Chair height: standard stool, seat, back, office and kitchen sizes

What is important to know when choosing a chair

First, you should familiarize yourself with GOST. The furniture should fit perfectly with this. This is not a guarantee that the stool or stool will be good, but at least the standard options will be completely harmless.

Lamp with table

What does this parameter affect?

It’s one thing if a person sits for five minutes. It doesn't matter what exactly he sits on. But when it comes to long-term work or study, one cannot ignore the features of furniture. After all, health generally depends on them.

Here's what directly affects the seat height of a chair:

  1. Function of the circulatory system.
  2. Spine condition.
  3. Foot health.

Back and seat option

However, growth indirectly affects everything: the condition of organs, health and performance.

So, if you want to work effectively without harming your health, then it is important to choose a chair of the exact height that will be optimal for a particular person.

What parameters of the body constitution are worth considering?

Furniture is selected in height taking into account the characteristics of the person. First of all, height and weight are taken into account, because they determine the size and strength of a chair or stool. It is also important to consider age. If this is a child, then for obvious reasons he should buy furniture with a margin of strength and stability.

Variety of models for the living room

The difference between chairs depending on their purpose

The optimal office or kitchen chair has different parameters. For relaxation, of course, soft chairs are more pleasant, but well-chosen office furniture will be more useful. In addition, sometimes it is no less comfortable. A children's chair also has its own characteristics.

Therefore, it is important to consider the constitution of the human body, the purpose of the furniture and the standards. Then you will be able to choose a product of optimal height. However, it is important to consider that people with some specific body problems sometimes need special furniture.

Contact details

Information about the legal entity

LLC "Vybor" OGRN 1126453004578, INN 6453123442 KPP 645301001, OKPO 37801315, OKTMO 63701000001 Year founded: 2016 Average number of employees: 01/01/2020 – 17 people General Director Komyagina Inna Gennadiev on

Types of activities (OKVED)

Main activity: 31.09 production of other furniture

Additional activities: 46.47.1 wholesale trade in household furniture 46.65 wholesale trade in office furniture

Manufacturer's address

Saratov region, city of Saratov, industrial center Zorinsky, building 1

Operating mode

Mon-Fri from 09:00 to 18:00. Sat-Sun weekend

Varieties of sizes

The characteristics of the chair depend on the purpose of use. The requirements for an office chair in which an employee must spend eight hours without going outside are different from the characteristics of the kitchen or the variety of children.

For people of average height (from 162 to 168 cm), the recommended chair size is 42-43 cm, high (from 168 cm) - 45 cm, low (less than 162 cm) - 40 cm.

For a child

Properly selected furniture is a prerequisite for the development of healthy posture in a child. Sitting too low can cause circulation problems. A seat that is too high will cause you to lean over the table or strain your eyes.

Choosing a suitable high chair for your baby is especially important, because you need to take care of the formation of correct posture from childhood.

To understand whether the place for studying and playing is well chosen, sit your child at the table. Feet should be on the floor and knees straight. If the angle is more than 90 degrees, the child is sitting too high. If it's lower, it's too low.

A piece of furniture that is too small can impair a child’s blood circulation, and a large piece of furniture can impair a child’s vision.

When the child is at the table, the distance from the knees to the table top should be 15 centimeters.

Important! Choose a depth so that the edge of the seat does not put pressure on the child below the knees.

The following classification can be determined by height:

  1. For children up to 80 cm tall, a 17 cm chair is suitable.
  2. From 80 to 90 cm - 24 cm.
  3. Height from 100 to 115 cm - the seat should be located at a height of 28 cm from the floor.
  4. 110 - 120 cm corresponds to a 32 cm product.
  5. From 120 to 130 cm - legs within 32-25 cm.
  6. When the child grows to 140 cm, the height of the product should be 36-38 cm.

A convenient option for a child is a product with the ability to change the length of the legs.

For kitchen

The parameters of kitchen chairs also depend primarily on the size of the table. For the standard, a product with a distance from the floor to the highest point of 80-90 cm is selected. The height from the floor to the seat should be approximately 42 cm, and the height of the backrest should be at least 45 cm. The width is usually 35 cm, the depth is about 50-55 cm.

The height of the kitchen chairs should match the height of the table. This is an important indicator of comfort.

If the kitchen has a bar counter, the seating options will be different. In this case, the distance from the floor to the seat is at least 75 cm. Standard models have a tilt range of 45 cm, and the lumbar type - 22 cm.

At bar counters, the chair height will be different. Here you also need to consider the level of the surface on which you will sit.

Pay attention to the comfort of the footrest - it should be located at such a level that you can comfortably position your feet without straining.

For office

The parameters of chairs for work differ significantly from those for the kitchen. Work furniture should bring comfort even when sitting for a long time, not disturb your posture and ensure optimal body position.

When choosing a work chair, you need to take into account that the height of the chair required for eating and working is different.

When choosing a chair for work, it is necessary to take into account many individual characteristics: some people need to lean back more, while others, on the contrary, prefer to look at the monitor from a hard surface and a backrest fixed in a vertical position.

Recommended size of office furniture: width from 40 cm, the same depth, height adjustable within 40-45 cm, can be tilted 15 degrees forward and 5 degrees back. The slope of the back surface should be about 30 degrees, the armrests should be at least 25 cm in length and not narrower than 6 cm.

Note! A convenient option for the office is a universal chair that allows you to adjust not only the seat level and backrest tilt, but also the parameters of the armrests.

To create the most comfortable working conditions, choose office chairs made from natural materials. A headrest is desirable.

When caring for your clients, choose models made from natural fabrics and with headrests so that you can relax your neck muscles from time to time.

Standard standards

In the Russian Federation there are state standards for household furniture (GOST 13025.2-85). The following standard sizes are regulated for chairs and work chairs:

  • seat depth - for a chair 360-450 mm, work chair - 400-500 mm;
  • the height of the backrest bend from the seat is 165-200 mm;
  • seat width - at least 360-450 mm for a chair and 400-500 mm for a work chair.

The recommended dimensions of the chair also include the distance between the armrests - at least 420 mm.

Modern furniture manufacturers offer customers a wide range of chairs of various sizes. So, their total height can be from 800 to 900 mm, and the height of the chair seat varies from 400 to 450 mm. The backrest width has a minimum size of 350 mm, and the depth can reach 500-550 mm. A model with a total height of 750 mm is considered standard (considering that the average human height is 165 cm). However, you can individually calculate the size based on your height.

For people of average height (from 162 to 168 cm), the recommended chair size is 42-43 cm, high (from 168 cm) - 45 cm, low (less than 162 cm) - 40 cm.

An option suitable for the whole family are models with adjustable parameters.


When producing standard stools, manufacturers are guided by the following dimensions according to GOST: the length of the seat side is at least 320 mm, the height of the legs is at least 500 mm, the distance from the first horizontal bar to the seat is at least 380-420 mm. Many factories today are increasing these parameters. So, in stores you can find stools with a height of 420 mm to 480 mm. This difference is justified by the need to select comfortable models depending on height.

However, the standard model with a height of 450 mm can comfortably accommodate both children and tall adults. The main thing is that the height of the kitchen chair matches the size of the table.

Chairs with backs

The times when stools were used in the kitchen, and only armchairs were present in the living room furniture ensemble, are gone. Today, the presence of a chair with a back is quite acceptable in the kitchen, living room, bedroom, relaxation and work areas. The height of kitchen models with backs is in the range of 800-900 mm. In this case, the distance from the floor to the seat is 400-450 mm. The correct height of the backrest (or the area on which you can lean your back) is at least 450 mm. Exceptions include models for bar counters.

Furniture for cafes and restaurants is characterized by more varied dimensions; its height can reach 1060 mm, back height – 600 mm. In this case, the distance from the floor to the seat should still be within 450 mm. To make rest more comfortable, the backrest can have a smooth physiological bend and be slightly tilted back. At the same time, the stability of the furniture must be ensured by additional structural elements.

The concept of “standard height” is also abandoned when choosing chairs with backs for work. Depending on the working conditions, it may be necessary to independently adjust the seat height so that, for example, the monitor is at eye level.

Adjustable chairs

The best combination of table and chair heights is selected using adjustable models. Today, options are relevant in which the distance from the floor to the seat can be adjusted from 460 to 600 mm. As a rule, the backrest height is 450 mm and the seat width is 480 mm.

Considering that people do not always sit straight on such pieces of furniture and often change the position of their body, the models are equipped with a stable support system (preferably a five-beam one). To ensure safety, the diameter of the circular support must be at least 700 mm. Mobility is ensured by wheels, the durability of which depends on the raw materials used.

A feature of today's adjustable models is their adaptation to any practical human activity. It can be: medical (for a patient or a doctor), office, children's, kitchen, bar, original designer or orthopedic chair.


The height of the bar stool does not fit into standard standards. First of all, the size of restaurant equipment and furniture is taken into account. The height of the models can range from 750 to 850 mm, the width can be no less than 460, and the depth can be no less than 320. The tilt radius for standard options is 450 mm, and for lumbar – 220.

Since the legs do not reach the floor when sitting on a high chair, conditions are created for pinching the femoral veins and arteries. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to have an additional footrest on such a chair for support.

The ratio of the sizes of the chair and table near the bar counter is as follows: with a table top height of 90 cm, the seat of the chair is at a distance of 65 cm from the floor.

Children's models

The correct selection of chairs for children should also be carried out according to the following rules:

  1. For children up to one meter tall, the height of the table should be 340-400 mm, the height of the chair – 180-220.
  2. For a 6-7 year old student with a height of 110-120 cm, we recommend a chair with a height of 32 cm, and a table, including a dining table, with a height of 52 cm.
  3. Older children (121-130 cm) need a table height of 57 cm and a chair height of 35 cm. For heights from 131 to 160 cm, a table height of 58-64 cm and a chair height of 34-38 cm are suitable.

For taller teenagers, it is recommended to purchase a table from 70-76 cm and a chair from 42-46 cm.

When choosing a chair for a schoolchild, it is worth considering the following models:

  • writing;
  • computer;
  • knee orthopedic (as a variety - dynamic).

They can be equipped with armrests, however, orthopedists do not consider this option physiologically correct.

How to choose the optimal sizes

If you need chairs for a family, models are selected according to the average height, calculated taking into account all its members. However, for certain purposes it is better to make an individual selection. This will help you maintain correct posture, avoid getting tired when sitting, and feel comfortable and safe in your chair. Individual selection of height is carried out according to the following formula: multiply the person’s height by the height of the table and divide by 165. From the resulting number, subtract 40–45 cm (the taller the person, the closer to 45). This will be the optimal chair height.

For example, with a height of 174 cm and a table height of 75 cm, the required chair height should be about 39 cm.

Equally important is the correct ratio of table and chair heights. Today, tables are increasingly being made with a height of 72-78 cm, while a standard chair has a height of 40-45 cm. If the stool has higher legs, there should be support under the legs.

For sitting comfort, the depth of the chair is important: the distance from the outer edge to the point of intersection with the back. Typically this parameter is determined as follows: three-quarters of the thigh length + a few cm for play (between the front seat and the rear popliteal surface). The average depth of a chair seat is 360-450 mm, and that of a chair is up to 500 mm. Children's chairs have a depth of 200–240 mm (for preschool children) and 270–360 mm (for school-age children).

Backrest height is the distance from the seat to a point at the level of the lower edge of the shoulder blade. The lumbar support will be functional if it is located at the level of the 5th lumbar vertebra. As the angle of the backrest increases, its height decreases.

Chairs are furniture on which a significant part of every person’s life passes. The right choice is very important. An uncomfortable stupa not only causes discomfort, but also harms health, causing pain in the back, neck, and legs.

Definition of sustainability

Furniture. Chairs. Determination of stability

OKP 56 0000

GOST 30211-94 (ISO 7174-1-88) GOST R 50051-92 (ISO 7174-1-88)

Date of introduction 01/01/94

This standard specifies methods for determining the stability of all types of upright chairs, stools and poufs. These methods are not suitable for determining the stability of sofas and other bench seating, reclining chairs when the backrest is at an angle, swivel chairs and rocking chairs. Nevertheless, these methods are used when testing chairs with mechanisms for adjusting the angle of the back, seat position, etc., if during the test the chairs are in their original, not transformed position.

The stability of chairs can be determined using experimental or calculation methods, which are specified in this standard. If the same force is applied to the same points, the two methods produce the same results.

The calculation method is not applied directly when testing lounge chairs and sofas, as well as in the following cases:

a) to upholstered furniture products made using springs that do not have constant elasticity;

b) chairs that deform when a load is applied, such as folding chairs, some metal chairs and those made of plastic.

The calculation method is also not suitable for chairs that have a deflection of more than 25 mm when a load is applied, which is clearly visible. It is advisable to use the calculation method in cases where it is difficult to move a load of significant mass.

Test results are only valid for the tested product. If the test results need to be extended to other similar furniture products, then the test samples must be taken from the industrial series of products.

In the event that the test procedure does not apply to furniture products of a particular design, the tests are carried out as close as possible to this description and all deviations from the specified order are recorded.

Appendices 2, 3 to this standard are recommended. This standard applies to chairs for adults of any type and any design.

What is the standard for the chair

what is the optimal height for the average person found. Similar studies were carried out both in relation to children's furniture and in relation to adults.

For kitchen and hall

The general goal of these works is to determine the dependence of health on furniture and to identify the optimal characteristics of the latter. The table below shows the standard chair height for adults of average height (from 165 cm to 180 cm) according to SanPiN for 2022.

Stool height according to standard

There is no particular difference from the chair. However, this is a fundamentally different piece of furniture, and therefore it is worth talking about the height specified in the standard separately. If you choose such a stool and use it correctly, there will be no risk to your health. The table below shows standard chair heights. It is recommended to take these GOST parameters into account when purchasing.

Stool likeOptimal stool height from floor to seat
Universal35-40 cm
Work, office and home40-50 cm
For kitchen35 cm

Universal suitable, for example, for a hallway. Of course, a chair is better for a company leader than a stool. A baby chair will be approximately the same height as a chair, but less than 5 centimeters.

It is advisable to take into account standards, but when choosing furniture you should be guided primarily by the individual characteristics of a person. In the same way, you need to adjust the height of the kitchen chair. After all, there are people with very different proportions, which is also important to take into account.

Back design option


In modern kitchens and dining areas, designs such as an adjustable bar stool are often found.

They help to support the unique concept of the interior solution and emphasize the individuality of the room design, while you can choose chairs with seats and complemented by backs.

When choosing adjustable structures, it is necessary to rely on factors of comfort and ease of use in combination with the aesthetics of the design.

Beautiful and functional interior items will help transform any room and ensure the preservation of health and well-being for children and adults.

Height of models for different rooms

For kitchen

The typical height of a dining table from tabletop to tabletop is 70-78 cm, the height of a chair from the ground to the seat is 40-45 cm, so that those sitting while eating do not interfere between them, a comfortable distance between them is 50 cm. The legs of a rectangular kitchen table are a couple longer its sides must be separated from each other by a distance of at least 91 cm.

For office

The size of an office chair differs from that of home furniture since workers spend more than 8 hours a day in a sitting position. Therefore, office chairs must have mechanisms for adjusting seat height, changing the position of the backrest and seat depth.

The chair standards for work are as follows:

  • seat width - at least 40 cm;
  • depth - 40 cm;
  • back - 30-38 cm.

Important! The seat should be round in shape and complemented by armrests.

Chair base

Office chairs can be divided into two types. They include:

  • Mobile;
  • Stationary.

Mobile options for office furniture can be easily moved to any point in the interior space. Stationary models have a metal base in the form of legs. This option is considered a cheap office chair.

The second type of chairs is divided into several types:

  • Product with a “conference base”. There are 4 support legs and a flat seat base;
  • Rotating mechanisms. They are a swivel chair;
  • Armchairs in the form of a pedestal. The design is based on a cross-shaped support. This model does not have wheels for movement.

The importance of dimensions when choosing furniture

First of all, you should decide whether you are buying furniture for a specific person (for example, for a children's table or for a theater living room). If so, then its constitution should be taken into account. If the chair will be used by different people, then the average parameters are taken into account. In this case, not only the height of a person matters, but also the length of his legs, the upper half of his body, the height and design of the table.

An incorrectly selected chair size can cause pain in the spine, blurred vision, and rapid fatigue when sitting on it. If the legs do not reach the floor, the femoral arteries supplying blood to the lower extremities are compressed. As a result, a person experiences numbness in the legs and, as a result, difficulty walking. A seat that is too high forces the person sitting to bend over and flex their spine to bring their gaze closer to the table.

If the seat is too low, then the sitting position of a person forces the back muscles to be in constant tension, raising the body as high as possible.

Interesting solutions in the interior

There are many options for how to use different types of chairs in your kitchen interior. For a light design in a high-tech style, you should choose simple and laconic wooden models. It is best to choose options in a light color palette. For example, a white kitchen interior can be complemented favorably with blue chairs. A good option would be to decorate a bar counter using such furniture.

For a classic-style kitchen, wooden chairs decorated with carved backs are an ideal complement. It is best to choose products with fabric seats decorated with a print. Such chairs will not only beneficially complement the interior, but will also provide maximum comfort and convenience during use.

You can decorate the interior of a country-style kitchen with a dining set made from one type of wood. It is worth noting that such sets are often used even if the room itself is decorated from the same material.

Wooden chairs made in white will be a universal choice for many modern interiors. The products can be advantageously complemented with soft, removable seats.

Chairs will help provide maximum comfort. They can be either tall or have a standard height. It is worth choosing an upholstery material that will match the textiles on the windows.

See below for more details.

How to independently determine the optimal height

First, the height is measured. If everyone uses a chair, the average height is revealed. To do this, add up each person's growth rate and then divide by the number of people. Next, you need to multiply the resulting figure by 25. This is only an approximate value of the height from the floor to the seat.

Office model height

So you should go to the store and try different versions of approximately the same height. At the same time, the position in which a person will test the chair should ideally be as close as possible to the conditions of future use.

This is why it is often best to fit a chair to a matching table.

It becomes clear how low or high it is and whether adjustments to the calculation results are needed. After this, it remains to add 45 centimeters to the height from the floor to the seat to get the height of the backrest.

As with the previous step, it is important to first try on chairs that meet the criteria. Changes to size and height must be made if necessary.

Product dimensions with backrest

This is an easy way to accurately select the optimal chair height. If you can't sit on the furniture in a store, it's not worth buying anything there. After all, this is a violation of the basic principle of choosing whether it is a stool or a chair. When ordering online, it will be more difficult to determine the size, but if you know exactly the required height parameters, there will be no problems.

By the way, ideally craftsmen can make themselves the best chair from chipboard or chipboard, as well as a table. But here it is necessary to pay special attention to the evenness of surfaces, including countertops. With the correct width to length ratio, equal to or close to the standard, homemade furniture will be safe.

Kitchen table

Sometimes this can be relevant, especially when the price of furniture rises and it is impossible to buy it. But if you have no experience in making a chair, it is better to make structures on four legs, having first drawn up a plan. The figure should show all distances and areas. But for small children it is better to buy furniture.


The appearance of the chair will be greatly influenced by its style:

  • Country. Metals in this style are not used very often. Moreover, they must be combined with wooden elements. Not coated with shiny chrome coatings. Black or transparent varnish is available. The seat and back will be square. The chairs are characterized by unusual wood decorations, close to natural ones;
  • High tech. This is a paradise for chrome models combined with plastic or tinted tempered glass. Chairs with transparent backs, unusually shaped legs and designer options will fit just perfectly. It is allowed to use bright colors of polymer or upholstery;
  • Provence. The chair will have a rounded back with an obligatory oval-shaped soft insert. The seat also takes on rounded corners or a trapezoidal shape, noticeably widening at the front. The legs are high, set wide down. They may taper noticeably at the top or be straight. This style is characterized by square and low chairs with armrests, reminiscent of armchairs;
  • Modern. The furniture is made with smooth contours and intricate carvings in the elven style. A lot of wood, combined with openwork forging. There are no sharp corners. Many models are made soft;
  • Vanguard. Here, bold color schemes are combined with abstract and unusual frame designs. Designer models in the avant-garde will look like fish in water. Legs and backs of the most intricate shapes. Traditional models are quite rare.

Height-adjustable furniture

This is an elegant solution if you want to find something versatile. Whether such furniture is beneficial or harmful depends on the user's understanding of its optimal fit.

Office chair height

The main thing is that the mechanism that fixes the chair or stool at a certain height is reliable. It is also important whether the mechanism is protected from aggressive environmental factors by a case or a cover. Ideally, it should be convenient to adjust the wheel even when doing a manicure.

This is a good option for a children's computer chair. The child is growing quickly, and the decision to buy furniture with the ability to adjust the height will allow you to avoid buying new ones for at least several years, which will have a beneficial effect on the budget.

Model size

It will be enough to increase the height according to the student’s height. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a first-grader or a high school student. This parameter can be conveniently changed in other cases. For example, when playing the piano.

The adjustment will also appeal to those who prefer to change positions from time to time to improve blood circulation in those points where it is slow. Ideally, the best way to do this is to stand up and move around, but if you don't have time, adjusting will help a little.

Height of kitchen chair and table according to GOST

The standard height of a kitchen table is 72-78 cm (from the floor to the top edge of the tabletop). The standard height of a kitchen chair means that the height from the floor to the seat is 40-45 cm (the height of the back from the floor is 90 cm). The optimal height is 40-42 cm from floor to seat.

Kitchen stools usually have a length of 42-48 cm. If the kitchen stool is taller, there should be a footrest (the distance from the support to the seat should be 32-42 cm).

The optimal seat depth is 40-45 cm (the seat should not go deep under the knees). A person of average height will sit comfortably at a table with a height of 74 cm.

In addition, you should take into account the distance from one person to another; this is convenient when the person at the table is at least 50 cm wide. And the distance between the legs in rectangular tables should be at least 91 cm.

But in order not to hesitate and not think, it is enough to use the formula for calculating growth.

Stool structure

According to the encyclopedia's definition, a stool is a seat designed for one person, without a back or armrests, consisting of the seat itself, 3 or 4 legs, and possibly crossbars under the seat and between the legs (with drawers and legs). Such chairs are made of wood, metal, plastic, plywood, and depending on the purpose and model, sometimes they use foam rubber or some other sealant, artificial and natural leather, fur or fabric for the seat.

What else is worth considering

Seating furniture has many options. And there are such important aspects as height. When choosing the optimal chair or stool for your health, you should consider all of them that you can work on comfortably for many years.

Kitchen chairs

Factors to consider:

  • backrest tilt and height;
  • seat rigidity;
  • environmental friendliness of materials;
  • reliability of the project.

It is advisable not to lean on the back of the chair, but to support your back solely with your muscles. But if that doesn't work, it's better to sit straight on the flat back of a chair. If the latter is curved, then perhaps someone will like it, but there is nothing useful here.

In a living room

Sitting on a soft chair seat for too long can lead to blood stagnation and enlargement of hemorrhoids. When the seat is firm, the risk of this problem occurring is much lower. If you don't want to buy very hard furniture, it's worth buying a compromise option.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the environmental friendliness of materials. It is better that these are not some harmful synthetic materials, which is not uncommon for cheaper furniture. It is also better not to buy furniture with fabric upholstery, because sometimes microorganisms grow in it over time.

In a private house

Of course, the structure must be strong enough. Although it is not easy to assess the strength of individual elements. You should find out directly in the store how reliable the elements connected to each other are.

Frame - types of metals, connection methods, processing

Classic iron is least often used to make chairs on a metal frame. This is due to its heavy weight and instability to moisture. But it is readily replaced with various steels. They are much more suitable in this regard. Inert metals with a low tendency to chemical reactions (aluminum, titanium, copper, chromium) are often used. If the metal is soft (copper, bronze), then they try to combine it with a harder coating (chrome plated).

The main methods for connecting parts include:

  • Welding. Used only in places that are not conspicuous. The method is not very beautiful, but it has the highest connection reliability;
  • Bent elements. The plasticity of the metal makes it possible to create frames from a single hollow tube, bent into the desired shape. In this case, fasteners are not needed at all. The most optimal and beautiful option;
  • Bolts. The lion's share of elements are connected in this way. The fastener can be placed on the inside; it is not visible from the face. But check the tightness regularly. Nuts tend to loosen during use.

There are also several variations of the frame itself. The most common are solid ones. These are familiar chairs with a small amount of fasteners. The frame is fixed, so the furniture will occupy a certain place in the space. This completely depends on its dimensions. Folding variations of metal chairs are a little less common. In this case, the elements are movably fastened and the furniture can be literally “flattened”. They are good because they save space during storage. Very convenient to use. But, this slightly reduces their ability to withstand loads. Overweight people are better off choosing the first option.

To give the frame protective and decorative properties, the following coatings are used:

  • Coloring. Nowadays there are a lot of enamels for metal on sale. They withstand humidity, heat and other negative factors typical of bathrooms and kitchens. They look great, with bright and glossy surfaces after drying. Reliably protect against corrosion;
  • Spraying. Most often, chromium or titanium is used for this. They are loved for their high decorative effect, shine, strength and high-quality protection of the base material from corrosion. Undemanding to care. Not afraid of mechanical damage;
  • Etching. Such coverages are conditional. Metals are immersed in chemical solutions, which are absorbed into the material. Usually one metal is given the properties of another. At the same time, the color also changes;
  • Varnishing. Can be black, colored or transparent glossy. It perfectly protects against all negative factors, but it needs to be updated quite often.

According to the design of the base, all chairs can be divided into:

  • Traditional. These are 4 legs placed under the seat. Stable, but prone to loosening fasteners;
  • One support. The leg in this case thickens and is equipped with a wide round or ring-shaped base at the bottom. Very stable and can be equipped with rotating mechanisms;
  • Poeng. This is the name given to the development of a Japanese designer. The legs are 2 square solid loops. They are not closed, but merged with the back. They are very stable and tend to sway slightly when sitting.

Correct body position on a chair

The ideal parameters when sitting in a chair are the following parameters:

  • the tabletop is at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes;
  • your knees should be bent at a right angle and your feet should be flat on the floor, your knees should be higher than your pelvis;
  • there should be support in the lumbar region so that the muscles are not in a state of tension;
  • the depth of the seat should ensure that there is no pressure under the knees;
  • the distance from the knees inside the tabletop should be at least 10-15 cm;
  • hands resting on the tabletop should not be raised.

In order not to clutter your workspace and not strain your eyes when looking for the items you need, the table should be at least 50 cm wide.

When sitting, the upper body should not lean forward or backward. It is best when the axis of the backrest is at right angles to the seat. However, when feeling tired, a person should be able to lean on their back to rest.

Chair back tilt

Contents ✓

It is no coincidence that the height of a normal kitchen work table is 900 mm, and the correct tilt angle of the back of dining chairs is 0-5 ° back. These and other similar standards were invented almost every year ago by furniture manufacturers and designers.

Unfortunately, for most hobby carpenters, this vital information is not always available in an easy-to-understand form. We would like to change things up and summarize for you the basic facts on this topic.

As designer Louis Sullivan put it, “form describes function,” and this design principle is especially important when designing seating furniture. Before you consider the shape—that is, the style, scale (or relationship to surrounding objects), wood species, and construction technique—you need to make sure that the human body will feel comfortable on the piece of furniture.

Average chair sizes

The design of a comfortable chair is directly proportional to the size and shape of the person who will sit in it. Therefore, you should focus on this table only if the future owner of the chair is proportional to the average person. You may need to resize slightly based on different requests - this is normal.


Average size, mm*Adult9 year old child7 year old child5 year old child
A. Seat height425324292267
B. Seat depth394298273248
C. Public Back Height381280260248
D. Back height305137130127
E. Distance from seat to backrestminimum 76143130120
F. Armrest lengthminimum 213152152152
G. Armrest height203168156146
H. Seat width406-508330305280
L. Distance between armrestsminimum 470355330305
J. Armrest widthaverage 50 mm for all ages
K. Rear Width406-457minimum 280

All sizes are for direct drop-off (for lunch, for work, etc.). The adult size is designed for the average man. For the average woman, the size should be slightly smaller.

If you prefer to place the cushion on the seat, adjust the size to suit the size of the cushion as it compresses under the weight of the person sitting. In practice, you can simply reduce the height of seat A by half the thickness of the cushion.

Linklink: High-quality furniture with your own hands - tips from carpenters


The seat is everything

1. To ensure that the seated person's knees are comfortably bent at an angle of 90–100° and their feet rest on the floor, set the seat at a height of 405–455 mm from the floor. When determining the height of an upholstered seat with a soft cushion, consider the compressed thickness by subtracting half the thickness of the cushion from the total height of the seat from the floor.

2. To leave free space between the front edge of the seat and the legs of the seated person, make the seat 380–450 mm deep.

Metal chairs in the interior - advantages and disadvantages

Metal chairs have more than enough positive aspects:

  • They look expensive. Despite the affordable price tags, such furniture looks expensive in the interior;
  • Consistent sense of style. Metal fits optimally into the vast majority of modern styles;
  • Reliability. Each model can withstand up to 150 kg of direct load;
  • Durability. The metal will last for decades. The wood is not prone to pest damage and drying out;
  • A large number of decoration methods. Despite the dull color, dozens of techniques are now used that can give metals uncharacteristic shades. This is galvanizing, sputtering, etching. Even without special painting, the frame can be bright blue, with a greenish tint or mirror-like;
  • The plasticity of the material allows you to give the frame and legs any intricate shapes;
  • Undemanding to care. Comparing with wood or rattan, you will be surprised at how unpretentious chairs on a metal frame are in this regard.

There are few cons. The absence of a protective coating can cause the formation of corrosion spots. Therefore, make sure that the model is protected by spraying or special varnishing. The significant increase in weight compared to wooden ones is upsetting. This disadvantage is combated by making the parts hollow inside.

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