Do-it-yourself flowerbeds in the country - a picturesque corner in the garden without extra costs

Do-it-yourself flowerbed at the dacha, in the garden for beginners from tires: design, photo

Flower beds occupy a place of honor in country and garden plots. Beautiful flowers delight the eye and improve the mood of not only the owners, but also passers-by who see such beauty.

Agree, the framing of the flower bed is no less important. Flowers planted in a beautiful fence make flower beds neat and much more attractive.

You can buy ready-made fences of various shapes: plastic, metal, wood. As well as a variety of fancy containers: vases, pots, barrels, etc. Unfortunately, such devices can put a big dent in your pocket. Therefore, people with good imagination found a way out - to make fences from scrap materials. This is not only a way to save money, but also an opportunity to have fun.

Many families have things at their dacha that should have been thrown away long ago. Don't rush to part with old things, give them new life. For example, old car tires.

Flowerbeds made from old things

Before you start turning a tire into a “flower house”, you should prepare it:

  • Thoroughly wash off traces of dirt
  • Degrease the tire with acetone or white spirit
  • Apply paint in one layer or draw patterns

Important: Worn tires are well suited for decorating flower beds; they are easier to apply paint on.

In this simple way, you can get, although such a modern, but quite worthy alternative to expensive fencing.

Tires can be placed around the perimeter of the flowerbed, arranged in a checkerboard pattern, placed one on top of the other, or hung on a tree. Any of the options, if played with taste, will look beautiful.

Car tires will serve as a fence for a beautiful flower bed

Hanging flower bed made of tires

You can also cut shaped fences out of tires using a sharp knife and soap solution.

Flowerpot made from tires Beautiful flowerpots made from scrap materials

Wooden structures

Wood fits harmoniously into the natural atmosphere, so homemade objects are often framed with it. True, wood needs to be treated with special compounds for long-term use. The fence looks like a low picket fence, a picket fence, logs, branches and vines.

Wicker fences are very popular, they perfectly complement any vegetation. Extraordinary borders are made from fancy driftwood. If you install a flashlight in a tub, you can admire the created beauty at night.

How to make a flowerbed with your own hands from stones?

Wonderful stylish flower beds are made from stones. If the stone is laid correctly, the flowerbed will last a long time.

To make a multi-tiered or high flower bed from stone, you must have certain skills and knowledge.

  • First of all, you should make a foundation of sufficient depth.
  • When laying stones, use cement mortar to fill gaps.
  • Also make drainage holes in the fencing.
  • After the cement has hardened, apply sealant to the seams between the stones to prevent cracks from forming.

Important: Secure the stones with cement only on the inside of the flowerbed so that the outside looks like neat, dry masonry.

Flower beds made of stone

Beautiful flower bed made of stone

There is also a simple way to fence a flower bed. It is enough to dig a shallow trench, fill it halfway with crushed stone, and then cover it with decorative stones.

Modern flower bed decorated with stone

Simple flower bed

Landscape design

The following stones are used to construct a flower bed:

  • River and sea pebbles
  • Slate
  • Dolomite
  • Basalt
  • Tuff
  • Marble chips

High flower bed

House for flowers

Beautiful plants need a beautiful home, right? Let's look at the most popular types of flower beds and the plants recommended for growing in them.

Regular flower bed

Under this dry name lies only... geometry, because flowers here are planted in a geometric order.
Regular flower bed Moreover, the flower bed itself can be of any shape. The symmetry of the arrangement of plants can be clearly emphasized or barely visible - to suit your taste. When creating regular flower beds, you need to choose those plants that bloom at the same time:

  • hybrid tea roses;
  • hosts;
  • astilbe;
  • daffodils;
  • lilies;
  • gladioli and many others.

You can choose perennial flowers on our market, where products from various online stores are presented.
Astilbe chinensis Black Pearls 259 RUR

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Gladiolus Ash Flora 227 RUR

Agrofirm Search

Hybrid tea rose CC 419 RUR

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In addition, the height of the flowers for a regular flower bed should be more or less the same, that is, the principle of symmetry is observed in everything.

Irregular flower bed

But here there is room to turn around! A variety of plants can be planted in irregular flower beds: dwarf trees and shrubs, perennial and annual flowers with different flowering periods. Irregular flowerbed And some practical summer residents manage to include vegetable crops in all this splendor: pumpkin, ornamental cabbage, lettuce and many others. Indeed, why not? Imagine too!

raised flower bed

Impressive design! Finished with stone, wicker, colored tiles and even marble, it can become the highlight of any garden. Raised flower bed Multi-stage raised flower beds are very impressive, the creation of which requires considerable effort, building materials and money. The article Creating a raised flower garden: how to build it and what soil to use will help you cope with all stages of the construction. And you can plant here whatever your darling wishes: cream and yellow daffodils in combination with pink and yellow tulips look impressive. And annual petunias, biennial violets, and perennial lilies of the valley can easily become the frame for the flower bed.


The simplest of flower beds.
Monoclumb can be of any shape, but is filled with flowers of the same type.

I'll tell you a little about my favorite colors. I could write more than one article to describe the merits of all of them, so I’ll limit myself to the top three.

How to make a flowerbed with your own hands from brick?

Brick is another suitable material for fencing flower beds.

Brick can be used to make not just a beautiful decorative fence, but also prevent the growth of weeds throughout the area.

Important: When choosing a brick color, you should take into account the color scheme of the area. It is desirable that the colors be combined with each other, then the brick flowerbed will harmoniously fit into the overall picture.

Brick flower beds can be made of different heights:

  1. High
  2. Low
  3. Multi-tiered
  4. Border

The configuration is also not limited to one or two options. If space allows, you can make a polygonal flowerbed, rounded or of any shape.

Often brick flower beds are adjacent to the wall.

Flowerbed near the house

The process of constructing a flower bed from brick is as follows:

  1. First, outline the flower bed.
  2. Then dig a trench along the contour.
  3. After this, lay the bricks in one row.
  4. The next day, compact the bricks by walking on them.
  5. Now you need to fix the brick with mortar: pour a mixture of cement and dry sand into the cracks, spread the mixture evenly with a brush, then use a hose and a water spray nozzle to moisten the top layer of the brick.
  6. Using a brush, carefully remove any remaining mortar from the brick.
  7. Give the solution time to dry.

Brick flower bed fencing
If you want to make a high fence, this is done like this:

  1. First dig a trench
  2. Fill it not completely with drainage: sand, crushed stone, crumbs
  3. Then lay bricks with cement mortar.
  4. Place the brick wall slightly inward.

Brick corner flower bed

Unusual fencing for a flower bed

High round flower bed

Types of fencing

The design of the fence is of no small importance, as it can significantly transform the flower garden . In addition, it can perform different functions: not only to mark the boundaries of the flower garden, but also to separate garden paths and certain areas of the garden. The height and choice of material depend on this. If you need to make a decorative fence for a flower bed, low (up to 10 cm) fences made of plastic, wood, or brick are often installed. To design a garden fence, taller and more durable metal structures up to about 30 cm are suitable. To design a raised flower bed, a stone is often used that can withstand the weight of the soil and maintain the shape of the flower bed.

From cameos

It is difficult to argue with the fact that fences made of stones have the most presentable appearance. In addition, such designs become the best solution for flower beds located on uneven areas. With their help, you can level the height and raise the flower garden to a higher place. The stones fit perfectly into the design of rock gardens and alpine slides; they are used to create terraced flower beds. For construction, natural (limestone, tuff, sandstone, etc.), rubble and artificial stone, brick and even paving slabs are most often used.

Important! When decorating a granite flower bed fencing, remember that the material oxidizes over time, so it is important to choose the right plants.

You can make dry masonry from stones, without using a fastening mortar, or fix the building using a clay or cement composition. The second option is considered more durable and reliable; it is necessary when laying stones of different sizes, as well as high structures.

Another type of stone flower beds is gabions . Such structures are metal meshes, from which two walls are installed, and the space between them is filled with stones. The fence looks stylish and modern, and is often used to build raised flower beds.


Wood is a cozy, warm material that looks quite natural in the garden . It does not pose any danger to plants, since it does not heat up and does not oxidize. In addition, wood is easy to process; with certain skills, you can build the most bizarre structures, decorate them with carvings or paint them in the desired color.

The only drawback is its fragility. Being constantly exposed to negative external factors, such as precipitation, gusts of wind, soil moisture, the structure of the material gradually deteriorates . Even with the use of special impregnations and paint coatings, wood will not last as long as metal or plastic. But on the other hand, flower beds are not designed for decades. After a certain time, you will want to change the design of the site, so this drawback is not so significant.

We recommend reading about the use of standard hydrangeas in landscape design.

A wooden fence can have different interpretations - it all depends on the concept of landscape design and your imagination . If the garden is decorated in a rural style, you can install an unpainted low fence, a picket fence or a simple border made of pegs around the flowerbed. The picket fence is perhaps the most popular type of fence. To make it more original, you can decorate it with carved elements. Today, mosaics made from saw cuts, as well as borders made from wood chocks, are quite popular.


Plastic attracts primarily due to its low cost. In addition, the material has good performance characteristics - it is not subject to the negative influence of weather conditions, does not rust, and does not melt at high temperatures . In addition, this material is best suited if you want to make a deep fence that will prevent the underground development of roots outside the flower garden. Today there are a lot of design options for plastic fences on sale, from which you can choose designs that imitate wood, stone or brickwork. Such fences are easy to install with your own hands, since they are often already equipped with cast pegs that just need to be stuck into the ground.

To decorate a flowerbed of a non-standard shape, you can purchase plastic border tape, sold in rolls . It can be a simple smooth version of any color or imitating natural materials. A beautiful addition to such a fence would be a small stone or tree bark scattered around the entire perimeter.


Metal fences look stylish and are highly durable . They are made from iron and cast iron. These can be simple welded structures, for example, from pipes of different sections and diameters. Forged structures are especially elegant, especially those made according to an individual project, when the customer can independently choose the design and dimensions of the fence. In summer, forged fences emphasize the elegance of the flower bed and serve as support for climbing plants. In winter, against the backdrop of snow-covered flower beds, they add amazing beauty to the area.

Iron goes well with other materials. It is often used together with stone and brick. A disadvantage of the design is its susceptibility to the negative effects of moisture, as a result of which the structure may rust. To prevent this from happening, you need to periodically (every two years) treat it with an anti-corrosion compound and paint it.


The main advantage of concrete structures is strength . The material is not subject to aging and deformation, unless, of course, its production technology is fully maintained. Concrete structures will not allow the soil to crumble and will strengthen the flower garden. You can purchase a shaped garden border, which consists of individual small blocks with a pointed base. The fragments are easy to install by driving them into the ground with a rubber hammer.

Concrete can be used to make not only fences for lush flower beds, but also, in fact, mini-flower beds in the form of bowls, barrels and other shapes, which are then installed along garden paths or decorate the main entrance to the site.

Designing a flower bed on a site is a very entertaining process that allows you to significantly transform your landscape design using your own imagination. Follow the advice given in the article so that the desired lush flower garden is in complete harmony with the surrounding area and will delight you with its decorative effect for a long time.

How to make a flowerbed from concrete?

Flowerbeds with concrete fencing look quite bulky, but at the same time they are laconic. Concrete flower beds have a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Let's start with the advantages :

  • Concrete is durable, the flowerbed will not collapse under the influence of precipitation.
  • The material retains its aesthetic appearance for a long time.
  • A concrete flowerbed will not be damaged by vandals or stolen. Unfortunately, this also happens.

A little about the disadvantages :

  • Concrete flower beds are bulky and take up a lot of space. This is not suitable for small areas.
  • You will not be able to move such a flowerbed if you suddenly need to change the design of the site. We'll have to tear it down completely.
  • Concrete flower beds are not suitable for every site in style. Sometimes they only enhance the dullness and facelessness of the territory.

Concrete borders and planters can look great if you place them correctly and plant the right flowers.

Important: The practicality of a concrete flower bed depends entirely on the quality of the solution. For a good solution you need to take 1 bucket of cement, water and crushed stone, as well as 3 buckets of sand.

To make a concrete fence, you first need to make formwork - a frame, which is subsequently filled with mortar.

Level the poured solution with a spatula and wait until it dries. Drill holes in the finished fence for drainage. Concrete flower beds can be painted with façade paint, laid out with mosaics or beautiful stones.

Concrete fences for flower beds

Concrete fencing Flowerbed in concrete

You can make fancy flowerpots from concrete. To do this, the solution is poured between two containers of unequal diameter.

Making flowerpots from concrete

Concrete flowerpot

Stones are used

Stone borders are durable and do not require regular maintenance. They are made of sandstone, limestone, granite. Often they use available pebbles or ordinary cobblestones.

It is enough to cover the borders of the flower garden, and it will be completely transformed. The multi-tiered slate composition in the shape of a spiral has a chic look. The specimens are held together with cement for strength.

How to make a flower bed from plastic bottles?

Plastic bottles are affordable raw materials. Of course, a flowerbed made of plastic bottles does not look as expensive and durable as a brick or concrete one, but it has its advantages.

This type of fencing is easy to repair; just replace the necessary elements. If necessary, the flowerbed can be easily removed and replaced with a new one.

Important: Before laying or burying, bottles must be filled with soil. This way they will hold on more firmly.

See what flower beds can be made from plastic bottles.

Fencing flower beds with plastic bottles

Bright flower bed Flower beds made from plastic bottles

How to make a wooden flowerbed?

Wooden fences harmonize well with the green lawns on the site. Wooden flower beds can come in a variety of shapes.

Neat wooden flower bed Flowers in a wooden wheel

You can plant flowers in an old dried tree. You will get an original flowerbed.

Flowerbed in an old log Wooden fence in the shape of a train

How to make a vertical flowerbed?

Vertical flower beds decorate the area and also save space.

Vertical flower beds are divided into:

  • Hanging
  • Wall mounted
  • Ground

Varieties of vertical flower beds
Any vertical flower bed can be made according to the same pattern:

  1. Prepare a solid base;
  2. Take care of the irrigation system;
  3. Fill the base with soil;
  4. Secure mesh to hold soil and plants in place if necessary;
  5. Plant the plants.

Ideas for vertical flower beds in the photo below.

Flower bed in a plastic pipe Vertical flower bed in an old pallet Vertical flower bed

How to make a round flowerbed?

Important: When choosing the shape of a flower bed, the availability of free space, the design of the surrounding area and personal wishes are taken into account. It is desirable that the shape of the flower bed be combined with nearby buildings.

When planting a round flower bed, you should consider the basic rules :

  1. Plant tall flowers in the center
  2. Then plants of medium height
  3. Dwarf flowers around the edges

In this case, the flowerbed will look correct, beautiful and relevant. Or all the flowers should be the same height, but you can play with the colors.

Landscape design of flower beds Round flower bed

Succulents in an old basin Flowerbed near a tree

Landing rules

When choosing varieties, it is important to take into account the height of the plants and the size of the inflorescences. Tall varieties (clematis) are planted in the center, and low varieties (purslane, aromatic tobacco, begonia) are planted closer to the border.

It is important to decide in advance on the color scheme of the plants. When choosing a colorful option, one color is made the main one, and the rest are selected. Monochrome version of a flower garden: plant one type of plant or flowers with buds of similar colors.

In order for the flower beds to beautifully decorate the area all season long, plants are selected with different flowering periods. If you plant varieties that grow well in local soils, this greatly simplifies the care of your crops.

How to make a rectangular flowerbed?

A rectangular flowerbed is also called a ridge. Typically, flowers of the same height are planted in such a flowerbed. But the colors here can be very diverse.

Rectangular fencing
Rectangular flower beds are often vertical.

DIY flowerbed

You can make a decorative rectangular flowerbed from an old bed. The main thing is that it is located in the right place.

Flowerbed from an old bed

Flower schemes

To make it easier to navigate when creating your own scheme, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several simple but beautiful ready-made options.

Table. Flower bed schemes.

Scheme, photoDescription
Scheme No. 11 – annual stock roses of three colors (white, red, yellow); 2 – decorative sunflower; 3 – Spanish poppy; 5 – cardinal lobelia; 6, 7, 8 – bell, catnip; 10 – sedum. The remaining flowers can be selected in accordance with the color indicated in the diagram.

Scheme No. 2

Flowerbed cake: 1 – low red flowers; 2 – white or silver flowers; 3 – medium-sized plants with red flowers; 4 and 5 – high background crops.

Scheme No. 3

Round flowerbed: 1 – cannas; 2 – begonia; 3 – petunia; 4 – snapdragon; 5 – marigolds; 6 – alyssum; 7 – ageratum; 8 – pyrethrum.
Scheme No. 41 – amaranth; 2 – zinnia; 3 – garden quinoa; 4 – chard; 5 – basil; 6 – nasturtium.

Scheme of a flower bed of shade-tolerant annuals

Planting flowers by sector

Scheme of a round flower bed of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, scilla and mouse hyacinth

Flowerbed of bulbous plants - diagram

How to make a multi-tiered flowerbed?

The main advantage of a multi-tiered flower bed is space saving. Such a flower bed takes up little space, but you can plant a lot of flowers.

Multi-tiered flower beds are made from various materials:

  • Brick
  • Concrete
  • Tree
  • Tires

Multi-tiered flower bed near the house

Flower garden in several tiers Fencing for flower beds

Flowerbed for a summer residence
You can build a multi-tiered flowerbed in a rather original way. For example, from an old chest of drawers.

DIY flowerbed

Beautiful fences and fences for flower beds and flower beds: designs, photos

By the state of the flower beds on the site one can judge the owner’s love for his territory, for his home. A beautiful fence can make a flower bed look elegant and well-groomed. Below are several options for beautiful fencing that you can implement on your site.

Simple and beautiful flower bed Stone fencing for outdoor flowers

Landscape design

Important: A popular trend in landscape design is decorating a flower bed using old scraps.

In the hands of a person with a well-developed imagination, those things that are long overdue to part with will take on a new life.

Unusual mobile flower bed Unusual flower garden design

Types of flower beds

Considering the variety of types of flower beds, we can highlight several options for their solution.

  1. Rabatka . Located along garden paths. Repeating all the bends and turns, low plants create a clear line. The tint solution can be varied. When selecting it, the features of the surrounding landscape are taken into account.
  2. Mixborder . It is an elongated flowerbed near buildings, fences, boundaries between separate zones within the site. A special feature is the planting of plants taking into account their height. Flowers with the longest stems are in the background.
  3. Parterre . Such a square or rectangular large flower bed is located in the center of the site. Flower crops planted on it create interesting patterns and ornaments, usually with a contrasting sound.
  4. Arabesque . This is the name given to an oval or round miniature flowerbed.
  5. Curb . Created from ground cover low growing plants.
  6. Rockery (rock garden) . They are harmonious combinations of vegetation and stones of different sizes and configurations.

Unusual use of wooden barrels as a flower bed

Using a creative approach, any thing can become a unique piece of garden decor.

An original approach to arranging a pond at the dacha

Depending on the shape, there are several types of flower beds:

  • Geometric . They have a clear outline and correct configuration.
  • Natural . They represent a free outline, imitating the free arrangement of plants.
  • Elevated . They are created inside high fences, giving an unusual decorative design.
  • Monochrome . In such flower beds one variety of plants is grown.
  • Multi-tiered . Special structures with several levels are pre-installed. Flowers and green ornamental plants are planted on them. Usually compact varieties are selected.
  • Symmetrical . They bring orderliness to the landscape.
  • Combined . There are countless combination variations in color, shape, height.

A bright and cozy corner for unforgettable dates and romantic evenings

An old cast-iron bathtub with flowers planted in it can easily claim the title of the best flower bed in the garden.

What perennial, unpretentious flowers to plant for a flower bed that bloom all summer?

Even the most beautiful fence can become unnoticed or even become a hindrance if you do not take care of planting in time. Still, flowers are the main thing in a flower bed.

A few tips on how to plant a flowerbed:

  1. Before you create a flowerbed from scratch, sketch out a diagram on paper. Take into account all the illuminated and shaded places, this will influence the choice of plants in the future.
  2. The flowerbed should be clearly visible from the front and/or from the windows.
  3. Plan planting flowers so that it is possible to water each flower without damaging others.
  4. If the soil is clay or sandy, before planting it is worth enriching it with compost and organic matter.
  5. The flowerbed must have a good drainage system so that the water does not stagnate.

If your goal is to plant beautiful but easy-to-care flowers, you should pay attention to the following types:

  • Lupine
  • Perennial cornflower
  • Swimsuit
  • small petals
  • Echinacea
  • Day-lily
  • Gypsophila
  • Primrose
  • Delphinium
  • English rose
  • Pansies
  • Phloxes

Lush flowering in the yard

Neighborhood of flowers in a flowerbed

In order for the front garden to surprise with its unique beauty, you should know the rules for combining plants. They exist with character, they are whimsical, but there are special ones who are better off where conditions are bad. In this regard, flowers must be arranged correctly.

Do not forget that plants placed in the same flower garden must have equal requirements for lighting, moisture, and soil characteristics.

The most wonderful perennial plants love to revel in the flow of rays - luxurious roses, beautiful peonies and amazing vines. If you want to transform such a flower bed, choose a moderate, modest edging for it. Gypsophila with its small, lacy inflorescence is perfect. Without it, the flower garden looks incomplete.

You can also plant decorative lavender or delicate leaves of silver wormwood. Next to the rose garden you definitely need protective plants designed to drive away dangerous pests. The best option is wonderful marigolds or salvia.

In spring, the flower beds at the dacha, flooded with abundant rays, will be decorated with prefabricated plantings of tuberous plants: beautiful tulips, universal hyacinths and garden daffodils. Ornamental bulbous plants will readily join this company.

By the time the tulip leaves fade, they will be hidden by a wall of tall, drought-tolerant varieties of annual or perennial flowers. These are “Golden Ring”, “Hawaii” and fragrant verbena flowers.

  • Indoor ventilation
  • Choosing grass for the lawn

  • Deutzia is blooming - summer is coming

In equal conditions, snow-white flowers of lilies and multi-colored phlox, bright chrysanthemum bushes and variegated aster inflorescences, fiery, long-blooming dahlias and elegant sunflowers that do not require special care, gladioli and graceful petunia, massive inflorescences of the royal canna and flower coexist well love - daisy.

The planting should not be dense; many plants will grow in the future and create obstacles to growth. By planting flowers in a large imaginary bouquet, correctly combining shape and color, you will create indescribable beauty in the flower beds near the house and achieve an amazing combination of the natural landscape on your site.

Flowerbed of continuous flowering: planting scheme

A flowerbed of continuous flowering is a dream for many summer residents. Making this dream come true is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. To do this, you need to know the method of planting flowers, the conditions of watering and fertilizing each type, the compatibility of species, lighting requirements, as well as flowering periods.

Some flowers are not recommended to be planted in continuous flowering beds, for example, gladioli. Ready-made patterns for continuous flowering beds can help in this matter.

Flowerbed of continuous flowering: scheme 1 Flowerbed of continuous flowering: scheme 2

Flowerbed of continuous flowering: scheme 3

Flowerbed of continuous flowering: scheme 4

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for creating flower beds and fencing for them with your own hands. Arm yourself with patience and inspiration, and turn your site into a blooming paradise.

Creative ideas for creating a flower garden

By placing a large pot with a soil mixture inside on its side, they create a flower stream by planting plants starting directly from the neck. A curved line looks especially impressive.

If there is a small pond on the site, fix miniature pots with flowering plants on foam plastic and lower them into the water. Such floating flower beds add a romantic touch to the surrounding atmosphere.

Floating flower bed

An original flower pole is created from a chain-link mesh rolled into a cylinder shape. They fasten it with wire, cover the internal space with agrofibre and fill it with soil. Ampelous varieties of flowers are planted in the cuts cut on the side walls.

A flowerbed made by yourself will become the pride and decoration of your site

The activity of creating flower beds yourself becomes exciting and fruitful if you approach it creatively and systematically. Introducing your own ideas into ready-made solutions makes any version of flower beds unique and original.

Author of the article: Lastovskaya Lyudmila Viktorovna

Tags: flower beds

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