painting works

Surfaces are painted at temperatures of -30...+40 degrees, air humidity - no higher than 80%. The metal base is painted in 2-3 layers, each one is dried for at least an hour at room temperature (it is better to leave for 2 hours). If the room or street where the work is being carried out is below zero, the drying time will be 2-3 times longer. Complete hardening occurs when used in a hot room. For application, a direct spray method using pneumatic installations is used.

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