Ventilation grilles for doors to bathrooms, rooms, rooms

Fresh indoor air is the key not only to human health, but also to the safety of many finishing materials. In most rooms, the problem of oxygen flow is solved simply by ventilation. The bathroom has no windows, so it requires the organization of high-quality ventilation - both forced and natural.

To create the first, fans are used, and with the second, doors with ventilation can help. Wooden and metal door ventilation grilles, which can be easily installed with your own hands, will help improve an already installed solid door. There are several options for door ventilation - which one is better to choose?

The need for door ventilation grilles

If there is no normal air exchange in the apartment, the well-being of the residents may leave much to be desired. The movement of air from one room to another is usually ensured by a door ventilation grille. This is the best option if the interior door fits tightly to the floor surface.

Purpose of the door grill

Transfer (door) grilles are installed in a hole made in the interior door leaf so that air can move freely between rooms. This eliminates the need to keep the door constantly open. As a result, the air entering through the window will penetrate into the corridor and further into the ventilation shaft. It is advisable to install such products in the following premises:

  • Bathroom and toilet, if there is stagnation of humid air, mold may appear there.
  • Kitchen. A ventilation grill is needed to provide air access to the hood.
  • In other rooms, if there is no gap under the door.

Such products can be used in premises for any purpose, not only residential ones.

Material and shape

Usually rectangular-shaped products are produced, but there are round and even square door ventilation grilles. The model includes two frames. The inner one, on which the slats are placed, is installed in the door leaf. The shape of the slats is V-shaped, allowing air to pass through, but blocking visibility. The outer frame performs a decorative function and is installed on the back side of the door.

Transfer ventilation grilles are often made of plastic; they are very practical and cheap. A metal door ventilation grille is also available, but it is better not to install it in bathrooms if the metal is not stainless steel. Ventilated grilles are often powder coated to protect them from moisture. In the production room you can find any models of gratings.


Transfer grilles are mounted in a hole made in the interior doors (less often in balconies or partitions). Their purpose is to ensure the movement of air between rooms: to remove “waste” and make room for fresh air.

Door manufacturers often produce products that do not provide a gap at the bottom (between the leaf and the floor). This gap is necessary precisely for ventilation: air passes through it even when the door is tightly closed. If this gap is absent (or exists, but there is also a threshold that blocks it), then the air is “locked” in the room, and you will have to open the door to ventilate.

Thus, the door grill allows for normal ventilation in the room when the door is closed and does not have an undercut (slot). Air entering the room through a window (or through a supply valve or installation) will be able to exit into the corridor and be removed through a ventilation shaft or hood.

To summarize: it is important to use sharpening machines in the following rooms:

  • bathroom (bathroom, toilet) - they are usually kept closed, and if the humid air stagnates, mold will form inside;
  • kitchen - “exhaust” air is removed through the kitchen hood, giving way to fresh air, and therefore it is necessary to provide the air flow with an unobstructed path to the hood;
  • in any room in which there is no gap under the interior door.

The use of such grilles is relevant not only in residential premises, but also in any other premises - offices, classrooms, classrooms, regardless of their purpose.

Device and material

Structurally, the product consists of two frames: external and internal. Internal frame - inserted directly into the door leaf (into the hole in it) on one side. There are lamellas on it.

For transfer models they have the shape of a corner, V-shaped. This allows air to pass through without problems, but completely blocks the view.

The outer frame is essentially decorative. It is attached to the other side of the door leaf, covering the edges of the sawn hole.

Another version of the design is less common: when the product simply consists of two gratings, each of which has its own slats. They are attached on both sides of the door leaf, opposite each other. This option is especially relevant if the thickness of the canvas is greater than the common 3.5-4 cm.

The material of the grilles is most often plastic: it is both cheap and practical (does not rust, is not afraid of moisture, and is easy to clean). Less commonly, door grilles are made from:

    metal: such products are more expensive than plastic ones, it is better not to use them for doors to bathrooms (unless they are stainless steel);
  • wood: such products are practically impossible to find in stores; they are usually made to order (they cost even more and require careful care; it is better not to use them for bathrooms).

To protect metal grilles from moisture, powder paint is applied to them. This allows you to install them in bathroom doors, but if the paint coating is damaged, the product will have to be either tinted or replaced.

Some models are equipped with a silencer (example -). This is a useful thing if you need to muffle the sound (passing into the room or from the room, it doesn’t matter).

Shape and dimensions

The shape of door grilles is most often rectangular. Less often it is a square or a circle.

The main characteristic is the size

. Most often the door leaf has the following dimensions:

  • 70 or 80 cm - for interior doors;
  • 60 cm - for doors to the bathroom, utility rooms;
  • thickness - 35-40 cm.

Based on this, manufacturers make transfer grids with a smaller width (no more than 60 cm). They can be installed in doors with a thickness of 25 to 50 mm.

The size range is approximately this:

  • width - from 100 to 600 mm;
  • height - from 100 to 250 mm.

Larger grilles are usually not found in stores; if necessary, they will have to be ordered.

From minimum to maximum, dimensions increase in increments of 50 mm (that is, 100x100, 150x100, 200x100, 200x150, 300x200, 500x250, and so on). For some manufacturers, the pitch may be 25 mm (not common).

The most common options are:

  • 350x150;
  • 400x150;
  • 500 x200.

How much air will pass through: about the cross-sectional area

Another characteristic of gratings is the cross-sectional area. This determines how much maximum air can pass through the regrinding.

For comparison: the area of ​​the door gap is approximately 120 cm² (for a leaf 80 cm wide, with a gap height of 15 mm). With normally operating exhaust ventilation, creating a normal pressure drop of 10 Pa, about 100-110 “cubes” of air will pass through such a gap per hour. This is more than enough to remove all the “exhaust” air from the room with the door tightly closed (about 30 “cubes” are needed for 1 adult per hour).

Please note: for ventilation grilles you need to pay attention to the open cross-sectional area

(in the specifications it is indicated as F l.s.), that is, the “clean” area of ​​air passage. This figure is always about 30-40% less than the total grating area - due to the lamellas.

Ideally, the living cross-sectional area of ​​a door grille (or several grilles in total that stand in one door leaf) should be more than 30-40 cm². Grates with dimensions of approximately 300x250, or 350x200 have this area. This will be enough to ensure normal air flow from the room in which 1 person is located.

Here is an approximate table of areas (total - Fо, and free cross-section - F l.s.) for gratings of various sizes:

If the room is not always kept closed, then it is not necessary to pay special attention to calculating the cross-sectional area. “Exhaust” air will be removed from the room when the doors are opened.

Also keep in mind that no more air will escape through the grill than enters. For example, if fresh air enters the room through a supply valve, which lets through an average of 35 “cubes” per hour, installing grilles that are too large is simply useless.

Manufacturers and prices

Here is a list of manufacturers of transfer grids whose products can be found on the markets of the CIS countries:

There are also products from other manufacturers. The average cost of door grilles is approximately the same as in the price table for Arktos AP.

Fastening with glazing beads or plinths

This method is used infrequently and is typical for rooms with wooden flooring.

For installing a ventilation grille by tightly fitting it using glue or clamps directly into the hole itself, it is quite easy to perform. For such fastening, assembly adhesive, silicone or liquid nails are suitable. Using a special glue gun, glue is applied with a small protrusion above the depression along the entire perimeter. Next, the grille is applied to the mounting location - the wall, and fixed. After 24 hours, the glue dries and the grille is securely fastened. It must be remembered that the wall must be dry before installation, and the fixation with glue must be without gaps.

As a rule, an industrial grille is attached using spacers on a spring to a prepared hole. This method is simple and does not take much time.

Do not forget that for residential premises it is worth choosing ventilation grilles made of environmentally friendly materials that are harmless to the human body. If the grille is located outside, the material must be weather-resistant.

Criterias of choice

The installed grille does not always allow for high-quality air flow. When choosing such solutions, you should pay attention not only to the material, but also to the useful cross-sectional area. This characteristic indicates how much air the system can pass through. Experts recommend using grilles for one door, with a “living” area of ​​30-40 square meters. cm.

A lattice with dimensions of 30*25 cm is perfect for this. It is important to understand that the “living” area is approximately 40% lower than this parameter calculated along the perimeter of the structure.

Types of ventilation grilles

Depending on the location of installation, the gratings are divided into:

  • external, installed on the external wall of the building at the exit of the ventilation hole;
  • internal, usually located in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet in the openings of exhaust shafts;
  • wall or door overflows that regulate air exchange between adjacent rooms.

Outdoor models are usually characterized by high strength, resistance to external weather conditions and relatively large weight. They are equipped with a rigid frame that fits inside the ventilation hole and is secured with anchors or factory spacers. This method ensures maximum reliability of installation and durability of the part.

Products for indoor installation are often chosen for aesthetic reasons. They are distinguished by their light weight, pleasant appearance and small size. In the bathroom it is better to install a ventilation grille made of lightweight waterproof materials.

Supply ventilation in the bathroom

If the natural exhaust system does not cope with its duties, a fan is installed in the bathroom. What to do if there is no influx? After all, in order for a fan to extract air from a room, it is necessary for that air to enter it. As you know, supply ventilation of a toilet or bathroom, and in most apartments, occurs naturally - through cracks in the doors. If your doors are very tight, there will not be adequate air flow. For normal flow to the toilet or bathroom in such cases, it is necessary to keep the doors open, which not everyone will like. Especially if you consider that the exhaust fan works when you take a bath and the influx is needed precisely at this moment. Therefore, for the normal functioning of fresh air ventilation in the bathroom, “door ventilation” is used.

The importance of proper air exchange

Air replacement is necessary for the following reasons:

  • regulates humidity levels and temperature fluctuations in the room;
  • ensures proper circulation and flow of fresh air into living spaces;
  • removes toxic substances from the room.

Currently, finishing materials have high water and heat insulation properties. Therefore, ventilation grilles are increasingly being installed in doors to remove expired air and moisture from the room. Or choose any other design that needs some space. Otherwise, high humidity is created in the bathroom and toilet, which leads to the formation of fungi, mold, and destruction of plumbing products and finishing materials.

Insufficient ventilation in a room negatively affects the health of people in it:

  1. Suffocation occurs;
  2. fainted;
  3. dizziness;
  4. Drowsiness;
  5. fast fatiguability.

Over time, a person may develop a chronic lack of oxygen. To avoid these problems, perform air exchange calculations and install high-quality products for room ventilation.

Purpose and role

In fact, the ventilation system is one of the most important engineering structures of any house, regardless of whether it is private or multi-apartment. It is ventilation that is responsible for proper air exchange, as well as for comfortable climatic conditions in each individual apartment or room. The system has its own ventilation ducts, at the inlet and outlet of which a grille is mounted.

It performs several functions at once, namely:

  • protects the mines from possible clogging, as objects and animals may accidentally fall into them;
  • correctly distributes air flows, especially for supply-type ventilation grilles;

Main varieties and purchase

The decor of the fireplace directly depends on which grate you choose. In turn, they can differ greatly from each other. The main difference is in the form, which can be:

  1. Rectangular;
  2. Square;
  3. Round;
  4. Oval;
  5. Wrong.

The openings and gaps of ventilation grilles can be:

  1. Slotted;
  2. Round;
  3. Square;
  4. Rectangular;
  5. Incorrect;
  6. Tunnel.

When purchasing a ready-made grating, it is important not only to choose the most suitable shape, but also its dimensions. This is necessary for proper circulation of heated and cold air flows

You can calculate the dimensions of the grate and its holes based on the dimensions of the combustion compartment itself.

Ventilation in the toilet or bathroom door

As a rule, a classic of the genre when renovating is the following rule: a small opening is left between the floor and the bottom of the door to the bathroom, which is intended for natural ventilation. However, many homeowners do not fully appreciate the necessity and necessity of this opening, and recklessly seal it up during repairs. Most homeowners build a special threshold, install a seal, and so on, citing the fact that when flooding, water will not spread throughout the house.

Taking this trend into account, modern bathroom door manufacturers are making doors with a built-in ventilation hole. These can be either simple holes or ventilation grilles. The first option is simpler and less aesthetically pleasing, while the second looks harmonious in the space of the door. The holes are designed in such a way that it is unlikely to be possible to peek from the other side of the door, which will not in any way affect the intimacy of the bathroom space.


Door ventilation systems are often installed at the bottom of the door leaf. The number of such elements in most cases is no more than two.

The sizes of ventilation grilles vary over a relatively wide range:

  • Width – from 10 to 60 cm;
  • Height – from 10 to 25 cm.

As for the environment of use, the optimal dimensions of structures for bathrooms are considered to be 60 cm wide. If you plan to install grilles in interior doors, then it is better to buy systems with slightly larger parameters.

The thickness of products in most cases is standard and varies from 35 to 40 mm. If the door leaf is non-standard, then this should be taken into account when choosing such designs.

If you need a design of a non-standard size, then it will have to be ordered individually, which will affect its cost.

Basic installation methods

Installation of the ventilation grille does not require special knowledge and skills. It can easily be done by a home craftsman with patience and accuracy. Most industrial products consist of two parts:

  • main body, mounted directly on a hole in the wall or door;
  • a removable part inserted into the openings of the housing, which allows you to inspect and clean the channels of the ventilation system without any problems.

Begin to hang the internal ventilation grille from the first part, which plays the role of a frame. This is done using fastening materials or adhesives. Before this, the outer surface of the ventilation hole is prepared accordingly. It should be smooth and clean. Typically, the grille is placed on the wall after the finishing coat has been applied to it. This can be done in different ways:

  1. Fastening with screws or self-tapping screws is carried out on a solid wall made of concrete, wood or plasterboard. To do this, through holes are drilled in the grill body in places covered by the removable part, which are countersunk to the shape of the cap. You will have to install dowels in concrete or brick in appropriate places using a drill. When constructing a grating without a removable part, after installation, the screw heads are puttied and painted to match the color of the base material.
  2. Fastening with plinths or glazing beads is usually used for wooden products that fit well into a country-style interior made entirely of wood. In this case, self-tapping screws or finishing nails with a reduced head size are also used.
  3. Industrial models with standard spring-pressed spacer elements included in their device can simply be inserted into the ventilation hole, which must have standard dimensions for this.
  4. The easiest way to attach a plastic grill to any base is with glue. This is especially true for walls lined with fragile materials such as ceramic tiles. For this, compositions such as “liquid nails” are usually used. They are applied in a continuous stripe to the back side of the part, which is pressed against the wall and fixed with masking tape until completely dry. In this case, it will no longer be possible to dismantle the fragile part without destroying it.

The removable part of the grille is tightly inserted into the base fixed to the wall. In this case, for aesthetic reasons, it is better to rotate it so that the holes between the slats of the blinds are not visible to a casual observer standing on the floor of the room

When selecting and installing the transfer grids, pay attention to ensure that light rays do not directly pass through them. This can reduce sound insulation and does not look very nice

Plastic models usually include a thin mesh, which quickly becomes clogged with dust, reducing the effectiveness of the ventilation system. That's why most craftsmen don't install it. Otherwise, you will have to regularly clean the mesh.

How to install the product

The instructions for installing a rectangular grille are quite simple.

The product consists of two parts:

Round gratings have the same structure as rectangular ones, but they can be very small in size, and therefore are built into a row of several pieces. If their diameter exceeds 10 cm, then the products can be mounted not in the middle, but on the sides of the canvas - and not necessarily from the bottom, but also from the top.

Note: By the way, the same grilles can be built into the doors of linen closets to provide ventilation for their contents.

Inserting the frame into the canvas

Apart from a pencil and a ruler, the process of cutting out a window for a grille in the canvas requires only one tool - a jigsaw.

The most common grating options

The most common type is a plastic supply and exhaust grille. It is intended for wall or ceiling installation, promotes high-quality air distribution throughout the room and is used for decorative purposes.

This grille includes additional elements - latches for the removable inner part. Mounted with screws. Some models have inclined slats.

Supply and exhaust

You can also find plastic exhaust models. Serve for outdoor installation and decoration of the exhaust vent outside the house. Such models are mounted using screws and include blinds that serve to prevent reverse draft.

Often a combined type of grille is used, designed to connect the hood in the kitchen and for general ventilation of the apartment. The material used is durable plastic. The design includes a deviator that prevents backdraft through the bottom. Installation is carried out using screws. Cleaning channels with such a grille is not difficult, since its lower part is removable.

Door grilles are mounted at the bottom of the door and allow free movement of air between rooms. The material used is durable plastic. To protect against insects, a mesh is used, which is mounted with screws.

Door grill


Adjustable ventilation grilles are classified according to the location of installation and are external, internal and transfer.

Outdoor models are installed on air ducts on the outside of buildings and are often equipped with mosquito nets and a heating function. These products are further divided into several types:

  • front grilles are designed to ensure ventilation of attics and are distinguished by an extended decorative edging;
  • base models are installed on basement ventilation ducts and are characterized by a durable design and protection from rodents;
  • door grilles act as a check valve and are used in natural supply systems;
  • floor-standing models are installed in ventilation systems that supply air into the room from below, and are characterized by high strength and wear resistance.

Indoor models are installed indoors and are available in several modifications.

  • Kitchen models. Such grilles are equipped with a check valve and have inertial louvers, which completely eliminates the reverse flow of exhaust air into the room.
  • Fireplace models are used to circulate warm air from fireplaces or stoves into adjacent rooms.
  • Slotted grilles are usually installed under the ceiling or placed between interior items. The models are distinguished by their small working surface dimensions and are practically invisible during installation.
  • Overhead traditional models are used in any room and are distinguished by their modern design and low cost.

The gratings differ in the material they are made from. The lightest and most inexpensive raw material is plastic. Plastic models have a wide range, a wide variety of colors and aesthetic appearance. The disadvantages of such products include the inability to operate in conditions of high and low temperatures, as well as the likelihood of color models fading. It is worth noting that, in addition to plastic, brass, galvanized and chrome-plated steel, as well as aluminum are used to make grilles.

Metal grilles are characterized by a long service life and trouble-free rotating mechanism of the blinds. The disadvantages include heavy weight and the likelihood of rust. The most expensive and attractive are models with wooden cladding. The frame and blinds in such products are made of metal or plastic. Wooden options have an unusual appearance and are used for indoor installation.

Attics - life under a roof

There is no doubt that the attic space should be insulated, otherwise there will be no comfort and coziness in the building. With good attic ventilation, fungus and mold will not appear, so the service life of the roof is significantly increased.

Ventilation helps proper heat exchange. In summer, the sun heats the roof up to 100°, and other rooms are heated by the attic. And in cold climates, condensation appears in the attic. This causes humidity to increase and wooden structures begin to rot.

Attic ventilation diagram - simple and clear

The ventilation system does not allow air to stagnate in the attic, but constantly mixes it with the outside air, because of this there will be no icicles and ice in the room.

Location of valve operation

There are two installation options:

Window Wall

When installing on a wall, there are large costs for punching holes, and the exterior of the facade is also disrupted due to the appearance of new objects. The option on the window is more economical, simple and invisible.

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Types of adjustable grilles

There are several types of classification, based on which you can choose the optimal design for yourself.

Since the ventilation grille with louvers is the final element of the entire system, first of all you should consider the classification according to the installation site.

At the installation location relative to the street

Based on the installation location, they are divided into:

Internal. Installed at the point where ventilation pipes exit into the interior. Such devices must regulate both the strength and direction of the flow.

An aesthetic appearance that harmoniously fits into the interior of the room is also important to them.

External. Installed on air ducts outside the building. They must have increased wear resistance and also be resistant to moisture and low temperatures.

It is important to understand that they can be affected not only by unfavorable environmental factors. In some cases, heating is installed on them to prevent the formation of ice.


They are installed in interior ceilings, as well as in doors located indoors. Their main function is to distribute air inside the building.

Transfer. They are installed in interior ceilings, as well as in doors located indoors. Their main function is to distribute air inside the building.

At the place of installation in the house

Floor ventilation
Frontal models. They are installed in attics or attics. A characteristic difference is the extended decorative edging.

Base type. This type of ventilation grille is used to supply air to basements

In this case, it is important to provide protection from rodents, so a metal adjustable structure is often used

The size and shape are strictly regulated. This type is available only in the shape of a rectangle with side dimensions of 15.24 × 37.5 cm.

Door ventilation. It works on the principle of a check valve.

Floor adjustable grilles. Installed on ventilation to supply air masses from bottom to top.

According to the specifics of installation

Slit ceiling ventilation

Based on the specifics of installation, adjustable ventilation grilles are divided into:

Adjustable exhaust and supply ventilation grilles of overhead type. Can be installed without restrictions in any premises. The flow is adjusted using lamellas.

Installed in the kitchen. They must have a check valve to prevent the spread of unpleasant odors.

Slotted. Their main advantage is invisibility. They are mounted under the ceiling or hidden with decorative interior details.

Fireplace supply units. Their main function is to supply warm air from the fireplace to other rooms.

Depending on the installation location, the products have different requirements.

According to the material of manufacture

There is also a classification according to the material from which the products are made:

Aluminum. Distinctive characteristics are low weight and high strength. However, during use they darken. The rather high cost is also not an advantage. To improve the appearance, a decorative coating is applied to such products.

Steel structures. The most durable of all offered in stores. They are well suited for both outdoor and indoor installations.

Disadvantages include susceptibility to oxidation. Stainless steel products do not have this drawback. However, such products are much more expensive.

Plastic adjustable ventilation grilles. The most popular materials: polystyrene and PVC. They are mainly used indoors, although outdoor installation is also possible.

They are light and cheap, but over time they lose their attractive appearance. Microcracks also begin to form on them. Because of this, the service life of the product is short.

Wooden. Used for decorative purposes. If the interior is dominated by wood products, then other materials will look ridiculous. Most often used in the construction of baths and saunas.

By design

The gratings are also divided according to their design:

  • Products with blinds (adjustable and non-adjustable).
  • Inertia ventilation type. They are equipped with gravity blinds, which close automatically when there is no air movement.

The shape of ventilation adjustable blinds can be round or rectangular. Round ones are more efficient, but rectangular ones are easier to install.

Installation of a surface-mounted fan

In small bathrooms, removing humid air is much easier. To do this, simply install a standard surface-mount fan. The most important thing is to correctly determine the required power of the device, otherwise all efforts may be in vain. For a rough estimate, experts recommend using the following formula: the area of ​​the room should be multiplied by 6 if the room will be regularly used by less than 3 people, or by 8 if more than 3 tenants live in the house. The value obtained in this way will correspond to the required power of the device.

The device is installed with the power off. Start by attaching the floor box. Then connect the contact terminals to the mains using a two-core cable with a diameter of approx. 0.2 mm. Then you can begin installing the device body. Usually it is equipped with special latches, so it does not require additional fasteners. Upon completion of work, the effectiveness of the installed devices is checked. Surface fans differ from each other in design, but are assembled in accordance with the described scheme.

How to choose a door with ventilation for the bathroom?

Finding a ventilated bathroom door in a store that will suit both your doorway and the style of your premises in all respects is quite difficult. This is why most homeowners prefer to make bathroom door vents themselves. Doing this yourself is not so difficult if we are talking about doors made of wood or wood-processed materials. Of course, cutting a hole for ventilation in glass or plastic doors yourself is quite difficult - in the first case you will need special equipment, in the second - dexterity and no fear of ruining the door, since plastic is a very unpredictable material.

If you decide to make a hole for ventilation in the bathroom door with your own hands, then you have two options:

  1. An easy way
    is to trim the bottom of the door a few centimeters. This method is relatively simple, but quite effective. In addition, it will not cause significant damage to the aesthetics of your door.
  2. A difficult method
    is to install a ventilation grille in the door space. To do this, you will need to purchase ventilation grilles (usually they are sold in pairs), measure them, apply markings to the door, adding a couple of millimeters to all four sides of the product. Depending on the door material, select a tool to cut a hole in the door leaf and carry out the procedure. After this, you need to install the bars on both sides of the door and fix them.

This way you can quickly and easily transform your bathroom into a space accessible to fresh air.


Air door systems can be found in almost any hardware store today. They are made from several basic materials:

  • Plastic.
    The most common products, as the substance perfectly resists moisture. Plastic does not rot or crack, and its service life is almost unlimited.
  • Metal.
    Transfer systems made from this material are quite rare, since the products resist water very poorly. The optimal solution is only stainless steel gratings.
  • Tree.
    Designs of this type are very difficult to find on the market; almost all such models are made to order. Wooden devices are perfect for interior doors, but it is recommended to install them in bathrooms.

For protection, all types of grilles can be coated with special protective paints.

Types of exhaust grilles

Metal and plastic types of ventilation grilles, depending on the purpose and location of installation in the air duct, are: exhaust and supply. Depending on the installation location, these products are:

  • external;
  • internal;
  • interchangeable.


One of the most popular types on the market. Taking into account the features of functioning and fastening, they are:

overhead – used primarily in residential buildings, in systems where natural draft predominates. The presence of a mosquito net prevents insects from entering the premises. They are often equipped with a check valve. The throughput can be adjusted using movable slats;

  • slot models - installation of ventilation grilles of this type is in demand primarily in areas where it is necessary to ensure the inconspicuousness of the product. Their design and appearance matches the room;
  • models with check valve. Popular solutions equipped with inertial blinds and a reverse draft valve. Often used as a functional element for an exhaust device.


External products are available for sale in several types of designs:

  • frontal models – installed mainly in attics. They are distinguished by a wide edging and a magnificent appearance;
  • door models – functionally replace the supply valve, which is primarily relevant for those rooms where it is necessary to ensure natural air supply;
  • floor-standing models are an ideal solution for organizing the supply of fresh oxygen to the lower part of the room. These can be fixed or adjustable solutions;
  • plinth grilles - used primarily as a protective element against rodents. Installing a ventilation grill will protect basements, attics, and basement floors from small pests.

Internal transfer

As for internal transfer options, they can be different not only in color, but also in shape. They feature an attractive design. Among professionals, products of round and rectangular shapes are primarily in demand. Their main feature is the absence of valves.

Fireplace protective elements are widely used in fireplace rooms, which ensures the supply of heat to the room. The penetration of cold air masses is carried out through the lower part of the grille, and after warming it is redirected into the room.

Installation of several ventilation grilles within one fireplace is an important component of effective air exchange.

Note! Fireplace models are made from refractory and fireproof materials. Considering the variety of patterns and shades, they are classified as decorative

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