When starting to paint MDF doors at home, it’s worth finding out more

It happens that the surface of an MDF door loses its presentability. Fortunately, it can be restored to its attractive appearance. To do this, the MDF interior door is painted. Many are accustomed to resorting to the services of a master for this. But sometimes you need to save money. Then many people ask whether it is possible to paint MDF doors a different color at home with your own hands. To answer this, you need to understand how and what is used to paint MDF doors, what are the pitfalls and difficulties in this process.

Pros and cons of the material

Fiberboard is a popular type of raw material from which furniture and interior doors are created. Hardboard is obtained after pressing waste from the wood processing industry. The material is based on environmentally friendly shavings and wood chips. Products are treated with fungicides and antiseptics against insects and fungi.

The surface of door panels made of fiberboard is inconspicuous, so veneering or lamination technology is often used to make it decorative. After the procedure, the structure visually resembles the material from which the top layer was taken. Advantages of raw materials:

  • Durability. If you follow the operating rules and timely care, hardboard will last 15-20 years.
  • Soundproofing. High noise-reducing properties will protect you from noise.
  • Strength. Models marked “ST” were reinforced with special fastening resins and stabilizing mixtures, which were added to the composition.
  • Low price. Even the most expensive fiberboard door is cheaper than the solid wood option.

Fiberboards without a protective and decorative coating are afraid of moisture. If properly primed and painted, the structure will withstand direct exposure to water without deformation or cracking. Violation of the application and drying technology will negatively affect the performance of the hardboard door.

Design without decoration Source doorchange.ru

Fiberboard models without veneer or laminate are very porous, which increases the consumption of raw materials. Manufacturers impregnate the front parts of structures with a decorative coating with rosin. The oily film repels water and enamels based on it.

Structure of laminated board

Laminated board structure.

Modern laminate is a material consisting of several layers:

The top layer is a protective coating responsible for the board’s resistance to various types of mechanical damage. As a rule, it is made from paper impregnated with a special solution of corundum and melamine resins. Decorative coating. It consists of paper that has been embossed and dyed to create a wood grain texture. The base is made of plastic or fiberboard. The base is quite dense and the thickest of all layers of laminated boards. Under the base there is a substrate (bottom layer), which is responsible for waterproofing the laminate. This layer is very difficult to destroy; it usually remains intact even under the most severe impacts.

By considering the composition of the material from which laminated doors are made, you can understand which technology will be most suitable for painting. Firstly, you need to treat the protective layer in a special way, giving it good adhesion. Secondly, it is necessary to smooth out scratches and abrasions on the surface by filling them to a depth of no more than 2 layers. After this, you can paint with enamel.

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How to paint

Most staining products in hardware stores are designed to work with natural wood. Due to the characteristics of the material, not every composition is suitable for application. To get a uniform surface, you need to choose the right coating material. If you don’t know how to paint a fiberboard door, we recommend studying the available varieties.

Nitro enamels

A durable product that is unpretentious in terms of surface quality will last for decades without changing its characteristics. After polymerization, a dense opaque film with high decorative properties is formed on the treated hardboard. The product is produced in different shades, which allows you to choose the look to suit the design of the room.

Nitro paints are made on the basis of chemical solvents. The suffocating smell of the coating does not disappear within 5-6 days, which is dangerous for people and pets. To avoid a strong aroma, it is better to restore an interior door made of fiberboard outside.

Strong paint for restoration Source superstroy.pro


Due to their low price and wide color palette, enamels are popular among ordinary users. Despite the fact that coloring is carried out in 2 layers, the enamel has very little consumption. After drying, a hard, smooth layer appears on the surface, resistant to wear and moisture, which is easy to care for.

Alkyd compositions have a pungent odor. In terms of suffocation, it is inferior to nitro paints, but it takes a very long time to dissipate. The disadvantages of the product include the long polymerization process. Under favorable conditions, the paint dries in 24 hours, red types - up to 2 days. The unpleasant stickiness on the surface persists for several weeks.

Popular type for coloring Source prom.ua


If the question arises of how to paint a fiberboard door, we recommend choosing acrylic types. Enamel is suitable for both wood and glass. The water-based coating has almost no odor, so residents will not have to leave the premises during restoration.

Preliminary cleaning of paint Source staratel21.ru

How to paint a door made of MDF: do-it-yourself painting instructions, the better, video and photos

  • Obtaining a resistant coating of furniture surfaces to high temperatures. Most often, MDF panels are found in the kitchen, so after painting, you can place hot utensils on it without fear of damaging the surface;
  • To change the appearance of objects, giving them a unique coating, pearl, metal, and mother-of-pearl additives can be used to obtain an original design;
  • Harmless to health, paints for MDF are made only from safe elements.

Painting interior doors: video instructions on how to repaint painted white MDF doorways, what kind of paint, photo and price

After the first layer has been applied, it must be allowed to dry completely. There will be small stains on the surface, but they will then be covered with the next layer. And, after the second layer has dried, you can apply the final third.

Expert opinion

Strebizh Viktor Fedorovich, leading construction foreman

Captain Obvious informs you that if you are choosing how to paint small MDF panels, then it is not advisable to purchase paint in a large volume package. If you want to clarify something, please contact me!

Video description

How to restore an old wooden door?

Varnishes for wood

The transparent composition gives the nondescript surface an aristocratic gloss or luxurious matte finish. Colorless options are applied to fiberboard that has been pre-treated with stain. Tinted wood varnishes already contain dye, so no pre-staining is necessary.

The product helps to emphasize the texture of the material. When working with hardboard, paintwork materials are combined with less durable paint, adding wear resistance to the coating. Water or solvent is used as a base. The latter types are very hard, but there is a chemical smell.

Features of coating restoration using paint

Colors of interior laminated doors.

During operation, laminated doors become covered with scratches and abrasions, which are especially noticeable in the area of ​​the door handle. Sometimes getting rid of these mechanical damages is very difficult. Due to its structure, the laminated coating is almost not amenable to any kind of processing.

Thus, it is impossible to use varnishes or stains, which are extremely popular when processing natural wood, to restore heavily damaged doors. This is explained by the fact that before processing with these materials it will be necessary to restore the smoothness of the doors using putty materials, and they will be visible under the varnish layer.

Of all the paints and varnishes, only paint can give the laminate its former attractive appearance. But painting it yourself is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The main difficulty is the complete lack of adhesion, that is, adhesion, between the coating and the coloring matter.

The smooth laminated surface of the door does not hold enamel very well, which is usually used for painting wood products. The paint may peel off within a month, causing the doors to look even worse than before treatment. To understand the principle of painting a laminated coating, it is necessary to consider what its structure is.

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How to choose a color

Knowing how to paint a fiberboard door, you need to choose the right shade. The element can merge with the design or become a noticeable accent of the room. The tone of the structure should be harmoniously combined with wall decoration, decor and furniture.

If the interior is kept in warm colors, then it is better to paint the interior door made of hardboard in natural colors. The wood-imitation canvas looks natural and does not strain the eye. The brown glossy finish looks richer than its matte counterparts.

How to choose a shade Source poly-dveri.ua

The door to the bedroom should be a little darker or lighter than the wallpaper. Options made from pastel shades look organic. In the nursery, the design repeats the design of the room, but in more muted colors. Drawings that move from the wall to the canvas are appropriate.

If the home contains interior items, then the interior door is made using artificial aging technology. For patination, use dark stain or metallic paint. The result is secured with transparent varnish for reliability.

If the room is decorated in cold colors, then the door between the rooms should be plain. The black model will become a bright spot in modern designs. The white design is a universal solution that will fit into any interior with a light floor or frames.

Cool design Source supermart.com.ua

The interior door should be painted to match the decor of the room. The block can match the drapes on the windows or furniture upholstery. The canvas looks original if it matches the color of the carpet or floor covering (linoleum, board).

Homemade patina Source cavk.ru

Useful tips from the experts

To eliminate defects and errors when varnishing an interior door, follow the recommendations of the craftsmen:

  • Use masking or paper tape. Wrap the product around door handles and other fittings. This will protect the elements from varnish and construction mixtures. Regular tape is prohibited. It will leave traces that are then impossible to get rid of.
  • Choose mixtures and varnishes from the same manufacturer. Don’t forget about a trial application of paintwork.
  • It is better to get rid of the old protective layer. This has a positive effect on the final appearance of the door and will extend its service life.
  • Don't forget about safety precautions. Perform work wearing protective gloves. If your skin becomes irritated, wear protective clothing.
  • Ventilate the room.
  • After finishing work, allow the door to dry thoroughly: do not touch or load.

On doors made of birch, oak and pine, varnish is applied generously so that the surface is thoroughly saturated. Remove any remaining paint with a brush and acetone. It is better to protect the floor surface and other interior elements with rags, tape or paper to save time on cleaning the room.

It's easy to varnish interior doors. The process does not require a person to have deep knowledge in the painting field. It is enough to arm yourself with tools, choose the right building mixtures and paints, and properly prepare the work surface. Advice from the experts will help you approach each stage more professionally.

Application technology

An interior door made of hardboard can quickly restore its attractiveness and shine. Decorativeness and durability depend on compliance with the rules of coloring. The procedure for wood fiber products was divided into four stages.

Preparatory process

Before painting interior doors made of fiberboard, you need to remove the structure from its hinges. The fasteners are unscrewed with a screwdriver or screwdriver. The fittings that do not need to be painted are unscrewed from the canvas:

  • lock;
  • pens;
  • glass

We recommend covering holes from enamel penetration with rags or cotton wool. The old layer of paint is washed off using a special solvent. The swollen coating is peeled off with a spatula, then sanded with fine-grained sandpaper. When working with fiberboard, we do not recommend using a sander or grinder, otherwise the structure will crumble.

After processing, the canvas is wiped from fine dust and dirt with a damp cloth. Defects (cracks, chips) on the interior door are repaired with wood putty. After drying, the surface is leveled and sanded. Areas that will not be painted are hidden under construction tape.

Preliminary cleaning of paint Source staratel21.ru

Due to the peculiarities of their structure, hardboard canvases absorb paint 4 times more than wood, plastic or metal. In order to paint the door efficiently without overspending, the surface must be primed. The suspension is selected according to the characteristics of the paint. The solution is applied in 3-4 layers, drying each one before using again.


For quality painting you need the right tools. It is best to paint interior doors made of fiberboard with a roller. The device distributes the coloring composition evenly and economically. When working with enamels, preference is given to the fur model. Foam rubber options leave bubbles on the surface, and nitro paint will corrode the base.

A brush is an outdated tool that is difficult to apply finely. If you move inaccurately, traces of lint or smudges will appear on the door leaf. When working with an element, take several parts of different widths. The device is suitable for eliminating minor defects when painting decorations and volumetric parts.

How to paint Source nsk.pulscen.ru

Is it possible to renew previously coated wooden door structures?

Only veneer sheets or wooden doors made of:

  • oak;
  • beech;
  • mahogany;
  • cedar;
  • pine trees

There are times when the old varnish coating is worn out and damaged. There is no point in using paint here. It is better to apply a varnish composition, but of a darker shade.

New coating:

  1. disguises cracks, chips, traces of mold and mildew;
  2. will prevent the appearance of insects, putrefactive formations, and unpleasant odors (especially in the bathroom).

Very often people change the varnish layer when the room is undergoing renovation. This allows you to get doors in the same style as the entire interior.

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