Polyurethane foam: description, application, release form, manufacturers, photos

Some construction companies suggest using a new, much more effective material - polyurethane foam - instead of old, outdated foam rubber as a heat insulator. Experts explain in detail how polyurethane foam differs from foam rubber, and what advantages this modern insulation offers. Is this a fair comparison?

What is polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam refers to a type of plastic that is a product of the oil refining industry. The raw materials for production can also be oils of vegetable origin (soybean, rapeseed, sunflower). But due to their high cost, they are rarely used.

The porous material is 85-90% filled with inert gas. Depending on the cell fraction and wall thickness, several subtypes of polyurethane foam are distinguished regarding strength indicators:

  • solid;
  • hard;
  • soft and very soft;
  • viscous;
  • elastic.

Important! In construction, energy-saving and sound-absorbing material with a density of 30-86 kg/cubic meter is more often used. m.

Hard PUF
If the indicator is close to 70 or more units, then such PUF products are distinguished by their ability to retain moisture without absorption, which is important for waterproofing work (but constant contact with water is excluded, since the development of a hydration reaction is possible). The thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam ranges from 0.019-0.035 W/m, so the scope of application includes protecting various structures from cooling.

Main types of rooms for sound insulation

Let's consider the main rooms, the sound insulation of which is of practical use.

Such premises include:

  1. Office
  2. Residential house/apartment
  3. Sound recording studio

An office is a place of high concentration of a large number of people who perform certain duties and create serious noise pollution. For example, telephone calls, knocks and creaks of office furniture, the noise of footsteps, the operation of various office equipment (computers, printers, etc.). All this creates an atmosphere in which employee productivity decreases, absent-mindedness and fatigue increase. A significant reduction in noise level (almost twice) can be achieved by placing several foam panels on the shelf of a cabinet or cabinet.

A residential building or apartment is a place to relax and recuperate after a hard and difficult day at work. However, if the house is located on a busy street, and the owner has begun renovations in the apartment next door (or an ardent fan of loud music lives in the apartment on the next floor), relaxation becomes an unattainable dream, because it is impossible to fully relax in such conditions.

Sound-absorbing boards can help solve this problem - they do an excellent job of preventing the penetration of extraneous sounds into the room not only from the outside, but from the inside. Acoustic insulation is especially useful for those who have small children - it will help maintain an atmosphere of calm and comfort.

Recording studios are almost unimaginable without sufficient noise insulation. Any extraneous noise and sounds negatively affect the quality of the recorded sound. For this reason, acoustic panels are installed not only on the walls - the ceiling is also treated.

What is foam rubber


Foam rubber is a modification of polyurethane foam. The name of this flexible polyurethane foam comes from the brand of the same name from a Scandinavian material manufacturer. Applications include the production of furniture and sports equipment (filler), construction (insulation against cold and sound). To a lesser extent, the material is used in the automotive, textile, shoe industries, manufacturing of household and medical orthopedic equipment, and soft toys.

If we consider the density of the elastic polymer, it ranges from 5 to 40 kg/cubic meter. m. The air content in the porous modification of polyurethane foam is 90%.

Soft PPU

Regarding rigidity, the material classification is as follows:

  • ST - standard polyol foam;
  • HL - hard;
  • EL - increased rigidity;
  • HS - soft;
  • HR - elastic;
  • LR - viscous;
  • RTC is a highly porous reticulated polyurethane foam.

Important! Secondary foam rubber is considered separately, that is, recycled waste is used for production. As a result, the material almost completely absorbs sound and has a high density.


Polyurethane foamFoam rubber
What do they have in common?
Foam rubber is a soft type of polyurethane foam
What is the difference between them?
Hard, inelastic, has a lower percentage of air cavities in the structureSoft, elastic, 90% air
Used as a building material, insulationIt is used as a material for hygiene items, furniture filler, and sometimes as insulation.

How do the characteristics of foam rubber differ from polyurethane?

The slight difference between foam rubber and polyurethane foam is the chemical composition, but it is considered safe for humans, despite the release of toxic substances during production. An analogy can also be seen in the inertness of materials to biological damage, but poor resistance to UV radiation. The classification is based on density indicators.

Appearance of polyurethane foam when exposed to UV radiation


The structure in both cases is porous, which to one degree or another has a positive effect on the acoustic properties. The main differences in the characteristics of polyurethane foam and foam rubber are the air content, density and rigidity of the materials. According to these indicators, the scope of application also differs.

How to do it yourself?

Everyone needs a new mattress from time to time. And many people can do it themselves. This could be an option for the dacha. And it happens that the fabric on the mattress is still good, but the foam has already sagged.

You will need:

  1. Foam rubber.
  2. Mattress cover material.
  3. Felt.
  4. Glue for foam rubber.

If the spring blocks are in good condition, then it is enough to replace only the pieces of foam rubber with new parts.

Work algorithm:

  1. Lay foam rubber on the floor and cover it with felt.
  2. Glue pieces of foam rubber to the sides to hide the springs.
  3. On top, when the glue dries, put felt, and then foam rubber.
  4. The final step is to insert the foam into the case.

If you need a new mattress without springs, you first need to decide on its size. Purchase foam rubber with the required parameters. Then sew a mattress cover. When cutting, take seam allowances into account. All that remains is to place the polyurethane foam in the case.

Video of a DIY foam mattress:

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of polyurethane foam materials include resistance to deformation, that is, after compression, the material quickly restores its original shape. Regarding products for washing and cleaning, painting and priming the surface, the ability of foam rubber to absorb liquid, which can occupy up to 40% of the volume of contained air, is relevant. Application is possible in a wide temperature range: from -40 to +100 degrees Celsius.

The service life of elastic polyurethane foam declared by manufacturers is in the range of 5-15 years, and rigid polymer materials can maintain quality indicators for 30-80 years.

Among the disadvantages, there is flammability with the release of toxic substances and toxic smoke harmful to humans.

Behavior of polyurethane foam in open flame

Modern additives allow manufacturers to produce polymer products that do not support open fire. And under the influence of direct ultraviolet radiation, materials begin to deteriorate.

Important! If foam rubber is characterized by a relatively low price, then polyurethane foam as insulation is more expensive compared to other analogues.

Polyurethane-based polymer materials have a porous structure, due to which they have noise-absorbing properties. Depending on its density, polypropylene either absorbs moisture or acts as a water barrier. Hard types are actively used for insulating structures, and soft types are used for filling furniture, toys and sports equipment.

How to make a sleep product yourself

To get a high-quality and comfortable foam mattress, you don’t have to go to the store to buy it. You can easily make a homemade sleep accessory using affordable supplies.

You will probably be interested in learning how to make a blanket from pompoms with your own hands.

  • Material for making a cover.
  • Foam rubber (its thickness and density will directly depend on the desired result).
  • Sewing machine.
  • Needles, threads and scissors.

If the question arises of how to make a foam mattress, then you need to proceed according to the following scheme:

  1. First, the marking of the future product is done on foam rubber material.
  2. Next, a pattern is made for sewing the cover on the fabric. In this case, you will need to provide a few centimeters for the seam allowance.
  3. The cover is sewn together using a sewing machine, after which it can be put on a foam blank. To ensure that the filler can be cleaned at any time, it is worthwhile to include a zipper in the case.
  4. The main purpose of the fabric cover is to protect the foam filling from various external influences - moisture, wear and contamination. But in order for the result to also be an attractive sleeping product, you should choose covering material that has a stylish and bright color.

As a result of these simple steps, you will get a very comfortable and durable foam mattress. You can also use coconut as a filler for your DIY accessory, which will have a more beneficial effect on the spine.

Next SofasCanape furniture: what is it

Insulated PPU timber

Let’s talk separately about a new product that has gained enormous popularity in Europe today. It consists of two lamellas, between which a layer of polyurethane foam is poured. Foaming, polyurethane foam glues the boards together, creating an imitation of real laminated veneer lumber.

Practice shows that a structure assembled from two lamellas and fasteners in the form of polyurethane foam is no different in appearance from a wall made of laminated veneer lumber, but in terms of characteristics, it is many times superior to it. Insulated PPU timber is three times lighter, cheaper and warmer than solid wood. The internal filling of the wall made of polyurethane foam enhances the thermal insulation properties of the timber, and the house does not require additional insulation, which saves money on heating.

Having familiarized yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of polyurethane foam, having considered the types and technology of applying the material, it will be easier for you to make the right choice in terms of insulating your home and soundproofing it. Make the right choice, and your home will delight you with warmth and comfort for many years!

Etymology in the service of spelling

Most etiquette formulas in the Russian language originate from verb phrases that have lost their basic lexical meaning. These are “hello” - a wish to be healthy, “thank you”, which comes from the expression “God bless”, or “thank you” - from the phrase “to give good”. This is the etiquette formula of the request. This word comes from the imperative mood of the verb pozhalovat, meaning to give as a gift, to present. To it was added the particle hundred, which was, according to one version, an abbreviation for sir, according to another - the past tense form of the verb to become. Thus, the spelling can be explained by knowing the origin of please from welcome:

  • Pozhat is formed from complain by adding the prefix po-. This prefix is ​​always written the same way: with the letter o.
  • The imperative form is formed by adding the suffix -й- to the present tense stem. For example: give-give-give. The welcome form is formed in the same way.
  • Whatever the origin of the particle -sta, its spelling is the same: with an “a” at the end.


The main activity is the B2B market. We are always open to new cooperation and are ready to offer even the most non-standard solutions.

We guarantee our partners an integrated approach to solving problems.

The key advantages of working with us are:

  • Innovative approach to production. The FomLine team of technologists is continuously working to improve polyurethane foam formulations, study the best practices of foreign manufacturers, and develop new brands of polyurethane foam.
  • The widest range of elastic foams in Russia. The FomLine line includes its own collection of mattress blocks and blanks for pillows, as well as ready-made solutions for furniture and sleep products. In the company's research centers it is possible to develop unique foam rubber according to special customer requirements.
  • European product quality. Process automation, proven raw materials, and strict quality control at all stages of production ensure that our customers receive foam rubber of the European level. The quality of FomLine products is confirmed by the most stringent certificates (ISO 3386-1-86, CertiPUR).
  • Efficiency in production and delivery. The convenient location of our foam rubber production factories in every region of Russia allows our customers to quickly receive products and not incur additional costs for its transportation.
  • Import substitution. Our customers can significantly reduce their import costs. The production capabilities of the plants make it possible to produce foams for technical purposes, which were traditionally supplied from abroad. the only one in Russia that produces high-quality foams based on polyesters.

We are focused on long-term cooperation and will do our best to give our clients competitive market advantages and maximum profits.

Once you become our partner, you will remain one for many years.

Installation methods

Spraying a thermal insulating coating made of polyurethane foam is a fast and high-quality installation method. To successfully spray thermal insulation you need:

  • Dry, clean work surface;
  • Lack of precipitation (rain, snow, fog);
  • Wind no stronger than 5 m/sec;
  • Working surface temperature from +10°C;
  • Mixture temperature +18-25оС;
  • The thickness of the sprayed layer is 3-5 cm.

The work is carried out in a protective suit and mask, in a ventilated room, starting with hard-to-reach areas (pipes, ventilation hatches, etc.). The sprayed layer in one pass is about 15 mm; for reliable insulation, the surface is treated several times.

Criterias of choice

Differences between an ottoman and a bed

When choosing high-quality sofa foam, it is important to pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Density. It directly affects the duration of the operational period. The indicator received another name - “apparent density”, since the cellular structure of the sheet provides for the presence of air masses. Among other things, the density of furniture foam has a direct impact on compressive stress. For example, if it is 25 kg/m3, then this indicator should be equal to 4 kPa.
  2. Elasticity, which affects the possibility of a comfortable position on the surface of the sofa. The parameter is determined using a special ball freely falling from a height. The farther it bounces from the foam filler sample, the less elasticity the base has.
  3. Compressive stress - the value indicates the level of rigidity of the foam sheets. According to ISO 3386 DIN 5377, this indicator helps determine the force (kPa) applied to compress the sheet by 40%.
  4. Residual deformation (distortion) - indicates the ability of the material to remain in its original parameters and shape throughout the entire operational period. The main requirement for furniture foam rubber is that it must have a low distortion rate.
  5. Strength provides tensile strength and low elongation.
  6. The comfort factor determines how pleasant it feels to touch a surface.
  7. The support coefficient indicates the ability of the filler to hold its shape and distribute the generated loads.

Replacing foam rubber in a sofa is a rather expensive service, so it is better to initially overpay for high-quality and durable furniture, because, as you know, you cannot skimp on comfort.

Elasticity affects the possibility of a comfortable position on the surface

Foam rubber must have a low distortion rate

The support coefficient allows the filler to retain its shape

Density must be at least 22-30 kg/m3

Strength provides tensile strength

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