Glowing ceiling: ways to create an original interior

Good lighting in a room is important. It is important to correctly position its sources so that the light is smooth and uniform, without going overboard with the number of devices. An original lighting option is a luminous ceiling. Modern techniques and technologies make it possible to create such an effect with minimal financial investment.

Pros and cons of a suspended luminous ceiling

Like any suspended structure, a tension covering allows you to hide flaws in the finishing of the base ceiling, wiring, communications, and make the surface smooth and even. Considering that the cost of tensile structures is not much higher than the cost of any other finishing, this option is the optimal and practical solution for repairs.

By placing several LEDs under the hanging material, you can create a luminous ceiling. At the same time, it is not necessary to exclude traditional chandeliers or standard lamps from the interior. A canvas with a glow effect can become decorative lighting or interior decoration.

If you decide to use other lighting options, there may be difficulties with their maintenance in the future, so it is better to choose LEDs. They emit fairly good light and can be used as the main lighting in a room.

A ceiling on which some pattern is reproduced using tape under the covering will look original. If the glow is not very strong, it can be used as night lighting when you only need to light up the room a little.

However, such designs are not without drawbacks. For example, if you incorrectly calculate the distance from the LEDs to the film coating, you will get uneven illumination. Therefore, luminous ceilings require thorough preparation and correct calculations before installation, since after installing the canvas you will not be able to change anything.

To find the desired distance, you will need to know the power of the LEDs. As a rule, the value should be at least 10-15 cm. Consequently, the system will take away quite a lot of height from the room. This is unacceptable for low rooms.

Servicing the hidden backlight will also not be possible, so you will need to buy high-quality strips that will work for a long time without requiring replacement or repair.

You also need to purchase a special transformer, to connect which you will need to install several converters on the ceiling surface. Accordingly, this will increase the final cost of the luminous ceiling.

The price will also be affected by the installation of a dimmer - a device used to regulate the brightness of the light. It is necessary when LEDs are used not only as backlight, but also as the main light source.

Light lines in a square

When assembled from standard Flexi profiles into bright squares and rectangles, the square is pre-mounted to the floor.

Based on the obtained dimensions, four segments are cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

So, join them. You can use pins bent at an angle of 90 degrees as guides.

Then secure the structure tightly at the corners with self-tapping screws.

Control of diagonals.

In addition, this clear square rises to the top and is fixed at the corners.

The general principle of assembling the support frame is something like this. However, let's take a closer look at the simplest option in the form of a straight line from one wall to another.

Glowing ceiling

Nuances when choosing

To achieve the expected effect, it is necessary not only to choose the right lighting, but also the external coating. The best option would be a high-quality translucent vinyl film. In manufacturers' catalogs it is designated translucent. The surface transmits up to 50% of the light from the lamps located above it in the ceiling space. At the same time, the wires and finishing of the rough ceiling are not visible from below. Turning off the light, you will see only a smooth matte surface; when the devices are turned on, a uniform glow on the ceiling will remain noticeable.

Types of modern film differ from each other in the degree of transparency, which is influenced by the color of the material. White film coatings have high transparency, while brown ones have the worst transparency. If the light source is only an LED, purchase a light-colored canvas that will give a daylight effect.

What to make lighting from

To make a luminous stretch ceiling you will need to purchase an LED strip. It is produced in the form of long flexible strips, the width of which is 8-10 mm and the thickness is 2-3 mm. LEDs and resistors are located on the surface of the board. The standard length of products is 5 meters.

To choose the right lighting, you need to know the main qualities of such lamps:

  • glow color. You can buy a source with one shade - yellow, red, blue, white, green, or purchase a special RGB tape that combines several colors;
  • There are two types of LEDs - SMD3528 and SMD5050. They differ from each other in the intensity of the glow;
  • number of LEDs. The brightness of the glow depends on it. Typically, there are 60, 120 or 240 elements per meter of tape. For color tape, the indicator is limited to 30 elements;
  • moisture protection. If you plan to install such a ceiling in the bathroom, you should definitely buy moisture-proof tape. There are two types: IP 30 and IP 65. The second option has a greater degree of protection.

When choosing a tape, pay attention to its service life. For example, if the service life of the device is indicated at 30,000 hours, and the backlight will work for at least five hours a day, the illuminated stretch ceiling will serve you for 16 years.

And, of course, an important point is the high-quality installation of the luminous element and its connection. This includes secure fastening, checking contacts for connection and functionality, and insulation.

Backlight installation

You can make a luminous ceiling with your own hands. The most important thing is to follow the exact sequence of work and the correct connection of elements.

There can be several lighting options:

  • from the inside. The tape is attached behind the tension fabric to a slab or pre-mounted profile. This method will help not only illuminate the ceiling from its inside, but also create an interesting design in the form of shapes, ornaments and patterns. The location of lamps for a suspended ceiling must be designed at the preparation stage. An image is drawn on the base surface. In this case, you need to know that the more bends you use, the less the LEDs will last.
  • invisible ceiling cornices. The tape is installed under a special plinth mounted to the ceiling. If you position the luminous elements correctly, you will be able to achieve a “floating effect” of the structure;
  • tier of plasterboard. In this case, it is assumed that a suspended ceiling consisting of two levels will be installed. The lower tier is mounted from plasterboard, which is used to cover a metal frame, and a PVC film is stretched in the center.

To install backlights from LED strips under the coating, you will need to purchase:

  • tape;
  • controller;
  • power unit;
  • connector;
  • RGB amplifier;
  • wires;
  • cable.

When choosing the type of tape, keep in mind that the number of light bulbs affects the power of the device. For example, a product with 60 light bulbs consumes 4.8 W per meter, 120 - 7.2 W, 240 - 16 W. You should not choose the highest power, since strong heating of the canvas from the light source will lead to its deformation.

The tapes are powered by different voltages - from 12 to 64 Volts. Therefore, choose the power of the power supply based on this indicator. It should exceed the total power of the LEDs by a quarter.

If you are making a complex pattern on the ceiling and you need to purchase more than five meters of tape, you will need to install an additional power supply. Otherwise, the diodes will overheat during operation and quickly fail.

You also need to purchase a controller. With its help, the color of the glow on the device changes.

Features of tape installation:

  • the attachment point must be degreased and covered with a layer of primer;
  • The fixation can be strengthened using special glue and polyvinyl chloride corners. This will make the installation more secure than using simple double-sided tape;
  • if several sectors of the tape are combined on the ceiling, they are connected to each other using connectors or special solders. The main condition at this stage is to correctly determine the polarity;
  • after the tape is secured, it is connected to the power supply or controller;
  • The power supply and controller may fail during operation, so it is better to place them in accessible places to make it convenient to replace elements or repairs;
  • the wires connecting the tape to the power supply are hidden behind furniture, plaster or special baseboards.

Fabric stretching

it's time to stretch the canvas.

Please note that the harpoon can enter the wall and light profile at different depths.

Let's start with the corners. Tuck the fabric in, slightly cutting off the corner with a harpoon, and stretch the ceiling.

In this case, the corner is inserted first into the light profile and then into the wall profile.

Also, the process is the same as when installing a conventional stretch ceiling.

If you only have one line of light, that will be two canvas segments. At two - three and so on

After final stretching, a diffuser is inserted into the light profile and tension is applied to the canvas.

Ceiling installation

After the tape is connected and checked, you can decorate the surface of the luminous ceiling from PVC film.

For a luminous stretch ceiling with LEDs, the installation technology is similar to the installation of a standard suspended structure. You must proceed as follows:

  • First, markings are made for the base of the future structure. To do this, determine the lower corner in the room, step down from it by the required amount, and make a mark;
  • using a level, find points in the remaining corners of the room. Connect them to each other with a horizontal line outlining the perimeter of the room;
  • a profile made of plastic or aluminum is installed along the line. Fasten it with self-tapping screws in increments of 15-20 cm;
  • PVC film is hung from three corners to the baguette and heated with a heat gun;
  • after the canvas has stretched under the influence of heat, it is tucked into the profile using a spatula;
  • After cooling and stretching, the coating forms a smooth, even surface.

Now all that remains is to check how your luminous stretch ceiling works.

Universal Profile Apply

Based on it, you can assemble four types of products:

  • floating ceiling

  • lines of light

  • floating lamp

  • cornices

Easily adapts to all other profiles. In this case, the screws in it are screwed into the technological cavity and do not appear in the visible lighting zone.

It's best if your line of light runs along the perimeter of the ceiling, you can easily adjust and set the width to your liking.

When assembling a floating fishing line in the center of the room, two such universal profiles are combined into one with self-tapping screws.

And here you can also adjust the width of the light line.

To form a floating backlight from 10 cm and above, you will already need a plastic insert.

With such a universal part you can assemble quite complex shapes.

Glowing wallpaper on the ceiling

In addition to LED strips, you can illuminate ceilings using special wallpaper that creates a special glow effect.

Glowing wallpaper with a pattern of phosphor paint

The composition does not contain phosphorus compounds and has the following properties:

  • during the day it accumulates solar energy, and at night it returns it, emitting diffused soft light;
  • shades of radiation can be made in blue or green, orange and yellow tones;
  • Such wallpaper not only illuminates the space, but also creates a romantic atmosphere in the room.

Phosphor paints do not contain harmful substances and are therefore completely safe for health. They are used not only on finished wallpaper. You can purchase luminous stickers or special stencils and make your own starry sky in your child’s room. A do-it-yourself ceiling design based on your own sketch will make the glowing ceiling unique and interesting.

Fluorescent wallpaper with 3D effect

They are presented with a coating that, in natural light, resembles a luxurious finish with three-dimensional images, and in the dark it impresses with individual luminous patterns and contours.

Such photo wallpapers have the following characteristics:

  • images are applied using fluorescent paints;
  • To fully reveal the luminous stretch ceiling, manufacturers recommend using the so-called Wood's lamp. The magical waves of this device are reflected on fluorescent pigments, while the floating ceiling glows mesmerizingly;
  • To extend the life of such a coating, it is necessary to protect it from direct sunlight.

Usually the ceiling space is decorated with images of planets, the cosmic universe, and a luminous sky. A spaceship, characters from fairy tales or favorite cartoon characters will look original in a child's room.

Connecting LED strip

Read how to choose a high-quality ribbon in a separate article.

To create a good luminous flux, it is recommended to choose a backlight with SMD 2835 crystals.

Don't confuse them with SMD 3528.

Unlike lighting for a floating ceiling, where 9.6 W/m is usually sufficient, select power from 14.4 W/m and above.

Pre-degrease the area where the LED tape will be applied.

Before installation, it would be a good idea to see if all the diodes are lit and if there are any defects. Simply put, check the functionality of the backlight.

If the total length is not enough, then you can solder and extend the backlight from several segments.

After soldering, apply voltage again and check if everything works.

The LED strip is applied very easily and simply. With one hand you peel off the bottom backing, and with the other you press it against the smooth surface of the profile.

The power wires are routed through a drilled hole at the very beginning of the light line.

Be sure to insulate the soldering areas of the conductors. This can be either heat shrink or just electrical tape.

If you have a wide light profile and want really full-fledged flood light, then it makes sense to stick the tape in two rows.

If the backlight is long enough (about 4-5m), it is recommended to power the tape from both sides. That is, the wires from the power source (+ and -) should come both to the beginning of the tape and to its end.

In this case, all diodes will shine equally. Otherwise, an unpleasant effect will appear when the light line on one side of the ceiling is brighter than on the other.

Luminous stickers

Ceiling stickers have many advantages and have long been used by designers in interior design. They perform the following functions:

  • create an original design;
  • mask imperfections of the base surface - stains, cracks and other noticeable flaws;
  • add interesting accents to the room;
  • visually smooth out unevenness.

The market offers a wide range of these decor options. The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing.

To do this, follow the following rules:

  • First of all, decide on the appearance of the decorative elements. For example, for a strictly interior room, stickers that create the effect of a starry sky will look inappropriate. But a complex geometric pattern will fit into this style in an original way. For the bedroom, choose floral patterns or clouds;
  • color is important. Stickers must be combined with the entire range of shades that decorate the room;
  • do not buy too cheap products. Of course, expensive is not always good, but you shouldn’t buy the cheapest product. There is a high probability that such stickers are made of low-grade materials and, at a minimum, will not last long on the ceiling surface or will quickly fade;
  • if you want to decorate the ceiling with a cosmic universe, use special star stickers or corresponding stickers;
  • Carefully consider the number and sizes of stickers. You may only need one large element, or you may need several small ones.

On a note! You can make a luminous sticker yourself using a stencil and special paints.

Selecting lighting color

For a stretch ceiling with lighting in a living room, you can choose a white stripe, provided that this is the only overhead light source. If you plan to use other ceiling lights, then you can choose a colored (one color) or multi-color ribbon.

For public buildings, it is good to use colored lighting in areas such as the lobby, restaurant halls, and cafes.

A light-transmitting ceiling made of PVC film has many advantages:

  • individual design;
  • the ability to create a unique light pattern;
  • hiding surface irregularities;
  • quick installation.

Main disadvantages:

  • with a small room height, such a ceiling will take about 15 cm more;
  • to replace the LED strip, you need to remove the film;
  • high cost of materials and work.

The installation of the ceiling and LEDs should be entrusted to specialists, since incorrect placement of light sources can result in uneven lighting.

Tips and tricks

The least labor-intensive of all the options presented is decorating the ceiling surface with luminous wallpaper. For them, you do not need to first draw an image; you just need to stick the canvases on the ceilings.

For a luminous stretch ceiling, the film can be replaced with translucent plexiglass, as well as ordinary or stained glass. Designers recommend using luminous stickers and luminescent wallpaper in children's rooms.

If you are planning to arrange a luminous ceiling, you can safely implement any idea we have considered. Most of them will have an insignificant impact on the budget. The most expensive option is suspended ceilings and plasterboard structures.

PC Profile 9

Width up to 5 cm.

Used only under suspended ceilings. There is a problem with creating complex designs and curly patterns.

The suspended ceiling itself here serves as a translucent element.

Examples in the interior

Designers really like this lightweight and flexible material, as it allows them to show creative imagination and taste, highlight the necessary areas in rooms, highlight ceiling niches and projections, and diversify lighting solutions.

In a high-tech style living room, soft lighting of the walls and complex ceiling looks great. It emphasizes the ideal geometry of the walls, adds originality and complexity to the overall lighting of the room, and the walls acquire delicate shades. The light flows smoothly and softly, does not hurt the eyes, the room has a comfortable and cozy atmosphere of peace and relaxation.

Thanks to the translucency of the ceiling fabric, the LED circuit, laid in a pattern above the surface of the ceiling, shines through it with dim and muted light, drawing amazing patterns above your head. As soon as you press the switch button, the room is transformed, immersed in an atmosphere of magic and romance.

Diverse lighting includes lamps located on the ceiling and walls, a ceiling chandelier and slitted lighting of the tension fabric. Together they highlight the central area of ​​the living room interior with light.

Drawing attention to bright decorative elements and placing visual accents, lighting creates a unified ensemble and emphasizes the luxury of the interior.

For information on how to mount an LED strip on a suspended ceiling, see below.

Selecting lighting color

For a stretch ceiling with lighting in a living room, you can choose a white stripe, provided that this is the only overhead light source. If you plan to use other ceiling lights, then you can choose a colored (one color) or multi-color ribbon.

For public buildings, it is good to use colored lighting in areas such as the lobby, restaurant halls, and cafes.

A light-transmitting ceiling made of PVC film has many advantages:

  • individual design;
  • the ability to create a unique light pattern;
  • hiding surface irregularities;
  • quick installation.

Main disadvantages:

  • with a small room height, such a ceiling will take about 15 cm more;
  • to replace the LED strip, you need to remove the film;
  • high cost of materials and work.

The installation of the ceiling and LEDs should be entrusted to specialists, since incorrect placement of light sources can result in uneven lighting.

Sources of light

To create decorative light, you can use not only LED strips. They show much better results compared to other types of illuminators, but sometimes other options are preferred.

The second most popular light source after diodes will be neon or fluorescent lamps. To install them, you can only use a plasterboard niche, since you will need quite a lot of space for mounting the lamps. The method is quite expensive and not very effective. Recommended for neon lamps only.

It is much more effective to use flexible neon tubes to create neon light. They can be mounted on any base and bent as needed. The only serious disadvantage of such tubes is their considerable price.

The duralight cord can also be installed in a decorative baguette, however, it is quite heavy and the fastening of the baseboard will have to be strengthened. As one option, you can consider attaching the cord to the wall, rather than simply laying it on a baguette. The glow is uneven and does not look very nice.

It is not recommended to use other lighting options, as they are heavier and heat up during operation, which can lead to melting of the cornice or damage to the tension fabric. In addition, even in cases where the installation is made on drywall and a regular ceiling is illuminated, the illumination is uneven and does not look so beautiful.

Selecting lighting color

For a stretch ceiling with lighting in a living room, you can choose a white stripe, provided that this is the only overhead light source. If you plan to use other ceiling lights, then you can choose a colored (one color) or multi-color ribbon.

For public buildings, it is good to use colored lighting in areas such as the lobby, restaurant halls, and cafes.

A light-transmitting ceiling made of PVC film has many advantages:

  • individual design;
  • the ability to create a unique light pattern;
  • hiding surface irregularities;
  • quick installation.

Main disadvantages:

  • with a small room height, such a ceiling will take about 15 cm more;
  • to replace the LED strip, you need to remove the film;
  • high cost of materials and work.

The installation of the ceiling and LEDs should be entrusted to specialists, since incorrect placement of light sources can result in uneven lighting.

How to choose?

If, when considering the material for decorating the ceiling and the complexity of the design, doubts arise, you can take into account several nuances that will allow you to make a choice:

Contact a trusted organization with a good customer reputation. This will minimize the risk of ordering low-quality material. Carefully consider the texture of different raw materials to make a choice in favor of one of them

Pay attention to reflectivity, choose a color. Correlate the width of the panel with the parameters of the ceiling of a particular room. Try to avoid seam technology, take materials with a larger width (usually satin).

Pay special attention to the wattage of the bulbs and their shape relative to style. For modern interiors, simple models of geometric shapes (usually in the form of a circle) are good.

Sometimes the ceiling space is decorated with spots (if the structure has levels or imitation beams).

For classics, spot options with glass shades or airy chandeliers are preferred. If creative directions are chosen as the basis for the design, you can choose lighting of an unusual shape. It could even be a visible wire with spots wrapped around it, attached to the main structure.

Whatever design you choose, the tension structure must be combined with the overall concept of the interior. Since any room implies the presence of furniture, choose varieties, focusing not on the design, but on the originality of the texture. Sometimes company catalogs contain interesting samples of material. For example, a suede canvas looks unusual, reminiscent of the texture of the material of the same name.

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